Product innovation is increasingly considered to be a central source for competitive advantage and a crucial driver for economic growth. Corporations are trying to face the challenges of global competition by launching new products that better satisfy explicit and latent user needs and desires, and that have improved performance, superior functionality, lower cost, higher symbolic and emotional value, and sustainable impact on the environment.
In this scenario, companies are seeking to understand how new products may be conceived and developed successfully. Managing product development is a major challenge because of its inherent uncertain, complex and multidisciplinary nature. Product development requires the management of creative resources and experimental processes with uncertain outputs. Also, it requires the management of many different types of interfaces: both interactions between different units within a firm (marketing, research, manufacturing, etc.) and interactions with external actors, being them users, suppliers, partners, designers, or universities. The interfaces today cross the borders countries and continents. Different types of knowledge, competencies, attitudes and values have to work together.
Research on product development management is challenged by this uncertain, complex and multidisciplinary nature. In order to understand the dynamics of new product conception and development, scholars have increasingly to operate across different disciplines: strategy, management of innovation, technology and R&D management, project management, research policy, marketing, design, anthropology, sociology, organization, operations management, etc.

Please click HERE to download the conference programme.

Conference Chair :
Antonio FERNANDES, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Portugal
Conference Co-Chairs :
Aurora TEIXEIRA, Faculty of Economics of University of Porto, Portugal Renato NATAL JORGE, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Portugal
Conference Board :
Christer KARLSSON, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, and EIASM - Chairman Harry BOER, Aalborg University, Denmark John CHRISTIANSEN, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark Paul COUGHLAN, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Ireland Koenraad DEBACKERE, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium Keith GOFFIN, Cranfield School of Management, U.K. Abbie GRIFFIN, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A. Armand HATCHUEL, Ecole des Mines de Paris, France Eric Jan HULTINK, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Thomas HUSTAD, Indiana University, U.S.A. Marco IANSITI, Harvard Business School, USA Alan MACCORMACK, Harvard Business School James M. UTTERBACK, MIT, USA Roberto VERGANTI, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Conference steering committee :
Abbie GRIFFIN, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A. Eric Jan HULTINK, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands John CHRISTIANSEN, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Local Organising Committee :
Ana DELGADO, Faculty of Economics of University of Porto, Portugal António FERREIRA, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Portugal Alcibíades PAULO GUEDES, University of Porto Business School, Portugal João PINTO FERREIRA, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Portugal José SARSFIELD CABRAL, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Portugal Sandra SILVA, Faculty of Economics of University of Porto, Portugal Ana TAVARES, Faculty of Economics of University of Porto, Portugal João TAVARES, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Portugal Paulo TAVARES DE CASTRO, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Portugal António TORRES MARQUES, Faculty of Engineering of University of Porto, Portugal

Click HERE to download the guide.

The winners of the traditional Christer Karlsson Best Paper Award are :
Michael Antioco, Rudy K. Moenaert and Adam Lindgreen
For the paper entitled:
The Runners Up Best Paper is from Gloria Barzczak, Fareena Sultan, Erik Jan Hultink
For the paper entitled:
"Antecedents and Consequences of information Technology Usage in NPD: A Comparision of Dutch and US Companies "
Keith Goffin and Ursula Koners
For the paper entitled:
“Identifying Tacit Knowledge in NPD : The Methodological Challenge"
Assessment Criteria available here

IPDMC 2007 : Summary, Trends and Challenges.
