EMAC Newspage 2008

  1. Letter from the President

    1. Letter from the President - March 2008 

      Dear Colleagues,

      This time of the year, when I am writing this letter, the EMAC has 957 members. It is exactly 100 persons more than we had last March. Without being too optimistic, I can expect more than 1000 EMAC members in 2008. This is a historic moment, where we should stop a little while. “Cui prodest?” as the Romans would ask. In whose interest is it to have more than 1000 members in EMAC? The answer was highly debated during the last couple of years when the membership started to increase.

      First of all, the successful annual conferences could be “blamed” for this increase in membership. Last year we had more than 800 participants in Reykjavik, a number which may hardly be matched in the near future. But this is not an accident. The EMAC as a brand is increasing worldwide. However, we must confess, that the American Marketing Association has over three times more academic members than we have. Even the European Accounting Association, our partner organization, has more than 1500 members. In this perspective we are still small. I think that we are smaller than what the potential market in Europe actually is. There are many under-represented nations and regions. The Executive and Steering Committees are working on new initiatives, and the results will be published soon.

      I thank you all, who participated in the EMAC survey last month. After ten years we decided to ask your opinion again about EMAC activities and services . We cannot always achieve your expectations, but your satisfaction level is a promising sign. Based also on your demands, we decided to move towards the publication of a second journal of EMAC. The IJRM is the leading marketing journal in Europe; however, a 2nd EMAC Journal might offer publication potential to our growing members.

      We started to work on institutional membership, as an option, and on the evaluation of marketing departments. Ranking the departments based on EMAC membership, within the period between 1986 and 2007, the top five universities are: Erasmus University Rotterdam, Aarhus School of Business, Bocconi University, University of Groningen, BI Norwegian School of Management. We are proud of them, but we are looking for reasons why some other institutions and other countries are under-represented. At the Brighton conference we will organize a special meeting for marketing department chairs.

      Keith Perks, the chair of the Brighton conference program, and his team are looking forward to your registration to the conference. I hope that most of you can visit England in the last week of May. We will have another successful conference, meeting many friends, establishing new relationships, and enjoying the inspirational academic atmosphere.

      József Berács
      EMAC President

  2. EMAC 2008 Conference Online Job Market

    1. EMAC 2008 Conference Online Job Market 

      The EMAC is pleased to announce its 2nd job market at the EMAC Conference 2008 in Brighton,  for researchers (PhDs and PhD candidates, assistant professors, associate and full professors), whose research is concerned with the field of marketing. The main goal is to manage and diffuse the relevant information concerning higher education and research institutions and young researchers in order to lower the cost of creating a good match.

      For institutions: Interested Institutions (universities, research institutions, private companies,...) have the opportunity to post on this web site a brief description of their open positions.

      For candidates: interested candidates are required either to hold a PhD or to be close to defend their PhD dissertation. In order to register, candidates should specify the name of their institution, the date of expected graduation, their fields of interest, and a downloadable CV (PDF format), which should include names and addresses of at least three references. Candidates are also expected to post their job market papers and strongly encouraged to build a personal web page.

      Demands and applications can be in any area of the business academic community.

      The Job market sessions where institutions may choose to interview candidates, will be held on Tuesday 27 May from 14.00-17.30 and during the conference days
      Wednesday 28 May from 17.30-18.30
      Thursday 29 May 17.30-18.30
      Friday 30 May 16.30-17.30 .

      Registration to the conference is required in order to take part in the job market

      To access the job market click on:






  3. Marketing Chair Session at EMAC Conference

    1. Marketing Chair Session at EMAC Conference 

      Marketing Chair Session
      EMAC 2008 Conference, Brighton

      Dear Colleague,

      I am writing this letter to you in my capacity as Vice President Membership of the European Marketing Academy (EMAC). We are exploring alternatives to further broaden the number of members of our association. To this extent institutional (in addition to individual) memberships appear to be a feasible option. Such kind of membership might make it easier for individuals to renew their membership more regularly since we observed a tendency of many colleagues of subscribing to EMAC only when also attending EMAC’s yearly conference. To serve institutional matters we intent to establish a platform of cooperation on an institutional level, e.g. among heads of marketing departments, for exchanging ideas about support of research and teaching, for administrative
      issues, for academic job market or student job placement and the like.

      During EMAC’s upcoming conference in Brighton, United Kingdom, there will be a special meeting in which we will try to identify services attractive to institutional members. This session will take place on May 28th, 2008, at 17:45. Graham Hooley, former president of EMAC, will chair this meeting.

      If you are a head of a marketing department, I invite you to attend this special meeting and, moreover, to take an active role in EMAC’s activities. You may find further information on EMAC at the following address:

      I urge you to attend the meeting and the conference. For further information on how to register for
      the conference please visit

      If you cannot make it for the conference but want to share some ideas on the institutional membership, please do not hesitate to contact me directly by e-mail. I am very open to all suggestions.

      I hope to meet you in Brighton in person!

      With kind regards,

      Udo Wagner
      EMAC Vice President Membership
      University of Vienna
      Fakultät für Wirtschaftswissenschaften
      Prof. Dr. Udo Wagner
      Brünner Straße 72
      A-1210 WienVienna
      T +43 (1) 4277-38011
      F +43 (1) 4277-38014

  4. Events and Call for Papers

    1. EMAC 2008 Conference 

      37th EMAC Conference
      Brighton, May 27-30, 2008

      Marketing Landscapes: A Pause for Thought

      Marketing has come under increasing scrutiny by scholars, practitioners, governments, and pressure groups in the past decade. Leading scholars in the field have held special forums to debate what is perceived as a decline in the status of marketing as a discipline, and its position in the corporate hierarchy from a central role in strategy making to a lower order functional role. Influential non-governmental organisations and governments are bringing marketing to task over its perceived and real lack of concern for ethical and socially responsible behaviour. Marketing academics have been accused of disengaging with the corporate world and their research as becoming increasingly irrelevant to the practice of marketing.

      The theme of the EMAC 2008 Conference is to examine the marketing landscape, to continue the debate, and assess if we have over specialised the discipline into ‘silos’ and narrowed our perspectives resulting in a failure to look at the bigger picture. Marketing has broadened in the last three decades of the 20th century adding to the complexity and diversity of the field. The questions to be raised at the 2008 conference are: Have we gone too far? Do we need a single universal paradigm or multiple paradigms? How can we reconnect with the corporate world? How does marketing respond to its critics?

      We look forward to welcoming you to Brighton for EMAC 2008 and to some stimulating presentations, discussions and networking in the proclaimed ‘fun capital’ of the United Kingdom. 


      Early bird online registration:  25th April 2008

      Latest online registration:  12th May 2008

      For more information:  http://www.emac2008.org


    2. MSI's Conference on The New Media Landscape 

      MSI's Conference on The New Media Landscape
      The New Media Landscape
      May 8 - 9, 2008
      IESE Business School, Barcelona, Spain

      Deadline: March 31, 2008

      Mark your calendar and make your travel plans now to attend the May 8-9, 2008 conference on “The New Media Landscape” at the IESE Business School in Barcelona, Spain.

      Beginning in the 1990s, Internet advertising augmented the set of communications tools that marketers had used for decades: television, radio, print (magazines, newspapers), and outdoor. “New” media channels have rapidly expanded to include paid search advertising, customer-generated blogs, social networking, mobile marketing, video game advertising, and others. Although the “old” media are not disappearing—and, in some cases, are flourishing—it is clear that most major marketers are shifting their budgets into online media categories.

      Co-chaired by MSI and Professor Julián Villanueva of the IESE Business School of Madrid and Barcelona, this conference will bring the current thinking of both business and academia to bear on three key questions: How is the media landscape changing? What is the current state-of-the-art for assessing the ROI of new media? How are the new media forms being integrated?


      •  Nicolas Brezet, Director of Relationship Marketing, L’Oréal Strategic Development
      • Bill Havlena, Vice President, Research Analytics, Dynamic Logic Inc.
      • Prasad A. Naik, University of California, Davis
      • José Luis Nueno, IESE Business School
      • Eric Salama, Chairman & CEO, The Kantar Group
      • Hernán Sánchez, CEO, Havas Media Intelligence, Havas Media
      • Bernd Skiera, Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
      • Gerard J. Tellis, University of Southern California
      • Russell S. Winer, Marketing Science Institute and New York University

      More information on this conference will be sent later via e-mail, but for continual updates on speakers and to register, please visit our website at: http://www.msi.org/conferences/conferences.cfm?conf=83.

      Please make your hotel reservations by calling either the Hotel Sansi Pedralbes or the Hotel ABBA Garden by March 31. To receive the group rates, please be sure to mention “The May MSI Conference.” Rooms are limited.

