EMAC Newspage 2006

  1. Letter from President

    1. Letter from the President - December, 2006 

      Dear Colleagues,

      The past year has been a very meaningful one for the European Marketing Academy and I trust that it had been the same for you both professionally and personally. Depending on which term you prefer, we can characterize this Calendar / Academic Year with the words transition or transformation. The second half of Academic Year is still ahead of us with plenty of potential activities.

      In my previous letters I wrote about the change in presidency. Although I took over the presidency from Graham Hooley in May 2006 , he, as past president, is continuing to work hard with me on “revitalizing” the once so popular and informative Chronicle, published 3 times a year. In addition to the new electronic communication amongst EMAC members, the Chronicle will be a sort of “annual report”, a tangible, “hands-on” material for the EMAC community. The Steering Committee’s meeting on 9th of March 2007 will finalize the content and the form. We are excited about and looking forward to it!

      The Executive Committee met in Brussels on 27th October 2006. In addition to the 19 members of the EC, also present were 5 key persons from the organizers of the coming year’s conference. First, Halldor Orn Engilbertsson the chairperson of EMAC 36th Conference in Reykjavik Iceland 2007 presented the recent activities and tasks. I am sure that most of you were busy in the first days of December, sending in your papers. Based on the most recent information, so far the organizers have received 900 papers. Good luck to all in the review process and hope to see you soon in Reykjavik. We were very lucky that the EC accepted Brighton, UK as the venue for the EMAC 37th Conference in 2008. A big thanks to Keith Perks, the chairperson of the 2008 conference and the University of Brighton for doing a wonderful job during the summer in preparing the conference proposal. The EMAC is keen to have as many candidates for the coming conferences as possible. Please let us know if the option of participating in the “adventure” of organizing a conference is one you wish to take advantage of. It is worthwhile. We listened with great empathy to the presentation of Jean Louis Nicolas from the Audencia Nantes School of Management, France as the candidate organizer for the EMAC 38th Conference in 2009.

      The most challenging transition aspect of the year was the membership of EMAC. We now have 361 members for the year 2006. The national representatives prepared reports on the membership situation in their respected countries. We had a fruitful discussion about the advantages of EMAC membership and how it is perceived in different countries and have reached a number of conclusions regarding the tasks at hand for the near future. I hope you will soon see some of the results. One outcome was the setting up of a so-called “loyal member” category. Based on a weak - first - definition our loyal members are those who have been EMAC members continuously in 2005, 2006 and 2007. A little gift will be sent to all of them in the near future. So check your membership file to see if you should be expecting to get this surprise.

      Many other issues were also raised during the EC meeting. Just to mention some of the most important topics: the teaching portal, the new editors of IJRM, doctoral students support, EIASM service contract, job market at the annual conference, elections, EU grant proposals, conferences and workshops, etc. These are all issues that are high on the agenda of EMAC management and require new solutions in the future. Even the term management of EMAC was discussed extensively and the manner in which we can use the synergy that the EIASM can offer to us as a marketing community.

      Last but not least, let me inform you about the BIGMAC, the triennial
      joint symposium of EMAC and ANZMAC (Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy) held in parallel with the ANZMAC annual conference in Brisbane, 4-6 December 2006. I enjoyed my first ever ANZMAC conference, the academic and social program organized for the almost 400 participants by the Queensland University of Technology. Personally, I learned a great deal about our sister organization in the frame of a meeting with Rob Lawson the ANZMAC president and Rod Brodie the convener of ANZMAC Fellows and responsible for BIGMAC. Thanks to Kris Möller the EMAC organizer of the Research Symposium and the many EMAC members who also attended the program. The debate about the “new” service-dominant logic of marketing where we could challenge our views with Steve Vargo the coauthor of this seminal JM article was fascinating. I had a déjà vu feeling in Australia meeting the “kiwis” and the “aussies”, combining free lifestyle with academic rigor. This is what we Europeans admire and aspire for.

      I wish all of you a very Merry Christmas and a successful Happy New Year.

      József Berács
      EMAC President

    2. Letter from President - September 2006 

      Dear Colleagues,

      When the Romans agreed on new laws and regulations they always asked themselves „Cui prodest?” – who will benefit? It is said that Henry Mintzberg, one of the outstanding experts in international literature on strategy, always asked at board meetings: WHY? It is this same question that comes to my mind when I repeatedly have to face the fact that in 2006 EMAC still has only 357 official members (data obtained September, 2006), in spite of the fact that in 2005 our members numbered 827.

      I can, to all appearances, give a professional response to the „why”. In 2006 we changed the membership fee payment structure at the annual conference. As of 2006, the conference fee paid in May covers the ensuing year’s (in this instance –2007) membership fee. The participants of the Athens conference this year (approximately 600 colleagues) are, thus, already EMAC members for 2007. From my vantage point, the future looks bright. At the same time, this does not in any way explain why we only have 357 registered EMAC members in 2006. The repetition of above referred to Latin saying serves the purpose of asking once again who will „benefit” if EMAC has 1000 members by the year 2008, a quite feasible number in view of the membership trends of the past few years. It is the answer to this and to similar questions that the EMAC Executive Committee will discuss at the October 2006 meeting. In keeping with the beliefs represented within the European Union, we shall find the answer by determining the benefits for the separate member countries.

      In academic life, summer is the time of relaxation, research and writing. The summer of 2006 was a “hot” one for two reasons in no way related to the weather. First, Dublin, the planned venue of the 2008 conference declined the organization and the Steering Committee had to work feverishly to find a new location. I am happy to be able to inform you that the new location is Brighton (UK), where the University of Brighton will host the conference. The proposed venue is the Brighton Center, which is a frequent venue for the annual Labour and Conservative political party conferences. We hope to sign the contract soon.
      The second “hot” event was the decision regarding the Editor-in-Chief of the IJRM. Hubert Gatignon, the Editor-in-Chief of IJRM has 6 successful years behind him. As you will read in detail in the Newspage, the Search Committee headed by Jan-Benedict Steenkamp availed. I congratulate the two new Editors-in-Chief, Donald Lehmann and Stephan Stremersch! I hope that in the coming three years the IJRM will develop its European character further in a way that its international recognition increases, as well. The journal’s present and future is in all our interest and its existence is one of the advantages of EMAC membership.

      The start of the new academic year means the setting of new goals and the formulation of new tasks for us all. I trust that many of you are planning to attend the annual conference of ANZMAC (Australia-New Zealand Marketing Academy in Brisbane in December, 2006. A joint EMAC-ANZMAC day will be held in the frame of the conference, a continuation of the 2005 event in Milano.

      Please do not forget to mark in your calendar already now the dates May 22-25, 2007 the dates of the 36th EMAC conference in Reykjavik. The deadline for the submission of abstracts – December 4th, 2006 – is fast nearing! Halldor Orn Engilbertson, chairperson of the organization committee and his colleagues are looking forward to receive your applications.

      I will say goodbye for now with the title of our conference “Flexible Marketing in an Unpredictable World”. Together with you, I, too, am looking forward to learn about flexible marketing!

      Best wishes,

      József Berács
      EMAC President

    3. Letter from President 

      Dear Colleagues,

      There is an old Latin saying: “Navigare necesse est.” I do not know how the saying is in Greek, in English, however, it might sound like this: “One must sail”, one must navigate or explore, in other words one must take on responsibilities, continue the work of his/her predecessors as well as go on to new tasks.

      Ten years ago, in 1996, the 25th EMAC Conference was organized in Budapest. It was the first - and to date only - EMAC Conference to be organized in a former socialist country. We had record number of participants: 350. I hope many of you still remember not only the professional sessions themselves, but also the cultural events, the get-together parties and the capital of Hungary, Budapest, as a cosmopolitan city. I refer to this past event for two reasons.

      First the Annual Conference is the most important “product” (service) of the European Marketing Academy. In the virtual world of today, this is a “tangible” event, where the marketing literature is “embodied” in physical entities (the authors), where you can meet many of your international colleagues, where you can get the best “state-of-the-art” overview on current and hot marketing topics. In short, the Annual Conference is an event you simply cannot miss out on!

      Second, the EMAC members elected me to be the president in 2005. I am sure that this would not have happened without the 1996 Budapest Conference. In 1996, the most characteristic part of Hungary’s image was that of a former socialist country. Today that image is history. The new image of Hungary is one of a “newly” joined member state of the European Union, one of the ten emerging economies which became an EU member on May 1, 2004. Hungary is a country, which, together with 9 others, has once and for all joined the Western World. For me this creates a challenge, the challenge to achieve this same result in the field of academic marketing. Thank you for your trust in electing me to be the president. It will be a challenge but at the same time a pleasure to work with a fantastic team on behalf of EMAC. Let’s start!!!

      The Annual Conference in Athens was a great success. George Avlonitis, after the 1989 conference, hosted the EMAC community for the second time and did a wonderful job with his team. The glamorous event, as he had promised, was manifested not only in the Welcome Roof Garden Party, in the Greek Night, in the Gala Dinner, in the many special sessions recruiting talented academics from all over the world, but also in the friendly, supportive atmosphere that was present throughout the whole conference. I must mention Paulina Papastathopoulou whose’ energy and attention was a great asset to all participants. Thank you and your team again for this memorable organization. The year 2006 became a record year in more ways than one. The conference was attended by approximately 700 participants. There were 433 presentations in the frame of 113 sessions, and last but not least 63 poster presentations. In collaboration with the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) we also organized the 19th Doctoral Colloquium for 39 doctoral students.

