The European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB) is a non-profit organization whose main objective is to advance the understanding of entrepreneurship and to improve the competitiveness of SMEs in Europe. ECSB facilitates the creation and distribution of new knowledge through research, education and the open exchange of ideas between professions and across national and cultural boarders. ECSB provides its members access to high-quality conferences, such as the RENT conference, in order to facilitate and enhance the exchange of knowledge within the ECSB membership. For more information about ECSB, please visit: www.ecsb.org.


Hans Landstrom (University of Lund, Sweden) Eddy Laveren (University of Antwerp, Belgium) Antti Paasio (Turku School of Economics, Finland) Mario Raffa (Università Degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy) Roy Thurik (Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam, The Netherlands) Gerry Van Dyck (EIASM, Brussels, Belgium) José M. Veciana (Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain) Friederike Welter (University Siegen, Germany)

The main theme for the 23nd Annual RENT Conference is:
Entrepreneurial Growth of the Firm
Business growth is a major theme in entrepreneurship research field, one of the themes that scholars as well as practitioners commonly associated with entrepreneurship. Researchers found support for the positive relationship between entrepreneurship and growth, especially in case of younger and smaller firms. There is a gap in scientific literature, however, since this proposition has not been fully tested in case of older and bigger (medium or large) firms. In addition, literature rarely shows a strong interest in how or in which form firms expand. Based on that organizers welcome theoretical as well es empirical research papers addressing entrepreneurial growth. Besides the conference theme, researchers and practitioners will have the opportunity to share their ideas on the conference theme and the general topics from entrepreneurship focusing on a great variety of interesting questions and current issues that are pertinent to the different tracks.
Submissions of any aspect of entrepreneurship and small business development are welcome, but preferably concerning the following issues:
1. Entrepreneurship and Growth 2. Networks and Entrepreneurship. 3. Corporate and Strategic Entrepreneurship (including behavioral characteristics of entrepreneurial activity). 4. The Role of Universities in Fostering Entrepreneurship. 5. Spin off processes and knowledge transfer. 6. Entrepreneurial Finance and Venture Capital. 7. Innovation and Technological Entrepreneurship. 8. Technology Commercialization. 9. Open Innovation. 10. Globalization and SMEs. 11. International Entrepreneurship. 12. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development. 13. Support Infrastructure for Entrepreneurial Ventures and Business Incubation. 14. Social and Responsible Entrepreneurship. 15. Green Entrepreneurship. 16. Entrepreneurial Culture. 17. Entrepreneurship and Special Interest Groups (women, ethnic minorities, and family). 18. Entrepreneurial Marketing. 19. Entrepreneurial Learning and Communities of Practice. 20. Creativity, Imagination and Opportunities

• Researchers, educators and practitioners in entrepreneurship from all over the world, who want to present their researches and discuss their findings with other experts • Representatives of governmental organisations, business and trade associations concerned with the promotion of entrepreneurship • Senior officials in entrepreneur development, economic policy-making and administration • Suppliers of education and training services • All those interested in entrepreneurship

The winners are :
Franziska Günzel & Helge Wilker
With the paper entitled :
' Patterns in Business Models: A Case Survey'
Faems Dries & Fleur Lamers & Klaasjan Visscher
With their paper entitled :
"Exploration Patterns in Gazelle Firms: A Multiple Case Study in the Internet Technology Industry"

Please click HERE to see the conference main programme
Please click HERE to see the parallel session programme
Please click HERE to see the list papers

Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary 18 November 2009
Chairpersons Associate Professor Dr. Helle Neergaard (Aarhus School of Business, Denmark) Professor Dr. Friederike Welter (Jönköping University, Sweden)
The Doctoral Seminar has a successful tradition at RENT. It represents a unique opportunity for doctoral students to present their thesis proposals and obtain useful insight into how their work can be improved and progressed as well as an opportunity for bouncing ideas off on experienced faculty. The workshop also facilitates the exchange of research experiences and new ideas in the fields of entrepreneurship and small business. The ECSB Doctoral Seminar is truly a meeting place for both new and experienced researchers from all over Europe and an ideal place to start networking. We particularly encourage students in the early stages of their research to participate as a way of launching themselves into the international research community.
Sessions will be organized in 4-5 tracks based on the proposals received from the doctoral students. Two senior faculty experienced in the specific topic addressed will discuss each proposal.
Doctoral candidates interested in attending and presenting their research proposal (not the result of completed research) should send a two page abstract (addressing the topicality of the research, the theoretical background, stating research question(s) and theory questions, as well as the proposed methodology and expected contribution to the field). The abstract, including information on when they commenced their Ph.D. study and when they expect to complete, should be sent to
Dr. Helle Neergaard (hen@asb.dk) no later than June 1, 2009
The number of participants is limited to 20 students, so early application is encouraged. Students will be notified of acceptance of their proposal no later than 15 June 2009. Immediately following receipt of acceptance, students are required to register formally for the Conference.
No fee is charged for participation in the Doctoral Seminar. However, participation in the RENT Conference is compulsory. Please note though, that students need not present a paper at the Conference itself to participate, although this is encouraged. Upon acceptance to the Doctoral Seminar students qualify for a significant reduction of the official conference fee, sponsored by EIASM, ACCA and IDEA. The fee also includes one year’s membership of ECSB.
Further information on the Doctoral Seminar will be forwarded together with the letter of acceptance. For further information on the RENT Conference itself, please see www.ecsb.org. This is also the place to become familiar with the ECSB organization.

