For full information on the EDEN concept and benefits, please click here.
The faculty of the seminar have published books and articles in leading journals, such as Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Perspectives, California Management Review, Human Relations, Human Resource Management (USA), British Journal of Management, Academy of Management Learning & Education, Management International Review, Journal of World Business, International Journal of Production & Economics, International Journal of Human Resource Management, Human Resource Management Review, Thunderbird International Business Review, International Studies of Management & Organizations, Advances In Mergers and Acquisitions, and have vast experience in consulting to domestic and international M&As. They were and currently are Guest Editors of special issues on M&As in such premier journals as Journal of Organizational Behavior, Journal of Management Studies, California Management Review, Human Resource Management, British Journal of Management, Journal of World Business, Group & Organization Management, R&D Management, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Human Resource Management Review, International Business Review, International Marketing Review, Small Business Economics, and others.
The objectives of the seminar are:
The seminar will focus on the specific problems and challenges encountered in international and domestic mergers and acquisitions. During the course, we will present and discuss alternative perspectives on these phenomena:
The seminar will begin on May 8, 2017 and end on May 12, 2017.
Detailed Programme: Click HERE
The seminar will include presentations, discussions, simulations, and more. Reading materials that also include recent publications by the faculty of the seminar (review, theoretical conceptual, and methodological papers), such as from Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Management, Academy of Management Perspectives, California Management Review, Human Relations, Human Resource Management (US, Wiley), Management International Review, Journal of World Business, International Journal of Human Resource Management, International Business Review, Advances in Mergers and Acquisitions , Best Paper Proceedings of Academy of Management, etc. will be distributed and discussed. Course certificates will be sent only to those participants that attend the entire seminar and complete the required assignments. The course merits 4 ECTs.
Interested doctoral students should register online (and add the required documents) no later than March 1, 2017. Besides doctoral students, other researchers may participate. The number of participants will be limited to create a stimulating environment. The selection among the applicants will be conducted by the Institute’s Faculty. They will review the following documents which should necessarily complement each application form:
TIME AND LOCATION HOTEL ACCOMMODATION A list of receommended hotels will be posted in due time. ONLINE APPLICATION TO APPLY CLICK ON THE LINK BELOW For more information, please contact:The EDEN Team EIASM - Rue FOSSÉ AUX LOUPS - 38 - BOX 3 - 1000 BRUSSELS - BELGIUM Tel: +32 2 226 66 69 Email: |