Irvine Lapsley
Michela Arnaboldi
Ileana Steccolini
Henk ter Bogt (Groningen)
Tjerk Budding (Amsterdam)
James Guthrie (Sydney)
Tom Groot (Amsterdam)
Nathalie Halgand (Nantes)
Jan van Helden (Groningen)
Noel Hyndman (QUB)
Kerry Jacobs (ANU)
Åge Johnsen (Oslo)
Irvine Lapsley (Edinburgh)
Riccardo Mussari (Siena)
Vicente Pina (Zaragoza)
Peter Skærbæk (Copenhagen)
Lourdes Torres (Zaragoza)
Barbara Czarniawska, Göteborg University
Maurizio Orefice, Corte dei Conti
Giovanni Azzone, Politecnico Milano
Elio Borgonovi, Bocconi University
Final programme: CLICK HERE
The overall theme of the conference is Public Services in the aftermath of the financial crisis. This includes the durability of governance arrangements, partnerships and collaborations which were put in place in a more prosperous era, if and how they have changed and the manner in which the NEW public sector of 2012 and beyond is configured.
In addition, we are particularly interested in receiving extended abstracts, or preferably, completed papers on the following topics with regard to public sector and non-profit organizations (such as Governmental, Health and Educational organizations):
• Auditing
• Management Accounting and Control
• Financial Accounting
• Governance
• Risk management
• Changes in organizational structures
Extended abstracts (2 pages) or full papers are due by 15 March 2012. Extended abstracts should provide information on the theme of the paper, the theory used, the research method applied and a summary of the results.
Acceptance is conditional upon submission of your full paper.
Young scholars are invited to submit a research proposal (including a literature review, research questions and research design). The authors of the selected research proposals participate in the conference by having a round table discussion of about 30 minutes with two senior researchers and one colleague-young author in order to receive fruitful suggestions for improving their paper.
Please mention on the first page of your proposal that you are submitting for the Young Scholar Program.
To submit your paper please use the main online submission link above.
Deadline to submit: 15 March 2012
Submission of papers/complete abstracts: 15 March 2012
Notification of authors : as of 23 April 2012 Notifications will be sent on April 30.
Registration of authors: 28 June 2012
Final/complete papers : 31 July 2012
The winner of the 'JUNE PALLOT PRIZE' for the Best Conference Paper will be presented with an engraved quaich.
A QUAICH is a special kind of shallow two-handled drinking cup/bowl in Scotland. It derives from the Scottish Gaelic "cuach" meaning a cup.
A selection of papers will be published in a special issue of Financial Accountability & Management based on the conference theme. All contributors will be asked if they wish their paper to be considered for this special issue. These papers will go through a standard double-blind review process. The special issue is edited by Michela Arnaboldi, Irvine Lapsley and Ileana Steccolini. More information about this will be offered onsite and/or after the event.
Bocconi University
In order to book these two hotels located near the University please mention "Bocconi" upon your reservation.
Hotel D'Este (4*)
Viale Bligny 23, 20136 Milano E-mail
Hotel Liberty (4*)
Viale Bligny 56, 20136 Milano E-mail:
For other hotels CLICK HERE
In order to book the hotels in the above list at preferential prices please mention the code "EIASM2012".
For participants affiliated with an institution that is member or associate member of the EIASM's
Academic Council |
300,00 € (VAT Exempt) |
For participants coming from another academic institution |
390,00 € (VAT Exempt) |
Cancellations made before August 21, 2012 will be reimbursed minus 20% of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after that date.
Payments should be made by :
- The following credit cards: Visa or Eurocard/Mastercard/Access
Ms. Cristina Setyar - EIASM Conference Manager
RUE FOSSÉ AUX LOUPS - 38 - BOX 3 - 1000 BRUSSELS - BELGIUM Tel: +32 2 226 66 69 - Fax: