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Conny Herbert ANTONI
University of Trier, Germany

Vlerick Business School, Belgium

London Guildhall Faculty of Business & Law - London Metropolitan University, UK

Jason D. SHAW
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong

Work Psychology and Leadership - Department of Industrial Engineering and Management - Aalto University School of Science, Finland



Prof. Dr. Koshi ENDO
Meiji University, School of Business Administration
'Pay system reform in Japan'

Prof. Stephen PERKINS & Dr Charles COTTON
London Guildhall Faculty of Business & Law - London Metropolitan University, UK 'Changing reward management practice: findings from CIPD annual reward survey 2015'

Prof. Dr. Jason D. SHAW
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University:
'IMPACT - Investigating Merit Pay Across Countries and Territories in a global context'

Aalto University, Department of Industrial Engineering and Management
'Reward Management in a Digitalized Work in 2020's'




The motivation for change and growth has become a central topic in Europe and elsewhere. Times of stability are short and a lot of efforts have been invested to look for seeds of growth and stable development. Governments expect ‘creative destruction’ to solve the economic crises, create growth and provide jobs to those without them. The question of the role of reward management systems in enhancing change and development remains largely unanswered. The question of rewarding elements and practices in support of the emergence of new and renewed structures needs answers.

Much emphasis has been put on technological developments during 2000’s for the increase of productivity. In many countries, in spite of high unemployment rates, those having work seem to experience more intensification than ever. The ageing population has forced politicians across Europe to activate longer work hours in order to ensure the survival of pensions and social security systems. Simultaneously, the world of work is changing swiftly because of millennials, generation z and immigrants are now replacing an ageing workforce. A question to management is:  are the values and beliefs of these large groups very different from older generations’ values and beliefs? What do they consider as rewarding and motivating in their work?

New types of jobs and work relations are also emerging because of globalisation and increasing digital labor. The challenges of managing reward in an international context are considerable given both the rapid global expansion of organizations and the emergence of new global players in developing countries. Such developments have thrown up many challenges simultaneously that might impact upon organizations’ reward strategies and systems. Key issues include governance, stakeholders’ variable power and influence, leadership, cultural norms and values, legal systems, political and economic vagaries, competitive pressures, pay setting methods, and the use of expatriate versus home country labor and global career management.

Development of information and communication technologies has increasingly transferred jobs to the net creating a digital workforce. It is possible to find skilled employees in any corner of the world and hire them usually to rather short or even micro-tasks. Finding work remotely has led to a significant increase in freelance workers. For these freelancers, the employer can come from anywhere and the trust in work relations is the main intangible asset to keep the work processes flowing. Cultural differences will also have a significant impact on the flow of work. More and more employees work in distributed teams having much more flexibility to shape their working lives than their co-located work mates. They are often led remotely and control their own schedules and work environments. Their performance is measured and evaluated based on their outcomes instead of keen observations of their ongoing work processes.

Reward structures are also shifting from being primarily based on direct monetary compensation towards a “total rewards” paradigm, where both intrinsic and extrinsic rewards are balanced. Likewise, there is a change in thinking work/life balance with “work” seen as a secondary activity in one’s total life. In their well-known Self-Determination Theory (SDT), Deci and Ryan point out that motivation can be promoted through contexts that satisfy the psychological needs of competence, autonomy, and relatedness. The quality of motivation can be predicted from both the aspects of the social environment including job characteristics and the work climate and individual differences. Leaders and managers can hardly influence individual characteristics but very much on the events in work by influencing job environment and characteristics and organizational climate by leadership practices. The question from the reward management point of view then arises how motivation can be fostered without decaying it?

We cannot overstate that, more than ever, there is a strong need for practice-relevant, evidence-based academic research in the field of reward management in order to help firms face global challenges in their economic, social, environmental and regulatory business contexts. This conference focuses on recent relevant academic research in the field of reward management in advanced and developing economies. It also seeks to function as a bridge between academics and practitioners. In this respect, a number of reward professionals will also be invited to exchange ideas in order to stimulate the dialogue between research and practice.


The conference brings together both researchers and practitioners in the field of reward systems: researchers from universities, business schools and other research institutions, human resources professionals from companies, consulting firms, and general managers responsible for developing reward strategies, systems and their implementation in companies, and reward system experts from employers’ and employees’ associations.


