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PARIS, FRANCE, JUNE 23-25, 2013



The 20th International Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC) will be held from Sunday June 23rd to Tuesday 25th June, 2013 at Dauphine University and MINES ParisTech in Paris, France.

IPDMC has established itself as a leading annual international event in its field. Papers presented at the meeting include subjects that cross business disciplines. The conference has become the focus of important networking among innovation and product development management researchers. Also adjacent areas such as technology management, entrepreneurship, marketing of innovations, creativity, and teaching in the field are significant parts of the program.


The special theme for our conference will be “Re-enchanting Technology”. In countries impoverished by the economic crisis, the technological resources have to be reinvented, to stimulate the creation of new products and services to face contemporary challenges such as new energies, caring for an ageing population, new mobility, new healthcare, etc. Research on innovation management often opposed market-pull and techno-push approaches. Recent works rather support the emergence of new forms of collaborations between science, technology, art and business to collaboratively explore, imagine and design the wealth-creating technologies of the future. We should study in more depth the creative technologies and the technological creativity.

We encourage submissions here, along with the more traditional new product development themes of the IPDM conference. The Conference Board and Scientific Committee will encourage selected authors to submit their papers for review to the Journal of Product Innovation Management.

We also draw attention to new tracks on ‘innovation management: yesterday – today – tomorrow ’ (see track M) and Management Innovation (see track L). We invite contributions to these new tracks.

Selected papers from the “History of Innovation Management” track will be invited to submit their papers for a special issue on “innovation management: yesterday – today – tomorrow” in Creativity and Innovation Management Journal.


The conference is a unique opportunity for researchers of different backgrounds, but with a common interest in management of product and service development, to update and exchange views. The conference will provide ample opportunities for both formal and informal discussions of the work presented, as well as opportunities for discussions about future international and interdisciplinary research co-operation.

Participants are encouraged to present results of their own work (although presenting is not a requirement for attendance and active participation). The focus of the conference is on management issues. Priority is given to research which has an empirical basis. The theoretical base must be made clear, and references to already-existing research in the field must be made explicit.
The conference includes a Doctoral Workshop which will be held prior to the conference.


A. Organizing Product/Service Development 
Team work 
- Managing cross-functional interfaces 
- Project management and multi-project strategies 
- Human resources capacities - Flexible and iterative development processes - Risk management in PD integrating research and development - Product-life cycle analysis and management - Concurrent engineering, QFD,DFM

B. Managing Knowledge in Product Development 
Knowledge development 
- Learning and continuous improvement in PD 
- Advanced design technologies and groupware 
- Experimentation and prototyping - Technology selection and integration - Idea handling and concept generation –

C. Innovation Strategies -
Virtual PD management - Innovation in a Global Context - Integrating localization and standardization - Linking product development to business strategies -Technology strategies and policies - Product line planning and product strategy - Business models and PD - Sustainable product development and environmentally-driven design - Performance measurement of PD

D. Leadership and Creativity in Product Development 
Leadership styles and impact on PD 
- Creative and innovative climate 
- Understanding the role of managers in PD 
- Managing creative talents, specialists and professionals 
- Innovation culture in PD - Human factors in NPD - Cross-cultural PD

E. Innovation by Design -
Creativity and design management 
- Design-driven strategies for PD 
- The interaction between design and PD 
- Applied ethnography, empathy and design scenarios 
- Emotional and experience design 
- Strategic design 
- creative technologies and technological creativity

F. Networks, Platforms and Alliances in Product Development 
Alliances, joint ventures and forms of collaboration 
- Role of suppliers and customers in PD 
- PD and the supply-chain 
- Outsourcing of PD 
- Networks of innovators and virtual organizations 
- Industry-university collaboration – Platforms –

G. Managing Software and IT Innovation - Service blueprint and interaction design 
- Integration of ICT in traditional products 
- Software development 
- Development of web-based services - Internet support and IT resources in product development

H. Radical Innovation 
Developing new products in highly uncertain contexts 
- Understanding pre-emerging markets 
- Developing disruptive technologies 
- Setting product standards 
- Patenting

