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The European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB) is a non-profit organization whose main objective is to advance the understanding of entrepreneurship and to improve the competitiveness of SMEs in Europe. ECSB facilitates the creation and distribution of new knowledge through research, education and the open exchange of ideas between professions and across national and cultural boarders. ECSB provides its members access to high-quality conferences, such as the RENT conference, in order to facilitate and enhance the exchange of knowledge within the ECSB membership.
For more information about ECSB, please visit:




Odd Jarl Borch
Lars Kolvereid
Elisabet Ljunggren
Bjørn Willy Åmo


Thomas M. Cooney (Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland)
Hans Landstrom (University of Lund, Sweden)
Eddy Laveren (University of Antwerp, Belgium)
Antti Paasio (Turku School of Economics, Finland)
Mario Raffa (Università Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy)
Roy Thurik (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, The Netherlands)
Friederike Welter (Jönköping International Business School, Sweden)


The key note speakers will be:

Professor Sara Carter, Strathclyde University, Hunter Centre, Scotland
Professor Johan Wiklund, Syracuse University, USA
Professor Paul Westhead, Durham University, England

Professors Carter, Wiklund and Westhead will discuss
“Research on Business Growth and Survival” as an academic talk show.

Professor Shaker A. Zahra, University of Minnesota, USA.
The title of Professor Zahra’s key note speech is
“Entrepreneurship, Business and Society”


RENT 2011

The main theme for the 25th Annual RENT conference is:

"Entrepreneurial, Business and Society"

The 25th RENT-conference will highlight the interplay between the entrepreneur, the entrepreneurial firm and the society. We will emphasize how new firms are a result of entrepreneurs interacting with stakeholders in their environment, not only in the market but also with interest groups and government institutions. In addition to business entrepreneurship we will highlight community and social entrepreneurship where the entrepreneur is working at community level to create social change and welfare, where success is measured in terms of the effect on the society. Submissions of any aspect of entrepreneurship and small business development are welcome, but preferably concerning the following issues:

1. Entrepreneurship & growth
2. Corporate and Strategic Entrepreneurship
3. The role of universities in fostering entrepreneurship
4. Spin off processes and knowledge transfer
5. Entrepreneurial finance and venture capital
6. Innovation and technological entrepreneurship
7. Entrepreneurship and regional development
8. Entrepreneurship and governmental support
9. Social and community entrepreneurship
10. Green entrepreneurship
11. Entrepreneurial culture
12. Entrepreneurship and gender
13. Entrepreneurial learning and communities of practice
14. Studies of new businesses
15. Studies of business survival
16. Entrepreneurship and ethnic minorities
17. International entrepreneurship



Following the tradition, there will be an Award for the best paper written and presented by a junior researcher at the RENT conference. The award has been named in honour of Professor José Maria Veciana, ECSB’s First Fellow and long time member who was a dedicated supporter of junior researchers throughout his professional life.

To be eligible for this award, the paper must be authored by a student, phd student or junior researcher who has finalised his/her phd thesis within the past five years preceding the conference. Only papers which have been presented at the RENT conference, will be considered. Preferably, papers are solely authored or co-authored with junior researchers. In the case of co-authorship with a senior researcher, the junior researcher will have to be lead author and sole presenter.

The Scientific Council will be responsible for selecting finalists and identifying the best paper(s). The award may be split between two prize-winning papers. It will be handed out at the RENT conference dinner.


• Researchers, educators and practitioners in entrepreneurship from all over the world, who want to present their researches and discuss their findings with other experts
• Representatives of governmental organisations, business and trade associations concerned with the promotion of entrepreneurship
• Senior officials in entrepreneur development, economic policy-making and administration
• Suppliers of education and training services
• All those interested in entrepreneurship 


  For payment
10 October 2011
For payment
10 October 2011
The Participation Fee is

525 EUR

585 EUR

This fee includes automatically the 2011-2012 ECSB membership of 85 EUR. As member of ECSB, you are automatically a member of ICSB, you receive the quarterly Journal of Small Business Management, you have access to the ECSB website (including the complete ECSB membership directory), you are also entitled to receive the ICSB Bulletin and discount rates for other conferences (including the ICSB World Conference).

As usual, the fee includes participation to the conference (and eventually the Doctoral seminar), documents, lunches, morning and afternoon refreshments, the welcome reception and the Conference dinner.

Cancellations made before October 20, 2011 will be reimbursed minus 20 % of the total fee.
No reimbursement will be possible after that date.

