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ONLINE, JUNE (7) 8-9, 2020

As COVID-19 continues to introduce challenges to our society, economies and institutions, EIASM together with the IPDMC 2020 Local Organising Committee, the Conference Chair and Vice-Chair and the Board have engaged intensively over the past week. Even if the current lockdowns and travel bans are lifted before early June, it is difficult to see how academic travel will be back to normal at that time.

The clear commitment emerging from our discussions has been to maintain our community of research-active faculty and students as we deal with the COVID-19 crisis. In particular, we recognise that the careers of younger faculty and Ph.D. students may suffer if all academic conferences are cancelled or significantly postponed in 2020.

So, we have decided to


and to change to a


to be delivered online.





The 27th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC) will be held from the reception and registration on Sunday June 7th to Tuesday, June 9th, 2020, at Campus Carolus, KU Leuven, Antwerp, Belgium.

The associated doctoral workshop will take place on Saturday and Sunday June 6th-7th, 2020. 

Antwerp as a city has a lot to offer in terms of culture, arts and leisure. We plan to organize a number of socio-cultural events as well as small scale research meetings during the weekend (June 6 & 7) for early travellers/arrivals.

IPDMC has established itself as the leading annual international conference in the domain of innovation management and new product development. Papers presented at the meeting come from multiple disciplines. Closely related fields such as technology management, entrepreneurship, marketing of innovation, creativity, and design are significant parts of the programme.

The conference has become the focus of important networking among innovation and product development management researchers, for PhD students and junior faculty as well as senior faculty. It is the annual event for researchers in the field and serves as the annual meeting of a virtual society with participants enjoying coming back to meet colleagues. The ambiance is known as friendly and supportive.


IPDMC has established itself as the leading annual international conference in the domain of innovation management and new product development. Papers presented at the meeting come from multiple disciplines. Closely related fields such as technology management, entrepreneurship, marketing of innovation, creativity, and design are significant parts of the programme.

The conference has become the focus of important networking among innovation and product development management researchers, for PhD students and junior faculty as well as senior faculty. It is the annual event for researchers in the field and serves as the annual meeting of a virtual society with participants enjoying coming back to meet colleagues. The ambiance is known as friendly and supportive.


The 2020 conference will continue to reflect the achievements, challenges and development of the field of Innovation and Product Development Management through academic paper presentations, challenge sessions, industry engagement, academic keynotes and roundtable discussions on key themes. The conference aims to provide all participants with opportunities to hear, think and contribute creatively to the continuing formation of our field.

In 2020, we aim to cover a broad range of established and emerging topics relevant to innovation and product development (see below). In addition, we encourage and welcome contributions that address the broader relevance and impact of innovation, technology and product development on society and the environment.

Throughout its history, IPDMC has accepted papers from a range of disciplines, including organisation studies, marketing, management, technology management, organisational psychology, creativity and design. The conference welcomes all authors who are interested in managerial, policy and social issues related to innovation and product/service development. This includes research on, but is not limited to, issues that are listed as the themes and areas for the conference below.

After the Conference, the Conference Board and Scientific Committee will encourage selected authors to submit their papers for review to the Journal of Product Innovation Management or Creativity and Innovation Management.


Stanford University Graduate School of Business
The Edmund W. Littlefield Professor of Management, U.S.A.