I. Marketing, Users and Open Innovation 
Marketing and PD 
- Brand management and PD 
- Analysis of user needs & socio-cultural trends 
- The role of lead users - Product/service development in communities and in cooperation with communities – Managing openness – Boundaries of the firm in NPD

J. Entrepreneurship, SMEs and Product Development 
Product development in new ventures 
- Product innovation and academic spin-offs 
- Financing product development 
 - Managing innovation and PD in small firms

K. Teaching Innovation Management -
Surveys on how innovation is taught 
• Measuring the effectiveness of innovation teaching 
• Approaches for teaching engineering, design or business school students 
• Different approaches for teaching undergraduates, masters-level students, and executives 
• Executive education on innovation management 
• Teaching innovation in service industries

L. Management Innovation
The aim of this new track is to shed light on innovation in management methods, managerial practices, or the design and implementation of management tools. This track might provide new data, frameworks, or research methodologies on innovative management.

M. Innovation Management: yesterday – today – tomorrow.
The aim of this new track is to strengthen the historical background on innovation management. Topics of interest should include historical cases, long term cases, historical comparisons, etc. The historical perspective might provide new data, frameworks and references to analyse the unique features of contemporary innovation, and a long-term perspective that is so important to resist to “fashion” effects.

As is the tradition of the Conference, priority will be given to research that has an empirical basis. 


Please click HERE to download the conference programme

The three Academic & Industrial keynotes speakers are :

• Unleashing the potential of Design with 3D-EXPERIENCE technologies,
Anne Asensio, VP Design Experience — Dassault Systèmes

• Re-enchanting grey waters - Science-based business creation for breakthrough in energy systems,
Denis Clodic, Académie des technologies – EREIE

• Agrifood innovation for food security: R&D with NGOs and populations,
Isabelle Lescanne, General Manager Nutriset & Onyx Developpement

Click HERE to have more information about them


The goal of the review process is to select a number of papers that will stimulate discussion and the development of new knowledge, with preference given to empirical research. Some of the papers will inevitably be more fully developed than others; however, it is hoped that each author will gain insights during the conference that will strengthen their research and introduce them to other scholars who share their interests.

The review process examines over 300 submissions each year. Authors submit an extended abstract of about 500 words in length. This abstract should identify the central research question, introduce the most important references and describe the methodology, empirical base, analysis, and results. Each abstract is evaluated by two or three members of the scientific committee. All are senior professors who are well positioned internationally in the field. Each abstract is evaluated using the following points.

• Quality of the proposed contribution to theory and practice 
• Originality and appropriateness of the research method, with a preference for empirical research 
• Technical competence in the development and execution of the research 
• Value of the findings in contributing to knowledge and managerial practice

The organizing committee responds to the author(s) with an overall assessment. The overall assessment scale of the extended abstract is graded using the following scale:

• Rejected 
• Conditional acceptance, either Accepted with required changes or Accepted with minor requested changes 
• Accepted

Authors of accepted abstracts are expected to submit final papers. Conference participation (full registration) is a further condition for publication in the conference proceedings.

If you are considering submitting an abstract to this conference for the first time, you should view the video that describes the conference and includes portions of actual presentations. Scroll down on this page to the heading “Watch the Conference” to see the link to the video.


Final Papers must fulfil the following requirements:

1. The theoretical base must be made clear, and references to already-existing research in the field must be made explicit.

2. Priority is given to research which has an empirical basis. This means that conceptual discussions without empirical tests or basis will be accepted only exceptionally. 

3. The focus of the conference is on management issues, so we request that papers include managerial implications.
4. Authors should note during the submission process via the website whether their paper is the work of an early career researcher (i.e. the paper is primarily the work of a researcher who has received their PhD in the last year)

Publication of papers:
The Conference Board will encourage selected authors to submit their papers for review to the Journal of Product Innovation Management. A special issue is planned for publication in 2014


Christer Karlsson Best paper award:

The Conference Board will select one Best Paper out of the papers submitted. The author(s) will receive an award during the closing session of the conference. 