      For your reference, below is general contact information for the hotels.

      Hotel Sansi Pedralbes
      Av. Pedralbes, 1
      08034 Barcelona
      Tel: +34-93-206-38-80
      Rate: 130 Euro
      5 minute walk to IESE

      Hotel ABBA Garden
      C/Santa Rosa, 33
      08950 Esplugues de Llobregat (Barcelona)
      Tel: +34-93-503-54-54
      Rate: 120 Euro
      Shuttle service to IESE (5 minute drive)

      Should you have any questions, please e-mail meetings@msi.org.

      We look forward to seeing you in May!

    3. ICMMS 2008 


      International Conference on Management and Marketing Sciences 2008 (ICMMS 2008)

      23 - 25 May 2008

      URL address: http://www.icmms.org/

      The aim of ICMMS 2008 is to to discuss and publish research on change in societies, cultures, networks, organizations, teams, and individuals as well as the processes that are most effective in managing transitions from dominant structures to more evolutionary, developmental forms.

      Business Administration, Business Law and Ethics, Decision Sciences and Operations Management, E-Business, E-Government, and E-Society, Economics, Finance and Banking, Human Resource, Innovation and Learning, International Business, Knowledge Management, Negotiation, Management and Organizational Behaviour, Management and Sustainable Development, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Online Learning and Management in Education, Operational Research and its applications to industry and economy, Research Methods, Small Business and Entrepreneurship, Social Issues in Management, Strategic Business, Technology and Innovation, Other Relevant Topics (see http://www.icmms.org/topics.htm).


      Dr. Damianos Sakas, Department of Computer Sciences & Technology, University of Peloponnese

      Mr. Efstathios Kefalidis, General Manager, Rodopi Development S.A., N. Plastira and G. Antoniadi 691 00 Komotini, Greece
      Organizer and Managing Editor

      Professor Dr. T.E. Simos, Active Member of the European Academy of Sciences and Arts, Corresponding Member of the European Academy of Sciences, Corresponding Member of European Academy of Arts, Sciences and Humanities, President of the ESCMSE,Laboratory of Computational Sciences, Department of Computer Science and Technology, Faculty of Sciences and Technology, University of Peloponnese, GR-221 00 Tripolis, Greece. E-mail: tsimos@mail.ariadne-t.gr and tsimos.conf@gmail.com 
      Scientific Committee
      Professor Dr. Dr. habil. Reinhard Hunerberg, Fachgebiet Marketing / FB 07, Universitat Kassel, Diagonale 12, D-34109 Kassel

      Dr. Zhongqi Jin, Middlesex University Business School, The Burroughs, London NW4 4BT, England.
      Tel: +44 (0) 8411 5000

      Dr. N. Konstantopoulos, Department of Business Administration, University of the Aegean, Greece

      Prof. Sonja Petrovic-Lazarevic, Deputy Director of the Social and Economic Interface Research Network (SEIRnet), Director of the East European Studies, Associate Professor, Monash University, Department of Management, Australia, Professor University of Belgrade

      Dr. C. Lymperopoulos, Department of Business Administration, University of the Aegean, Greece

      Dr. Thomas Matheis, Institute for information Systems (IWi) at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Stuhlsatzenhausweg 3, Building D3 2, 66123 Saarbrucken, Germany.

      Dr. Damianos Sakas, Department of Computer Sciences & Technology, University of Peloponnese
      Organising Committee

      Mrs Eleni Ralli-Simou (Secretary of the Conference)
      Dr. Z. Anastassi
      Mr. N. Kanellos
      Mr. T. V. Triantafyllidis
      Mr. G. Vourganas

      The extended abstracts will be published in the Proceedings of ICMMS 2008 (which will be published Imperial College Press - see for more information: http://www.icmms.org/proceeding.htm)

      A selected number of full papers will be published (as letters of ~ 7-8 A4 pages length)  in Computing Letters (CoLe - see http://www.brill.nl/cole. From the beginning of 2008 this will be a journal under the copyright of European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ESCMSE)) or in Management Sciences and Practices Journal. We mention that Computing is under evaluation for the inclusion of this journal in SCI. The first report (after 2 years was very positive. Now we expect a report after 1-2 year which if will be also positive, then the journal will be included in SCI).

      Call for Sessions Workshops and Minisymposia:

      We invite proposals for Sessions, Workshops or Minisymposia.

      Each session should have at least 8 paper presentations. For this session the organizer or his team can have at most 2 papers.
      Each workshop or minisymposium should have at least 10 paper presentations. For this workshop or minisymposium the organizer or his team can have at most 2 papers. The Session, Workshop or Minisymposium organizer will be responsible for advertising the workshop, reviewing and selecting the papers. The Session and the Symposium organizers will have benefits that are negotiable with the General Chair Professor Theodore Simos (tsimos@mail.ariadne-t.gr and tsimos.conf@gmail.com). The basic rule is: For every 6 registrations, one registration is free.

      Papers accepted for Sessions, Workshops or Minisymposia will be published in the Proceedings of ICMMS 2008.

      After the Conference the papers presented at the Sessions, Workshops or Minisymposia will be considered for publication in the appropriate journals.

      Submission of Proposals

      Proposals to organize Sessions, Workshops or Minisymposia should include the following information:

      title of the workshop, name, affiliation, mailing address and e-mail address of the proposer(s), description of the topic of the session (not exceeding 100 words), a short description on how the session will be advertised
      The deadline for proposal submission is May 10, 2008. Please send your proposal to tsimos@mail.ariadne-t.gr and tsimos.conf@gmail.com

      Important Information

      Papers for Sessions, Workshops or Minisymposia should be submitted directly to the Sessions, Workshops or Minisymposia organizers who also defines the deadline.

      After the selection,  the Sessions, Workshops or Minisymposia organizers must send the final accepted papers to the Secretary of ICMMS 2008 not later than the deadlines defined by the Conference.


      1. Title: Shaping Culture and Leadership Research Workshop (Mapping and Framing the Research Methodology)

      Organizer: Dodi Wirawan Irawanto, Management Department - Faculty of Economics, Brawijaya University, Malang, Indonesia. E-mail: me-dodi@dodeelecture.com, dodiwirawan@hotmail.com

      2. Title: Hospitality & Tourism Knowledge Management

      Organizer: Dr. Konstantinos Andriotis, Nottingham Trent University, UK and Dr. Dimitrios Diamantis, Sheffield Hallam University, UK. E-mail: kostas.andriotis@ntu.ac.uk or d.diamantis@shu.ac.uk 

      3. Title: Management Library

      Organizer: Associate Professor Dr. Georgios Giannakopoulos, Technological Educational Institute of Athens, Greece

      4. Title: 1st Symposium on Knowledge-Based Industrial and Environmental Management

      Organizer: Porf. Fragiskos Batzias, Vice Head of the Department of Industrial Management & Technology at the University of Piraeus, Greece; Head of the Laboratory of Simulation of Industrial Processes and the Research Group of Systems Analysis. Karaoli & Dimitriou 80, 18534, Piraeus, Greece. Tel.: +30 210 4142369; +30 2104142368 Fax.: +30 210 4142392. Email: fbatzi@unipi.gr or csiontor@unipi.gr

      Call for papers

      You are invited to submit a paper and/or proposal to organise a woskshop, session or minisymposium.

      The conference will have the following format

      1. Keynote Speakers (only after invitation)

      2. Original papers (selection based on short papers of 3-4 A4 pages)

      3. Posters (selection similar to original papers)

      4. Virtual Papers (papers which will be presented in the Conference without the attendance of the participant)

      Presentation of papers

      Accepted papers will be divided into several sessions. The full program will be announced later.

      Duration: 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes discussion


      A selected number of full papers will be published (as letters of ~ 7-8 A4 pages length)  in Computing Letters (CoLe - see http://www.brill.nl/cole. From the beginning of 2008 this will be a journal under the copyright of European Society of Computational Methods in Sciences and Engineering (ESCMSE)) or in Management Sciences and Practices Journal. We mention that Computing is under evaluation for the inclusion of this journal in SCI. The first report (after 2 years was very positive. Now we expect a report after 1-2 year which if will be also positive, then the journal will be included in SCI).

      All the papers should be send to: Secretary of the Editor of ICMMS 2008. E-mail: tsimos@mail.ariadne-t.gr with a carbon copy to: tsimos.conf@gmail.com,  Postal Address: 10 Konitsis Street, Amfithea Paleon Faliro, GR-175 64 Athens, Greece, Fax: +30210 94 20 091, +302710 237397.

