Your EIASM newsletter | View this e-mail in your browser June 2024
In this issue:
Welcome to EIASM Summer 2024 Newsletter



Dear EIASM Friends,

Our newsletter finds you in early days of summer 2024. 

We hope that you will take a few minutes to discover our newsletter content. Through this edition, we wanted to provide you with both feedback on events from recent months and to announce future doctoral seminars and academic events as well as events from our scholarly sister associations.

This summer, take some time to relax and benefit from a well-deserved rest – but also to reflect on the development of your research networks & your academic projects!

The fall 2024 is to be planned, enjoy looking for EIASM opportunities in coming months! We wish you many pleasures and discoveries by EIASM side, with many wonderful moments of community exchange in your areas of interest.

EIASM as always is willing to remain by your side, to welcome you during a visit to Brussels, and/or to discuss online any project in which we would be delighted to contribute and support you.

Wishing you a productive and pleasant summertime!

– Jérôme Chabanne-Rive
EIASM Executive Director

NEW! - EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Sustainability in Supply Chains

It is the pleasure of EIASM to collaborate with EADA Business School, Spain in proposing to you

this New! EDEN seminar.



EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Sustainability in Supply Chains, Barcelona, Spain, Sept 30 - Oct 4, 2024.

Faculty: Davide Luzzini - EADA Business School, Spain (Programme Coordinator), Andrew Crane - University of Bath, United Kingdom, Annachiara Longoni – Esade Business School, Spain, Mark Pagell - University College Dublin, Ireland, Veronica Villena - Arizona State University, USA, Miriam Wilhelm - WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria

Application deadline: July 22, 2024 

As the seminar is providing an overview of the state-of-the-art of sustainability research in the supply chain context, it is suitable for doctoral students, but it can also be of interest for early career scholars who are interested in learning the fundamentals of this increasingly relevant area.

4 ECTS will be assigned upon completion of the seminar. Students coming from a 2024 EIASM Academic Council Member school can receive a scholarship/reduction of 50% on the registration fee. Details here

More information about the seminar here



The EDEN Programme - EIASM's Doctoral Education Network

Are you a PhD student or early career scholar and you are planning on attenting an EDEN seminar?

Here is why you could benefit from one

EIASM’s Doctoral Education Network supports and complements existing PhD programmes. Its varied, internationally-oriented, and knowledgeable faculty provides guidance and methodological assistance during the intensive and interactive seminars. These seminars are especially designed to help doctoral fellows in the positioning of their research work, critically reviewing their ideas, properly identifying and addressing relevant problems and issues in the field of management, as well as discriminating between “hot” topical issues and those already well-researched in the past.

Check here the 2024 EDEN calendar (June - December).

By offering the annual EDEN Programmes, EIASM contributes to the most critical phase in a scholar’s journey – his/her introduction to and early growth in the academic market. Thanks to its unique organizational image and its competitive advantages (such as managing a core of associations while retaining autonomy and flexibility), EIASM is indeed ideally suited to:

  • welcoming young doctoral fellows into a highly stimulating system where European researchers can interact (within and across associations) as well as share common objectives and concerns;
  • helping scholars in the positioning of their own work with respect to European research generally, by exposing them to various research traditions and orientations;
  • opening their minds to the broader international and global perspectives vis-à-vis the Management environment, and heightening their awareness of the challenges that the study of Management is facing in Europe (such as the implications of globalization, new technologies, etc.);
  • creating a network of European educators who are currently active at the doctoral level in Management.

EIASM involves not only the best doctoral students and their supervisors, but also the institutions to which they belong. To offer a stimulating and varied atmosphere, the EDEN seminars are held in various venues, often alternating locations and thereby establishing important links with leading European business and management schools situated throughout the continent.

+⇒ EIASM offers ECTS credits to students who complete an EDEN seminar
+⇒ EIASM grants substantial scholarships to students coming from schoolas that are EIASM Academic Council Members (Up to 3 students from a member school per seminar receive a 50% reduction on the seminar's fee. Tell your colleagues!)

More information: 

Contact person: Cristina Setyar -

IPDMC 2024 - 2025


– IPDMC 2024 –


The 31st Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, along with the IPDMC Doctoral Workshop, took place at Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, from June 4-7, 2024. During IPDMC 2024 in Dublin, Professor Tommaso Buganza handed over the IPDMC chair to Professor Nuran Acur. Both Nuran and Tommaso will be co-chairing the IPDMC for the next two years. This handover was highly significant for IPDMC as Nuran is the first female Conference Board Chair.