Thomas P Hustad Best student paper award:

The Conference Board will select one Best Student Paper out of the papers submitted where the main researcher and author is a PhD student. PhD students who submit should indicate this to be considered for this award. A statement of conditions is requested from the tutor. The author(s) will receive an award during the closing session of the conference.


Conference Chairs:

Albert DAVID, Dauphine University, Paris, France
Pascal LE MASSON, MINES ParisTech, Paris, France

Conference Board:

Christer KARLSSON, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, and EIASM - Chairman 

John CHRISTIANSEN, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Paul COUGHLAN, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Ireland

Petra DE WEERD-NEDERHOF, University of Twente, the Netherlands

Koenraad DEBACKERE, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

Keith GOFFIN, Cranfield School of Management, U.K. 

Abbie GRIFFIN, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.

Armand HATCHUEL, MINES ParisTech, France 

Erik-Jan HULTINK, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands 

Thomas HUSTAD, Indiana University, U.S.A. 

Helen PERKS, Manchester Business School, UK

Roberto VERGANTI, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Conference Scientific Committee:

 Conference board plus:

Ludwig BSTIELER - University of New Hampshire, U.S.A.

Tommaso BUGANZA - Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Antonio FERNANDES – University of Porto, Portugal 

Tomoko KAWAKAMI - Kansai University, Japan 

Hans KOLLER - Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Germany 

Jose Luis MUNUERA - University of Murcia, Spain

Søren SALOMO, Technical University of Denmark , Copenhagen, Denmark

Local team:

Emmanuel COBLENCE, ISG Paris, France
Sophie HOOGE, MINES ParisTech, France
Kevin LEVILLAIN, MINES ParisTech, France


Stéphanie BRUNET, MINES ParisTech, France
Stéphanie PITOUN, Dauphine University, France

Graziella MICHELANTE, EIASM, Belgium



The doctoral workshop is an integrated part of the IPDMC conference (since Hamburg in 2008). It will start on Saturday June 22nd around noon and will continue on Sunday June 23rd morning.

It will take place at Mines ParisTech (École des Mines de Paris) 
60 boulevard Saint Michel - 75272 Paris Cedex 06 http://www.mines-paristech.eu/About-us/Location/

To stimulate academic scholarship, discussions of ideas and dialogue among students and researchers from different countries, in the field of Product Development Management research, we would like to invite doctoral students to attend this doctoral workshop.

PhD students in early and middle stages of their PhD research project are particularly encouraged to participate and present their research proposals, preliminary results and their reflections on issues related to theory, methods and analysis.
In case the PhD dissertation is not a monograph and is made of a series of articles on a common theme, 
the candidate can present a part of the work and a two-page summary of the overall dissertation theme.

Sessions will be organized in smaller groups based on the submitted material with one senior researcher in each group, but there will also be plenary sessions on topics of general interest, e.g. on how to get your research into journals and methodology issues.

Research proposals and project material presented will be discussed by senior researchers as well as by younger researchers experienced in the specific field of the research presented.

Doctoral candidates interested in attending and presenting their research proposal and/or their reflections on their work so far (not the results of finished research) were requested to submit a description of their research.


The chairmen for the PhD workshop will assess the submitted descriptions and select those who will attend the workshop.

The number of participants is limited to 20 Ph.D. students.

There is no extra fee for participation in the Doctoral Seminar, but registration to the IPDMC is compulsory

Chairs for PhD workshop:

Professor John K. Christiansen, Copenhagen Business School.


