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Call for papers

In a continuing effort to help authors, the Journal of Consumer Research (JCR) and the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM) are calling for submissions for an Author Development Workshop. Submissions from all areas of marketing are welcome.

The workshop will take place immediately prior to the annual European Marketing Academy (EMAC) conference in Budapest (Hungary). The workshop is open to marketing faculty who are planning to target or currently targeting a project for JCR and/or IJRM. The goal is to advance participants’ skills in developing manuscripts targeted at top-tier journals. 

The workshop will begin on Tuesday May 26, 2020 at 9:00 and finish before the EMAC conference’s opening reception. The workshop will be immersive. Following a joint session presenting an overview of publishing in top journals, participants will be assigned to small groups. Each group will be supervised by an Editor or Associate Editor from JCR or IJRM, who will provide feedback on each project’s contribution, conceptualization, construct development/operationalization, and empirical plan. 

Interested authors are invited to apply for consideration. Participation is by application only. Due to the small group meetings with Editors and Associate Editors, attendance will be capped. 

Interested authors should submit: (1) an up-to-date CV and (2) a brief proposal (1000 words max) describing the research question, (preliminary) hypotheses/theory, and (anticipated) method/study design. Submissions will be judged based on the potential benefit for the author, as well as the potential of the research to make significant theoretical and meaningful contributions. 


The submission deadline is over. Submissions are no longer possible.


Registration Link