Professor Marc J. EPSTEIN Rice University , U.S.A
Professor Jean-François MANZONI IMD International, Switzerland
Professor Antonio DAVILA IESE, University of Navarra, Spain
The third edition of the EIASM conference on performance measurement and management control was a great success. Over 180 scholars participated in the conference (+59%), 108 papers were presented (+96%), some of which later appeared in a book published by JAI Press (Elsevier Science) in the US and Europe . In light of the success of this third edition and to continue to explore and exchange on these issues, a fourth conference will take place in 2007.
As in 2003, the 2007 edition will be focused broadly on “performance measurement and management control”. But we also want to give this fourth edition a particular focus on the critical issues related to the measurement, evaluation and reward of performance, defined broadly.
This conference will provide a full exploration of the current research on these topics, as well as an opportunity to discuss current research, current corporate practice and future trends in research and practice. The two invited speakers will present their most recent work on management control and performance measurement. This will include an update on the current research in the field and extensive discussion of business practices and trends in these areas.
Research papers using a variety of theoretical and methodological approaches are invited on any topic related to the general theme of performance measurement and management control.
Of particular interest for this edition of the conference will be papers addressing issues related to the measurement, evaluation and reward of performance. The link between performance measures and rewards can be examined from several angles, including the balanced scorecard, other performance measurement and strategic management systems in different types of organization and sector (including public sector), and at various organizational levels (including the corporation, strategic business unit, functions, teams, and individuals). It would particularly address some of the following issues and questions:
- What are the links between these levels and how important is it that there is a link? - Do performance measures need to be tied to rewards? - Do performance measures play (or need to play) different roles: * in the attribution of different types of rewards (e.g., manager consideration, salary increase, promotion, bonus)? * at different hierarchical levels? * across industries, types of business, organizational strategy, etc? - What are the pros and cons of relative performance evaluation systems? - When is it desirable to hold employees accountable for actions over which they have limited or no control? - How important is the performance measurement system in driving superior performance?
Submission deadline is over !!
The selection process will be finalized at the end of February.
Complete papers will be required by June 15th, 2007. It is intended that papers, at authors request, will be considered for publication in a special volume of a major journal or book series.
Click HERE to download the parallel sessions programme.
Click HERE to download the main program