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ONLINE, DECEMBER 16-18, 2020


Please contact Graziella Michelante (michelante@eiasm.be)

Thank you in advance


The fees include participation to the online confererence (access to the ppt, pre-recordings, full papers...). 


For participants affiliated with an institution that is member or associate member of the EIASM's
Academic Council
145,20 € (including 25,20 € VAT)
For participants coming from another academic institution 242,00 € (including 42,00 € VAT)


Whilst we were very excited with the plan to take New Directions to Lisbon in December, in the light of current world events we have decided that the best course of action for now is that New Directions Conference and the preceding EDEN course should go VIRTUAL.

We are confident that the scientific value of the virtual format will remain very high, and whilst we look forward to adding back a face to face element to things in future years and hope to enjoy the hospitality of our colleagues in Lisbon, we aim to maintain a virtual element to things also in future.

EIASM has been working hard on the practicalities of a virtual delivery format, so please submit your applications to join the EDEN, your papers for the conference, be prepared to act as a discussant, and to hear from our plenary speakers just as before.


Chris CHAPMAN - University of Bristol, U.K.
Frank MOERS - Maastricht University, the Netherlands
Michael WILLIAMSON - Gies College of Business, Illinois, U.S.A.


Isabella GRABNER, Vienna University of Economics and Business
Gary HECHT, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Matthias MAHLENDORF, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management
Andrea MENNICKEN, London School of Economics and Political Science


The rate of change in the practice of and research on management accounting appears to be increasing. Many organisations are attempting to change their existing, or implement new and innovative, management accounting systems and practices, based on new management accounting and business ideas, strategies, technologies, structures, processes, operative locations, and information. A number of new challenging objects of planning, control and measurement have recently emerged, including intellectual capital, networks of organisations, big data, and environmental and organizational sustainability, blockchain and crypto currency. The roles and designs of budgeting systems appear to be changing and the significance of performance management and measurement in many variations is increasing. While much of this innovation and implementation concentrates on new costing or performance management or measurement systems and practices, there are also changes related to the roles of management accountants in organisations. Current developments such as those outlined above provide many new and exciting opportunities for innovative management accounting research, and for a fruitful integration of existing accounting knowledge and the currently emerging practice issues. There are indications of increased collaboration between researchers and practitioners in the spirit of engaged scholarship, too.

The purpose of this conference, like its eleven predecessors, is to examine innovative management accounting practices and innovative ideas about how to conduct research on them.

The conference will consist of plenary sessions and research paper presentations.  


The Conference Programme is available HERE (updated version Nov. 30)


Submission of papers that deal with innovative management accounting practices, theories, or research methods are particularly relevant to this conference. For reference, papers on the following types of issues are welcomed warmly:


  • innovative management accounting practices in particular parts of the world
  • management accounting in new organizational designs (e.g., flat, horizontal, hybrid, matrix, network, virtual, team, platform)
  • management accounting systems for big data, enterprise resource planning systems, e-commerce, digitalized data interchange, electronic meetings, customer relationship management, supply chain management, and blockchain
  • value chain and inter-organizational accounting
  • new management accounting techniques, processes and information
  • linkages between competitive strategy and management accounting
  • integration and disintegration of management accounting
  • challenges of globalization for management accounting
  • changing roles of management accountants in organizations
  • information about what practitioners expect management accounting researchers to do


  • role of social sciences and other theoretical perspectives in researching innovative practices
  • comparative analyses of various theoretical approaches
  • new theories for researching innovative practices
  • ways of improving the relevance, validity, and reliability of theory-based empirical research
  • role of research design in management accounting studies
  • research method issues in researching innovative practices
  • innovative ways of conducting management accounting research

The submission deadline is over

The papers will be considered for presentation at concurrent sessions by the Programme Committee, and a response will be given by 15 October 2020

There will be an appointed discussant for each paper presented at the Conference.