The special price of EUR 440 is offered to the people coming from Eastern Europe or from one of the " Emerging or Developing Economies" (list downloadable HERE) .
In case you are coming from one of these countries and want to participante to the RENT conference
- please create your profile on line (www.eiasm.be) (in case you are not yet in our data base)
- download the registration form HERE, fill it in and send it back to michelante@eiasm.be

In case you are one of the accepted participant of the Doctoral Seminar you are qualified for a significant reduction of the official conference fee (50%  sponsored by EIASM)
- please create your profile on line (www.eiasm.be) (in case you are not yet in our data base)
- download the registration form HERE, fill it in and send it back to michelante@eiasm.be



Ms. Graziella Michelante - EIASM Conference Manager
Tel: +32 2 226 66 62 - Fax: 32 2 5121929
Email: michelante@eiasm.be


The local organizers have made a list of hotels in the city centre. All three hotels are in a 5 minute walking distance from each other.
The city centre is 5 minutes by car/bus from the airport. The university campus is 15 minutes by car/bus from the airport.
Booking of hotel rooms:
Radisson Blu hotel Bodø click here to view the hotel:www.radissonblu.com/hotel-bodo

The hotel is the conference Venue for the conference 18th November. (on the 17th the conference will take place in the premises of the university)

Pleasant and well equipped rooms in various styles. The hotel is centrally situated and includes a bar at the top (Top 13) which offers the best view in town. Fitness room and sauna. 
Go to: more search options and use the promotional code UN2011.

Thon Hotel Nordlys click here to view the hotel:www.thonhotels.com/hoteller/land/norge/bodo/thon-hotel-nordlys--/

Central location near the marina and breakwater in the city centre. High standard rooms
Room at Thon Hotel Nordlys can be booked either by mailing this address: nordlys.salg@thonhotels.no or by phone +47 75 53 19 50.
To get the conference price use the promotional code 1963000

Skagen Hotel to view the hotel click here:www.skagen-hotel.no/

The city`s culture hotel with nice rooms. Fitness room and sauna
Room at Skagen hotell can be booked either by mailing this address:booking@skagen-hotel.no or by phone +47 75 51 91 00. To get the conference price use the promotional code UNN2011

Gamle Salten hotel. M/S Gamle Salten is one of the finest vintage ships in Norway located in the middle of the town. Overnight accommodation in traditional cabins.

Click here to view the hotel:  http://gamlesalten.no/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=28

Room at Gamle Salten can be booked either by mailing this address: booking@gamlesalten.no or by phone +47 991 69 551

Conference price: NOK 850 per night (breakfast included)



Bodø is easy accessible for foreign travelers via Oslo Airport Gardermoen (OSL), the main airport in Norway. There are 10 daily non-stop flights from Oslo Airport Gardemoen to Bodø. Oslo Airport Gardermoen has connections with all major airports in Europe. The flight time from Oslo to Bodø is 75 min. Two major carriers are recommended; SAS and Norwegian.

Also, there are international connections to Bodø (BOO) via Trondheim Airport Værnes (TRD). The flight time Trondheim-Bodø is one hour.

Some suggested air routes via Trondheim (TRD) are:
Amsterdam – Trondheim - Bodø
Charles de Gaulle, Paris - Trondheim - Bodø
Stockholm – Trondheim- Bodø

There is a train connection from Bodø to Oslo and Trondheim. Allow 24 hrs for the connection to Oslo and 12 hrs for the connection to Trondheim.


November 17th
The conference venue is at the campus of University of Nordland, at Mørkved.
Free bus connections are organized from Radisson Blu to and from the University Campus.
This is also the case for the PhD and Post docs at November the 16th.

November 18th

The conference venue is the Radisson Blu hotel
For those who stay at Skagen Hotel or Thon Nordlys Hotel it will take less than 5 minutes to walk to the Radisson Blu hotel.


Bodø is the administrative center for Nordland County. With its 47.000 residents it is the second largest town in Northern Norway with excellent communications and fully modern facilities. The town originally started as a place where herring was landed and traded, later it became an administrative town, and it was almost totally destroyed during WW II, during the cold war its airport became crucial for the Western allied. It is now a growing university town.

Bodø is surrounded by nature’s beauty; the world’s strongest maelstrom; Saltstraumen, mountain peaks, Landegode Island and Fugløya (Bird island), the Sulitjelma mountains massive (on the boarder to Sweden) and the glacier “Blåmannsisen” (Blue man’s glacier). Bodø is the gateway to Lofoten Islands. In spite of being situated above the Arctic Circle, the winter temperature is quite the same as in Glasgow or Copenhagen; this is due to the costal climate. Although it can be wise to bring warm clothing and a rain coat!

Each year more than 1.5 million people travel to and from Bodø by air, railway, bus, express boat or coastal steamer.

The people of Bodø are known to be cheerful, pleasant, straight to the point, and very hospitable. We also enjoy entertaining guests and it is difficult for us to hide our pride when we take visitors to Saltstraumen, to Kjerringøy Trading Post, to the Norwegian Aviation Museum or in a fast going rib boats to watch for the white tailed sea eagles.