Professor Burgelman is the Edmund W. Littlefield Professor of Management of the Stanford University Graduate School of Business where he has taught since 1981. He obtained a Licenciate degree in Applied Economics from Antwerp University (Belgium), and an MA in Sociology and a Ph.D. in Management of Organizations from Columbia University, where he studied with doctoral fellowships from the Ford Foundation (US) and ICM (Belgium). His research has focused on the role of strategy-making in firm evolution. In particular, he has studied the strategy-making processes involved in how companies enter into new businesses and exit from existing ones to secure continued adaptation.  In 2003 he received an honorary doctorate from the Copenhagen Business School (Denmark) for his contributions to the study of corporate innovation and entrepreneurship. In 2017 he received an honorary doctorate in economics of the University of St. Gallen (Switzerland), as well as the Leadership in Technology Award from the Portland International Center for Engineering and Technology Management (PICMET 2017).  He has been elected a Fellow of the Strategic Management Society and a Fellow of the Academy of Management. Professor Burgelman has been on the faculty of Antwerp University, New York University, Harvard Business School (as a Marvin Bower Fellow), and Cambridge University (as a Visiting Professor of Marketing Strategy and Innovation at the Judge Business School). He has published many articles in leading academic and professional journals, as well as more than 160 case studies of companies and organizations in many different industries. His books include Inside Corporate Innovation: Strategy, Structure, and Managerial Skills (Free Press, 1986), Research of Technological  Innovation, Management and Policy (JIA Press, Elsevier; Volume 4, 1989; Volume 5, 1993; Volume 6, 1997; and Volume 7, 2001), Strategy is Destiny: How Strategy-Making Shapes a Company’s Future (Free Press, 2002), Strategic Dynamics: Concepts and Cases (McGraw-Hill, 2006), Strategic Management of Technology and Innovation (5th edition, McGraw-Hill-Irwin, 2009), and Becoming Hewlett Packard: Why Strategic Leadership Matters (Oxford University Press, 2017). Professor Burgelman has served as an Associate Editor of the Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 2007-2013. He has served as the Executive Director of the Stanford Executive Program (SEP) during 1996-2015, and has taught executive programs and led senior and top management seminars for major companies worldwide. He has also served on boards of directors and boards of advisors of several private companies.

Institute of Technology & Innovation Management -
Hamburg University of Technology, Germany

Professor Cornelius Herstatt is a German researcher and university professor for innovation management. He holds a chair at the Technical University of Hamburg, is the Managing Director of the Institute for Technology and Innovation Management at the Technical University Hamburg and heads the Center for Frugal Innovation (CFI). After a commercial apprenticeship, he studied business administration and economics at the universities of Cologne, Zurich and Oxford. He received his doctorate from the Institute for Business Research at the University of Zurich and worked for five years as a scientific assistant at the Institute of Business Administration at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich. In 1990 he was a visiting scholar at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT-Boston). Before being appointed professor in 1998, Prof. Herstatt held various management positions at an international management consultancy and a Swiss industrial group. In his research, Herstatt has been dealing with the phenomenon of "user innovation" since the 1980s. With the advent of the Internet, his research increasingly focused on "open source innovation" in (Internet-) communities. In recent times, he has been particularly interested in so-called "frugal innovations", which often emerge in the context of developing countries and are often a driving force again for user innovation. Another current focus is his research on social innovations in developing countries. Prof. Herstatt's research is internationally oriented and focuses on Asia and Europe. He researches and publishes together with international colleagues. Herstatt is the author of many books on innovation research and several hundred publications in German, English and Japanese. Herstatt has held visiting professorships at Australian, Japanese and American universities and is an alumnus of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), the German Institute for Japanese Studies, the East-West Center (Hawaii) and Templeton College (Oxford).


Hasso-Plattner-Institute for Digital Engineering at the University of Potsdam, Germany

Prof. Dr. Katharina Hölzle, MBA is full-tenured Professor for Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Potsdam. Before returning to university, she has worked for several years in the semiconductor, management consulting, and eBusiness industry. She has published various articles in the field of entrepreneurship, innovation, technology, and project management in leading scholarly and practitioners’ journals. She holds a Ph.D. from the Technical University of Berlin, a diploma in business engineering from the University of Karlsruhe (TH) and an MBA from the University of Georgia, Athens, Georgia.

She teaches Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technology management on a bachelor, master and executive level at national and international universities. Katharina is also coach at the HPI School of Design Thinking since 2009 and member of the Design Thinking Research Program since 2014. Since 2015, she is Editor-in-Chief of 'Creativity and Innovation Management' (CIM). In 2018, Katharina Hölzle was appointed a member of the Expert Commission on Research and Innovation (EFI), and in 2019, appointed to the High-Tech Forum of the Federal Government. She has been a visiting professor to the University of International Business and Economics (UIBE) in Bejing, and to the UTS Business School and Macquarie Graduate School of Management (MGSM) in Sydney.