Innovation Product Development Conference (IPDMC) aims TO BE a community of scholarly academics who generate and disseminate impactful new knowledge in the broad domain of innovation management. Our goals are to generate publishable research that impacts companies and society to provide a welcoming and nurturing destination for all in this domain.

We aim to bring together innovation researchers and practitioners to innovate, experiment, and forge a new approach within the IPDMC community through Engagement and Enabling.
Our new approach is supported by: 1) The new dynamics of the IPDM community, providing opportunities to engage, enhance, connect; 2) Equitable communities of practice that span research, methods, and the field of innovation management; 3) A commitment to professional development, capacity building, and learning in the context of innovation research. 

These elements include:

  • Engagement: Our approach fosters engagement around IPDM’s offerings through two main avenues: Engagement as Unique Experience: Encouraging interaction in eventful and meaningful ways. Engagement as Enablement: Building enduring connections among innovation researchers on the IPDM research community.
  • Enabling: We aim to create an ambitious research ecosystem cantered on collaboration and cooperation among innovation management academics. This environment will support career development both within and beyond academic research. Additionally, we will provide activities and networking opportunities for early career researchers worldwide, engaging them with the IPDM community through developmental workshops online and offline. IPDM will act as a matchmaker and facilitator, connecting the European Network of Innovation Researchers with researchers and practitioners from around the world.

Nuran Acur and Tommaso Buganza (IPDMC Chairs)



The sun shone in Dublin last week for the 31st Innovation and Product Development Management Conference, IPDMC 2024. It was the second time that Trinity Business School at Trinity College Dublin had hosted the conference, the previous one being the 11th in 2004. Two hundred and three registered delegates from 23 countries participated in the presentation and discussion of 138 research papers. The papers spoke to the overall conference theme of leveraging a plurality of perspectives for impactful innovation. The conference was preceded on June 04 and 05 by the Doctoral Workshop where 22 doctoral students had the opportunity to share their evolving research with nine faculty and the Editors of the Journal of Product Innovation Management and Creativity and Innovation Management who provided guidance, appreciative and supportive critique of the work in progress. This Workshop has been a critical part of the conference and a seed bed for ideas, capability development and connections in the IPDMC community.

The conference opened on June 5 with a Welcome Reception at Trinity College Dublin. The programme began on June 6 with welcomes from EIASM President Prof. Gerardine Doyle, Trinity Business School Dean Prof. Laurent Muzellec, and IPDMC Co-Chairs Profs Tommaso Buganza and Nuran Acur.  Eilísh Hardiman delivered a keynote on paediatric healthcare transformation in Ireland. Three Special Presentations followed: Ciara O’Regan on climate change and food insecurity, Prof. Madhu Vishwanatan on bottom-up innovation, and Kieran McCorry and Jim Kelly of Microsoft on digital transformation.

Following such an active day and on behalf of the Local Organisers, Prof. Paul Coughlan, Trinity College Dublin welcomed the delegates Conference Dinner at the historical Dining Hall, completed in 1761. To set an atmosphere of celebration, a troupe of Irish Dancers, led by a highly energetic drummer, entertained the delegates with a high-energy performance.  June 7 began with a panel of journal editors discussing future research topics. The day included research paper presentations, Special Sessions on Innovation in the Anthropocene, GenAI and Researchers, and a Lego Serious Play workshop.

Reported by Professor Paul Coughlan – 2024 IPDMC local Chair and Host


IPDMC 2024 Awards

The Winners of the 2024 Christer Karlsson Best Paper Award are:


Thomas Gillier - Grenoble Ecole de Management
Barry L. Bayus - University of North Carolina
Sergio L. Toral Marín - University of Seville
Rocío Martínez Torres - University of Seville

 for the paper entitled

Creative Revision: Self-Elaborate or Delegate your Idea?



Lauren Anne Mackintosh - Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg
Hannah Altenburg -Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg
Christian Baccarella - Universität der Bundeswehr München
Franziska Seehausen - adidas AG
Kai-Ingo Voigt - Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nuremberg

for the paper entitled

How Addressing Mental Models in Product Design Affects the Success of Sustainable Innovations.

