EMAC Newspage 2007

  1. Letter from the President

    1. Letter from the President - December 2007 

      Dear Colleagues,

      The days ahead of us in this calendar year are fast diminishing. Here is the time to think back and to take into account what has been accomplished. After the transitional year of 2006, 2007 was a stable one. First of all the membership: after the low membership in 2006, the numbers picked up again as in the previous years and EMAC achieved an all- time record of 927 members. Thanks to all of those who recently joined the EMAC community, and a special thanks to the loyal members who have maintained their good relationships with EMAC.

      The conference participation in Reykjavik achieved a historical record, assuring that the next year’s membership of EMAC might be over one thousand. This number is now comparable with the 3000 academic members of the American Marketing Association. We started to work on a strategy of how we can double this figure in the coming decade. But this kind of growth is not to break records. Rather, it is our reaction to the European challenge, to the famous Lisbon Declaration about how Europe could catch up with the global competition in the knowledge economy.
      The interest in the 37th EMAC Conference in Brighton is increasing. Based on the most recent information, so far the organizers have received more than 700 papers.

      In the last weeks we mailed to our present and past members the second issue of the new wave of the Chronicle, the magazine of EMAC. Beyond the regular topics (conferences, external relations, membership, new loyal members, country tales, etc.) you can read a new section, called “Thought Leaders”. We are going to share with you the thoughts of our distinguished members in short essays. “Quo vadis” marketing; “quo vadis” EMAC could be another title of this section.

      The Executive Committee held its regular annual meeting in Brussels on 27 October. All Steering Committee members reported on their portfolios, the national representatives finishing their 3 year period, gave us an overview about the influence of marketing and the EMAC in their respective countries. (Read the country tales and other reports in the Chronicle.) The committee approved that the EMAC 2010 Conference will be organized by the Copenhagen Business School. After England (2008), France (2009) we will return to Denmark for the third time in our history and celebrate the 35th anniversary of EMAC. Among others, the Executive Committee decided on some new initiatives: new thematic conferences, establishing standing committees (beyond ad hoc ones) under the auspices of Steering Committee members, surveying the EMAC members, collecting data about marketing departments, establishing new ad hoc committees on exploring the opportunity of a second EMAC journal, working on a new strategy and business plan for EMAC.

      “It is just the beginning not the end” as the song goes on.

      I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a successful Happy New Year.

      József Berács
      EMAC President

    2. Letter from the President - September 2007 

      Dear Colleagues,

      Most of us started the new academic year and probably have identified the 'must attend' conferences. Hopefully the 37th EMAC Conference in Brighton is among your favorite target in 2008. The title of the conference is: “Marketing Landscapes: A Pause for Thought”. Keith Perks and his organizing team is busy preparing an exciting event. The message of the title is that now is the time to evaluate the European marketing landscapes and think about the future.

      During the summer, many national marketing academic organizations had their annual conferences (AMA, AM, etc.). These are important events, where the participants are potential EMAC members and our active, loyal members can be informed about the recent trends in the different regions. In the last month I had the opportunity to attend the Hungarian Marketing Educators’ (MOK) Conference and two more new conferences of the South-East European region. Both of them were supported by EMAC. Marketing researchers from the republics of former Yugoslavia organized the “1st International Scientific Conference on Marketing Theory Challenges in Transitional Societies” in Maribor (Slovenia). Romanian marketing researchers started an academic conference series in Iasi (Romania), entitled “European Society and Marketing Strategy”. These events gathered almost 200 participants together, signaling that there is room for regional conferences, where the transitional, emerging economies could be represented.

      The EMAC officers declared last year that we are going to keep pace with the growing conferences and offer good services to our members. The Executive Committee will discuss a lot of initiatives in their next meeting in Brussels. Among others, the general publication policy, the smaller thematic and regional conferences, the institutional membership, and the external relationships will be analyzed. The No2 /2007 issue of The EMAC Chronicle will be published and circulated to you soon. The Steering Committee will discuss the National Representatives’ involvement in committees and their activities in general.

      At the last election in spring 2007, 11 new national representatives were elected. They are: John Rossiter (Australia), Paulina Papastathopoulou (Greece), Halldor Engilbertsson (Iceland), John Fahy (Ireland), Elisa Montaguti (Italy), Kyung Hoon Kim (Korea), Sven Haugland (Norway), Claudia Simoes (Portugal), Steven Michael Burgess (South Africa), Sabine Einwiller (Switzerland), Zeynep Gurhan-Canlí (Turkey). I wish all of you enthusiasm and stamina for the next years. Your enhanced dynamism and volunteering job can give a new impetus for the next 3 years.

      József Berács
      EMAC President

    3. Letter from the President - June 2007 

      Dear Colleagues,

      An academic year is over again, and the vacation time is nearly there. In Europe, the weather is almost the same as it used to be in Africa. Those who are suffering from these hot days might remember nicely Reykjavik. The EMAC 36th Conference was a great success. We had 840 participants, again a record number which will be difficult to outperform. The conference theme “Flexible Marketing in an unpredictable World” was proved by the organizers. The weather was predictably hectic, mostly over 4 Celsius, but plus. The conference venue, the new Reykjavik University has impressive facilities, offering perfect environment for the sessions. You can read more on the figures - acceptance rate, number of sessions, special sessions, exhibitors, etc – in the report.

      Thanks to the organizers, Halldór Örn Engilbertsson and his team, especially Kristín Hulda Sverrisdóttir who did fantastic job. The whole country was taking care of us. His excellency Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson, President of Iceland welcomed the EMAC members at the reception. Between the welcome reception and the conference dinner at Restaurant Perlan (“The Pearl”) a lot happened in conference rooms. We had many newcomers and old friends. The atmosphere of the classrooms were exciting; we had more time for presentation and discussion (30 minutes instead of 20 before). We had special sessions like “Meet the editors”, new ventures like the Job Market, and the first ever EMAC – KAMS session. The Korean Academy of Marketing Sciences is going to be more involved in the EMAC activities. Thanks to Udo Wagner for the preparation of this event. The Doctoral Colloquium chaired by Karen Gedenk was a great opportunity for 39 PhD students again.

      During the conference we had many meetings. An ad hoc Steering Committee meeting discussed the publication policy of EMAC. The Executive Committee members discussed all activities of EMAC and decided to move into the direction where smaller committees will work on specific projects, new ideas, and will support the EMAC officers. During the General Assembly the President and other officers reported about the past year. We were pleased to report on the increasing number of members this year. A lively discussion about the European “flavor” of EMAC was

      The conference is the place where the newly elected officers take over their responsibility. 14 National Representatives were elected or reelected. Congratulations to them; a special for those who are representing the 4 new countries: Iceland, Korea, Turkey and South Africa. Congratulations to George Avlonitis as new President Elect and thanks to Graham Hooley as Past President. I am sure that we will work together as closely with George as we did with Graham. Sönke Albers became Treasurer for another 3 years, serving the EMAC with the same rigor as he did in the past.

      The last event of the conference was passing over the EMAC flag to the new conference organizers. On behalf of the Brighton University, Keith Perks, the chair of the 2008 EMAC 37th Conference Organizing Committee, invited all of us to visit them next year in Brighton. The theme of the 2008 conference is “Marketing Landscapes – A Pause for Thoughts”.  You will get soon the conference leaflet, or you can browse the home page for details.

      The conference participants got the newly published EMAC Chronicle. After 5 years interruption we decided to publish tangible material about EMAC. All of our members in the last 3 years will get soon a copy by mail. We hope that most of them will enjoy this new forum and will join EMAC again, if they are not a member yet.

      I wish you a pleasant holiday.

      József Berács
      EMAC President



    4. Letter form the President - March 2007 

      Dear Colleagues,

      Saint Benedictine the founding father of one of the greatest teaching orders of the Roman Catholic Church in the 6th Century had an advice to his monks: “Ora et Labora!” (In English: “Pray and Work!”) The last 3 Months of EMAC organization was represented by the last word: working. Using a more up to date marketing term, the “back office” activities dominated our tasks. Nothing happened that could be front page news of the Newsletter but a lot has been accomplished. I am going to share with you some of these activities in a “reported speech” style.

      First, we have again a record number of EMAC membership with 875 members and the 2007 year is still ahead of us. Elections for EMAC offices and positions are in the process with never experienced activities of our members. Please continue your active participation in the second phase of the ballots too.

      Second, the team of the 36th EMAC Annual Conference in Reykjavik, chaired by Halldor Orn Engilbertson is working hard on the conference program. Based on the 900 received papers we expect a similar size conference in Iceland as we had last year in Greece. If you have not registered yet, please do so ASAP. For those members who could not join this year, all papers accepted will be available on the EMAC Teaching Portal later.

      Third, the 20th Doctoral Colloquium chaired by Karen Gedenk from Cologne, and organized together with EIASM, is advanced. There will be 4 sessions supervised by 12 world class faculties from Europe, USA and New Zeeland. The fortunate participants selected from 88 submissions are working hard on their presentations.

      Fourth, the Steering Committee of the EMAC had a full day meeting on the 9th of March in Brussels. The strategic and operational “think tank” of EMAC discussed a lot of issues. One of the most favored topics was the EMAC publications. Analyzing the current situation from different standpoints (journals, brochures, online, tangible, etc.) and benchmarking our activities to such organizations like AMA, AIB, etc. we came to the conclusion that we should continue these discussions with more experts in Reykjavik.

      Fifth, the Steering Committee discussed the first draft version of the new Chronicle, the annual report type publication of EMAC. Nina Payen, our executive secretary will do a tremendous job in the next month to design and prepare the final version of it for printing. Nina, please do not loose your enthusiasm!

      The winter seems to be over, and the spring is coming. I hope that all of you, like the nature, is full with energy. I wish you a Happy Easter and hope to see many of you in Reykjavik soon.

      József Berács
      EMAC President

  2. IJRM Online Submission

    1. IJRM online submission system 

      IJRM online submission system

      We are pleased to inform you that, as of February 21st, 2007, we began using an online submission and review system (the Elsevier Editorial System).

      The Elsevier Editorial System is internet based, very straight-forward and user-friendly. The whole submission and review process will be handled electronically. We expect using this system will shorten both the review and publication times.

      Please submit your article online by registering as a first time user and following instructions on the home page of the website at http://ees.elsevier.com/ijrm

      The system then works by logging-in, and submitting by transferring word processing, graphic and statistical files. The Elsevier Editorial System will convert the documents to PDF format – an uneditable universally readable format – which can be transferred to reviewers, editors and the publisher.

      You will be informed by e-mail when your manuscript has been received, when it is given a reference number and when a decision has been made and thereafter as each stage progresses. You will then login as an author using the special details provided when you first register.

      1) Please ensure that your e-mail server allows receipt of e-mails from the domain "elsevier.com", otherwise you may not receive vital e-mails.
      2) We would strongly advise that you download the latest version of Acrobat Reader, which is available free at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

      If you have any technical difficulties whatsoever, please do not hesitate to contact Elsevier's Support Department at: authorsupport@elsevier.com

      International Journal of Research in Marketing
      Editorial Office
      H15-06, Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
      Email: editors-ijrm@few.eur.nl
      Website: http://www.erim.eur.nl/ijrm

      Visit the new IJ RM website:

  3. EMAC 2007 Elections

    1. Results of Elections - 2007 




      George AVLONITIS


      Sönke ALBERS

      National Coordinators


      John ROSSITER






      Andras BAUER






      John FAHY



      Elisa MONTAGUTI



      Kyung Hoon KIM



      Sven HAUGLAND



      Claudia SIMOES






      Steven Michael BURGESS



      Magnus SODERLUND



      Sabine EINWILLER



      Zeynep GURHAN-CANLI



  4. EMAC 2007 Conference

    1. 36th EMAC Conference - Reykjavik 

      The 36th EMAC Conference – A Flexible Conference in a Country of Unpredictable Nature

      The 36th EMAC Conference was hosted by Reykjavik University, May 22-25, 2007.

      It was the first time the EMAC Conference had been held in Iceland, namely Reykjavik, the most northerly capital city of Europe. 
      Prior to the Conference more than 900 papers were submitted by 1800 authors from 300 institutions around the world. The papers were carefully screened by over 500 reviewers which resulted in more than 460 paper presentations in 155 parallel sessions.

      The Conference was very well attended, with 800 participants from 50 nations all over the world. Delegates enjoyed their time at the young and vibrant Reykjavik University; acquiring academic knowledge, participating in social activities and networking opportunities. Following are some of the remarks which participants have made after the Conference:

      As a member of AMA and AMZMAC I have attended several marketing conferences in the past. This was, however, my first time attending the EMAC Conference. I was very impressed with the high quality of papers presented and the excellent arrangement of the functions and tracks. Thank you for your hospitality.”

      “Thank you for the efficient organization of the EMAC conference, a BIG success (and I have attended 29 EMACs).”

      “I would like to thank you for your wonderful organization, and hospitality. It was one of the best conferences I have ever attended. Thank you.”

       “It was one of the best conferences I have ever attended. Thank you.”

      The Conference organizing committee extends their thanks to all participants and others who made a fantastic Conference come true.

      Best regards from the EMAC 2007 Conference Chairman

      Halldor Engilbertsson


  5. Pictures EMAC 2007 - Reykjavik

    1. Pictures 

  6. Results of 2007 ISMS Practice Prize Competition

    1. 2007 ISMS Practice Prize Competition Results  

      The 2007 INFORMS Marketing Society Practice Prize competition


      The 2007 INFORMS Marketing Society Practice Prize competition judges declared a winner at the Inaugural Marketing Science Conference on October 15, hosted by the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. The Prize is supported by grants from the Marketing Science Institute, the Institute for the Study of Business Markets, the European Marketing Academy, and the Australian Marketing Institute.

      The winning entry was “Pricing Digital Content Product Lines: A Model and Application for the National Academies Press” by P K Kannan of the University of Maryland, Barbara Kline Pope of the National Academies Press and Sanjay Jain of Texas A&M University.

      Their research examines the case of a specialist publisher, the National Academies Press, that was provided an opportunity to distribute multiple formats of its content via the Internet. While digital copies such as pdf files are possible substitutes for printed books, there is complementarity in the form of some consumers buying bundles of both. The authors develop a pricing model for both product forms (separately and together), allowing for both substitution and complementarity effects. The model is then calibrated using an on-line experiment testing different product and bundle prices. The results of this calibration are then validated using actual sales data after the model was implemented. As well as a nice application of modeling to address the bundling problem, the substantive area of interest (balancing the distribution and pricing of digital and hard copy products) is an increasingly important one facing content providers.

      2007 saw a particularly strong field of entries from both academia and industry, with many teams mixed with members of both, followed by an exciting set of presentations. As in previous years, presentations with be videotaped and DVDs made available. Copies of the DVDs of past finalists’ presentations are also available.

      The Practice Prize is awarded for an outstanding implementation of marketing science concepts and methods. The methodology used must be sound and appropriate to the problem and organization, and the work should have had significant, verifiable and, preferably quantitative impact on the performance of the client organization. The 2007 Practice Prize Committee was comprised of Russ Winer (representing the Marketing Science Institute), Gary Lilien (representing the Institute for the Study of Business Markets), John Roberts (Prize Committee Chair), Steve Shugan (as Marketing Science editor), Manfred Krafft (representing the European Marketing Academy), and Tulin Erdem (as ISMS President), Jorge Silva Risso (as ISMS Practice VP), Peter Danaher and Chuck Weinberg.

      The other finalists in the competition were:

      V Kumar, Jia Fan (University of Connecticut), Rohit Gulati, and P Venkat (P&G Asia Pacific) “Marketing Mix Recommendations to Maximize Value Growth at P&G Asia-Pacific. The Kumar et al. study worked in conjunction with Proctor and Gamble in India to optimize its marketing mix for higher profits in the Indian heavy-duty detergent market. One of the biggest challenges in executing this study was to come up with a modeling framework that would not only accommodate the complexity in the data structure but also capture the uniqueness of how each SKU would respond to the marketing-mix elements over time. By understanding both the market structure (in terms of the different pricing tiers in the market) and the effect of pricing on distribution, the study provided key strategic guidelines so that Proctor and Gamble was able to increase the price and distribution of certain SKUs. Consequently, significant gains in profits were realized.in this market.

      Jie Du, Lili Xie, and Stephan Schroeder (J. D. Power and Associates) “PIN Optimal Auction Vehicle Distribution (ODAV) System: Applying Price Forecasting, Elasticity Estimation, and Genetic Algorithm to Used Vehicle Distribution”. The Du et al. entry examined the U.S. auto resale market. Automotive manufacturers and their captive channels need to remarket their rental fleet return vehicles and lease return vehicles at auctions throughout the country Realized prices depend on a number of characteristics related to the car (make, model, features and condition), the mix of consumers in each geographic area, and local dynamics of supply and demand. Many of these factors are changing quite rapidly. J. D. Power’s model generates a vehicle distribution plan to maximize the auction net profit by considering the auction price arbitrage across the country, costs associated with the vehicle shipping, and business constraints simultaneously. A number of automotive manufacturers and their captives use the system each day to allocate their incoming return vehicles.

      As with previous competitions, the presentations were professionally videotaped and have been edited especially for classroom use. These DVD versions of the presentations are in “chapter” format, enabling rapid and easy selection of the aspects of the presentations that instructors wish to highlight. DVD adopters also have access to the papers and the related competition powerpoint presentations for their use in the classroom. This material, along with the material from previous competitions (available now) will be available by the end of February at http://www.informs.org/Edu/MarketingScience

      In addition, papers and reports on these outstanding implementations of marketing science will be appearing in a forthcoming issue of Marketing Science. Short 3 to 4 minute summaries of each of the presentations are now available at

      Submitted by John Roberts, Chair 2007 ISMS Practice Prize Competition Committee Contact : JHRoberts@London.edu or johnr@agsm.edu.au

  7. Events & Call for Papers

    1. 37th EMAC Conference - 2008 

      37th EMAC Conference
      University of Brighton
      27-30 May 2008

      Marketing Landscapes: A Pause for Thought

      Marketing has come under increasing scrutiny by scholars, practitioners, governments, and pressure groups in the past decade. Leading scholars in the field have held special forums to debate what is perceived as a decline in the status of marketing as a discipline, and its position in the corporate hierarchy from a central role in strategy making to a lower order functional role. Influential non-governmental organisations and governments are bringing marketing to task over its perceived and real lack of concern for ethical and socially responsible behaviour. Marketing academics have been accused of disengaging with the corporate world and their research as becoming increasingly irrelevant to the practice of marketing.

      The theme of the EMAC 2008 Conference is to examine the marketing landscape, to continue the debate, and assess if we have over specialised the discipline into ‘silos’ and narrowed our perspectives resulting in a failure to look at the bigger picture. Marketing has broadened in the last three decades of the 20th century adding to the complexity and diversity of the field. The questions to be raised at the 2008 conference are: Have we gone too far? Do we need a single universal paradigm or multiple paradigms? How can we reconnect with the corporate world? How does marketing respond to its critics?

      We look forward to welcoming you to Brighton for EMAC 2008 and to some stimulating presentations, discussions and networking in the proclaimed ‘fun capital’ of the United Kingdom.

      Submission of papers: 4th December 2007
      Notification to the authors: Late February 2008

      Earlybird online registration: 25th April 2008
      Lastest online registration: 12th May 2008

      More information, see: http://www.emac2008.org

    2. 4th EMAC/ANZMAC Symposium (BISMARCK)  

      4th EMAC/ANZMAC Symposium (BISMARCK)
      in conjunction with the 2008 EMAC Conference
      Brighton, May 30, 2008

      Following the last three successful symposium the 4th EMAC/ANZMAC Symposium (BISMARCK) will be held in conjunction with the 2008 EMAC  Conference in Brighton on the 30th of May.

      The theme for the symposium is "Contemporary Issues in Branding" and will be co-chaired by Leslie de Chernatony (EMAC) and Rod Brodie (ANZMAC). As with previous symposiums  the co-chairs will invite the speakers which include those who have  submitted papers to the EMAC Conference.

      All enquiries should be directed  to Rod Brodie Brodie (r.brodie@auckland.ac.nz)

    3. Conference on NeuroEconomics (ConNEcs) 2008: 

      Conference on NeuroEconomics (ConNEcs) 2008:
      How can decision neuroscience inform consumer and business research?

      May 15-16, 2008 , Copenhagen Business School
      Solbjerg Plads 3• 2000 Frederiksberg


      Scientific Committee

      Tim Ambler, London Business School, UK
      Antoine Bechara, University of Southern California, USA
      Eric Johnson, Columbia University, USA
      Olaf Paulson, Copenhagen University, Denmark
      Baba Shiv, Stanford University, USA
      Ale Smidts, RSM Erasmus University, The Netherlands
      Elke Weber, Columbia University, USA
      Carolyn Yoon, University of Michigan, USA

      Conference Chairs
      Flemming Hansen, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
      Peter Kenning, Zeppelin University, Germany
      Majken L. Møller, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
      Hilke Plassmann, California Institute of Technology, USA
      Copenhagen Business School. Photo: Tao Lytzen

      We are pleased to announce and call for contribituons for the Conference on Neuroeconomics (ConNEcs) 2008 in Copenhagen from May 15-16th 2008.

      Neuroeconomics research investigates the interaction between neuroscience, psychology, economics and consumer behaviour. This new and fascinating approach seems to be promising because on the one side, neuronal activity underlies economic principles, and on the other side, our decision-making behaviour is determined by these neuronal processes.

      The objective of the present conference is to illuminate how consumer behaviour is represented in the brain.
      The conference takes place at the Copenhagen Business School (CBS), which one of the leading business schools in Northern Europe with its 14.000 students, 400 researchers and 500 administrative employees. The focus points for CBS are: Internalisation, Partnerships with the business community and The learning university.

      CBS is located in central Copenhagen. Copenhagen is a modern metropolis with cultural and historic attractions, great shopping possibilities and a lots of restaurants, cafes and bars to visit. A special feature of the capital of Denmark is its proximity to the sea. You can take a stroll at the waterfront or a canal tour around the old canals and the harbour.

      We are looking forward to seeing you in Copenhagen and joining us in what promises to be an exciting scientific meeting in one of the most beautiful cities in Denmark.

      Flemming Hansen, CBS, Denmark
      Peter Kenning, Zeppelin University, Germany
      Hilke Plassmenn, CalTech, USA
      Majken L. Møller, CBS , Denmark

      Call for Papers
      The purpose of the ConNEcs 2008 is to provide an international discussion forum for research in the intersection of the psychology and neuroscience of decision-making and to set a stage for the presentation of recent contributions. Theoretical, conceptual and empirical studies on (consumer) decision-making and related issues are invited. Methodological papers illustrating the use of measurements of eye-movements, brain scanning, facial expressions, verbal and pictorial scales are encouraged. Papers will be selected based on a peer review process involving experts in all of the above mentioned fields.

      Relevant Topics
      Relevant papers include topics such as:
      • Understanding the underlying mental mechanism of biased decision-making (e.g. context
      effects etc.)
      • The effects of consumer exposure to information, news products, promotion, price etc.
      • Studies of emotional responses to marketing
      • Financial and other decisions under certainty, uncertainty and risk
      • Methodological studies demonstrating the use of FMRI, EEG, PET, Eye-movements, DTI etc.
      for decision-making research
      • Studies inquiring into loyalty and brain processes associated with loyal behavior

      Best Paper Award
      The Best Paper will receive the Best Paper Award 2008. This is a 1500 EURO endowed price, which is
      awarded by the sponsor of the conference. The Scientific Committee will select the Award recipient.

      For more details on the Call for papers, please click HERE

      Response Form
      Please click HERE.
      Please e-mail (or fax) response form to:
      Majken L. Møller, Center for Marketing Communication, Department of Marketing, Copenhagen
      Business School, Denmark
      Fax: +45 3815 2101 E-mail: mlm.marktg@cbs.dk

    4. Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction And Complaining Behavior Conference 

      June 23 – June 27, 2008 in Las Vegas, Nevada

      The Journal of Consumer Satisfaction/Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior will be holding its bi-annual conference June 23 – June 27, 2008 in Las Vegas, Nevada!

      • Welcome reception/Registration will take place at the AmeriSuites (soon to be Hyatt Place) Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada starting at 6 p.m. on June 23, 2008. This is the hotel we recommend that conference attendees make their room reservations at due to the low negotiated price ($109 per night, single or double) which includes a full breakfast each morning and a number of other amenities (check out their website at www.amerisuites.com/reservations/locationdetail.asp?facid=4032&view=overview). This is a superb suites-only hotel, and it also has the advantage of being located one short block from the University of Nevada at Las Vegas which will be the site for all of our sessions (for those preferring not to walk, transportation will be provided). Contiguous to the building where our sessions will be held is the student union at UNLV which offers a number of good options for lunch each day. For reservations at AmeriSuites/Hyatt Place Las Vegas, call toll-free (888)-444-0611 and identify yourself as a participant in the CSD&CB Conference. A block of rooms has been reserved, but reservations must be made by May 10, 2008 at the latest to guarantee space at this special negotiated price. Make your reservations early to be sure that you secure your accommodations at this delightful suites-only hotel.
      •  Sessions begin Tuesday morning, June 24 ending each day by 4:30 p.m. and the conference ends at noon on Friday, June 27, 2008.
      • Conference venue and host: all sessions will be held on the UNLV campus and the conference is hosted by UNLV’s Department of Marketing, College of Business.
      • Early Registration [by May 10, 2008] = $275 ($175 for students) and includes refreshments during all session breaks plus food/beverages at the Welcome reception on Monday night, June 23.
        Late Registration = $325 ($225 for students).
      • Papers focusing on topics related to customer satisfaction, customer dissatisfaction and complaining behavior, and linkages between any of these or related constructs and customer loyalty toward service providers, consumer or business products are welcome. Empirical and conceptual papers are equally encouraged. Please try to limit the length of your manuscript to not more than 25 pages (double-spaced; 12 pt font). All submissions will undergo an editorial board review process, and all accepted papers and abstracts will be published in copyrighted electronic proceedings and made available on a CD.
      • Due Date for Submitting Papers/Abstracts: March 9, 2008. Check out our website (http://www.cob.ilstu.edu/jcsdcb) for additional details including the registration form.

      To ask questions and/or to electronically submit your paper or abstract, contact:

      Stephen Goodwin
      Editor, JCS/D&CB
      Professor of Marketing, College of Business
      Illinois State University, Normal, IL 61790-5590
      E-Mail: sagoodwi@ilstu.edu
      Tel. (309) 438-2893.

    5. Marketing Research Camp at Bilkent: University 

      Marketing Research Camp  
      Bilkent University, Ankara
      June 26-29, 2008

      A Marketing Research Camp is being held at Bilkent University, Ankara,  Turkey. The camp is chaired by Tulin Erdem. The purpose of this camp is to bring leading researchers in the areas of modeling and consumer
      behavior together to facilitate research in these areas. Some of the speakers include Baba Shiv, Jay Russo, Shantanu Dutta, Koen Pauwels, and Jonathan Levav. The camp will be composed of a series of presentations,
      writing sessions for doctoral students and meet the editors sessios.

      Dates: June 26-29, 2008

      Location: Bilkent University

      Registration fee: To be announced

      The complete list of speakers will be announced when it is finalized in mid- January.

      If you would like to inquire about this camp please contact either Selin Atalay (atalay@bilkent.edu.tr) or Destan Kandemir (destan@bilkent.edu.tr).

    6. 3rd International Conference on Business Market Management  

      Dear Colleague

      We want to remind you of the 3rd International Conference on Business Market Management taking place in St.Gallen, Switzerland, March 12. - 14., 2008. Researchers in the field of business-to-business-marketing are invited to submit scientific contributions and to discuss their latest research results. The first deadline for submission of competitive papers and abstracts on work-in-progress ended in October. We received around 40 contributions and are looking forward to an interesting conference.

      Also, we are happy to announce a special session focussing on the topic of Industrial Product Service Systems. Please be aware that in this case contributions must be submitted until November 30, 2007. Call-for-papers and information about the conference can be found at http://www.business-market-management.de/.

      In order to reach a broad community we would be happy if you could submit the announcement to interested friends and peers.

      We are looking forward to receiving your papers. See you in Switzerland!

