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PORTO, PORTUGAL, JUNE 10-13 (14), 2018


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(by Ken Schreiner)


The 25th Innovation and Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC) will be held from Sunday, June 10th to Wednesday, June 13th, 2017, at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto in Porto, Portugal.

The associated doctoral workshop will take place from Saturday, June 9th to Sunday, 10th June, 2017. 

IPDMC has established itself as the leading annual international conference in the domains of innovation management and new product development. Papers presented at the meeting come from multiple disciplines. Adjacent areas such as technology management, entrepreneurship, marketing of innovations, creativity, and design are significant parts of the programme.

The conference has become the focus of important networking among innovation and product development management researchers, for PhD students and junior faculty as well as senior faculty. It is the annual event for researchers in the field and serves as the annual meeting of a virtual society with participants enjoying coming back to meet colleagues. The ambiance is known as friendly and supportive.


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The 2018 conference is the 25th conference and will mark this special occasion with something extra for participants.  In addition to the established annual conference format, this anniversary event will look forward, reflect on achievements and challenge the continuing development of the field of Innovation and Product Development Management through industry enagement, academic keynotes and thematic panels . Combined with the presentation of accepted papers, the conference should provide new opportunities to hear, think and contribute creatively to the continuing formation of our field.

Hence the 2018 conference does not have a specific functional or issue specific theme. This to facilitate the inclusive nature of the conference and the community of innovation and new product/service development researchers and practitioners who participate. Submissions covering leading edge topics and new trends are, as always, welcome.

Throughout its history, IPDMC has accepted papers from a range of disciplines, including organisation studies, marketing, management, technology management, organisational psychology, creativity and design. The conference welcomes all authors who are interested in managerial issues related to innovation and product/service development. This includes research on, but is not limited to, issues that are listed as the themes and areas for the conference below.

After the Conference, the Conference Board and Scientific Committee will encourage selected authors to submit their papers for review to the Journal of Product Innovation Management or Creativity and Innovation Management.



The  Faculty of Engineering (FEUP) is the largest faculty of the University of Porto. The University of Porto,with over 35000 students, is second largest university in Portugal. The origin of FEUP dates back to the creation of the Nautic School in 1762 and its present designation exists since 1926. Engineering undergraduate courses started to be taught at Polytechnic Academy in 1837. Its current designation was adopted in 1926, having occupied the former facilities at Rua dos Bragas after 1937.  FEUP has new facilities since 2000 at the outskirts of the city. The Faculty premises occupies 90 000 sq. meters  of buildings. The Faculty has at the moment around 7000 students and 800 postgraduate (400 PhD students) served by a teaching staff of more than  440 faculty . FEUP offers integrated masters and doctoral programs in civil, electrical, mechanical, environmental, computer and information systems, materials, mines, chemical and management and industrial t engineering, bioengineering


The following are the themes under which research can be presented, in alphabetical order:

►Bottom of the pyramid, BOP, Innovation
►Creativity in New Product Development
► Design’s Role in Innovation and New Product Development
► Emerging and Early Research (Young Scholars Track)
► Engineering Issues in Innovation and New Product Development
► Innovation and New Product Development in Family Firms
► Innovation by Design
► Innovation Management in Start-ups and Small Firms
► Innovation Management for Resilience
► Innovation Strategies and Leadership
► Managing Knowledge in New Product Development
► Managing Software and IT Innovation
► Managing Sustainability in Innovation and Product Development
► Marketing and Users
► Networks and Alliances in New Product Development
► New Trends in Innovation
► Open Innovation
► Organising New Product Development
► Radical Innovation
► Service Innovation and New Service Development
► Social Innovation
► Theory Development in Innovation and New Product Development Management Research


Along with ordinary sessions with 20 minutes presentations and 10 minutes discussions of papers, participants are invited to choose to participate in ‘Challenge sessions’. Challenge sessions differ from traditional conference sessions in that in addition to presentating his/her own work, each presenting author reviews one of the other papers presented in the session. Following each 20 minutes presentation, the designated reviewer discusses the paper and asks questions for 5 minutes. The reviewer can prepare one PowerPoint slide to summarize his/her main points or issues. Challenge sessions end with 5 minutes of discussion with the session chair and audience. Challenge sessions provide the opportunity to receive additional comprehensive feedback on manuscripts and presentations. The abstract submission system gives authors the possibility to opt in to have their paper presented in a challenge session. Opting in allows authors to signal their interest in presenting under this format, but is not guaranteed.