      During the conference we had the Executive Committee meeting and the Annual Assembly for our members. The latter is the forum where you can hear the presidential annual report and the comments of some Steering Committee members. One can summarize that the EMAC is a growing, healthy organization. Graham Hooley did a wonderful job as president. During his term the number of members increased by 50 percent, some new initiatives (e.g. the Teaching Portal) became reality, the “back office” work, the management of EMAC became more professional. Thank you, Graham, for your efforts and for those active two years devoted to the EMAC community. As past president, your dedication and expertise will be counted upon in the future, as well.

      There are a few new personal changes based on the recent elections. This time I will mention only one. Veronica Wong finished her term as vice president for conferences. She made a tremendous effort to find the venues for coming conferences even for the years of 2009 and 2010. Thank you, Veronica! Unfortunately, the 2008 conference venue, Dublin, was recently cancelled. The new vice president for conferences, Gabriele Troilo (congratulations to his position) has the immediate task of finding an alternative new venue for 2008. We hope that the new candidate venue will be finalized soon.

      “Navigare necesse est.” This old wisdom is still very much relevant today. We will navigate, for we must go on….

      Best wishes

      József Berács
      EMAC President

    4. Letter from President 

      Spring is just around the corner - or so they tell us. In our part of Western Europe we seem to be experiencing the coldest period all winter just at present. Snow last week, however, did not prevent the EMAC Steering Group from meeting in Brussels to discuss a number of issues relating to membership and the services members receive.

      High on the agenda was the new 'Teaching Portal'. This is the resource area available to members from the EMAC home page. The portal, designed and created by our colleague Manfred Krafft, is designed around easy to use menus by topic. It now links through to past conference proceedings (all from 2002 onwards at present) to give users an easy access to relevant papers and abstracts. Also on the site are links to more substantive articles, books and even some cartoons that might hep liven up lectures. Manfred and his team have done an excellent job getting the portal up and running - it is now up to members to use the site, add material they think will be of interest, and make suggestions for further development. I would like to urge all members to visit the site and take a look. Manfred is also looking for volunteers to help develop the site!

      Also high on the agenda was our links with other associations. I attended a meeting of Presidents of EIASM academies earlier this month (this includes European Accounting Association, European Finance Association, European Academy of Management, European International Business Association and others) to look for ways in which we might collaborate more. This will include sharing software for the running of conferences, cross-posting of relevant news, and possibly also some discounts for members of more than one association. Our links with ANZMAC continue to develop, and we are looking forward to the third BIGMAC symposium in Brisbane in December (see elsewhere in this newsletter for details). At the Athens conference there will be a joint session with practitioners in ESOMAR, and we continue to develop links with EMC where they are mutually beneficial.

      Very shortly you will receive voting requests for a number of vacancies on the Executive Committee. In addition to a number of country coordinators we have a vacancy for Vice President Conferences, as Veronica Wong completes her period in the role. I'd like to thank Veronica for all her hard work for EMAC over the last three years as VP Conferences - and before that as UK Coordinator. She has done an excellent job for EMAC and we now have conferences planned for the next few years in Athens (2006), Reykjavik (2007) and Dublin (2008). We are also in discussions over a French venue for 2009 and Copenhagen for 2010. Veronica has led the way in lining up these exciting opportunities.

      The Athens conference will soon be here, and I know George Avlonitis and his team are working hard to ensure an excellent event. If you haven't booked yet I'd urge you to do so!

      Best wishes

      Graham Hooley
      EMAC President

  2. EMAC Executive Committee meeting - October 2006

    1. EMAC Executive Committee  

      The EMAC Executive Committee - October 27, 2006 in Brussels.

  3. In Memoriam Professor Brian Murphy

    1. In memoriam Professor Brian Murphy 

      Dear Members

      It was with great sadness that we learnt earlier today that Professor Brian Murphy (Massey University) died following a heart attack at the weekend.  Brian had been a continuous supporter of ANZMAC and many will
      recall the wonderful ANZMAC conference that he organised in 2001. 

      Our condolences and thoughts are with his colleagues and family.

      Rob Lawson
      ANZMAC President

      Graham Hooley adds - 'Brian was a leading member of our sister organisation, ANZMAC, who attended EMAC conferences whenever he could to help foster relations between the two academies. He will be sorely

  4. IJRM Editors Appointed

    1. New IJRM Editors 

      New IJRM Editors Appointed

      Earlier this year, the EMAC Executive Council established a committee to appoint a new editor for the International Journal of Research in Marketing. The present editor, Hubert Gatignon, had indicated that he did not want to be considered for reappointment. The Search Committee consisted of three members: Jan-Benedict Steenkamp (chairman, ex-officio as Vice President Publications), Marnik Dekimpe, and Gilles Laurent.

      After a careful process, in which we solicited input from the EMAC community and the IJRM Editorial Review Board, and working closely with Hubert Gatignon, we are extremely pleased that we have appointed as the new co-editors: Stefan Stremersch (Erasmus University Rotterdam, the Netherlands and Emory University, USA) and Donald R. Lehmann (Columbia University, USA). The appointment decision was unanimous.

      The two new co-editors will enrich IJRM with their experience, combining breadth and quality. The search committee is convinced that the co-editors are open to all established research traditions; to research traditions from multiple countries, or based on diverse underlying disciplines; to new topics, new conceptual approaches, new methodological tools. Given their reputation and record, they can combine this breadth without compromising on the quality and rigor that have always been hallmarks of IJRM.

      Stefan and Don will start as co-editors per January 1, 2007. This fall, they will work closely with Hubert Gatignon to arrange a smooth transition. The editorial office will be located at the Erasmus University Rotterdam.

      Please join me in wishing Stefan and Don wisdom and success, and congratulating them on their appointment.

      I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Hubert for his untiring efforts during the last six years to take IJRM to ever loftier heights. Hubert has spent countless hours to further increase the quality, rigor, and reputation of IJRM. It is because of the selfishness of people like Hubert that marketing science in Europe and elsewhere is strong and growing. The Search Committee is confident that the growth trajectory will be continued under the two new editors.

      Jan-Benedict Steenkamp
      VP Publications

  5. The 35th EMAC Conference, May 23-26, 2006, Athens

    1. The 35th EMAC Conference, Athens 2006 

      The 35th EMAC Conference, May 23-26 2006, Athens

      Veronica Wong (“Past” EMAC VP Conference),

      Stephanie Feiereisen and Laura Chamberlain, PhD Students,

      Aston Business School, Birmingham, UK

      Here is a report on the highlights of the main conference event, from Veronica (“past” VP Conference, who stepped down on 26th May 2006), with Stephanie and Laura, both PhD students at ABS, sharing their perspectives and experiences of the EMAC conference week.

      First, a brief report from Veronica

      A conference to remember……………..

      As the outgoing EMAC VP Conference (or, rather, ‘past’ and ‘well gone’ VP!), it is appropriate for me to say something about the 35th EMAC Conference, recently hosted by our honourable friends in the Department of Communications and Marketing, AUEB, Athens.

      First, a thousand thanks to Professor George Avlonitis (Chair of the 2006 Conference) and his team for putting on such an excellent event. The Conference is something to write home about! I know I said this about the previous two conferences, during my term as VP Conference, but, this is one hard act to follow.

      Notably, the number of participants, some 675, speak for the popularity of the venue and, certainly, the growing attractiveness of our conference to colleagues across the universe! Living up to expectations, is the theme of the conference, “A Synthesis of Polymorphous Axioms, Strategies and Tactics”. More about this, from Laura, later.

      This year’s conference boasts a record number of 906 paper submissions from more than 1,700 authors, representing more than 300 universities and institutions (a quarter outside Europe), and covering 40 countries across the continents (40% outside Europe). 433 accepted papers were presented at the conference, plus some 63 poster presentations. The mammoth task of passing all papers through the double-blind review process would not have been possible were it not for the tireless efforts of our 40 Track Chairs and Co-Chairs, along with the 467 reviewers who contributed to the deicision process.

      In all, there were 113 paper sessions, a plenary (introductory) session; 4 special sessions, 2 panel sessions, and a “Meet the Editors” session. Kicking off, the plenary, session, themed, “Marketing Leadership and Globalization”, captured two academics and four practioners’ viewpoints on trends and approaches to meet the challenges of competing globally in a variety of industry mileau. (EMAC 2007 Conference)

      The Special Sessions have always been a real ‘treat’. This year, thanks to EMAC’s VP Publications, Jan-Benedict Steenkamp, the following sessions were organised:

      (1) “ISMS Practice Prize Reprise” (Chair: Gary Lilien); (2) “MSI Sponsored Research” (Chair: Dominique Hanssens); (3) “Product Innovation and Design” (Chair: Jaideep Prabhu) and (4) “New Frontiers in Modelling Competitions” (Chair: Herald van Heerde).

      Discussions held in the two panel sessions, “Emerging Research Issues in International Marketing” (Chair: Samiee Saeed) and “Marketing and Technology: In the Same Sphere or Different Worlds?” (Chair: Esmail Salehi-Sangari; Discussant: Matthew Robson) inspired much thought and debate.