      With kind regards,

      On behalf of the organizing committee,

      Dirk Zupancic

      Dr. oec. Dirk Zupancic
      Head Business-to-Business Marketing
      Institute of Marketing and Retailing
      at the University of St.Gallen
      Dufourstrasse 40a
      CH-9000 St.Gallen
      Fon: +41/(0)71/224 28 75
      Fax: +41/(0)71/224 28 35

    7. 3rd International Conference on Business Market Management  

      3rd International Conference on Business Market Management
      March 12-14, 2008, St.Gallen, Switzerland


      Dear Colleague,

      We want to remind you of the 3rd International Conference on Business Market Management that will take place in St.Gallen, Switzerland, from March 12-14, 2008. Researchers in the field of business-to-business-marketing are invited to submit scientific contributions and to discuss their latest research results. The deadline for submission of competitive papers and abstracts on work-in-progress is October 31, 2007.

      Also, we are happy to announce a special session focusing on the topic of Industrial Product Service Systems. Please be aware that in this case contributions must be submitted until November 31, 2007. Call-for-papers and information about the conference can be found at http://www.business-market-management.de/.

      In order to reach a broad community we would be happy if you could submit the announcement to interested friends and peers.

      We are looking forward to receiving your papers. See you in Switzerland!

      With kind regards,

      On behalf of the organizing committee,

      Dirk Zupancic

      Dr. oec. Dirk Zupancic
      Head Business-to-Business Marketing
      Institute of Marketing and Retailing
      at the University of St.Gallen
      Dufourstrasse 40a
      CH-9000 St.Gallen
      Fon: +41/(0)71/224 28 75
      Fax: +41/(0)71/224 28 35


    8. 27th Annual Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference  


      27th Annual Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference
      Virtual Social Identity and Consumer Behavior
      May 1-2, 2008, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

      The 27th annual Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference will be held May 1-2, 2008 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The conference is sponsored by the Society for Consumer Psychology (SCP)

      The theme of the conference is Virtual Social Identity and Consumer Behavior. We encourage participation from a broad range of academic researchers and practitioners in such fields as marketing and consumer psychology, computer science, sociology, economics, and communications.

      The creation and expression of identity (or of multiple identities) in immersive environments is rapidly transforming consumer behavior – even though at this point in time many mainstream consumers have not even heard of this phenomenon! The largest social adult networking, Second Life, currently has over 9 million registered users worldwide, while Habbo Hotel which targets 13-18 year olds boasts over 80 million registered users and over 7 million unique users each month. Consumers enter CME’s in digital form, as avatars. A user can design his or her avatar by choosing facial features, body types, clothing styles – and even nonhuman forms. These digital representations are socializing with one another in real time, taking virtual university courses, participating in corporate training programs, sharing reactions to new products, and of course shopping.
      These new online platforms generate many fascinating research questions for the advertising and consumer psychology community.

      Submissions may be in one of two categories: 1) complete papers or 2) abstracts (750-100 words). Preference for acceptance will be given to papers that provide extensive integration of existing work and/or provide details of a relevant program of research that takes a psychological perspective. Authors of the best papers will be invited to prepare a manuscript for a book to be published by the Society for Consumer Psychology. Complete papers that will be published in the book must be submitted in camera-ready format within 30 days of presentation at the conference. Publication of full papers based upon submitted abstracts is contingent upon satisfactory review of the full paper.
      Submissions must be received by December 15, 2007. Papers should be sent to Natalie Wood (nwood@sju.edu) electronically as an attached Word file. All papers will be blind-reviewed, so please submit your manuscript with authors’ names and contact information on a separate cover page. Please limit the manuscript to 30 pages double-spaced (excluding Exhibits) with 1” margins.

      Hotel Information
      The conference will be held at the Loews Hotel in Philadelphia (www.loewshotels.com). Conveniently located in the heart of downtown Philadelphia, the Loews Hotel is steps away from the historic district (Liberty Bell, National Constitution Center), shopping, restaurants and sports arenas. To make reservations, contact the Loews Philadelphia and identify yourself as an attendee of the Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference to receive the conference hotel rate of $189 per night. Reservations must be made by April 1st, 2008 to receive the conference rate. There are a limited number of rooms available at this rate, so please make your reservations early.

      For more information about The Society for Consumer Psychology or the Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference, please see our website at http://www.consumerpsych.org or contact one of the conference chairs:

      Michael R. Solomon, Ph.D.
      Department of Marketing
      Haub School of Business
      Saint Joseph’s University
      5600 City Avenue
      Philadelphia PA 19131
      Tel: 610-660-3411
      Fax: 610-660-3239

      Natalie T. Wood, Ph.D.
      Department of Marketing
      Haub School of Business
      Saint Joseph’s University
      5600 City Avenue
      Philadelphia PA 19131
      Tel: 610-660-3452
      Fax: 610-660-3239

    9. 7th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA)  


      The EUROPEAN ADVERTISING ACADEMY in association with
      invites you to submit papers for the
      7th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA)
      University of Antwerp Management School
      June 27th – 28th 2008

      THE 7th ICORIA CONFERENCE will be held in 2008 in Antwerp, one of the most interesting cities in Europe. Over 80 papers on topics related to Advertising and Brand Communication will be presented during the two days of the conference. We plan a reception in the University of Antwerp Management School on Thursday evening, and a Gala Dinner and party on Friday evening. The conference fee for registration before May 20, 2008 is €340 which includes admission to all sessions, lunches and refreshments on both days, Thursday reception, Friday dinner and party, and a €25 annual membership fee of the European Advertising Academy. Full information on travel & accommodation can be found on the conference website: www.icoria.org.

      PAPER SUBMISSION: Please submit a five page summary of your paper as soon as possible (but no later than March 09, 2008) to: papers@icoria.org. All submissions will undergo blind peer review, so papers should be laid out in correct academic style and authors should not be identified in text. Your summary must include an Abstract, Introduction, Discussion and/or Conclusions, and list of References, as well as a brief description of your hypotheses, research objectives, methods, and findings. Papers should be composed of five pages; single-spaced; 12 point font; Times New Roman; title page, tables, figures and references excluded. The cover/title page should include: Title, Author(s) names, Affiliations, and Contact Details, including: e-mail address, telephone, and postal address. Please refer to the Style sheet for details regarding the required submission format.

      Advertising & Brand Communication issues, such as, but not excluding other topics:

      • Accountability & effectiveness
      • Attention & Processing
      • Branding
      • Brand portfolio analysis
      • Channel & Multi media
      • Content & creativity
      • Consumer behaviour
      • Corporate responsibility
      • Cross-cultural issues
      • Emotions
      • Ethics
      • Internet
      • IMC
      • Measurement & evaluation
      • Media management
      • Models of brand communication
      • Product placement
      • Public relations
      • Relationship building
      • Sponsorship & Events
      • Special target groups
      • Special industries & Organisations

      - All accepted paper proposals will be published in the Conference Proceedings CD-ROM
      - A conference book with selected contributions will be published after the conference.

      MORE INFORMATION: Please visit our conference website at http://www.icoria.org (if this link does not work, please type the URL in your browser).
      If you have any questions about paper submission, please contact papers@icoria.org. For questions concerning the venue or practical arrangements, please mail to contact@icoria.org.

      We look forward to receiving your submission and seeing you in Antwerp in 2008!

    10. 2008 Society for Marketing Advances Conference  

      2008 Society for Marketing Advances Conference
      November 4 – 9, 2008
      TradeWinds Island Grand Beach Resort
      St Petersburg, FL

      Paper Submission Deadline: March 1, 2008

      Conference Theme: Staying Ahead of Our Competitors: A Global Perspective

      Program Chair/SMA President Elect: Mathew Joseph
      Email: josephmj1@yahoo.com 

      Staying Ahead of our Competitors: A Global Perspective is the Conference Theme for the 2008 Society for Marketing Advances Conference, scheduled for November 4-9 at the TradeWinds Island Grand Beach Resort in St Petersburg, Florida.

      Managers trying to develop a competitive advantage globally face formidable challenges. Paper and special session proposals that address issues and strategies related to this theme are especially encouraged for submission.

      General Information

      The conference is being developed around a number of tracks and special competitions, each with a chair or co-chairs. In addition, there will be several pre-conference faculty seminars offered. More information will follow on these special interest seminars.

      We look forward to seeing you at the conference and to engaging in the intellectual discussion and warm fellowship that are SMA trademarks.


      For more detailed information please click here

    11. Fifth Annual JIBS Paper Development Workshop  

      Fifth Annual JIBS Paper Development Workshop
      Academy of International Business Annual Meetings,
      Monday, June 30, 2008 ,  Milan, Italy

      The Fifth Annual JIBS Paper Development Workshop (PDW) will be held in Milan, Italy, from 7:30 am to 1:00 pm on Monday, June 30, 2008, as part of the pre-conference program for the AIB annual meetings. The PDW organizer is Laszlo Tihanyi (Texas A&M). The Workshop is being sponsored by the Texas A&M and South Carolina CIBERs and the Academy of International Business.

      The purpose of the workshop is to provide participants with detailed feedback on their work prior to submission to the Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS) and other journals that publish high-quality international business research. Almost 40 JIBS editors and members of the Consulting Editors Board (CEB) and Editorial Review Board (ERB) have already agreed to participate -- the largest group of JIBS editors ever assembled for a Paper Development Workshop.

      We are inviting original papers from junior faculty members who have not previously published in JIBS. While papers from advanced doctoral students are also welcome, the workshop is primarily designed for junior faculty. In particular, we hope to attract papers from junior scholars who are:

      •  Located in universities in emerging/transition economies, or in universities that that offer limited support for international research, or where international business studies has limited support; or
      • Trained in other disciplines (e.g., political science, organizational behavior), but would like to reorient themselves so they can conduct and publish international business research.

      Because of the location of the 2008 AIB Meeting, we particularly want to attract submissions from scholars in the European Union and surrounding countries that are underrepresented in JIBS and AIB.

      The PDW will be structured to provide feedback to authors of two types of papers: Advanced Papers and Paper Ideas. The program will start at 7:30 am with an introductory session for everyone led by the JIBS editorial team (http://www.palgrave-journals.com/jibs/editors/editors.html#eden-l). The participants will then split into two groups. Authors of Advanced Papers will be paired with ERB and CEB guest editors for two rounds of one-on-one discussions where the guest editor will provide the author with comments on improving his/her paper. At the same time, authors with Paper Ideas will attend a panel led by JIBS editors on successful publication strategies. After a break, all participants will split into multiple small-group sessions consisting of JIBS editors, guest editors and authors. In each session, authors of Paper Ideas will each briefly present their idea and receive feedback from their group. The workshop will conclude with a wrap-up session for everyone, led by the JIBS editors, and followed by a lunch for all the participants. The PDW will conclude at 1 p.m.

      We expect to include 30 Advanced Papers and 20 Paper Ideas in the workshop. Both types of papers should be submitted electronically to Deanna Johnston, JIBS Editorial Assistant (jibsae@mays.tamu.edu) with “PDW submission” in the subject line. The deadline for submissions is January 15, 2008. Advanced Papers must be less than 10,000 words in length, and follow the JIBS Style Guide (http://www.palgrave-journals.com/jibs/style_guide.html). Please include three keywords that best describe your paper. Paper Ideas should be about two pages in length and include a theoretical framework, propositions and proposed research design. Participants will be notified about the acceptance of their submission no later than March 1, 2008. Authors will need to confirm their participation and submit final papers by March 31, 2008. All papers will be posted online for downloading no later than three weeks before the PDW.

      Please note:

      • The JIBS PDW is not open to registrants for other pre-conference AIB programs running simultaneously with the workshop, including the AIB Doctoral and Junior Faculty Consortia. This restriction applies to both authors and guest editors.
      • All participants must be present for the whole PDW (7:30 am-1:00 pm) on Monday June 30. If you are flying from North America, you will need to leave June 28 in order to arrive in Milan on June 29 so you can attend the Workshop on June 30. Please make your hotel accommodations and flight arrangements with these dates in mind.
      • Because the PDW ends at 1:00 pm, participants will have the afternoon open for other activities (sightseeing, meeting with co-authors). The regular AIB conference activities begin late afternoon.

      We believe the Fifth Annual JIBS Paper Development Workshop will provide intensive and useful feedback for authors, and facilitate networking between authors and the JIBS editors and guest editors. We hope to see you there!

      Please address any questions to:

      Laszlo Tihanyi
      JIBS PDW Organizer
      Associate Professor
      Dept of Management
      TAMU 4221
      Texas A&M University
      College Station, TX 77843-4221

      Lorraine Eden
      Journal of International Business Studies
      Department of Management
      TAMU 4221
      Texas A&M University
      College Station, TX 77843-4221

    12. B2B MARKETING MASTERCLASS - Business to Business in the 21st Century  

      Business to Business in the 21st Century

      Friday 14th December 2007
      Leicester Business School

      Business-to-Business Marketing encompasses many of the key issues facing companies  of all sizes in today’s increasingly competitive environment in the 21st century. Such  issues include attracting and retaining the right business customers and partners, adding  value to organisational processes through the optimisation of modern technologies and  multi-media communications, competitive strategy development and the effectiveness of
      strategy implementations in markets. There are challenges created which many  organisations must deal with. Whilst these are explored and presented in academic and  practitioner work there is still much work that needs to be done.

      This B2B MARKETING MASTERCLASS will provide academics and practitioners from a range of backgrounds with a unique opportunity to explore and discuss new concepts and ideas surrounding B2B marketing issues in an open, friendly and informal atmosphere.

      You are cordially invited to come and join in this Masterclass.

      For more information, please click HERE

    13. VIIth International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing  

      Call for papers

      VIIth International Congress on Public and Nonprofit Marketing

      The Faculty of Economics and Business Administration of the University of Szeged,
      in cooperation with AIMPN,
      organizes a conference
      in Szeged  12-13 June 2008


      Dear Colleagues,

      The International Congress on Public and Non-Profit Marketing, organized for the 7th time, will this time be hosted by the Institute of Business Studies of SZTE GTK in 2008 (former venues were: Braga, Cluj, Cádiz). The congress aims to present domestic and international trends, research findings and practical experience as well as to explore the issues of non-business marketing. The official languages of the congress will be English and Spanish.  All those colleagues (including PhD students, teachers and experts) who wish to present their findings and experience in these areas are welcome to participate.

      The event begins with a plenary session in the morning on 12 June and continues in tracks to end
      with a closing ceremonial dinner on 13 June.

      A preliminary overview of topics:
      • Marketing in public and non-profit organizations
      • Marketing human services (education, health care, culture, sport)
      • Marketing in public institutions (administration, government and local government bodies)
      • Aspects of marketing in regions, subregions as well as towns and villages

      All congress participants will receive a complimentary copy of the conference documentation containing the presentations.

      Congress venue: University of Szeged, SZTE Study and Information Center (SZTE SIC), Szeged, Hungary
      Congress website: www.tik.u-szeged.hu/aimpn
      Official website: www.aimpn.org

      On behalf of the conference organizing committee:
      Dr Zoltán Veres

      Zoltán Majó
      Head of institute secretary

      More information:

      Key dates and deadlines

      • 9 Nov 2007 -   call for papers
      • 31 Jan 2008 - application, submission of papers
      • 15 March 2008 - notification of acceptance of papers
      • 15 April 2008 - congress registration
      • 2 May 2008 - submission of finalized papers
      • 10 May 2008 - final programme
      • 11-12 June 2008 - on-site registration
      • 12-13 June 2008 - congress
      • 13 June 2008 - closing dinner

      Registration fee

                                                                                          AIMPN Affiliates                                AIMPN Non-Affiliates
      Early Registration (before 15 April)                                 €130                                                  €160
      Later Registration (before 1 June)                                  €150                                                   €180
      Express Registration (in-site)                                          €170                                                   €190
      Closing Dinner                                                                    €30                                                     €30

      The registration fee includes participation in academic and social events (except closing  dinner), certificates, documentation and conference proceedings. Accommodation is not included in the fee. Details of accommodation are available on the congress website.

      Instructions to the Authors

      Contributions should be based on original work, focusing on theoretical and/or empirical research and/or case studies relevant for the “Public and Non Profit Marketing” area.

      Submissions may be written in Spanish or English.
      The deadline for submissions is 31st January 2008.

    14. 2nd Annual Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) Conference 

      2nd Annual Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) Conference
      June 25-27, 2008
      Athens, Greece

      Dear Colleague,

      Please accept our invitation to participate in the 2nd Annual Global Sales Science Institute (GSSI) Conference, jointly organized by the Department of Marketing & Communication of the Athens University of Economics & Business (Athens, Greece) and the Russ Berrie Institute for Professional Sales at the William Patterson University (U.S.A.), with the collaboration of the Greek Marketing Academy and the Greek Sales Institute.

      The GSSI brings together scholars and practitioners from across the world to further advance global collaboration in sales research, practice, and education. In particular, the GSSI conference aims to foster a climate of interactive dialogue between sales academics and practitioners. As such, you can choose among several ways of participation in the conference:

      • Session Chair
      • Discussion Leader
      • Member of a Discussion Panel
      • Author of a paper to be presented
      • Attendee

      Please, note that accepted papers might be considered for a Special Issue/Section in the Industrial Marketing Management (IMM).

      Also, note the following key dates & deadlines:

      • January 28, 2008: Indication of the desired way of participation in the conference (You can indicate your preference using the following email avlonitis@aueb.gr)
      • February 25, 2008: Submission of a paper
      • March 31, 2008: Notification of acceptance/rejection of a submitted paper
      • April 15, 2008: Registration deadline

      For additional information visit our website www.gssi2008.org.

      We are looking forward to your participation to this exciting event!

      Yours sincerely,

      The Conference Co-Chairs

      George J. Avlonitis                                                                                      Robert Peterson 
      Nikolaos G. Panagopoulos                                                                        David Reid
      Department of Marketing & Communication                                           Russ Berrie Institute for Professional Sales
      Athens University of Economics & Business                                          William Patterson University

    15. 2008 Global Marketing Conference at Shanghai 

      Dear Colleagues,

      The official website of '2008 Global Marketing Conference at Shanghai' is open.

      Place: Shanghai, P.R. China
      Date: March 20-23, 2008
      Extended Submission Deadline: Nov. 15, 2007

      Would you visit our conference website and prepare for your trip to Shanghai in March 2008?


      Kyung Hoon Kim
      Executive Secretary
      Korean Academy of Marketing Science(KAMS)
      Tel: +82 55 279 7377
      Fax: +82 55 263 9096
      e-mail: stride@sarim.changwon.ac.kr

      2008 Global Marketing Conference at Shanghai
      March 20-23, 2008

      Shanghai Jiao Tong University
      Shanghai, China

      Hosted by the Korean Academy of Marketing Science
      Shanghai Jiao Tong University / Yonsei University
      China Marketing Academy
      Marketing Committee of China Management Society

      Call for Papers


      Dr. Charles R. Taylor, John A. Murphy Professor,  Dept. of Marketing, Villanova University, Villanova, PA 19085-1678 USA, raymond.taylor@villanova.edu, Tel: (610) 519-4386 Fax: (610) 519-5364

      Dr. Bernd Schmitt, Robert D. Calkins Professor, Dept. of Marketing, Columbia University, 3022 Broadway, New York, 10027 NY, USA, bhs1@columbia.edu, Tel: (212) 854-3468, Fax: (212) 854-7647

      Dr. Udo Wagner, Professor, Faculty of Business, Economics and Statistics, University of Vienna, A-1210 Vienna, Brunner Strasse 72, Austria, udo.wagner@univie.ac.at, Tel: +43 (1) 4277-380 11, Fax: +43 (1) 4277-380 14

      Dr. Jianmin Jia, Professor, School of Economics and Management, Southwest Jiaotong University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, Chengdu, P.R. China, jjia@cuhk.edu.hk, Tel: (86) 8760 0820, Fax: (86)8763 4343


      Papers submitted to selected tracks (see below) are eligible for review toward inclusion in special issues of the following journals:

      Psychology & Marketing (Executive Editor: Professor Rajan Nataraajan, Auburn University)
      International Journal of Advertising (Editor: Professor Douglas West, University of Birmingham)
      Journal of Interactive Advertising (Co-Editor: Professor Hairong Li, Michigan State University)

      Conference Objectives

      Dynamic multiculturism continues to be a vital aspect of global marketing that affects consumers and businesses around the world.  The theme of this year’s conference is, “Marketing in The Dynamic Global World.” This theme emphasizes the need for educators and business leaders to recognize, appreciate, and understand the significance of marketing in the dynamic global world including different cultures and cross-cultural business practices, as they affect both domestic and multinational marketing strategies. The 2008 Global Marketing Conference at Shanghai offers outstanding opportunities for business leaders and academics to share their insights and learn from the research finding and experiences of others.  The program chairs welcome participation from all cultures and parts of the world. We look forward to a stimulating and interactive conference. Proceedings of this conference will have an ISBN number.

      Submission Deadline: Oct. 31, 2007

      For more information on the conference, please click  HERE   

    16. 21st SERVICE WORKSHOP  

      Westminster Service Research Centre
      Services Chair: Katherine Tyler

      “Service Science: Trans-disciplinary Approaches and Advances for the 22nd Century – Taxi to the Change Runway”
      University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street, W1B 2UW 15, 16, & 17 November

      Co-Chairs, Katherine Tyler, University of Westminster, London, UK, Prof. Lloyd Harris, Warwick University, UK, and Prof. Charles L. Martin, Wichita State University, Wichita, KS, USA

      The Workshop format will provide short, lively sessions designed to stimulate debate and discussion, the emergence of new research ideas and the future of services marketing and marketing. The purpose of the Workshop is to stimulate exchange between managers and academics and to initiate advanced service science research topics. The Workshop is designed to foster an open “ecosystem” of collaborative partnerships between businesses, universities, and technology suppliers, and encourage professional learning from the workplace.

      Keynote Speakers include: Professors , Bo Edvardsson, Mark Gabbott, Christian Grönroos, Christopher Lovelock, Nigel Piercy
      Session Chairs include: Professors Ray Fisk & Steve Grove, Steve Baron & Kim Cassidy, Irene Ng, Angus Laing, Susan Hart, Gillian Hogg and many others.

      The Workshop will be held on November 15, 16, and 17 at the University of Westminster, 309 Regent Street, London W1. The cost for earlybird registration is £299; PhD candidates are £265. There are also daily rates.

      The Workshop may be featured in a Special Issue of the International Journal of Service Industry Management, edited by Prof. Bo Edvardsson; this is still being negotiated.

      Abstracts and Papers submitted to the Workshop or discussed during it will be published in the Westminster Service Sector Research Centre Working Papers Series, with an ISBN/ISSN number. If the paper is an abstract or working paper of 3-5 pages it can be subsequently published in a journal.

      Included in the Workshop Registration
      • Thursday reception; Friday and Saturday refreshment breaks; lunches, buffet supper on Friday and Reception and Conference Dinner on Saturday
      • Workshop materials and admittance to all sessions

      Please fill in and return the Conference Registration Form to confirm your booking. Tick the appropriate boxes for the dates / sessions you wish to attend. The Workshop Programme will be issued shortly.

      Contact for further information: Katherine Tyler, tylerk@wmin.ac.uk; Charles L. Martin, charles.martin@wichita.edu; Lloyd Harris, lloyd.harris@wbs.ac.uk ;

      Administrator, Helen Cohen, University of Westminster, Northwick Park, Watford Road, Harrow Middlesex HA1 3TP UK or by FAX: 0044 (0)207 911 5922 or by EMAIL to cohenhe@wmin.ac.uk.

      See www.academyofmarketing.info/sigservice.cfm; www.wmin.ac.uk , University of Westminster and


      - Workshop Guidelines
      - Submission of papers and abstracts
      - Registration Form
      - Hotel Information
      - Travel Information

    17. 1st Biannual International Conference in Services Marketing  

      First Biannual International Conference in Services Marketing

      27 – 29 September 2007, Chios Island, Greece

      The University of the Aegean and the University of Glasgow in collaboration with the Greek Marketing Academy are jointly organizing the First Biannual International Conference in Services Marketing “STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENTS IN SERVICES MARKETING”, on 27 – 29 September 2007, in Chios Island, Greece.

      The First Biannual International Conference in Services Marketing aims to provide the opportunity to discuss and update current issues on Services Marketing. The presentation of double blind refereed research papers will generate constructive exchange of approaches and international practices, leading to a critical contribution to the knowledge of Service Providers.

      Scientific areas to be covered in special sessions:

      • Tourism, Travel and Hospitality
      • Transport and Shipping
      • Retailing
      • Sport Marketing
      • Electronic Marketing
      • Consumer Behavior
      • Strategic Marketing Planning
      • Internal Marketing
      • Pricing in Services
      • Quality, Customer Satisfaction & Loyalty
      • Health Services

      Apart from educators and researchers, managers from the service sector companies will also participate in the Conference.in two sessions:

      • Planning and implementing Marketing Strategies. Case studies from service companies
      • Roundtable discussion – Top academics with managers

      Two distinguished members of the international academic community Luiz Moutinho (Professor of Marketing at the University of Glasgow) and Enrique Bigne (Professor of Marketing & Market Research at the University of Valencia and Vice Chancellor of the same University) will be the keynote speakers in the Conference.

    18. Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management 2008  

      Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management

      Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management
      24-25th April 2007

      On 24-25 April 2007 the Centre for Research in Brand Marketing at Birmingham Business School hosted the annual Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, in association with the Academy of Marketing. The conference was highly successful attracting some 120 delegates from around the world. About 70 papers were presented covering a wide range of topics within brand management such as brand equity, place and services branding, brand identity, brand extensions and brand relationships.

      The delegates included academics, consultants and brand managers. The conference was further enhanced by three keynote speakers who shared their insights derived from their extensive experience with brands. Alan Mitchell, Business Writer and Author, and Contributing Editor of Marketing Week gave a thought provoking presentation on the need for brands to escape from the industrial paradigm; Paul Edwards, Chief Strategy Officer of Publicis spoke about customer empowerment and how brand managers have to actively listen to their customers; Tom Blackett, Deputy Head of Interbrand presented the challenges of brand governance for the 21st century.

      As a result of this success, the Centre for Research in Brand Marketing is pleased to announce that the next Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management will take place on April 15-16, 2008 at the Birmingham Business School. We are delighted to announce the Journal of Business Research has agreed to publish a Special Issue with papers presented at the 2008 conference and that Wally Olins, co-founder of Wolf-Olins, will be the Keynote Speaker at this event. Papers on any aspect of brand management are invited, and the deadline for papers is 9th November 2007.

    19. 3rd International Conference of IREMAS 

      3rd International Conference of IREMAS
      Food, Health Messages, Marketing... and Nutritionla Cacophony
      November 15-16, 2007

      Conservatoire National des Arts et métiers, Paris, France

      Dear Madam, Dear Sir, Dear Colleagues,

      The avalanche of messages relating to food, health and lifestyle is a serious difficulty for all operators: professionals, food sectors, food companies, restaurants, retail, government agencies, educators, gurus… all of course with the help of their communication consultants… and for each one of us in the context of our own exchange communities.

      IREMAS, well-known for its Think Tank activity, proposes to give its scientific and professional point of view on these topics.

      IREMAS will bring the best French and international experts to deal with this issue: Prof. Dominique Desjeux (Sorbonne), Natalie Rastoin (Ogilvy Group), JoAnne Labrecque (Montreal), Dr. Bernard Waysfeld (Reflection on Obesity Study Group), Jean-Paul Laplace (French Institute for Nutrition), Hélène Chevalier (CSA Institute), Mariette Gerber (French Nutrition Society), Mohammed Merdji (Sociologist), Dr. Jean-Michel Lecerf (Lille Pasteur Institute), etc. etc.

      Facts, analyses and possible solutions will stimulate all stakeholders, interested in health, business or sociology.

      English and French will be the Conference’s languages, with interpretation facilities and proceedings in English.

      I hope to meet you at the Conference!

