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The 22nd Innovation Product Development Management Conference (IPDMC) will be held from Sunday June 14 to Tuesday 16th June 2015 at Copenhagen Business School, in Denmark. The associated doctoral workshop takes place from Saturday June 13 to Sunday 14th June 2015 at Copenhagen Business School.

IPDMC has established itself as the leading annual international event in its field. Papers presented at the meeting include subjects about innovation topics that cross disciplines. Adjacent areas such as technology management, entrepreneurship, marketing of innovations, creativity, design, and teaching in the field are significant parts of the program.

The conference has become the focus of important networking among innovation and product development management researchers: for Ph.D. students and junior faculty as well as senior faculty.

There are two important additions to the program this year :

To give young scholars a better opportunity to have their work accepted, the conference now includes an additional category of papers: emerging and early research. These submissions need not present final results and contributions to existing knowledge, but represent ongoing projects with interim results for which the researcher is seeking advice on how to proceed.

The second addition to the 22nd IPDMC is a track on theoretical papers. Traditionally, a general principle for IPDMC submissions has been that papers should be based on empirical research. However, in this new track papers developing strictly theoretical contributions, without empirical research to test that theory are welcome. For acceptance consideration, these submissions must develop substantive theory about a topic and should thus include propositions, testable hypotheses, or a proposed research agenda for the domain considered. General literature reviews not specifically developing new theory will not be accepted.


The special theme for our conference will be “Improving Competitiveness with Innovation and Product Development”.

Throughout its history, IPDMC has accepted papers from a range of disciplines, including organization studies, marketing, management, technology management, organisational psychology and design. The conference welcomes all authors who are interested in managerial issues related to innovation and product development. This includes research, but is not limited to, issues that are list as the themes and areas for the conference found below.

The main conference theme is how innovation and product makes a difference in companies throughout the world. It's not only about performance evaluation, but also about how to identify options for using innovation and product development to improve competiveness. This may be through organizational processes, using innovation and product development to enhance products and services in new ways and through managing innovation and product development in companies. As competitiveness is a complex concept, the theme is also open to submissions that address the dilemmas, challenges and obstacles that companies and managers face when trying to become and stay competitive. What are the managerial technologies used and what are the implications?

In addition to the two new tracks on emerging and early research and theory development, we also have added two additional themes for submission consideration: Managing "sustainability" in Innovation and Product Development and Innovation and Product Development in Family Firms.

Sustainability represents to some a challenge for many companies when talking about competiveness, while others have found that more stringent environmental standards and sustainability requirements can actually produce a competitive edge. How do companies cope with these dilemmas and challenges in their innovation and product development? What are the organizational and managerial challenges? What are the management technologies that companies employ in order to deal with the challenges?

Despite the ubiquity of family businesses in all the economies around the world, innovation management in family firms remains an under-researched topic. This is surprising because there are strong theoretical reasons to believe that the antecedents, processes, capabilities and effects of innovation are different in family and non-family firms. Ownership structure affects the firm’s innovation activities and outcomes through different levels of firms’ risk aversion, diversification plans, and return aspirations. Moreover, family involvement in ownership, management, and governance can result in resources unique to the family firm, that can then be leveraged in ways that may influence the management of innovation. Unfortunately most theories of innovation have been developed without taking into proper account the differences in the way family and non-family firms manage innovation.

After the Conference, the Conference Board and Scientific Committee will encourage selected authors to submit their papers for review to the Journal of Product Innovation Management or Creativity and Innovation Management.