      Last, but not least, the chance to “Meet the Editors”! In this session, Editors or Editorial Board Members conveyed and shared perspectives on their respective journal’s philosophy and publication goals. In total eight journals were represented, including the Journal of Marketing [Editor:Roland Rust], the Journal of Marketing Research [Associate Editor:Gerard Tellis], Marketing Science Journal of Consumer Research [Editorial review board member:Itamar Simonson], International Journal of Research in Marketing [Editor:Hubert Gatignan], the Journal of Product Innovation Management [Editor:Anthony di Benedetto], the Journal of Service Research [Editorial review board member:Michael Tsiros], the Journal of International Marketing [Editor:Daniel Bello] and the Journal of Marketing Management [Susan Hart])

      As in previous years, an award is given to recognise excellent work based on a doctoral dissertation. This year, guided by the evaluations and comments of Track Chairs and Co-Chairs and reviewers, the conference organiser shortlisted six papers which were presented for evaluation by the selection panel led by Jan-Benedict Steenkamp (VP Publications), Spiros Gounaris (Organising Committee, EMAC 2006 Conference), and myself (VP Conferences). The ‘Best Paper of the Conference based on a Doctoral Dissertation’ was awarded to Thorsten Wiesel (Goethe University), for his paper, titled “Decomposition of Changes in Customer Equity Over Time”, co-authored with Bernd Skiera (University of Frankfurt) and Julian Villanueva (IESE Barcelona, Spain). Congratulations, once again, to the winners.

      On behalf of EMAC and the International Journal of Research in Marketing, Gilles Laurent also announced the winners of this years’ “IJRM Best Paper Award”, who are: R. Srinivasan, A. Rangaswamy and G.L. Lilien, for their article, titled, “ Turning Adversity into Advantage: Does Proactive Marketing During a Recession Pay Off?”. (IJRM 22 Issue 2, pp.109-125)

      Importantly, the main conference sessions aside, the organizers, in collaboration with the EIASM and EMAC also hosted the 19th EMAC Doctoral Colloquium. 39 doctoral students participated in the event. Three tracks comprised papers discussed among students in an intermediate or advanced stage of their dissertation, while one track ran with students in an early stage of their dissertation development. Twenty five of these students, participated in the main conference. Special thanks to Karen Gedenk (Chair)
      University of Cologne, Germany and the doctoral colloquium organizing committee - the co-chairs Gita JOHAR, Columbia Business School, USA, Marc VANHUELE, HEC School of Management, Paris, France, Klaus WERTENBROCH, INSEAD, France, Georges Baltas, Athens University of Economics & Business for organizing and running this highly successful, pre-conference event.

      On a rather more relaxed matter, the entertainment! For me, there were no disappointments on this front. The organizers had surpassed expectations. Starting with a most pleasant welcome party on the “Roof Garden” of the Divani Caravel Hotel, things just got better and better as the week went by. The “Greek Night” at “The Old Stables, was awesome. I have never seen so many EMAC-ers singing and bopping away all night long. Perhaps, it was something in the wine, the food, or simply, the air? If asked to rate how much people enjoyed the night, I’d give it a score of 5+, on a scale of 1=Absolutely hated it to 5=Thoroughly enjoyed it, judging by the hissing and booing when, at 2.00am, delegates (quite reluctantly) re-boarded the buses to be taken back to their hotels. The conference ended with a delightful and most enjoyable gala dinner at the “Asteria Seaside Tales”, by the Glyfada Beach. Nothing could be more perfect than ending the day, wading in the warm waters of the Aegian Sea, watching the magnificent sun set, followed by a glorious feast and, YES, dancing the night away!

      I had a super time! Hope participants did so too!

      NOW, over to Stephanie and Laura.

      Reflections from a new-comer (StephanieFeiereisen)

      EMAC 2006 in Athens was not only my first EMAC Conference, but also my first conference ever.

      While finalizing the slides for my presentation and revising its content in Birmingham the week before the conference, I thought that the highlight of the conference for me would be the first morning when I would present the paper. I couldn’t have been more wrong! The presentation was only the start of a rich and rewarding experience.

      Attending the presentations of fellow researchers was very stimulating. The tracks were incredibly varied and appealing, to the point that more than once I had to chose between two or even three tracks that were related to my research, or which topics sounded very exciting! I was impressed with the number of participants, coming not only from across Europe but also from the United States, Australia and South America, and with the quality of the presentations which were of a very high standard. Moreover, I noticed that the questions from the audience during the presentations were usually very challenging and made me question my own research. Attending the presentations helped me gain a rich academic input, think of my research under a new perspective and consider aspects that I probably would not have reflected on otherwise.

      In addition to the official programme of the conference, I quickly came to realize that EMAC was also a social adventure. It was the first time that I had the chance to discuss with so many marketing academics from different countries. I realized that colleagues working on areas of research close to my own research could be based not only in the UK, but also in Hong Kong, New Zealand, Austria or the US. This is what makes the academic world so unique for me, as although academics are far apart geographically, they seem to all know each other and work closely together throughout the year. EMAC was a great opportunity to gain an entrance into this exciting community as a new academic-I was surprised how easy it was to meet people and discuss about my research and other people’s research, exchange ideas and agree to stay in contact after the conference.

      I will remember EMAC 2006 not only for the Greek party and the conference dinner at Asteras (although I was amazed by the choice of the venue and the overall organization of such a huge event by Prof. Avlonitis and the team of Athens University of Economics and Business), but mostly as the first opportunity that was given to me to get an insight into the academic community. I look forward to more conferences in the future and hope to see everyone again in Reykjavik!

      A week of “Synthesis of Polymorphous Axioms, Strategies and Tactics” (Laura Chamberlain)

      The 35th EMAC conference held in Athens this year was a truly amazing event! The organisation and location of the conference were superb. Some might think that the view of the Acropolis from the windows of the venue might have been a distraction. However, the quality of presentations and posters offered at the conference was outstanding and so the beauty of the Acropolis was the backdrop for an amazing week of cutting edge research in marketing… or indeed, a synthesis of polymorphous axioms, strategies and tactics!

      Within the field of marketing there are so many different topic areas and approaches to research, it truly is an expanding field which is evolving and transforming at a fast pace. It is this diversity and variation which is brought together at the EMAC conference which makes it an exciting and stimulating event. In light of this, the conference theme “Sustainable Marketing Leadership: A synthesis of polymorphous axioms, strategies and tactics” was fully embraced, not only by those presenting papers or posters but by all who participated in the conference. It was amazing to be exposed to so many interesting and challenging ideas presented at the conference from individuals based all over the globe.

      This year there were an incredible twenty tracks to choose from, which meant that some difficult decisions had to be made concerning which sessions to attend! On a personal note, it was an unbelievable experience to be exposed to so many ideas and approaches to research in such a short period of time; from structural equation modeling, qualitative research and the innovative use of fMRI scanning in one afternoon! As a young researcher, attending the presentations and participating in the resultant discussions provided invaluable insights regarding major issues and perspectives in the academic sphere and also the opportunity to reflect upon my current research project in light of the issues highlighted.

      The conference theme was not only embraced in the official program of the conference but also by researchers attending the conference… It was interesting to observe the polymorphous nature of many researchers! It was enjoyable to be involved in discussions regarding different areas of research, but also to see people networking over a frappe or a fredo, enjoying a beer in the sunshine by the pool (only in the evening of course) or even dancing away at one of the outstanding social events organized for us! From, frappes to feta I think it is safe to say a lot of people who attended the conference embraced many aspects of Greek culture. However, the jokes about beer being written in LISREL were plentiful so perhaps a better description would be a happy synthesis of Greek culture and the marketing academic sphere! Thanks largely to the team at the Athens University of Economics and Business and the EMAC Committee, participants thoroughly enjoyed the synthesis of polymorphous axioms, strategies and tactics presented at the conference and also the opportunity to spend some time exploring the beautiful and historic city of Athens.

  6. Results of Elections 2006 & New EMAC Officers

    1. Results of Elections 2006 

      Results of Elections 2006
      New Officers


      Conferences Gabriele TROILO

      National Coordinators

      Denmark Suzanne BECKMANN
      Israel Renana PERES
      Netherlands Ed NIJSSEN
      Spain Laura LUCIA
      U.K Michael SAREN

  7. Events & Calls for Papers

    1. AM 2007 Conference - Deadline Extension 

      AM2007 Conference Deadline Extension.


      In the lead up to the deadline for submitting papers to the AM2007 Conference, which was set for midnight on 19th February, a number of people were granted extensions for undeniably good reasons. In order to be fair to all paper authors, a decision has been taken to extend the deadline date for ALL contributing authors to midnight (GMT) of Monday the 5th of March, 2007.

      Please note that this deadline extension means that you are free to submit a new paper and, if you wish, you may also resubmit a revised version of a paper you have already submitted. As before, we welcome competitive and working papers for both the main conference and the doctoral colloquium, in any of the 23 subject tracks.

      You will find that the facilities for the online submission of papers are still available at the conference website: http://business.kingston.ac.uk/am2007

       - just click on the menu option: 'Online Submission', register as an author if you have not already done so, and submit your paper.

      If you have any specific enquiries at this stage, please feel free to email us at: am2007@kingston.ac.uk


      Details of Conference fees and packages are available on the Conference website – just click on the ‘Registration’ menu option.  Online booking facilities will be available on the Conference website in the next few days.

      We do hope that we may have the pleasure of welcoming you to the AM2007 Conference next July.

