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This year we are pleased to announce for this 3RD edition of the EDEN DOCTORAL & YOUNG SCHOLARS SEMINAR ON VISUALISING, MEASURING AND MANAGING INTANGIBLES AND INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL the possibility extensive financial support.
Please note that scholarships cannot be cumulated.
Prof. Stefano Zambon, University of Ferrara (Programme Coordinator & Faculty)
Keeping up with the same spirit from the successful last doctoral Seminars, we would like to extend the invitation to all doctoral students or young scholars working on topics in the range of visualizing, measuring and managing intangibles and intellectual capital from a variety of theories, practices and relevant research methods including topics on entrepreneurship and innovation in SMEs to present their thesis work at the doctoral Seminar. The Seminar will be highly interactive and will feature sessions of professional academicians and experienced researchers in the field. The Seminar provides a unique platform for doctoral and young scholar students to present and discuss their research work-in-progress and get instant feedback from experienced researchers in the field. Not only do Doctoral students and young scholars gain the opportunity to exchange comments and views with fellow colleagues, but also they become acquainted with, and explore emerging themes, theory and methodology in visualizing, measuring and managing intangibles and intellectual capital. We encourage all doctoral candidates at every level to apply and present their work, either in the earlier stages (proposals), work in progress (with preliminary findings) or at advanced level (with or without final results). This is because a doctoral Seminar is a place for knowledge diffusion where young scholars compare and cross-examine their research work in progress, whilst consulting with highly qualified professors/expertise and experienced researchers in a knowledge-rich environment that is both motivating and inspiring but also challenging. Moreover, the doctoral and young scholar Seminar coincides with the 9th EIASM Interdisciplinary Workshop on Intangibles, Intellectual Capital and Extra-Financial Information which will offer students augmented insight into the prevailing arguments, theories and methodologies in the field. All doctoral and young scholar candidates who are researching within the relevant field of study of visualizing, measuring and managing intangibles and intellectual capital, or within the topics listed below or close to the listed topics, are encouraged to apply. The list of relevant topics includes, but is not limited to,
The seminar will alternate lectures from well known professors and presentations by the students and young scholars on their research works so to get input and suggestions, in a friendly and collaborative environment. For Detailed Programme - Click HERE
Full attendance is required to obtain the certificate. 4 ECTS will be assigned upon completion of the seminar
TIME AND LOCATION The Seminar will be held jointly with the 9th EIASM INTERDISCIPLINARY WORKSHOP ON “INTANGIBLES, INTELLECTUAL CAPITAL & EXTRA-FINANCIAL INFORMATION”. Therefore, on the first three days of the week, students and young scholars will participate in the Seminar. On September 26 - 27 the participants will join the Workshop, which is held at the same location. On September 28, the students and young scholars will have a concluding day on the Seminar PARTICIPATION FEE Thanks to the generous support of the European Accounting Association (EAA), we are pleased to offer a financial support to European-based students coming from institutions from Eastern & Southern Europe (1). (1) Countries targeted by this initiative are Albania, Belarus, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Turkey, and Ukraine, as well as Greece, Italy, Portugal and Spain. We are also very pleased to announce that some additional financial support (of 600 Euros each ) is also available to students. Funds will be given on a first come, first served basis Please note that scholarships cannot be cumulated. ACCOMMODATION Recommended hotel: APPLICATION TO APPLY CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW For more information, please contact:The EDEN Team EIASM - Rue FOSSÉ AUX LOUPS - 38 - BOX 3 - 1000 BRUSSELS - BELGIUM Tel: +32 2 226 66 69 Email: |