If you would like to experience a rib boat trip (sea rafting) during your stay in Bodø, please contact: www.stella-polaris.no/no
Click here for more information about Bodø: www.visitbodo.com/


"Building post-doc networking in entrepreneurship and small business management research"

Bodo Graduate School of Business and Nordland Research Institute, Bodo, Norway
16 November 2011

Organised by
Associate Professor Luca Iandoli (University of Naples Federico II, Italy)
Prof. Dr. Friederike Welter (Jönköping University, Sweden)

Have you recently finished your PhD Thesis in entrepreneurship and the small business field and are now wondering what’s coming next? Do you want to learn more about publishing your research? Do you need advice on your latest research proposal or an article you are working on? Do you want to set up (international) research collaborations, and are looking for collaborators? Join us at the next RENT!

Again, ECSB is offering a workshop for post doc researchers who have finished their PhD within the past 5 years. The day starts off with a roundtable discussion on the challenges in getting published, in building up your own research portfolio and in combining teaching and research. After that, you will break out in small groups; and editors of peer-reviewed journals in the entrepreneurship and small business field will discuss your paper drafts. You also will meet other post doc researchers with similar interests and can find out about possibilities for research collaborations.

Researchers interested in participating should apply to Friederike Welter (wefr@ihh.hj.se) no later than
July 1, 2011 

The application should include a one-page CV and a short abstract of the paper draft you plan to submit (please note that we do not accept articles already under review for a journal!). Also send us questions, issues and topics you would like to have addressed during the workshop. The number of participants is limited to 12 researchers so we encourage early submission. You will be notified of acceptance within two weeks after submission closes.

No fee is charged for participation in this workshop. However, participation in the RENT Conference is compulsory. The fee for the RENT also includes one year’s membership of ECSB. For more information regarding the RENT conference see


Best paper wins trip to USASBE Conference in 2012

Bodö, November 16, 2011 


Associate Professor Helle Neergaard, Aarhus Univerisity, hen@asb.dk
Professor Friederike Welter, Jönköping International Business School

The Doctoral Seminar has a successful tradition at RENT. It represents a unique opportunity for doctoral students to present their thesis proposals and obtain useful insight into how their work can be improved and progressed as well as an opportunity for bouncing ideas off on experienced faculty. The workshop also facilitates the exchange of research experiences and new ideas in the fields of entrepreneurship and small business. The ECSB Doctoral Seminar is truly a meeting place for both new and experienced researchers from all over Europe and an ideal place to start networking. We particularly encourage students in the early stages of their research to participate as a way of launching themselves into the international research community.

The seminar is organized with a morning and an afternoon session. The morning session is a round table plenary session discussing common challenges and the afternoon session discusses individual student proposals in 4-5 tracks based on the proposals received from the doctoral students. One or two senior faculty experienced in the specific topic addressed will discuss each proposal.

Doctoral candidates interested in attending and presenting their research proposal (not the result of completed research) should send a two page abstract including information on when they commenced their Ph.D. study and when they expect to complete.
The abstract should be organized according to the following guidelines: it should explain (i) the topicality of the research, (ii) the theoretical background, stating (iii) research question(s) and theory questions, as well as the (iv) proposed methodology and (v) expected contribution to the field.

The abstract should be sent to Dr. Helle Neergaard (
hen@asb.dk) no later than June 15, 2011.

Participants in the doctoral consortium are the finalists in the ECSB Doctoral Competition for a place on USASBE’s doctoral consortium in January 2012. The award is worth $1,000 and is based on the best doctoral thesis proposal submitted to the RENT doctoral consortium.

The number of participants is limited to 20 students, so early application is encouraged. Students will be notified of acceptance of their proposal no later than July 1, 2011. Immediately following receipt of acceptance, students are required to register formally for the Conference.

No fee is charged for participation in the Doctoral Seminar. However, participation in the RENT Conference is compulsory. Please note though that students need not present a paper at the Conference itself to participate, although this is encouraged. Upon acceptance to the Doctoral Seminar students qualify for a significant reduction of the official conference fee, sponsored by EIASM. The fee includes one year’s full membership of ECSB.

Further information on the Doctoral Seminar will be forwarded together with the letter of acceptance. For further information on the RENT Conference itself, please see www.ecsb.org. This is also the place to become familiar with the ECSB organization and the advantages this offers.


Wednesday, November 16th there will be a joint Entrepreneurship day and Policy Forum on the theme “The greening of entrepreneurship: the strive for clean technology and renewable energy”. The day starts with a joint session and will continue after lunch with two specialized sessions.

The participant fee will be 50 Euro, lunch included.

Key note speakers include representatives from international energy companies, clean technology suppliers, investors, Government, and the EU Commission. University key note speakers will be Professor Rolf Wüstenhagen, University of St. Gallen and Professor Ove Jacobsen, Centre for Ecological Economics and Ethics, Bodø Graduate School of Business, University of Nordland.

Click her for registration and payment: www.deltaker.no/rent2011