      Francesca Dall’Olmo Riley

      Wendy Lomax

      Helen Robinson

      (Kingston Business School)


    2. 2nd European Conference on Higher Education Marketing - NEW DEADLINE 

      Academy of Marketing
      Eötvös Loránd University in Hungary, Budapest
      4-6. April 2007

      The Academy of Marketing Special Interest Group on the Marketing of Higher Education.  (http://www.academyofmarketing.info/sighigher.cfm) and the Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary, (the oldest university in Budapest) http://www.elte.hu/en/index.html are organising the second international symposium relating to the issues of marketing tertiary education.  In 2006 it was held in Cyprus.

      The aim of this event is to bring together professionals and academics to exchange ideas on issues of current concern on higher education marketing, and in particular its implications on the nature of higher education. The symposium will provide a forum for the practitioners and academics.  The symposium will commence on the evening of 4th April and papers will be presented on the 5th and 6th in 2007.  For practical reasons, the conference attendance will be limited to about 100 participants. 

      The second conference retains it general theme of the marketing of higher education within that is especially looking at the  ’marketing ethics and financing of higher education’.  We are fortunate to have to world experts on these subjects to give keynote speeches:

      Prof. Nicolas Barr of the London School of Economics
      Prof. Pat Murphy of the University of Notre Dame).

      Call for Abstracts
      We invite you to attend and to submit papers concerned specifically with marketing ethics of higher education and the financing of higher education. The symposium will be organized in two tracks with plenary sessions for the keynotes.
      The deadline for abstract submission is February 15, 2007. (By the feedbacks of the interested persons we have prolonged the deadline).
      The “World Journal of Bussiness Management” will be commissioned for papers from the event.

      Guidelines for Submission of Abstracts
      Abstracts should be 300 words in length and they should include a title, author names and affiliations as well as an e-mail address. All documents should be in Word formats.

      The abstract's filename should include the last name of the lead author followed by the word Markconf.

      Please clearly indicate whether you are submitting an abstract for one of the following:

      * 40 minute paper presentation (20 minute presentation and 20 minute for discussion)
      * 20 minute paper presentation (10 minutes presentation and 10 minutes for discussion)

      Lecture information
      • Title: max 40 letters
      • Abstract: max. 300 letter
      • Please state if you are going to use slides in your talk and in which format you are going to provide a copy
      • Duration of your talk
      • Resources you need for your talk (Internet, digital projector, overhead projector, presentation computer)

      The deadline for submissions is 15th February2007. Upon acceptance of proposals, authors should be prepared to offer a full paper at the symposium.  An appointed panel will review the abstracts and by the end of February confirm its acceptance.  The language of the conference is English. Translation facilities are not available. They should be submitted to the website of the conference (http://www.diamond-congress.hu/echem2007).

      The deadline for application is 28th February 2007.

      For the registration and for further information please visit the following website:

      Registration Fee for the Symposium
      Conference fee before 28 February: 360 Euros.
      Conference fee after 28 February: 410 Euros.

      The fee includes conference registration, conference proceedings and publications, welcome dinner, banquet, lunches and tea/coffee throughout the conference.  More details can be found on the conference website (http://www.diamond-congress.hu/echem2007/).

      Budapest is truly one of the world’s most attractive cities, rich in both natural and architectural beauty. It is no wonder that the Castle District, the River Danube embankments and the whole of Andrássy road have been officially recognized as UNESCO World Heritage Sites.
      Budapest is called the “Queen of the Danube”: a fashionable and internationally recognized city, which not only greets its guests with a rich history and unique cultural heritage, but also with bustling streets, enjoyable programmes and atmospheric restaurants and cafés. Budapest is simply an extremely nice city to live in. Not many people know that in Budapest can be found Europe’s largest parliament and functioning synagogue, the continent’s first underground railway.


    3. 20th EMAC Doctoral Colloquium - 2007 

      20th EMAC Doctoral Colloquium
      Reykjavik, Iceland, May 20-22, 2007

      The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) and the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) in collaboration with Reykjavik University (Iceland), are organising the 20th Colloquium for doctoral students in marketing. The colloquium will be held in Reykjavik from Sunday, May 20 until Tuesday, May 22, 2007, immediately prior to the EMAC Conference 2007.

      The colloquium provides outstanding doctoral students in marketing who want to pursue a career in academics with an opportunity to discuss their dissertation research with other doctoral students and leading academics in the field of marketing. All topics and methodological approaches within the broad field of marketing will be considered.

      The colloquium will mostly proceed in parallel tracks based on the topical and/or methodological angle of participants' work as well as on the stage of the dissertation process. Students will discuss their work with their fellow students and with three track faculty, who are renowned experts in the field.

      Doctoral students in different stages of their dissertation process can apply for participation in the doctoral colloquium. There will be:

      • Three tracks for students in an intermediate or advanced stage of their dissertation process. Students in these tracks should have a good knowledge of the literature in their domain of study and clear research questions. They should be in the process of starting the data collection or have already finished this. Students in these tracks will have 90 minutes to present and discuss their dissertation work. They can benefit from the colloquium by subjecting the positioning of their research to a critical review, refining their data collection approach, and/or receiving suggestions for translating their work into papers that can be submitted to excellent journals.
      • One track for students in an early stage of their dissertation process. Students in this track should have a (tentative) proposal for the topic they want to study, the method they want to use, and the potential contribution. They will have 45 minutes to present and discuss their dissertation work, and will receive suggestions on how to focus and position their work. In addition there will be faculty presentations designed to help students plan and manage their dissertation process.

      The doctoral colloquium will be held in a collaborative, open and friendly atmosphere. In respect to this philosophy, participants are required to attend the entire colloquium. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.


      The deadline for submission is January 26, 2007.

      Submissions have to be done online, using our web-based application. .

      Candidates should submit an abstract of the (planned) doctoral research, outlining the research problem against the existing literature, discussing the methodology and showing some initial empirical results (if applicable).
      Abstracts should be no longer than 3 pages (plus figures, tables, and references).
      Please note that the name of the candidate and contact details should appear on the abstract.

      In the submission process, candidates will also be asked to give some information about their vita, following a specific format (the template to be used can be downloaded here). On this form, students should also indicate whether they apply for an intermediate/advanced or for the beginners’ track based on the stage of their dissertation process. In addition, they should indicate one of the following areas as the focus of their research:

      • CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR: includes all work conducted from a consumer perspective, and can be related to theory building, interesting cosumer phenomena and/or functional fields in marketing like on-line marketing, advertising, retailing, health behaviour, etc ...
      • MARKETING MANAGEMENT: includes all work conducted from a managerial perspective in any functional field of marketing: international marketing, retailing, product development, B2B, etc ...
      • MARKETING MODELLING: includes all work in marketing with an emphasis on formulation and/or empirical tests of marketing models, and related to any functional field in marketing

      For more information:

      Ms. Marion HEBBELYNCK
      EMAC c/o EIASM - Place de Brouckère-plein 31 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
      Tel: +32 2 226 66 60 - Fax: +32 2 512 19 29
      E-mail: emac@eiasm.be

    4. EMAC 36th Conference - 2007 

      Reykjavik, Iceland, 22-25 MAY 2007

      Reykjavik University wants to welcomes you warmly to the 36th EMAC Conference. Located in the heart of the capital of Iceland, ReykjavikUniversity is a vibrant and exceptional venue for the Conference in 2007. Midway between Europe and America, it is a perfect place for a European meeting with an international focus. This time the EMAC Conference will combine scholarly enquiries in all fields of marketing with the diverse Icelandic nature. Adventures entailing marvels such as, volcanic mountains, geysers, hot springs, glaciers, waterfalls and midnight sun await. The greatest challenge facing Conference delegates may just be deciding on which adventure to enjoy.

      This website will give you the latest information regarding the Conference such as, paper submission, deadlines, registration, accommodation and practical information. We hope it gives you a flavour of what is in store. Please contact us for further enquiries.

      Come and join us this coming May!

      For more information:

    5. ICORIA - 6th International Conference on Research in Advertising  

      6th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA)
      Lisbon, Portugal, June 29th – 30th 2007

      The 6th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) will be held in 2007 in Lisbon, one of the most beautiful cities in Europe. Over 80 papers on topics related to Advertising and Brand Communication will be presented during the two days of the conference: June 29th and 30th 2007. We plan a reception in the Lisbon Castle, followed by a Gala Dinner on Friday evening.

      If you are interested in speaking at this conference please submit a five-page summary of your paper to: papers@icoria.org by March 9, 2007. Please note that all submissions will undergo blind peer review, so papers should be laid out in correct academic style and authors should not be identified in text.

      Call for Papers: please visit our conference website at www.icoria.org (if this link does not work, please type the URL in your browser).

      If you have any questions about paper submission or other matters, please contact Francisco Costa Pereira at fpereira@escs.ipl.pt or Jorge Veríssimo jverissimo@escs.ipl.pt

      We look forward to receiving your submission and seeing you in Lisbon in 2007!

      Francisco Costa Pereira and Jorge Verissimo

    6. INFORMS - The Practice and Impact of Marketing Science 2007 

      The INFORMS Society on Marketing Science Announces:

      The Practice and Impact of Marketing Science 2007
      14-15-16 October 2007

      ....where leading-edge practitioners and practical marketing scientists share developments, insights and perspectives

      The objective of the conference is to bring together and align emerging marketing science approaches to real marketing problems with marketing actions in fast-changing competitive landscapes.