The Winners of the 2024 Thomas Hustad Best Paper Award for Young Researcher are:

Benjamin Hettrich
Alexander Kock
TU (Technische Universität Darmstadt) - Germany

for the paper entitled

Agile Practices and Attention Regulators in Innovation Portfolio Management


Theresa Doppstadt
Marcelo de la Cruz Jara - Jelena Spanjol
LMU (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität – Munich) - Germany

for the paper entitled

Sustainable Product Innovation under Competing Managerial Attention Foci: a Strategic Orientation Perspective

– IPDMC 2025 –


The 32nd Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC)

will take place on June 11-13, 2025 in Porto, Portugal 

⇒ The submission deadline on/before November 17, 2024 (23:59 CET) 


The associated Doctoral Workshop 

will take place on June 10-11, 2025 



More details on the IPDMC 2025 & Doctoral Workshop will be available soon..



Marvellous event in Malaga: 12th EIASM Interpretive Consumer Research Workshop, on April 18-19, 2024


The coastal city of Malaga in Spain hosted the 12th EIASM Interpretive Consumer Research Workshop.

Participants came from Australia, Austria, Bahrain, Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, Finland, France, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Singapore, Sweden and the United Kingdom.

Does practice theory have more to offer interpretive consumer researchers? Applying the practice nexus to sustainable consumption futures

A panel of researchers who use theories of practice in their interpretive consumer research led discussions on the various ways that these theories can contribute to our field. Klara Scheurenbrand, Benedetta Cappellini and Fiona Spotswood all presented different projects (Prabash Edirisingha’s work was presented although he could not attend). Chaired by Liz Parsons, discussions explored how the theories could illuminate macro phenomena, power and politics, as well as the micro reconfigurations required in times of threat and crisis.

The role of other species in consumer research

At the ICR workshop in April, Mikkel Nørgaard and Christina Elvira Dahl from University of Southern Denmark sparked insightful perspectives on more-than-human species relevance in consumption studies in their roundtable debate “Towards More-than-Human Consumer Research: Considering Multispecies Encounters in Consumption”. With a panel of experienced scholars, the debate examined how multispecies attentiveness can enrich theoretical frameworks and methodological approaches, broadening our understanding of consumption behaviours. This engaging session underscored the importance of interdisciplinary perspectives in advancing the intersection of multispecies and consumption in the field and raised a number of interesting thoughts for future research.

Big thanks to the Chairpersons: Daniele Dalli - University of Pisa, Italy and Kathy Hamilton - University of Strathclyde, UK for the continuous support. And a special thank you to Klara Scheurenbrand - ESSCA, France for co-organising this event with EIASM. 

See you at the next edition in 2026!



RENT Conference - Research in ENTrepreuneurship Conference

- RENT 2024 -


The upcoming RENT 2024 conference is recognized to be a significant event in the field of entrepreneurship research. This year, it will take place at Audencia Business School in Nantes, France from November 13-15, 2024, this premier European conference will bring together around 300 leading academics to present and discuss the latest advancements in entrepreneurship research.

The RENT conference is a crucial platform for addressing the challenges and needs of contemporary entrepreneurship and small business research. By focusing on practical solutions and responding to the latest trends in the global economy, the conference aims to contribute significantly to the development of entrepreneurship theory and practice, particularly in the European context. The diversity of topics and the high caliber of presentations ensure that RENT 2024 will be an enriching experience for all attendees, fostering knowledge exchange and collaboration among leading scholars in the field.

Main conference theme 2024: 

 Embracing the Diversity of Ambitions, Processes and Practices Worldwide

Conference Chairs:

The event will be chaired by Natalia Vershinina and Vincent Lefebvre from Audencia Business School, France.

Keynote Speakers:

Sophie Alkhaled: University of Lancaster, UK
Sophie Bacq: IMD Business School, Switzerland
Dimo Dimov: University of Bath, UK

Awards and Events:

Awards: Various awards will be presented during the conference to recognize outstanding contributions to entrepreneurship research. (more details HERE)

ECSB Pre-Conference Events:

These events are scheduled for November 13 and are organized by the European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB). These sessions are designed to provide additional learning and networking opportunities for participants. (Details can also be found on the conference website.)


RENT conference is jointly organised by ECSB (European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship) and EIASM with of course a local organizer each year.

⇒ If you are planning to attend or want to know more about the conference, detailed information and updates can be accessed on the RENT 2024 conference website.