Professor Armand Hatchuel, MINES ParisTech

Faculty members:

Gloria Barczak, Professor, next editor-in-chief the Journal of Product Innovation Management, College of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Boston
John K. Christiansen, Professor, Copenhagen Business School
Paul Coughlan, Professor of Operations Management at the School of Business, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin
Keith Goffin, Professor of Innovation and New Product Development, Cranfield University, School of Management
Abbie Griffin, Professor in marketing at the David Eccles School of Business, University of Utah.
Arnmand Hatchuel, Professor, 
Ecole Des Mines De Paris
Thomas, P. Hustad, Professor, Kelley School Of Business, Indiana University
Christer Karlsson, Professor, Copenhagen Business School
Klaasjan Visscher, editor-in-chief Creativity and Innovation Management, University of Twente, The Netherlands

Important dates : 

Submission of project description, research proposal or preliminary observations November 11, 2012
Acceptance to participate in PhD Workshop early January 2013
Submission of material to be discussed at workshop by May 15, 2013

Contact person : 

Professor John K. Christiansen, Copenhagen Business School : johnc@cbs.dk



The main conference will take place at Dauphine University, which is close to the Arc de Triomphe and Champs Elysées, with easy connections, through a very efficient public transportation network, to the airports as well as all relevant places in the city. Beyond its well-known touristic and historical reputation, Paris is today one of the leading innovative cities in Europe. Building on the solid historical grounds of its innovative engineers (Eiffel, Citroën, Renault, Dassault,…), artists (multiple artistic movements born in Paris), architects and designers, Paris is today reinventing its way to be a melting pot for scientific, technological and artistic innovations for contemporary issues. Recent initiative such as Autolib’, the LVMH foundation for modern art or the new university alliances linking universities, art schools, and engineering schools, are just some examples of these contemporary initiatives.

Paris Dauphine University is a national recognised education and research institution in the field of Organization and Decision sciences. This encompasses a broad, coherent range of disciplines: Management, Law, Applied economics, sociology and political Science in the context of Organization Sciences; Information technology and Mathematics applied to Decision sciences. Dauphine University has gained EQUIS accreditation in 2009 and has joined a major multidisciplinary alliance known as “Paris Sciences et Lettres” (PSL) uniting Parisian institutions with a common commitment to culture, selective admissions and research.

MINES ParisTech is a research and teaching institute. Its graduate school is highly selective and educates the “executive engineers” for tomorrow industry. Its research labs are leaders in innovative engineering sciences, ranging from material sciences to management through energy or earth sciences; they rely on strong links with industrial partners to explore breakthrough issues in science. One of the leading institutions for research contracts with the industry, and for top level engineering education, MINES ParisTech combines research excellence, industrial relevance and high level engineering education. MINES ParisTech is a member of PSL.

Dauphine University and MINES ParisTech are located in Paris downtown.



June is already the high season in Paris. Consequently, it is highly recommended to book your a room as quickly as possible.

We have pre-booked a number of rooms (single and double) in several hotels.

Click HERE to upload the list of hotels and details.

To book a room  upload the booking form available HERE and send it (by email of by fax)  to the hotel as indicated.


To download the leaflet including information on the venues, transportation from the airport to Paris, transportation in Paris, social events and others, please click HERE


The conference will start on June 23 (at around 5pm) with registration and welcome drink.
It will be over on Tuesday, June 25 around 5pm.


  • Participation to conference (that will take place at PARIS DAUPHINE UNIVERSITY)
  • The conference book of abstracts and USB key containing the full papers
  • The 2 lunches
  • The welcome reception (that  will take place at the MINES PARIS TECH)
  • The conference dinner. (will  take place in the TOUR  EIFFEL. 
    We cannot guarantee a place to those who will register at a very last stage !
  • Morning and afternoon refreshments
  • 3 day RATP transportation card (it  will be distributed at the registration desk on Sunday)
  • Full attendance to the Doctoral Seminar (for the Accepted PhD Students only !!(that will take place at the MINES PARIS TECH)
For participants affiliated with an institution that is member or associate member of the EIASM's
Academic Council
410,00 € (VAT Exempt)
For participants coming from another academic institution 530,00 € (VAT Exempt)

Cancellations made before June 1, 2013 will be reimbursed minus 20% of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after that date.

Payments should be made by :

  • The following credit cards: Visa or Eurocard/Mastercard/Access




Ms. Graziella Michelante - EIASM Conference Manager
Tel: +32 2 226 66 62 - Fax:
Email: michelante@eiasm.be