      Venue: The Wharton School, Philadelphia, PA

      Conference Co-Chairs: Professors Peter Fader (Wharton) and Gary L. Lilien (Penn State)


      • Marketing Science Institute
      • Institute for the Study of Business Markets
      • American Marketing Association

      Organizing Committee:

      • MSI Exec Director
      • Eric Bradlow, Wharton
      • Leigh McAlister, University of Texas, Austin
      • Jerry Wind, Wharton
      • John Roberts, London Business School and Australian Graduate School of Management
      • Jorge Silva Risso, University of California, Riverside
      • Berend Wierenga, Erasmus University, Rotterdam
      • Nathaniel Lin, OgilvyOne Worldwide
      • Joffre Swait, Advanis Inc.
      • Gerald Katz, Applied Marketing Science, Inc.
      • Suresh Divakar, Avon Products, Inc.

      Attendance: By Invitation Only

      The conference is by invitation only and will consist of approximately 50 academics and 50 practitioners, all leaders in their fields.

      People attending the conference from industry are those who are

      • Responsible for marketing implementation at a senior level
      • Charged with translating marketing analysis and insight into action
      • Developing or have developed and implemented innovative methodologies, or
      • Challenged to find new approaches to applying marketing science to real management problems

      Academics attending the conference are those who have

      • A keen interest in management practice and marketing science implementation
      • Worked or are working on practical marketing problems in industry
      • Leadership roles in the development of techniques aimed at addressing real problems, or
      • Experience and case studies to share relating to the issues in the conference agenda

      Those interested in receiving an invitation, or wishing to discuss the appropriateness of the conference for themselves or their companies should contact one of the conference co-chairs with details.

      Given the unique agenda and the quality of professionals who have already committed to attend, we encourage you to contact us right away. We want to keep this event small and highly interactive, so we have no plans to increase the allocation of seats beyond the limited numbers we plan to invite.

      Registration Fee (Including all meals and activities):

      A block of rooms is being held for the conference at the Inn at Penn (http://www.theinnatpenn.com/).


      Gary L. Lilien, Co-Chair
      Distinguished Research Professor of Management Science
      Penn State University
      Telephone: +1 814-863-2782

      Peter Fader, Co-Chair
      Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Professor
      The Wharton School
      University of Pennsylvania
      Telephone: +1 215-898-1132

      Sunday 14 October

      11 to 1.00 pm: Registration and snacks

      1.00 to 5.00 pm: Parallel “Next Practices “Workshops: with a Workshop Moderator/Coordinator organizing a half day session around leading edge developments, practices and breakthroughs in the domain. Workshops are to be interactive, forward looking and provocative, with a core of workshop leaders sharing insights and guiding discussions. Sessions include…

      • Brand Equity Measurement and Management (John Roberts, London Business School, Coordinator)
      • Customer Lifetime Value Models and Measurements (Pete Fader, Wharton, Coordinator)
      • Community/Network Marketing Issues (Arvind Rangaswami, Penn State, Coordinator)
      • Revenue Management and Dynamic Pricing (Peter Bell, University of Western Ontario, Coordinator)
      • Implementing Marketing Science (Gary Lilien, Penn State, Coordinator)
      • Rocket Science Retailing (Marshall Fisher, Wharton, Coordinator)

      6.00-7.00 Reception: Inn at Penn

      7.00 Dinner: Inn at Penn

      Monday 15 October


      Keynote Addresses:

      • Glen Urban MIT + Vince Barabba (General Manager, Corporate Strategy & Knowledge Management, General Motors, retired)
      • Leigh McAlister, UT Austin + Tom Nightingale (CMO of Con-way, Inc
        David Reibstein, Wharton + Industry Partner

      Lunch 8th floor Jon M. Huntsman Hall


      Fifth Annual ISMS Practice Prize Competition (3-4 Presentations)

      6.00 pm Reception

      7.00 pm Gala Dinner University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archeology and Anthropology
      Practice Prize Award Announced

      Tuesday October 16


      Parallel, Competitive Sessions
      Parallel Workshops (continued from Sunday)

      Lunch 8th floor Jon M. Huntsman Hall


      Parallel, Competitive Sessions
      Parallel Workshops

      5.00 pm: conference close

      Note: Deadline for competitive papers/sessions: 15 June 2007.

    7. ISBM Ph.D. Seminar Series - Spring 2007 Courses 

      ISBM Ph.D. Seminar Series
      Spring 2007 Courses


      The two seminars being offered in the spring are:

      • Sales Management - Bart Weitz, University of Florida
      • Social Networks - Christophe Van den Bulte, University of Pennsylvania

      The application deadline for the IPSS Spring 2007 Courses has been extended to January 10, 2007.

      For more information, please click here
      To downlad an application form, please click here

      Please apply today. Limited space available.

    8. ASAC 2007: Fifty Years of Leadership in Management 

      ASAC 2007: Fifty Years of Leadership in Management



      Ottawa Ontario, Canada
      June 2-5, 2007

      The Marketing Division of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada (ASAC) invites you to submit a paper or symposium proposal for the 2007 Annual Conference in Ottawa, Ontario.

      Papers and proposals for special sessions should be submitted electronically on the conference web site (www.uottawa.ca/asac) to the Marketing Division in Microsoft Word. Papers must not have been published or presented elsewhere. To be in the Proceedings, papers must conform to the ASAC Typing Style Guide and must not exceed fifteen (15) single-spaced pages (use Times New Roman 11), including all author information, the title of the paper, the abstract, all footnotes and endnotes, all tables, figures, and appendices but excluding references. On a separate page, indicate the authors' names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses and to whom all communications should be directed [Students should also indicate their status and indicate the school in which they are enrolled].

      All contributions must be received no later than 31st January 2007. Please make sure that the paper is complete in all respects since there is very little time to revise once the paper has been accepted
      Members interested in assembling a symposium or workshop should prepare a detailed description of its overall purpose and focus and the specific role of each participant and send it electronically by January 31, 2007.

      Irene Lu
      School of Administrative Studies
      York University
      4700 Keele Street,
      Toronto, Ontario, Canada M3J 1P3
      Phone: 1-416-7362100 ext. 22414
      Fax: 1-416-736-5963
      Email: irenelu@yorku.ca

      Harish Kapoor
      Rhodes Hall 115
      Fred C. Manning School of Business Administration,
      Acadia University
      Wolfville, NS, Canada B4P 2R6
      Phone: 1-902-585-1326
      Email: harish.kapoor@acadiau.ca

    9. EACR 2007 

      Call for Papers

      European ACR 2007
      Bocconi University, Milan, Italy, July 10-14, 2007

      The EACR 2007 co-chairs invite reviewers of competitive papers, roundtables, and working papers. Special session reviews will be assigned to the Program

      If you would like to review for EACR 2007, please go to

      You may also sign up as an author at this time and upload your submissions.

      Paper submissions will be accepted until the Dec. 15th deadline.

      If you encounter any problems registering, please email Cele Otnes, co-chair, at cotnes@uiuc.edu.

      The Call for Papers is located at www.business.uiuc.edu\eacr2007\

    10. Relationship Marketing Summit: 2007 

      Call for Papers

      Relationship Marketing Summit:

      Time to Integrate Perspectives

      December 13-15, 2007, Buenos Aires, Argentina

      AMA Relationship Marketing SIG – ICRM Conference
      Conference Chair: Prof. Jaqueline Pels

      The Summit is the joint event of the two major conference series in the field: the International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing (ICRM) and the AMA Relationship Marketing SIG Conference. The Summit is addressed to all researchers concerned with Relationship Marketing (B2C and B2B), Inter-organizational Relationships and Networks.

      AMA RM SIG Conference program chairs: Wesley Johnston, Michael Kleinaltenkamp and Jagdish Sheth.
      The conference series focuses on conceptual approaches and the generation of knowledge and methods for the understanding and management of customer relationships. It aims on developing new perspectives and enhancing the conceptual foundation as well as the realization of best practices in relationship marketing and CRM.

      ICRM program chairs: David Ballantyne, Roderick Brodie, Helge Löbler, Adrian Payne and Michael Saren.
      The Colloquium is an ongoing forum for creating new knowledge and circulating viewpoints which challenged established marketing management theory and practices. Networking and dialogue remain essential elements of the Colloquium.

      KEY INFO

      Date: December 13, 14, 15, 2007.
      Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
      Deadline: Monday the 9th of April 2007.
      Contact us: RMsummit2007@utdt.edu
      Web Page: http://rmsummit2007.utdt.edu


      The Summit will host different types of interaction between participants: traditional paper sessions, panels, workshops and special sessions.


      Submission of papers should be sent no later than Monday the 9th of April 2007. Acceptance of a paper implies that at least one of the authors must attend the conference and present the paper. All papers are limited to five pages (including tables and figures), plus the cover/title page, and references (in Microsoft Word for Windows 6.00 or higher). Papers must show a clear indication of the purpose of the research, research method, major results, implications and key references. Authors should also indicate the track in which they would like to present their paper. Papers will be evaluated through a double blind review process and authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by late July.
      For further information, please visit:

      Panels, Workshops and/or Special Sessions

      Proposal for panels, workshops and/or special sessions should be sent no latter than Monday the 9th of April 2007 and must include a rationale, an outline of the issues to be discussed, as well as, names and relevant qualifications of the proposed panel, workshop and/or special session participants. A minimum of two double-spaced typed pages will be required to provide the necessary information. For the special sessions, paper abstracts must be attached to the session description (see paper submission information). Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by late July.
      For further information, please visit:

      Special Issues

      - Journal of Business Market Management
      - Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing

      Best Paper Award

      Sheth Foundation Best Paper Award, a blue-ribbon panel of experts will select the best paper from a set of papers nominated by the 2007 RM Summit track chairs.

