The co-chairs of the 5th EIBA DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM (2016) are:
The main objective of the EIBA Doctoral Symposium is to provide an opportunity for young doctoral students in the field of International Business (IB) to potentially discuss their research plans and works-in-progress with a distinguished international Faculty as well as with their fellow students. A secondary purpose is to acquaint them with an international network of professionals linked to the IB field and EIBA. Students whose papers are not selected or are not quite ready for the more forrmal and rigourous John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial in International Business are encouraged to nonetheless submit their research proposals (by the deadline date communicated for the annual EIBA doctoral events, and according to the relevant posted guidelines) to be considered for acceptance to the EIBA Doctoral Symposium – both events are typically scheduled to take place immediately prior to the start of the EIBA Annual Conference. The Symposium consists of several parallel 1½-2 hour sessions, monitored by a panel of 2-3 Faculty. Up to three students are allocated to each session and are asked to give short presentations of their research work, after which they receive constructive feedback from the Faculty panellists. (There is no winner or money prize linked with the EIBA Doctoral Symposium.) Students participating in the EIBA doctoral events (at no extra cost) are expected to also attend the main EIBA conference – and are required to register as delegates and pay for the respective EIBA Annual Conference. (Note that there are lower registration fees available for bona fide PhD student delegates.) The Doctoral Tutorial and Doctoral Symposium are closed and complimentary pre-conference events intended for fully-registered PhD student delegates who have previously applied for and been accepted to one of the EIBA doctoral events. ATTENTION: Submissions not accepted for the Doctoral Tutorial may be considered for the Doctoral Symposium; however, there is no implied guarantee of acceptance for any doctoral or other event (i.e., the final decisions rest solely with the respective event organisers).
The 5th EIBA Doctoral Symposium (EIBA-DS) targeted towards International Business doctoral students is being organized in conjunction with the 42nd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy (EIBA), Vienna, Austria, December 2-4, 2016. The 2016 EIBA-DS will take place at the WU Vienna Institute for International Business (WU Vienna) on Friday, December 2, 2016 – prior to the official opening session and welcome reception of the EIBA Annual Conference. The Doctoral Symposium will be co-chaired by Elizabeth (Yi) Wang and Jeremy Clegg. Students who are selected to participate in the EIBA-DS will be requested to present a short paper about their thesis proposal –and are asked to submit any updated versions, if applicable, by November 2, 2016– according to the guidelines listed below. (Please note that all accepted students participating in this event must also be fully registered for the EIBA 2016 Vienna conference – this is a mandatory requirement.) The EIBA Doctoral Symposium welcomes thesis proposals from doctoral candidates who are at an early stage and are currently in the initial phases of defining their research design – including the selection of theories, methods, and type/source of data, etc. Those at a more advanced stage may be interested in applying for the EIBA Doctoral Tutorial instead. (Please note that – if deemed appropriate by the Chairs – applications not accepted for the Doctoral Tutorial may instead be considered for the Doctoral Symposium.) As the number of students accepted for the EIBA-DS is limited, those interested in applying for this event are urged to submit: by September 1, 2016
In line with the EIBA Doctoral Tutorial Submission Guidelines, applicants for the Doctoral Symposium should also divide their 3-page abstracts into the following sections in roughly the proportions shown below as a guideline:
NOTE: If your thesis is made up of several papers, it may make sense to introduce the theme and then to focus on one of the papers so that you can provide sufficient details.
Please CLICK HERE to download the programme of the 5th EIBA Doctoral Symposium.
Ms. Marion HEBBELYNCK – EIASM Event Manager |