EurOMA Job Market Home

Under the auspices of the EIASM network, the European Operations Management Association (EurOMA) offers its electronic Job Market for researchers (PhDs and PhD candidates, assistant professors, associate and full professors, etc.) whose chosen specialisation lies within the fields related to operations management.

The main goal of this Job Market is to provide electronic access to relevant employment opportunities in the realm of higher education and research institutions (especially with respect to young researchers), in order to facilitate the procedure and lower the cost of finding a good match between prospective employers and employees.

Interested professionals (universities, research institutions, private companies, individuals, etc.) have the opportunity to post on this web site free-of-charge a brief description of their current and upcoming openings.  (The only requirement is that they already have or are prepared to provide a user profile in the EIASM database so that they are recognised as part of the EIASM network.)

Candidates seeking employment should either already hold a PhD or be close to defending their PhD dissertation.  In order to register themselves on the Job Market, candidates are asked to specify the name of their institution, the date of (expected) graduation, their fields of interest, their e-mail address, and a downloadable CV (PDF format), which should include the names and coordinates of at least three references.

Candidates are also invited to post a Job Market Paper (e.g., a published article, letter of interest or intent, etc.) and are strongly encouraged to provide a link to their personal or professional Home Page.

[Please refer to the EIASM Privacy Statement for information regarding the use of your Profile and the potential risks of posting documents such as CVs on the Internet.]