ESSEC Business School
University Paris 13
Professor Damien BESANCENOT University Paris 13, France
Professor Joao Ricardo FARIA University of Texas at El Paso, USA
Professor Radu VRANCEANU ESSEC Business School, France
Professor Glenn ELLISON MIT, U.S.A.
Recent Trends in Economics Publishing: Is Peer Review in Decline?
For the final programme of the event please CLICK HERE.
Following the trend set by the US many years ago, European and Asian governments are undertaking an institutional transformation of their research environment, with substantial implications for the research in BA&E. The reforms aim at increasing the quantity and quality of research through performance-based reward schemes, enhancement of the role of research in the public evaluation process, and increasing autonomy of business schools and universities.
Additional pressure for changing the organization of research comes now from the ubiquitous rankings of programmes and Business Schools issued by newspapers and education institutions. Academic publications tend to become the generalised gauge of performance, which creates trade-offs regarding related issues as publishing research vs. seeking to publish, teaching vs. research quality, originality vs. main-stream dominance, etc. While the number of published papers and academic journals is increasing every day, not a few observers are worried about the relevance and originality of these outlets. In particular editors of top-tier journals, who have to cope with an ever growing flow of submissions, start to implement defence strategies, some of them running against the transparency of the publication process.
The strong emphasis on research puts substantial pressure on scholars that must now cope with more demanding publication standards. Whether the research impact on teaching and education is positive or negative is still an unsettled debate. Yet policies aiming at improving the overall effectiveness of education systems depend to a large extent on the answer to this question.
This Workshop aims at gathering scholars from economics and the various fields of management, with the aim of analyzing the future challenges of academic research in business and economics and to unveil its interactions with teaching and education. Special emphasis will be set on policy evaluation. General approaches in the economics of science, sociology and the theory of organizations will also be considered. The Workshop welcomes theoretical and empirical papers concerned by these subjects:
The impact of research in BA&E on the global performance of society;
The recent publication patterns of scholars and departments;
Career concerns and the publication process;
The relationship between, on the one hand, research as leading to discovery and, on the other hand, publication;
An assessment of the benefits from developing “open research” systems;
The emergence of publication norms, and consequences for the quality of research;
An inquiry into the editorial process, and its impact on publication patterns;
The relation between research and education in a global environment;
The management of research policies at both macroeconomic and the institution levels;
Rankings: from needed transparency to crowing out high quality;
The tension between teaching and research; individuals, schools and the society;
School differentiation strategies in a globalized education market.
The list is far from complete, and we will welcome any paper which approaches the topic in a critical and efficient way.
Selection will be made on the basis of Extended Abstracts (2-3 pages).
Full and final papers should be about 20-25 pages, A4, 1.5 spacing, Times New Roman 12 and in English.
Papers presented at the conference will be considered for publication in a special issue of the Journal of Socio-Economics.
TIME LINE: Abstract Submission : October 6, 2008 Author Notification: October 6, 2008 Full Paper Deadline: November 3, 2008 Workshop: December 4-5, 2008
For the list of recommended hotels and travel information PLEASE CLICK HERE.
Registration and meeting point on December 4 : ESSEC, Building le Galion, 1st floor (see map of Essec campus)
Map of ESSEC Campus.
ESSEC Business School Av. Bernard Hirsch, nr 105 95021 Cergy, France
FEES Fees will be posted shortly
Cancellations made before November 20, 2008 will be reimbursed minus 20% of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after that date.
Payments should be made by :
- The following credit cards: Visa or Eurocard/Mastercard/Access
Ms. Cristina Setyar - EIASM Conference Manager
RUE FOSSÉ AUX LOUPS - 38 - BOX 3 - 1000 BRUSSELS - BELGIUM Tel: +32 2 226 66 69 - Fax: