For full information on the EDEN concept and benefits, please click here.


Solveiga Buoziute, Head of the Doctoral Department, ISM University of Management and Economics

Upon successful completion of the seminar (full attendance), the participants will be given a certificate and granted 4 ECTS.

Prof. EARL BABBIE Earl Robert Babbie is an American sociologist who holds the position of Campbell Professor Emeritus in Behavioral Sciences at
University . He is best known for his popular book The Practice of Social Research (first published in 1975), currently in its 11th English edition, with numerous non-English editions.
Earl Babbie taught at the
University of
Hawaii (Manoa) from 1968 through 1979, at which point he resigned to pursue a full-time writing career. In 1987 prof. Babbie began teaching at
University in
Orange, CA . He retired from teaching in January, 2006, but remains an active member of the campus community as Campbell Professor Emeritus.
Earl Babbie was announced as a Distinguished Visiting Professor,
University (
Chico ), November 14-16, 1988 and Honorary Member, Honors Program Student Association, 1994. On August 12, 2000 prof. Earl Babbie got Lester F. Ward Award, given by the Society for Applied Sociology for "distinguished contributions to applied sociology".
Prof. LEONIDAS DONSKIS Leonidas Donskis is a philosopher, historian of ideas, political commentator, and critic. Having received his first doctorate in philosophy from the
University of
Vilnius , he later earned his second doctorate in social and moral philosophy from the University of Helsinki, Finland.
His main scholarly interests lie in philosophy of history, philosophy of culture, philosophy of literature, philosophy of the social sciences, civilization theory, political theory, history of ideas, and studies in Central and East European thought.
Currently, Donskis serves as Professor of Political Science and Philosophy, and Director of the Political Science and Diplomacy School at Vytautas Magnus University in Kaunas, Lithuania. In addition, he acts as a foreign associate professor of Social and Moral Philosophy at the University of Helsinki. In 2004, Donskis has been awarded by the European Commission the title of the Ambassador for Tolerance and Diversity in Lithuania.
Prof. MARK KRIGER Mark Kriger is a professor of Strategic Management and Leadership at the
School of Management BI in
Oslo, . He has a Doctorate in Business Administration from
University , as well as Master's degrees in Computer Science and Philosophy from the
University of
California at Berkeley and Massachusetts Institute of Technology respectively. He teaches courses in Strategy Process and Executive Leadership at the Doctoral, MBA, Executive MBA and Master of Science levels.
Mark Kriger is the current Chair of the Strategy Process division of the Strategic Management Society. His consulting and research interests are in the areas of executive leadership, strategy implementation processes, knowledge transfer in transnational firms and the creation of value, especially in technology intensive companies.
Mark Kriger is a member of Editorial Board: The Leadership Quarterly (2002 – present) and ad hoc reviewer for a number of professional conferences and journals such as Academy of Management Journal of International Business Studies, etc.
Prof. KESTUTIS KRISCIUNAS Prof. Kestutis Krisciunas currently is an EU Jean Monnet professor of Knowledge Management in Institute of Europe at Kaunas University of Technology.
He is interested in European research and higher education policy and management as well as in knowledge based economy. Kestutis Krisciunas got a Doctor and Doctor Habilitus degrees in engineering psychology – man machine communication field. After two terms in KaunasUniversity of Technology rector’s position he prolonged his interest in research and higher education role in knowledge based economy. Kestutis Krisciunas is the author of several monographs and scientific papers in knowledge based economy field. Under his supervision scientific journal European Integration Studies is being published. He acts as a secretary-general in Lithuanian Universities Rectors’ Conference and is responsible for the links with the European institutions.

During the seminar the participants will: 1) learn the scientist role in society, doctoral dissertation requirements, content and experience of doctoral research process worldwide; 2) discuss the place of their own research in the context of management research; 3) improve dissertation writing skills by formulating research title, aim, objectives, research question, hypotheses; 4) discuss research methodology questions: sample, research methods, etc.; 5) practise dissertation writing techniques: language, style, copyright, citation, etc. 6) elaborate dissertation writing process and time management issues;

Day 1 (July 7th) Topics of the day:
- What is Science? Who is Researcher? - What is Doctoral Dissertation? Content, Requirements, International Experience. Lecturer: Prof. Leonidas Donskis, Vytautas Magnus university, LT Prof. Kestutis Krisciunas, Kaunas University of Technology
Day 2 (July 8th) Topics of the day: - Designing your Research: Visualizing, Planning, Pacing, Support Networks, Desired Outcome(s). - Classification of Research: Disciplines, Fields, Subfields, Theories, Research Traditions. Lecturer: Prof. Mark Kriger,
School of Management BI, NO
Day 3 (July 9th) Topic of the day: - Developing Two-page Dissertation Designs: Title, Research Objectives, Research Question(s), Hypotheses (if any). Lecturer: Prof. Mark Kriger,
School of Management BI, NO
Day 4 (July 10th)
Topics of the day:
- Purposes of Research. - Models of Explanation. - Data-collection Methods. - Social Research Ethics. - Measurement. Lecturer: Prof. Earl Babbie,
Chapman University,
Day 5 (July 11th) Topics of the day:
- Data Analysis. - The Elaboration Model and Spuriousness. - Scholarly Writing. - Plagiarism. Lecturer: Prof. Earl Babbie,
Chapman University,
Two short breaks and an hour lunch break are scheduled every day.
For a programme overview , click HERE

TIME AND LOCATION The seminar will be held at the University of Management and Economics, Vilnius, LITHUANIA. The programme will start on July 7, 2008 and is scheduled to end July 11, 2008
PARTICIPATION FEE The fee structure is as follows: - Doctoral student from non-member institution: 1.500 € - Special fee for students from Central and Eastern European institutions: 800 € This fee includes participation to the seminar, the documents, lodging and full board.
Doctoral students will be assigned rooms for two. Should you wish a single room, an extra fee of 50 € per night will be charged to you.
Cancellations made before June 13, 2008 will be reimbursed with 10% deduction of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after this date.
EIASM SCHOLARSHIPS The Institute offers a limited number of scholarships of 700 € each. Scholarships are strictly limited to students coming from an EIASM Institutional Member (the Academic Council). Allocation of the scholarships is entirely at the discretion of the European Institute.
APPLICATIONS Interested doctoral students should register online (and add the required documents) no later than May 6, 2008. Besides doctoral students, other researchers may participate. The number of participants will be limited to create a stimulating environment. The selection among the applicants will be conducted by the Institute’s Faculty. They will review the following documents which should necessarily complement each application form:
- the applicant’s curriculum vitae demonstrating his/her capabilities of doing research ;
- a letter of recommendation of his/her local faculty supporting the application ;
- a two-page description of his/her doctoral research, indicating the general objectives.
For more information, please contact:
The EDEN Team
Tel: +32 2 226 66 69
