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A new research group on Global and Comparative Strategy from the University of Edinburgh Management School invites scholars to jointly participate in the exciting exploration of innovative and creative ways of theorising, conceptualising and studying International Strategy and Cross-Cultural Management.

We believe that the two fields of International Strategy and Cross-Cultural Management stand at the forefront in finding answers to the challenges, the globalisation process is posing. Accordingly, much research has been done in these two streams of research. However, in our view, the dialogue between these two growing management areas is still underdeveloped. Therefore, we wish to contribute to more and better dialogue between these two related, yet distinct subject areas and foster integrative research.

The workshop is organised on the basis of a call for papers, coupled with keynote addresses by invited speakers and the authors of the best papers (one best overall paper and one best paper written by a junior scholar).


Dr Markus Pudelko (Workshop Convenor / Managing the Human Factor across Cultures)
Dr Björn Ambos (Management Practices of the Multinational Company)
Professor Chris Carr (Convergence and Divergence in Management Practices)
Professor John Henley (Internationalisation Strategies of Companies)
Dr Michael Mayer (Management Practices of the Multinational Company)

All chairpersons are from The University of Edinburgh Management School.


We are very proud that we have been able to get three most distinguished speakers in international strategy and cross-cultural management to give a keynote address.

Julian Birkinshaw (London Business School)

Professor Birkinshaw is one of the new rising stars in international strategy and strategic management. His main research interests are foreign direct investment, global strategy, corporate entrepreneurship, corporate strategy, and knowledge management. His many publications include articles in the Harvard Business Review, Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Strategic Management Journal, Sloan Management Review, California Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, International Business Review and Management International Review.

Mark Mendenhall (University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)

Professor Mendenhall is one of the foremost scholars in the field of international human resource management. He is particularly known for his research on the cross-cultural adjustment of expatriate managers. He has published numerous research articles which have appeared in such journals as Sloan Management Review, Academy of Management Review, Journal of International Business Studies, Columbia Journal of World Business, Journal of Management Inquiry, Handbook of Intercultural Training, American Behavioural Scientist, Human Resource Management, Group and Organization Studies, International Journal of Management, Business Horizons, Human Resource Development Quarterly, Journal of Management Education, Asia-Pacific Journal of Management, Training and Development Journal, International Journal of Intercultural Relations, Journal of Social Psychology, and Teaching of Psychology.

Zeynep AYCAN (KOC Univeristy, Istanbul)

Zeynep Aycan is an Associate Professor of Industrial and Organizational Psychology at Koç University, Istanbul, Turkey. Trained as a cross-cultural psychologist, Aycan's research focuses on the impact of culture on various aspects of organizational processes, including leadership, human resource management, and women's career development. She has published three books and more than 35 articles and book chapters. She is the co-founder and the co-Editor of the International Journal of Cross-Cultural Management. She is the President-Elect of the International Society for the Study of Work and Organizational Values (ISSWOV).

*Due to illness, Prof. House will regretfully be unable to attend this Workshop*


Please click here for the Final programme.
Click here for the Final Tracks.

Your presentation should be 10-15 minutes to allow for at least 5 minutes Q&A.
There is the possibility to present your paper using transparencies or PowerPoint.

Please ensure that you confirm your attendance at Thursday's dinner at Howie's restaurant (please see email for details) to either Chris Carr or Audrey O'Connor. We are meeting at 7.30pm and intend to eat at 8pm.

The Gala dinner on Friday will be held in the Old College, Playfair Library on South Bridge (access through the courtyard, on the left). Attire is Formal Business.


The European Management Journal, a highly rated management journal, owned by ESCP-EAP as well as the University of Glasgow and published by Elsevier, has agreed to publish selected papers presented at this workshop in a special section of one of their issues, subject to the quality of the submissions. This great opportunity should be a clear incentive to submit papers of outstanding quality.


You are requested to CLICK HERE to download the list of accepted papers.