In her research fields, Katharina Hölzle looks into creativity and innovation in organizations, Design Thinking, digitalization, business model innovation, and strategic foresight. She consults young and established companies in the field of technology-driven business model innovation, digitalization, strategic technology, and innovation management



Dr. Piret Tõnurist project manager and leads the work on systems thinking, innovation measurement and anticipatory innovation governance at the Observatory of Public Sector Innovation (OPSI). She coordinates OPSI’s work on transformative innovations, innovation theory development and works directly with OECD member countries on their complex problems.  Piret holds a research fellowship at the Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance, TalTech and she conducts research on a variety of topics such as innovation labs, co-production, digitalisation, machine-to-machine coordination and innovation policy management. She has previously advised the Parliament of Estonia and worked as a performance auditor for the State Audit Office in the field of innovation and entrepreneurial policy. She is an active proponent of purpose-driven change in the public sector and has collaborated with different governments, state-owned enterprises and innovation labs across the world.  Piret holds a PhD and MA from TalTech in technology governance and MSc from KU Leuven in policy evaluation. She can be found on Twitter at @PiretTonurist

Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL)

Christopher L. Tucci is Professor of Management of Technology at the Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL), where he holds the Chair in Corporate Strategy & Innovation.  Professor Tucci was Dean of the College of Management from 2013-2018. He is Visiting Professor of Innovation at Imperial College London and Visiting Thought Leader at CEIBS in Shanghai, China.  He received the degrees of Ph.D. in Management from the Sloan School of Management, MIT; SM (Technology & Policy) from MIT; and BS (Mathematical Sciences), AB (Music), and MS (Computer Science) from Stanford University. He was an industrial computer scientist involved in developing Internet protocols and applying artificial intelligence tools in the 1980s. Professor Tucci joined EPFL in 2003 where he teaches courses in Design Thinking, Digital Strategy, and Innovation Management. His primary area of interest is in how firms make transitions to new business models, technologies, and organizational forms. He also studies crowdsourcing, Internetworking, and digital innovations.  He has published articles in, among others, Academy of Management Review (AMR), SMJ, Management Science, Research Policy, Communications of the ACM, SEJ, Academy of Management Annals, and JPIM.  His article with Allan Afuah, “Crowdsourcing as solution to distant search,” won the Best Paper of 2012 for AMR.  He is currently an Associate Editor of Academy of Management Discoveries.  He has served in leadership positions in the Academy of Management (AOM) and the Strategic Management Society.


Twente University, The Netherlands

Peter-Paul Verbeek (1970) is distinguished professor (universiteitshoogleraar) of philosophy of technology at the Department of Philosophy of the University of Twente. He is chair of the Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations research group and co-director of the DesignLab of the University of Twente. He is also honorary professor of Techno-Anthropology at Aalborg University, including its Copenhagen campus. His research focuses on the philosophy of human-technology relations, in relation to philosophical theory, ethical reflection, and practices of design and innovation. In 2014, he received a VICI award from the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (a personal grant for innovative research) to develop a theory of technological mediation, aiming to theorize how technologies play a mediating role in scientific practices, ethical frameworks, and religion, and how this mediating role of technologies can be included in design practices. Earlier he received a VIDI-award (2008), for studying human enhancement technologies and the blurring boundaries between humans and technologies, and a VENI-award (2004), for studying the moral significance of technology, and its implications for design. From 2010 until 2012 he held the Socrates chair of philosophy at Delft University of Technology; in 2006 he was guest professor of philosophy of technology at Aarhus University, Denmark.



The following themes are indicative of the research topics and tracks to which papers have been submitted :

  • Behavioural innovation
  • Business Model Innovation
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Digital Innovation and Transformation
  • Emerging and Early Research (Young Scholars Track)
  • Emerging Technologies in Innovation
  • Innovation by Design
  • Innovation Ecosystems
  • Innovation in Emerging Markets
  • Innovation in Start-ups, Family Firms and SMEs
  • Innovation in Operations
  • Innovation Management for Resilience
  • Innovation Strategy
  • Leadership and Innovation
  • New Methods for Innovation Research 
  • Open Innovation
  • Radical and Disruptive Innovation
  • Service Innovation
  • Social and Frugal Innovation
  • Sustainable Innovation
  • Theory Development in Innovation
  • User and Community Driven Innovation



Regular Sessions (of one hour and a half) will consist of three papers. Each paper presentation (15 minutes) will be  followed by a 5 minutes discussion and a 10 minutes plenary Q&A. So besides presenting your own paper, each presenter is expected to contribute to the discussion of one of the other papers in the session.