      Contact information:

      Secretary ICMMS 2008, E-mail: tsimos@mail.ariadne-t.gr with a carbon copy to: tsimos.conf@gmail.com.
      Postal Address: 10 Konitsis Street, Amfithea Paleon Faliron, GR-175 64, Athens, Greece,
      Fax: +30210 94 20 091 or + 302710 237 397


    4. 2nd Annual GSSI Conference  

      2nd Annual GSSI Conference

      The 2nd Annual GSSI Conference is jointly organized by the Department of Marketing & Communication of the Athens University of Economics & Business (Athens, Greece) and the Russ Berrie Institute for Professional Sales at the William Patterson University (U.S.A.), with the collaboration of the Greek Marketing Academy and the Greek Sales Institute.

      Please remember that the registration deadline is April 15, 2008.

      For additional information visit the Conference’s website www.gssi2008.org.

    5. 1st World Social Marketing Conference - Extension of deadline 

      The Chinese University of Hong Kong
      The 1st World Social Marketing Conference
      Brighton, 29-30 September 2008

      Call For Papers: Academic Program
      Conference Website www.nsmcentre.org.uk

      Location:   Brighton Centre, Brighton U.K.
      Conference Dates:  September 29-30, 2008
      Submission Deadline: Extended until April 14, 2008

      Description: We encourage submissions from all disciplines, from all parts of the world, on all topics related to social marketing.  We are interested in empirical or theoretical contributions to social marketing, whether quantitative or qualitative.  We do discourage case study submissions; because the conference has a practitioner track, we would encourage case studies to be submitted in that track. 

      Participants have two options for submission: Complete paper submissions and working paper submissions.  All submissions will be evaluated in a blind peer review process.  Accepted complete paper submissions will be scheduled for oral presentations.  Accepted working paper submissions will be scheduled for poster sessions.

      Format: Complete Paper Submissions.  Authors should submit a completed paper no more than 20 pages in length, inclusive of title page, references, and tables/figures.  Authors should submit two documents: (1) a title page that identifies the authors, their affiliations, and their contact details; and (2) a main document that begins with a title, which is followed by a brief abstract, and then followed by the remainder of the article with authorship information removed.  Figures and tables should be embedded within the document, not separated and appended.  Please use the Chicago style, which is that used by the Journal of Marketing and Journal of Consumer Research.  Authors will have the option of publishing in the proceedings their accepted papers in either the full version (not to exceed 20 pages) or as an extended abstract (not to exceed 1,500 words).  When submitting your paper, please indicate your publication preference.

      Format: Working Paper Submissions.  This option is for researchers interested in presenting their work that has not been completed, but sufficiently under development to present ideas to colleagues for feedback in a poster session.  Authors should submit an extended abstract, not to exceed 1,500 words, inclusive of all parts of document.  Two documents should be submitted: (1) a title page that identifies authors, containing their affiliations, and contact details; and (2) the extended abstract which begins with the title.  Figures and tables should be embedded within the document, not separated and appended.  Please use the Chicago style, which is that used by the Journal of Marketing and Journal of Consumer Research.

      Note:  The Centre for Socially Responsible Marketing at the University of Lethbridge is organizing the academic program for the 2008 World Social Marketing Conference instead of hosting its own “Social Marketing Advances in Research and Theory” (SMART) conference for 2008.

      Submission Instructions:  Please submit your papers electronically by April 14th, 2008, to srm@uleth.ca

      Inquiries:  Please direct your inquiries to srm@uleth.ca


    6. ITP - International Teachers Programme.  

      Dear Colleagues,

      This is the second consecutive year that SDA Bocconi School of Management hosts
      the ITP - International Teachers Programme. 

      The ITP is an intensive faculty-development Programme offered by the International Schools of Business Management (ISBM), a group of 10 leading Business Schools located in Europe and North America. ITP has been serving over 1,000 high calibre faculty and educators from many countries for more than 30 years. According to a rotation process involving all the ISBM Schools, the SDA Bocconi School of Management hosts the Programme for the academic year 2008-2009, after having already hosted it the year before.

      We all know very well the importance of both academic circuits and word of mouth in order to create awareness and promote such an outstanding experience. So, will you be so kind to take a look at the enclosed prospectus and application form and to forward them to any colleague of yours who could be interested in?

      I thank you very much in advance for your support.

      The programme website is: www.sdabocconi.it/itp/

      Please feel free to contact the Programme Management for any further information at the following addresses:

      stefano.gatti@unibocconi.it - Programme Director

      andrea.benocci@sdabocconi.it - Programme Coordinator

    7. 2nd International Scientific Conference:Marketing Theory Challenges In Transitional Societies 

      2nd International Scientific Conference:

      Call for Papers

      University of Zagreb
      Faculty of Economics & Business
      Marketing department

      invites you to submit papers for the

      2nd International Scientific Conference:

      The purpose of the conference is to provide a research forum among academic researchers, doctoral and graduate students engaged in the research about marketing discipline. This conference offers an opportunity for an exchange of research experiences concerning marketing issues in the scientific and business environment in order to promote marketing knowledge amongst scholars by disseminating new research findings, and by encouraging the evolution of new research topics. It also serves as a platform for the transfer of knowledge and interaction between scholars and practitioners.

      The main objective is to restore and/or give a fresh impetus to the enhancement of the cooperation among academic marketing researchers in the area of transitional countries of Central and Eastern Europe. The second, but not less important objective is to motivate better networking between academic researchers and marketing practitioners in this area, and to participate in building new paradigms and theories.

      We invite authors to submit the results of their best current marketing research. The papers presented should aim to reflect the state of marketing science.

      Papers can be submitted for the following categories:
      (a) Research paper
      (b) Conceptual paper
      (c) Case study
      (d) General review
      (e) Literature review

      Submitted papers should:
      (a) be original (i.e. not have been published elsewhere),
      (b) be relevant with the overall conference theme objectives,
      (c) be written in English and
      (d) be submitted in time.

      If you wish to have your paper included in the proceedings, the final manuscript must be prepared using Microsoft Word and fully prepared in the way you want it to be in the proceedings. For, example tables and pictures must be placed where you want them to appear. The manuscript must be single-spaced, have 2,5 cm margins on all four sides, written in Times New Roman font, size 12 (with the exception of the title, which must be size 18). Please submit only complete papers from 5 to 7 pages in the length (excluding title page).

      The manuscript should consist of:
      (a) Title page: the title of the paper and information about the author(s),
      (b) Body of the paper: abstract, keywords, body of the paper and references. References and endnotes need to be consistent and in a generally accepted format.

      Detailed "Instructions for authors" and "Sample paper" can be found at the Conference web site, www.efzg.hr/mtc

      Submissions will be blind-reviewed. Please submit papers exclusively by e-mail as Word document attachments to the following address: mtc@efzg.hr

      All accepted papers will be included in the official conference proceedings. The proceedings will be published with ISBN and will be available at the Conference. Each registered delegate will receive one free copy of the Proceedings. Authors of selected conference papers will have the opportunity to publish their papers in the international scientific journal Tržište (Market), indexed in CAB Abstract, ProQuest ABI/INFORM and EBSCO.

      Dates to remember
      7th  April, 2008 Submission of abstract (300-500 words)
      21st  April, 2008 Abstract acceptance notification
      2nd  June, 2008 Paper submission deadline
      7th July,  2008 Paper acceptance notification
      11th  August, 2008 Registration deadline
      26th -27th  September, 2008 Conference

      The conference fee
      The registration fee of 120 EUR includes:
      • Conference proceedings
      • Coffee and refreshments during breaks
      • Lunches (on 26th and 27th September, 2008)
      • Official Conference Dinner (on 26th September, 2008).

      For Additional information, please contact:
      o e-mail: mtc@efzg.hr
      o phone: +385 1 238 33 05

      All further details will be published and adequately updated at the Conference web www.efzg.hr/mtc.

      We look forward to meeting you at Faculty of Economics and Business in Zagreb on 26th and 27th September, 2008.

      Ðurðana Ozretiæ Došen, Ph. D.
      Program Committee Chair

      Zoran Krupka, M. Sc. and Vatroslav Škare, M. Sc.
      Organizing Committee Co-Chairs

    8. MICE Workshop 

      1st Workshop of the Marketing, Innovation and Chinese Economy (MICE) Network
      Tsinghua University, Beijing, China
      30 March 2008

      The First Workshop of the Marketing, Innovation and Chinese Economy (MICE) Network - Look backward and forward on Innovation in China after 30 years of reform (1978-2008), in conjunction with the Academy of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (AIE) annual conference
      Venue: School of Economics, Tsinghua University, Beijing, China,
      Date: 30 March 2008,


      Qing Wang, Chair of the MICE Network, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick
      Jian Gao, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University


      The economic growth of China since its reform policy in 1978 has been phenomenal. The transition from planned economy to market economy has brought about many issues that are of great interests to innovation researchers and have practical implications for policy makers and managers. Therefore, the aim of this workshop is to facilitate dialogues among international scholars, government policy makers and executives of multinational and Chinese firms and examine the distinctiveness of China as a context for innovation derived from its unique historical and economic path of development, particularly over the past 30 years since the reform policy in 1978. A list of possible topics is provided at the end of this document.