Invitation ECSB COLLABORATIVE RESEARCH ROUNDTABLE at RENT XXIII Building post-doc networking in entrepreneurship and small business management research
Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary 18 November 2009
Organised by Associate Professor Luca Iandoli (University of Naples Federico II, Italy) Prof. Dr. Friederike Welter (Jönköping International Business School, Sweden)
Have you recently finished your PhD Thesis in entrepreneurship and the small business field and are now wondering what’s coming next? Do you want to set up (international) research collaborations, and are looking for collaborators? Do you want to learn more about publishing your research? Do you need advice on your latest research proposal or an article you are working on?
At the next RENT conference, ECSB is offering a workshop for post doc researchers who have finished their PhD within the past 5 years. We will discuss publication possibilities, and your articles, inviting editors of peer-reviewed journals. You also will meet other post doc researchers with similar interests and can find out about possibilities for research collaborations.
Researchers interested in participating should apply to Luca Iandoli (luca.iandoli@unina.it) no later than June 1, 2009
The application should include a CV and an abstract stating your research interests and activities. Also send us questions, issues and topics you would like to have addressed during the workshop. The number of participants is limited to 12 researchers so we encourage early submission. You will be notified of acceptance within two weeks after submission closes.
No fee is charged for participation in this workshop. However, participation in the RENT Conference is compulsory. The fee for the RENT also includes one year’s membership of ECSB. For more information regarding the RENT conference see www.ecsb.org.

18th November 2009
For the first time this year, a Policy Forum will be held on the day preceding the main RENT conference. The pre-Conference Policy Forum aims to generate an exchange of views and experiences between researchers, policy makers and practitioners on contemporary policy-related topics. By focusing on entrepreneurship policy at a time of crisis, the Pre-Conference Policy Forum will provide an opportunity to discuss the effects of the recession on SMEs and the responses of
firms and policy makers in different parts of Europe. The Forum is a joint venture between ECSB, Corvinus University and ERENET. Please go to www.ecsb.org for further information about the event and details of how to register.

The attendance fee is 585 EUR
This fee includes automatically the 2009-2010 ECSB membership of 85 EUR. As member of ECSB, you are automatically a member of ICSB, you receive the quarterly Journal of Small Business Management, you have access to the ECSB website (including the complete ECSB membership directory), you are also entitled to receive the ICSB Bulletin and discount rates for other conferences (including the ICSB World Conference).
The special price of EUR 410 is offered to the people coming from Central and Eastern Europe.
As usual, the fee includes participation to the conference (and eventually the Doctoral seminar), documents, lunches, morning and afternoon refreshments, the welcome reception and the Conference dinner.
Cancellations made before October 25, 2009 will be reimbursed minus 20 % of the total fee.
No reimbursement will be possible after that date.
Payments should be made by :
* Transfer into the EIASM bank account: 424-5533281-33 - (IBAN: BE79 4245 5332 8133) with the KBC bank, Avenue Marnix 31, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, BIC/SWIFT-address: KREDBEBB. (In case of bank charges, they should be paid by the payor).
Please do not forget to clearly mention RENT 2009 + the NAME of the participant on the payment order.
* Credit card: Visa or Eurocard/Mastercard/Access. In this case, you are requested to provide us with the entire credit card number + the expiration date of the card .

The conference will take place in the premises of the
Corvinus University Budapest
Fovam ter 8
Budapest 1093
The local organisers have negotiated special rates with a number of hotels.
Please click HERE to download the list and full details.
Ms. Graziella Michelante - EIASM Conference Manager
Tel: +32 2 226 66 62 - Fax: 32 2 5121929
Email: michelante@eiasm.be