Roundtable panels with well-known and well established researchers, practitioners and journal editors will debate trends in the field both regarding issues and research approaches. Conference participants will be invited to participate in the panel debates with comments and questions.

Thematic Sessions - In thematic sessions a number of speakers discuss a common topic or theme in a manner that brings new insights to the subject.
The thematic sessions involve a series of (co-)authored papers on a preset theme.


If you are interested in presenting a paper at the conference, please submit your extended abstract (about 500 words) -  (see template to fill in and upload)


November 17, 2019  (extended deadline)
(23:59 CET) 

All abstracts are reviewed using a double blind review process. It is COMPULSORY that neither your name nor your contact details appear on the submission (the authors are recognized in the system via their login).

Submissions containing author’s information & submissions exceeding the wordcount requested will be deleted from the system !!!

Instructions to submit an abstract
(only pdf files are accepted!)

Click HERE to download the template to be used.
SAVE it into your files.
Fill in the items as requested.
Then click HERE to submit your proposal.



When submitting a proposal for a thematic session, the following guidelines apply:

  • Title page, including the overall title of the thematic session, the titles of the different papers implied as well as the author(s) of each paper.
  • One page explaining the relevance and the logic behind the thematic session
  • For each contribution, an outline of max. 500 words is expected, covering:

►Objectives and theoretical and practical relevance
►Brief literature mapping and key references
►Theoretical development/research model/research questions
►Conclusion and contribution to the field
►Managerial implications

 As proposals for thematic sessions will be reviewed as a whole, only one PDF can be uploaded (containing title page, relevance and all constituting paper contributions).


In case you want to submit a proposal for the Thematic Sessions, make sure that :

⇒ you have a profile in the EIASM system (if not, please create it HERE

⇒ prepare your proposal in pdf and upload it  HERE


November 17, 2019
(11:59 pm CET)


As part of the continuing development of IPDMC as a forum for development and diffusion of new research, we are introducing a Poster Session for IPDMC 2020.

So, perhaps you were not able to respond to the original Call for Papers (now closed). If so, please consider submitting a poster for presentation at the conference. It may give you that extra opportunity to present and discuss your ongoing  and emerging research.

For this first Poster Session, IPDMC plans to recognise the Best Poster with a special award.

- The submission deadline  is now over -


The goal of the review process is to select a number of papers that will stimulate discussion and the development and dissemination of new knowledge. Some papers will inevitably be more fully developed than others; however, it is hoped that each author will gain insights during the conference that will strengthen their own research and introduce them to other scholars who share their interests.

Authors submit an extended abstract of about 500 words in length on/before November 4, 2019. This abstract should identify the central research question and theory base for the research, introduce the most important references and describe the methodology, empirical base, analysis, and results.

Each abstract is evaluated by two or three members of the scientific committee. All are senior professors who are well positioned internationally in the field. Each abstract is evaluated using the following points :

  • Quality of the proposed contribution to theory and practice
  • Originality and appropriateness of the research method
  • Technical competence in the development and execution of the research
  • Value of the findings in contributing to knowledge and managerial practice

The organising committee responds to the author(s) noting acceptance or rejection of the extended abstract. Feedback is provided in all cases. Some author(s) of accepted abstracts may be requested to address specific perceived shortcomings or omissions prior to submitting final papers.  

Author(s) of accepted abstracts are expected to submit final papers. 

Conference registration and participation by the author (or at least one co-author) is required for publication in the conference online proceedings. 

Final Papers must fulfil the following requirements:

The theoretical base must be clear, with explicit references to the already-existing research in the field.

The focus of the conference is on management issues, so empirical papers should include managerial implications.

Authors should note during the submission process via the website whether their paper is the work of an early career researcher (i.e. the paper is primarily the work of a researcher who has received their PhD in the last year) to be considered for the Best Student Paper Award


View Video

(by Ken Schreiner)


The IPDM Conference is a unique opportunity for researchers of different backgrounds, but with a common interest in management of innovation and product and service design and development, to present cutting edge research and exchange views. The conference provides ample opportunities for both formal and informal discussions of the work presented, as well as for discussions about future international and interdisciplinary research co-operation.