      Suggested Topics of the Summit

      - Relationships and Services
      Relationships and B2B/B2C
      Relationships and WoM/C2C
      Relationships and Service Dominant Logic
      Relationships and Creating Meaning
      Relationships and Interaction
      Relationships and Networks
      Relationships and Customer Experience Management
      Relationship Theory
      Develop Innovative Methodologies for Researching Relationships
      Types of Relationships
      Value Creation in Relationships
      Customer Metrics
      Sales Force Automation
      Sales Force Management and Relationship Marketing
      Key Account Management


      Mail: RMsummit2007@utdt.edu
      Web Page: http://rmsummit2007.utdt.edu

      Come Help Solve the RM Puzzle!

      Buenos Aires

      The SUMMIT invites all researchers to this always vibrant and cosmopolitan city. Buenos Aires provides an ideal setting for a conference that fosters a spirit of collaboration and participation. Buenos Aires is an unending labyrinth of elegant residential neighborhoods, beautiful parks and “plazas” and skyscrapers. It looks onto the beautiful waterfront of the Río de la Plata. Buenos Aires is a culturally and socially exciting city; it is modern and traditional, frenetic and fun. Tango, tarot, art and antiques are offered in open air markets along streets. The tours and excursions that show the strong cosmopolitan spirit of Buenos Aires are Caminito, Recoleta, La Boca, the Botanical Garden and the Zoo. Other remarkably interesting places, due to their historical value, are the "Cabildo" (City Hall), the Cathedral, the City Palace, the Obelisk and the internationally acclaimed Colón Theater, which is known for its;symphony, opera, and ballet. At night, "the city that never sleeps" offers concerts, shows, theatres, cinemas, floating casinos, discos, cafés and pubs.

      Universidad Torcuato Di Tella

      The Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (UTDT) is a private non-profit research organization founded in 1991 by the Fundación Torcuato Di Tella and the Instituto Torcuato Di Tella. The mission of the University is to educate new generations of academic, social, political, and business leaders, with the goal of substantially improving public policy, and strengthening democratic institutions in Argentina. The University is organized in schools, centers, and departments, with graduate and undergraduate programs in humanities and social sciences. There are eight academic units: Economics, Political Science and International Relations, Government, Mathematics and Statistics, Law, Business, History and Architecture. UTDT currently has exchange programs with universities in 21 countries. The UTDT is a highly regarded research university in Latin America and its library, founded in 1958, is the most valuable library devoted to the social sciences in Argentina.

    11. 6th International Marketing Trends Congress  

      6th International Marketing Trends Congress
      Paris, France, 26th and 27th of January 2007

      We are pleased to invite you to submit a paper for the 6th International Marketing Trends Congress which will take place in Paris (France) on the 26th and 27th of January 2007 and is organised by both ESCP-EAP Paris and University Ca’ Foscari Venezia

      The deadlines are indicated hereunder:
      1. October 5th 2006: submission of papers by e-mail to Jean-Claude ANDREANI andreani@escp-eap.net
      2. November 20th 2006: paper acceptance, readers comments back to the authors
      3. December 11th 2006: final papers sent to Jean-Claude ANDREANI andreani@escp-eap.net
      4. January 26th-27th 2007: Paris Congress

      The papers can be written in English, German, French, Italian or Spanish. The Congress will be held in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Simultaneous translation into English will be organised.

      Should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at andreani@escp-eap.net.

    12. Frank M. Bass Conference 2007 

      Conference Announcement and Call for Papers

      Frank M. Bass Conference
      University of Texas at Dallas
      March 1-3 2007

      Sponsored by:

      Frank M. Bass Institute for Marketing Science
      INFORMS Society for Marketing Science
      Marketing Science Institute
      School of Management, The University of Texas at Dallas

      The University of Texas at Dallas has initiated the Frank M. Bass Institute for Marketing Science as a way of honoring Frank Bass, and of fostering the pursuit of research areas that he has been most interested in. This conference is the first major activity of the Institute.

      The umbrella theme of the conference will be empirical generalizations in marketing. Papers that present empirical quantitative research in marketing are sought. Specific topics of interest are modeling buyer choice, diffusion and new product forecasting, and short- and long-term effects of marketing activities. We are especially interested in work done on publicly-available datasets that can be replicated.

      The conference will be held at The University of Texas at Dallas beginning with an evening reception on March 1. Presentations will begin the morning of March 2, ending at the end of the afternoon on March 3. The format will be to have detailed presentations of approximately 12 papers, with a discussant for each. Presentation and discussion time for each paper will be set at approximately 1 hr. 15 minutes.

      Submission of Papers: Researchers interested in presenting a paper at the conference should submit the paper or abstract to brian.ratchford@utdallas.edu by November 1, 2006. Papers to be presented will be selected by the selection committee based on contribution to empirical generalization and relevance to one or more of the following areas: buyer choice, diffusion and new product forecasting, short- and long-term effects of marketing activities. Notification of acceptance of papers will be available on approximately January 1, 2007. Some papers may be directly solicited from the authors. Complete papers to be presented at the meeting should be available by February 1, 2007.

      Registration: The registration fee for the conference will be $200, which will cover all meals. The fee will be waived for doctoral students. Details on registration procedures will be forthcoming at a later date, as will information on lodging options.

      Information: To access information about the conference, please see the conference web site at: (som.utdallas.edu/bass/index.htm).

      Selection Committee:

      Frank M. Bass
      Dominique Hanssens
      Don Lehmann
      Brian Ratchford

    13. 4th Sprott Annual Doctoral Symposium 

      4th Sprott Annual Doctoral Symposium


      The Eric Sprott School of Business at Carleton University invites doctoral students, regardless of their area of specialization in business administration, to participate in the 4th Annual Sprott Doctoral Symposium. Building on the success of previous events, the Sprott symposium is today the prime annual gathering for Business Ph.D. students in Canada, and is presently being expanded internationally. The symposium has many features that distinguish it from traditional doctoral colloquia, while providing participants with a collegial and supportive environment beyond the normal conference setting. These include cross-disciplinary and student-led research sessions, a best student paper competition, certificate for paper presentation, certificate for excellent presentation, paper review critique, presentation performance critique, available partial financial assistance (limited, restrictions apply), sessions on academic/industry/government careers by invited speakers, welcome reception, evening banquet reception, and luncheon keynote presentation. The past three events have attracted participants from various many diverse universities and programs (Carleton University, University of Alberta, Queen’s University, University of British Columbia, St. Mary’s University, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, University of Waterloo, University of Western Ontario, University of Toronto, University of Calgary, McMaster University, Université de Sherbrooke, University de Montréal), a broad participation by Sprott Faculty, and keynote presentations by leading Canadian and international thinkers such as Dr. Lyn S. Amine (Professor of International Business, Saint Louis University), Dr. Ivan Fellegi (Chief Statistician of Canada, Statistics Canada), Dr. George H. Haines (Distinguished research Professor, Sprott School of Business), Dr. Louise Heslop (Professor of Marketing, Sprott School of Business), and Dr. Stanley Shapiro (former Dean, Simon Fraser University and McGill University).

      Objective and scope

      The objective of the doctoral symposium is to engage students in a fruitful exchange of ideas on their ongoing research work, to enable them to be exposed to their colleagues’ research interests, and to critique and reflect on others’ and their own work.

      In line with the Sprott doctoral program, which focuses on the study of complex management problems in an interdisciplinary context, the symposium builds its foundation on cross-disciplinary exchanges among participants. The symposium provides an opportunity for participants to interact with other students and established researchers in various areas of specialization.

      In addition, since participants are the people who will be educating future generations of business students and contributing to the development, production, and transfer of knowledge,

      the Sprott symposium aims to contribute not only by exposing them to the breadth of their peers’ on-going research but also to establish the seeds for research linkages, life-long friendships, enhanced networking in order to strengthen long term cross-disciplinary research, inter-institutional collaborations, and information sharing.

      Structure and Timing

      (a) The symposium is planned to be a one and a half day to two full days event. There is a luncheon and a banquet scheduled with keynote speakers.
      (b) Speakers will be Ph.D. students from universities in Canada and abroad. The talk duration will be approximately 20 minutes and may consist of working papers, research in progress, preliminary results from doctoral research, or completed work from doctoral research.
      (c) Students interested in participating are required to complete a registration form (www.sprott.carleton.ca/dsymposium). Participation is possible in three categories: attendance only, presentation with abstract submission only, or presentation with submission of a full paper. To give a presentation, a participant will have to submit an abstract, identify the research question the work is addressing, explain significant problems and current solutions, discuss the proposed approach, and outline the results achieved so far. The submission should not be longer than one page.
      (d) Students interested in participating in the best student paper competition will be required to submit a full paper presenting original results (see the format below). If a paper is co-authored with at least one Faculty member, an e-mail indicating the participant is the first author of the paper must be sent by the Faculty to the student paper competition Chair.
      (e) A symposium proceedings volume containing accepted refereed research papers will be produced. The inclusion of a paper in the proceedings is optional. However, each paper must be in conformity with the paper format described below and will have to be revised in line with the referee comments. The policy of the Sprott Doctoral Symposium is to transfer copyright to the authors of the papers upon publication of the proceedings (i.e., authors retain the copyright of their papers, but transfer a limited right without fees to allow the inclusion of the paper in the proceedings).

