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Markets have become a fashionable topic of conversation both in public and academic discourse. While public attention perhaps has focused on financial markets in particular as a result of the turmoil in recent years, academics of many different disciplines have shown an interest in a wide variety of markets and market issues. Economic sociology, philosophy, law, anthropology, political sciences, marketing and urban planning studies are but some academic disciplines which have joined economics in a concern about market design, market actors, market interactions, exchange norms, values and morals, material devices and socio-technical arrangements.

Through this expansion in theoretical horizons contributing to the broad discussions of ‘what makes a market’ and ‘how economic exchanges happen’ we also see an expansion in the variety of market forms discussed and in the issues being raised. A growing body of research suggests that markets may be fruitfully regarded as practical, socio-technical achievements; simply put, markets are ‘performed’. This view of markets suggests that a considerable variety of market forms is conceivable. Yet, a few strong ideas about the character of markets continue to dominate efforts to perform markets in new areas, primarily those defended by professional economists and marketers. This seems to hold true whether we turn our attention to marketization processes at the base of the pyramid, in the environmental realm, or in novel areas such as human organs.

The need for and benefit from a multidisciplinary discussion lay at the heart of the first EIASM Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop, held in Sigtuna, Sweden in June 2010. The themes raised during the workshop included the sociology of black labour, historic funeral markets, auctions for race horses and audience measurement devices, to name just a few.
The workshop also provided a space for forming connections between disciplines and for discussing possible future avenues for an interdisciplinary market studies approach. The second EIASM Interdisciplinary Market Studies Workshop announced here, to be held in Dublin, June 7th-8th 2012, is organized around three interrelated issues that emerged as a result of the discussions during the first workshop. The three issues are those of (i) potentialities and realities; (ii) order and disorder; and (iii) values and worth in markets. Professors David Stark (Columbia, US) and Robin Wensley (Warwick, UK) will be guest speakers at the workshop.


The aim of the workshop is to explore the possibilities and potentialities of markets and how these may be translated into ‘really existing’ markets. We place particular emphasis on the ordering or civilizing processes (social and economic) that underlie attempts at marketization, and which values or ‘orders of worth’ they are conceived upon. One indication that this dimension in particular is an under-researched one is the observation that efforts at market shaping according to so-called ‘normalized’ models of markets often encounter resistances that result in the creolization of these market models. Equally, events in recent years in, for example, the financial markets have seen market actors question the orders of worth on which these markets had been built, and inquire as to why these orders, in the end, resulted in disorder.


The organising committee for this workshop consists of

Dr Susi Geiger, University College Dublin
Prof Debbie Harrison, BI Norway
Prof Hans Kjellberg, Stockholm School of Economics
Dr Alexandre Mallard, Ecole de Mines, Paris


Prof. David Stark (Columbia University)
"Organizing Dissonance for Innovation"

Prof. Robin Wensley (Warwick Business School)
"The Analysis Of The Obvious"


CLICK HERE for the detailed programme. Please note that this is a preliminary version.


We particularly welcome in depth empirical studies of marketization processes in new areas and of major changes in existing markets. These settings provide excellent opportunities for reflection regarding the ordering devices, objects, models, representations, and tools that are set up and employed to propagate certain market forms over others, as well as the morality and values that underpin those instruments. In short, this workshop will revolve around the major questions of:

• What are the limits of market models and their realization?
• What practices are involved in (dis)ordering markets?
• What kinds of economic orders (markets or others) result from these efforts?
• What are the ‘civilizing’ effects of these orders, on markets, market actors and societies at large?
• What relationships exist between values realized in markets (for instance via the price mechanism) and the values underlying the marketization effort?
• What moral orders are used to justify marketization efforts?

The organising committee, Susi Geiger, University College Dublin, Debbie Harrison, BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo Hans Kjellberg, Stockholm School of Economics  and Alexandre Mallard, Ecole des Mines ParisTech would like to invite researchers to submit abstracts.

To submit your final paper please follow the uploading procedure from the notification e-mail that EIASM sent you upon acceptance. 


Araujo, L., J. Finch and H. Kjellberg 2010. Reconnecting Marketing to Markets. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Caliskan, K. and M. Callon 2010. Economization, part 2: a research programme for the study of markets. Economy and Society 39, 1, February 2010: 1-32.

Cochoy, F., M. Giraudeau and L. McFall 2010. Journal of Cultural Economy vol 3, number 2. Special Issue: Performativity, Economics and Politics. Routledge.

MacKenzie, D., F. Muniesa and L. Siu 2007. Do Economists Make Markets ? On the Performativity of Economics. Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Stark, D. 2009. The Sense of Dissonance. Accounts of Worth in Economic Life. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Wensley, R. 2009. Market Ideology, Globalization and NeoLiberalism. In The Sage Handbook of Marketing Theory, ed.

MacLlaran, P., M. Saren, B. Stern and M. Tadajewski, 235-243. London: Sage.

Zwick, D. and J. Cayla 2010. Inside Marketing. Practices, Ideologies, Devices. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 


Author's notification: as of 5 March, 2012
Final papers:
May 4, 2012 
Author's registration: April 16, 2012


Deer Park Hotel Golf & Spa
Howth, County Dublin, Ireland
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Email: sales@deerparkhotel.ie

The fees include participation to the workshop, workshop documents, 2 lunches, the workshop dinner and morning and afternoon refreshments.

special rate of 190 EUR is offered to doctoral students who request this by e-mail from Cristina Setyar (setyar@eiasm.be). A document that proves their PhD status is requested. The registration of doctoral students is then processed by EIASM and confirmed to the participants.

For participants affiliated with an institution that is member or associate member of the EIASM's
Academic Council
290,00 € (VAT Exempt)
For participants coming from another academic institution 370,00 € (VAT Exempt)

Cancellations made before May 17, 2012 will be reimbursed minus 20% of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after that date.

Payments should be made by :

  • The following credit cards: Visa or Eurocard/Mastercard/Access




Ms. Cristina Setyar - EIASM Conference Manager
Tel: +32 2 226 66 69 - Fax:
Email: setyar@eiasm.be