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BRUSSELS, JUNE 26-29, 2017

For full information on the EDEN concept and benefits, please click here.


Sascha Albers, Professor of International Management, Dept. of Management, University of Antwerp, Belgium (Programme Coordinator)

Jenny Gibb, Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Strategy and HRM, University of Waikato, New Zealand



All research is based on theory, but not all theory is based on research. If this claim is true, it is essential for every scholar to understand what theory is, what theory is not, which types of theory there are, how to skillfully apply, extend, build on and connect extant theories and even, how to develop new theory. Every PhD student will attempt to develop theory in at least one of the aforementioned ways.

The key purpose of this course is to increase participant understanding on how to identify and read theories, as well as to apply theory building techniques in management. We purposely aim to provide a broad range of understanding of theory in this course for two key reasons. First, it is important to be able to identify and understand a range of different theory types. Second, it is critical that participants are able to differentiate theory proper, from proximate constructs such as models and frameworks, which themselves may constitute important, valuable and significant conceptual contributions.

Hence, the theme and rationale for calling this course: Conceptual paper development and theory development. Theory papers are sometimes called the most difficult and the most prestigious art of scholarly paper writing. In this course we will examine why this is the case and work to systematically build understanding on how to develop theory and conceptual contributions. In working on theory and conceptual paper development we intend to deepen participants’ appreciation of theory building and to assist them to craft potentially valuable and effective research papers.

This course will also encourage participants to improve their analytical abilities to critically evaluate contemporary management research.


Students will develop an understanding on developing theory and making valuable conceptual contributions. They will learn about the key elements of a theory, the approaches to build and to evaluate theory. More specifically, after the course students will be able to:

  • Identify and understand what constitutes a theory
  • Differentiate between different types of management theories
  • Develop their own conceptual frameworks and theories
  • Critically review and assess conceptual research papers
  • Develop improved analytical skills in crafting their own theory papers
  • Further develop their written and verbal presentation skills


The course is offered in an intensive, blocked format that combines traditional lectures with group exercises, critical discussions, and participant presentations. Students should complete readings prior to attending the relevant session.

Prerequisites: Participants will be enrolled in a PhD program.


For detailed programme, Click HERE


Evaluation/Assessment: There are five component parts to the assessment which are due on May 15, June 15, July 25, August 15, August 20, 2017

Component 1: Participants will complete a project proposal for a conceptual research paper. This will be an individual piece of assessment. The proposal will include a problem statement, objective, short description of its structure, supporting logic, and intended contribution. This assignment is worth 20% of the final grade. The proposal must be submitted by May 28, 2017 via E-Mail to sascha.albers@uantwerpen.be (i.e. prior to the course).
Supporting sources: Grant & Pollock (2011) and Ragins (2012).

Component 2 and 3: Participants will prepare two reviews on a project proposal from one of their peers. One review needs to be completed prior to the course; one review (on the same, but improved project proposal) is to be completed after the course. Both reviews are individual pieces of assessment, each worth 20% of the final grade. The first review must be submitted by June 15, 2017 via E-Mail to sascha.albers@uantwerpen.be (i.e. prior to the course; students will receive the project proposal they need to review by May 20, 2017).
The second review must be submitted by August 15, 2017 via E-Mail to sascha.albers@uantwerpen.be (i.e. after the course; the proposal they need to review will be made available by July 30, 2014). With regard to the length of the review, consider that (a) less than one A4 page is usually seen as impolite, (b) most reviews are between one and two full A4 pages, but (c) reviews of three pages or more are also common.

Supporting sources: Academy of Management Review Reviewer Guidelines and Resources (available at http://aom.org/Publications/AMR/Reviewer-Resources.aspx)

Component 4: Participants prepare a revised project proposal and a response letter to their reviewers. This will be an individual assessment where students incorporate feedback on the initial proposal they submitted to this course, based on the material covered in course and peer reviews. This assessment is worth 30% and needs to be submitted by July 25, 2017 via E-Mail to Sascha.albers@uantwerpen.be (i.e. after the course).