      Best regards,

      François Guillon
      President of IREMAS

      Conference’s Programme

      Registration Form

      Your contacts:
      Olivier Bareix olivier.bareix@lasalle-beauvais.fr Tél. +33 (0) 344 063 859
      Practical Information:
      Fatiha El Yaagoubi fatihaelyaagoubi@iremas.org Tél. +33 (0) 677 118 723

    20. Webinar: Marketing Resource Allocation with ReAllocator ME>XL  

      September 12
      Webinar: Marketing Resource Allocation with ReAllocator ME>XL
      Presenter: Dr. Gary Lilien, ISBM Research Director, Penn State
      On the Web
      Fee: Free

      In this webinar, Dr. Lilien will review the response model approach, linking marketing spending decisions to market outcomes and show how it has been applied in a number of industry-contexts. He will introduce a tool called ReAllocator, part of the Marketing Engineering for Excel (ME>XL) toolkit that is designed to implement this approach. He will conclude by discussing how participants can make immediate use of the concepts and the related software. To register, go to http://www.smeal.psu.edu/isbm/seminars/events/allocweb.html

    21. Upcoming Webinar: Product Design and Customer Segmentation with Conjoint Analysis MEXL 

       Upcoming Webinar:  Product Design and Customer Segmentation with Conjoint Analysis MEXL
      Wednesday, July 18th at 11:00 ET
      Professor Arvind Rangaswamy, Penn State  

      Prof  Arvind Rangaswamy will present a one hour webinar and will provide a practical and intuitive introduction to Conjoint Analysis.  Using real examples, the presentation will cover:
          * The need for understanding customer tradeoffs in product design
          * Overview of Conjoint Analysis methods
          * Demo of the new Marketing Engineering for Excel (MEXL) software that you can use to implement a “quick and dirty” Conjoint Analysis study at low cost
          * Potential applications
          * Pitfalls to avoid

      For more information or to register go to


    22. ANZMAC 2007 

      ANZMAC 2007

      Conference Call for Papers

      We invite paper submissions for:
      3-5 December 2007 - Main Conference;
      1-2 December 2007 - Doctoral Colloquium.

      Conference Theme: 3Rs - Reputation, Responsibility & Relevance seeks to bring to the fore a lively discussion on a number of issues and challenges facing our
      discipline. Topics include: marketing's status and relevance within the modern organisation; emphasis on strategy implementation; ethics and social responsibility; encouraging research that is relevant to society; and researching markets outside the USA, UK and Europe. Papers on the broad spectrum of other marketing topics are also welcome.

      Hosted by: Department of Marketing, School of Business, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand,

      For full details visit: www.anzmac07.otago.ac.nz

      Key Dates:
      Friday 29 June 2007 - closing date for submission of conference papers (First Round).
      Friday 3 August 2007 - initial decision on paper submissions.
      Friday 17 August 2007 - closing date for submission of revised conference papers.
      Friday 27 July 2007 - closing date for submission of Doctoral Colloquium papers and poster session proposals.
      Wednesday 31 August 2007 - paper acceptance confirmed.

      The maximum length of competitive papers is five (5) pages (inclusive of all figures, tables, technical appendices, etc.), plus the pages required to list the references. All
      papers are double blind reviewed.

      Key points for those planning to submit papers:
      • Papers must be submitted electronically
      • Submission procedures can be found at: http://www.anzmac07.otago.ac.nz/callforpapers.aspx

      Submissions are invited for the following tracks:
      Track 1 Marketing Communications
      Track 2 Branding
      Track 3 Business Interaction, Relationship Marketing and Networks
      Track 4 Consumer Behaviour
      Track 5 Corporate Responsibility
      Track 6 Electronic Marketing
      Track 7 Entrepreneurship, Innovation and New Product Development
      Track 8 International and Cross-cultural Marketing
      Track 9 Marketing Education
      Track 10 Marketing Research and Research Methodologies
      Track 11 Marketing Theory
      Track 12 Personal Selling and Sales Management
      Track 13 Retailing
      Track 14 Pricing
      Track 15 Distribution Channels and Supply Chain Management
      Track 16 Services Marketing
      Track 17 Social, Not-for-profit and Political Marketing
      Track 18 Sports, Arts and Heritage Marketing
      Track 19 Strategic Marketing and Market Orientation
      Track 20 Tourism Marketing

      I encourage you to submit a paper to what will be a great and stimulating conference and I look forward to welcoming you to a beautiful part of the world.

      Dr Kenneth R Deans
      Conference Chair

    23. 2007 Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference 

      2007 Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference
      "Destination and Event Marketing: Managing Networks"
      10-12 September 2007 - Valencia, Spain
      Final registration deadline: July, 20th 2007

      The aim of Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference (ATMC) focuses on facilitating the analysis and interchange of sustainable approaches and international practices as a basis for the knowledge and innovation management in tourism marketing, through a forum – with an international character, with academics, professionals, public and private organizations.

      The 2007 edition of the “Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference” (2007 ATMC) will be held from September 10th to 12th in Valencia and is hosted by the University of Valencia. The central theme of the second edition of this international conference is “Destination and Event Marketing: Managing Networks”.

      The 2007 ATMC aims to analyze “destination and event marketing: managing networks”, a topic of high relevance and topicality to researchers, public institutions, tourist industry and other stakeholders (tourists, local community, media, among others).

      The 2007 ATMC includes:

      • Presentations by 2 prestigious keynote speakers:
        - Dr. Donald Getz, Professor of Marketing, Department of Tourism & Hospitality Management, University of Calgary (Canada).
        - Dr. Evert Gummesson, Professor of Marketing, Stockholm University School of Business, Sweden.
      • Three round tables (special sessions) with tourist organizations, researchers and businesses in order to analyze:
        - Network, cooperation and competitiveness in destination marketing.
        - Experiences and challenges in attracting and organizing events.
        - Meeting editors.
      • Presentation of accepted papers (parallel sessions) that have been double-blind reviewed by the scientific committee, based on the 2007 ATMC call for papers
      • Panel session: “Education & Research in Tourism”

      The scientific committee consists of 27 academics from more than 15 countries (Australia, Austria, Canada, Chile, China, France, Israel, New Zealand, Portugal, South Africa, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, The Netherlands, United Kingdom, and USA).

      Conference co-chairs: Luisa Andreu, Universitat de Valéncia (Spain), Juergen Gnoth, University of Otago (New Zealand), and Metin Kozak, Mugla University (Turkey).

      For further information: http://www.atmc2007.org 

    24. ISBM's 2007 Business Marketing Doctoral Support Award Competition 

      ISBM's 2007 Business Marketing Doctoral Support Award Competition

      Penn State's Institute for the Study of Business Markets announces its seventeenth annual Business Marketing Doctoral Support Award Competition. Up to five candidates in accredited doctoral programs will receive dissertation support awards. Dissertations in any area of business-to-business (industrial) marketing or in any of the methodological areas that support advances in business marketing will be considered.

      The deadline for submission is September 15, 2007.

      For more information see the ISBM Awards Competition website at www.smeal.psu.edu/isbm/isbmres/award, or www.isbm.org

    25. Third German French Austrian Conference  

      Third German French Austrian Conference
      Cergy-Pontoise, France September 21-22, 2007

      After Berlin (1996) and Montpelier (1999), the Third Austrian-French-German Symposium on Quantitative Models in Marketing will take place in the New F-Building at ESSEC Business School in Cergy-Pontoise on September 21-22, 2007. It will mark the 100th Anniversary of ESSEC Business School.

      The organizers will be

      Albert Bemmaor, ESSEC http://www.essec.edu/faculty/albert-c-bemmaor

      Lutz Hildebrandt Humboldt University http://www.hu-berlin.de

      Udo Wagner, University of Vienna http://www.univie.ac.at

      The organizers welcome contributions from the scientific community at large, regardless of its geographical origin.

      The program is now posted at the following address:


    26. First Doctoral Colloquium of the Arts, Heritage, NonProfit and Social Marketing  

      First Doctoral Colloquium of the Arts, Heritage, NonProfit and Social Marketing Special Interest Group of the Academy of Marketing

      23rd January 2008

      Hosted by London Metropolitan University Business School at the Graduate Centre, London North Campus, 166-220 Holloway Road, London N7 8DB, Room GCG-08

      London Metropolitan University Business School and the Academy of Marketing’s Special Interest Group on Arts, Heritage, NonProfit and Social Marketing are pleased to announce that their first joint Doctoral Colloquium will be held at the Graduate Centre of London Metropolitan University on 23rd January 2008. The event has been designed to provide a collaborative and supportive forum for the presentation of useful information and concepts to doctoral researchers in the social, nonprofit and arts marketing field.

      Who should attend?

      The Doctoral Colloquium will provide doctoral students with the opportunity to obtain advice, guidance and constructive assistance and feedback from a team of experienced scholars. Doctoral candidates at any stage of their research are encouraged to attend. Whilst the event is intended to benefit students in the general area of nonprofit, social and arts marketing, doctoral students in related fields, (e.g., the public sector or social policy) will also be welcome.

      Cost of attendance

      There will be NO charge for this event. However candidates will need to register early due to a limited number of spaces available.

      Enrolment guidelines

      Intending participants should submit a one or two paragraph summary of their doctoral work, indicating whether they are at the beginning, in the middle, or towards the end of their research. This should be sent by email to Professor Roger Bennett at London Metropolitan University at the following address: r.bennett@londonmet.ac.uk. The deadline for submissions is 12 October 2007. However, early submissions are requested because numbers will be limited and places will be allocated to suitable applicants on a first-come first-served basis.


      The Colloquium will be held in London Metropolitan University’s Graduate Centre (a building designed by the internationally renowned architect Daniel Liebeskind), London North Campus, 166-220 Holloway Road, London N7 8DB.  For further information on the Liebeskind building please visit:


      A map of the location is available at:



      Lists of hotels in various price categories are available at:
      www.totalstay.com / www.expedia.co.uk / www.infotel.co.uk

      Draft programme





      Registration and coffee





      Professor Gerard Hastings, Stirling University “Building your academic community”
      Chair and discussant: Dr Finola Kerrigan, Kings College London











      Professor Simon Roodhouse, University of the Arts, London “Publishing your work”



      Chair and discussant: Professor Roger Bennett, London Metropolitan University











      Breakout sessions (student presentations)





      1. Beginners (Convenor: Professor Vernon Trafford)




      2. Intermediate (Convenor: Dr Gary Warnaby)




      3. Advanced (Convenor: Professor Gerard Hastings)



      Feedback from Convenors identifying common themes/issues









      Dr Gary Warnaby, University of Liverpool “Doing and reporting fieldwork”



      Chair and discussant: Professor Mike Saren, Leicester University









      Professor Mike Saren, Leicester University “Preparing for the viva”


      Professor Vernon Trafford, Anglia Ruskin University “Empirical research into passing and failing vivas”



      Chair and discussant: Professor Roger Bennett, London Metropolitan University










    27. European Business-to-Business Sales Institute (EUBBSI) 

       European Business-to-Business Sales Institute (EUBBSI)

      The European Business-to-Business Sales Institute (EUBBSI) is a Leonardo DaVinci EU funded initiative of 4 European Business Schools, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece, Anglia Ruskin University, UK, Central European University, Hungary, and one e-learning content & instructional design company, Envol5, France.

      EUBBSI provides a blended (mix of face-to-face and on-line courses), certified, vocational training program targeted to sales professionals of SMEs (salespersons, sales managers, sales support people, entrepreneurs) in a Business-to-Business complex sales environment. In fact, in such sales context, these sales professionals are also the ones designing and implementing the marketing decisions and actions of their company, but typically luck time and money to develop or upgrade their knowledge and skills.
      Thus the training objective of EUBBSI is to develop not only the “pure’ sales competences but a broader marketing and managerial culture and skills of these sales professionals in order to improve their expertise in the implementation of complex sales processes.

      The range of tools, services and resources provided by EUBBSI are:
      Initial Competences Assessment, in order to orient the learner towards the content that would be most useful to him and to customize the learning process

      • 40 e-learning units, currently available in English & French, offering on-line videos, reading material, quizzes and practical exercises
      • On-line and face to face Coaching by a tutor assigned to each learner
      • Group seminars allowing the trainees to meet professionals and professors, to engage in role playing and to share their experiences
      • An e-learning platform
      • A certification issued at the end of the training program

      Further information can be found on www.eubbsi.com, where as a guest, you may access to collective seminar's presentations and to 2 open e-learning modules:
      Solution Consultative Selling - LU 7 and Revealing the need of a sales prospect - LU 35

      Comments, ideas and partnerships are welcome by partners
      - Bernard Chapelet (France) Bernard.CHAPELET@grenoble-em.com
      - Sergios Dimitriadis (Greece) dimitria@aueb.gr
      - Geoff Abott (UK) g.abbott@anglia.ac.uk
      - Gyorgy Bogel (Hungary) bogelgy@ceubusiness.com

    28. Second Biennial Conference on Enhancing Sales Force Productivity  

      Conference Announcement and Call for Abstracts

      Second Biennial Conference on Enhancing Sales Force Productivity

      Co-sponsored by the
      Institute of Innovation Research, Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel, Germany, and the Marketing Science Institute (MSI), Cambridge, MA

      in collaboration with the
      International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM)

      May 23-25, 2008

      Sales Management is still regarded as an art by some practitioners. Marketing scholars are called to investigate the quality, quantity, deployment and motivation of sales force effort. As the management of customer accounts and relationships becomes more complex and demanding, practitioners are putting renewed emphasis on optimizing the productivity of sales force investments. In response, new theoretical and empirical research to improve our understanding of evolving sales management issues as well as models, metrics, and methodologies to aid sales force management decisions are urgently needed.

      Following up on the success of the first conference in this series at the University of Missouri-Columbia in April 2006, the Institute of Innovation Research at Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel, Germany, in collaboration with IJRM, is hosting the second biennial Conference on Enhancing Sales Force Productivity, May 23-25, 2008, in Kiel, Germany. Scholars and practitioners with research interests in this area are invited to submit papers for presentation at this conference. Research based on economic theories as well as normative, methodological, and empirical research papers related to this area are all welcome. Papers accepted for presentation at the Special Conference will also be considered for publication in a related Special Section of the International Journal of Research in Marketing on the same topic to appear in 2009 (see separate Call for Papers for the Special Section). However, all researchers who are interested in the subject of improving sales management are invited to attend the conference, whether or not they submit papers for consideration by the IJRM Special Section. Examples of topics suitable for this conference include:

      • Sales force strategy and organization
      • CRM strategies and optimal sales resource allocation
      • ROI of sales force automation investments
      • Role and ROI of sales force effort in companies’ promotion mix
      • Long-term effects of personal selling
      • Forecasting sales and goal-setting
      • Optimal design of selling teams
      • Optimal design of sales force compensation plans
      • Competition and gaming
      • Dynamic effects and ROI of sales force motivation programs
      • Models for enhancing marketing-sales integration
      • Coordination of interfaces between operations and the sales force
      • Optimal strategies for sales force recruiting, training, and promotion

      Submission of Abstracts
      Please submit 1200-word abstracts of papers for presentation (by email as a Word document or file) to the Conference Co-Chair, Sönke Albers (see below for contact details) by December 1, 2007. Abstracts which arrive by this deadline will be peer reviewed through a double-blind process and authors of those papers that are accepted for presentation at the conference will be informed by January 20, 2008. Please indicate with your submission whether you would like your paper to be considered for the Special Section of IJRM on the same topic.

      Conference Details
      The conference site is Kiel Institute of the World Economy at Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel, Germany. The Conference will begin with a reception on Friday, May 23 evening followed by dinner and a keynote address by a top sales executive. The conference will proceed all day on Saturday, May 24, with a special dinner event that same evening. The conference will continue on the morning of Sunday, May 25, ending at noon with a box lunch.

      More information about the Conference Program, Registration, the Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel and the conference venue, lodging, travel options, etc., will be available at the Conference website: www.bwl.uni-kiel.de/salesconference

      City of Kiel, Germany
      Well-known for its international sailing events, Kiel is a lively town located in the north of Germany at the Baltic Sea coast. It is about a 1-hour drive from Hamburg International Airport. In addition to regular transportation back and forth to the airport, a comfortable and frequent shuttle van service is provided for the participants.

      Registration Fee and Deadline
      The conference registration fee is €250. This fee will cover the reception and dinner event on Friday; lunch and special dinner event on Saturday; box lunches on Sunday, and the conference material.

      Doctoral Students
      With the generous support of the Marketing Science Institute, registration fees for up to 12 doctoral students, who are either authors/coauthors of papers (first priority) or just attendees (second priority), will be waived. Some financial support for doctoral students’ travel to and stay in Kiel is also available. Any doctoral student who wishes to request this registration fee waiver and/or travel support should submit a brief “statement of interest,” (about 400 words) with a resumé and recommendation from her/his faculty advisor to albers@bwl.uni-kiel.de by December 1, 2007.

      Hotel Accommodations
      Conference attendees will be staying either at the Maritim Hotel Bellevue Kiel, Bismarckallee 2, D-24105 Kiel, +49-431-3894-0, www.maritim.de or Hotel Kieler Yacht Club, Hindenburgufer 70, D-24105 Kiel, +49-431-8813-0, www.hotel-kyc.de. A special room rate of €76 (Maritim) or €105 (Kieler Yacht Club) per day has been arranged for this conference (rate includes breakfast). Please make your hotel reservations directly online or by calling the hotel no later than April 15, 2008. To receive the conference rate, please make sure to mention the “Sales Conference”. Both hotels are within walking distance of the conference site. If you are interested in more inexpensive accommodation, a list of budget hotels can be provided upon request.

      Conference Co-Chairs and Contact Information:

      Sönke Albers
      Professor of Innovation, New Media, and Marketing
      Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel
      24098 Kiel
      Phone: +49-431-880-1542
      Fax: +49-431-880-1166
      E-mail: albers@bwl.uni-kiel.de

      Murali K. Mantrala
      Sam M. Walton Professor of Marketing
      College of Business
      University of Missouri
      438 Cornell Hall
      Columbia, MO 65211
      Phone: +1-573-884-2734
      Fax : +1-573-884-0368
      E-mail: mantralam@missouri.edu

      Manfred Krafft
      Professor of Marketing
      Institute of Marketing
      University of Münster
      Am Stadtgraben 13-15
      48143 Münster
      Phone: +49-251-83-250-25
      Fax: +49-251-83-250-24
      E-mail: mkrafft@uni-muenster.de

    29. Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management 


      Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management: in conjunction with a Special Edition of the
      Journal of Business Research

      15-16th April 2008
      The Birmingham Business School
      University of Birmingham, England

      After 3 years of successfully running the respected Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management, the Centre for Research in Brand Marketing will be hosting the next conference from Tuesday 15 to Wednesday 16 April 2008.  This will take place at the Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, England.  An international steering committee is working to ensure a continuation of the tradition that leading thinkers from both the northern and southern hemispheres present refereed papers of a consistently high quality.

      This international conference seeks to engender the advancement of knowledge about brand management amongst scholars by disseminating new research and by encouraging the evolution of new research themes.  It also aims to narrow the gap between academia and commerce by having presentations from internationally renowned practitioners whose significant senior experience is regarded as being at the cutting edge of application. 

      Wally Olins, co-founder of agency Wolff Olins and Chairman of Saffron Brand Consultants will deliver the Keynote Address.  Wally has had a significant impact globally on corporate branding and corporate identity and is renowned for his thought provoking insights.  Parallel tracks of double blind refereed papers will enable authors to gain constructive comments about their papers and extend their knowledge horizon from other researchers.  In addition two workshops will be offered on managing a brand’s reputation by Judy Larkin, Founder of a global reputation management consultancy, and techniques to better research brands by Wendy Gordon, Founder of a global market research agency.  Both these workshop leaders have had books and papers printed, in addition to undertaking significant brand consulting projects globally.

      Papers on any aspect of brand management are invited.  Information regarding the submission of papers and formatting instructions is available at www.business.bham.ac.uk/crbm.
      The deadline for papers is 9th November 2007. All papers will be refereed and authors will be notified in January 2008.  A poster session will also be held during the conference.  This will be particularly suitable for work-in-progress e.g. preliminary studies and doctoral research, and the deadline for this is also 9th November 2007.

      Papers presented at the conference may be considered for a Special Edition of the Journal of Business Research.  Authors will have the benefit of revising their papers after the conference, building on the feedback they receive and they might like to then submit their paper to a Special Edition of the Journal of Business Research devoted to the best papers from this conference. 

      An award of £200 will be given at the end of the conference for the most thought provoking paper.

      Further details are available at http://business.bham.ac.uk/crbm. Questions regarding the conference should  be addressed to the Conference Chair, Professor Leslie de Chernatony (please send email to: k.m.duffy@bham.ac.uk

    30. 1st French – German – Swiss Workshop on B2B Marketing 

      1st French – German – Swiss Workshop
      on B2B Marketing

      June 20 – 21, 2008

      Organizing Committee
      Andreas Eggert, University of Paderborn
      Björn Ivens, University of Lausanne
      Catherine Pardo, EM Lyon
      Wolfgang Ulaga, HEC Paris

      Scientific Committee
      Bernard Cova, Euromed Marseille
      Frédéric Dalsace, HEC Paris
      François Durrieu, EM Bordeaux
      Laurent Georges, Université Toulouse III
      Christian Homburg, University of Mannheim
      Frank Jacob, ESCP-EAP Berlin
      Ove Jensen, WHU Vallendar
      Marcel Paulssen, Humboldt University Berlin
      Robert Salle, EM Lyon
      Ivan Snehota, Università della Svizzera Italiana
      Ruth Stock-Homburg, University of Darmstadt
      Jean-Claude Usunier, University of Lausanne
      Markus Voeth, University of Hohenheim

      The workshop provides a platform for business marketing researchers to ex¬change ideas and present their work to leading scholars in their field. It is designed to maximise interaction among participants and promote the formation of joint research and publication pro¬jects. Business marketing re¬searchers at all stages of their academic career are encouraged to apply. The workshop will be held in English.

      The conference will take place at the University of Lausanne’s Faculty of Busi¬ness and Economics (HEC Lausanne). The university campus is located just outside the city of Lausanne, “on the Lake Geneva shoreline”.

      With its roots in the Roman era, Lausanne is a city with a long history. Dominated by the Old Town, bearing witness to its rich medieval past with its Gothic Cathedral and historic homes, Lausanne has its opera, its theatres, its corps de ballet, its musical ensembles, its film library, its 19 museums and its sum¬mer festivals - a really exceptional Euro¬pean city of art and culture! More infor¬ma¬tion on Lausanne:

      All abstracts and papers should be sub¬mitted electronically as a Microsoft Word or Acrobat file to

      Detailed information on the submission format and the registration can be found on the website

      1. February 15th, 2008: Registration and submission of single-page paper abstracts
      2. May 1st, 2008: Submission of full papers

      The registration fee of 75 Euros covers the proceedings, two workshop lunches, and a gala dinner.

    31. Second CRM-Symposium  

      Second CRM-Symposium
      Muenster, Germany on
      September 20-21, 2007

      Every 2 years, the University of Muenster's Institute of Marketing organizes the CRM Symposium, a conference on customer relationship management. The
      symposium aims at offering CRM and marketing executives a top-class event on current and emerging topics in customer management.

      The next CRM Symposium will take place on September 20/21, 2007 and focus on loyalty programs.
      For registration or more information please contact
      or see www.crm-symposium.de



      6th CRAWS Conference: 
      “Emerging Issues in Customer Behaviour in Multi-Cultural Societies”
      2nd – 4th April 2008

      Conference Chairs: Charles C. Cui, Manchester Business School
      Maria Piacentini, Lancaster University Management School

      The Customer Research Academy was established to provide a forum for academics who are researching customer (consumer, marketer and organisation) behaviour.  The aim of the Workshop series is to provide an opportunity to examine the latest leading-edge theoretical, empirical and methodological progress in customer research across consumer and organisational markets, including profit and not-for-profit sectors.  Following five successful conferences, the 6th CRAWS conference will involve a series of themed discussions such as:

      • Global consumer culture
      • Globalisation vs. local strategies
      • Consumer ethics across cultures
      • Cross-cultural customer research
      • Consumer response to globalisation
      • Impact of climate change and global warming on consumption

      Participants will talk briefly about their research papers and the workshop format means that the emphasis throughout will be on informality to encourage discussion; to foster opportunities for the development of research collaborations; and to build networks of national and international scholarship in customer behaviour.

      Venue: The 2008 workshop will be held at “Chancellors” - the University of Manchester Conference Centre, which has en-suite accommodation available on-site.  It will begin with dinner on the evening of 2nd April, followed by a series of sessions during Thursday 3rd April, and ending at lunchtime Friday 4th April.  The cost will be £355 to include the workshop fee, two nights accommodation and all meals.

      Paper Abstracts:  We invite you to submit an abstract on the themes listed above or other topics which might be appropriate. Abstracts should focus on research in progress or completed research into customer behaviour in consumer or business-to-business markets and should identify the contribution of the research (i.e. theoretical/conceptual; empirical; methodological). Abstracts should be on one page, 300-400 words and should include the author(s) name, affiliation, address, telephone, fax and e-mail.  They should be submitted by 26th November 2007 to: Dr. Charles C. Cui, D27/MBS East, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester, Booth Street West, Manchester, M15 6PB, UK. Tel: (+44) 161 306 3461; Fax:  (+44) 161 306 3167; E-mail: charles.c.cui@mbs.ac.uk

      Successful Papers:  Abstracts will be reviewed by an internal panel and authors notified during December 2007.  Accepted paper abstracts will be published in the 2008 Customer Research Academy Workshop Series, Volume 6 (bound volume with ISBN).  Successful participants will be expected to bring copies of their completed papers to the workshop.  There will be a special issue of the Journal of Marketing Management based on the workshop, and authors will be invited to submit full papers for double-blind review by September 1st 2008.

    33. Webinar 18 April 11am EDT: The Marketing Engineering Solution 

      Webinar 18 April 11am EDT: The Marketing Engineering Solution

      Marketing students and the Marketing curriculum require a healthy balance between conceptual marketing and marketing analytics, a difficult balance to achieve. 

      On 18 April at 11am EDT, Gary Lilien and Arvind Rangaswamy from Penn State will present "The Marketing Engineering Solution,”  showing a new way to achieve that balance.   Click on the link below to register....or read on for a bit more information.


      The Marketing Education Challenge

      Marketing curricula are skewed toward conceptual marketing because:

      1. Many/most instructors are uncomfortable with marketing analytics
      2. Many/most students have some form of numerical/analytic anxiety
      3. Materials to ease instructor comfort and calm student anxiety have not been available.

      The Marketing Engineering Solution

      We are pleased to announce the launch of two companion products: the textbook Principles of Marketing Engineering and the software Marketing Engineering for Excel (ME>XL).

      Principles provides the concepts of marketing analytics (blended with conceptual marketing) in a way that is accessible to all marketing instructors and to more advanced marketing undergrads and MBAs.

      Marketing Engineering for Excel (ME>XL) provides the most widely used and impactful marketing analytics software, packaged in an easy-to use Excel format.  That format makes both the purpose of the software and its operation transparent to first time users as well as to those with more experience.

      These products have evolved through years of research and development, and have been used successfully in over 100 business schools internationally.

      An Opportunity to learn more

      To introduce Principles and Marketing Engineering for Excel (ME>XL) and show how they can address the Challenge, we invite you to participate in an exclusive Webinar on April 18 at 11:00 a.m. EDT.  During this webinar, we will:
      • Demonstrate the need for Marketing Engineering as a critical component in contemporary marketing education
      • Outline the structure and the coverage of Principles of Marketing Engineering
      • Briefly demonstrate the Marketing Engineering software
      • Outline where this new material can make a real pedagogic difference in courses such as :  Marketing Strategy, Marketing Communications, Product Policy, New Product Management, Marketing Research and others.
      • Answer questions about possible testing and adoption.
      To register, click on the link below to complete a brief registration form.


      If you can't attend the webinar (or even if you can) please pass this on to an appropriate colleague.  If you would like to learn more, please send an email to sales@MarketingEngineering.com or call us at +1 814-234-2446 to receive an overview of these offerings.

      I hope to connect with you on the 18th!

      Gary L. Lilien
      (co) Author and Developer of Marketing Engineering
      Distinguished Research Professor of Management Science
      Penn State

    34. EMAC 36th CONFERENCE  

      Reykjavik, Iceland, 22-25 MAY 2007


      Marketing is becoming more complicated each year. This is not to say that challenges did not exist in the past, but they certainly are different today. Now the challenge is to fight simultaneously on several fronts against fragmentation, saturation, and a storm of novelties that appear daily in increasingly iversified markets. Despite market sensing efforts, marketers are ever so often forced to address the effects of unpredictable events. As much as we would like to be prepared for the future, we will always be faced with unanticipated challenges. No organisation can ever afford to rest and neither can unlimited resources be spent on the constant development of new contingency plans. In this era of increasing globalisation, the stakes are enormous.