      Format and Style for Full Paper Submissions

      The first page should be the cover sheet indicating the paper title and the author name(s), address(es) and position(s). The second page should state the title of the paper only (not the author(s)), followed by an abstract and keywords. The body of the paper must not exceed 15 single-spaced pages in total length, including all tables, figures, notes, and references. This length restriction assumes the use of a font no smaller than 12 points, no more than 75 characters per line, and no more than 26 lines per page including headers and footnotes. The paper must be submitted, preferably in MS Word format, to the best student paper competition Chair at dsymposium@sprott.carleton.ca.


      The event will be held at the Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa (Ontario), Canada. A detailed timetable will be posted at www.sprott.carleton.ca/dsymposium.

      Registration Fee

      Admission is free. A registration form has to be completed and submitted by the deadline (see important dates below). However, participation is limited to the space allowed by our facilities. Participants with presentations/papers will be guaranteed registration. RSVP is required for each of the following events: welcome reception, the luncheon keynote presentation, and the banquet.

      Travel and accommodation

      (a) The Sprott School of Business will partially assist financially, towards accommodation or travel expenses, students from universities outside of Ottawa who will be participating in the student best paper competition and agree to have the paper published in the symposium proceedings.

      (b) The organizing committee is applying for funding to the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Aid to Research Workshops and Conferences in Canada. Availability for funding under this program will be known at the end of January 2007. If this funding is received, full financial assistance may be expected by those who meet the condition (a) above. The Organizing Committee will request each external participant to fill out, sign, and return a one page SSHRC document as part of the application process.

      Important Dates

      Important notes for students from outside Canada: Below, the October 6 deadline for abstracts was set with the Canadian university calendar in mind. For students from other countries, we have agreed on an extension to October 25. However, meeting the original deadline will be appreciated since it will be helpful in our funding application and increase the chance of a contribution toward an author’s travel expenses.

      • June 22, 2006: Registration opens
      • October 6, 2006: Abstract submission deadline (abstract or full paper presentation)
      • January 26, 2007: Full Paper submission deadline (only if registered for full paper presentation)
      • March 30, 2007: Last date for submitting revised paper for proceedings (only if registered for full paper presentation)
      • April 13, 2007: Last date for registration (attendance only)
      • April 19-20, 2007: Sprott Doctoral Symposium

      Organizing Committee

      • Aaron L. Nsakanda, Ph.D.Chair, Sprott Doctoral Symposium, Assistant Professor, Sprott School of BusinessCarleton University, Ottawa (ON), Canada
        Email: aaron_nsakanda@carleton.ca
        : (613) – 520 2600 (ext. 2210)
      • Irfan Butt, Ph.D. Candidate (Marketing)Co-Chair, Sprott Doctoral Symposium, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa (ON), Canada
        Email: ibutt@connect.carleton.ca
      • Uma Kumar, Ph.D.Chair, Student Paper CompetitionProfessor, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa (ON), Canada
        Email: uma_kumar@carleton.ca
        : (613) – 520 2600 (ext. 6601)
      • George H. Haines, Ph.D.Proceedings Coordinator, Distinguished Research Professor, Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, Ottawa (ON), Canada
        Email: george_haines@carleton.ca
        : (613) – 520 2600

    14. 2007 La Londe Conference in Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior 

      Call for Papers

      The 2007 La Londe Conference in Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior
      La Londe les Maures (French Riviera), June 5-8, 2007

      This is the 34th edition of the International Research Seminar in Marketing organized by the Aix-en-Provence Graduate School of Management. The theme of the 2007 La Londe conference is Marketing Communications and Consumer Behavior. Topics of interest are all theoretical or empirical research providing insight for improving the understanding of consumer behavior and management of marketing communications.

      Søren Askegaard, University of Southern Denmark, Odense
      M. Joseph Sirgy, Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University

      Coordinator: Dwight Merunka, Paul Cézanne University in Aix-Marseille

      Keynote Speaker: Jan-Benedict E.M. Steenkamp, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

      Important Dates
      Deadline for submission of papers: December 15, 2006
      Notification of acceptance: February 26, 2007

      An outcome of the seminar is a special issue of the Journal of Business Research. After the seminar, 8 to 10 papers will be selected by the conference chairs for inclusion in a special issue of the JBR. All papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
      A Best Paper Award for a selected outstanding paper from the conference.

      Full Information can be found at

      If you have any questions, please contact the administrative officer Rosemary Calazel or the coordinator Dwight Merunka at lalonde@iae-aix.com.

    15. Academy of Marketing Conference 2007 

      3rd to 6th JULY 2007

      The 2007 Academy of Marketing Conference, hosted by Kingston University Business School will take place from 3-6 July at the Royal Holloway Conference Centre, Egham, Surrey, UK.

      The 2007 Academy of Marketing Conference will revolve around the theme of: Marketing Theory into Practice. New "theories" are generated on a regular basis by marketing academics, partially because journal editors and reviewers reward new theories more than the confirmation and consolidation of existing knowledge. Yet rarely are “academic theories” given any consideration by marketing practitioners. Most of the time, the output of academic research is considered as irrelevant to the real world of marketing (Edwards, 2005). In order to gain credibility and relevance among practitioners, research in marketing needs to be based on solid evidence, tested under a variety of conditions. Furthermore, results of academic research need to be communicated to marketing practitioners in a more consistent and pertinent manner.

      AM2007 welcomes contributions towards the translation of Marketing Theory into Practice in the following areas:

      • Arts and Heritage Marketing
      • Branding
      • Business-to-business Marketing
      • Consumer Behaviour
      • E-Marketing
      • Empirical Replications and Re-enquiries in Marketing
      • Entrepreneurial and Small Business Marketing
      • International and Cross Cultural issues in Marketing
      • Market Segmentation
      • Marketing Communications
      • Marketing Education
      • Marketing in the Asia Pacific
      • Marketing of Higher Education
      • Marketing Research and Quantitative Inquiry in Marketing
      • Marketing Strategy and NPD
      • Political Marketing
      • Qualitative Inquiry in Marketing
      • Relationship Marketing
      • Retailing and Commercial Distribution
      • Selling and Sales Management
      • Services Marketing
      • Social and Non-Profit Marketing – Ethics and Social Responsibility
      • Sport Marketing

      Submissions must be made via the conference website by: 19th February 2007

      Submission Guidelines
      All relevant guidelines and details on how to submit papers are shown on the conference website: www.am2007.org

      Competitive papers
      Must be original and a maximum of 12 pages, single spaced, 12 point Times Roman font, including abstract (approximately 200 words), references and appendices.

      Working papers
      Should be submitted in long abstract form to a maximum of 4 pages, single spaced, 12 point Times Roman font, including abstract (approximately 200 words), references and appendices.
      All papers should include a separate cover page which includes the title of the paper, name(s) of author(s), affiliation(s) and the full contact details of the lead author.
      Authors will be advised of the outcome of the review process by the end of April 2007.

      Poster Sessions
      Posters will be exhibited during the conference. Proposals for posters should be submitted via the conference website: www.am2007.org

      Special Sessions
      Academy of Marketing Special Interest Groups and Regional Groups will meet during the conference. Applications for special session slots should be made to: f.d.riley@kingston.ac.uk

      Doctoral Colloquium
      The 2007 Doctoral Colloquium will be held on 2-3 July 2007. The Doctoral Colloquium will provide doctoral students with the opportunity to gain guidance and advice from a team of experienced scholars. Doctoral candidates at any stage of research are encouraged to apply. Papers should be submitted following the guidelines available on the conference website. A limited number of bursaries towards the cost of the Colloquium are usually available.

      All submissions should be made by 19th February 2007 via the Conference Website: www.am2007.org

      Conference Organisation and Location
      The Conference, hosted by the School of Marketing of Kingston Business School, will take place in the new state-of-the-art Royal Holloway Conference Centre in Egham, Surrey. Famous for its Founder's Building, one of the most spectacular Victorian university buildings in the world, Royal Holloway’s spacious 135 acre campus provides an impressive range of modern academic and social facilities in a parkland setting. The on-campus accommodation is of superior quality.

      Royal Holloway's location on the A30 between the village of Englefield Green and the town of Egham is just 19 miles from the centre of London, minutes from the M25 and M3, M4 and M40. London Heathrow Airport is just 7 miles away, and trains from Egham to Waterloo (and Eurostar) take just 35 minutes. Tourist attractions in the vicinity include Windsor Castle, Eton and Savill Gardens.

    16. EACR 2007 - Milan 

      Announcing the 2007 European Conferenceof the
      Association for Consumer Research

      Host: Università Bocconi, Milan (Italy)

      Dates: 10-14 July 2007

      Conference website: www.business.uiuc.edu/eacr2007/

      Conference Co-chairs:

      Film Festival Co-chairs:

      Doctoral Consortium Co-chairs:

      The 2007 European Conference of the Association for Consumer Research will be held at Università Bocconi University in Milan, Italy from Tuesday, July 10 through Saturday, July 14th, 2007. A doctoral consortium will commence July 10th and conclude by noon on Wednesday, July 11th. Registration and the opening reception will occur on July 11th, with presentations from Thursday July 12th through early afternoon on Saturday, July 14th. As in past years, the conference will provide a multi-topical forum for scholarly presentations, discussions, and collaborations on consumer behavior. Additional specific information on submissions of special sessions, competitive papers, working papers, and roundtables is provided below.

