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REYKJAVIK, MAY 20-22, 2007

Co-Chairs :

  • Karen GEDENK, University of Cologne, Germany
  • Simona BOTTI, Cornell University
  • Xavier DREZE, Wharton


  • Xavier Drèze, The Wharton School, USA (track chair)
  • Els Gijsbrechts, Tilburg University, The Netherlands
  • Andreas Herrmann, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
  • Simona Botti, Cornell University, USA (track chair)
  • Gita Johar, Columbia Business School, USA
  • Tom Meyvis, New York University, USA
  • Prashant Malaviya, INSEAD, France (track chair)
  • Zeynep Gürhan-Canli, Koç University, Turkey
  • Karen Gedenk, University of Cologne, Germany (track chair)
  • Tammo Bijmolt, University of Groningen, The Netherlands
  • Harald van Heerde, University of Waikato, New Zealand 
  • Joachim Vosgerau, Carnegie Mellon University



The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) and the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) in collaboration with Reykjavik University (Iceland), are organising the 20th Colloquium for doctoral students in marketing. The colloquium will be held in Reykjavik from Sunday, May 20 until Tuesday, May 22, 2007, immediately prior to the EMAC Conference 2007.

The colloquium provides outstanding doctoral students in marketing who want to pursue a career in academics with an opportunity to discuss their dissertation research with other doctoral students and leading academics in the field of marketing. All topics and methodological approaches within the broad field of marketing will be considered.

The colloquium will mostly proceed in parallel tracks based on the topical and/or methodological angle of participants' work as well as on the stage of the dissertation process. Students will discuss their work with their fellow students and with three track faculty, who are renowned experts in the field.

Doctoral students in different stages of their dissertation process can apply for participation in the doctoral colloquium. There will be:

· Three tracks for students in an intermediate or advanced stage of their dissertation process. Students in these tracks should have a good knowledge of the literature in their domain of study and clear research questions. They should be in the process of starting the data collection or have already finished this. Students in these tracks will have 90 minutes to present and discuss their dissertation work. They can benefit from the colloquium by subjecting the positioning of their research to a critical review, refining their data collection approach, and/or receiving suggestions for translating their work into papers that can be submitted to excellent journals.

· One track for students in an early stage of their dissertation process. Students in this track should have a (tentative) proposal for the topic they want to study, the method they want to use, and the potential contribution. They will have 45 minutes to present and discuss their dissertation work, and will receive suggestions on how to focus and position their work. In addition there will be faculty presentations designed to help students plan and manage their dissertation process.

The doctoral colloquium will be held in a collaborative, open and friendly atmosphere. In respect to this philosophy, participants are required to attend the entire colloquium. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.


The deadline for submission is January 26, 2007.

Deadline for submission is over !

Decisions about acceptance will be communicated by March 9, 2007.

Candidates should submit an abstract of the (planned) doctoral research, outlining the research problem against the existing literature, discussing the methodology and showing some initial empirical results (if applicable).
Abstracts should be no longer than 3 pages (plus figures, tables, and references).
Please note that the name of the candidate and contact details should appear on the abstract.

In the submission process, candidates will also be asked to give some information about their vita, following a specific format (the template to be used can be downloaded here). On this form, students should also indicate whether they apply for an intermediate/advanced or for the beginners’ track based on the stage of their dissertation process. In addition, they should indicate one of the following areas as the focus of their research:

- CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR: includes all work conducted from a consumer perspective, and can be related to theory building, interesting consumer phenomena and/or functional fields in marketing like on-line marketing, advertising, retailing, health behaviour, etc ...

- MARKETING MANAGEMENT: includes all work conducted from a managerial perspective in any functional field of marketing: international marketing, retailing, product development, B2B, etc ...

- MARKETING MODELLING: includes all work in marketing with an emphasis on formulation and/or empirical tests of marketing models, and related to any functional field in marketing

The submissions will be evaluated by the co-chairs.

The admitted proposals in each track will be made available to all participants in the corresponding track to allow everyone to prepare for the discussions.


The doctoral colloquium will take place at Reykjavik University, Ofanleiti 2, 103 Reykjavik, Iceland.

How to get to Reykjavik:
Airport transport
The International airport at Keflavík is 45 minutes drive from Reykjavík (about 55 km). The FLYBUS offers shuttle service between the hotels in Reykjavík and Keflavík airport in connection with arrivals and departures of all flights. The FLYBUS terminal can be found directly in front of the airport arrivals. The FLYBUS terminates at the central bus station in Reykjavik where shuttle services or taxies to the hotels can be found.
Taxi service is also available outside the Keflavík airport terminal.
Flybus from airport to Reykjavik:   ISK 1.100 pr. person.
Taxi price from airport to Reykjavik, aprox: 8.000 - 10.000,- ISK

Following are two accommodation alternatives in addition to other hotels presented in the Conference website www.emac2007.org

  Cabin Hotel **
Borgartún 32
105 Reykjavík
Tel :   +354 511 6030
Fax :  +354 511 6031

ISK 5.700 (€ 65)
ISK 6.600 (€ 75)

Breakfast included



Guesthouse Duna *
Suðurhlíð 35 D
Tel : +354 588 2100
Fax :+354 588 2102



ISK 6.950 (€ 80)
With washbasin
ISK 9.600 (€ 110)
With washbasin

ISK 5.300 (€ 60)
Without washbasin
ISK 6.900 (€ 80)
Without washbasin

Breakfast included  





The participants of the DC 2007 will find HERE some important guidelines on their presentation.


Please CLICK HERE to download the detailed programme.


To download the list of participants, please CLICK HERE.


The colloquium fee is 230 Eur and should be paid to the EMAC in Brussels once students are notified of their participation in the colloquium. This fee includes :

* participation in the doctoral colloquium
* coffee breaks and lunches
* an evening dinner.

Payments should be made by :

  1. Transfer into the EMAC bank account: 424-5533331-83 - (IBAN: BE14 4245 5333 3183) with the KBC bank, Avenue Marnix 31, 1000 Brussels, Belgium, BIC/SWIFT-address: KREDBEBB. (In case of bank charges, they should be paid by the payor)

  2. The following credit cards: Visa or Eurocard/Mastercard/Access

By accepting our invitation, you commit yourself to attend the entire colloquium. Cancellations will not be reimbursed unless a valid reason will be given which will be discussed with the colloquium chairs. It is also crucial to maintain interactions among the same set of participants throughout the colloquium. As such, it is important that you do not opt out of sessions during the colloquium.

Registration is required for students to participate in the colloquium.

Register Online


EMAC c/o EIASM - Place de Brouckère-plein 31 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Tel: +32 2 226 66 60 - Fax: +32 2 512 19 29
E-mail: emac@eiasm.be