- RENT 2025 - 

Location : Twente - The Netherlands

Date: 19-21 November, 2025

Conference theme: Responsible Entrepreneurship & Technology – Combining the local and the global

Chairpersons: Ruud Koopman, Michel Ehrenhard & Silvia Costa 


- RENT Conferences in 2026 and 2027 - 

We are looking for candidate-organisers to host RENT 2026 and RENT 2027

The bids for conferences should include information regarding:

  • The applicant’s organisation,
  • The proposed conference location and details about it,
  • The key person(s) involved in the organisation of the conference
  • A preliminary conference main theme
  • Draft budget

For more information on RENT bid submissions contact or 

Persons interested to make a bid can ask for the conference manuals for Local organisers with more detailed information as well as a sample document of previous conference bid from the addresses above.

For RENT 2026 and RENT 2027 - submit your bid by November 8, 2024 to AND TO 


EIASM Workshops & Conferences - Events & Deadlines

► 14th EIASM Conference on Current Research in Taxation
Porto, Portugal - July 8-9, 2024

Chairs: Christoph Watrin - University of Münster, Germany - Mário Marques, University of Porto, Portugal - Fábio Duarte, University of Porto, Portugal, Adelaide Martins, University of Porto, Portugal, Martin Thomsen, University of Siegen, Sigen, Germany

Keynote speakers: Lisa De Simone - University of Texas at Ausin, USA, Sonja Rego - Indiana University, USA

Online registration here.

► EIASM Public Sector Emerging Scholars Program (ESP)
Stockholm, Sweden - September 16, 2024

13th International EIASM Public Sector Conference - Public Service Accounting, Accountability and Management
Stockholm, Sweden - September 16-18, 2024

Chair: Ileana Steccolini - Essex Business School, UK

Keynote Speakers: Lee D. Parker, University of Glasgow - Claudia Gardberg Morner, Deputy Auditor General at Swedish National Audit Office

19th EIASM Interdisciplinary Conference on Intangibles, Sustainability, and Value Creation: Reporting, Management, and Governance
Grenoble, France - September 19 - 20, 2024

Chairs: Véronique Blum – Université de Grenoble Alpes, France, Stefano Zambon - University of Ferrara, Italy

Keynote Speakers: Beatrice Crona - Stockholm Resilience Center, Stockholm University, Sweden, Patrick de Cambourg - Chair of the EFRAG Sustainability Reporting Board, 
Anup Srivastava - University of Calgary, Canada, Eelco van der Enden - CEO, GRI.

On top of a number of topics of particular interest (see list HERE) there will be the two following special tracks: 

  • Intellectual Capital, Sustainability and Digital Technologies in Knowledge Intensive Organisations
  • Advancing Sustainability Reporting in Smes: Challenges and Opportunities an the Modern Landscape. 

Publication Opportunities: 

  • The Journal of Business Models will dedicate a Special Issue around the 2024 event. 
  • Journal of Global Responsibility is linked to the Special Track entitled Advancing Sustainability Reporting in Smes: Challenges and Opportunities an the Modern Landscape. 
  • Some of the papers presented at the workshop will be invited to be submitted for a fast track for the Financial Reporting journal

Submission deadline: the deadline has just passed; however, if you still wish to submit and your abstract is ready, please do not hesitate to contact G. Michelante (

► 13th EIASM Workshop on Talent Management
Luxembourg - September 30-October 1, 2024

Chairs: David Collings - Dublin City University, Ireland, Hugh Scullion - Hull University, UK & Vlad Vaiman - California Lutheran University, USA

Keynote Speaker: Serge Da Motta Veiga - NEOMA Business School, France

19th EIASM Workshop on Family Firm Management Research
Nurturing Responsible Owners in Purpose Driven Business Families
Barcelona, Spain - September 30-October 1, 2024

Chairs: Massimo Baù & Kajsa Haag - Jönköping International Business School, Sweden, Maria José Parada -Esade, Spain

Keynote Speakers: Pramodita Sharma - University of Vermont, USA, Ruth Aguilera - Northeastern University, USA and Esade, Spain, Giovanna Campopiano - University of Bergamo, Italy

Submission deadline: June 25, 2024

10th EIASM Workshop on Audit Quality
Palermo, Italy - October 4-5, 2024

Chairs: Mara Cameran - Università Bocconi, Italy & Angela Pettinicchio - Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Italy

Keynote Speaker: Mike Wilkins - University of Kansas School of Business, USA

21st EIASM Workshop on Corporate Governance
Dublin, Ireland - October 29-30, 2024 (NEW DATES !!!!!!)