Panels with well-known and well established researchers and journal editors will debate trends in the field both regarding issues and research approaches. Conference participants will be invited to participate in the panel debates with comments and questions.

Keynote presenters will give inspiration and insight for research from practical experiences of innovation and product development management at companies in different industries and locations.


Please click HERE to download the final programme (28/05)

Challenge Sessions :

                    Instructions for Authors and Chairs are available HERE


The goal of the review process is to select a number of papers that will stimulate discussion and the development and dissemination of new knowledge. Some papers will inevitably be more fully developed than others; however, it is hoped that each author will gain insights during the conference that will strengthen their own research and introduce them to other scholars who share their interests.

Authors submit an extended abstract of about 500 words in length  on/before November 4, 2017. This abstract should identify the central research question and theory base for the research, introduce the most important references and describe the methodology, empirical base, analysis, and results.

The review process examines over 300 submissions each year.  Each abstract is evaluated by two or three members of the scientific committee. All are senior professors who are well positioned internationally in the field. Each abstract is evaluated using the following points :

  • Quality of the proposed contribution to theory and practice
  • Originality and appropriateness of the research method
  • Technical competence in the development and execution of the research
  • Value of the findings in contributing to knowledge and managerial practice

The organising committee responds to the author(s) noting acceptance or rejection of the extended abstract. Feedback is provided in all cases. Some author(s) of accepted abstracts may be requested to address specific perceived shortcomings or omissions prior to submitting final papers.  

Author(s) of accepted abstracts are expected to submit final papers. 

Conference registration and participation by the author (or at least one co-author) is required for publication in the conference proceedings (USB key).


Christer Karlsson Best Paper Award:

The Conference Board will select one Best Paper out of the papers submitted. The author(s) will receive an award during the closing session of the conference.

Thomas P. Hustad Best Student Paper Award:

The Conference Board will select one Best Student Paper out of the papers submitted where the main researcher and author is a PhD student. PhD students who submit should indicate this to be considered for this award. A condition of consideration for the Best Student Paper award is a statement from the primary supervisor confirming that the work is primarily that of the PhD student. The author(s) will receive an award during the closing session of the conference 



Excellence was recognised in a number of ways...

The Winners of the 2018 Christer Karlsson Best Paper Award are:

Tobias Kruft, Christoph Tilsner, Andreas Schindler and Alexander Kock with the paper entitled:

The Christer Karlsson Best Paper Award Runner Up are

Anna Karlsson, Jennie Björk, Susanne Nilsson with the paper entitled:

The Winners of the 2018 Thomas Hustad Best Paper Award for Young Researcher are:

Priscilla S.Kraft, Teresa A. Dickler, Andreas Bausch with the paper entitled:


The ISSN number for the conference papers is :


The IPDM Conference is a unique opportunity for researchers of different backgrounds, but with a common interest in management of innovation and product and service design and development, to present cutting edge research and exchange views. The conference provides ample opportunities for both formal and informal discussions of the work presented, as well as for discussions about future international and interdisciplinary research co-operation.

The primary focus of the conference is on empirical research and managerial issues, although very high quality papers developing substantive theory will be considered. Regardless of the type of paper, the theoretical base must be made clear, and references to the extant research in the field must be made explicit.

A template must be used to submit (see 'call for papers' section).

The conference includes a Doctoral Workshop which will be held prior to the main conference.