      Facing these challenges, marketing must be flexible enough to apply unique solutions to unforeseen situations. It must be organised in such a way that it can effectively change unsuccessful strategies without hesitation. Flexible design accommodates for marketing efficiency and better integrated actions. Even though an organisation may not be able to predict the future, they should still be able to face new challenges with synergetic flexibility. In essence, flexible marketing focuses on constant preparation for the unpredictable.

      The aim of the 36th EMAC conference is to promote further scholarly inquiry in all fields of marketing, thereby stimulating marketing academia towards the exploration of adaptability and increased predictability. Furthermore, the aim of the conference is to extract diverse learning experiences from Iceland, a country characterised by adaptability, dynamic nature and Viking traditions.

      Submission of papers: 4 December 2006
      Notification to the authors: Early March 2007
      Early registration: 26 March 2007
      Latest online registration: 11 May 2007

      This website will give you the latest information regarding the Conference such as, paper submission, deadlines, registration, accommodation and practical information. We hope it gives you a flavour of what is in store. Please contact us for further enquiries.
      Come and join us this coming May!
      For more information:

    35. AIMPN2007 - VIth International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing  

      The VIth International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing (AIMPN2007)
      Braga, Portugal, 14-15 June 2007

      The VIth International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing (AIMPN2007) will be held at the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal on the 14-15 June,

      The Congress will gather researchers and practitioners across the Public and Non Profit Marketing domain. This congress aims to promote the latest research
      and informed debate on the increasingly relevant arena of public and non profit marketing in the XXIst century.

      As such we are pleased to invite submissions to the VIth International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing. Submissions may take the form of
      papers, posters, and junior papers. Accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

      The deadline for submissions is March 26th 2007. Please find below the call for papers.

      For further information you may contact the Congress secretariat -
      Catarina Silva - aimpn2007@eeg.uminho.pt.
      You may also find all relevant information about the Congress in our website
      www.eeg.uminho.pt/gestao/VIAIMPN/ .

      We look forward to welcoming you in Braga next June!

      The organising committee

      VIth International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing

      14-15 June, 2007

      We welcome submissions to the VIth International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing to be held in the University of Minho, Braga, Portugal on the
      14-15 June 2007.

      Contributions should be based on original work, focusing on theoretical and/or empirical research relevant for the "Public and Non Profit Marketing" area.
      Submissions may be written in English, Spanish or Portuguese and will be accepted in each of the following three formats: papers, posters and "junior papers" (that is short papers written by students).

      The deadline for submissions is March 26th 2007.

      i.Papers: Theoretical and/or empirical developments (concluded or in progress) addressing research relevant to the theme of the conference. Papers must have
      15 pages or fewer (see also instructions to authors). The papers accepted for the congress will be published in the proceedings. Additionally, the scientific committee will select the best papers within each category. The best papers will be eligible for publication, after further revisions, in the International Public and Non Profit Marketing Review.

      ii.Posters: Summary of theoretical and empirical research, as well as work in progress. Posters must have 5 pages or fewer (see also instructions to authors) and accepted contributions within this category will be published in the congress proceedings. The best work(s) will be distinguished by the scientific committee based on their relevance, quality and/or originality.

      iii. Junior Papers: Work in progress submitted by students supervised by a senior researcher. The accepted papers, which must not exceed 5 pages, will be published in the proceedings of the congress. The best work(s) will be distinguished by the scientific committee based on their relevance, quality and/or originality.

      Instructions to Authors

      1. Works must be written in Portuguese, Spanish or English, in MS Word Times New Roman size 12, single spaced and margins of 2,5cm. All the tables, figures
      and graphics must be included within the text and all the pages must be sequentially numbered.

      2. Works must be submitted in MS Word format to aimpn2007@eeg.uminho.pt. To ensure the "double-blind" review, the first page of the document must include
      the title, authors' names and affiliations, and abstract. The remainder of the document should only enclose the title and the body of the article, with no reference to the authors. Accepted papers will be included in the Proceedings.

      3. An author may submit a maximum of three papers as sole author or as co- author. This requirement does not apply to junior papers.

      4. The file used to submit the work must clearly identify the authors' surnames and the corresponding work category (surname_category of the work.doc; example: surname_paper.doc).

      5. Text references must comply with the following rules: Surname (year), or (Surname, year). Literal quotations must be placed in quotation marks and follow the format: Surname (year: page).

      6. Bibliographical references must be listed at the end of the work, alphabetically ordered by the author's name and formatted according to the rules of the International Review of Public and Non Profit Marketing:
      Surname, A. (year): Book Title. Edition. Publication Place: Editor.
      Surname, A. (year): Chapter Title. In Name, B. (ed./coord.) Book Title. Edition. Publication Place: Editor, pp.xx-xx.
      Surname, A. (year): Article Title. Publication Title, vol.xx, no.xx, pp.xx-xx.

      7. Footnotes must be sequentially numbered throughout the text, font size 10 and single spaced.

      Important Deadlines

      • Submission of papers - until 26th March
      • Notification of acceptance - until 30th April
      • Early registration - until 11th May
      • Later registration - from 12th to 25th May
      • "Express" registration- from 26th May until the day of the congress
      • Congress - 14-15 June

      Inscription Fees

      AIMPN Affiliates AIMPN Non-Affiliates
      Early Registration €130 €160
      Later Registration €150 €180
      Express Registration €170 €190
      Closing Dinner €30 €30

      The registration fee includes participation in academic and social events (except closing dinner), certificates, documentation and proceedings.
      Accommodation is not included in the fee. Details of accommodation and other relevant information are available from the congress website.

      Organising Committee

      José Carlos Pinho, Ph.D (Person Chair)
      Minoo Farhangmehr, Ph.D
      Cláudia Simões, Ph.D
      Ana Maria Soares, Ph.D
      António Azevedo, Ph.D
      Maria Teresa Pereira, Ph.D
      Isabel Maria Macedo, Ph.D
      Joaquim Silva (Assistant Lecturer)
      Catarina Silva (Assistant Researcher)

      School of Economics and Management
      University of Minho
      Campus de Gualtar
      4710-057 Braga

      Congress Contacts:

      Submissions must be sent to the following email: aimpn2007@eeg.uminho.pt

      Phone: 00351-253604557

      Fax: 00351-253284729

      Website: http://www.eeg.uminho.pt/gestao/VIAIMPN/

    36. XXI Annual Conference of the Spanish Association of Firm Economics (AEDEM) 

      XXI Annual Conference of the Spanish Association of Firm Economics (AEDEM)
      (XVII Congreso Spanish-Frech, 6th- 8th June, Madrid)

      Venue: University Rey Juan Carlos (Madrid, Spain)

      Theme: Local Markets and Global Firms

      From the 6th to the 8th of June 2007, this conference will be held at the University of Madrid (Spain). Web site: www.aedem-virtual.com

      Paper submission: Papers and works in progress written in Spanish will be sent electronically. They are accepted by a double-blind reviewing process. All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the Conference.

      Key dates: Deadline 9th April, 2007

      Tracks: all the papers and works in progress should be written on one of the following working areas.

      • Familiar entrepreneurs
      • Operations management
      • Organization and Business Management
      • Tourism management
      • Human resources
      • Methodology in firm economics
      • Colectable goods
      • Marketing
      • Organizational Information systems
      • Markets and financial assets
      • Finance
      • Knowledge management
      • New modelling research
      • Accounting and audit
      • Social responsibilities and ethics

      Further information visit: www.aedem-virtual.com

    37. Academy of Marketing - Special Interest Group in Market Segmentation 

      Academy of Marketing
      Special Interest Group in Market Segmentation
      Research Workshop
      May 10th, 2007
      The Open University Business School, Milton Keynes

      Market Segmentation: Bridging the Theory/Practice Divide

      Segmentation value, productivity and effectiveness
      Managerial priorities and implementation concerns

      The official title of the event is Market Segmentation: Bridging the Theory/Practice Divide. Evidence suggests that there is considerable scope for research into segmentation productivity, effectiveness, and implementation. This event will consider these issues, examining also the extent to which academic research priorities are consistent with practitioner needs. How segmentation adds value to an organisation and the practical issues associated with conducting and implementing segmentation will be explored.

      The session will be attended by those who research and apply market segmentation: academics, consultants, and practitioners. The focus of this workshop is on how segmentation adds value and the problems typically encountered before and during the creation of segments and then when implementing the segmentation solution, and the ways of addressing such internal/external barriers.

      Workshop Format
      The workshop is in two parts. Half of the day is devoted to three keynote presentations from experts in industry, with the remaining time for presentations from participants who have submitted short abstracts as detailed below. There is currently a special issue of the Journal of Marketing Management pending (the paper call for which is appended to this workshop invitation). It is hoped that abstracts submitted for this workshop will be developed into journal paper submissions for this special issue of JMM – edited by the workshop hosts – aided by the discussion and feedback during the workshop.

      Key Note Speakers:

      • Richard Webber of Experian and creator of both CACI’s Acorn system and Experian’s Mosaic;
      • Prof. David Thomson, Chairman of mmr research worldwide and Visiting Professor at Reading University in the School of Food Biosciences, with Dr Chris Crocker, R&D Director and Principal Statistician of mmr research worldwide;
      • Details of the third speaker are to be confirmed, but expected to be from a major global retailer.

      About the SIG in Market Segmentation
      The SIG in Market Segmentation was established in 2003. Its aims are to develop a network of academics and practitioners with interests in the market segmentation area, foster an environment for exchanging ideas and review the state of research in the field. It is also hoped that the SIG will stimulate new research in market segmentation.

      The SIG’s first session was held at the UK Academy of Marketing (AM) meeting at Aston Business School in July 2003. On that occasion the group reviewed a survey on research priorities for market segmentation and considered a future research agenda. Since then several research workshops have been staged, abstracts published in Thexis and there have been keynote talks by leading exponents such as Malcolm McDonald and Ian Dunbar. Currently, there are planned the call for papers for the Journal of Marketing Management special issue and the May 10th workshop.

      Do you have research interests in market segmentation, targeting or positioning? Would you like the chance to discuss and share your research ideas with like-minded academics and practitioners? If so, you are invited to become involved in the Academy of Marketing’s Market Segmentation SIG and take part in our activities. The SIG is chaired by the Open University’s Sally Dibb and co-chaired by Lyndon Simkin from Warwick Business School.

      May 10th Workshop Timing, Location and Fees

      • The workshop will be in the new facilities of The Open University Business School at Milton Keynes, located a couple of minutes from the M1, on the West Coast Mainline forty minutes from London’s Euston station and twenty minutes from Luton Airport.
      • The workshop is scheduled for May 10th, from 9:30am until 4:30pm.
      • Lunch and refreshments will be provided.
      • There will be a fee – payable in advance – of £30 for Academy of Marketing members and £65 for non-AM members. The fee covers administration and facility costs, plus lunch and refreshments. For non-AM members it also covers AM membership.
      • There will be proceedings of the day’s presentations, which will contain the submitted abstracts and summaries of the keynote speakers’ presentations.
      • Should any delegates need to stay overnight, we are happy to provide details of accommodation in the vicinity.

      How To Sign-Up for the Event and Important Dates
      Places at the event are limited. Those wishing to attend are asked to submit an abstract by 16th of March (300-500 words). Notification of acceptance will be by 30th of March. To qualify for admission to the workshop confirmation of attendance and payment of the appropriate fee will be required by 20th of April at the latest.

      March 16th: submission of abstracts.
      March 30th: notification of acceptance.
      April 20th: fee payment.

      Any queries can be directed to either Sally Dibb at S.Dibb@open.ac.uk or Lyndon Simkin at Lyndon.Simkin@wbs.ac.uk.

      Please send your abstract (300-500 words) electronically in MS Word format to:

      Professor Sally Dibb
      The Open University Business School
      Michael Young Building
      Walton Hall
      Milton Keynes
      United Kingdom
      MK7 6AA
      +44 (0)1908 652787.

      Professor Sally Dibb, The Open University
      Dr Lyndon Simkin, Warwick Business School
      January, 2007

    38. Twenty-Ninth INFORMS Marketing Science Conference 

      29th INFORMS Marketing Science Conference
      Singapore, June 28 – 30, 2007

      Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Homburg - Member of the Advisory Board 2007 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference – would like to invite you to participate in the Twenty-Ninth INFORMS Marketing Science Conference, which will be held in Singapore from June 28 – 30, 2007. You are invited to submit abstracts of your research papers (deadline: February 1, 2007), present your work, and actively participate in the conference.

      We are interested in including all aspects of marketing science and its applications, but hope that researchers interested in Behavioral Decision Theory (BDT), consumer behavior, and marketing strategy will be active and significant participants this year.

      The URL for the conference is www.business.smu.edu.sg/mks2007/.

      Final date for Conference registration is March 15, 2007.

    39. Marketing Dynamics Conference 2007 

      Call for papers

      Marketing Dynamics Conference 2007
      August 22-24, 2007
      University of Groningen, The Netherlands

      Co-sponsored by:
      INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS)
      Marketing Science Institute (MSI)
      University of Groningen, The Netherlands

      Organizing committee:
      Tammo Bijmolt, Peter Leeflang, Jenny van Doorn, and Peter Verhoef

      Program committee:
      Marnik Dekimpe, Tulin Erdem, Dominique Hanssens, Natalie Mizik, Prasad Naik, Koen Pauwels, Shuba Srinivasan, and Michel Wedel

      We invite all interested researchers to participate in the Marketing Dynamics Conference 2007, to be held from Wednesday August 22nd, through Friday, August 24th, at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. This fourth Marketing Dynamics Conference builds on previous conferences hosted by the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth University, the University of California, Davis, and the University of California, Los Angeles. The purpose of this meeting is to provide a setting for academic researchers interested in marketing dynamics to meet and discuss research in this area, exchange ideas, and engage in collaborative work.

      The conference will be held in Groningen (see: www.groningen.nl/toerisme), at the Hampshire Hotel-Plaza Groningen (see: www.hampshire-plazagroningen.nl). The conference begins on Wednesday with a workshop for PhD students and other junior researchers, to be lectured by Harald van Heerde (University of Waikato, New Zealand and Tilburg University, The Netherlands) and Berk Ataman (Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands). The topic of the workshop is Dynamic Linear Models. Next there will be a reception on Wednesday evening. Research presentations and discussion sessions will be held on Thursday and Friday. Presentations (about 30 minutes) will be followed by discussions (about 15 minutes). Detailed information on the conference schedule will be posted on the conference website (www.rug.nl/economics/mdc2007).

      You can participate either as an attendee or presenter. If you are interested in presenting your research, please e-mail a two-page abstract to: mdc2007@rug.nl by April 1st, 2007. The topics will focus on marketing phenomena involving dynamic outcomes, actions, or processes. Abstracts could focus on the methodological aspects of studying marketing dynamics, e.g. time series models, panel data methods, hidden markov models, learning models, structural models, or dynamic linear models. Alternatively, papers could deal with empirical studies on marketing dynamics, e.g. on market entry, dynamics in customer relationships, or dynamics in the marketing mix. The papers to be presented will be selected by the organization committee based on quality, relevance to marketing dynamics, and diversity of topics discussed. In addition, papers written by junior faculty will receive preferential consideration. A complete manuscript of the paper to be presented at the conference should be available by August 15th, 2007.

      The conference registration fee (including the workshop) is US$ 300 for faculty members and US$ 150 for PhD students. For further details on registration, program schedule, hotels and transportation, please check the conference website (www.rug.nl/economics/mdc2007).

    40. 2007 Academy of Marketing Conference 

      2007 Academy of Marketing Conference
      Marketing Theory into Practice

      Hosted by Kingston Business School
      3rd - 6th July 2007
      Royal Holloway Conference Centre, Windsor Building, Egham, Surrey, UK

      A reminder that the 2007 Academy of Marketing Conference, hosted by Kingston University Business School will take place from 3-6 July at the Royal Holloway Conference Centre, Egham, Surrey, UK.

      The Conference will revolve around the theme of: Marketing Theory into Practice. New "theories" are generated on a regular basis by marketing academics, partially because journal editors and reviewers reward new theories more than the confirmation and consolidation of existing knowledge. Yet rarely are “academic theories” given any consideration by marketing practitioners. Most of the time, the output of academic research is considered as irrelevant to the real world of marketing (Edwards, 2005). In order to gain credibility and relevance among practitioners, research in marketing needs to be based on solid evidence, tested under a variety of conditions. Furthermore, results of academic research need to be communicated to marketing practitioners in a more consistent and pertinent manner.

      AM2007 welcomes contributions towards the translation of Marketing Theory into Practice in the following Conference Tracks:

      • Arts and Heritage Marketing
      • Branding
      • Business-to-business Marketing
      • Consumer Behaviour
      • E-Marketing
      • Empirical Replications and Re-enquiries in Marketing
      • Entrepreneurial and Small Business Marketing
      • International and Cross Cultural issues in Marketing
      • Market Segmentation
      • Marketing Communications
      • Marketing Education
      • Marketing in the Asia Pacific
      • Marketing of Higher Education
      • Marketing Research and Quantitative Inquiry in Marketing
      • Marketing Strategy and NPD
      • Political Marketing
      • Qualitative Inquiry in Marketing
      • Relationship Marketing
      • Retailing and Commercial Distribution
      • Selling and Sales Management
      • Services Marketing
      • Social and Non-Profit Marketing – Ethics and Social Responsibility
      • Sport Marketing

      Prizes and Special Issues
      The best papers overall (as judged by the Conference Committee) will be published in a Special Conference Issue of the Journal of Marketing Management.
      The best papers from the Qualitative Inquiry in Marketing track will be published in a special edition of the of Qualitative Market Research - An International Journal.
      The best papers from the Empirical Replications and Re-enquiries in Marketing track will be published in a special edition of the Journal of Empirical Generalisations in Marketing Science.
      Prizes will be awarded to the best paper in each track.

      All submissions must be made via the conference website www.am2007.org
      by: 19th February 2007

      Submission Guidelines
      All relevant guidelines and details on how to submit papers are shown on the conference website: www.am2007.org

      Competitive papers
      Must be original and a maximum of 12 pages, single spaced, 12 point Times Roman font, including references and appendices.

      Working papers
      Should be submitted in long abstract form to a maximum of 4 pages, single spaced, 12 point Times Roman font, including references and appendices.
      Authors will be advised of the outcome of the review process by the end of April 2007.

      Doctoral Colloquium
      The 2007 Doctoral Colloquium, chaired by Professor Stavros Kalafatis, will be held on 2-3 July 2007. The Doctoral Colloquium will provide doctoral students with the opportunity to gain guidance and advice from a team of experienced scholars. Doctoral candidates at any stage of research are encouraged to apply. Papers should be submitted following the guidelines available on the conference website. A limited number of bursaries towards the cost of the Colloquium are usually available.
      The best papers of the Doctoral Colloquium will be published in Advances in Doctoral Research in Management. The best paper overall in the Doctoral Colloquium, will also receive an award.

      All submissions should be made by 19th February 2007 via the Conference Website: www.am2007.org

      Please refer to the guidelines on the website before submitting a paper.

    41. 1st Biannual International Conference - STRATEGIC DEVELOPMENTS IN SERVICES MARKETING 

      1st Biannual International Conference
      27 – 29 September 2007
      Chios Island, Greece

      Jointly organized by:
      in collaboration with the Greek Marketing Academy


      Major changes over the last thirty years have underlined the increasing importance of the service sector, for both developed and developing economies throughout the world. As a result, service industries have become increasingly competitive, motivating practitioners to seek differentiation and competitive advantage through the application of contemporary marketing practices. The marketing and management academic community around the world, responding to such a need, has recently escalated its research efforts making thus services the central focus of its interest.
      The First Biannual International Conference in Services Marketing aims to provide the opportunity to discuss and update current issues on Services Marketing. The presentation of double blind refereed research papers will generate constructive exchange of approaches and international practices, leading to a critical contribution to the knowledge and originality of Service Providers. Apart from educators and researchers, the Conference welcomes the participation of practitioners in the Services Marketing sector, who wish to present their papers prepared according to academic standards. A number of academic keynote speakers will be invited so as to provide leadership and cohesion pertaining to the research topic contributions of stakeholders in the Services industries sectors.

      All accepted papers will be included in an edited conference proceedings CD-ROM.
      In addition, the Scientific Committee of the 1st Biannual International Conference in Services Marketing has agreed to publish selected articles submitted to the Conference in the following prestigious refereed journals:
      - International Journal of Bank Marketing - Managing Service Quality
      - Journal of Financial Services Marketing - International Journal of Culture, Tourism &
      - Journal of Modeling in Management Hospitality Research
      - The Service Industries Journal - Advances in Doctoral Research in Management

      The University of the Aegean was founded in 1984 and has almost 10.000 undergraduate and 1.500 postgraduate students. The University Schools and Departments are located in five different islands of the Aegean Sea in Greece, thus making the University of the Aegean a pioneer University-Network.

      The University Schools are:
      1. Chios Island: Business School
      2. Lesvos Island: School of Social Sciences, School of the Environment
      3. Samos Island: School of Sciences
      4. Rhodes Island: School of Humanities
      5. Syros Island: Department of Product & Systems Design Engineering

      The Business School in Chios consists of the following three Departments:
      • Department of Business Administration
      • Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport
      • Department of Financial and Management Engineering

      The School has developed a strong orientation towards research and postgraduate level studies. Presently, the Business School offers four post-graduate courses, namely:
      • Business Administration (MBA)
      • Tourism Planning, Management and Policy
      • Shipping, Trade and Transport
      • Economics and Management for Engineers

      The University of Glasgow, a traditional University, is one of the UK’s leading research and teaching universities with an international reputation, with almost 16.000 undergraduate and some 3.800 postgraduate students, making it thus one of the country’s largest Universities. The School of Business and Management ranked number one in Scotland and fourteenth in the UK by the Times Good University Guide, while according to the Economist Intelligence Unit, MBA teaching staff of Glasgow University is the best in the world (2005).

      The Greek Marketing Academy was founded in 1998, in order to fill the gap in the development and application of the marketing discipline in the economy and society in Greece. The Academy’s aim is to diffuse the marketing concept, philosophy, principles and applications in every field of contemporary Greek economy and society. Its founding members have been well-known professors teaching at universities in Greece and abroad. The Academy today enjoys a large number of members not only from the academic, but also from the business community.

      The program of the Conference introduces an innovative approach, the Content Matrix in structuring the tracks: Paper’s submission should be in accordance to following matrix (11 research topics X 11 service industries):

      Research Topics

      • Research Modeling
      • Consumer Behaviour
      • Service Quality – Customer Satisfaction
      • Product Policy – Branding
      • e-Marketing – Distribution ChannelsCRM and enabling Technologies
      • International Services Marketing
      • Pricing
      • Promotion
      • Internal Marketing
      • Ethics

      Service Sectors

      • Financial Services
      • Tourism, Travel & Hospitality
      • Health
      • Transport and Shipping
      • Retailing
      • Sport
      • Education
      • Professional Services
      • Telecommunications
      • Arts
      • Culture - Heritage

      Depending on the nature and the number of submissions, the Committee will finalize tracks by mid June 2007. Paper submission by both scholars and practitioners in any cell of the matrix is welcome. Academics and practitioners are invited to submit papers relating to any aspect of the above-mentioned combination of research topic and service sector.

      A doctoral colloquium will run during the day preceding the main Conference, providing outstanding doctoral students with the opportunity of discussing specific issues relating to their Dissertation, not only with other doctoral students but also with leading academics. A panel of academics will be available to provide guidance and stimulate discussion.

      A Debate Chamber Session will also take place at the end of the Conference to contemplate and discuss problems, common issues and interests, trends, critical issues and decision-making approaches regarding the strategic developments of marketing in the services field. All Keynote Speakers and Track Chairs will participate in this session.

      The official language of the conference is English. All submitted papers must contain original research that has not been presented in other conferences or published in any journal. The selection of accepted papers accepted by the Conference will have to go through a double blind review process. All papers should be submitted in electronic form (Microsoft Word 96.00 or higher). Authors may submit more than one paper. Acceptance of a paper is conditioned by the understanding that the paper will be presented by at least one author in the Conference. All accepted papers will be included in the Conference Proceeding CD-ROM.

      Submitted papers should include the purpose and objectives of research, the method used, some major results and implications. Authors should also indicate the track (research topic and service sector) in which they would like to present their paper, while they are also encouraged to focus in one or more of the service industries listed in the paragraph about the Conference tracks.

      The submitted papers should not exceed 8 pages, single spaced, Times New Roman font size 10, including tables, figures and references.

      All manuscripts must be accompanied by a short abstract of not more than 100 words and a list of no more than six key words, which define the subject matter.

      Detailed guidelines for the preparation of papers and submission of papers can be found at the conference website at www.ba.aegean.gr/sdsm. Deadline for the submission of papers is the 20th of April 2007.

      Angelis, V., University of the Aegean - Greece
      Avlonitis, G., Athens University of Economics & Business - Greece
      Bigne, E., University of Valencia - Spain
      Chortatsiani, E., University of the Aegean - Greece
      Christou, E., University of the Aegean - Greece
      Dimitriadis, S., Athens University of Economics & Business - Greece
      Elliott, K., Minnesota State University - U.S.A.
      Gomes, E., Coventry University - UK
      Gounaris, S., Athens University of Economics & Business - Greece
      Gulliver, K., St. Mary’s University, Minneapolis - U.S.A.
      Janavaras, B., Minnesota State University - U.S.A.
      Johnson, S., Minnesota State University - U.S.A.
      Kandampully, J., Ohio State University, U.S.A.
      Kouremenos, A., University of Piraeus - Greece
      Kutsikos, K., University of the Aegean - Greece
      La Roche, M. Concordia University - Canada
      Lagos, D., University of the Aegean - Greece
      Laing, A., University of Glasgow - Scotland
      Litinas, N., University of the Aegean - Greece
      Lymperopoulos, C., University of the Aegean - Greece
      Meidan, A., Sheffield University - U.K.
      Moutinho, L., University of Glasgow - Scotland
      Papavasiliou, N., Athens University of Economics & Business - Greece
      Polydoropoulou, A., University of the Aegean - Greece
      Sigala, M., University of the Aegean - Greece
      Tsartas, P., University of the Aegean - Greece
      Veloutsou, C., University of Glasgow - Scotland
      Woodside, A., Boston College - U.S.A.

      Angelis, V., University of the Aegean
      Chaniotakis, I., Marketing Department – Agricultural Bank of Greece
      Doumi, M., University of the Aegean
      Gaki, E., University of the Aegean
      Karakerezis, A., Retail Banking – Eurobank
      Koufodontis, I., University of the Aegean
      Lymperopoulos, C., University of the Aegean
      Salamoura, M., University of the Aegean
      Zounta, G., University of the Aegean

      Chios Island is located in North-Eastern Aegean Sea and according to many historians is the homeland of Homer. The city of Chios, situated on the eastern coast of the island, birthplace of many ship-owners, built on the ruins of the ancient and medieval city, is the administrative, economic and intellectual centre of the island.
      The archaeological findings, the orthodox churches, the Byzantine monasteries and the medieval castle-villages and fortresses of the island, combined with picturesque landscapes and beaches create a unique spiritual and natural environment.

      Paper submission deadline: 20th of April, 2007
      Author’s notification of accepted papers: 31st of May, 2007
      Deadline for registration of accepted papers: 15th of August, 2007

      Early registration fee (before 15th of July, 2007)*: €300
      Late registration fee (after 16th of July, 2007)*: €380
      Postgraduate students**: €150
      Accompanying person*** € 80
      Undergraduate students**** Free

      * Registration fee includes access to all conference sessions, a formal dinner, a sightseeing tour to the medieval village of Mesta followed by lunch, all coffee breaks, a copy of Conference proceedings in printed form (abstracts) and a copy in CD-ROM (full papers).
      ** Registration fee includes participation to Doctoral Colloquium, access to all conference sessions, a formal dinner, a sightseeing tour to the medieval village of Mesta followed by lunch, all coffee breaks, a copy of Conference proceedings in printed form (abstracts) and a copy in CD-ROM (full papers).
      *** Registration fee includes a formal dinner, a sightseeing tour to the medieval village of Mesta followed by lunch, and all coffee breaks.
      **** Registration fee includes access to all conference sessions (paper presentations, panel discussions) only, and a copy of CD-ROM conference proceedings.

