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Christopher J. Rees, University of Manchester, UK
and Beijing University of Technology
 Grzegorz BełzWrocław University of Economics, Poland


We are delighted to issue the announcement for the 13th EIASM colloquium on the subject of Organizational Change and Development (OCD). Previous events have taken place in  Tallinn, Vilnius, Bucharest, Krakow, Vienna, Malta, Bern, Ghent, Essen, Larnaca, Vienna and Wroclaw.

As in previous years, the 2019 OCD colloquium is designed to provide delegates with the opportunity to present their work and discuss it in a constructive environment. Thus, the colloquium seeks to bring together international scholars and practitioners with a view to exploring perspectives and insights into the management of OCD.

Work presented by delegates at the OCD colloquiums in previous years has been published in journals such Human Resource Development International, Baltic Journal of Management, Journal of Business Economics and Management, Journal of Organizational Change Management, International Journal of Public Administration, Journal of Business Ethics, and the Estonian Business Review. In addition, the 2013 colloquium resulted in the production of an edited textbook; this textbook, compiled from papers presented at the event and entitled ‘Change Management and the Human Factor’ was published by Springer in 2015 (see http://www.springer.com/business+%26+management/organization/book/978-3-319-07433-7 ).


Insights into Organisational Change and Development: The Lenses of the Past, Present and Future

The ever-changing nature of work and organisations ensures that organisational change and development (OCD) remains a highly topical field of inquiry within the social sciences. Theorists and practitioners continue to search for insights which will help to explain how and why organisations and people can initiate and respond to organisational change in ways which improve organisational effectiveness and enhance individual fulfilment in work-related contexts. In seeking these insights, the countless number of variables associated with OCD ensures that associated debates are both eclectic and contentious That is, while OCD is complex, its nature is inclusive, thus enabling people from many disciplinary backgrounds to grapple with the fundamental issue of how best to manage change and development within the workplace. As a result, the field of OCD has attracted interest among those with expertise in subject areas such as psychology, organisational theory, human resource management, business ethics, strategic management, operations management, education, accountancy, and information technology.

In recognising that these diverse subject areas have contributed to our understanding of the field of OCD, recent trends highlight that, while the disciplinary perspectives of the field may vary, there are decisions which need to be taken by those who are seeking to offer insights into how best to understand and portray OCD. For example, classic debates within the discipline of Organisation Development (OD) are often centred on whether to approach OD primarily from organisational performance or from an individual well-being perspectives. Similarly, some theorists have chosen to focus primarily on the role of organisational systems in OCD while others have, from a contrasting standpoint, sought to emphasise the role of human emotions in OCD processes. 
One of the main aims of the 2019 OCD colloquium is to encourage contributions which clearly identify the perspective/s from which the field is being approached in order to reveal more about the multi-disciplinary nature of the field. These perspectives may have their roots in, for example, philosophical standpoints, ethical frameworks, disciplinary silos, or even political ideologies. As an indication, we would welcome contributions which identify how perspectives on OCD may be influenced by perspectives on time. For example, there is a body of work which has looked into the past to shed light on OCD failures.  There is another body of work which emphasises the present by encouraging dialogue with current employees to inform OCD processes. There is yet another body of work which emphasises the future by encouraging those involved in OCD to seek to acquire future foresights and to engage in scenario planning. The use of these time-oriented lenses needs to be recognised to better understand how conclusions about OCD have been reached and how these conclusions complement the work of other contributors are using the same or different lenses.  At a broader level, we welcome contributions which clearly identify the nature of other lenses which are being used in OCD theory and practice.   



Final programme


As in previous years, the Chairs of this colloquium encourage a wide variety of contributions to ensure that there is broad access to the topic, particularly from those who may be approaching it from non-standard, novel or even unusual perspectives. Thus, while the focus for this year’s event is placed on how varying perspectives on organisational change lead to varying emphases and conclusions, we actively encourage a wide range of contributions which directly address issues relating to organisational change and development. In the past, we have received paper contributions from both academics (including PhD students) and practitioners from a range of different countries. 
As an indicative guideline, papers are invited primarily (but certainly not exclusively) on the following types of topics:
the influence of research paradigms and philosophy on approaches to organisational change and development ;
resistance to change as a psychological and/or systems phenomenon.
the importance of time in OCD theory–building and interventions;
organisational change in the world of disruptive transformations;
addressing the multidimensional challenges of digital transformations;
the history and development of techniques associated with organisational change and development ;
the vocabulary of organisational change and development;
diagnostic and dialogic perspectives on OCD;
the value of prediction for change management processes;
the inherent subjectivity of change management;
organisational change and development in the time of digital transformation
the role of leaders in organisational change initiatives;
public, private, NGO: sector-specific approaches to organisational change and development;
organisational change and wellbeing;
the influence of values on approaches to change management ;
measuring the success and failure of change management interventions;
the use of future foresights and scenario planning tools in OCD interventions;
the practice of human resource management and its relationship to organisational change and development;
management development and organisational change ;
the influence of financial considerations on organisational change practice;
international considerations in the field of organisational change and development.


Extended abstract submission: July 23, 2019
Notification of authors: as of July 26, 2019
Registration for authors: September 17, 2019
Submission of final papers: September 30, 2019


Abstracts:  Please submit abstracts electronically via the workshop website.

  • Submissions must be made in MS Word and Times New Roman 12pt. 
  • Authors’ names must not appear anywhere on the abstract.
  • The abstract must not exceed 250 words (excl. references) and must use single-spaced formatting with no double spacing between paragraphs.
  • The abstract should contain the aims, objectives, and/or questions of the study. These aims, objectives, and/or questions should highlight the relevance of the study for organizational change and development theory and/or practice. 
  • Do not include any institutional graphics or logos.
  • Documents must be tidy and not show any history of editing changes.
  • Do not send documents in 'read only' format (as papers need to be anonymized for the review process).


Full papers

There are no specific guidelines for full papers. To upload your paper:

* go on the EIASM website (https://www.eiasm.net
* click on "Workshops & conferences / Event administration" 
* enter your login and password (in case you have forgotten one of these items, please follow the procedure indicated). 
* at that stage, you will see that the final version of your paper is needed. Clicking on "details" enables you to upload it 
- In case the title is different from the title of the abstract you submitted, please modify it. 
* once it’s done, don't forget to click on the "SAVE" button. 


The Global Development Institute
Arthur Lewis Building
University of Manchester
Oxford Rd
Manchester M13 9PL UK


Staybridge Suites Manchester - Oxford Road
30 Higher Chatham St, Manchester M15 6ED, UK

Holiday Inn Express
2-4 Oxford Rd, Manchester M1 5QA, UK


The fees include participation to the workshop, documents, lunches, the workshop dinner and morning and afternoon refreshments.


For participants affiliated with an institution that is member or associate member of the EIASM's
Academic Council
324,00 € (including 54,00 € VAT)
For participants coming from another academic institution 420,00 € (including 70,00 € VAT)

Cancellations made before September 25, 2019 will be reimbursed minus 20% of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after that date.

Payments should be made by :

  • The following credit cards: Visa or Eurocard/Mastercard/Access




Ms. Cristina Setyar - EIASM Conference Manager
Tel: +32 2 226 66 69 - Fax:
Email: setyar@eiasm.be