  • a. Managing "sustainability" in innovation and product development
  • b. Emerging and early research for (young scholars section)
  • c. Innovation and Product Development in Family Firms
  • d. Theory development in innovation and product development management research
  • e. Organizing Product Development
  • f. Service Innovation and New Service Development
  • g. Innovation Strategies and Leadership
  • h. Radical Innovation
  • i. Marketing and Users
  • j. Managing Knowledge in Product Development
  • k. Creativity in Product Development
  • l. Innovation by Design
  • m. Networks and Alliances in Product Development
  • n. Managing Software and IT Innovation
  • o. Teaching Innovation Management
  • p. Innovation Management in Start-ups and Small Firms
  • q. Engineering Issues in Innovation and NPD


The IPDMC conference is a unique opportunity for researchers of different backgrounds, but with a common interest in management of innovation and product and service design and development, to present cutting edge research and exchange views. The conference provides ample opportunities for both formal and informal discussions of the work presented, as well as for discussions about future international and interdisciplinary research co-operation.

The primary focus of the conference is on empirical research and managerial issues, although very high quality papers developing substantive theory will be considered. Regardless of the type of paper, the theoretical base must be made clear, and references to the extant research in the field must be made explicit.

A template must be used to submit (see 'call for papers' section)

The conference includes a Doctoral Workshop which will be held prior to the conference.


If you are interested in presenting a paper at the conference, please submit your extended abstract of about 500 words
(see template to fill in and upload)


November 3, 2014 (12pm)

 Since all abstracts are reviewed using a double blind review process, it is COMPULSORY that neither your name nor your contact details appear on the submission (the authors are recognized in the system via their login)

Submissions containing author’s information & submissions longer than the number of characters requested
will be deleted from the system !!!

Instructions to submit :

To upload your submission, please click HERE to download the template to be used
Save it into your files
Fill in the items as requested
Then click
HERE to submit your proposal

(only pdf files are accepted!)


Final Papers must fulfill the following requirements: 

1. The theoretical base must be clear, with explicit references to the already-existing research in the field.

2. The focus of the conference is on management issues, so empirical papers should include managerial implications.

3. Authors should note during the submission process via the website whether their paper is the work of an early career researcher (i.e. the paper is primarily the work of a researcher who has received their PhD in the last year) to be considered for the Best Student Paper Award


The goal of the review process is to select a number of papers that will stimulate discussion and the development and dissemination of new knowledge. Some papers will inevitably be more fully developed than others; however, it is hoped that each author will gain insights during the conference that will strengthen their own research and introduce them to other scholars who share their interests.

The review process examines over 300 submissions each year. Authors submit an extended abstract of about 500 words in length (November 3, 2014). This abstract should identify the central research question and theory base for the research, introduce the most important references and describe the methodology, empirical base, analysis, and results

Each abstract is evaluated by two or three members of the scientific committee. All are senior professors who are well positioned internationally in the field. Each abstract is evaluated using the following points.

• Quality of the proposed contribution to theory and practice 

• Originality and appropriateness of the research method

• Technical competence in the development and execution of the research 

• Value of the findings in contributing to knowledge and managerial practice

The organizing committee responds to the author(s) with an overall assessment of the extended abstract using the following scale:

• Rejected 

• Conditional acceptance, either Accepted with required changes or Accepted with minor requested changes 

• Accepted Authors of accepted abstracts are expected to submit final papers.

Conference registration and participation by at least one co-author is required for publication in the conference proceedings.

If you are considering submitting an abstract to this conference for the first time, you should view the video that describes the conference and includes portions of actual presentations. Scroll down on this page to the heading “Watch the Conference” to see the link to the video.


Please click HERE to download the conference programme


The ISSN number for the conference papers/book of abstracts  is :



Christer Karlsson Best paper award:

The Conference Board has selected one Best Paper out of the papers submitted.

The Winners of the 2015 Christer Karlsson Best Paper Award are

Priscilla Sarai KRAFT & Andreas BAUSCH

For the paper entitled:

The Runners Up are :


For the paper entitled:


For the paper entitled:

 Thomas P Hustad Best student paper award:

The Conference Board has selected one Best Student Paper out of the papers submitted where the main researcher and author is a PhD student.