      For more information about the Conference please contact

      Dr. Constantine Lymperopoulos, Assistant Professor
      University of the Aegean, Department of Business Administration
      8, Michalon, 82100 Chios, Greece
      tel.: +30 210 9323656

      Conference Secretariat:
      Dr. Maria Salamoura
      University of the Aegean, Department of Business Administration
      8, Michalon, 82100 Chios, Greece
      e-mail: sdsm@ba.aegean.gr
      fax: +30 22710 35099, 35189

      Conference website:

    42. XVII Spanish Scientific Association of Economy and Business Administration Conference  

      XVII Spanish Scientific Association of Economy and Business Administration Conference
      (XVII Congreso Nacional de ACEDE)
      Sevilla, 16th-18th September 2007

      Venue: University of Sevilla
      Theme: Flexibility and change facing a new competitive situation

      From the 16th to the 18th of September 2007, this conference will be held at the University of Sevilla (Spain). Web site: www.acede2007.org

      Paper submission: Papers and works in progress written in Spanish will be sent electronically. They are accepted by a double-blind reviewing process. All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the Conference. Doctoral students in different stages of their dissertation process can apply for the participation in the doctoral colloquium that will be held previous to the conference (15th September)

      Key dates: Deadline 5th may, 2007

      Tracks: all the papers and works in progress should be submitted in a specific track. There are 20 different tracks in order to depict the diversity of research themes.

      • Corporate and competitive strategies
      • Internationalization
      • Strategic alliances
      • Mergers and acquisitions
      • Quality management
      • Behavioral and organizational change
      • Organizational design
      • Human resources
      • Corporate governance and social responsibility
      • Markets and financial assets
      • Corporate finance
      • Strategic marketing
      • Operational marketing
      • Business setting up
      • Innovation management
      • Logistic and supply channels
      • Production
      • Information systems and new technologies
      • Others

      Further information: for further and more detailed information, please visit the website: www.acede2007.org


      (XIX Encuentro de Profesores Universitarios de Marketing)
      University of Vigo, Spain, 20-21 September 2007

      From the 20th to the 21st of September, 2007, the XIX Spanish Marketing Academic Conference (http://www.emark2007.com) is to be held at the University of Vigo (Spain).

      Paper submission

      The organizing committee invites electronic submission of.Papers and Works in Progress, being written in spanish. All accepted papers and works in progress will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference.

      Key dates

      All submissions must be in electronic form and be assigned to a specific track. Submissions should be sent by the web of the Conference. Papers and Work in Progress are accepted by a double-blind review process. Deadline: May 14th 2006.

      Conference tracks

      The conference programme is divided into fourteen tracks, which cover all the widely accepted research fields within the marketing discipline. Those interested in submitting a paper are invited to send it to one of following tracks:

      • Consumer behaviour
      • Retailing, channel management and logistics
      • Marketing strategy and relationship marketing
      • Innovation and new product development
      • Brand management
      • Pricing decisions
      • Marketing communications
      • Education in marketing
      • New technologies & E-marketing
      • Services marketing
      • International marketing
      • Marketing research and research methodology
      • Tourism marketing
      • Agrifood marketing
      • Social responsability, ethics and marketing of non-profit organisations

      Further information: http://www.emark2007.com

    44. 9th International Forum on The Sciences, Techniques and Art Applied to Marketing 

      9th International Forum on The Sciences, Techniques and Art Applied to Marketing. Academy and Profession

      Madrid, Spain, November 29th-30th 2007

      Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences
      Complutense University of Madrid
      November 29th-30th 2007

      Objective and subjects
      This Forum is a meeting point for professors and researchers related to marketing activities. It is also open to all those researchers in any area of knowledge who through their work and contributions can favour the development and the advancement of marketing as a science, as a technique or as an art.

      The papers can be oriented towards investigations and theories that are related to or can be applied to marketing. They can originate in any of the disciplines, such as: economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, mathematics, law, etc.

      Contributions related to the following issues are welcome.

      • Marketing areas: Brand policy and strategy; Marketing communications; Pricing policy; Consumer behaviour; Marketing ethics;Product innovation; Direct marketing; Marketing and ecological issues; Relationship marketing; Distribution channels; Marketing models and theory; Sales and sales Management; Globalisation of markets; Marketing on the Internet; Services marketing; Industrial marketing; Marketing research; Social marketing; International marketing; Marketing strategy; Travel and tourism marketing
      • Related areas: Business and Economics Education; Management Information System; General Business Research; Organisational Behaviour; Human Resources Management; Small and Medium Size Companies; Knowledge Management and Innovation; Strategic Management Policy; Internationalisation; Tourism Planning and Management

      Guidelines for Contributors of Papers
      Papers must be written in English or Spanish with a maximum length of 12 pages excluding the title page, single spaced in 10pt Times New Roman, with 2.5 cm. or 1 inch margins. The title page must contain: Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s) and show contact details at the bottom of the page. The first page must carry in its top half the Title of the paper (without the author(s) names), an Abstract in no more than 100 words and a statement that the submission contains original work which has not been presented or published elsewhere. The dissertation text should start in the bottom half of the page.

      Papers should be sent preferentially by e-mail or on CD in Microsoft Word for Windows (Version 6 or higher) before October 12th 2007 to:

      Dr. Enrique Ortega
      Faculty of CC.EE.
      9th International ForumCampus de Somosaguas
      28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid)- Spain
      Telephone: (+34)-91.3942309
      Fax: (+34)913942423
      e-mail: marketeo@ccee.ucm.es
      http: www.ucm.es/info/forumint

      Each author is allowed to sign two papers maximum. The number of authors of each paper must not exceed three. Acceptance of a paper means that at least one of the authors must pay the inscription fee and present the paper at the Forum. The duration of the dissertation will be 20 minutes maximum. Interpreters will provide simultaneous translation from both English to Spanish and Spanish to English. Those wishing to participate in the Forum without presenting a paper will be welcomed.

      Dr. Enrique Ortega Martínez; Secretary: Dr. Ladislao González Ruiz; Members: Dr. Javier Casares Ripoll; Dr. Víctor Martín Cerdeño; Dr. Francisco Cobo Quesada; Dra. María Puelles Gallo; Dra. María Jesús Such Devesa.

      Scientific Commitee
      Dr. Enrique Ortega Martínez (Complutense University, Spain), Dr. Ladislao González Ruiz (Complutense University, Spain), Dr. Javier Casares Ripoll (Complutense University, Spain), Dr. Phillip J. Kitchen (Hull University, UK), Dr. Giuseppe Loy Puddu (L. Bocconi University, Italy), Dr. Miguel Martín Dávila (Complutense University, Spain), Dr. Douglas Pearce (Victoria University, New Zealand), Dr. Enrique Pérez del Campo (Rey Juan Carlos University, Spain), Dr. José A. Puelles Pérez (Complutense University, Spain), Dr. José A. Varela Mallou (Santiago de Compostela University, Spain), Dr. Jean-Pierre Levy Mangin (Quebec University in Outaouais, Canada), Dr. Arch Woodside (Boston College, Carroll Scholl of Management, USA), Dra. Magda Antonioli (L. Bocconi University, Italy), Dra. Michelle Bergadaà (Genève University, Suisse), Dr. Julio Cerviño Fernández (Carlos III University, Spain), Dr. Manuel Figuerola Palomo (Antonio de Nebrija University, Spain), Dra. Victoria de Elizagarate (País Vasco University, Spain),
      Dr. Enrique Díez de Castro (Sevilla University, Spain), Dra. Encarna González Vázquez (Vigo University, Spain), Dr. Jacques Spindler (Nice Sophia Antipolis University, France); Dr. Evert Gummesson (Stockholm University, Sweden).

      Review Committee
      Papers will be subject to double blind peer review by a panel of academic experts in the field.

      The deadline for submission of papers is October 12th 2007.
      Acceptance, rejection or suggested modifications of papers will be notified to the authors before October 20th 2007.
      The registration form and registration fee should be received before November 10th 2007.

      Advance Programme
      Thursday 29th November, 2007
      Registration 09.00- 10.00
      Start Forum 10.15- 13.30
      Lunch 13.45- 15.00
      Conference continuation 15.00- 19.00

      Friday 30th November, 2007
      Conference continuation 09.00 -13.15
      Lunch 13.30 -14.45
      Conference continuation 15.15- 19.00
      Forum dinner 21.30

      Registration Fee
      The Forum fee for those presenting papers and for those that wish to simply attend the Forum, is 195 Euro. This fee will include the Forum Proceedings, admission to all sessions, lunches, last day dinner and morning and afternoon coffees and refreshments.

      The fee should be forwarded by bank transfer to: Caja Madrid, account «Fundación General Universidad Complutense», Nº 2038- 1735-91-6000402693 (IBAN: ES90 2038 1735 9160 0040 2693)
      mentioning the reference: 9th International Forum.
      The sender must pay any charges for the transfer.

      Hotel Accommodation
      Hotel accommodation is not included in the Forum fee, but hotel details with special rates will be provided at a later date.

      Other information can be founded in the Website: www.ucm.es/info/forumint

    45. 3rd International Conference focusing on: Food, Health Messages, Marketing 

      3rd International Conference of IREMAS
      Food, Health Messages, Marketing
      … and Nutritional Cacophony

      Paris, November 15-16, 2007


      IREMAS (The Paris Institute for Research in Food and Health Marketing) introduces its 3rd International Conference focusing on: Food, Health Messages, Marketing… and Nutritional Cacophony.

      This Conference will take place in Paris, at the CNAM (Conservatoire national des arts et métiers), November 15-16, 2007. It will highlight the contributions of specialists and professionals in private and public marketing and communication, sociologists, psychologists, specialists in law, applied ethics, nutrition sciences and dietetics, industry professionals, government officials and associations’ executives.

      Context and orientation of communications
      Eaters and buyers are exposed to a growing flow of messages relating to their food, health and hygiene of life.

      The authors of these messages are mainly:

      • Individuals who deliver them within a professional and health context (Researchers, doctors,
        nutritionists, dieticians, etc.),
      • Individuals or organizations which do it because they care for education or proselytism or with
        mercantile intentions (including the so-called “gurus”).
      • Food production and food service firms, with the help of their communication consultants,
      • Government agencies, also with the help of their communication consultants,
      • Each one of us in the context of our own exchange communities,
      • etc.,

      A direct contact with these messages results technically from:

      • Exposure to mass media: Television, radio, newspapers (daily, weekly, free daily newspapers,…),
        magazines and books (mass market and specialized), posting, Internet other new platforms (cell
        phones,…), every sorts of guides and directories,
      • Exposure to other communication channels : products labelling and packs, PR, CRM / direct
        marketing (mass mailing, telemarketing, mail order, Internet sales, TV shopping), point of sale
        promotions (free samples, gifts, discounts, contests, in-store demos,…), visits to fairs and exhibitions,
        sponsorships of sports, cultural, humanitarian events or projects, etc.,
      • Interpersonal or group exchanges either organized (companies free calls and assistance to
        consumers, doctors, nutritionists, pharmacists, information, discussion and training group meetings,
        school and college education,…), moderated (forums and blogs), informal (family meetings, at work,
        friends,…) or conveyed according to the rumours process.


      All communication channels are interesting.
      However one would specially be interested in two phenomena which raise much attention because of their anticipated influence on behaviours:

      • The increase of CRM, promotional and Websites action and budgets,
      • The impact of interpersonal or group exchanges, organized or not.

      This avalanche of food, nutrition and health messages reaches populations which, as we know, possess little and fragile knowledge of these topics. This phenomenon was once analyzed under the name “information asymmetry”, meaning that several parties to a transaction (commercial or influence) benefit from relevant information that recipients have not.
      This results in what was once called “nutritional cacophony” and has the following consequences:

      • The risk that eaters-buyers are confused about what to do,
      • The risk in fine of individual or epidemic nutritional disorders,
      • The loss of efficacy for each private or public message taken alone.

      Thus IREMAS has decided that these problems constitute the heart of its 3rd Conference and proposes that authors tackle their complexity. Papers might present research results, studies, real size experiments, or conceptual works, syntheses and proposals.

      Three axes will be privileged and will influence the choice of papers for the programme of the Conference:
      1. Impact and efficacy of sources, messages and channels related to food and health.
      2. Responsibility of authors, promoters, channels for these messages and in what way they do (or do not)
      manage their responsibility.
      3. Proposals in order to reduce the so-called nutritional cacophony.

      As a suggested but not exclusive indication, communications may approach one or another of these axes through the following points of view:

      Eaters, buyers: their understanding, attitudes, behaviours
      • Understanding of data, information, nutritional and health messages
      • Existing links between the understanding of messages on one side, and attitudes, intentions and
      behaviours on the other
      • Listening to messages, communication channels, trust, influence…and mysteries
      o Children: The priority
      o Men and women
      o Generation and age effects
      o Professional status, level of education, ethnic and cultural origin, income
      o Etc.

      Sources, messages, channels: Impact and efficacy
      • Listening, trust, influence
      o Sources
      o Shape, content, number of messages
      o Communication channels
      • Health professionals (doctors, dieticians, etc.) and their perceived competency
      • Gurus and their channels (Press, TV, associations, etc.)
      • Internet communities, rumours, etc., content and quality of the messages
      • Food firms, their discourse, their image, their influence (manufacturers brands, supermarkets)
      • Food firms, Internet communities, rumours: How to manage?
      • Health government agencies, their influence
      • How to improve the efficacy of messages?

      Nutritional and health messages versus peripheral messages (organic, sustainable development, etc.)
      • Impact, influence, convergence, competition of messages from different “philosophies”
      • “Health” credibility of “organic” messages
      • Mixed strategies (Manufacturers brands, supermarkets) between “health” and “organic”
      • Mixed strategies (Manufacturers brands, supermarkets) and the impact of the sustainable development
      discourse delivered by some companies about their health food production: Do they see and respect the
      relation between the subjects or not?

      The “nutritional cacophony”
      • Measuring the phenomenon
      • Has it changed recently? In what ways?
      • “Winners” and “losers” in the cacophony process
      • Consequences on attitudes towards food and on behaviours of exposed populations
      • Proposals of solutions

      Responsibility of authors, promoters and channels of nutritional and health messages
      • Public regulation and self regulation
      • How to speak of products as regards to fat, sugar, salt, etc.? (Private and public points of view)
      • Can one ask to a food manufacturer or a supermarket to sell less in their core business?
      • Food advertising, nutrition and responsibility: The squaring of the circle?
      • Are promotional actions compatible -or not- with nutrition (Or how to increase sales by limiting portion
      size / give away products, etc.)

      Or any other approach which could enrich the debate … and will provide food for useful thought to firms,
      institutions and researchers who will attend.


      The evaluation procedure will follow the calendar underneath:

      • Deadline for sending in PROPOSALS for a paper: April 30th, 2007.
        The first page will indicate the title of the paper, a presentation of the author(s) with their full postal and
        electronic addresses. Then authors will take care to explain the research theme’s interest, methodology and main
        Proposals (4 pages maximum) are to be sent in only by e-mail to: colloque2007@iremas.org
      • REPLY TO AUTHORS with the advice of the peer review board: May 31st, 2007.
        Selected proposals will appear in the Conference pre-programme.
      • Deadline for sending in the COMPLETE TEXT of the paper: July 31st, 2007
        This text will take into account the remarks of the peer review board and will be sent in by e-mail to:
      • ADVICE FROM THE PEER REVIEW BOARD: September 20th, 2007
      • Deadline for sending in the FINAL TEXT of the paper: October 10th, 2007
        The final text will take into account the advice of the peer review board following their review of the complete

      Guidelines for authors
      The articles have to be written in English.
      During the Conference, the papers may be presented in French or English.
      Accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.

      They must be formatted in the following way:

      • The first page will show the title of the article, the name(s) of the author(s), their job title, complete contact
        details (work and home address, telephone, fax; e-mail), an abstract of the article (maximum 10 lines), key
        words, any acknowledgements.
      • The paper itself must not exceed 20 pages in length and will be sent out according to the following style
        - Type face: TNR 12
        - Line spacing: 1.5
        - Margins: 2.5
        - Tables and figures are inserted in the text and are numbered with a title
        - Footnotes: TNR 10
      • After the main body of the text will appear in order:
        - Bibliographic references, which will follow the norms of the journal ‘Recherches et Applications en
        Marketing’. The text of citations will appear in brackets with the name and the date of publication e.g. :
        (Guillon, 1999)
        - Any appendices, which will be numbered and titled.

      Peer Review Board / Scientific Committee
      Jean-Paul AIMETTI (Professor, Marketing, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, FRANCE)
      Marc FANTINO (Professor, Medicine Nutrition, University Hospital Centre of Dijon, Dijon, FRANCE)
      François GUILLON (Professor, Marketing, Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais, and Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, FRANCE)
      Dr. Mariette GERBER (Group of Metabolic Epidemiology, Research Centre on Cancer, INSERM-CRLC, Montpellier, FRANCE)
      Patrick HETZEL (Professor, Marketing, University of Paris II, Paris, FRANCE)
      Michelle LE BARZIC (Psychologist, obesity treatment specialist. She worked into the Medicine and Nutrition
      Department of Hôtel-Dieu Hospital, Paris, FRANCE)
      Luc MEJEAN (Professeur, Nutrition Humaine, ENSAIA INPL, Nancy, FRANCE - ex Directeur de Recherches à l'INSERM
      Hans MÜHLBACHER (Professor, Marketing, University of Innsbrück, Innsbrück, AUSTRIA)
      Jean-Pierre POULAIN (Professor, Food Sociology, University of Toulouse II, Toulouse, FRANCE) - To confirm.
      Monique ROMON (Professor, Medicine Nutrition, University Hospital Centre of Lille, Lille, FRANCE)
      Margaret RUCKER (Professor, Marketing, University of California at Davis, USA)
      Toshio SHIMIZU (Professor, Nagoya Bunri University, Nagoya, JAPAN)
      Wim VERBEKE (Professor, Agricultural Economics, Gent University, Gent, BELGIUM)

      For more information, please contact: colloque2007@iremas.org
      Visit our Website: www.iremas.org

      I R E M A S
      Institute for Research in Food and Health Marketing
      Institut pour la Recherche en Marketing de l’Alimentation Santé
      (Association loi 1901)
      52, rue du Docteur Kurzenne – 78350 Jouy-en-Josas - FRANCE
      E-mail : contact@iremas.org – Web site : www.iremas.org
      Adresse postale : 52, rue du Docteur Kurzenne - 78350 Jouy-en-Josas – France
      E-mail : institut@iremas.org / Site Web : www.iremas.org

  8. Publications & Call for Papers

    1. IJRM/MSI - Special Issue on Organic Growth  

      Call for Papers:
      IJRM/MSI Special Issue on Organic Growth
      (Editors: David James, Donald Lehmann, Russell Winer)

      Firms are under increasing pressure to grow. With acquisitions becoming more complex and expensive, the M&A route is no longer an attractive avenue for growth. Internally generated growth is therefore becoming an increasingly attractive option. As a consequence, marketing and CMO’s are increasingly being expected togenerate and spearhead growth. A key question, therefore, is how to generate, evaluate, and implement growth options. This special issue, sponsored by the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM) and the
      Marketing Science Institute (MSI), is designed to stimulate work on exactly that topic.

      IJRM/MSI invites papers dealing with both conceptual and empirical studies across a broad range of organic growth issues. We encourage papers covering, but not limited to, the following areas:

      Generation of growth options

      •  Where do growth ideas come from?
      • How much growth comes from “big ideas” vs from minor innovations?
      • What is the return on organic growth efforts?
      • What metrics capture/predict the quality of growth initiatives?

      Implementation of Growth Options

      •  What resources are needed to promote growth options once they
        are identified?
      • What elements of the marketing mix are most crucial for driving growth?
      • How should the marketing department interface with other parts of the

      Organizational Issues

      • Which types of organizations (structure, culture) are most effective for
        producing organic growth?
      • What capabilities are most crucial and how can they be measured?
      • Is entrepreneurship or intrapreneurship more effective?
      • Is there a sustainable growth process?
      • Are there important country/culture differences in growth strategies?
      • What are the best incentives to drive growth?
      • What is the impact of growth initiatives on employees?
      • How can you get an organization to focus on organic growth?
      • Can growth be outsourced?


      • How does organic growth relate to market orientation, satisfaction, CRM, Branding, etc.?
      • What are the social welfare impacts of a focus on organic growth?

      The deadline for submitting papers for the special issue is June 30, 2008. Authors will be notified by October 1st of the results of the review. Those papers that are encouraged to continue will have until January 1, 2009 to respond to the reviews. Final decision will be made by March 1, 2009 and final versions of the paper due June 30th. The plan is for the special issue to appear in December 2009.

      Papers should be submitted to IJRM (Submission site: http://ees.elsevier.com/ijrm) with the notation that they should be considered for the special issue. Detailed guidelines for authors are available at

      http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/journaldescription.cws home/505550/authorinstructions

      Inquiries can be sent to editors-ijrm@few.eur.nl.

      In addition to the special issue, a conference on organic growth is being planned by IJRM and MSI for May 2009 at Henley Management College (U.K.) for a select group of submitted papers. Details on the conference will be forthcoming.

    2. Corporate Communications: An International Journal - Special Issue 

      Corporate Communications: An International Journal

      Special issue call for papers

      International Communication Strategies of Technology or Knowledge Companies

      This special issue welcomes papers with profound analysis of innovative theory, empirical research, case studies, or practice arising from international communication strategies in the technology and knowledge environments. The communication function in the technology and knowledge environment is more than the classical approaches to marketing, advertising and public relation. Companies are employing innovative communication strategies in hope to generate more venture capitalists’ interests from overseas to supplement the local business or investment. The developments of overseas alliances and partnerships as well depend on a company’s success in their international communication strategies.

      Research studies on a wide variety of topics in relation to the international communication strategies of technology or knowledge companies, industries and economies will be suitable for this special issue and might include (but is not limited to) the following:

      This special issue welcomes papers with profound analysis of innovative theory, empirical research, case studies, or practice arising from international communication strategies in the technology and knowledge environments. The communication function in the technology and knowledge environment is more than the classical approaches to marketing, advertising and public relation. Companies are employing innovative communication strategies in hope to generate more venture capitalists’ interests from overseas to supplement the local business or investment. The developments of overseas alliances and partnerships as well depend on a company’s success in their international communication strategies. Research studies on a wide variety of topics in relation to the international communication strategies of technology or knowledge companies, industries and economies will be suitable for this special issue and might include (but is not limited to) the following:
      • The role of international communication strategies in policy planning and marketing of technology companies.
      • How a company’s international communications influence business performance, technology marketing development and knowledge marketing?
      • The role of international communication strategies in service delivery of knowledge companies.
      • Do international communication strategies play a significant role in the venture capitalists interests?
      • The creation of effective international communication strategies for stakeholders’ management in a technology-based and knowledge based economy.
      • Does a company’s corporate social responsibility play a role in the international communication strategies of technology or knowledge companies?
      • The risk and crisis involved in international communication.
      • How international communication strategies help a knowledge-based company to develop a better recognition?
      • Human roles or software roles in international communication strategies.

      Prospective contributors with queries concerning the potential suitability of topics, Guest Editors’ expectations, or additional requirements about this special issue are invited to contact directly by email either to Dr. Lynn Lim (lynnlklim@gmail.com) or Professor T.C. Melewar (t.c.melewar@brunel.ac.uk). Submission should be between 4000 and 6000 words in length and articles should follow the author guidelines as specified by the journal (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/ccij/notes.jsp).

      Deadline for submissions : October 1, 2008
      Notification to authors : January 30, 2009
      Deadline for revisions : March 1, 2009
      Publication : July, 2009

      Papers should be submitted as electronic attachments in MS Word file to the Guest Editors:

      Dr. Lynn L. K. Lim
      School of Business and Social Sciences,
      Roehampton University,
      Email: lynnlklim@gmail.com

      Professor T. C. Melewar
      Brunel Business School,
      Brunel University,
      Email: t.c.melewar@brunel.ac.uk


      Call for Papers

      Special Issue on The Global B2B Challenge

      The deadline for submission is June 30, 2008.

      The Journal of Business Industrial Marketing announces a Call for Papers for a Special Issue on the The Global B2B Challenge. Business-to-business marketers are facing growing challenges as the once thought “regional concentration” of business markets has become dispersed and fragmented globally. Global customers, global sourcing and global supply chains have increased the complexity and risk for B2B marketer. The purpose of this is to focus on the various issues that affect the organization, coordination and complexity of B2B marketing in a global economy.

      Specific topics may include, but are not limited to:

      • Integrating Marketing Processes
      • Value Migration in Global Business Models
      • Partnership/Cooperative Knowledge Creation
      • Knowledge Management In Global Context
      • New Organizational Forms In Global Markets
      • Transactional vs Relational Orientations
      • Challenges and Opportunities In BRIC and Emerging Markets
      • Global Sustainability In B2b
      • B2b Brands In Global Markets
      • New Value Proposition Development
      • Inside-Out Versus Outside-In Innovations
      • Global B2B Service Chain
      • Global Buying/Selling Centers
      • Value Management In Supply Chains
      • Network Strategies
      • Emerging Marketing Channels
      • Aligning Technology with Business Strategy
      • B2B Portals and Interactive Sales Technology
      • Customer-Centric Strategies
      • Consumer Experience Management
      • Reaching Key Decision Makers
      • Global CRM Strategies
      • Global Key Account Management

      Preference will be given to empirical papers (both qualitative and quantitative), although theoretical papers (B2B case studies )that examine key issues in purchasing orientation or offer comprehensive frameworks of organizations' orientation towards their suppliers are also welcomed. As the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing is widely read by an academic and business audience, all submissions should include implications for practitioners.

      Processes for the submission of papers…..Papers submitted must not have been published, accepted for publication, or presently be under consideration for publication. Submissions should be approximately 6,000 words in length. Copies should be submitted via email Word attachment (in one file including all figures and tables) to both special issue editors. The first page must contain the title, author/s, and contact information for the author(s). For additional guidelines including the requirement for a structured abstract, please see the “Notes for Contributors” from a recent issue of the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, or see the home page at www.emeraldinsight.com/jbim.htm. Suitable articles will be subjected to a double-blind review; hence authors should not identify themselves in the body of the paper.

      Please address questions to the special issue editors:

      Dr. Aurea Helena Puga Ribeiro
      Fundação Dom Cabral
      Av. Princesa Diana, 760
      Alphaville - 34000-000
      Nova Lima - MG – Brazil
      +55 31 3589 7200

      Thomas Brashear Alejandro
      Isenberg School of Management
      University of Massachusetts Amherst
      University of Massachusetts Amherst
      Amherst, MA 01003
      +1 413 545 5666

    4. International Marketing Review - Special Issue 


      International Marketing Review invites submissions for a special issue on the following theme:

      “Globalisation and Regionalisation”

      Guest editors: Stan Paliwoda and Stephanie Slater

      The special issue will address the challenges that marketers face with the continuing trends towards speed and harmonisation of markets, technology push, credit availability and supposed homogenisation of consumer demand. In the field that we know as international marketing, the contrasting styles of adaptation and standardisation with their respective benefits and disadvantages have been mooted for years, culminating in the advice: ‘Go glocal’, thereby coining a hybrid word to attempt to capture a concept that seeks to harness opposing forces.

      Globalisation is a word that today fills many magazines, has been the focus of many books and learned articles, but we understand little about it. The forces of technology, people and organisations together create market demand but, given its importance, we ought to be able to delve deeper and learn more about its internal workings.

      Standardisation and adaptation have been a regular part of the international marketing literature and appear in a discussion of each of the 4Ps (do we need then to think of seven or more?) but they have not been properly challenged as such. We have national, regional and global product mandates that host countries seek to guarantee for the subsidiaries based within their borders. Again, little scrutiny has been paid. Alan Rugman has gone further than most in arguing that there is no such thing as globalisation and that the most that we can seriously hope for is regionalisation. This would have an important effect on investment if evidenced. Over the years, Alan Rugman has contributed tremendously to the literature with conceptual work on internalisation and on the Porter Diamond. We need more conceptualisation to drive research in this area.