      The workshop welcomes presentations of both empirical studies that feature new data from China as well as thought-provoking new ideas on how China will/should develop in the next 30 years to come. Comparative studies that examine similarities and differences between China and other emerging, developing or advanced countries such as India are also welcome.

      Notes for prospective presenters

      Prospective presenters should submit an extended abstract (3 pages), which will be refereed through a peer review process. The extended abstract where appropriate should include: (1) objectives, (2) conceptual framework/hypotheses, (3) research methods, results and analysis, and (4) discussion and implications.

      A selection of best presentations from the Workshop and the AIE conference will be encouraged to be developed into full papers and published in a special issue of International Journal of Innovation Management. The format of the papers is similar to the format required for the International Journal of Innovation Management. A guide for authors, sample copies and other relevant information is available at http://www.worldscinet.com/ijim/ijim.shtml

      Important Dates for the Workshop

      Submission of 3-page extended abstract  3 March 2008
      Notification to authors   8 March 2008
      Workshop     30 March 2008

      The Workshop immediately follows the AIE conference. Therefore, participants of the AIE conference are welcome to also attend the MICE Workshop. The Workshop consists of presentations in the morning and roundtable discussions in the afternoon.

      Registration and Hotel Information

      Workshop only: US$50
      AIE conference and Workshop:  US$100.
      You can register online at the AIE website: AIE2008/regcn.asp

      You can book the hotels from http://www.elong.net/, http://english.ctrip.com/, or directly from the website of the hotels.

      You are encouraged to contact the organisers to discuss the topic of your presentation:

      Qing Wang, Associate Professor of Marketing & Innovation, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick

      Jian Gao, Professor, School of Economics and Management, Tsinghua University

      For more information about the MICE Network please go to http://www2.warwick.ac.uk/fac/soc/wbs/research/mice/



    9. 1st World Social Marketing Conference 

      1st World Social Marketing Conference
      Brighton, 29-30 September 2008

      The National Social Marketing Centre, in partnership with the University of Lethbridge and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, are pleased to announce the first World Social Marketing Conference.

      The Conference which takes place on 29-30 September 2008 in Brighton will be the first ever world event where delegates, exhibitors and speakers from around the world will meet to discuss the application of social marketing.

      For more information:

      The conference website is http://www.tcp-events.co.uk/wsmc/

    10. Seminar on PLS Path Modeling 

      Seminar on PLS Path Modeling
      Hamburg, Germany, June 20 - 21, 2008

      Joerg Henseler (Radboud University Nijmegen) and Christian Ringle (University of Hamburg) organize a seminar on PLS Path Modeling on June 20 and 21 in Hamburg, Germany.

      This seminar presents PLS Path Modeling as a flexible and powerful means to predict latent variables and to assess relationships between latent variables in academic and applied research. Participants will learn how to apply PLS Path Modeling. Moreover, participants will be provided SmartPLS software.

      In addition to an introduction to PLS Path Modeling and a SmartPLS tutorial, this seminar covers several advanced topics:

      •  modeling second-order constructs
      • tests for mediating effects
      • investigating moderating effects
      • multi-group analysis
      • segmentation through Finite Mixture PLS

      Link: http://www.pls-school.com/Homepage_Seminar/Seminar1.htm

    11. Annual Conference of European Academy of Management and Business Economics  

      Annual Conference  of European Academy of Management and Business Economics
      University Salamanca, Spain, 18-20 June 2008

      Venue: University Salamanca (Spain)

      Theme: " Building Bridges in a Global Economy"
      From the 18th to the 20th of June 2008, this conference will be held at the University of Madrid (Spain).
      Web site: http://www.aedem-virtual.com/congresos/salamanca08/index.php
      Paper submission: Papers and works in progress written in Spanish will be sent electronically. They are accepted by a double-blind reviewing process. All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the Conference.

      Key dates: Deadline 4th April, 2008

      Tracks: all the papers and works in progress should be written on one of the following working areas.

      • Familiar entrepreneurs
      • Operations management
      • Organization and Business Management
      • Tourism management
      • Human resources
      • Methodology in firm economics
      • Colectable goods
      • Marketing
      • Organizational Information systems 
      • Markets and financial assets
      • Finance
      • Knowledge management
      • New modelling research
      • Accounting and audit
      • Social responsibilities and ethics

      Further information visit:


    12. 2008 Latin-American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research  

      Sao Paulo, Brazil, July 31-August 3, 2008

      Conference Co-chairs:
      Claudia R. A. Acevedo, Uninove, Sao Paulo, Brazil, claudia.acevedo@uninove.br
      Jose Mauro C. Hernandez, Uninove & EACH-USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil, jmhernandez@uninove.br
      Tina M. Lowrey, University of Texas at San Antonio, TX, USA, tina.lowrey@utsa.edu

      Film Festival Co-chairs
      Russell Belk, York University, rbelk@schulich.yorku.ca
      Robert Kozinets, York University, rkozinets@schulich.yorku.ca

      The 2008 Latin-American Conference of the Association for Consumer Research will be held in Sao Paulo,
      Brazil from Thursday, July 31st through Sunday, August 3rd, 2008. Registration and the opening reception will occur on July 31st, with presentations from Friday, August 1st through early afternoon on Sunday, August 3rd. As with the inaugural Latin-American ACR in Monterrey in early 2006, the conference will provide a multi-topical forum for scholarly presentations, discussions, and collaborations on consumer behavior.

      There will be five main forums for presenting and discussing research and scholarly thought:

      • Competitive Paper Sessions include papers that represent the completed work of their authors.
        The conference co-chairs will assign accepted papers to sessions that reflect similar scholarly interests.
      • Film Festival: Enables scholars to present their videographies on consumption-related topics at the conference.
      • Special Topic Sessions provide opportunities for focused attention on cutting-edge and important topics. Successful sessions offer a coherent perspective on emerging substantive, theoretical, or methodological issues.
      • Working Paper Session where posters of current work will be posted and discussed during a reception.
      • Workshops on methodological issues will continue the tradition from the 1st ACR-LA – as with that
        conference there will be several workshops on different topics (to be determined). Workshops will
        be selected from submissions of interested parties, as well as invited. For more information on
        these workshops, contact Tina M. Lowrey at tina.lowrey@utsa.edu.

      Submission and Decision Deadlines
      Submissions must be received no later than Thursday, January 31, 2008. Non-video submissions will be
      accepted on a website devoted to ACR-LA from November 15, 2007 to January 31, 2008.
      Notification of acceptance in all categories will be made by April 30, 2008. Early registration will occur from May 15-June 30, 2008.

    13. ISBM Academic Conference 2008 

      Dear Faculty and PhD Student Friends of the ISBM:

      The Institute for the Study of Business Markets will be hosting its Academic Conference this year in San Diego, California on August 6-7, 2008 (preceding the Summer AMA Educators’ Conference).  The venue is the University of California, San Diego at the newly constructed Rady School of Management.  The conference will “kick-off” Wednesday, August 6th at noon and continue until 4:00PM on Thursday, August 7th.

      The objective of the conference is to develop new ideas and new ways to address the most pressing issues at the interface of the B-to-B academic communities; generate new research approaches and ideas; and to provide a forum for interaction amongst the world’s leading B-to-B researchers.

      We will be co-chairing the conference this year.  The program committee consists of many well known business marketing researchers.  For committee and conference details visit http://www.smeal.psu.edu/isbm/seminars/aca08.html.  As this website details, we invite you to submit an abstract and/or special session for the conference.  Abstracts are due by March 1, 2008.

      We hope you will be able to attend the conference.  If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us (RUG2@psu.edu or GLilien@psu.edu).


      Rajdeep Grewal                                               Gary L. Lilien

      Conference Co-Chair                                      Conference Co-Chair

      ISBM Academic Conference 2008


    14. ICORIA conference 

      Dear colleagues,

      On behalf of the European Advertising Acadamy, we are happy to bring you exciting news from Antwerp regarding the upcoming Icoria conference:

      •  Prof. John Rossiter (University of Wollongong) is now confirmed as keynote speaker at the conference.
      • Fons Van Dyck (former strategic director of international ad agency VVL BBDO and founder of Think ½ BBDO) has kindly agreed to hold a keynote address from a practitioner’s point of view.
      • The conference dinner on Friday will be held in one of Antwerp’s many historic buildings, the beautiful neoclassicistic Bourla theatre, designed in 1827. The dinner will be preceded by a diamond cocktail in the theatre lobby, during which we will give away a real diamond!
      • The International Journal of Advertising, the official journal of the conference, will be sponsoring the €400 best paper award.