Both conceptual as well as empirical contributions are invited for the following four tracks:

Internationalisation Strategies of Companies
(e.g.: Global Strategy, International Market Entry, Cross-Border Mergers & Acquisitions, Strategic Alliances, Greenfields)

Management Practices of the Multinational Company
(e.g.: Investment Strategy and Finance, Marketing, Accounting, Organisation, Research & Development and Innovation Management, Knowledge Transfer, Production)

Convergence and Divergence in Management Practices
(essentially in the same areas mentioned above)

Managing the Human Factor across Cultures
(e.g.: Motivation, Training and Development, Communication and Decision Making)

Please submit full papers (maximum of 25 pages) and clearly indicate on the cover of your paper the track to which you are submitting it.

There will be one best paper award as well as one best paper award for PhD students only. If you are still by the submission deadline a PhD student, please indicate this on the cover of your paper, so that you can also qualify to be considered for the second award.


The workshop will take place in the premises of The University of Edinburgh Management School, at the heart of the city.
Edinburgh University, Management School Building, 7 Bristo Square.
(Next to Potterrow student centre & Opposite Negociants cafe).

For more information on our School, please refer to the following website: http://www.managementschool.ed.ac.uk

Online Guide to Edinburgh: http://www.edinburghguide.com/
Edinburgh Airport: http://www.baa.com/main/airports/edinburgh/

By Air: We recommend you take the airport bus 100 to the final stop Waverly Station.
A one way ticket costs £3, a return ticket costs £5.

From Waverly Station we advise you to take a taxi to your hotel.
To go to either of the three hotels we suggested, you will just have a short ride and
the price will be about £5.

By Train: Get off at Waverly Station. Again, we recommend you to take a taxi to your hotel.

Here some suggestions for accommodation. You are kindly requested to contact the hotels directly yourself to make your reservation. We recommend that you book as soon as possible.

Best Western Bruntsfield Hotel
69 Bruntsfield Place
Edinburgh EH10 4HH
Tel: 0131 229 1393
Fax: 0131 229 5634
Email: sales@thebruntsfield.co.uk

- 15 minutes walk to the workshop venue
- £75.00 per night including breakfast
- 5 single rooms for Sept 23-25 (inc) reserved
- Important: Please refer to EIASM Workshop
- Booking must be confirmed a minimum of 3 days in advance

Premier Lodge Hotel

82 Lauriston Place

Edinburgh EH3 9HZ

Tel: 0870 990 6610

Fax: 0870 990 6611

Email: EdinburghCityCentreSouth@premierlodge.co.uk

- In the centre of the historic Old Town, 10 minutes walk to the workshop venue
- £54.00 per night· Breakfast extra: £6.50 for full breakfast, £4.50 for continental
- 29 single rooms for Sept 23-25 (inc) reserved
- Important: Please refer to EIAS2309 – please mention that it is part of a Group Allocation
- Booking must be confirmed a minimum of 4 weeks in advance

Kenneth MacKenzie Hospitality Suite
7 Richmond Place
Edinburgh EH8 9ST
Tel: 0131 651 2063
Fax: 0131 668 3821
Email: Ken.Mac@ed.ac.uk

- University of Edinburgh accommodation, 5 minutes walking distance to the workshop venue
- £29.50 per night including continental breakfast
- 10 single rooms for Sept 23-25 (inc) reserved
- Important: Please refer to EIASM Workshop
- Booking must be confirmed by delegates a minimum of 4 weeks in advance

If you look for more choice, please consult http://www.stayinedinburgh.net/.

 Fees will be posted shortly

Cancellations made before September 17, 2004 will be reimbursed minus 20% of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after that date.

Payments should be made by :

  • The following credit cards: Visa or Eurocard/Mastercard/Access




Ms. Audrey O'Connor - EIASM Conference Manager
Tel: - Fax:
Email: info@eiasm.be