      The special issue aims to include, but should not be limited to, the following topics:

      •  Marketing opportunities in the enlarged European Union and the growing consumer markets of India and China
      • Offshoring and outsourcing and their role in international marketing today
      • India and China and their position within the new world trade order
      • Marketing to the West by the least developed countries and an action agenda
      • Market development and brand development when going global
      • Branding strategies at local, national, regional, European-wide and global levels
      • Competition policy, anti-trust and voluntary regulation of marketing and business practices
      • Legislative constraints against advertising, promotion and communication
      • Marketing planning on a pan-global scale
      • Born global companies and their need to service an international market from corporate inception
      • Corporate culture, language and conventions within the modern multinational
      • Evaluating local information and adapting global plans
      • Corporate structures and typologies for managing global business
      • Intellectual property and industrial property rights in an age of fast communication and national interdependence
      • Challenges to standardisation and finding an effective marketing mix
      • The Euro and its place in international marketing inside and outside Europe
      • Cross-cultural challenges to globalisation
      • The ethics of doing business across world markets and whether there is or can be uniformity of approach
      • The future implications for global consumers of increasing corporate size and regulation
      • Can extant marketing theory teach us anything about what to expect, whether practitioner or academic?

      Empirical papers are being sought. All articles should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Single country studies will not be considered, and preference will be given to contributions that bridge the gaps between countries on shared topical issues.

      All submissions will be reviewed in accordance with the established reviewing process of the International Marketing Review. They will be evaluated on the basis of originality, contribution and rigour.

      The deadline for submission is 30 August 2008.

      Submitted papers should be approximately 4000-6000 words in length, double-spaced, including figures, tables, notes, and references. The papers should be in line with the Notes for Contributors to the International Marketing Review. Please be sure to include a Structured Abstract. Up to six keywords should be included which encapsulate the principal areas covered by the article.

      Please send four hard copies of your papers to either of the Guest Co-editors of the special issue at the following addresses:

      Dr Stan Paliwoda, Professor of Marketing
      Department of Marketing, University of Strathclyde,
      Stenhouse Building, 173 Cathedral Street,
      Glasgow G4 0RQ, UK
      Email: stan.paliwoda@strath.ac.uk

      Dr Stephanie Slater
      Lecturer in International Marketing, Strategy and Business
      Cardiff Business School
      Aberconway Building, Colum Drive
      Cardiff CF10 3EU, UK
      Email: slaters@cardiff.ac.uk

    5. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ) - Special Issue  

      Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ)
      Special Issue on:
      “Corporate Reputation and Marketing”

      Deadline for submissions: March 31, 2008

      An organisation’s reputation is one of its most complex and valued assets. Yet, there is rising public concern about the appropriateness of traditional capitalist business models, especially given the questionable ethical behaviour of many firms in the post-Enron era. As a result, researchers from different academic domains, managers in various industries, and delegates of international institutions such as the World Economic Forum have highlighted the need for firms to scrutinize their reputations and seek ways to regain trust and credibility.

      To date, little is known about how stakeholders develop an appreciation of a firm’s corporate reputation or why stakeholders react to reputation management activities in different ways. However, the outcomes of a good reputation are claimed to be manifold, including: loyal and less price-conscious customers; motivated employees; easier access to capital markets; greater ability to attract top suppliers and partners; and more supportive reactions from actors in the fields of politics, media, and the general public. Far less is known, though, about the effectiveness of different approaches to enhance or protect corporate reputation, or how reputation management can be integrated into marketing and other organisational functions. Therefore, there is a need for more extensive research to generate knowledge and frameworks to help firms manage their reputations more effectively.

      The editors of this special issue encourage the submission of high-quality theoretical and empirical papers which analyse this field of enquiry from a variety of perspectives. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, issues such as:

      •  Corporate communications’ role in shaping reputation
      • Marketing communications (advertising, PR or IMC) and reputation management
      • Does it pay to have a good reputation?
      • Assessing reputation “value” from financial and stakeholder perspectives
      • Shareholder value and reputation management: The role of financial communications
      • How do stakeholders develop an appreciation of corporate reputation?
      • Using reputation to attract customers, suppliers, partners and/or employees
      • Customer orientation and corporate reputation
      • Internal marketing and corporate reputation
      • The role of corporate reputation in service marketing
      • Communicating reputation in B2B and B2C markets
      • Embeddedness of corporate reputation in multi-national/multi-product firms
      • Managing reputation in different markets: Cross-cultural implications
      • Reputation management in an e-business environment
      • Aligning product, brand and corporate reputations
      • Supply chain management and corporate reputation
      • Reputation management and corporate responsibility: Two sides of the same coin?
      • Managing risk by managing reputation
      • Can reputation management be outsourced effectively?
      • Authenticity of corporate reputation
      • The reputation of the marketing concept and/or marketing function

      Contributors should note:
      This call is open and competitive, and the submitted papers will be blind reviewed in the customary way. Submitted papers must be based on original material not under consideration by any other journal or outlet.

      The deadline for submissions is March 31, 2008. Final proofs will need to be checked by December, 2008. The special issue is due to be published in early 2009.

      Papers to be considered for this special issue should be submitted online. Please direct questions about the submission process, or any administrative matter, to Richard Varey, Editor of the Australasian Marketing Journal, University of Waikato, at amjeditorial@waikato.ac.nz. Submit your article directly to the guest editors. We do not accept hardcopy submissions.

      The guest editors of the special issue are happy to discuss initial ideas for papers, and can be contacted directly:
      Brendan Gray, University of Otago, New Zealand [ BGray@business.otago.ac.nz ]
      Sabrina Helm, Witten/Herdecke University, Germany [ Sabrina.Helm@uni-wh.de ]

    6. Journal of Communication Management - Special Issue 

      CALL FOR PAPERS - Journal of Communication Management

      Special issue on “History of Public Relations”

      Guest editor: Dr Tom Watson, Bournemouth University, UK

      The term “public relations” can be broadly interpreted to include corporate and government communications, non-advertising publicity, media relations, political campaigning, health communications and other methods that seek to persuade “below the line” and to create dialogue. It does not include direct marketing and sales promotion.

      The Journal of Communication Management invites papers for a special issue on the ‘History of Public Relations’.

      Potential topics include:

      •  Public relations in history, before it became a named or defined discipline
      • Archival sources for the history of public relations
      • The evolution of public relations in nations or in parts of government or industry
      • Key personalities or events that shaped the formation of public relations as a discipline
      • Key books or articles that have influenced public relations
      • The evolution of public relations theory over time
      • Influences on public relations practice, such as in government, industry and consultancy
      • The formation of industry and professional bodies and their impact, over time, on public relations practice and education
      • The evolution of public relations education, training and continuing professional education
      • How technology has shaped public relations practice and theory.

      The deadline for submissions is 16 May 2008. It is planned that the issue will be published as the Autumn 2008 (October) issue of the Journal of Communication Management.

      Submissions should be sent by e-mail to the Guest Editor, Dr Tom Watson: twatson@bournemouth.ac.uk 

      Initial enquiries and outline proposals for articles are welcomed.

    7. European Journal of Marketing - Special Issue 

      European Journal of Marketing

      Call for Papers

      Special Issue on Shaping the Research Agenda for Corporate Branding

      Guest Editors:
      Professor T. C. Melewar, Brunel Business School, Brunel University, UK
      Dr. Manto Gotsi, Brunel Business School, Brunel University
      Dr. Costas Andriopoulos, Brunel Business School, Brunel University

      Almost three decades ago, Philips noted in their company report that a positive corporate reputation will increasingly influence purchase decisions when there is little differentiation in terms of price, quality, design and product features. Today, with even more intensified competition, lack of differentiation, and a rapid growth of the service economy, the importance of building well-reputed corporate brands has been propelled to unprecedented heights. The subject of corporate branding has therefore, not surprisingly, become a central part of the corporate agenda, and, mirroring these developments, a hot topic for academic research.

      Interestingly, despite growing consensus on the unequivocal value of corporate branding, the substance and determinants of corporate branding, its measurement and management remain largely undefined. Scholars have identified several challenges for researchers in this respect. First, a wide range of concepts are influencing the corporate branding process and there is growing debate on their definitions and interrelationships. These include but are not limited to corporate and organisational identity, corporate strategy, internal branding, marketing and corporate communications, brand and corporate image, brand and corporate reputation, product and corporate branding, corporate and brand culture; concepts that are interlinked and invariably more complicated when researched at the corporate level than when applied to individual products. Theorising on the interrelationships of these concepts, contemporary writings have criticised early conceptual frameworks of corporate image/identity/reputation formation for not encapsulating the complexity of corporate branding and failing to capture the influence that the aforementioned determinants exert on corporate brand management. A second challenge for researchers in the area of corporate branding is its multidisciplinary foundations. Corporate branding frameworks reflect the disciplinary and research traditions of areas as diverse as business communications and corporate communications, graphic design, corporate identity, corporate image, reputation, marketing, organisational behaviour, public relations, psychology and strategy. Frameworks depict corporate branding as a process which is inextricably linked to issues related to corporate strategy, organisational behaviour, design human resources and, often, organisational change. As such, corporate brand management necessitates a multi-level approach which needs to reflect the multiplicity of stakeholders influencing and influenced by this process.

      Taking into consideration the thought-provoking challenges surrounding this field, scholars increasingly call for a radical reappraisal of branding at the corporate level in terms of its conceptualisation, measurement and management. The aim of this special issue is to welcome submissions offering innovative insights into shaping the research agenda for corporate branding. All rigorous and thoughtful conceptual papers, literature reviews, case studies, empirical studies and practice papers using a wide range of methodologies are encouraged. A wide variety of topics will be suitable for this special edition and might include (but is not limited to) the following:

      • Methodologies in corporate branding, corporate identity, corporate image, corporate reputation, corporate communications and corporate rebranding research and advice for those thinking of using these techniques
      • Reviews of existing knowledge in corporate branding and development of research propositions and/or hypotheses
      • Conceptual and empirical frameworks on corporate brand management
      • Theoretical developments in corporate brand management
      • Theoretical and conceptual foundations for the integration of areas such as corporate branding, corporate communications, corporate identity, organisational identity, organisational change, corporate reputation, corporate marketing
      • Conceptualising the relationships between corporate brand identity, corporate culture, corporate communications, corporate image and corporate reputation
      • Theoretical development for internal brand management at the corporate level
      • Case studies developing theory in the areas of corporate branding, corporate identity, corporate communications, corporate reputation
      • Corporate branding in mergers and acquisitions
      • Corporate branding in strategic alliances, start-ups and new ventures
      • Ethics and corporate branding
      • Conceptual and empirical frameworks on corporate rebranding
      • Processes and methodologies for building business-to-business corporate brands
      • Corporate branding and organisational change
      • Theoretical development for corporate brand management in the public sector
      • Conceptualising corporate brand management in charity organisations
      • Corporate brand management in the digital age
      • Global corporate brand management and corporate identity strategies
      • Likely trends and future research directions in corporate branding

      All papers will be subject to the usual double blind review process. Authors should consult the journal's author guidelines. In general, articles should be no more than 5,000 words in length (excluding tables and references). Please send manuscripts (3 hard copies) and an electronic version (in Microsoft Word as an e-mail attachment) to the guest editors by 1st November 2009:

      Professor T. C. Melewar
      Brunel Business School,
      Brunel University,
      Uxbridge, Middlesex,
      West London UB8 3PH
      United Kingdom
      Tel: +44 (0) 1895 265859
      Fax: +44 (0) 1895 269775
      Email: t.c.melewar@brunel.ac.uk

      Dr. Manto Gotsi
      Brunel Business School,
      Brunel University,
      Uxbridge, Middlesex,
      West London UB8 3PH
      United Kingdom
      Tel: +44 (0) 1895 267278
      Fax: +44 (0) 1895 269775
      Email: manto.gotsi@brunel.ac.uk

      Dr. Costas Andriopoulos
      Brunel Business School,
      Brunel University,
      Uxbridge, Middlesex,
      West London UB8 3PH
      United Kingdom
      Tel: +44 (0) 1895 267280
      Fax: +44 (0) 1895 269775
      Email: costas.andriopoulos@brunel.ac.uk

      Prospective contributors with questions concerning the potential suitability of topics, Guest Editors’ expectations, or additional requirements about this special issue are invited to contact directly by email the editors at T.C.Melewar@brunel.ac.uk, manto.gotsi@brunel.ac.uk or costas.andriopoulos@brunel.ac.uk

    8. Direct Marketing: an International Journal  

      New Editor for Direct Marketing: an International Journal

      Emerald is pleased to announce that from the beginning of volume 2, Direct Marketing: an International Journal will be edited by Professor Amanda Broderick (Coventry University, UK). Professor Broderick is Professor of Marketing and Advertising at Coventry Business School, and co-author of the market-leading textbook Integrated Marketing Communications (Pearson).

      About the journal

      Direct Marketing: an International Journal combines academic research with practitioner-focused "best practices" application-based content. Each issue contains peer-reviewed articles, book reviews and an “industry perspective” on global direct marketing activities, and provides a unique outlet for increasing our understanding of direct marketing and multi-channel marketing activities through both basic and applied research.

      Authors, both academic and practitioners, are encouraged to submit manuscripts which reflect cutting-edge thinking in direct marketing and multi-channel marketing-related fields, as well as means by which organizations of all types (for-profit, non-profit, public sector, government, etc.) can employ and improve the efficiency and effectiveness of direct/multi-channel marketing strategies and tactics.

      Manuscript submission

      Papers for DMIJ should be between 4,000 and 6,000 words in length. They should be submitted electronically to Amanda Broderick at amanda.broderick@coventry.ac.uk.

      Further details on how to prepare articles for publication can be found at the journal homepage: www.emeraldinsight.com/dmij.htm.

      To subscribe to DMIJ and receive all 2008 issues of the journal in print and online, please email emerald@emeraldinsight.com.

      For a full list of all journals published by Emerald, visit www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.

      Dr Martyn Lawrence
      Publisher - Marketing and International Business
      Emerald Group Publishing Limited
      Howard House, Wagon Lane, Bingley BD16 1WA, UK
      Tel: +44 1274 785158
      Fax: +44 1274 785244
      Web: www.emeraldinsight.com

    9. International Marketing Review  

      International Marketing Review is delighted to announce that Professor John W. Cadogan has taken over as co-editor, working alongside Jeryl Whitelock. Professor Cadogan is Professor of Marketing and Coordinator of the Marketing and Retailing Research Group at the Loughborough University Business School, UK, and is highly regarded amongst international marketing scholars.

      This occasion marks the retirement of Robert Morgan from the editorial team. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Professor Morgan for his very valued contribution over the past six years work in continuing to improve the standing of IMR as a high-quality journal of international standing. We will miss him and wish him well in his future endeavours.


      Now in its 25th year, International Marketing Review provides a platform for contemporary ideas in international marketing: the thinking, theory and practice. It is not a home for general marketing papers, but delivers research based on empirical studies of marketing strategy issues as well as comparative studies of markets and marketing practice with a purely 'international' flavour. It seeks to publish academically robust papers that communicate effectively – papers which make a real contribution to international marketing.

      Three special issues are planned for the 2008 volume:

      • Country of Origin – State of the Art Review for International Marketing Strategy and Practice
      • Conceptualizing culture: implications for international marketing theory and practice
      • Business-to-Business as International Business: exploration of international market strategies in business markets


      Papers for IMR should be between 3,000 and 6,000 words in length. Full details on how to prepare articles for publication can be found at the journal homepage: www.emeraldinsight.com/imr.htm.

      To subscribe to IMR and receive all 2008 issues of the journal in print and online, please email emerald@emeraldinsight.com.

      For a full list of all journals published by Emerald, visit www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.

    10. International Marketing Review - Special issue 


      International Marketing Review

      Special Issue on

      Marketing Strategies of MNCs from Emerging Markets

      Deadline for Submission: 31 May 2008

      For more detailed information, please click HERE


    11. Publication from chair of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Homburg 

      News from chair of Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Homburg, University of Mannheim

      X. Luo, Ch. Homburg, (2007), Satisfaction, Complaint, and the Stock Value Gap, Journal of Marketing, forthcoming.

    12. Corporate Communications: An International Journal  

      Corporate Communications: An International Journal

      Special issue call for papers

      International Communication Strategies of Technology or Knowledge Companies

      This special issue welcomes papers with profound analysis of innovative theory, empirical research, case studies, or practice arising from international communication strategies in the technology and knowledge environments. The communication function in the technology and knowledge environment is more than the classical approaches to marketing, advertising and public relation. Companies are employing innovative communication strategies in hope to generate more venture capitalists’ interests from overseas to supplement the local business or investment. The developments of overseas alliances and partnerships as well depend on a company’s success in their international communication strategies.

      Research studies on a wide variety of topics in relation to the international communication strategies of technology or knowledge companies, industries and economies will be suitable for this special issue and might include (but is not limited to) the following:

      • The role of international communication strategies in policy planning and marketing of technology companies.
      • How a company’s international communications influence business performance, technology marketing development and knowledge marketing?
      • The role of international communication strategies in service delivery of knowledge companies.
      • Do international communication strategies play a significant role in the venture capitalists interests?
      • The creation of effective international communication strategies for stakeholders’ management in a technology-based and knowledge based economy.
      • Does a company’s corporate social responsibility play a role in the international communication strategies of technology or knowledge companies?
      • The risk and crisis involved in international communication.
      • How international communication strategies help a knowledge-based company to develop a better recognition?
      • Human roles or software roles in international communication strategies.

      Prospective contributors with queries concerning the potential suitability of topics, Guest Editors’ expectations, or additional requirements about this special issue are invited to contact directly by email either to Dr. Lynn Lim (lynnlklim@gmail.com) or Professor T.C. Melewar (t.c.melewar@brunel.ac.uk). Submission should be between 4000 and 6000 words in length and articles should follow the author guidelines as specified by the journal (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/ccij/notes.jsp).

      Deadline for submissions : October 1, 2008
      Notification to authors : January 30, 2009
      Deadline for revisions : March 1, 2009
      Publication : July, 2009

      Papers should be submitted as electronic attachments in MS Word file to the Guest Editors:

      Dr. Lynn L. K. Lim
      School of Business and Social Sciences,
      Roehampton University,
      Email: lynnlklim@gmail.com

      Professor T. C. Melewar
      Brunel Business School,
      Brunel University,
      Email: t.c.melewar@brunel.ac.uk

    13. Publications from the chair of Professor Homburg, University of Mannheim 

      Publications from the chair of Professor Homburg, University of Mannheim, Germany.

      • Ch. Homburg, O. Jensen, (2007), Configurations of Marketing and Sales: A Taxonomy, Journal of Marketing, forthcoming.
      • Ch. Homburg, M. Grozdanovic, M. Klarmann, (2007), Responsiveness to Customers and Competitors: The Role of Affective and Cognitive Organizational Systems, Journal of Marketing, 71, 3, 18 – 38.
      • J. Wieseke, Ch. Homburg, N. Lee (2007), Understanding the adoption of new brands through salespeople: a multilevel framework, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, forthcoming.
      • Ch. Homburg, A. Fürst (2007), See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil: A Study of Defensive Organizational Behavior towards Customer Complaints, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, forthcoming.
      • Ch. Homburg, W. Hoyer, R. Stock-Homburg (2007), How to Get Customers Back? Insights Into Customer Relationship Revival Activities, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, forthcoming.

    14. Publication - Kleinschmidt, Elko J., Ulrike de Brentani and Sören Salomo 


      Kleinschmidt, Elko J., Ulrike de Brentani and Sören Salomo (2007), Performance of Global New Product Development Programs: A Resource Based View. Journal of Product Innovation Management 24,5 (September): 419-441.
      Lead Article in the special issue on "Effective Global Product Innovation and Launch"

    15. Marketing Intelligence and Planning - Special Issue 


      ISSN: 0263-4503

      Call for papers

      Special Issue: Emerging issues in Integrated Marketing Communication

      Integrated marketing communication (IMC) has attracted a considerable body of research since the early 1990s (see, for example, Duncan & Everett, 1993; Kitchen & Schultz, 1999) and some inevitable criticism of its contribution to marketing theory (for example, Cornelissen & Lock, 2000). Research-based literature has developed around aspects of the integration of all marketing communication activity in order to maximise synergistic effects and, ultimately, campaign effectiveness as a key tool to build and maintain brand equity (Madhavaram, Badrinarayanan, & McDonald, 2005). Additionally, IMC has been examined from a range of perspectives, such as multiple media use (Stammerjohan, Wood, Chang, & Thorson, 2005) and applications in specific industries (see, for example, Low, 2000; Reid, Johnson, Ratcliffe, Skrip, & Wilson, 2001). The focus in these studies has been on manufacturer-branded products and communication. Few studies have examined how manufacturer and retailer communications interact and combine to influence brand equity, or how retailer communication is utilised to build and maintain equity in retailer own-brands (‘house brands’) These are just two the gaps in the research literature. The purpose of this Special Issue is to provide a forum for the discussion of the ways in which IMC as a concept has developed and is being operationalised. Specific topics might include the following, but papers of good quality on any appropriate IMC-related issue would be welcome. 

      • Critical evaluation of the evolution of IMC
      • Cross-cultural research into the operationalisation of IMC
      • Comparative studies of IMC across industry sectors, e.g. FMCG, service, B2B, social and not-for-profit marketing
      • Comparative studies of IMC implementation across large, medium and small companies
      • Barriers to IMC implementation
      • The use of academic and practitioner research in developing IMC programmes
      • Influence of retailer communication on branded IMC programmes
      • Use of new and emerging consumer media in IMC campaigns
      • Use of hybrid media forms such as product placements, advergames and joint company tie-ins in IMC campaigns
      • Evidence of superior return on investment from IMC campaigns
      • Challenges to IMC programmes of increased restrictions (e.g. restrictions on advertising to children)

      Send your submission to the Guest Editors by email no later than 30 May 2008, and preferably as early as possible. Submissions should follow the format prescribed in the journal Notes for Contributors which are available in the inside back cover of any hard copy of the journal or on the journal website at www.emeraldinsight.com/mip.htm .
      All submissions will be acknowledged as they are received. Direct any general indications of interest or requests for further information to the Guest Editors via email.

      Guest editor contact details

      Professor Lynne Eagle
      Bristol Business School
      Uiversity of the West of England
      Coldharbour Lane
      United Kingdom
      Telephone: +44 (0)117 965 6261
      Email: Lynne.Eagle@uwe.ac.uk

      David Pickton
      Head of Department of Marketing
      Leicester Business School
      Bosworth House
      De Montfort University
      United Kingdom
      Telephone: +44 (0)116 257 7219
      Email: dpmar@dmu.ac.uk


      - Cornelissen, J. P., & Lock, A. R. (2000). Theoretical Concept or Management Fashion? Examining the Significance of IMC. Journal of Advertising Research, 40(5), 7-15.
      - Duncan, T. R., & Everett, S. E. (1993). Client Perceptions of Integrated Marketing Communication. Journal of Advertising Research, 33(3), 30-39.
      - Kitchen, P. J., & Schultz, D. E. (1999). A Multi-Country Comparison of the Drive for IMC. Journal of Advertising Research, 39(1), 21-38.
      - Low, G. S. (2000). Correlates of Integrated Marketing Communications. Journal of Advertising Research, 40(1), 27 - 39.
      - Madhavaram, S., Badrinarayanan, V., & McDonald, R. E. (2005). Integrated Marketing Communication (IMC) and Brand Identity as Critical Components of Brand Equity Strategy. Journal of Advertising, 34(4), 69-80.
      - Reid, M., Johnson, T., Ratcliffe, M., Skrip, K., & Wilson, J. (2001). Integrated marketing communications in the Australian and New Zealand wine industry. International Journal of Advertising, 20(2), 239-262.
      - Stammerjohan, C., Wood, C. M., Chang, Y., & Thorson, E. (2005). An Empircal Investigation of the Interaction Between Publicity, Advertising , and Previous Brand Attitudes and Knowledge. Journal of Advertising, 34(4), 55-67.

    16. The Journal of Consumer Behaviour - Special Issue on NEURO MARKETI NG 

      Call for Papers for a Special Issue of
      The Journal of Consumer Behaviour


      Special Issue Editors:
      Carl Senior, School of Life & Health Sciences, Aston University UK
      Nick Lee, Aston Business School, UK

      The rise in popularity of brain imaging machines has generated considerable excitement among researchers who study market behaviour. By and large this excitement has been mirrored by the cognitive neuroscience community. The emergence of 'neuromarketing' as a unique field of study has provided proof of the successful marriage of these two fields.

      Yet several fundamental, and general, questions remain unanswered. To what extent does the use of techniques, such as functional brain imaging (fMRI), allow us to examine the cortical areas that drive consumer behaviour? Does knowledge of the neural substrates of consumer behaviour impact on our understanding of social behaviour in general?

      Empirical reports that address these questions are invited for a special issue of the Journal of Consumer Behaviour. The aim of this special issue is to help set the agenda for future research in neuromarketing and help both new and established researchers view the current 'state of the art' in this exciting area of marketing science. Topics could include, among others: multimodal neuroimaging of marketing questions, application of large scale neuroimaging analysis or other cognitive neuroscientific techniques such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) or skin conductance response (SCR) to understanding consumer behavior etc.

      Papers are invited from specialists in the field of neuroscience but also from researchers examining neuroscience issues from other social science perspectives. This may include research providing critical and conceptual work on the imagined, current and potential consequences of neuroscientific enquiries into consumer behaviour, consideration of broader social and ethical implications, as well as practical and commercial applications.

      The deadline for submissions is 01 December 2007. All papers will undergo double blind peer review. Colour images will only be available on the online version of the special issue. Reports must not exceed 6000 words (not including references and legends) and a maximum of two figures (2 panels each). Authors are requested to consult the journal for issues of style. It is expected that the special issue will be published in 2008 (Volume 7).

      Submissions should sent by email to the Journal of Consumer Behaviour: jcb.editors@le.ac.uk.

      Informal enquiries and expressions of general interest can be addressed to either guest editor via email: Carl Senior, PhD [c.senior@aston.ac.uk] & Nick Lee, PhD [n.j.lee@aston.ac.uk] School of Life & Health Sciences & Aston Business School, Aston University, UK, or to the managing editors of the Journal of Consumer Behaviour [jcb.editors@le.ac.uk]

    17. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management - Special Issue 



      SPECIAL ISSUE: “Beyond Geographic Boundaries: Sales Force Research in an
      International Business and Scholarly World”

      Deadline 31 August 2008

      The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management (JPSSM) is pleased to announce a special issue on ‘Sales Force Research in an International Business and Scholarly World.’

      The growing trend toward globalization and internationalization in business means that new issues of importance may emerge, and also that sales force research must examine key existing topics in a wide range of settings. Despite the increased international mobility, and growing multinational body, of sales scholars, key sales issues in many parts of the world have – with few notable exceptions – largely remained under-represented in the leading sales force research outlets. With the increasing globalization of both business activity and high-quality scholarly research, this is an issue which needs addressing urgently. This special issue seeks papers examining a wide range of topics in settings other than North America. Hence, we would especially like to encourage submissions from scholars based outside the United States. However, authors based in the United States, and North American sales force topics that intimately involve internalization issues, such as global account management, are also welcome. Examples of possible topics include:

      Strategic deployment of sales resources

      International account management

      Cross-cultural sales force research

      Sales force motivation

      Salesperson performance

      Job demands and job tensions

      Optimal designs of team selling

      International sales negotiations

      Adapting to international markets

      Competitive selling strategies

      CRM in an international or cross-cultural context

      Cultural and cross-cultural issues in sales management                

      Design of sales compensation plans

      Sales force – supply chain interface

      Recruiting, training, and promotion issues          

      Repatriation of overseas salespeople

      Sales force metrics across multiple countries     

      Mobile sales technologies

      Ethics and social responsibility in international sales    

      The international sales and marketing interface

      Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, following the usual JPSSM guidelines for authors (see www.jpssm.org), to the following Special Issue Editors depending on the location of the contact author:

      Continental Europe or Africa:
      Dr. Artur Baldauf
      Professor of Management
      University of Bern
      Engehaldenstrasse 4
      3012 Bern
      Tel: +41 31 631 53 31

      Europe or Australasia
      Dr. Nick Lee
      Research Group Convenor
      Marketing Group
      Aston Business School
      Aston University
      Birmingham B4 7ET
      Tel: +44 121 204 3152

      South America
      Dr. Áurea Helena Puga Ribeiro
      Professor of Marketing
      Fundação Dom Cabral
      Av. Princesa Diana,
      Alphaville - 34000-000
      Nova Lima - MG – Brazil aureap@fdc.org.br
      tel: +55 31 3589 7200

      Asia or North America
      Dr. Thomas Brashear Alejandro
      Department of Marketing
      Isenberg School of Management
      760 University of Massachusetts Amherst
      Amherst, MA 01003
      Tel: +1 413 545 5666

    18. International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship (IJSMS) - Special Issue 

      Special Issue of the
      International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship (IJSMS)

      Call For papers

      “Marketing the Olympic Games”


      Dr Simon Chadwick, Birkbeck Sport Business Centre, University of London, UK

      Guest Editors:

      Dr Frank Pons, University of San Diego, USA.
      Dr David Stotlar, University of Northern Colorado, USA.
      Dr Cheri Bradish, Brock University, Canada.