      Paper submissions are expected at papers@icoria.org before March 9! For full details, see the original call for papers and style sheet in attachment, or visit the website http://www.icoria.org.

      Looking forward to welcoming you in Antwerp next June!

      Patrick De Pelsmacker (chair)

      Nathalie Dens (co-chair)

      University of Antwerp, Belgium


    15. 2008 Academy of Marketing Conference  

      2008 Academy of Marketing Conference
      Aberdeen, Scotland, 29th February 2008

      Attention marketing scholars and professionals!

      The deadline for paper submissions for the 2008 Academy of Marketing Conference is Friday 29th February 2008.

      The 2008 conference will be held at Aberdeen Business School, part of The Robert Gordon University (RGU), in Aberdeen, Scotland, and is set to take place from Tuesday 8th July to Thursday 10th July, with the Doctoral Colloquium running from Monday 7th July to Tuesday 8th July. The theme for the conference is “Reflective Marketing in a Material World”.

      Aberdeen is located in the historic and picturesque Grampian region, and has excellent transport links with the surrounding area, being just a short drive from popular tourist attractions such as medieval castles, distilleries, and the famous Royal Deeside. Why not experience all Scotland has to offer by making a summer vacation out of your trip, and stay a few days longer to see such attractions as Loch Ness, the Scottish Highlands, and Edinburgh?

      In addition to the day program, there is a fantastic set of evening events planned for the conference, with distinguished keynote speakers, and visits to historic Scottish locations, including a whisky tasting at a historic nearby castle… all included in and covered by the full conference fee.

      Don’t miss your chance to experience Scotland while attending the marketing event of the year. Scholars and professionals from around the world will be in attendance, and you can register now by visiting www.am2008.org. For more information, please visit www.am2008.org, or email am2008@rgu.ac.uk.

      See you in July!

      AM 2008 Organising Committee

    16. 4th International Colloquium of AM's Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation SIG 

      4th International Colloquium of AM's Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation SIG
      Goizueta Business School, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia;
      September 12-14, 2008

      Co-Chairs: Raj Srivastava and Francisco Guzman

      Call for Papers

      In an effort to create bridges, the Academy of Marketing Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation Special Interest Group, crosses the Atlantic Ocean for its 2008 conference. The theme of the 4th International Colloquium, "Experiential Brands, Identity and Reputation: The Power of Intangible Assets in Expressive Organsations and Markets," is aimed to bring together scholars, researchers and practitioners in a lively debate and exchange of ideas on how intangible relationships demand fresh thinking about brands in the 21st century.

      The submission deadline for abstracts is February 15, 2008.
      The deadline for full papers is May 15, 2008.

      Further information about this event is available at



    17. Relationship Marketing Conference 

      Relationship Marketing Conference
      Swansea, Wales, 14-17 September 2008


      The International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing is well established as a forum for critical discussion of theories and practices of Relationship Marketing. The 16th Annual Colloquium will be hosted by University of Wales, Swansea from Sunday 14th - Wednesday 17th September 2008.

      The Colloquium organisers invite submission of papers, especially those which:

      Provide new and challenging insights to the study of buyer-seller relationships, particularly from the perspectives of disciplines beyond the specialism of marketing.
      Develop innovative methodologies for researching buyer-seller relationships.

      Please send an Abstract of no more than one page by 28 April 2008.

      The Colloquium organising committee will assess Abstracts on the basis of their likelihood of generating informed, critical debate. We will notify acceptance of Abstracts by 9 May 2008. The final version of the paper should be submitted by 16 June 2008 and will be double blind reviewed.

      Please indicate with your Abstract whether you wish it to be considered for a full paper presentation, or a poster presentation.

      For detailed submission guidelines, and further information about the Colloquium, please visit www.icrm2008.com.

      Further information is available from Professor Adrian Palmer, University of Wales Swansea, e-mail a.j.palmer@swan.ac.uk or info@icrm2008.com

    18. EMARK 2008 

      (XX Encuentro de Profesores Universitarios de Marketing)
      September 17-19, 2008, Spain

      From the 17th  to the 19th of September, 2008, the XX Spanish Marketing Academic Conference (http://www.aemark.es/congresos2008) is to be held at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria (Spain).

      Paper submission
      The organizing committee invites electronic submission of. Papers and Works in Progress, being written in Spanish. All accepted papers and works in progress will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference.

      Key dates
      All submissions must be in electronic form and be assigned to a specific track. Submissions should be sent by the web of the Conference. Papers and Work in Progress are accepted by a double-blind review process. Deadline: May 19th  2008.

      Conference tracks
      The conference programme is divided into fourteen tracks, which cover all the widely accepted research fields within the marketing discipline. Those interested in submitting a paper are invited to send it to one of following tracks:

      • Consumer behaviour
      • Commercial distribution
      • Marketing strategy and relationship marketing
      • Innovation, value creation and new product development
      • Brand management
      • Pricing decisions
      • Marketing communications
      • Training and teaching in Marketing
      • New technologies & E-marketing
      • Services marketing
      • International  marketing
      • Market research and research methodology
      • Tourism marketing
      • Agrifood marketing
      • Social responsibility, ethics and marketing of non-profit organisations

      Further information: for further and more detailed information, please visit the website:  http://www.aemark.es/congreso2008/


    19. XVIII Congreso Nacional de ACEDE 

      XVIII Spanish Scientific Association of Economy and Business Administration Conference
      (XVIII Congreso Nacional de ACEDE)
      León, 14th-16th September 2008

      Venue: University of León

      From the 14th to the 16th of September 2008, this conference will be held at the University of León (Spain). Web site:  http://www.acede2008.org/

      Paper submission: Papers and works in progress written in Spanish will be sent electronically. They are accepted by a double-blind reviewing process. All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the Conference. Doctoral students in different stages of their dissertation process can apply for the participation in the doctoral colloquium that will be held previous to the conference (13th September)

      Key dates
      : Deadline 1st  may, 2008

      Tracks: all the papers and works in progress should be submitted in a specific track. There are 20 different tracks in order to depict the diversity of research themes.

      • Corporate and competitive strategies
      • Internationalization
      • Strategic alliances
      • Mergers and acquisitions
      • Quality management
      • Behavioral and organizational change
      • Organizational design
      • Human resources
      • Corporate governance and social responsibility
      • Markets and financial assets
      • Corporate finance
      • Strategic marketing
      • Operational marketing
      • Business setting up
      • Innovation management
      • Logistic and supply channels
      • Production
      • Information systems and new technologies
      • Others

      Further information: for further and more detailed information, please visit the website:  http://www.acede2008.org/

    20. 5th Marketing Dynamics Conference 

      The fifth Marketing Dynamics Conference
      University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand
      January 4-6, 2009

      Call for papers

      The University of Waikato (Hamilton, New Zealand) hosts the fifth Marketing Dynamics Conference on January 4-6, 2009. This event brings together academics from around the globe to one of the world's most scenic countries to present, hear, and discuss new research within the realm of marketing dynamics. The Marketing Dynamics Conference is a recently established forum whose relatively small scale (about 100 participants) ensures a vibrant discussion about cutting-edge research on managerially relevant dynamic marketing problems.

      The conference starts on Sunday January 4 with a workshop on Dynamic Structural Models taught by Jean-Pierre Dubé, Professor of Marketing at the University of Chicago. The conference itself takes place on Monday
      January 5 and Tuesday January 6 in the Novotel-Tainui hotel in Hamilton, New Zealand.

      This conference also provides you with an opportunity to visit New Zealand, one of the most beautiful countries in the world.  East of campus is the area that featured as Hobbiton in the Lord of the Rings, and a bit further is Mount Doom from the same trilogy. Close to Hamiltonis Rotorua with world-famous geothermal activities. To Hamilton's east are white-sand Pacific Ocean beaches at the Coromandel Peninsula and the Bay of Plenty, and to the west are world-class surf beaches. New Zealand's scenery combined with excellent wines, superb lamb and seafood
      dishes, as well as a vivid Maori culture makes the country well worth an extended visit.

      We invite you to submit three-page abstracts (one title page and two text pages) of your research papers, present your work, and actively participate in the conference. The deadline for submitting abstracts is June 30, 2008. All details are provided on the conference website

      We hope to welcome you in New Zealand on January 4-6, 2009!