Chairs: Tomas Casas - University of St. Gallen, Switzerland and ICfCG, Shanghai, China, Michael Hilb - University of Fribourg, Switzerland, Daniel Malan - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland and Laura  Schaffner - University of Strasbourg, France.

The Board Foundation will grant the “Promising Researcher Award”  for the best paper written by a PhD student or a postdoc.

Submission deadline: July 30, 2024

Publication Opportunity :
The Journal of Management and Governance welcomes submissions on topics that are within its Aims and Scope.
A number of papers presented will be selected for a Fast-Track process of publication.


RENT 2024: “The Multiple Faces of Entrepreneurship: Embracing the Diversity of Ambitions, Processes and Practices Worldwide”
Nantes, France - November 13-15, 2024

Chairs: Natalia Vershinina and Vincent Lefebvre - Audencia Business School, France
Keynote Speakers: Sophie Alkhaled - University of Lancaster, UK, Sophie Bacq - IMD Business School, Switzerland, Dimo Dimov - University of Bath, UK 

A number of Awards will be granted (see details HERE)

Conference Submission deadline is over. 

ECSB pre-conference events are organized on November 13 (see details HERE)

3rd EIASM Workshop on People Analytics & Algorithmic Management (PAAM)
Twente, The Netherlands - November 28-29, 2024

Chairs: Jeroen Meijerink - University of Twente, The Netherlands, Maria J. Belizon - UCD College of Business, Ireland, Andy Charlwood - University of Leeds, UK 
Submission deadline: September 15, 2024

► 9th EIASM Reward Management Conference "Responsible Reward"
Brussels, Belgium - December 2-3, 2024 

Organising Committee: Conny Herbert Antoni - University of Trier, Germany - Xavier Baeten - Vlerick Business School, Belgium - Jason D. Shaw - Nanyang Technological University, Singapore - Aino Tenhiälä - IE Business School, Spain

Submission deadline: September 10, 2024

Publication Opportunities:

Following on the success following the previous conferences in publishing selected papers in a journal special edition or edited books, select papers from the conference will also be considered for a special issue on “Responsible Rewards” in Compensation & Benefits Review.

 14th EIASM Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting
Milan, Italy - December 16-18, 2024

Chairs: Frank Moers – Maastricht University, the Netherlands, Breda Sweeney - University of Galway, Ireland and & Michael Williamson - Gies College of Business, Illinois, USA
Keynote Speakers: Margaret Christ - University of Georgia, USA, Shane Dikoli - University of Virginia, USA and Angelo Ditillo - Bocconi University, Italy

The purpose of this conference, like its thirteen predecessors, is to examine innovative management accounting practices and innovative ideas about how to conduct research on them.
The conference will consist of plenary sessions and research paper presentations.

Submission deadline: 
September 6, 2024  


Click HERE for the full 2024 EIASM Calendar of Workshops and Conferences.


EAA Annual Congress 2025 & Other Activities

EAA 2024 - 47th Annual Congress

Date: May 28-30, 2025
Location: Rome, Italy
Congress co-Chair: Saverio BOZZOLAN and Giovanni FIORI


EAA PhD Forum 2025

Date: May 28, 2025
Chair: Juan Manuel GARCÍA LARA

EAA 41th Doctoral Colloquium 

Date: May 24-27,  2025
Location: Rome, Italy

Co-Chairs: Joachim GASSEN, Alexandra VAN DEN ABBEELE & Andrea MENNICKEN
Submission deadline: 30 November 2024 (23:59 CET)


Upcoming EAA Annual Congresses

48th EAA Annual Congress – Prague, Czech Republic, May 2026

49th EAA Annual Congress – Turin, Italy 26-28 May 2027

EAA Virtual Accounting Research Seminars  

Location: Online

EAA-ARC – Accounting Resources Centre –
If you are looking for an event in accounting research – such as a doctoral course, a workshop, or a conference – please visit the EAA Accounting Resources Centre, the one-stop location for research resources and networking opportunities relevant for emerging scholars and others interested in accounting research.

EAA Peer Mentoring Initiative -
The EAA PhD Mentoring Initiative (PMI) aims to help European PhD students refine their research proposals and enhance the overall quality of their work by accessing timely advice and feedback from some of Europe’s top accounting researchers. The PMI is a resource open to all European PhD students in accounting. 