Conference Chairs:

  • Antonio FERNANDES - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
  • Christer KARLSSON - Copenhagen Business School, Denmark and EIASM 
  • Paul COUGHLAN - Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland 

Conference Board :

  • Christer KARLSSON - Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, and EIASM – Chair
  • Thomas HUSTAD - Indiana University, U.S.A. – Vice chair
  • Paul COUGHLAN - Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland – Chair elect
  • Abbie GRIFFIN - University of Utah, U.S.A., Conference chair 2017 – Vice chair elect
  • Marina CANDI, Reykjavik University School of Business, Iceland – Conference chair 2017
  • John CHRISTIANSEN - Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
  • Petra DE WEERD-NEDERHOF - University of Twente, The Netherlands 
  • Koenraad DEBACKERE - Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
  • Anthony DI BENEDETTO - Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, U.S.A.
  • Antonio FERNANDES - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal, Conference Chair 2018
  • Keith GOFFIN - Cranfield School of Management, UK
  • Armand HATCHUEL - Ecole des Mines de Paris, France
  • Erik Jan HULTINK - Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
  • Helen PERKS - University of Nottingham, UK

Conference Scientific Committee: Conference Board plus:

  • Gloria BARCZAK - Northeastern University, U.S.A.
  • Ludwig BSTIELER - University of New Hampshire, U.S.A.- Academic Programme Co-Chair
  • Tommaso BUGANZA - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
  • Albert DAVID - Paris Dauphine University, France
  • Tomoko KAWAKAMI - Waseda University, Japan
  • Hans KOLLER - Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Germany
  • Ann LEDWITH - University of Limerick, Ireland
  • Pascal LE MASSON - MINES ParisTech, Paris, France  
  • Regina McNALLY - Saint Xavier University, Chicago, IL, U.S.A. - Academic Programme Co-Chair
  • Jose Luis MUNUERA - University of Murcia, Spain
  • Søren SALOMO - TU Berlin - Germany
  • Michael SAREN - University of Leicester, School of Management, U.K. - Conference Chair 2019

Local Organising Committee :

  • António FERNANDES - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
  • Lia PATRICIO - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
  • Renato NATAL - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal
  • Jorge TEIXEIRA - Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto, Portugal



The Doctoral Workshop is an integrated part of the IPDMC conference (since Hamburg in 2008). It will start on Saturday June 9 at noon, with a light lunch, and will continue through Sunday, June 10, ending with lunch.

To stimulate academic scholarship, discussions of ideas and dialogue among students and researchers from different countries in the field of INNOVATION AND PRODUCT  DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT RESEARCH, we invite all doctoral students from these domains worldwide to attend this doctoral workshop. PhD students in early and middle stages of their PhD research project are particularly encouraged to participate and present their research proposals, preliminary results and their reflections on issues related to theory, methods and analysis. For students where their PhD dissertation is not planned as a monograph but as a series of articles on a common theme, then the candidate can present a part of her/his work.

The whole workshop is very interactive and will give small groups (of typically 4 students) several hours of intensive discussion about their research with a faculty member. Other sessions will be in-plenary,focused on general topics of interest to Ph.D. Students, such as: identifying interesting and researchable topics, publishing your research, and managing your academic career.

Students will be asked to fully prepare for the Doctoral workshop, including preparing a 10-20-page comprehensive description of their research (pdf); reading other students’ descriptions; and some pre-course reading from textbook(s).

Upon successful completion of the seminar (full attendance), the participants will be given a certificate and granted 2 ECTS.

The number of participants is limited to 28 Ph.D. students and those that have attended in previous years have found the workshop to be very rewarding.

There is an extra fee of 100€ for participating in the Doctoral Seminar, and registration to the IPDMC is compulsory.

The submission deadline is OVER

Chairs :

John K. CHRISTIANSEN - Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark (honorary chairperson)
Keith GOFFIN - Professor of Innovation and New Product Development, Cranfield University, School of Management, UK
Armand HATCHUEL - Professor , MINES ParisTech, France (co-ordinator)

Group Chairs : 

Gloria BARCZAK - Professor, editor-in-chief the Journal of Product Innovation Management, College of Business Administration, Northeastern University, U.S.A.
Jenny BJORK - Professor,  Kungliga Teckniska Högskolan, Stockholm, Sweden 
Paul COUGHLAN - Professor, Trinity Business School, Trinity College Dublin, Ireland
Keith GOFFIN - Professor of Innovation and New Product Development, Cranfield University, School of Management, UK
Armand HATCHUEL - Professor , MINES ParisTech, France
Thomas P. HUSTAD - Professor, Kelley School Of Business, Indiana University, U.S.A.
Pascal LE MASSON - Professor , MINES ParisTech, France 

Seminar :

Christer KARLSSON - Professor, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark


Porto is the second-largest city in Portugal after Lisbon and one of the major urban areas of the Iberian Peninsula. The urban area of greater Porto, which extends beyond the administrative limits of the city, has a population of more than 1.5 million.

