
The EIASM has been set up to help researchers and in particular young researchers (PhDs and PhD candidates), doing research in one of the several fields of management studies, to find a job.

Institutions (universities, research institutions, private companies,...) are invited to post on thsi website their forthcoming job openings. Next to a description of the job, it is requested to post the application deadline and the name of a contact person for further information.

Posting a job announcement on this website is FREE for members of the EIASM Academic Council. If you would like to know if your institution is a member, please consult the following list on the EIASM homepage: http://www.eiasm.net/academic-council/members

For all other institutions, there is a posting fee of €150 plus VAT 21%.
You will be invited to pay via credit card (Visa or Mastercard).

The job will be posted on receipt of the payment and a receipt will be sent automatically via email. Note that your job announcement needs to be validated by the secretariat to appear on the website.

Should you have questions or need help, please contact us at info@eiasm.be.