Katharina HOELZLE, University of Potsdam, Germany
Ellen ENKEL, Editor R&D Management, Zeppelin University
Gloria BARCZAK, Editor Journal of Product Innovation Management
Stefan KUHLMANN, Editor Research Policy
René ROHRBECK, Editor of various special issues for Futures and Technological Forecasting & Social Change
Jan KRATZER, Associate Editor of Creativity and Innovation Management
Petra DE WEERD-NEDERHOF, University of Twente, The Netherlands (overall coordinator)
Holger ERNST, WHU Otto Beisheim School of Management, Germany
Koenraad DEBACKERE, K.U. Leuven, Belgium
Ellen ENKEL, Zeppelin University & RADMA representative
This Summer School represents a unique learning experience for anyone involved in advanced doctoral work in the area of technology and innovation management. It provides an exclusive opportunity for doctoral students to receive feedback on their work form leading academics and editors of renowned journals in the field of R&D and Innovation Management.
This year’s Summer School follows a different layout compared to the other European Doctoral Summer Schools in the years before:
Each doctoral student has to submit a full paper with the potential to be published in a high-tier journal. The students will be selected based on their full paper for the targeted journal and will have the opportunity to work with the tutors on their paper to make it ready for publication. In addition, they will receive valuable feedback from the tutors on their research work, future career opportunities in academia and beyond, and experience the start-up flair of Berlin and beyond.
Monday 16 September
- Opening
- Prof. Dr Gloria Barczak on Research & publishing in the Innovation Management and New Product Development Domain
- Student presentations for JPIM editor
Tuesday 17 September
- Prof Jan Kratzer, Associate Editor of Creativity and Innovation Management
- Student presentations for CIM editors
- Presentation & Discussion on Doc Careers
Wednesday 18 September
- Prof. Dr. René Rohrbeck, Aarhus University on his Technological Foresight research and business model innovation
- Student presentations for CIM & R&D Management editors
- Start-Up City Berlin I: EIT climate KIC; hub:raum
Thursday 19 September
- Prof. Dr. Ellen Enkel on Research and publishing in the R&D and Technology Management domain
- Student presentations for R&D Management editor
- Start Up City Berlin II: betahaus and beyond;
Summer School Dinner
Friday 20 September
- Prof. Dr Stefan Kuhlmann on Research and publishing in the Research Policy and Science and Technology Studies Domain
- Student presentations for Research Policy editor
- Certificate & Best Paper Awarding and Farewell Drinks
Only PhD students who are well ahead in their 2nd PhD year are eligible for participation in this workshop. Students have to apply for the Summer School by submitting an academic (working) paper that is targeted to one of the journal editors, who will be involved in the selection process. Each student will have his or her own one-hour session presenting their research to one of the tutors and the other participants (including discussion & feedback), and has to act as referent for at least one other students’ paper and presentation. The papers submitted must fulfill the (layout) criteria and fall within the topical aims and scope of the targeted journal. The number of participants will be limited to a maximum of 20 to create a stimulating environment.
Interested doctoral students should register on-line via www.eiasm.org no later than June 30th, 2013.
For further information on the program content, please contact Katharina Hölzle (katharina.hoelzle@uni-potsdam.de)
The seminar will be held at the University of Potsdam, Germany.
The program will start on Monday morning, September 16, 2013 at 9 a.m. and is scheduled to end September 20, 2013 at 4 p.m.
Participants have to explicitly commit to attend for the full week of the Summer School.
Participating students will be required to pay a fee of 750 euro. This fee includes participation to the seminar, the documents, lodging/accommodation including breakfast, and some of the meals. Doctoral students will be assigned rooms for two. Should you wish a single room, an extra fee of 50 EUR per night will be charged to you.
Interested doctoral students should register online and upload the required documents no later than June 30, 2013. The contact person at EIASM is Nina Payen (payen@eiasm.be).
The following documents which should necessarily complement each application form:
- the applicant’s curriculum vitae demonstrating his/her capabilities of doing research ;
- a letter of recommendation of his/her local faculty supporting the application ;
- an academic (working) paper (that is targeted to one journal editors.
- The Topic of Thesis should be relevant in the field of innovation, R&D and technology management.
- Additional focus on topic relevant for chosen target journal editor.
- For doctoral students applying for one for one of the scholarships, please send a budget and a well documented statement by the supervisor
For Submission, please click below
Thanks to a generous sponsorship by RADMA, this event is not only organized at a low fee, but also a number of scholarships and travel grants are available. We offer a maximum number of 10 scholarships for 250 euros, which can be used either for travel cost or to get a lower fee. Additionally there is a possibility for a limited number of full fee scholarships (750 euros).
Doctoral students applying for one of these scholarships should send a budget and a well documented statement by their supervisor confirming that they are not able to pay for the full costs themselves, together with their application, so no later than June 30, 2013, to Nina Payen at EIASM (payen@eiasm.be). Please indicate clearly in how far your application is dependent on your getting the scholarship.