EAA Newsletter
Learn about the latest developments within the European Accounting Association by reading the latest EAA Newsletter. Members and non-members alike can access this and previous issues on the EAA website

EDAMBA Annual Meeting Registration and other news

News from European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management and Business Administration

► EDAMBA Annual Meeting 1-3 September, 2024. Oxford, UK

We are proud to announce that the 2024 annual EDAMBA conference will be hosted at Oxford Brookes Business School. The conference will take place at Oxford Brookes University’s Headington Campus, in the heart of Oxfordshire between 1-3 September, 2024. This year the main theme will be: ‘Doctoral Education in the Service of Society’

Don't miss the early-bird rates for registering for our Annual Meeting. Ends on Sunday June 23, 2024.

Keynote Speakers:

  • Professor Danny Dorling, Halford Mackinder Professor of Geography, University of Oxford
  • Dr. Karen Clegg, Co-Director Research SuperVision Project (RSVP), University of York
  • Professor Ron Tuninga, AACSB Vice President and Managing Director, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa
  • Professor Ulrich Hommel, Professor of Corporate Finance & Higher Education Finance, EBS Business School

EDAMBA Doctoral Programmes Association Executive Committee 2023-2024

  • President Dimitris Assimakopoulos
  • Vice President John Parm Ulhøi
  • Secretary General Francois Collet
  • Daniel Havran
  • Dr Sara le Roux
  • Jose Antonio Robles Flores

► EDAMBA Elections

EDAMBA member institutions are invited to vote in this year’s elections. The deadline to vote is June 22, 2024.

We received nine nominations from members of the EDAMBA member institutions for election to the Executive Committee September 2024- September 2025. Five nominations were received from existing members of the Committee who would like to renew their term of office; four nominations from new candidates. The Executive Committee consists of seven members.

Please contact the Executive Secretary Lucy Mori if you have not received the EDAMBA 2024 Voting Card.

EDAMBA Thesis Competition 2024

The Thesis Competition is in review stage.  Many thanks to the faculty from around the world who have supported the competition by serving as reviewer.  The Jury will make their decision at the end of June and the winners notified so they can attend the award ceremony and present their papers at the EDAMBA General Assembly September 3, 2024

Thesis Competition Committee

  • Daniel Havran
  • Francois Collet
  • Jose Antonio Robles Flores

EDAMBA Summer Research Academy 2024

14 students haven been selected to attend the 33rd Summer Research Academy July 21-25, 2024 in Athens Greece.  We are delighted that Professor Joe Hair from University of South Alabama will be facilitating his workshop on Using Structural Equation Modeling in person this year.  

Summer Academy Faculty

  • Dimitris Assimakopoulos, EDAMBA President
  • Pierre Batteau, Aix-Marseille Université, France
  • Fragkiskos Filippaios, University of Essex and Deputy Director of South East Network for Social Sciences (SeNSS), UK
  • Joe Hair, University of Southern Alabama, Director of the PhD Program in Business Administration, USA
  • John P. Ulhøi, School of Busines and Social Sciences, Aarhus University, Denmark

EDAMBA welcomes applications for membership from universities or business schools awarding doctoral degrees (PhD and DBA) in the fields of Management and Business Administration.  Benefits of membership include:

  • Participation in all EDAMBA seminars and workshops, including the annual meeting which provides a unique opportunity to meet program directors.
  • The opportunity to express your voice: Participation / Voting power at the EDAMBA Annual Meeting and General Assembly
  • Representation on the EDAMBA Executive Committee by elected members nominated each year before the General Assembly
  • Access to information through our informal network, publications and events
  • Participation of doctoral students in annual EDAMBA summer academy and for graduates in annual EDAMBA thesis competition



EFA | Annual Meeting | Review of Finance | News


51st Annual Meeting EFA 2024

Early-bird registration ends on June 30

Early bird-rates are avaible through Sunday, June 30, 2024. After this date, regular fees will apply. Participants must become EFA members before registering.  Register here.

Hotels release on June 30

On June 30, our hotel partners will release the pre-booked rooms. Please book a room before the end of June to secure a room within walking distance from the conference venues. Book a room here.

We look forward to meeting you in Bratislava!

Lubos Pastor

EFA 2024 Program Chair

University of Chicago

EFA General Assembly

EFA President, Albert J. Menkveld invites all current members of European Finance Association to attend the General Assemblies on Friday August 23, 2024 in Bratislava, Slovakia.