The primary focus of the conference is on empirical research and managerial issues, although very high quality papers developing substantive theory in other associated aspects of policy, practice and society are also welcomed. Regardless of the type of paper, the theoretical base must be made clear, and references to the extant research in the field must be made explicit.


Sunday 7th June, 2020 14:30 to 17:30 (CEST)

Telling the Story and Showing the Evidence: How to Conduct Rigorous Case Study Research

Keith Goffin*, Par Åhlstrom*, Mattia Bianchi* and Helen Perks**

*House of Innovation, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden

**University of Nottingham, UK


IPDMC is offering its first professional development workshop at the 2020 online conference. The workshop Telling the Story and Showing the Evidence will be interactive and it will expand on the material covered in recent studies (Goffin et al, 2019; Perks and Roberts, 2013). As case study research is an appropriate methodology in many innovation studies, the workshop aims to give researchers new perspectives about when and how to apply this methodology.

Participation in this professional development workshop is free of charge to registered Conference participants. 

 The number of participants is limited and we have reached the limit.

We do not accept any more participants, however, we intend to repeat the event during the year. 



Doctoral Workshop Chairpersons:
Keith GOFFIN - 
Professor of Innovation and New Product Development, Cranfield University, School of Management, UK

Pascal LE MASSON -  
Professor, MINES ParisTech, France

The Doctoral Workshop is an important and integral part of the IPDMC conference, which has been running successfully for over 10 years. In 2020, it will start on Saturday June 6th at noon, with a light lunch, and will continue through Sunday, June 7th, ending with lunch.

To stimulate academic scholarship, discussions of ideas and dialogue among students and researchers from different countries in the field of INNOVATION AND PRODUCT DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT RESEARCH, we invite all doctoral students from these domains worldwide to attend this doctoral workshop. PhD students in early and middle stages of their PhD research project are particularly encouraged to participate and present their research proposals, preliminary results and their reflections on issues related to theory, methods and analysis. For students where their PhD dissertation is not planned as a monograph but as a series of articles on a common theme, then the candidate can present a part of her/his work. In addition, DBA researchers are welcome and the extra challenges of their type of research will be discussed.

The workshop is very interactive and it gives small groups of students (typically 3) several hours of intensive discussion about their research with a senior faculty member. Plenary sessions will be focused on general topics of interest to PhD students, such as: identifying interesting and researchable topics, publishing your research, PhDs ‘by publications’, case study research, and managing your academic career.

Students will be asked to fully prepare for the Doctoral workshop, including preparing a 10-20-page comprehensive description of their research (pdf); reading other students’ descriptions and preparing questions on their work; and some pre-course reading from textbook(s) and/or research articles.

Upon successful completion of the seminar (full attendance), the participants will be given a certificate and granted 2 ECTS.

There is an extra fee of 100€ for participating in the Doctoral Seminar, and registration to the IPDMC is compulsory.

The submission deadline is now over !


Conference Chairs:

Bart VAN LOOY - Catholic University of Leuven & Flanders Business School, Belgium
Petra DE WEERD-NEDERHOF - University of Twente, The Netherlands 
Koenraad DEBACKERE - Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium

Conference Board : 

Nuran ACUR - University of Glasgow, U.K.
Jennie BJÖRK, JENNIE -  KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
Tommaso BUGANZA - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Paul COUGHLAN - Trinity College Dublin, Ireland – Chair
Petra DE WEERD-NEDERHOF - University of Twente, The Netherlands - Conference Co-Chair 2020
Koenraad DEBACKERE - Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium- Conference Co-Chair 2020
Antonio FERNANDES - University of Porto, Portugal - Conference Chair 2018
Keith GOFFIN - Cranfield School of Management, U.K.
Abbie GRIFFIN - University of Utah, U.S.A. - Conference Chair 2017
Armand HATCHUEL - Ecole des Mines de Paris, France
Katharina HÖLZLE - University of Potsdam, Germany
Erik Jan HULTINK - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Thomas HUSTAD - Indiana University, U.S.A. – Honorary Board Member
Christer KARLSSON - Copenhagen Business School, Denmark – Honorary Board Member
Hans KOLLER - Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Germany
Ann LEDWITH - University of Limerick, Ireland
Charles NOBLE -  University of Tennessee at Knoxville, U.S.A.
Helen PERKS - University of Nottingham, U.K.
Michael SAREN - University of Leicester,  U.K. - Conference Chair 2019
Jelena SPANJOL - Ludwig-Maximilian University of Munich, Germany
Bart VAN LOOY - Catholic University of Leuven & Flanders Business School, Belgium - Conference Co-Chair 2020