The papers presented in this conference are expected to fit broadly – but not exclusively – into one of the following themes:

1. Reward in its context.

  • Reward strategies within their business context (e.g., culture, organizational strategies, structure, global vs local etc.)
  • Aligning rewarding with the other HR instruments
  • Rewarding in the context of the changing labor market (e.g., new generation, flexible work, digital labor, ageing)
  • Reward mechanisms in start-ups and new ventures
  • Roles, perspectives and interests of the different stakeholders (e.g., employees, financial investors, government, unions)
  • Reward governance (e.g., remuneration committees)
  • Reward management in specific sectors (e.g., public sector, third sector, small and medium-sized workplaces, micro-companies)
  • Rewarding specific employee groups (e.g., executive remuneration, sales force remuneration, blue and white collars, expatriates, knowledge workers, academics, innovators)

2. Motivation and engagement in organizations

  • Intrinsic and extrinsic motivation
  • Performance review and feedback systems
  • Enhancing creativity and innovations
  • Pay and wellbeing
  • Theories of rewarding
  • Stakeholder engagement

3. Reward systems

  • Total rewards
  • Expatriate reward management
  • Performance-related pay
  • Collective rewarding
  • Competence-based pay
  • Employee benefits
  • Psychological rewards
  • Non-financial rewards (e.g., recognition, work-life)
  • Pay and wellbeing
  • Employee benefits
  • Flexible rewards
  • Measuring and evaluating reward systems
  • Employee and line management participation in implementation of reward systems     What makes reward policies and systems effective?
  • Communication on rewarding
  • Reward administration

SPECIAL EDITED JOURNAL - Journal of Personnel Psychology Special Issue – Call for papers

Reward management: linking employee motivation and organizational performance

Guest Editors:
Conny H. Antoni (University of Trier, Germany), Xavier Baeten (Vlerick Business School, Belgium), Stephen Perkins, (London Metropolitan University, UK), Jason D. Shaw (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University), Matti Vartiainen (Aalto University School of Science, Finland).

The Journal of Personnel Psychology (JPP) announces a special issue focusing on psychological processes linking organizational reward systems and practices to employee motivation and organizational performance.

Companies invest substantial financial resources in reward management systems and practices (encompassing fixed and variable pay, benefits and non-financial rewards) to attract, retain and motivate employees and thereby to ensure and improve organizational competitiveness and performance. In the face of the financial crisis and of serious cases of employee and company unethical behavior financial incentives and more specifically bonus and pay for performance (pfp) systems have been widely criticized for their detrimental effects for individuals, companies and society. On the other hand, both qualitative reviews (Gerhart & Fang, 2015; Shaw & Gupta, 2015) and meta-analytic studies (Jenkins, Mitra, Gupta & Shaw, 1998) have shown that financial incentives can improve employee motivation and performance. These examples of the dark and bright side of financial incentives highlight the importance of reward management for employees, companies and society. They also illustrate the need to understand the underlying mediating and moderating mechanisms linking reward systems and practices to individual, team and organizational outcomes. However, reward management, particularly compensation and incentive systems remain one of the most under-researched areas in human resource management and personnel psychology research (Gupta & Shaw 2015). This special issue calls for papers that help to fill this gap.

The proposed special issue intends to present studies that analyze for example

  • which processes mediate the impact of financial and non-financial rewards on individual, team and organizational outcomes, such as employee (de)motivation, pay satisfaction, in- and extra-role performance, team and organizational commitment, performance and governance;
  • the influence of reward criteria, such as individual, team and organizational performance on the perception and effects of reward characteristics and practices, such as pay dispersion and pay transparency;
  • how contextual variables, such as work structure, leadership behavior, ethical culture and corporate strategy influence the relationship between reward types and their outcomes;
  • individual and cultural differences of employee’s attitudes towards different types of rewards, and how these attitudes develop and influence reward outcomes;
  • the effects of combinations of different reward types, such as intrinsic, extrinsic and social rewards, individual, team and company pfp plans;
  • the implementation and survival of reward strategies and the role of contextual variables in longitudinal studies;
  • examine and explain the gender differences in pay, pay perception and effects.

While we welcome both empirical and purely conceptual manuscripts, we particularly encourage the submission of empirical papers.

Method of submission: Manuscripts, which should be clearly labelled as submissions intended for this special issue, must be submitted through JPP's online review system, Editorial Manager, in accordance with regular JPP guidelines (see http://www.editorialmanager.com/jppsy/ and http://www.hogrefe.com/periodicals/journal-of-personnel-psychology/advice-for-authors/). All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process, using the normal JPP review criteria while also taking into account the contribution of the paper to the topic of this special issue.

Formal requirements: Original articles present novel empirical results to make theoretical advances (with a maximum length of 6,000 words, including references but excluding tables and figures), research notes are similar to original articles but shorter (with a maximum length of 2,500 words, including references but excluding tables and figures), and review articles summarize (preferably quantitatively via meta- analysis) and integrate a clearly defined literature and make theoretical advances in this area (with a maximum length of 8,000 words, including references but excluding tables and figures).

Deadline for submissions is  April 30, 2016 (new deadline)

Feedback of the review process will be given within 3 months; revisions should be submitted within three months, final acceptance after a potential further revision is scheduled until November 2016

Informal enquiries on the Special Issue can be made to Conny Antoni (antoni@uni-trier.de )


Gerhart, B., & Fang, M. (2014). Pay for (individual) performance: Issues, claims, evidence and the role of sorting effects. Human Resource Management Review, 24(1), 41-52.