Exceptionally this year, we have scheduled two General Assembly meetings to take place in Bratislava, Slovakia, in the Reduta | Large Concert Hall (floor 2). This is because the General Assembly is asked to vote on an amendment to the EFA statutes.  Members will receive in invitation by email with the agenda and documents to review. 

EFA Doctoral Tutorial

Eight PhD student papers have been selected for presentation by the EFA-DT co-chairs. Please note that this is a closed event. Only invited presenters and observers attend the event.

Call for Papers for Review of Finance Special Issue on Finance and Product Markets

The submission window is from January 15, 2024 to August 31, 2024. 

Read the latest issue of Review of Finance: Volume 28, Issue 3, May 2024


⇒​ Read digests of the papers here...

Call for Research Proposals: Special Issue of Review of Finance on Biodiversity and Natural Resource Finance

The submission window is from May 1 and August 15, 2024.

► The EFA Online JobMarket is a free resource for Members. Candidates can view current job listings here.

Follow EFA on social media:


► European Finance Association (EFA) AISBL Rue Fossé aux Loups 38, 1000 Brussels, Belgium


EIBA Annual Conference 2024 & Other Activities

EIBA logo

EIBA 2024 – 50th Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy
Theme: "
Rethinking IB Research for the Next 50 Years"
Dates: December 12-14, 2024
Host & Location: 
Aalto University, Finland
Paper submission deadline: July 15, 2024

► EIBA 2024 Lisbon is preceded by several EIBA pre-conference events for doctoral students & young scholars...

38th  EIBA John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial (JHD-DT)
"The John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial in International Business"
Date: December 12, 2024
Aalto University, Finland
Paper submission deadline: September 1, 2024

13th EIBA Doctoral Symposium
"The Danny Van Den Bulcke Doctoral Symposium in International Business"
Date: December 12, 2024
Aalto University, Finland
Paper submission deadline: September 1, 2024

EURAM Annual Conference 2024, Other Activities & European Management Review


EURAM Annual Conference 2024

Dates: 24-28 June 2024
Location: University of Bath School of Management
Submission Deadline: Closed

European Management Review

Special Issue on The Future of Management Education and Research: The role of institutions
Submission Deadline: 31 Janauary 2024

Special Issue on Purpose-Driven Strategies
Submission Deadline: 31 March 2024 

Special Issue on Digital Transformation And Organizational Value Creation
Submission Deadline: 31 March 2024 


EURAM 2025 Doctoral Colloquium

Dates: 21-22  June 2025
Location: University of Florence, Italy

EURAM 2025 Conference & Labs

Dates: 22-25 June 2025
Location: University of Florence, Italy

Watch the latest EURAM Webinars on YouTube

  • Addressing problems arising from endogeneity in management research with Marco Giarratana, Vice-Rector of Research and Coordination, IE University, Madrid, Spain
  • Applying for Starting Grants by the European Research Council (ERC) with Adriana Cristoiu, ERCEA; SH1 panel: Economics, Finance, Management
  • Using Machine Learning in Management, Bart Vanneste, UCL School of Management.

EURAM Jobmarket: here


Read the EURAM Newsletter here. 

Follow us on: 



Link to additional information? Back to list of newsitems

EMAC Regional Conference 2024 & Other Activities

EMAC Regional Conference 2024 – Pre-conference 5th Early-Stage Researcher Symposium
Date: September 25, 2024
Location: ISEG, Lisbonne, Portugal

If you wish to participate only in the ERS, the registration fee is 50€ and you should contact Anne-Laure Marteaux to register. If you wish to participate in the ERS and the EMAC Regional Conference 2024, there is no registration fee for the ERS and you should indicate it by ticking the dedicated box on the conference registration form.

EMAC Regional Conference 2024
Dates: September 25-27, 2024
Location: ISEG, Lisbon, Portugal

Early Bird Registration Deadline: August 6, 2024

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EMAC Annual Conference 2025 & Doctoral Colloquium

EMAC Annual Conference 2025
Dates: May 28-31, 2024
Location: ESIC, Pozuelo (Madrid), Spain

Paper Submission Deadline: December 3, 2024 (16:00 CET) – Not open yet

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EMAC Doctoral Colloquium 2025

Dates: May 25-27, 2025
Location: ESCI, Pozuelo (Madrid), Spain

Paper Submission Deadline: January 21, 2024 (16:00 CET Time) Not open yet

NOTE: The Colloquium is a closed event. Only the students who submitted a paper and whose paper has been accepted for presentation are allowed to attend.