Component 5: A reflective essay in which students will identify and critically analyze the immediate and long term value they believe they have got from the core component parts offered in this course. This assessment will account for 10% of the final grade and is due on August 20, 2017 via E-Mail to sascha.albers@uantwerpen.be (i.e. after the course).

Students will receive individual feedback from the professors on each assessment component.


Full attendance is required to obtain the certificate.
4 ECTS will be assigned upon completion of the seminar



Interested doctoral students should register online (and add the required documents) no later than April 30, 2017 (new deadline)Besides doctoral students, other researchers may participate. The number of participants will be limited to create a stimulating environment. The selection among the applicants will be conducted by the Institute’s Faculty. They will review the following documents which should necessarily complement each application form:

  • the applicant’s curriculum vitae demonstrating his/her capabilities of doing research ;
  • a letter of recommendation of his/her local faculty supporting the application ;
  • a two-page description of his/her doctoral research, indicating the general objectives.


The participation fee is 1100 € (VAT not included). This fee includes participation to the seminar, the documents, lunches, coffee break  and refreshments on all course days, and a course dinner on day 3.

The Institute offers a substantial reduction of the participation fee per member institution (one scholarship per member institution). These scholarships are strictly limited to students coming from an EIASM Institutional Member (the Academic Council). Allocation of the scholarships is entirely at the discretion of the European Institute.

Cancellations made before June 5, 2017 will be reimbursed with 10% deduction of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after this date.


The seminar will be held at the EIASM, Brussels, Belgium.

EIASM (2nd Floor of the Hotel Metropole)
Place de Brouckère 31
1000 Brussels

The programme will start on June 26, 2017 at  11.30 and is scheduled to end June 29, 2017 at 17.00.

You are requested to make your own hotel arrangement.

NH Collection Brussels Centre (former NH Atlanta)
Boulevard Adolph Max 7 - 1000 Brussels
Tel 00800 0115 0116 (free of charge) - reservations@nh-hotels.com

Standard room for single use : €155,00,-/night
Standard double room : €170,-/night
Including breakfast. Not including the city tax of €7,58 per room per night.

To take advantage of these special rates, please mention “EIASM” when making your reservation.

Hotel Métropole ***** ( EIASM is located in the Hotel Metropole venue)
Place de Brouckère 31 - 1000 Bruxelles

During the week :
Superior Single room at € 160 ,-/ night
Superior Double room at € 190,-/night
Including buffet breakfast / Not including the city tax (€ 9.28 per room per night)

During the week-end : (Night of Friday/Saturday & Sunday) :
Superior Single room at € 140 ,-/ night
Superior Double room at € 170,-/night
Including breakfast / Not including the city tax (€ 9.28 per room per night)

To take advantage of these special rates, please mention “EIASM” when making your reservation. However, according to the period of the booking, some better rates could be offered by contacting the hotel directly. We advice you to check prices on the internet too !!

Tel. : + 32 2 214 24 25 or + 32 2 214 24 26 or + 32 2 2142424 - Fax : 32 2 2180240
Email : info@metropolehotel.be

* Hotel Marivaux (very close - 3 mins walk from Seminar venue)
Boulevard Adolph Max 98 - 1000 Brussels - www.hotelmarivaux.be

Monday-Thursday incl.: € 135.00/night (breakfast and city tax included )  - single Club room
Friday, Saturday, Sunday: € 85.00/night (breakfast and city tax included ) - single Club room

There is a supplement of € 10.00/night for a double Club room (breakfast and city tax included )
There is a supplement of € 20.00/night for a Harmony room (breakfast and city tax included )

To book a room: send a e-mail to reservations@hotelmarivaux.be (mention EIASM).

You can also book on www.booking.com



For more information, please contact:
The EDEN Team
Tel: +32 2 226 66 69
Email: eden@eiasm.be