      In sports, the Olympic Games are considered by most athletes as the pinnacle of their career. Every four years, this global event also transcends the political and cultural arena to create unforgettable moments for individuals, sports fan or not, around the world. For a long period, the Games were the reserved territory of amateur athletes and organizing committees struggled to make them happen every four years. However in recent years, pushed by the presence of professional athletes, the Olympic arena has become a fabulous playground for marketers of all types. The Olympic brand has become an incredible commercial asset and sponsors (along with other commercial partners) compete every four years for a piece of the Olympic dream, alongside consumers who also become gripped by Olympic fever.

      The aim of this special issue is to examine the unique aspects of marketing activities surrounding the Olympic Games. Submissions are welcome on any analysis related to the Olympic Games. International submissions are encouraged as a global perspective on the Games is sought. All marketing topics associated with the Olympic Games are welcome, although some examples of possible foci and issues may include:

      • Olympic Brand Strategies.
      • Olympic Brand equity
      • Positioning of the Games.
      • Olympic Sponsorship.
      • Ambush Marketing and the Olympics
      • Marketing of Olympic Sports
      • Olympic Fans and Spectators(segmentation)
      • Sponsoring conflicts between athletes, national teams and the Olympic brand.
      • Rumors and scandals impact on the Olympic brand
      • Cross-cultural differences in Olympic Games perception
      • Strategic marketing and the Olympics
      • Olympic Bid marketing

      The original article should be submitted electronically with double-spaced typing preferred and a wide margin on the left. The author(s) name(s) and affiliation should appear on the cover page. Manuscripts should normally total approximately 4,000 to 8,000 words.

      Each article submitted for consideration should include an Executive Summary of approximately 500 words which should give a flavour of the article, include the rationale for the study, methods used, key findings and conclusions.
      A shorter abstract of about 70 words should also be included. Interviews are welcomed, but should be discussed with the Editor. Book Reviews should normally be less than 1,500 words.

      Endnotes should be used only sparingly; footnotes not at all. Tables, charts, diagrams and figures should be in black and white, placed on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. Jargon should be reduced to a minimum, with technical language and acronyms clearly defined. The accuracy of any citations is the responsibility of the author(s).

      For more specific style questions, please consult a recent edition of the journal, which can be found at: http://www.im-reports.com/SM/IJSM/

      The date for submitting completed manuscripts is 31st October 2007. All papers submitted will be double-blind peer reviewed. Authors will normally receive a decision regarding the paper status by January 15th 2008.

      The International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship brings together academics and practitioners in one forum, with the intent of furthering the knowledge and understanding of sports marketing and sponsorship. The topics presented in the journal include issues involving individual, team, event or organisation marketing and sponsorship; event management; advertising; and broadcasting. To this end, submissions from academics and practitioners relating to these topics from a wide variety of perspectives, including management, strategy, politics, history, cultural studies, sociology, psychology and economics are encouraged. IJSMS is now cited in the APA PsycINFO database and used by academics and practitioners all over the world.

      For further information about this special issue, for expressions of interest or to submit a finished paper you should contact:

      Dr Frank Pons
      University of San Diego
      School of Business Administration
      5998 Alcala Park ,
      San Diego, CA 92110-2492
      e-mail: frankpons@sandiego.edu
      Phone: 619-260-4869
      Fax: 619-260-4891

    19. Journal of Retailing - Special Issue “Consumer Behavior and Retailing”  

      CALL FOR PAPERS - October 2, 2007
      Journal of Retailing
      Special Issue: “Consumer Behavior and Retailing”

      James R. Brown, West Virginia University and Rajiv P. Dant, University of South Florida
      Co-Editors Journal of Retailing

      William O. Bearden, University of South Carolina and David M. Hardesty, University of Kentucky
      Special Issue Co-Editors

      We are actively seeking manuscripts that focus on consumer behavior in retail settings. We hope to encourage consumer research within any context related to retailing. Manuscripts testing theoretical propositions tied to consumer behavior are particularly relevant. Topics for this special issue could include (but are not limited to): 

      •  Empirical studies that describe quantitative or qualitative findings related to consumer behavior within the context of retailing
      • The impact of price and other promotion forms on consumer behavior
      • Theoretical or conceptual papers that introduce new perspectives on consumer behavior within a retailing context
      • Integrative review articles (including meta-analyses) that synthesize existing literature and identify opportunities for important future research
      • Reassessments of prior consumer research in retail contexts with insightful refinements
      • Understanding consumer information search in online retailing contexts
      • The role of the customer in service operations
      • Consumer knowledge of retailer pricing tactics
      • Understanding customers’ service experiences over time
      • Consumer decision-making in online retailer auctions
      • Consumer service and its impact on loyalty and profitability
      • Negative consumer behaviors, such as shoplifting, fraudulent returns, rebate fraud
      • Consumer reactions to the integrated use of online and offline retail efforts
      • Consumer responses to new retail technology (e.g., self-checkout, payment by finger scan)

      Papers should be submitted to Journal of Retailing (JournalOfRetailing@mail.wvu.edu or jr@coba.usf.edu) by March 31, 2008 with a cover letter indicating that the paper is intended for the Special Issue.
      See www.elsevier.com/locate/jretai  for submission guidelines. This Special Issue of Journal of Retailing will be published in early to mid 2009.

      Special Issue Co-Editors:
      Professor William O. Bearden
      Bank of America Chair Professor in Marketing
      Moore School of Business
      University of South Carolina
      Columbia, SC 29208
      Phone: 803-777-4914
      Email: bbearden@moore.sc.edu

      Professor David M. Hardesty
      455Q Gatton College of Business & Economics
      University of Kentucky
      Lexington, KY 40506-0034
      Phone: 859-257-9419
      Email: david.hardesty@uky.edu

    20. Journal of Retailing - Special Issue:  

      CALL FOR PAPERS -- October 2, 2007
      Journal of Retailing Special Issue: "Modeling the Retail Phenomenon"

      James R. Brown, West Virginia University and Rajiv P. Dant, University of South Florida
      Co-Editors Journal of Retailing

      James D. Hess (University of Houston) and Praveen K. Kopalle (Dartmouth College)
      Special Issue Co-Editors

      Marketing scientists and practitioners have devoted considerable attention to quantitative models in retailing. Recently, their attention has intensified with the emergence of wide array of customer data combined with solid computing horsepower and the science of retailing. This provides a new perspective for retailers that are striving to create value for customers and capture value for shareholders.

      The Journal of Retailing is sponsoring a special issue on the topic of “Modeling the Retail Phenomena,” which will be published in the Journal of Retailing in early to middle 2009. We invite both empirical and analytic models. The topics could include (but not limited to):

      • Price matching guarantees • Internet auctions
      • Confronting consumer opportunism • Retailer-Manufacturer Interaction
      • Return Policies • Internet retailing
      • Retail promotions • E-commerce
      • Shelf space models • Product assortment
      • Retailer reputations • Category management
      • Multichannel competition • Pricing
      • Customer loyalty programs • Stockouts
      • Private labels

      Papers should be submitted to Journal of Retailing (JournalOfRetailing@mail.wvu.edu or jr@coba.usf.edu) by March 31, 2008 with a cover letter indicating that the paper is intended for the Special Issue.
      See www.elsevier.com/locate/jretai for submission guidelines.

      Special Issue Co-Editors:

      Professor James D. Hess
      University of Houston
      Bauer College of Business 
      334 Melcher Hall 
      Houston, TX 77204-6021
      Phone: 713-743-4175
      Email: jhess@uh.edu

      Professor Praveen K. Kopalle
      Dartmouth College
      Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth
      Department of Marketing
      100 Tuck Hall
      Hanover,NH 03755
      Phone: 603-646-3612
      E-mail: praveen.k.kopalle@dartmouth.edu

    21. Webinar: Marketing Resource Allocation with ReAllocator ME>XL  

      September 12
      Webinar: Marketing Resource Allocation with ReAllocator ME>XL
      Presenter: Dr. Gary Lilien, ISBM Research Director, Penn State
      On the Web
      Fee: Free

      In this webinar, Dr. Lilien will review the response model approach, linking marketing spending decisions to market outcomes and show how it has been applied in a number of industry-contexts. He will introduce a tool called ReAllocator, part of the Marketing Engineering for Excel (ME>XL) toolkit that is designed to implement this approach. He will conclude by discussing how participants can make immediate use of the concepts and the related software. To register, go to http://www.smeal.psu.edu/isbm/seminars/events/allocweb.html

    22. Journal of Korean Academy of Marketing Science  

      Call for Papers:
      Journal of Korean Academy of Marketing Science

      Korean Academy of Marketing Science (KAMS) welcomes manuscript submission for the Journal of Korean Academy of Marketing Science (JKAMS). The authors may submit your manuscript at any time of the year. Submitted manuscript could be published at JKAMS 4 times of the year (March, June, September, December) after the review process.

      Any topic related to marketing in general, including consumer behavior, marketing strategy, hotel and tourism, restaurant business, fashion marketing, real-estate and sports marketing could be considered for the publication. Manuscripts are reviewed by the editor and at least two anonymous reviewers.

      Submission Guidelines
      Manuscripts must be edited according to the editorial policy of Journal of Korean Academy of Marketing Science. The authors may find the details of the editing styles in our web site (www.kams.org). The authors may send your manuscript written with MS Word (papers in English) to editor’s email

       Please note that the length of the manuscript should not exceed 25 pages (single space) including tables, figures and references.

      For further information:

      Prof. Yong Ki Lee, School of Business, Sejong University

      Reviews Editor
      Prof. Dong Il Lee, School of Business, Sejong University

      Assistant to Editor
      Moon Hyun Sohn, Doctoral Student, School of Business, Sejong University

      Email: yongki2@sejong.ac.kr, editormarketing@hotmail.com
      Web: http://www.kams.org 
      Telephone: +82 (2) 3408-3158 (office)
      +82 (10) 4755-6623 (mobile)

    23. Second Edition - Customer retention and Customer equity 

       Second Edition of the book "Kundenbindung und Kundenwert (Customer retention and Customer equity)" published by Prof. Manfred Krafft:

      The management of customer relations is increasingly regarded as a critical success factor. However, there is a lack of a comprehensive and updated
      overview of scientific findings concerning customer retention and customer equity. In his book "Kundenbindung und Kundenwert" (Customer Retention and
      Customer Equity), Manfred Krafft presents numerous insights, describes pragmatic as well as sophisticated approaches for the measurement and prediction of customer lifetime and customer value, and shows by means of large-scale empirical analyses, how customer lifetime and its determining factors can be quantified.
      Among others, the detailed evaluations show that the positive link between customer lifetime and customer profitability, which is frequently postulated, can not be supported empirically. Rather, it can be shown that a substantial number of customers are short-lifed but, from a company perspective, highly profitable.

      The second edition has substantially been revised and extended. Besides the literature, the chapter on customer retention management - in particular - was updated and supplemented with the results of the current research. The book is interesting for both scholars and students with majors in marketing, management and controlling, but it is also relevant for sales and marketing executives, as well as for controllers and practitioners on the upper management-level.

    24. Journal of Value Chain Management Special Issue 

      Special Issue on “Internationalization of Services”

      Deadline for Submissions: July 31, 2007

      The Journal of Value Chain Management, in association with the Marketing Center Muenster (University of Muenster), will be publishing a special issue on
      Internationalization of Services and a concurrent edited volume containing the same papers.

      This special issue aims at offering a thorough introduction and systematic overview of the field ‘Internationalization of Services’. It covers the state-of-the-art of the research and development in various aspects including theory development, empirical studies, and case studies on Internationalization of Services.

      The Editorial Board of JVCM invites authors to submit original conceptual and empirical manuscripts. All submission received will be subjected to a double-blind review process.

      Suggested topics, include but are not limited to:

      • Market Entry Strategies of Service Firms
      • Strategies of International Service Management
      • Internationalization Process of Service Providers
      • Performance Measurement of International Business Operations
      • Performance of SMEs in Emerging Markets
      • Management of International Service Networks
      • International Management of Marketing Innovations
      • Cross Cultural Investigation of Relationship Marketing Effectiveness
      • Cross Cultural Differences in Customer Perceptions of Service Offerings
      • Managing International Service Brands
      • Multi Channel Management
      • Managing Service Quality in a Global Environment
      • Managing Service Relationships in a Global Economy
      • Best Practices in Internationalization of Services
      • Challenges of International Marketing Research
      • Further Topics: Alliances, Joint Ventures, Service Engineering, etc.

      Empirical papers are especially welcome. Strong and innovative conceptual work with a clear contribution to the advancement of marketing and management science would also be considered.
      Edited Volume: All manuscripts accepted for publication will also be published in an edited volume that will be published and released concurrently.

      Submission Guidelines and Further Information
      Requests for submission guidelines as well as further questions can be addressed to Johannes Berentzen (02jobe@wiwi.uni-muenster.de).
      Potential authors may also access the journal homepage at www.jvcm.org for comprehensive authors’ guidelines.

      We are looking forward to receiving your papers!

      Kind Regards from your Editors,

      Dieter Ahlert,  Johannes Berentzen,  Markus Blut,  Christian Brock



      Organizing and Integrating Marketing and Purchasing in Business Markets

      Despite the increasing attention international marketing and management scholars pay to the nature and dynamics of business markets and on management strategies within these contexts, research and debate on organizing marketing and purchasing in companies operating in business markets is still limited. Although, during the past decade, a broad stream of research on “supply chain management” and “business relationships and networks” has emerged, only few authors have discussed the implications of these perspectives on business markets
      - for companies’ marketing and purchasing strategies and
      - for the role of as well as the capabilities needed in companies’ marketing and purchasing organizations.
      The aim of the special issue is to address research issues dealing with the impact that a relational context - and in particular a variety of interactions and interdependencies with customers and suppliers - may have on the strategic role, organization, capabilities and performance of the marketing and purchasing functions within firms acting in business markets.

      Authors are invited to take the Marketing and/or the Purchasing perspective and to present papers dealing with the following specific topics:

      Marketing Side
      • The strategic role of marketing in business-to-business companies;
      • The organization of the marketing function and its interaction with other functional units;
      • Professional skills and capabilities needed in the marketing function;
      • Measuring the economic performance of marketing;
      • The impact of purchasing strategies on the marketing function

      Purchasing Side
      • The role of purchasing in business-to-business companies;
      • The organization of the purchasing function and its interaction with other functional units;
      • Professional skills and capabilities needed in the purchasing function;
      • Measuring the economic performance of purchasing;
      • The impact of marketing strategies on the purchasing function

      Marketing/Purchasing Integration

      • Integrating strategies;
      • Marketing/Purchasing integration and its impact on distribution channels
      • Marketing/Purchasing integration and its impact on supply chain
      • Marketing/Purchasing integration and its impact on customer relationships

      Papers must be submitted as MSWord documents by September 30th  2007 to plaplaca@journalIMM.com AND all three special issue editors.

      Special issue editors:
      Björn Ivens, HEC Lausanne (Switzerland), Bjoern.Ivens@unil.ch,
      Catherine Pardo, EM Lyon (France), Pardo@em-lyon.com
      Annalisa Tunisini, University of Urbino (Italy), tunisini@uniurb.it


    26. RAM (Marketing Research and Applications) Journal - English version 


      In order to improve the international visibility of French-speaking Research, an English version of the RAM (Marketing Research and Applications) journal - which is published by the French Marketing Association - now exists in an electronic format.

      General principal

      When a paper is accepted, the author can have it translated into English by a registered translator or a translator of his/her choice approved by the French Marketing Association (AFM).
      The translation fees are at the authors charge at a price negotiated by AFM. Howerver, as mentioned below, PhD students ou recent PhDs can, on request and under certain conditions, be funded for translation.
      The English version of the paper appears in a pdf format respecting RAM graphic charter. This pdf file is diffused at the same time as the French paper by EBSCO/Business Source Complete and possibly by other databases with which AFM is still negotiating.

      Help to PhD students or recent PhDs

      For a two year experimental period (2007-2008), the French Marketing Association will fund young researchers for the translation of the RAM papers.

      On written request, addressed to the RAM Editor, AFM will meet the cost of the translation in the following cases :

      1/ The contact author (considered here, for practical reasons, as the principal author even if the research task was equally shared) is still completing his/her PhD or submitted the paper in the 12 months following the thesis approval.

      2/ The paper is accepted within a 2-year time period after submission.

      3/ The contact author is a member of the French Marketing Association when the paper is officially accepted.

      The grant does not depend on the number and status of possible coauthors.

      More information can be found on the RAM journal on www.revue-ram.org

      Contact : Professor Christian Pinson, Editor christian.pinson@insead

    27. Journal of Marketing 

      Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Homburg


      X. Luo, Ch. Homburg, (2007), Neglected Outcomes of Customer Satisfaction, Journal of Marketing, 71, 4, 133-149.

    28. Romanian Marketing Review 

      Revista romana de marketing (Romanian Marketing Review)

      The only one scientific marketing review in Romania, Revista romana de marketing (Romanian Marketing Review).
      It is a quarterly journal, and each article is published in Romanian and English (full text).
      Website: www.revistademarketing.ro

    29. Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management (JPSSM)- Special Issue 



      SPECIAL ISSUE: “Beyond Geographic Boundaries: Sales Force Research in an
      International Business and Scholarly World”

      Deadline 31 August 2008

      The Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management (JPSSM) is pleased to announce a special issue on ‘Sales Force Research in an International Business and Scholarly World.’

      The growing trend toward globalization and internationalization in business means that new issues of importance may emerge, and also that sales force research must examine key existing topics in a wide range of settings. Despite the increased international mobility, and growing multinational body, of sales scholars, key sales issues in many parts of the world have – with few notable exceptions – largely remained under-represented in the leading sales force research outlets. With the increasing globalization of both business activity and high-quality scholarly research, this is an issue which needs addressing urgently. This special issue seeks papers examining a wide range of topics in settings other than North America. Hence, we would especially like to encourage submissions from scholars based outside the United States. However, authors based in the United States, and North American sales force topics that intimately involve internalization issues, such as global account management, are also welcome. Examples of possible topics include:

      • Strategic deployment of sales resources
      • International account management
      • Cross-cultural sales force research
      • Sales force motivation
      • Salesperson performance
      • Job demands and job tensions
      • Optimal designs of team selling
      • International sales negotiations
      • Adapting to international markets
      • Competitive selling strategies
      • CRM in an international or cross-cultural context
      • Cultural and cross-cultural issues in sales management
      • Design of sales compensation plans
      • Sales force – supply chain interface
      • Recruiting, training, and promotion issues
      • Repatriation of overseas salespeople
      • Sales force metrics across multiple countries
      • Mobile sales technologies
      • Ethics and social responsibility in international sales
      • The international sales and marketing interface

      Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, following the usual JPSSM guidelines for authors (see www.jpssm.org), to the following Special Issue Editors depending on the location of the contact author:

      Continental Europe or Africa:
      Dr. Artur Baldauf
      Professor of Management
      University of Bern
      Engehaldenstrasse 4 3012
      Tel:+41 31 631 53 31
      Switzerland baldauf@imu.unibe.ch

      Europe or Australasia
      Dr. Nick Lee
      Research Group
      Convenor Marketing Group
      Aston Business School
      Aston University 
      Birmingham B4 7ET UK
      Tel: +44 121 204 3152

      South America
      Dr. Áurea Helena Puga Ribeiro
      Professor of Marketing
      Fundação Dom Cabral
      Av. Princesa Diana, 760
      Alphaville - 34000-000
      Nova Lima - MG – Brazil
      +55 31 3589 7200

      Asia or North America
      Dr. Thomas Brashear Alejandro
      Department of Marketing
      Isenberg School of Management
      University of Massachusetts Amherst
      Amherst, MA 01003
       +1413 545 5666

    30. European Journal of Marketing - Special Issue 

      European Journal of Marketing

      Call for papers - Special issue

      The Sales Function in the 21st Century: Evolutions and Revolutions

      Special Issue Editors:
      Susi Geiger, University College Dublin and Paolo Guenzi, Bocconi University

      While some commentators argue that the craft of selling has remained essentially the same since ancient times, many others have observed rapid changes in the way selling is done and managed in the 21st century. Some of the forces of change have been the internationalisation of the sales force in a virtually borderless Europe and an increasingly globalised world economy, a move toward consultative and relationship selling, hypercompetition in many industries, the gradual replacement of personal selling through internet sales in some industries, heightened customers’ price sensitivity, an increased emphasis on customer value and customer co-creation, greater need for interfunctional cooperation, and others.

      This Special Issue of the European Journal of Marketing seeks to explore these developments and how they impact on the sales function in a European and international context. It specifically invites contributions that explore how sales forces are successfully managed in the face of these changes and how the skills, competencies and behaviours of salespersons can be adapted to the new challenges.

      Issues that could be explored include, but are not limited to:

      • The evolution of sales force roles
      • Value creation and relationship building in the buyer-seller interface
      • Change management in the sales function
      • Integrating sales strategies and corporate strategies
      • Strategic partnerships in sales
      • Efficient customer value delivery through managing cross-functional relationships between sales and other departments
      • Key Account Management
      • Organizational issues in sales force design
      • Managing the international sales force
      • Designing and managing multi-channel sales structures, for example:
      • Integrating off-line and on-line selling
      • Integrating inside and outside selling
      • New strategies for salespeople’s recruitment and selection
      • How to respond to new challenges in salespeople’s capabilities through sales force training
      • Motivating the sales force in the 21st century
      • Innovative perspectives in goal setting and performance evaluation and appraisal
      • Leadership in sales management
      • Measuring return on investment in sales
      • Sales force control systems in the era of relationship selling
      • Sales accountability
      • Selling and ethics, selling and corporate social responsibility

      Deadline for submission to this Special Issue is Friday June 1st 2007.
      Publication is expected in late 2008.
      Contributions can be both conceptual and empirical in nature and should follow the European Journal of Marketing guidelines available from this website or in the back of any hard copy of the journal.

      Submissions (and any questions) should be sent as an email attachment to one of the Special Issue Editors on or before the deadline:

      Dr Susi Geiger
      Marketing Group
      University College Dublin Business School
      Carysfort Avenue
      Blackrock, Co Dublin, Ireland.
      Tel. +353 1 7168959
      Fax +353 1 7168019
      Email: susi.geiger@ucd.ie

      Dr Paolo Guenzi,
      Department of Marketing
      Bocconi University
      SDA Bocconi School of Business
      Via Bocconi 8
      20136 Milano, Italy
      Email: paolo.guenzi@sdabocconi.it

    31. Journal of Marketing Management - Special Issue 

      Journal of Marketing Management Special Issue
      Market Segmentation: Bridging the Theory/Practice Divide

      Editors: Sally Dibb and Lyndon Simkin

      Market segmentation is a fundamental marketing concept with a long research heritage, spanning a diverse range of topics. Nearly three decades ago Wind’s (1978) seminal review presented a market segmentation research agenda. These priorities encompassed analytical, methodological and context-specific issues, and included questions on effectiveness and the integration of segmentation research into strategic decision-making. In the intervening period, research has focused on segmentation bases, models, research techniques and identifying statistically sound solutions, targeting criteria and positioning strategies, through to the segment of one and impact of the web on target marketing. Practical questions on implementation and integration have received less attention. As Wedel and Kamakura (2002, p. 183) explain, “Although much progress has been made in the areas of models for segmentation, much remains to be done in the conceptualization of strategic market segmentation and in the integration of marketing research and strategy”.

      The potential for further research in these areas was echoed in a recent survey of research priorities carried out by the Academy of Marketing’s Special Interest Group in Market Segmentation. Indeed, the question of segmentation’s impact on productivity strongly featured in this study, just as it is also at the heart of the Marketing Science Institute’s priorities. Nearly three decades after Wind’s original research agenda, it is clear that questions about effectiveness and productivity remain; namely: (i) concerns about the link between segmentation and performance, and its measurement; (ii) the notion that productivity improvements arising from segmentation are only achievable if the segmentation process is effectively implemented. Such questions are central themes in this call for papers. The following is an indicative list of areas in which papers are encouraged:

      Segmentation value, productivity and strategies

      • Segmentation value and the creation of an enhanced basis for competing
      • Segmentation effectiveness and the impact on performance
      • Performance metrics for segmentation and methodologies for measuring contribution
      • Market segmentation as the basis of customer life-time value
      • Identifying managerially compatible segmentation schemes and metrics

      Managerial issues and implementation concerns

      • Segmentation strategies and the competences/capabilities required to pursue them
      • Diagnosing and overcoming segmentation implementation problems
      • Bridging the academic/practice gap for segmentation application
      • Developing managerially useful segmentation tools

      Case illustrations in submissions will be accepted, but case-only papers will not.

      Queries and submissions should be to Professor Sally Dibb, the Open University Business School, Michael Young Building, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom, MK7 6AA. Email: S.Dibb@open.ac.uk.

      There is a double issue of JMM allocated for this Special Issue in February 2009. The submission deadline for papers is September 2007.

    32. International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship - Special Issue 

      Special Issue of the
      International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship (IJSMS)

      Call For papers

      “Marketing the Olympic Games”


      Dr Simon Chadwick, Birkbeck Sport Business Centre, University of London, UK

      Guest Editors:

      Dr Frank Pons, University of San Diego, USA.
      Dr David Stotlar, University of Northern Colorado, USA.
      Dr Cheri Bradish, Brock University, Canada.

      In sports, the Olympic Games are considered by most athletes as the pinnacle of their career. Every four years, this global event also transcends the political and cultural arena to create unforgettable moments for individuals, sports fan or not, around the world. For a long period, the Games were the reserved territory of amateur athletes and organizing committees struggled to make them happen every four years. However in recent years, pushed by the presence of professional athletes, the Olympic arena has become a fabulous playground for marketers of all types. The Olympic brand has become an incredible commercial asset and sponsors (along with other commercial partners) compete every four years for a piece of the Olympic dream, alongside consumers who also become gripped by Olympic fever.

      The aim of this special issue is to examine the unique aspects of marketing activities surrounding the Olympic Games. Submissions are welcome on any analysis related to the Olympic Games. International submissions are encouraged as a global perspective on the Games is sought. All marketing topics associated with the Olympic Games are welcome, although some examples of possible foci and issues may include:

      • Olympic Brand Strategies.
      • Olympic Brand equity
      • Positioning of the Games.
      • Olympic Sponsorship.
      • Ambush Marketing and the Olympics
      • Marketing of Olympic Sports
      • Olympic Fans and Spectators(segmentation)
      • Sponsoring conflicts between athletes, national teams and the Olympic brand.
      • Rumors and scandals impact on the Olympic brand
      • Cross-cultural differences in Olympic Games perception
      • Strategic marketing and the Olympics
      • Olympic Bid marketing

      The original article should be submitted electronically with double-spaced typing preferred and a wide margin on the left. The author(s) name(s) and affiliation should appear on the cover page. Manuscripts should normally total approximately 4,000 to 8,000 words.

      Each article submitted for consideration should include an Executive Summary of approximately 500 words which should give a flavour of the article, include the rationale for the study, methods used, key findings and conclusions.
      A shorter abstract of about 70 words should also be included. Interviews are welcomed, but should be discussed with the Editor. Book Reviews should normally be less than 1,500 words.

      Endnotes should be used only sparingly; footnotes not at all. Tables, charts, diagrams and figures should be in black and white, placed on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. Jargon should be reduced to a minimum, with technical language and acronyms clearly defined. The accuracy of any citations is the responsibility of the author(s).

      For more specific style questions, please consult a recent edition of the journal, which can be found at: http://www.im-reports.com/SM/IJSM/

      The date for submitting completed manuscripts is 31st October 2007. All papers submitted will be double-blind peer reviewed. Authors will normally receive a decision regarding the paper status by January 15th 2008.