      Harald van Heerde (University of Waikato; conference chair)

      Advisory committee:
      Marnik Dekimpe (Tilburg University and Catholic University of Leuven)
      Prasad Naik (University of California at Davis)


    21. 2009 World Marketing Congress 

      2009 World Marketing Congress
      Oslo, Norway, July 22-25, 2009


      2009 World Marketing Congress
      Oslo, Norway 
      July 22-25, 2009
      Submission Deadline:  October 1, 2008
      Conference Theme – “Marketing in Transition:  Scarcity, Globalism, and Sustainability”

      Conference Co-Chairs:
      Victoria L. Crittenden, Boston College, USA
      Linda Ferrell, University of New Mexico, USA
      Goran Svensson, Oslo School of Management—Campus Kristiania, Norway

      Businesses around the world are facing a ‘changing playing field.’  We are more aware than ever of the impact of limited resources on all business decisions, especially those related to marketing strategy and implementation.  As markets become borderless, we have an increasing responsibility to pursue marketing management with a sensitivity and concern for eco-responsibility and developing sustainable business practices, while maintaining excellence in all of our marketing activities.  Everything we do in marketing will be affected by scarcity, globalism, and sustainability.  This conference seeks to address these issues and more to provide a forum for discussing pertinent, emerging concerns in marketing.

      The venue of the conference is at the Oslo School of Management – Campus Kristiania, which is located in the heart of Oslo.  Within walking distance, one can experience the beauty and serenity of the great Scandinavian capital of Norway.  The city of Oslo offers both urban and outdoor experiences.  The conference venue is by the main commercial street and within walking distance to major tourist attractions (e.g. the Royal castle, the harbor area) and transport facilities (e.g. airport, buses, trains and taxis).  The conference hotel is the Clarion Hotel Royal Christiania.

      To participate, submit competitive papers (not abstracts) or special session proposals electronically to the appropriate track chair listed below.  Important Note: It is against AMS policy to submit the same paper or special session proposal to multiple tracks.  We look forward to seeing you and engaging in the lively intellectual discussions and warm fellowship that are trademarks of the Academy of Marketing Science and the World Marketing Congress.

      Victoria L. Crittenden   
      North American Co-Chair   
      Department of Marketing    
      Boston College    
      140 Commonwealth Avenue  
      Chestnut Hill, MA  02467 
      USA  Phone: 617.552.0430  
       E-mail:  victoria.crittenden@bc.edu  

      Linda Ferrell   
      North American Co-Chair  
      Anderson School of Management 
      University of New Mexico  
      Albuquerque, NM 87131 
      Phone: 505.277.7056
      Email: LFerrell@mgt.unm.edu

      Goran Svensson
      Conference Co-Chair
      Oslo School of Management
      PO Box 1195 Sentrum
      0107 Oslo,
      E-mail: goran.svensson@hh.se

      For more detailed information:

      AMS Web Site: www.ams-web.org

    22. Measuring Customer Lifetime Value with Marketing Engineering for Excel  

      Dear Colleague,

      Marketing analytics are more important than ever in modern marketing programs. Join us for another in the Decision Insight Webinar Series:

      Measuring Customer Lifetime Value with Marketing Engineering for Excel (MEXL).

      Thursday, March 13, 2008 at 11:00 EDT

      In today’s fierce competitive environment, acquiring new customers –and keeping them– has become marketing's Holy Grail. While acquiring new customers and loyalty programs become more expensive, companies rightfully see these costs as worthy investments only when they consider medium and long-term benefits. With the increasing focus on and use of marketing metrics, today’s marketers must make and justify such investments systematically.

      Yet, it is not easy to calculate the long-term monetary value of a customer and few companies, especially in the Business-to-Business domain, use Customer Lifetime Value as a guiding metric to gauge the effectiveness of their marketing programs. If it is expensive to acquire a new customer, will that investment pay off? What is my customer list worth? How much revenue will my current customers still be generating five years from now, and how many new customers do I need to acquire by then to compensate for the loss of those not around? If my retention campaign reduces my customers’ churn rate by 10%, but is very expensive, is it still profitable?

      In this webinar, Dr. De Bruyn will review a range of customer lifetime value concepts, linking marketing strategy and customers’ observed behaviors to predict their direct and indirect future value. He will introduce a tool called Customer Lifetime Value, part of the Marketing Engineering for Excel (ME>XL) toolkit that is designed to implement one of these approaches. He will conclude by discussing how participants can make immediate use of the concepts and the related software.

      Thursday, March 13, 2008
      8:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. PDT
      9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. MDT
      10:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. CDT
      11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. EDT

      Click here for a time zone converter. This webinar will be held at 11:00 a.m. EDT (New York City).
      To register: online registration

      The Decision/Insight webinar series has explored how to deploy marketing analytic tools in today's complex marketing environment. If you have missed any of the previous webinars in this series, you way view them at any time by visiting http://mktgeng.com/instructor/downloads/webinars.cfm

      We hope you will be able to join us on March 13.

      Best Regards,
      Gary Lilien
      Arvind Rangaswamy
      Arnaud De Bruyn

      Gary L. Lilien

      Distinguished Research Professor of Management Science

      Research Director, Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM)

      Penn State

      484 Business Building

      University Park PA 16802 USA

      +1 814 863 2782 (ph) +1 814 863 0413 (fax) garylilien.info

  5. Publications and Call for Papers

    1. From the Chair of Professor Homburg 



      Ch. Homburg, M. Droll, D. Totzek (2008), Customer Prioritization: Does It Pay Off and How Should It Be Implemented?, Journal of Marketing, forthcoming.


      X. Luo, Ch. Homburg, (2008), Satisfaction, Complaint, and the Stock Value Gap, Journal of Marketing, forthcoming.

    2. IJRM Organic Growth Special issue  

       IJRM/MSI Special Issue on Organic Growth

      Reminder: IJRM Organic Growth special issue submission deadline

      Paper submission for the IJRM/MSI Special Issue on Organic Growth
      (Editors: David James, Donald Lehmann, Russell Winer)

      Submission deadline: June 30, 2008
      Online submission site: http://ees.elsevier.com/ijrm  (Please choose article type “Special Issue Organic Growth”)
      Inquiries: editors-ijrm@few.eur.nl

      The International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM) and the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) are sponsoring a special IJRM issue dedicated to conceptual and empirical studies across a broad range of organic growth issues: how to generate, evaluate and implement growth options. Papers covering but not limited to the following areas are welcome:

      Generation of growth options

      • Where do growth ideas come from?
      • How much growth comes from “big ideas” vs minor innovations?
      • What is the return on organic growth efforts?
      • What metrics capture/predict the quality of growth initiatives?

      Implementation of Growth Options

      • What resources are needed to promote growth options once they are identified?
      • What elements of the marketing mix are most crucial for driving growth?
      • How should the marketing department interface with other parts of the organization?

      Organizational Issues

      • Which types of organizations (structure, culture) are most effective for producing organic growth?
      • What capabilities are most crucial and how can they be measured?
      • Is entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship more effective?
      • Is there a sustainable growth process?
      • Are there important country/culture differences in growth strategies?
      • What are the best incentives to drive growth?
      • What is the impact of growth initiatives on employees?
      • How can you get an organization to focus on organic growth?
      • Can growth be outsourced? 


      • How does organic growth relate to market orientation, satisfaction, CRM, Branding, etc.?
      • What are the social welfare impacts of a focus on organic growth?


    3. Corporate Communications: An International Journal  

      Corporate Communications: An International Journal

      Special issue call for papers

      International Communication Strategies of Technology or Knowledge Companies

      This special issue welcomes papers with profound analysis of innovative theory, empirical research, case studies, or practice arising from international communication strategies in the technology and knowledge environments. The communication function in the technology and knowledge environment is more than the classical approaches to marketing, advertising and public relation. Companies are employing innovative communication strategies in hope to generate more venture capitalists’ interests from overseas to supplement the local business or investment. The developments of overseas alliances and partnerships as well depend on a company’s success in their international communication strategies.

      Research studies on a wide variety of topics in relation to the international communication strategies of technology or knowledge companies, industries and economies will be suitable for this special issue and might include (but is not limited to) the following:

      • The role of international communication strategies in policy planning and marketing of technology companies.
      • How a company’s international communications influence business performance, technology marketing development and knowledge marketing?
      • The role of international communication strategies in service delivery of knowledge companies.
      • Do international communication strategies play a significant role in the venture capitalists interests?
      • The creation of effective international communication strategies for stakeholders’ management in a technology-based and knowledge based economy.
      • Does a company’s corporate social responsibility play a role in the international communication strategies of technology or knowledge companies?
      • The risk and crisis involved in international communication.
      • How international communication strategies help a knowledge-based company to develop a better recognition?
      • Human roles or software roles in international communication strategies.