Conference Scientific Committee: Conference Board plus: 

Gloria BARCZAK - Northeastern University, U.S.A.
Ludwig BSTIELER - University of New Hampshire, U.S.A.
Marina CANDI - Reykjavik University, Iceland - Conference Chair 2017
John CHRISTIANSEN - Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Claudio DELL’ERA - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Anthony DI BENEDETTO - Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
Tomoko KAWAKAMI - Waseda University, Japan
Pascal LE MASSON - MINES ParisTech, Paris, France 
Regina McNALLY - Saint Xavier University, Chicago, IL, U.S.A.
Jose Luis MUNUERA - University of Murcia, Spain
Søren SALOMO - TU Berlin - Germany


The Winners of the Christer Karlsson Best Paper Award


Robin PESCH, Herbert ENDRES & Ricarda BOUNCKEN

for the paper entitled 

"Managing Digital Innovation through Formalization"


Honorable Mention- has been given to


for the paper entitled

"Attracting Partners for Outbound Open Innovation: the Effect of Early and Mature Prototypes in Showrooms"

The Winners of the Thomas Hustad Best Student Paper Award 


Christian RESCH & Carsten KAUFMANN 

for the paper entitled

“New Project, New Team? Choosing the Right Team Composition in Innovative Project Sequences” - (Co-author: Alexander Kock)


The Thomas Hustad Best Student Paper Award Runners Up



for the paper entitled 

"Rapid Validity Testing in at the Front-End of Innovation"
(Co-authors: Dietfried Globocnik, Søren Salomo)


Markus WELLE 

for the paper entitled "Get Over it! How a Previous Decision Outcome Affects Decision-Makers’ Inclination Towards Escalation of Commitment"
(Co-authors: Sabine Kuester Monika C. Schuhmacher )


VIRTUAL CONFERENCE : Instructions, Scientific Value...

Precise instructions and information on the virtual system that will be used will be provided later in May.

Let us point out that the scientific value of this virtual format of the conference remains unchanged from the normal format:

  • The programme comprises accepted papers based upon double blind reviews of the submissions;
  • All papers will be presented orally by the authors in thematically-appropriate chaired sessions;
  • There will be opportunity for constructive discussion and feedback on all papers;
  • Best student and overall papers will be identified and honoured; and finally,
  • A selection of papers will receive invitations from the Journal of Product Innovation Management and Creativity & Innovation Management to revise and submit for review.
  • As usual, only papers that are orally presented will be eligible for selection as Best Paper or invitations for inclusion in one of the special issues.
  • The attendance certificates will note the continuing scientific value of the conference.



Special fee reduction for PhD Students :

We are happy to inform you that EIASM is offering a substantial reduction on the conference attendance fees payable by PhD Students:

  • 100 EUR + VAT for PhDs from member institutions of the EIASM Academic Council;
  • 125 EUR + VAT  to the others. 

This offer comes with some conditions. It is applicable to the following:

  • PhD students who are sole authors of an accepted paper in the conference programme or
  • PhD students who are co-authors of an accepted paper. In this case, at least one other co-author (who is not a PhD student) should be registered also for the conference when requesting the reduction or
  •  Any PhD students interested in attending the conference (but not involved in a paper that will be presented at the conference)

To take advantage of the special offer, please send an email to Graziella Michelante attaching your CV.

If you are author or co-author of an accepted paper, please mention the title of the paper. On review, you will be invoiced accordingly.

Fee for the other participants :

For participants affiliated with an institution that is member or associate member of the EIASM's
Academic Council
217,80 € (including 37,80 € VAT)
For participants coming from another academic institution 254,10 € (including 44,10 € VAT)

Cancellations made before May 10, 2020 will be reimbursed minus 20% of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after that date.

Payments should be made by :

  • The following credit cards: Visa or Eurocard/Mastercard/Access




Ms. Graziella Michelante - EIASM Conference Manager
Tel: +32 2 226 66 62 - Fax:
Email: michelante@eiasm.be