The Winner of the 2015 Thomas Hustad Best Paper Award is :



For the paper entitled:


DOCTORAL WORKSHOP - June 13-14, 2015

The Doctoral Workshop is an integrated part of the IPDMC conference (since Hamburg in 2008). It will start on Saturday June 13 at noon, with a light lunch, and will continue through Sunday, June 14, ending with lunch.

To stimulate academic scholarship, discussions of ideas and dialogue among students and researchers from different countries in the field of Product Development Management research, we invited all doctoral students from these domains worldwide to attend this doctoral workshop. PhD students in early and middle stages of their PhD research project were particularly encouraged to participate and present their research proposals, preliminary results and their reflections on issues related to theory, methods and analysis.

Upon successful completion of the seminar (full attendance), the participants will be given a certificate and granted 2 ECTS.

The submission deadline is OVER

Chairs for PhD workshop:

Professor John K. Christiansen, Copenhagen Business School


Professor Armand Hatchuel, MINES ParisTech

Faculty members:

Gloria Barczak, Professor, editor-in-chief the Journal of Product Innovation Management, College of Business Administration, Northeastern University, Boston
John K. Christiansen, Professor, Copenhagen Business School

Paul Coughlan, Professor of Operations Management at the School of Business, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin
Petra C. de Weerd-Nederhof, Professor of Innovation Management, University of Twente, the Netherlands
Keith Goffin, Professor of Innovation and New Product Development, Cranfield University, School of Management

Abbie Griffin, Professor in marketing at the David Eccles School of Business, University of Utah.

Armand Hatchuel, Professor, 
Ecole Des Mines De Paris

Thomas, P. Hustad, Professor, Kelley School Of Business, Indiana University

Christer Karlsson, Professor, Copenhagen Business School


Application of the submission December 1, 2014
Acceptance to participate in PhD Workshop January 16, 2015

Submission of material to be discussed at workshop May 15, 2015
Registration to the Doctoral Workshop and Conference April 6, 2015

 Doctoral Workshop Venue address : 
Porcelænshaven 22 (Råvarebygningen) - 2000 Frederiksberg


Conference Chairs:

John CHRISTIANSEN, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Abbie GRIFFIN, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.

Local Organizing Chair:

Claus VARNES, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark

Conference Board:

Christer KARLSSON, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, and EIASM - Chairman 

Gloria BARCZAK, Northeastern University, USA
John CHRISTIANSEN, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Paul COUGHLAN, University of Dublin, Trinity College, Ireland
Petra DE WEERD-NEDERHOF, University of Twente, the Netherlands
Koenraad DEBACKERE, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium
Anthony DI BENEDETTO, Temple University, U.S.A.
Keith GOFFIN, Cranfield School of Management, U.K. 

Abbie GRIFFIN, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, U.S.A.
Armand HATCHUEL, MINES ParisTech, France 

Erik-Jan HULTINK, Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands 

Thomas HUSTAD, Indiana University, U.S.A.
Ann LEDWITH , University of Limerick, Ireland
Regina McNALLY, University of Limerick, Ireland
Helen PERKS, Nottingham University Business School, UK

Roberto VERGANTI, Politecnico di Milano, Italy

Conference Scientific Committee :
 Conference board plus:

Ludwig BSTIELER - University of New Hampshire, U.S.A.
Tommaso BUGANZA - Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Albert DAVID, Dauphine University, Paris, France
Antonio FERNANDES – University of Porto, Portugal 

Tomoko KAWAKAMI - Kansai University, Japan 

Hans KOLLER - Helmut-Schmidt-Universität, Germany 

Ann LEDWITH , University of Limerick, Ireland
Pascal LE MASSON, MINES ParisTech, Paris, France
Regina McNALLY, University of Limerick, Ireland
Jose Luis MUNUERA - University of Murcia, Spain

Søren SALOMO, Technical University of Denmark , Copenhagen, Denmark



Copenhagen Business School has hosted more than 50 international conferences with more than 100 participants over the last 5 years. With more than 20,000 students and 900 staff members, Copenhagen Business School today is among the largest business schools in Northern Europe and one of the eight universities in Denmark.

