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The co-chairs of the 3rd EIBA DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM in 2014 are:

  • JEREMY CLEGG, Centre for International Business, Leeds University Business School (LUBS), University of Leeds
  • ELIZABETH YI WANG, Leeds University Business School (LUBS), University of Leeds


The number of student participants at the annual John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial (JHD-DT) is strictly limited to ten (as this EIBA doctoral event involves a considerable amount of faculty feedback and discussion, etc.); therefore, the current one-day format cannot accommodate more students.

Applicants whose papers or topics do not meet with the established JHD-DT criteria in 2014 will be invited instead to apply for the 3rd EIBA Doctoral Symposium (DS), to take place on Thursday, December 11, 2014 – prior to the start of the EIBA 2014 conference in Uppsala, Sweden. The 3rd EIBA Doctoral Symposium will be chaired by Jeremy Clegg and Elizabeth Yi Wang (University of Leeds).

The DS will consist of several parallel 1½ hour sessions, attended by 2-3 faculty members. Three students will be allocated to each session and each will be asked to give a short presentation of their research work, after which they will receive feedback from the panellists. Participating students are expected to register for and attend the EIBA 2014 conference (i.e., this is a complimentary pre-conference event for registered PhD student delegates who have applied for and been accepted to the 2014 DS).

All applications and submissions that are not accepted for the 2014 John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial will automatically be considered for the 2014 EIBA Doctoral Symposium.

The submission deadline for abstracts is: September 1, 2014.


For the 3rd consecutive year, the European International Business Academy (EIBA) is running the Doctoral Symposium in conjunction with the Annual Conference. The 2014 Doctoral Symposium will take place at Uppsala University, Sweden, on December 11, 2014, prior to the start of the 40th EIBA Annual Conference, December 11-13, 2014. (NOTE: All students participating in the Doctoral Symposium are required to attend the EIBA Annual Conference immediately following the Symposium; this is a mandatory requirement, and there is a special conference registration fee for student delegates.)

Students who participate in the Symposium will present a short paper about their thesis proposal. Further details on the format for this presentation will be given to participating students.

The first objective of the Doctoral Symposium is to provide an opportunity to doctoral students in International Business to discuss their research plans and their work in progress with a carefully selected range of specialist international faculty in the field of International Business (IB). The second purpose is to enable doctoral students to become acquainted with the international EIBA network of experts and colleagues working in the field of IB. The core faculty for the Symposium are people who lead in their field of research. They are chosen for their willingness and expertise to provide constructive comments and help to you in your doctoral research. The Symposium is not competitive, i.e., there is no competitive judgement of thesis proposal merit.

We encourage applications from doctoral students who are at any stage in their research, early, mid-way, or nearing completion. The only condition for acceptance at the Symposium is that the research falls within the domain of International Business.

We welcome applicants coming from schools that do not, as yet, have established IB faculty research groups, and who have a strong potential to benefit from participation in the Doctoral Symposium.

Should you be interested in this event, you are urged to send :

by September 1, 2014
  • a three-page abstract of your current doctoral research. This should be in Times Roman 12 point font, single line spacing. There is a page limit of three (3) pages including any figures or tables, excluding references.
  • your CV. At the top of your CV you are kindly asked to tell us:
    - the length of time, in months or years, that you have been working on your doctoral thesis
    - the name of your main thesis supervisor/advisor
    - the university or institution where your research is registered, and the department name in which you work

As a guide, applicants should divide their 3-page abstracts into the following sections in roughly the proportions shown below, however, you should feel able, using your judgement, to vary these proportions to reflect the stage of your research (e.g., research design may not yet be determined):
(1) the central research question addressed (to include a brief statement of the topic, and of the issue or problem that motivates the research) [10%];
(2) theory and literature review [20%];
(3) research design, data and methodology (to include hypotheses in the case of quantitative methods, and the methods of measurement and the generative questions that will guide grounded theory building in the case of those using qualitative methods) [30%];
(4) expected results and summary of the evidence of the study thus far (to include if applicable an outline of any preliminary findings) [20%];
(5) expected contribution and its significance to scholarship in the IB field [10%]; and
(6) conclusions, and remaining concerns or problems to be overcome [10%].

We also encourage you to add, at the end of your abstract, two to three points setting out the problems you face, or specific questions for the faculty, to enable them to be of the most help to you.

TO SUBMIT YOUR PAPER TO THE 3rd EIBA DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM (or to the John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial - same link) please CLICK HERE.


Participation in the 2014 EIBA / EIASM Doctoral Symposium is open only to those students whose papers have been selected and accepted for presentation at the Symposium this year (i.e., this is a closed pre-conference event, by invitation only), and who have registered to attend the entire 40th EIBA Annual Conference at Uppsala University in Sweden.


Ms. Marion HEBBELYNCK – EIASM Event Manager
Tel.: +32 2 226 66 60 - Fax: +32 2 512 19 29
Email: marion.hebbelynck@eiasm.be