Mario Biagioli - University of California at Davis
Paolo Quattrone - IE Business School
Following the success of the 1st Imagining Business Workshop in Oxford, 2008, this second event seeks to examine ideas and approaches which go beyond a focus upon text in order to explore the impact of images, pictures, signs, sounds and passions on the process of organizing. A process which also goes beyond traditional ideas of business and into many areas of our lives. The backdrop of this workshop is Segovia, near Madrid at the IE University Campus (see : By bringing together academics from a wide range of disciplines and approaches (e.g. organizational theory, accounting, anthropology, geography, art, sociology, communication studies, architecture, philosophy, social studies of technology, etc...), this event will provide an arena in which to discuss and debate different ways of imagining the complex process of organizing.
The workshop will include an exploration of the many images and visuals that enter our lives in many different forms and through various events and occasions. As we walk down the street of a new city, we navigate our way around an assortment of practices and objects (e.g. maps, signs, people giving directions, coloured lines, roads, lights, tom toms, etc.), as we listen to the media, we are bombarded with different images and ideas relating to our everyday lives, and finally, within the workplace, each and every day we engage in many different practices of imagining. A focus on imagining business shifts our attention beyond the text (i.e. the dominance of written records both in the area of research and the analysis of everyday practice) and towards the visual. In addition to exploring ideas of the visual, this second edition of the Imagining Business workshop also welcomes papers exploring various material and aesthetic artefacts, oral/aural and olfactory relations, sensations and affect, as well as many other possibilities. Some examples of areas of interdisciplinary interest include the: While this provides a diverse list relating to the study of practices and objects with regards to the imagining process, this is merely a snapshot of possible examples as clearly the potential list is much more extensive. Therefore, we would welcome abstracts (1500-2000), extended abstracts (2000-3000 words) and draft papers. The format for discussion will include both traditional paper presentations and alternative and non-traditional forums (e.g. performance, exhibition, panel, discussion group, etc). The submission deadline is OVER
To download the workshop main programme, please click HERE To download the workshop parallel session programme, please click HERE |