Using traditional fields within business economics and language as a starting point, CBS gives very high priority to cross-disciplinary and problem-orientated approaches. The school’s focus of research builds on its core strengths in innovation, open innovation, strategy, entrepreneurship, and the new area of design to create this cross-discipline innovation research.

With the distinctiveness of its diversity, Copenhagen Business School aims to become a world-leading business university with research – and teaching – excellence in classical management disciplines and in disciplines that place business in a wider social, political and cultural context.

Dating back to 1917, the many years of experience within the work of research, degree programmes and networks place CBS as an active and innovative participator in the global market.

Form an educational perspective, CBS offers world-class research-based degree programmes at the undergraduate, graduate and PhD levels as well as executive and other post-graduation education programmes. CBS fosters publication activities, participation in public debates, developing and sharing knowledge in partnership with other universities, enterprises and organisations and contributes to the development of business and society.

Copenhagen Business School has four locations, together called the CBS Campus: Solbjerg Plads, Dalgas Have, Kilen and Porcelænshaven. With all CBS’ activities grouped centrally in Frederiksberg, all buildings are within convenient walking distance of each other and easily accessible from the city centre by the metro.

The main complex completed in 2000 at Solbjerg Plads, the architecturally acclaimed building by architect Henning Larsen at Dalgas Have and Kilen (The Wedge), which was inaugurated in the beginning of 2006, all reflect the characteristic Scandinavian style. In 2006 Kilen (The Wedge) was awarded Royal Institute of British Architects Award.


Copenhagen is the main hub for all air travel in Northern Europe. Its stunning international airport is one of the newest in Europe, and serves all the major airlines of the world. For 5 consecutive years, it has been voted the best airport in Europe. From the airport it takes just 14 minutes to reach the city centre by train or metro, and 20 minutes to reach Copenhagen Business School

With the Metro line now going from Copenhagen International Airport to CBS, Conference participants can move swiftly and easily into the heart of the city. We have chosen hotels within walking distance from various metro stations.

In the past decade Copenhagen has been among the ten most popular congress cities in the world and has many years of experience in hosting and transporting large numbers of people in and out of its airport. Its history of openness and willingness to share knowledge and resources with others has proved to facilitate the work of arranging congresses


The local organisers have negotiated special rates and conditions in 5 hotels. 
The list of hotels and details is available HERE..

The booking form for the Hotel The Square is available HERE
The booking form for the Hotel Wakeup is available HERE
The booking form for the Hotel CABINN is available HERE
To book a room in SAS Radisson Blu, please click HERE
To book a room in the Hotel Phoenix Copenhagen, contact  bookphoenix@arp-hansen.dk 
and use block number 148748



The Conference will take place in the Copenhagen Business School (Solbjerg Plads 3 - 2000 Frederiksberg)

The Conference will start on Sunday afternoon, June 14 with registration and welcome drink. The academic programme of the Conference will formally start at 08.30 am on Monday June 15 and is scheduled to end at approximately 5pm on the following day.

Some practicalities (maps,..) are available HERE


The below fee include :

• Participation to conference
• The conference book of abstracts and USB key containing the full papers
• The 2 lunches
• The welcome reception
• The conference dinner.
• Morning and afternoon refreshments
• Full attendance to the Doctoral Seminar (for the Accepted PhD Students only !! )

For participants affiliated with an institution that is member or associate member of the EIASM's
Academic Council
410,00 € (VAT Exempt)
For participants coming from another academic institution 530,00 € (VAT Exempt)

Cancellations made before May 20, 2015 will be reimbursed minus 20% of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after that date.

Payments should be made by :

  • The following credit cards: Visa or Eurocard/Mastercard/Access




Ms. Graziella Michelante - EIASM Conference Manager
Tel: +32 2 226 66 62 - Fax:
Email: michelante@eiasm.be