      Prospective contributors with queries concerning the potential suitability of topics, Guest Editors’ expectations, or additional requirements about this special issue are invited to contact directly by email either to Dr. Lynn Lim (lynnlklim@gmail.com) or Professor T.C. Melewar (t.c.melewar@brunel.ac.uk). Submission should be between 4000 and 6000 words in length and articles should follow the author guidelines as specified by the journal (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/ccij/notes.jsp).

      Deadline for submissions : October 1, 2008
      Notification to authors : January 30, 2009
      Deadline for revisions : March 1, 2009
      Publication : July, 2009

      Papers should be submitted as electronic attachments in MS Word file to the Guest Editors:

      Dr. Lynn L. K. Lim     
      School of Business and Social Sciences 
      Roehampton University
      Email: lynnlklim@gmail.com     

      Professor T. C. Melewar   
      Brunel Business School
      Brunel UniversityEmail: t.c.melewar@brunel.ac.uk

    4. Journal of Consumer Marketing - Special Issue 

      Journal of Consumer Marketing
      Special issue on Marketing issues serving the bottom of the pyramid


      The Editor of Journal of Consumer Marketing invites practitioners, consultants, and academics to submit papers worthy of contribution to the literature for a special issue devoted to serving the bottom strata of the customer pyramid.

      Recent research has called into question the necessity of serving the wealthiest strata of the customer pyramid.  Companies in developed countries still seek significant profits from customers at the top of the pyramid.   Early conceptual development cited the advantages and potential profits of serving less affluent consumers at the bottom of the customer pyramid..  Such efforts require a radical departure from the traditional approaches to products and services, product benefits, distribution and pricing.  While some research has questioned the value of serving the bottom of the pyramid, the concept has generated considerable marketing thought.

      Possible topics will include, but are not limited, to the following:

      • Is the bottom of the pyramid a viable market segment?
      • What changes will marketers need to implement in their products, promotions, distribution, and pricing to serve the BOP?
      • What are the service development issues for the BOP?
      • How should marketers listen for the voice of the BOP customer?
      • Specific marketing research techniques required by the BOP.
      • What are the economics of serving the bottom of the pyramid?
      • Best practices in dealing with bottom of the pyramid customers.
      • What [marketing] skills are needed to maximize efforts?
      • How do you turn BOP marketing strategies into profit?
      • How do you create/implement a profitable bottom of the pyramid marketing program?
      • What role does technology play in serving the bottom of the pyramid customer?
      • Bottom of the pyramid: Opportunities And Challenges

      Papers may be the result of empirical research, comprehensive literature reviews, case studies,  marketing practices, or thoughtful analysis.  However, to be accepted for publication, all manuscripts must provide practical applications of material presented.  Author guidelines and other information can be found on the journal homepage at  www.emeraldinsight.com/jcm.htm It is necessary that you follow these guidelines for your submissions to be accepted for review.

      Final manuscripts should be sent directly to Dr. Richard C. Leventhal by 30 June 2008.

      Journal of Consumer Marketing is indexed and abstracted in Emerald Management Reviews, Academic Research,Autographics, Business & Industry, Business Source, Cabell's Directory of Publishing Opportunities in Management and Marketing, Collectanea Corporate, Current Citations Express, EP Collection, e-psyche, Expanded Academic Index, Galileo, General Reference Center, Innovative, ISI Alerting Services, Manning & Napier, MasterFILE, OCLC, Scandinavia, and Telebase.

    5. Journal of Historical Research in Marketing 

      Journal of Historical Research in Marketing
      Call for Papers

      The Journal of Historical Research in Marketing (JHRM) focuses onmarketing history and the history of marketing thought. Marketing is defined broadly to include the activities involved in commercial exchange and other commercial-like activities. Marketing history includes, but is not limited to, the histories of advertising, retailing, channels of distribution, product design & branding, pricing strategies, and consumption behaviour - all studied from the perspective of companies, industries, or even whole economies. The history of marketing thought examines the histories of marketing ideas, concepts, theories, and schools of marketing thought including the lives and times of marketing thinkers.

      Call for Papers
      History broadens and deepens our understanding of marketing.  It provides a context and perspective for contemporary marketing practices and ideas.  Nevertheless, marketing history is also valuable in its own right and for its own sake.  Marketing history is studied within a broad range of related historical disciplines including business history, social and cultural history, marketing, and other business disciplines. JHRM welcomes high quality, original research that encompasses that broader range of historical approaches, philosophical positions, and methodologies. The distinguishing theme is its historical orientation. 

      JHRM is now inviting submissions for the journal. The journal welcomes high quality, original research that encompasses that broader range of historical approaches, philosophical positions, and methodologies.

      Coverage includes:

      * Marketing history
      * History of marketing thought
      * Advertising history
      * Retailing history
      * History of consumption
      * Historiography
      Papers should:

      * Have a clear statement of purpose
      * Have a clear statement of importance; why the paper was written and what it contributes to the body of knowledge
      * Use primary data sources where available and appropriate
      * Be well-written and readable
      * Present reliable and valid conclusions appropriate to the methodology used
      * Be completely free of spelling and grammatical errors.

      Submissions should be sent electronically in either PDF (preferred) format or MS Word format as an email attachment to the Editor:

      Professor D.G. Brian Jones

      Please include the phrase 'JHRM Submission' in your email subject line.
      Title the submission file attached with the lead author's surname.

      Full author guidelines can be found at:




    6. Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing - Special Issue 

      Call for Papers
      Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing

      Special Issue: Networks as Learning Organisations

      The deadline for submission is January 30th, 2009

      Topic of the Special Issue
      The Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing announces a Call for Papers for a Special Issue on Networks as Learning Organisations.  It has been stated that in the new economic logic of value creation only two assets are thought to matter: knowledge and relationships (Ford and Hakansson, 2006).  These concepts are clearly not mutually exclusive.  Companies engage in value creation activities not only through making their offerings more intelligent but by making their customers and suppliers more intelligent as well (Thirkell, 1997).  Put differently, the most effective networks will also be the most intelligent in creating value through their underlying systems and activities (Möller and Rajala, 2007).  New initiatives, such as CRM 2.0, seek to understand the influence of such “intelligent” customers and suppliers on organisational learning.  The useful knowledge created in such networks might be via formal processes or through informal situations and fortunate circumstance.  In whatever form and manner knowledge is created, if it is transient in nature then this represents a lost learning opportunity.  This, then, raises a rather obvious but relatively under-examined question: how do networks create, learn from, and retain ‘useful’ knowledge? (Johnston et al. 2006).

      Evidence points to companies such as Toyota and Honda who have increased their consumer products market share in North America partly as a result of their approach to supplier relations.  These organizations strive to understand their suppliers’ operations and cultures in order to better support and develop their capabilities as well as learn themselves (Liker and Choi, 2004).  Similarly, 3M describes itself in terms of a “culture of innovation” reflected in its emphasis on human creativity and learning capabilities (Hatch, 2000).  In contrast, the perceived technology development bias at Philips Consumer Electronics led to it being complacent and lethargic at the expense of other learning opportunities in its network in areas such as product design and marketing.  In sum, organisations and networks that emphasise continuous learning and improvement opportunities stand to generate useful knowledge in the areas of improved production processes, new market opportunities, competitor threats, scarce sources of supply and innovation among many other key competitive drivers.

      Activities in business networks related to the development of inter-firm relationships and the coordination of activities among network members raises questions regarding network partner choice, learning capabilities, and realizable and desirable performance outcomes.  This is reflected in the concerns of Hunt and Lambe (2000: 14), who ask “…under what circumstances will firms developing relationships with such entities as suppliers, competitors, employees and customers be likely to lead to enhanced [financial] performance?”  We propose that the answers to such questions may be found, at least in part, in: (1) the nature and purpose of the interactions which take place between network partners and (2) the collective learning capabilities which may result from such interactions.  These views raise questions about networks and the manner in which they learn:

      i. How do networks learn and how do they learn to learn?
      ii. What aspects of collaborative activity enhance learning in networks?
      iii. What activities stimulate incremental knowledge and learning?
      iv. How might different levels of network analysis (individual, group, firm, and industry) aid our understanding of the learning process?
      v. What are the social processes of knowledge production?
      vi. How and when does learning in networks lead to innovation?
      vii. To what extent would the level of knowledge codification in a network and the ability to access and share knowledge between network partners affect the learning capabilities and outcomes in networks?
      viii. How do firms learn from the capabilities of network partners?
      ix. How might new initiatives, such as CRM 2.0, redefine organisational learning in business to consumer markets?