      The International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship brings together academics and practitioners in one forum, with the intent of furthering the knowledge and understanding of sports marketing and sponsorship. The topics presented in the journal include issues involving individual, team, event or organisation marketing and sponsorship; event management; advertising; and broadcasting. To this end, submissions from academics and practitioners relating to these topics from a wide variety of perspectives, including management, strategy, politics, history, cultural studies, sociology, psychology and economics are encouraged. IJSMS is now cited in the APA PsycINFO database and used by academics and practitioners all over the world.

      For further information about this special issue, for expressions of interest or to submit a finished paper you should contact:

      Dr Frank Pons
      University of San Diego
      School of Business Administration

      5998 Alcala Park ,
      San Diego, CA 92110-2492

      e-mail: frankpons@sandiego.edu
      Phone: 619-260-4869
      Fax: 619-260-4891

    33. European Journal of Marketing - Special Issue on Marketing Perspectives of Logistics Firms 



      Special Issue on
      “Marketing Perspectives of Logistics Firms

      Logistics firms have long been considered of minor importance in the area of marketing channel management. The traditional view has been that the marketing channels were governed by the wholesaler’s and manufacturers’ key role whilst, during the past two decades, the substantial emergence, and heightened role, of major international retailers initiated further discussion about, inter alia, the structure, processes and dynamics within marketing channels. Currently, logistics firms support the expansion of primary suppliers, manufacturers, wholesalers, and retailers and are becoming major firms in their own right. These logistics firms have been active in expanding overseas and are growing rapidly by competing in a very dynamic and evolving sector. Yet, the marketing aspects and perspectives of these firms are still under-researched.

      Unsurprisingly, the role of logistics firms has increased substantially in the marketing channel over the past decade and subsequently they have emerged as valuable partners to other marketing channel intermediaries operating in most commercial sectors including automotive and industrial products, technological products and fast moving consumer goods to name a few. Hence, the objective of this special issue is to examine logistics firms in the context of the evolving internal and external marketing channel environment and to stimulate further thought within this rapidly growing marketing phenomenon.

      This special issue accepts empirical studies for the analysis of marketing perspectives of logistics firms. Theoretical and conceptual papers on contemporary marketing issues of logistics firms are also welcomed. Papers are expected to have an original perspective and to include both managerial and research implications.

      A wide variety of topics in relation to the marketing perspectives of logistics firms will be suitable for this special issue and might include (but is not limited to) the following:

      • Collaboration, cooperation and partnerships between logistics firms and other marketing channel intermediaries
      • Trust and power issues between logistics firms and other intermediaries
      • Outsourcing and externalisation issues involving logistics firms
      • Marketing channel communications between logistics firms and intermediaries
      • Role and importance of information technology for logistics firms during their marketing interaction with intermediaries
      • Corporate branding for logistics firms
      • Brand image and marketing for logistics firms
      • International marketing comparisons of logistics firms
      • Role and contribution of logistics firms towards customer service
      • Evolutionary role of logistics firms within the marketing channel
      • Marketing perspectives for both 3rd / 4th party logistics firms
      • Future marketing perspectives for logistics firms
      • Role and contribution of logistics firms towards B2B and B2C environments and towards related marketing channel intermediaries
      • Domestic and international marketing strategies for logistics firms
      • Intelligent technologies (e.g. RFID, telematics) and marketing issues for logistics firms
      • Customer relationship management
      • Creation and management of marketing networks
      • Sustainable marketing strategies and logistics firms
      • Customised marketing strategies and logistics firms
      • Demand management and logistics firms
      • Logistics firms and the marketing environment
      • Performance measurement

      The deadline for submission of papers is 30th November 2007.

      All papers will be subjected to double-blind peer review. Full notes for prospective contributors are available at:

      Please send manuscripts (3 hard copies) and an electronic version (in Microsoft word as an e-mail attachment) to the guest editors:

      Dr Michael Bourlakis
      Brunel Business School
      Brunel University
      Uxbridge, Middlesex
      West London UB8 3PH
      United Kingdom
      Tel: +44 (0) 1895 265427
      Fax: +44 (0) 1895 269775
      Email: michael.bourlakis@brunel.ac.uk

      Professor T. C. Melewar
      Brunel Business School
      Brunel University
      Uxbridge, Middlesex
      West London UB8 3PH
      United Kingdom
      Tel: +44 (0) 1895 265859
      Fax: +44 (0) 1895 269775
      Email: t.c.melewar@brunel.ac.uk

      Prospective contributors with questions concerning the potential suitability of topics, Guest Editors’ expectations, or additional requirements about this special issue are invited to contact directly by email either Michael Bourlakis at michael.bourlakis@brunel.ac.uk or T.C. Melewar at t.c.melewar@brunel.ac.uk.

    34. Journal of Value Chain Management - Special Issue 


      Special Issue on “Internationalization of Services”

      Deadline for Submissions: July 31, 2007

      The Journal of Value Chain Management, in association with the Marketing Center Muenster (University of Muenster), will be publishing a special issue on
      Internationalization of Services and a concurrent edited volume containing the same papers.

      This special issue aims at offering a thorough introduction and systematic overview of the field ‘Internationalization of Services’. It covers the state-of-the-art of the research and development in various aspects including theory development, empirical studies, and case studies on Internationalization of Services.

      The Editorial Board of JVCM invites authors to submit original conceptual and empirical manuscripts. All submission received will be subjected to a double-blind review process.

      Suggested topics, include but are not limited to:

      • Market Entry Strategies of Service Firms
      • Strategies of International Service Management
      • Internationalization Process of Service Providers
      • Performance Measurement of International Business Operations
      • Performance of SMEs in Emerging Markets
      • Management of International Service Networks
      • International Management of Marketing Innovations
      • Cross Cultural Investigation of Relationship Marketing Effectiveness
      • Cross Cultural Differences in Customer Perceptions of Service Offerings
      • Managing International Service Brands
      • Multi Channel Management
      • Managing Service Quality in a Global Environment
      • Managing Service Relationships in a Global Economy
      • Best Practices in Internationalization of Services
      • Challenges of International Marketing Research
      • Further Topics: Alliances, Joint Ventures, Service Engineering, etc.

      Empirical papers are especially welcome. Strong and innovative conceptual work with a clear contribution to the advancement of marketing and management science would also be considered.

      Edited Volume: All manuscripts accepted for publication will also be published in an edited volume that will be published and released concurrently.

      Submission Guidelines and Further Information
      Requests for submission guidelines as well as further questions can be addressed to Johannes Berentzen (02jobe@wiwi.uni-muenster.de).
      Potential authors may also access the journal homepage at www.jvcm.org for comprehensive authors’ guidelines.

      We are looking forward to receiving your papers!

      Kind Regards from your Editors,

      Dieter Ahlert Johannes Berentzen Markus Blut Christian Brock

    35. Consumption Markets and Culture: Special Issue on Anti-consumption Issues 

      Call for Papers
      Consumption Markets and Culture: Special Issue on Anti-consumption Issues

      As a phenomenon, anti-consumption ranges from activist movements to anti-brand discourses, from anti-globalization demonstrations to utopian communities, from culture jamming and alternative podcasting to voluntary simplicity book clubs, from brand and category avoidance to careful carbon-counting “green” consumption and sustainable and social marketing practices. The study of those who resist, defy, or otherwise “go against” consumption is a nascent yet burgeoning domain. Consumption Markets and Culture (CMC), along with this special issue’s guest editors, Robert Kozinets, Jay Handelman and Mike Lee, is pleased to announce a Call for Papers towards a Special Issue on Anti-consumption.

      Research Topics that would fit this special issue include, but are not limited to:

      - authenticity in relation to anti-consumption;
      - boycotting;
      - brand avoidance and / or dislike;
      - consumer resistance
      - culture-jamming;
      - consumer grudge-holding and retaliation;
      - demarketing;
      - dissatisfaction;
      - frugality;
      - materialism and materiality;
      - risk aversion towards genetically modified foods;
      - social marketing to promote responsible consumption and behaviour;
      - technophobia;
      - undesired self and image congruency;
      - voluntary simplification.

      Interested authors are also invited to discuss the fit of other topics with the guest editors.

      The fit between anti-consumption interests and CMC is perfect. An interdisciplinary and international journal, CMC focuses on consumerism and the markets as the site of social behaviour and discourse, and encourages pragmatic research that engages role of management. The guest editors will manage this special issue with the assistance of the existing CMC review panel and a specialist review panel. All manuscripts will be double blind peer reviewed. In addition to addressing an anti-consumption topic, eligible papers should also take into consideration the intended audience, and the unique aims and scope of CMC.

      CMC plans to publish the special issue in 2008. This call for papers has been developed in association with the International Centre for Anti-Consumption Research (ICAR; see the ICAR website www.icar.auckland.ac.nz).

      • The deadline for manuscript submissions is September 15th, 2007.
      • Manuscripts should be formatted according to the ‘Instruction for Authors’ guidelines given on the Journal's web site:


      • Email attachments should be addressed to: CMC Special Issue, Michael S W Lee, msw.lee@auckland.ac.nz
      • Please do not submit hard copies. Electronic submissions in PDF format or Word .doc compatible files are preferred.
      • Please do not submit the manuscripts to the Editors-in-Chiefs, and please direct all Special Issue inquires to the Special Issue Guest Editors.

      Looking forward to your submissions,
      The Guest Editors:

      Rob Kozinets (rkozinets@schulich.yorku.ca),
      Jay Handelman (jhandelman@business.queensu.ca),
      Mike Lee (msw.lee@auckland.ac.nz).

    36. International Journal of Sports Marketing  


      The American Psychological Association's citation service PsycINFO has accepted the International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship for indexing into its database. The IJSMS therefore becomes the first sport business management journal in the world to receive such a citation and takes up its place alongside other marketing journals such as the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Advertising Research and the Journal of Marketing Research.

      To receive further information about the IJSMS or to see a copy, please contact Dr Simon Chadwick at the Birkbeck Sport Business Centre, University of London (s.chadwick@bbk.ac.uk)

    37. Publications - Università L. Bocconi 

      • P. Guenzi, G. Troilo (2007), "The joint contribution of Marketing and Sales to
        the creation of superior customer value", Journal of Business Research,
      • Guenzi P., Troilo G. (2006), "Developing marketing capabilities for customer
        value creation through Marketing-Sales integration", Industrial Marketing
        Management, September.
      • G. Troilo (2006), Marketing knowledge management. Managng knowledge in market
        oriented companies, Edward Elgar, Cheltenham, UK.
      • Joy A., Sherry J., Troilo G., Deschenes J. (2006), "Writing it up, writing it down: Being reflexive in accounts of consumer behaviour", in Belk R. (ed.), Handbook of Qualitative Research in Marketing, Cheltenham, UK, Edward Elgar.
      • Santoro C., Troilo G. (2006), "The Drivers of Consumption Experience in Rock
        Concerts", in Carù A., Cova B. (eds), Consuming experiences, London, Routledge.

    38. European Journal of Marketing - Special Issue on Branding  



      Special Issue on
      “Branding and the Marketing of Technological and Industrial Products”

      Branding was once perceived as a relatively minor importance in technological or industrial products market. The dimensions and mechanisms of marketing and branding of technological or industrial products are quite different from consumer marketing. The construct of branding is multidimensional and not by simply putting the corporate name and creating a logo on a product and disseminating that brand name to its target markets. Yet, the marketing aspects of engineering, technological, manufacturing related intensive products are still under-researched.

      The trend of companies developing new products through OEM has seen branding becoming a valuable tool to add value to the products. Branding plays a broader role in technological and industrial products than services or fast moving consumer goods. High technology and industrial marketers largely differentiate their products through branding to avoid their products essentially being viewed as commodities. Hence, the objective of this special issue is to examine the role of branding in the context of ever-changing internal and external environments in the marketing development and management of technological and industrial products.

      This special issue accepts empirical studies in the area of marketing of technological and industrial products, and the impact of branding has on the marketing performance and development of the products. Theoretical and conceptual papers on contemporary issues of branding surrounding the area of marketing of technological and industrial products are also welcomed. Papers are expected to have an original perspective.

      Research studies, either B2B or B2C, of the following technology-intensive products and industrial products are encouraged:

      Technological Products (not limited)
      Communication/telecommunication products
      Computing and networking systems
      Fuzzy logic products
      Medical/health (such as branding the new marketing development of Anti-SARS technological products)
      Mobile device and technological products
      Scientific instruments
      Security surveillance system
      Satellite and digital systems
      Wireless and 3G/4G products (such as Bluetooth, WiFi, RFID, UMTS, WiMax)

      Industrial Products (not limited)
      Components and advance materials
      Flexible manufacturing products
      Industrial clean-room products
      Industrial consumables
      Machine tools
      Mechanical materials (tools, pneumatics, hydraulics, pumps, valves, etc)

      A wide variety of topics in relation to the marketing of technological, technology-intensive or industrial products will be suitable for this special issue and might include (but is not limited to) the following:

      • Co-branding in collaborative marketing
      • Corporate branding and direct marketing
      • Brand equity and database marketing for technology-intensive products
      • Brand image and marketing
      • International brand comparisons and overseas marketing presence
      • Brand influencing international marketplace for technology products
      • Branding receptive and differences for B2B or B2C marketing
      • Brands as internal or external branding in marketing
      • Branding and launching decision of new product
      • Global branding and marketing management decisions
      • The science of branding and how it works in the marketing of these products
      • Direct marketing and the developing the science of branding
      • Industrial business brands in marketing
      • Brand involvement in marketing mix
      • Antecedents of technological and industrial brand equity in marketing
      • Evolution of generic brands in marketing technological and industrial products
      • Brand naming in marketing communication these products
      • Brand differentiation of marketing identical products
      • Brand development in the process of marketing development
      • Branding and product commoditization
      • Branding and procurement attitudes in marketing
      • Intrabrand and Interbrand in marketing
      • Branding strategy and marketing management
      • Co-branding in marketing technological and industrial products
      • Branding and marketing of 3G/4G mobile technology
      • OEM and generic brands in marketing development
      • Technology and industrial marketers’ consciousness of branding
      • Branding influence marketing distribution channels

      The deadline for submission of papers is 1st November 2007.

      All papers will be subjected to double-blind peer review. Full notes for prospective contributors are available at:


      Please send manuscripts (3 hard copies) and an electronic version (in Microsoft word as an e-mail attachment) to the guest editors:

      Professor T. C. Melewar
      Brunel Business School,
      Brunel University,
      Uxbridge, Middlesex,
      West London UB8 3PH
      United Kingdom
      Tel: +44 (0) 1895 265859
      Fax: +44 (0) 1895 269775
      Email: t.c.melewar@brunel.ac.uk

      Dr. Lynn L. K. Lim
      Brunel Business School,
      Brunel University,
      Uxbridge, Middlesex,
      West London UB8 3PH
      United Kingdom
      Tel: +44 (0) 1895 266976
      Fax: +44 (0) 1895 269775
      Email: lynn.lim@brunel.ac.uk

      Prospective contributors with questions concerning the potential suitability of topics, Guest Editors’ expectations, or additional requirements about this special issue are invited to contact directly by email either to T.C. Melewar at t.c.melewar@brunel.ac.uk or Lynn Lim at lynn.lim@brunel.ac.uk

    39. Emerald launches two new marketing titles 

      Emerald launches two new marketing titles

      Emerald is delighted to announce the launch of the following new titles:

      • Direct Marketing: An International Journal
      • International journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing

      Direct Marketing: An International Journal is specifically produced for academics, business practitioners, and others engaged in direct and multi-channel marketing activities. Edited by Dr Bruce Keillor, University of Akron, Direct Marketing: An International Journal combines basic academic research with practitioner-focused “best practices” application-based content

      International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing is dedicated to advancing theoretical and empirical understanding of marketing pharmaceutical products and healthcare services. Edited by Professor Avinandan Mukherjee, Montclair State University, International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing highlights cutting edge research and fresh practical ideas and initiatives in the pharmaceutical and healthcare industries

      To celebrate the journal launches we would like to give you FREE online access to these inaugural issues. Please email journals@emeraldinsight.com with the text “free trial to DMIJ first issue” or “free trial to IJPHM first issue” in the subject line. We will then email you back the login details. Be quick as this offers ends on 07 June 2007!

      Emerald's portfolio of marketing titles continues to publish quality content from some of the world's leading figures in the field of marketing. The portfolio is highly respected in both the academic and corporate communities and usage is increasing globally. These journals will publish 97 issues and around 590 articles in 2007, and accumulated over 2,800,000 article downloads in 2006.

      About Direct Marketing: An International Journal http://www.emeraldinsight.com/dmij.htm

      About the International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing http://www.emeraldinsight.com/ijphm.htm
      About Emerald http://www.emeraldinsight.com

  9. News for/from Members or Institutions

    1. New Chair in Marketing & Advertising - Coventry University Business School  

      New Chair in Marketing & Advertising at Coventry University Business School

      Dr. Amanda J. Broderick, Professor of Marketing and Advertising
      Chartered Marketer
      Coventry University Business School, The Priory, Coventry, CV1 5FB
      Home tel: 01543 432772 Work tel: 024 7679 5438
      Email: amanda.broderick@coventry.ac.uk

      I am pleased to announce that Amanda Broderick joined Coventry University Business School in September 2007 as Professor of Marketing and Advertising. She leads the new Marketing and Advertising Applied Research Group established to advance theory and practice in Advertising Psychology, Relationship and Services Marketing, and Marketing Ethics. Each research theme supports a group of active researchers with complementary research interests which provides synergies with contacts in industry, professional bodies, media and government. The Group has a developing international reputation for its research and will host the 2010 Academy of Marketing Conference. Amanda says “High-quality research depends upon creative thinking, strong theoretical conceptualisation and rigorous research methods. Whether the target is an A-ranked journal or starting from scratch on the research process, the most effective approach is to build a team of people that bring their own strengths to the team as well as developing the set of research skills for the team as a whole. My objectives for the Group are to attract and support a team committed to excellence in their research, consultancy and teaching; conduct research that contributes to effective practice and policy in organizations, commerce and for government; and disseminate research internationally. We are developing a flourishing and vibrant research culture to foster innovative, ground-breaking, rigorous and relevant applied research which is producing compelling contributions to marketing knowledge for business, academe and the wider community.”

      Amanda previously led the Marketing Research Group at Aston Business School together with the Aston Centre for e-Business Research. She has an international reputation in the field of marketing psychology where she seeks to understand how the human information evaluation process can be best utilised in strategic communications particularly in the electronic, international and public-sector marketplaces. Her academic work has appeared in the Journal of International Business Studies, Psychology and Marketing, Journal of Product Innovation Management, European Journal of Operational Research and many other learned journals. Her third edition of the market-leading Pearson Education textbook, Integrated Marketing Communications (co-authored with David Pickton) will be published in 2008. She currently serves as Editor of Direct Marketing: An International Journal and has generated over £1 million in research funding with awarding bodies from both governmental (ESRC, SCRIF, HEFCE) and commercial (IDM, CIM) sources. She has been an academic for 13 years and regularly consults for business, commerce and public policy including Unilever, Tesco, The NEC Group and the DTI.

      Dr. Harjit Sekhon
      Head of Marketing Department.

    2. The European Price for the Best Research in E Marketing-E Commerce and Direct Marketing 

      The European price for the Best research in E Marketing-E Commerce and Direct Marketing Awarded to Pablo Lambert de Diesbach

      The European price for the Best research in E Marketing-E Commerce and Direct Marketing, was given on October 17th 2007 in Lille, during the ceremony of handing-over of the "Golden Cubes” of the International direct Marketing and E Marketing Fair (VAD Fair), to the thesis of Pablo Lambert de Diesbach, Associate professor at the Rouen School of Management (Groupe ESC Rouen, pablo.diesbach@groupe-esc-rouen.fr).

      This competition is organized by LA POSTE Group, the VAD Fair, and the Group ESC Lille to support high level researches which prove to take into account relevant problems for the online sale or communication corporations. The thesis, entitled "Virtual Agents and Brand website stickiness", had been defended with the highest honours at the IAE of Aix-en-Provence (Joint Doctoral program ESSEC/IAE Aix-en-Provence, Supervisors: Prof. J.L. Chandon, Prof. E. Le Nagard).

      Applications for the next Golden Cubes Award should be submitted directly to Brigitt Albrecht-Rohn at b.albrecht@esc-lille.fr no later than June 30th 2008.

    3. The 2007 Don Lehmann Award  

      The 2007 Don Lehmann Award for the Best Dissertation-Based Research Article in the Journal of Marketing or Journal of Marketing Research has been awarded to Debora Thompson, Rebecca Hamilton and Roland Rust for their article, "Feature Fatigue: When Product Capabilities Become Too Much of a Good Thing," which was published in JMR in November 2005.

      The article was based on Debora Thompson's doctoral dissertation. The award is presented annually by the AMA's Marketing Research SIG

    4. Services Available 

      Following  services available:


      João Leitão
      Ph.D. in Economics
      University of Beira Interior (UBI)

    5. Roland Rust  

      Roland Rust (U. of Maryland, USA) was awarded the 2007 Cutco-Vector Distinguished Marketing Educator Award from the Academy of Marketing Science.  Rust, a national class distance runner while a collegian, was also recently inducted into the DePauw University Athletic Hall of Fame.


      Roland T. Rust
      David Bruce Smith Chair in Marketing
      Executive Director, Center for Excellence in Service, www.rhsmith.umd.edu/ces
      Chair, Department of Marketing
      Robert H. Smith School of Business
      3451 Van Munching Hall
      University of Maryland
      College Park, MD 20742-1815
      301-405-4300 TEL
      301-405-0146 FAX

    6. Dr. Daniel Nießing - Institute for Marketing - Münster 

      "Member-gets-Member-Campaigns - An Empirical Analysis of Sender-Receiver-Dyads for designing a systematic referral management"

      Publication (dissertation)by Dr. Daniel Nießing to be published at the Institute of Marketing
      Directed by Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft at Institute for Marketing

      Because of increasing customer-networking and decreasing contact-quality of classical media, Dr. Daniel Nießing analyzed the importance of interpersonal communication from a company's perspective. Based on a word-of-mouth-campaign of a well-known German tour operator the author identified appropriate differentiation criteria of senders and non-senders and systematical correlations between senders and receivers of recommendations by using the methods of the logistic regression and the hierarchical log linear analysis. The results allow the efficient use of word-of-mouth campaigns.

    7. News from the chair of Professor Dr. h.c. Christian Homburg: 

      Prof. Dr.  h.c. Christian Homburg, Mathias Droll and Dirk Totzek received the Best Paper Award in the Marketing Strategy Track as well as the Overall Best Paper Award at the 2007 AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference in San Diego (California).

      Their paper "Should Firms Prioritize Their Customers?" deals with the impact of customer prioritization strategies on a firm's profitability. Their findings are based on a sample of 310 higher-level managers from a broad range of services and manufacturing companies in both business-to-consumer and business-to-business markets.

    8. Four PhD Studentships in Marketing - University of Bath 

      Four PhD Studentships in Marketing

      The four studentships will develop the marketing group’s expertise in the areas of consumer research and advertising. Two studentships will draw on qualitative research methods (Prof. Richard Elliott) and two studentships will draw on quantitative experiment-based research (Prof. Brett Martin).

      The two experiment based studentships will be part of a collaboration with the University of Bath’s Department of Psychology, with an emphasis on the overlap between social psychology and marketing. One of these two studentships will have Prof. Bas Verplanken (Department of Psychology) as the lead supervisor with Professor Brett Martin and Ekant Veer (School of Management) as co-supervisors.

      The University of Bath School of Management is rated 5A for research in the latest UK government’s Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) and is ranked
      among the top UK business schools. In the 2007 Financial Times rankings we are ranked 6th in Europe for research. This is calculated according to the number of faculty publications in 40 leading international academic and practitioner journals.

      With 97% of our faculty holding a doctorate, Bath also appears in the top 5 in Europe in this important category for people undertaking a PhD. As a research-led institution, research degrees represent the pinnacle of academic study at the School of Management. The School has a strong track record of internationally recognised research into management. Academics within the School are constantly working to extend the breadth, depth and impact of their international research. There are currently 63 full-time students and 59 part-time students enrolled for the MPhil and PhD degrees at the University of Bath School of Management.

      The Marketing Group at Bath offers a collegial atmosphere and an emphasis on quality research: www.bath.ac.uk/management/faculty/marketing/people.html

      The beautiful location of the World Heritage City of Bath offers superb facilities and quality of life. of Management,
      Closing date: 30th April 2007

      Enquiries to: R.Elliott@Bath.ac.uk

      Richard Elliott
      BSc PhD DipSW DipM MCIM
      Fellow of St. Anne’s College, Oxford
      Professor of Marketing & Consumer Research

    9. Centre for Research in Advertising & Consumption (CRAC) - University of Bath 


      Centre for Research

      in Advertising & Consumption

      With the recent appointment of six new members of faculty, the Marketing group are launching a Centre for Research in Advertising & Consumption (CRAC). Members and their research interests include:

      Professor Brett Martin

      Brett Martin’s work examines advertising effectiveness and the manner in which individual differences influence brand attitudes. Current projects include:

      Demographic Characteristics and Advertising Effectiveness. This project examines how the demographic characteristics of consumers, such as gender and ethnicity, affect how people react to advertising.

      Personality Dimensions and Advertising. This project examines how different dimensions of a consumer’s personality affects how they react to advertising. For example, how differences in susceptibility to peer influence affect how consumer respond to different types of testimonial advertising.

      Professor Richard Elliott

      Richard Elliott’s work in consumption centres on questions of identity, symbolism and brands. In advertising research he is concerned with the co-construction of advertising meaning by an active audience.

      ESRC-funded project: The Evolution of Brand Consciousness: Retail Change and Intergenerational Factors. To understand the development of consumer culture we need to know when and indeed how brands moved from functional markers of quality and performance to become the important symbolic, emotional and social resources that are reported by consumers today. This study grounds an understanding of the development of brand consciousness in the lived experience of women by using oral history techniques which are new to the study of consumer culture.

      Dr Avi Shankar

      Avi Shankar’s work uses social theory to critique marketing practices and consumer culture. More generally he is also interested in how producer – consumer interactions are developing and how these can be researched to reflect the lived experience of those involved. These themes are evident in the following projects:

      Consumer Tribes is a soon to be published co-edited selection of papers that examines the role and importance of the behaviour of groups of people driven by a shared passion or ethos, typically for a brand or leisure practice.

      Dr Simon Pervan

      Simon Pervan’s work examines customer behaviour in consumer and business to business markets. His work has examined the norms of behaviour, and levels of consumer engagement in consumption and exchange.

      Dr Robert Heath

      Robert Heath’s research focuses the role of emotion and attention in advertising. He is a speaker with an international reputation on this subject, and his widely-publicised monograph ‘The Hidden Power of Advertising’ is translated into 4 languages and on its 4th UK reprint.

      Dr Caroline Strong

      Carolyn Strong’s research lies in Business Ethics, Marketing and Society and Marketing Strategy. Her current research projects include ‘Ethical Consumerism and Fair Trade’ and ‘Family Impacts on Social Marketing Behaviors’.

      Ekant Veer

      Ekant Veer’s work focuses on the impact of consumer behaviour and psychological theories to improve the welfare of individuals and society as a whole. He is also interested in the impact of advertising on consumer attitudes and actions , cross cultural studies involving Hindu possessions and the proliferation of stigmatisation in society and its impact on consumers.

      Richard Elliott
      BSc PhD DipSW DipM MCIM
      Fellow of St. Anne’s College, Oxford
      Professor of Marketing & Consumer Research

    10. News from Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University 

      Universities and Colleges should enter into exchange agreements with one another around the world. Students as well as lecturers get a chance to experience the diverse cultures of the different countries, and in doing so, they also build networks with one another and these contacts might as well be your next research partners. We at Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University have various exchange agreements with universities and colleges abroad – inter alia with the university of Osnabrueck in Germany. Madéle Tait is going to present lectures in Marketing Management at the University of Osnabrueck in May and one of the lecturers over there will present lecturers at the Nelson Mandela Metropolitan University

    11. News from the Chair of Professor Constantine S. Katsikeas 

      News from the Chair of Professor Constantine S. Katsikeas:

      Professors Leonidas Leonidou, Constantine Katsikeas and Nigel Piercy received the 2006 Hans B. Thorelli 5-Year Award for the Best Article that Advances International Marketing Theory or Practice in Journal of International Marketing by the American Marketing Association Foundation.

      The Award was presented at the 2007 AMA Winter Marketing Educators' Conference in San Diego. A Special Session was devoted to the four award-winning papers of the four academic journals published by the AMA.