Gupta, N., & Shaw, J. D. (2014). Employee compensation: The neglected area of HRM research. Human Resource Management Review, 24(1), 1-4.

Jenkins Jr, G. D., Mitra, A., Gupta, N., & Shaw, J. D. (1998). Are financial incentives related to performance? A meta-analytic review of empirical research. Journal of Applied Psychology, 83(5), 777.

Shaw, J. D., & Gupta, N. (2015). Let the evidence speak again! Financial incentives are more effective than we thought. Human Resource Management Journal, 25(3), 281-293.


Please click HERE to download the workshop programme


ISSN number for the workshop papers is : 2295 - 1695


The conference will run over two full days.

Day 1 will include one plenary speaker, presentation of conference papers and a discussion panel comprising academics and practitioners.

Day 2 will include one plenary speaker and the presentation of conference papers.

The conference will start on Thursday December 10, 2015 around 8:30 am and is scheduled to end at approximately 5 pm on the following day.



The whole workshop will take place in the Hotel Métropole in which the EIASM premises are located (Place De Brouckère-plein 31, 1000 Brussels).

The Hotel Métropole is marvelously well located right in the historical centre of Brussels, just a few steps away from the “Grand-Place”, the “Bourse” and the “Theatre de la Monnaie” and close to the central and north railway stations, that each have direct connections to Brussels International airport.


* Hotel Métropole ***** (conference location)
Place de Brouckère 31 - 1000 Bruxelles

During the week :
Superior Single room at € 160 ,-/ night
Superior Double room at € 190,-/night
Including buffet breakfast / Not including the city tax (€ 9.28 per room per night)

During the week-end : (Night of Friday/Saturday & Sunday) :
Superior Single room at € 140 ,-/ night
Superior Double room at € 170,-/night
Including breakfast / Not including the city tax (€ 9.28 per room per night)

To take advantage of these special rates, please mention “EIASM” when making your reservation. However, according to the period of the booking, some better rates could be offered by contacting the hotel directly. We advice you to check prices on the internet too !!

Tel. : + 32 2 214 24 25 or + 32 2 214 24 26 or + 32 2 2142424 - Fax : 32 2 2180240
Email : info@metropolehotel.be

* Hotel NH Atlanta  (very close)
Boulevard Adolph Max 7 - 1000 Brussels
Tel 00800 0115 0116 (free of charge) - reservations@nh-hotels.com

Standard room for single use : €155,00,-/night
Standard double room : €170,-/night
Including breakfast. Not including the city tax of €7,58 per room per night.
Please mention "EIASM " when making your reservation.

To take advantage of these special rates, please mention “EIASM” when making your reservation. However, according to the period of the booking, some better rates could be offered by contacting the hotel directly. We advice you to check prices on the internet too !!

* Hotel Marivaux (very close)
Boulevard Adolph Max 98 - 1000 Brussels - www.hotelmarivaux.be

Monday-Thursday incl.: € 135.00/night (breakfast and city tax included )  - single Club room
Friday, Saturday, Sunday: € 85.00/night (breakfast and city tax included ) - single Club room

There is a supplement of € 10.00/night for a double Club room (breakfast and city tax included )
There is a supplement of € 20.00/night for a Harmony room (breakfast and city tax included )

To book a room: please use the reservation form available HERE or reservations@hotelmarivaux.be  (please mention EIASM).

* Citadines Sainte-Catherine Brussels, property of the « Citadines Apart’Hotel » group : (10 minutes walk)  - 51 Quai au Bois à Brûler. B-1000 Brussels

Room types & rates :     
Studio (+/- 25 sqm) – for 1 to 2 persons - 119.-€ / room-night
One-Bedroom Apartment (+/- 50 sqm) – for 1 to 4 persons : 158.-€ / room-night
Internet access and city tax included .
Full housekeeping service once a week included. Breakfast: excluded – at 14.-€ /person.

To book a room : Direct e-mail to stecatherine@citadines.com  and/or to coralie.carels@citadines.com  - Mention “EIASM” to get the preferential rates 2015



The fees include :

  • participation to the conference
  • conference documents
  • lunches
  • the conference dinner
  • morning and afternoon refreshments.
For participants affiliated with an institution that is member or associate member of the EIASM's
Academic Council
334,78 € (including 24,78 € VAT)
For participants coming from another academic institution 391,78 € (including 24,78 € VAT)

Cancellations made before November 10, 2015 will be reimbursed minus 20% of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after that date.

Payments should be made by :

  • The following credit cards: Visa or Eurocard/Mastercard/Access




Ms. Graziella Michelante - EIASM Conference Manager
Tel: +32 2 226 66 62 - Fax:
Email: michelante@eiasm.be