      The special issue would welcome all papers that address all aspects of research into networks as learning organisations and network dynamics applied to business and industrial markets.  As the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing is widely read by an academic and business audience, all submissions should include implications for practitioners. 

      Process for the submission of papers:
      Papers submitted must not have been published, accepted for publication, or presently be under consideration for publication.  Submissions should be approximately 6,000 words in length.  Copies should be submitted via email Word attachment (in one file including all figures and tables) to both special issue editors.  The first page must contain the title, author/s, and contact information for the author(s).  For additional guidelines including the requirement for a structured abstract, please see the “Notes for Contributors” from a recent issue of the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, or see the home page at www.emeraldinsight.com/jbim.htm .  Suitable articles will be subjected to a double-blind review; hence authors should not identify themselves in the body of the paper.

      Please address questions to the special issue editors:

      Dr Linda D. Peters l.peters@uea.ac.uk   +44 (0)1603-593331
      Dr Andrew D. Pressey a.pressey@uea.ac.uk +44 (0)1603-591181

      Norwich Business School
      University of East Anglia
      NR4 7TJ
      United Kingdom



    7. International Journal of Technology Marketing: Special Issue 

      International Journal of Technology Marketing (IJTMkt)
      Call For papers
      Special Issue on: "R&D, Innovation and Marketing -
      How to Convince Internal and External Stakeholders of Technological Innovations"


      Guest Editors:
      Dr. Alexander Brem, VEND consulting GmbH & Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-
      Nuremberg, Germany
      Prof. Dr. Liora Katzenstein, Israel School of Entrepreneurial Management and Innovation,
      Israel & Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
      Dr. Hashem Sherif, AT&T, USA
      Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt, Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Germany

      The term "innovation" is nowadays used in almost every context in daily life. There is no company which does not use it within their internal and external communications. In this context, many of them neglect the fact that innovations can provoke resistance to change. Therefore, today, maybe more than ever before, it is important for companies to continuously build up sustainable competitive advantages by offering innovative products and services. People need to be permanently engaged to define the reasons for change, what should be changed and who should carry the necessary changes. This becomes even more important as the innovation process itself keeps permanently changing, particularly through one of the main trends of the last years: open innovation.

      Hence, the aim of this special issue is to look at the challenges of internal and external communication related to major technological innovations within large enterprises. The selection of large entities is because this is where the resistance to change can be the strongest. Not only internal groups such as employees or managers have to be convinced, but also external stakeholders such as customers, suppliers, legislators or shareholders. In order to achieve this, specific management techniques, organisational routines and technology marketing methods are needed.

      Potential authors are invited to submit contributions that could shed light on the organisational impact of innovations in marketing and in technology. The goal is to prepare a reference issue that can be of immediate use to those interested in the management of innovation and its implications, whether they are academics, practitioners and researchers.

      Subject Coverage

      Suitable topics include, but are not limited to:

      • Technology and marketing in major enterprises
      • Marketing of technological innovation
      • Internal and external communication of change
      • Involvement of employees in innovative activities
      • Integration of external partners in the innovation process
      • The role of open innovation in facilitating change
      • Change management in large organisations
      • Effects of group think and/or group blindness on resistance to change
      • Organisation theory and its impact on innovation marketing
      • Management best practice
      • Innovation networks and clusters
      • The role of new business incubators
      • Venture management and corporate entrepreneurship
      • Initiativeness and responsibility in the intrapreneurial process

      Notes for Prospective Authors
      Submitted papers should not have been previously published nor be currently under consideration for
      publication elsewhere.
      All papers are refereed through a double-blind peer review process. A guide for authors, sample copies
      and other relevant information for submitting papers are available on the Author Guidelines page.

      Important Dates
      1-2 page abstract (max. 1200 words): 1 June 2008
      Notification to authors: 15 July 2008
      Submission of manuscripts: 30 September 2008
      Notification to authors: 30 November 2008
      Final drafts of papers: 31 January 2009

      Editors and Notes
      You may send one copy in the form of an MS Word file attached to an e-mail (details in Author Guidelines) to the following:

      Dr. Alexander Brem (Coordinator)
      Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
      VEND consulting GmbH
      Burgschmietstr. 2-4
      90419 Nuremberg
      E-mail: brem@industriebetriebslehre.de

      Prof. Dr. Liora Katzenstein
      Swinburne University of Technology, Australia
      Israel School of Entrepreneurial Management and Innovation
      P.O.Box 39163
      61391 Tel-Aviv
      E-mail: dean@isemi.org

      Dr. Hashem Sherif
      Room C5-2D18
      200 S. Laurel Avenue
      Middletown, NJ 07748
      E-mail: hsherif@comcast.net

      Prof. Dr. Kai-Ingo Voigt
      Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
      School of Business and Economics
      Lange Gasse 20
      90403 Nuremberg
      E-mail: voigt@industriebetriebslehre.de

      with a copy to: IEL Editorial Office
      E-mail: ijtmkt@inderscience.com
      Please include in your submission the title of the Special Issue, the title of the Journal and the name of the Guest Editors


  6. News from and for Members

    1. Cologne Graduate School in Management - Scholarships available 

      Cologne Graduate School in Management,
      Economics and Social Sciences (CGS)
      Doctoral Program - funded by the German Federal State of North Rhine-Westphalia - Scholarships available

      The Faculty of Management, Economics and Social Sciences (WiSo-Faculty) of the University of Cologne is the largest and best reputed faculty of its type in Germany. The Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics, and Social Sciences (CGS) of the WiSo-Faculty offers a threeyear doctoral program to outstanding students holding a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree (or German Diploma or equivalent) in Management, Economics and Social Sciences or related disciplines.

      About the program: The course program will start in October 2008. During the first year, students with a Master’s degree will take part in courses on multidisciplinary methods and theories and subject-specific courses. During the second and third year, students mainly conduct research and work on their thesis. Students are encouraged to spend one term abroad. Students with a Bachelor’s degree take part in one of the Master’s programs of the Faculty on a special doctoral track.

      Qualification: The CGS is looking for excellent students with a Bachelor’s degree or excellent students who are close to finishing their Master’s degree (or German Diploma or equivalent) and who count among the top 10% of graduates in their faculty. The teaching language of the program is English.

      - For excellent students with a Master’s degree (or German Diploma or equivalent), the CGS offers a limited number of scholarships (1,200 Euro per month). The maximum duration of a scholarship is three years.
      - For excellent students with a Bachelor’s degree, the CGS offers a grant of 800 Euro per month in the first two years and 1,200 Euro afterwards.

      Application: Deadline for application is May 15, 2008.
      The application includes an application form to be filled in, a CV, a letter of motivation, two letters of recommendation, academic transcripts etc.

      For applicants from non-German speaking countries we strongly recommend to add GRE or GMAT

      For more details, please visit the CGS website: www.wiso.uni-koeln.de/cgs
      Applications have to be sent by regular mail to:
      Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences (CGS)
      50931 Köln
      E-mail: office-cgs@wiso.uni-koeln.de
      Applications are only considered if they are complete and received by May 15, 2008.
      Courses start in October 2008.

      Cologne Graduate School in Management, Economics and Social Sciences
      Albertus-Magnus-Platz Tel. + 49 221 470-6070
      50931 Köln Fax +49 221 470-5024 www.wiso.uni-koeln.de/cgs

    2. Dr Christian Felzensztein - Appointment 

      On the move:
      Dr Christian Felzensztein (Ph.D. Strathclyde, UK 2005) has been appointed Associate Professor of International Marketing at Universidad Adolfo Ibañez Business School, Santiago, Chile.
      Until recently,he was the head of the Graduate School of Business and Assistant Professor of Marketing at Universidad Austral de Chile,Valdivia, Chile.
      He has researched and published in the subjects of country of origin effect in agricultural and aquaculture products as well as in the field of regional clusters, entrepreneurship and innovation.
      Currently he is leading a major international research project on natural resource-based clusters. E-mail: c.felzensztein@uai.cl

    3. Suzanne C. Beckmann - Copenhagen Business School  

      Suzanne C. Beckmann has returned to the Department of Marketing at Copenhagen Business School as of January 1, 2008.

      She also takes over the leadership of the Center for Marketing Communications after Professor Flemming Hansen.

      The new address is:
      CBS, Department of Marketing,
      Solbjerg Plads 3, C310,
      DK-2000 Frederiksberg,

      new e-mail is: scb.marktg@cbs.dk.

    4. Roland Rust - Distinguished University Professor 

      Roland Rust was named a Distinguished University Professor

      He is the first business school professor ever to receive this honor at the University of Maryland

    5. Sad News 

      Christopher Lovelock passed away at his home in Cape Cod.
      Chris was widely known for his definitive work and texts on Services Marketing and as a sincere friend to to many.