The historic Centre of Porto, classified as World Heritage by UNESCO, is one of the most attractive entertainment venues for visitors, providing a rich variety of monuments and ordinary dwelling, from different periods stretching back as far as the 14th century. Porto was elected The Best European Destination by the Best European Destinations Agency in 2014 and 2017,

The city of Porto and its river, Douro, cannot be dissociated. The Douro Valley, with its lovely terraces of vineyards clinging to the hillsides, is the kingdom of the famous Port Wine and offers visitors spectacular views.





Thank you for your interest. We inform that accommodation is now closed.

Changes and cancellations to existing reservations must be made by written to Abreu Events (tania.rodrigues@abreu.pt).

Changes and cancellations are non-refundable.


Porto has a modern airport  served by most flagship airlines and most well known low cost airlines.The airport is 10 Km from city centre, that  can be reached either by metro ou taxi. Faculty of Engineering  is easily accessible by metro, bus and taxi. Some hotels are within walking distance.

All the information regarding transportation (various options)  can be obtained from the link below :




If you plan to spend a couple of extra days either before or after the conference there are a lot of opportunities for sightseeing  range of options for sightseeing in Porto and surrounding countryside, especially the Minho area and Douro valley.You can book tours with Abreu or explore the regions on your own.


To conclude the 25th IPDM conference, we have decided to organise a one day tour  to the very prestigious University of Coimbra. 



The University of Coimbra is the oldest Portuguese university and for centuries the only university in Portugal.

Founded in 1290 by King Dinis in Lisbon, it was permanently settled in Coimbra in 1537, by order of King João III, after a period of migration between these two cities. All Faculties of the University of Coimbra - Theology, Canons, Law and Medicine – began their work in 1544 at the Royal Palace of the “Alcaçova”, later the Palace of Schools.


The Baroque Library                                  The Prison

The Baroque Library, built between 1717 and 1728, it is one of the exponents of the Baroque Portuguese and one of the richest European libraries. Will be known as Baroque Library in honor and memory of King John V (1707-1750), who sponsored its construction and whose portrait, made by Domenico Duprà (1725), dominates the space.

The Academic Prison worked initially in two rooms beneath the “Hall of Capelos”, then in 1559 - since its foundation that the University had, as privilege, its own legal code, apart from the general law of the Kingdom. To this code, the "Private Forum", were subjected all those who in some way were connected to the Institution. This autonomy has allowed the University to have Judge - the Rector -, Guards and Prison.

Further information : http://www.uc.pt/en/informacaopara/visit/paco


The tour  will leave FEUP at 8:30 am to Coimbra (situated at 120 Km away from Porto) . 

After the visit of the Coimbra University; a lunch at Bairrada region, famous for its roasted suckling pig and wines (typical Bairrada Red Brut Champagne), is planned.

Return and arrival in Porto is expected around 5pm.

The number of seats is limited.
Registration will be made on a “first come, first served basis”
The price for that special day is 50 EUR.

The price includes :
Visit of the University, lunch (including drinks) and bus transportation (120km x2). 

We have reached the maximum number of participants that we can accept, it is not possible anymore to register to that special day !




The fees include :

  • Participation to the conference
  • The conference USB key containing the full papers
  • The 3 lunches
  • The welcome reception
  • The conference dinner
  • The guided visit to the Porto Wine Producer
  • Morning and afternoon refreshments during the 3 days  
For participants affiliated with an institution that is member or associate member of the EIASM's
Academic Council
528,90 € (including 98,90 € VAT)
For participants coming from another academic institution 676,50 € (including 126,50 € VAT)

Cancellations made before May 15, 2018 will be reimbursed minus 20% of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after that date.

Payments should be made by :

  • The following credit cards: Visa or Eurocard/Mastercard/Access




Ms. Graziella Michelante - EIASM Conference Manager
Tel: +32 2 226 66 62 - Fax:
Email: michelante@eiasm.be