Alessandro Minichilli (Bocconi University) Alejandro Escribá-Esteve (University of Valencia)
Alejandro Escribá-Esteve (Department of Management "Juan José Renau Piqueras", University of Valencia) Alessandro Minichilli (Department of Management & Technology, Bocconi University, Milan) Sabina Nielsen (Department of International Economics and Management, Copenhagen Business School) Sibel Yamak (Department of Management, Galatasaray University, Istanbul)
Marta Geletkanycz (Boston College, USA) Luis Gomez-Mejia (Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, USA & Instituto de Empresa, Spain) Zeki Simsek (University of Connecticut)
The study of Top Management Teams is one of the key issues for researchers in strategic management. Top executives are assumed to be among the most important actors in the firms’ struggle with the new challenges derived from changes in the competitive environment. The series of EIASM Workshops in Top Management Teams in Business Strategy were born as a specialized and focused forum were researchers could maintain a distended but constructive discussion about the relationship among Top Management Teams and the ability of firms to strategically respond to the challenges they face, as well as finding new opportunities for research collaborations.
The first edition took place in Valencia (Spain) in March 2010, and it was chaired by Alejandro Escribá-Esteve (University of Valencia, Spain) and Alessandro Minichilli (Bocconi University, Italy). The second edition was hosted in Instanbul (Turkey) in March-April 2011, and was chaired by Sibel Yamak (Galatasaray University, Turkey), and Sabina Nielsen (Copenhagen Business School, Denmark). As a consequence of the great success of participation we are convinced that the TMT & Business Strategy Research workshop is an excellent opportunity to develop and strength the research networks among scholars interested in these topics.
Top managers are considered the most influential actors in the firms’ strategic behavior and a large body of research presents evidence for executive effects in different settings. Nevertheless, relatively little research has investigated TMTs in entrepreneurial contexts. While the research examining the performance impact of corporate leaders in large public firms is pronouncedly mixed in its conclusions, we argue that relationships of that kind may be most apparent when leaders tend to occupy a position of unique influence within the firm, serving as the locus of control and decision-making. This is the case for instance of smaller firms, entrepreneurial ventures, as well as various types of family controlled businesses. In our view, entrepreneurial contexts represent a setting in which leadership-performance relationships are most salient.
The objectives of this workshop are threefold: (1) to analyze the state of the art on Top Management Teams & Strategy Research, paying special attention entrepreneurial and family business contexts; (2) to devise the future avenues for research on this topic; and (3) to generate opportunities for cross-border collaboration between TMT researchers. We encourage submission of papers that fall into one of the following domains:
1) Literature reviews and state-of-the-art papers, which will encourage the debate about the role of context in top management team research and discuss theoretical and empirical challenges for future TMT research.
2) Conceptual papers focusing on the special theme “Top Management Teams in family and entrepreneurial firms”. We particularly welcome papers that combine different and novel theoretical perspectives to explain the peculiarities of TMTs characteristics and behaviors in those types of firms.
3) Empirical papers contextualizing different TMT research topics in family and entrepreneurial ventures, such as: TMT dynamics and behavior; the role of family characteristics and family ties on TMT emotions and cognitive bases; interactions and power relations between TMT and CEO (especially if he/she is the founder), or with other governing bodies (e.g. the board of directors); executive compensation, turnover and succession; among others.
Abstract submission
The abstract should contain a cover page and the body of the proposal (in one single document). The cover page must include:
- The title of the proposal
- Authors’ names, affiliations, address, telephone, fax and e-mail
The body of the proposal will be an abstract of 2-3 pages (cover page not included) and min. 1000 words. Proposals will be single spaced, font size 11.
The abstract must clearly highlight the following issues:
- Purpose/Topic of the paper
- Theories used
- Research method
- Contribution of the research
Deadline for abstracts submission: January 23rd, 2012 Decision about selected papers: as of February 6th, 2012 Registration of authors: March 31st, 2012 Full papers submission deadline: March 31st, 2012
Venue: Bocconi University, Via Roentgen, 1 - 20136 Milan, Italy
To recieve the rates listed below, please mention in your e-mail that you are attending a Bocconi event and make sure you book well in advance. Hotel D'Este (4*) Viale Bligny 23, 20136 Milano E-mail
Single room 135 Euro, double 190 Euro