In cooperation with renowned journals in the field: R&D MANAGEMENT, JOURNAL OF PRODUCT & INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, CREATIVITY & INNOVATION MANAGEMENT, RESEARCH POLICY Coinciding with 5th CIM Community Workshop with Key Notes by: Theresa AMABILE (Harvard Business School), Elke den OUDEN (TU Eindhoven) and James MOULTRIE, (University of Cambridge):
Katharina HÖLZLE and Jennie BJÖRK, editors Creativity and Innovation Management, University of Potsdam and KTH Stockholm
Petra DE WEERD-NEDERHOF, University of Twente, The Netherlands (overall coordinator)
This Summer School represents a unique learning experience for anyone involved in advanced doctoral work in the area of technology and innovation management. It provides an exclusive opportunity for doctoral students to receive feedback on their work form leading academics and editors of renowned journals in the field of R&D and Innovation Management. This year’s Summer School’s format is as follows: Each doctoral student has to submit a full paper with the potential to be published in a high-tier journal (JPIM, R&D Management, Creativity and Innovation Management, Research Policy). The students will be selected based on their full paper for the targeted journal and will have the opportunity to work with the tutors on their paper to make it ready for publication. In addition, they will receive valuable feedback from the tutors on their research work, future career opportunities in academia and beyond, and experience the start-up flair and innovative climate of the University of Twente and the Twente region. The Summer School coincides with the 5th Creativity and Innovation Management Community Meeting, which Summer School participants can also attend. Your hosts: NIKOS Dutch Institute for Knowledge Intensive Entrepreneurship and Twente Graduate School, and University of Twente (UT). NIKOS, the University of Twente’s expert centre for knowledge intensive entrepreneurship is committed to research, education, and valorization (consultancy & training and business development support). It consolidates the UT’s expertise and experience from the Chairs for Innovative Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Strategic Management and Organisation of Innocation. UT’s mission, developing “high-tech with a human touch”, is leading for NIKOS’ activities. NIKOS is the first academic centre for entrepreneurship, incorporating research, education, entrepreneurial support (business development) and consultancy/training in the Netherlands, and has a succesfull field lab for enterprise development: VentureLab International. Twente Graduate School at the University of Twente coordinates an increasing variety of integrated Master's and PhD programmes for outstanding graduate students who aim at a career in scientific research, including one on Innovation and Entrepreneurship. At the University of Twente some 3,300 scientists and other professionals work together on cutting-edge research, innovations with real-world relevance and inspiring education for more than 9,000 students. The enterprising university encourages students to develop an entrepreneurial spirit, is a partner of Kennispark Twente, and the only campus university in the Netherlands. Enschede, UT’s home town is located in the east of the Netherlands near the German border and has a direct train connection with Amsterdam Airport.
Monday 31 August 2015 8.30 Opening by Rector Magnificus Prof.Dr Ed Brinksma . Tuesday 1 September 2015 8.30-9.30 Prof. Katharina Holzle and Jennie Bjork on Research & publishing in the Creativity and Innovation Domain Wednesday 2 September 2015 Joining the plenary part of the CIM Community Meeting with Key Notes by Elke Den Ouden and James Moultrie Thursday 3 September 2015 Prof. Gloria Barczak on Research & publishing in the Innovation Management and New Product Development Domain Friday 4 September 2015 Prof. Jonathan Aylen for R&D Management. Certificate and Farewell Drinks
Full attendance is required to obtain the certificate.
Our target group is for PhD students who are well ahead in their 2nd PhD year. Applicants can submit an academic (working) paper that is targeted to one of the journal editors, who will be involved in the selection process. Each student will have his or her own one-hour session presenting their research to one of the tutors and the other participants (including discussion & feedback), and has to act as referent for at least one other students’ paper and presentation. The papers submitted must fulfill the (layout) criteria and fall within the topical aims and scope of the targeted journal. The number of participants will be limited to a maximum of 20 to create a stimulating environment. Interested doctoral students should register on-line via - A limited number of seats (2 maximum) is still available on the course - please contact Nina Payen . For further information on the program content, and eligibility please contact Petra de Weerd-Nederhof (
The seminar will be held at the University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. The program will start on Monday morning, August 31, 2015 at 9 a.m. and is scheduled to end September 4, 2015 at 4 p.m. Participants have to explicitly commit to attend for the full week of the Summer School.
Participating students will be required to pay a fee of 750 euro. This fee includes participation to the seminar, the documents, lodging/accommodation including breakfast, and some of the meals. Cancellations made before August 10, 2015 will be reimbursed with 10% deduction of the total fee. No reimbursement will be possible after this date.
A limited number of seats (2 maximum) is still available on the course - please contact Nina Payen . Interested doctoral students should register online and upload the required documents no later than July 1, 2015. The contact person at EIASM is Nina Payen ( Please indicate clearly in how far your application is dependent on your getting the scholarship.
Thanks to a generous sponsorship by RADMA, this event is not only organized at a low fee, but also a number of scholarships and travel grants are available. We offer a maximum number of 10 scholarships for 250 euros, which can be used either for travel cost or to get a lower fee. Additionally there is a possibility for a limited number of full fee scholarships (750 euros). Doctoral students applying for one of these scholarships should send a budget and a well documented statement by their supervisor confirming that they are not able to pay for the full costs themselves, together with their application, so no later than July, 2015, to Nina Payen at EIASM ( Please indicate clearly in how far your application is dependent on your getting the (full) scholarship.
Interested doctoral students should register online (and add the required documents) no later than JULY 1, 2015.
For more information, please contact: Ms. Nina Payen |