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EurOMA Annual Conference 2024 & Other Activities


4th EurOMA Central and Eastern European Research Network Workshop

 “Creating effective research partnerships in Central and Eastern Europe to tackle innovation and sustainability challenges in the era of AI.”.

Dates:October 2-4, 2024
Location: University of Trento, Italy

Submission Deadline: June 21, 2024

Submission Link

EurOMA 2024 – 31th International Annual EurOMA Conference
Transforming People and Processes for a Better World
Dates: July 1-4, 2024
Location: ESADE Barcelona, Spain

The EurOMA 2024 Conference is preceded by the following events...

  • 23rd EurOMA Doctoral Seminar - June 29-30, 2024
  • 17th EurOMA Workshop on Journal Publishing in Operations Management - June 30, 2024
  • 15th EurOMA Early Career Workshop - July 1, 2024

11th International EurOMA Service Operations Management Forum
Dates: March 13-14, 2025
Location: Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Submission Deadline: October 15, 2024

EurOMA 2025 Annual EurOMA Conference
June 13-18, 2025
Milan, Italy

EurOMA 2026 Annual Conference
Dates and Location TBA

EurOMA 2027 Annual Conference
June 20-23, 2027
York, UK

► For more information about this association and its events, please visit the EurOMA website.

EIASM Workshops & Conferences 2025 (preliminary)

7th EIASM Workshop on Expatriation
April 3-4, 2025 - Valencia, Spain
Chairs: Jean-Luc Cerdin, ESSEC, France - Jaime Bonache Perez,  Charles III University of Madrid, Spain - Vesa Suutari , University of Vaasa, Finland - Chris Brewster,  enley Business School, University of Reading, UK - Andres Salas, University of Valencia, Spain

4th EIASM Conference on Management Accounting and Control in SMEs
Assisi, Italy (spring 2025 - date to be confirmed)
Chairs: Teemu Malmi, Aalto Business School, Finland  - Fabio Santini, University of Perugia, Italy 

2nd EIASM Interdisciplinary Workshop on Sustainability and ESG Dynamics
April 10-11, 2025 - Parma, Italy
Organising Committee: Patrizia Tettamanzi & Michael Murgolo - LIUC – Cattaneo University, Italy

4th EIASM Workshop on Fraud and Accounting Scandals 
April 14-15, 2025 - Lille, France 
Chairs:  Domenico Campa, International University of Monaco, Monaco - Aude Deville, Nice University, France - Yves Gendron, Université Laval, Québec, Canada - Aziza Laguecir , EDHEC Business School, France

40th EIASM Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management
April 24-25, 2025 - Fribourg, Switzerland
Chairs: Michael Segalla, HEC Paris, France -  Bruno Staffelbach, University of Lucerne, Switzerland  
Local Chair: Eric Davoine, University of Fribourg, Switzerland

2nd EIASM  Interdisciplinary Conference on Management, Information Technology and Computer Sciences
May 15-16, 2025 - Bordeaux, France  
Chairs: Elisabetta Magnaghi, KEDGE Business School, France - Eleonora Veglianti,  Université Catholique de Lille, France

19th EIASM IPDMC Doctoral Workshop  
June 10-11, 2025 - Porto, Portugal
Chairs: Pascal Le Masson, MINES ParisTech, France -  Miia Martinsuo, University of Turku, Finland

32nd EIASM IPDMC: Innovation and Product Development Management Conference
June 11-13, 2025 - Porto, Portugal
Local Chairs: Antonio Augusto Fernandes, Lia Patricio & Jose Coelho Rodrigues - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal 

13th EIASM Conference on Performance Measurement in Management Accounting
Barcelona, Spain (September 2025 - exact dates to be confirmed)
Chairs: Sofia Lourenço, ISEG, Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal - Teemu Malmi, Aalto University School of Business, Finland - Melissa Martin, University of Illinois Chicago, USA - Frank Verbeeten,  University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Local Chair: Bruno Cohanier, EADA, Barcelona, Spain

20th EIASM Interdisciplinary Conference on Intangibles, Sustainability, and Value Creation: Reporting, Management, and Governance
September 18-19, 2025 - Modena, Italy
Chairs: Stefano Zambon, ,University of Ferrara, Italy - Laura Girella - Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy 

11th EIASM Conference on Tourism Management and Related Issues
September 25-26, 2025 - Rimini, Italy
Chairs: Marcello Mariani, University of Reading, UK


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