      Program Structure
      There will be five main forums for the presenting and discussing research and scholarly thought.

      • Special Topic Sessions provide opportunities for focused attention on cutting-edge and important topics. Successful sessions offer a coherent perspective on emerging substantive, theoretical, or methodological issues.
      • Competitive Paper Sessions include papers that represent the completed work of their authors. The EACR conference co-chairs will assign accepted papers to sessions that reflect similar scholarly interests.
      • Working Paper Track: Participants typically present preliminary findings from the early stages of a research program. Authors distribute their papers and display their findings poster-style in a plenary session.
      • Roundtables: Encourage intensive participant discussion of consumer research topics and issues.
      • Film Festival: Enables scholars to present their videographies on consumption-related topics at the conference.

      Submission and Decision Deadlines
      Submissions for all of the above forums EXCEPT the film festival must be received no later than Friday December 15, 2006. Submissions for the film festival must be received no later than February 1, 2007 (please see information about the film festival at the end of the document for more information). Non-video submissions will be accepted on a website devoted to EACR from November 15, 2006 to December 15, 2006. Notification of acceptance in these five categories will be made by April 15th, 2007. Early registration will occur from May 15-June 30, 2007.
      To allow as many people as possible the opportunity to participate in EACR 2007, please note the requirement that each EACR participant may present in Special Topic and/or Competitive Paper sessions no more than twice during the duration of the conference.

      Looking forward to your participation!!

      Stefania Borghini
      Mary Ann McGrath
      Cele Otnes

    17. Relationship Marketing Summit - Buenos Aires 

      Call for Papers

      Relationship Marketing Summit:
      Time to Integrate Perspectives

      Relationship Marketing AMA SIG – ICRM Conference
      Conference Chair: Prof. Jaqueline Pels
      December 13, 14, 15, 2007. Buenos Aires, Argentina

      ICRM program chairs: David Ballantyne, Roderick Brodie, Helge Löbler, Adrian Payne and Michael Saren.
      The Colloquium is an ongoing forum for creating new knowledge and circulating viewpoints which challenged established marketing management theory and practices. Networking and dialogue remain essential elements of the Colloquium.

      AMA RM SIG Conference program chairs: Wesley Johnston, Michael Kleinaltenkamp and Jagdish Sheth.
      The conference series is focussing on conceptual appraoches and the generating of knowledge and methods for the understanding and management of customer relationships. It aims on developing new perspectives and enhancing the conceptual foundation as well as the realization of best practices in relationship marketing and CRM.

      The Summit is the joint event of the two major conference series in the field: the International Colloquium on Relationship Marketing (ICRM) and the AMA
      Relationship Marketing SIG Conference.

      The Summit is addressed to all researchers concerned with Relationship Marketing (B2C and B2B), Inter-organizational Relationships and Networks.

      KEY INFO
      Date: December 13, 14, 15, 2007.
      Place: Buenos Aires, Argentina.
      Deadline: Monday the 9th of April 2007.
      Contact us: RMsummit2007@utdt.edu
      Info: http://rmsummit2007.utdt.edu

      The SUMMIT invites all researchers to this always vibrant and cosmopolitan city. Buenos Aires provides an ideal setting for a conference that fosters a spirit of collaboration and participation. Buenos Aires is an unending labyrinth of elegant residential neighborhoods, beautiful parks and plazas squares and skyscrapers. It looks onto the beautiful waterfront of the Río de la Plata. Buenos Aires is a culturally and socially exciting city; it is modern and traditional, frenetic and fun. Tango, tarot, art and antiques are offered in open air markets along streets. The tours and excursions that show the strong cosmopolitan spirit of Buenos Aires are Caminito, Recoleta, La Boca, the Botanical Garden and the Zoo. Other remarkably interesting places due to their historical value are the "Cabildo" (City Hall), the Cathedral, the City Palace, the Obelisk and the internationally acclaimed Colón Theater, which is known for its symphony, opera, and ballet. At night, "the city that never sleeps" offers concerts, shows, theatres, cinemas, floating casinos, discos, cafés and pubs.

      Universidad Torcuato Di Tella The Universidad Torcuato Di Tella (UTDT) is a private non-profit research organization founded in 1991 by the Fundación Torcuato Di Tella and the Instituto Torcuato Di Tella. The mission of the University is to educate new generations of academic, social, political, and business leaders, with the goal of substantially improving public policy, and strengthening democratic institutions in Argentina. The University is organized in schools, centers, and departments, with graduate and undergraduate programs in humanities and social sciences.

      There are eight academic units: Economics, Political Science and International Relations, Government, Mathematics and Statistics, Law, Business, History and Architecture. UTDT currently has exchange programs with universities in 21 countries. The UTDT is a highly regarded research university in Latin America and its library, founded in 1958, is the most valuable library devoted to the social sciences in Argentina.

      Come Help Solve the RM Puzzle!
      Suggested Topics of the Summit

      • Relationships and Services
      • Relationships and B2B/B2C
      • Relationships and WoM/C2C
      • Relationships and Service Dominant Marketing Logic
      • Relationships and Creating Meaning
      • Relationships and Interaction
      • Relationships and Networks
      • Relationships and Customer Experience Management
      • Relationship Theory
      • Develop Innovative Methodologies for Researching Relationships
      • Types of Relationships
      • Value Creation in Relationships
      • Customer Metrics
      • CRM
      • Sales Force Automation
      • Sales Force Management and Relationship Marketing
      • Key Account Management

      The Summit will host different types of interaction between participants: traditional paper sessions, panels, workshops and special sessions.

      Submission of papers should be sent no later than Monday the 9th of April 2007. Acceptance of a paper implies that at least one of the authors must attend the conference and present the paper.
      All papers are limited to five pages (including tables and figures), plus the cover/title page, and references in Microsoft Word for Windows (6.00 or
      higher). Papers must show a clear indication of the purpose of the research, research method, major results, implications and key references. Authors should also indicate the track in which they would like to present their paper. Papers will be evaluated through a double blind review process and authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by late July.

      For further information, please visit:

      Panels, Workshops and/or Special Sessions
      Proposal for panels, workshops and special sessions should be sent no latter than Monday the 9th of April 2007 and must include a rationale, an outline of the issues to be discussed, as well as, names and relevant qualifications of the proposed panel, workshop and session participants.
      A minimum of two double-spaced typed pages will be required to provide the necessary information. For the special sessions, paper abstracts must be attached to the session description (see paper submission information). Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by late July.
      For further information, please visit:

      Special Issues
      Journal of Business Market Management
      Mail: RMsummit2007@utdt.edu
      Page: http://rmsummit2007.utdt.edu

    18. The Launch of IPSS- ISBM PhD Seminar Series 

      Announcing the Launch of IPSS:
      ISBM Ph.D. Seminar Series

      The relative paucity of business marketing faculty in many academic institutions provides a challenge to Ph.D. students who want to pursue a Ph.D. in the area.  The ISBM is launching a Web-Based Ph.D. Seminar Series designed to help overcome this resource constraint, facilitate the pursuit of a Ph.D. in Business-to-Business Markets, and increase the number of students who pursue research in the area. 
      IPSS offers substantive and methodological courses that are likely to be useful to Ph.D. students with research interests in business markets.  Substantive topics include issues relating to theory development in business markets, sales management, marketing channel management, new product development and marketing among others.  The methodological topics are those specifically useful for B-to-B academics such as qualitative research methods and social network analysis.  These courses will be repeated in a cycle of 2-3 years.
      In the inaugural year 2006 - 07, four Ph.D. seminars will be offered.
      Fall 2006 –
      Prof. Ajay Kohli - Theory Construction
      Spring 2007 –
      Prof. Barton Weitz - Sales Management
      Prof. Abbie Griffin - Qualitative Methods
      Prof. Christophe Van den Bulte - Social Networks
      Apply now to be a part of the ISBM Ph.D. Seminar Series! www.ipss.isbm.org

      Academic Director: Rajdeep Grewal - rug2@psu.edu

      Administrative Director: Julie Mulhatten – jcm115@psu.edu


    19. 1st International Scientific Conference - ERA - Greece 

      T.E.I. of Piraeus and University of Paisley
      are co-organizing the:

      1st International Scientific Conference
      e R A
      The Conference for the contribution of
      Information Technology
      to Science, Economy, Society and Education
      (expansion of the international scientific conference in Information Technology and Quality )

      Cultural Center of Tripolis
      Peloponnese, Greece 16-17 September 2006
      250 Thivon Ave. & P.Ralli Ave.
      Tel. +3210 5381200

      Conference Chair:

      • Tseles Dimitrios, Professor T.E.I. of Piraeus
      • Dean of Engineering School, T.E.I. of Piraeus

      Steering Committee:

      • Crowe Malcolm, University of Paisley
      • Kikilias Panagiotis, T.E.I. of Piraeus
      • Tseles Dimitrios, T.E.I. of Piraeus
      • Vryzidis Lazaros, T.E.I. of Piraeus

      Scientific Committee:

      • Alafodimos K. • Angelopoulos J.
      • Cantzos K. • Dervos D.
      • Dilintas G. • Karagiannis S
      • Karaiskos C. • Kikilias P.
      • Kontesi M. • Kossidas A.
      • Kyriazopoulos P. • Papageorgas P.
      • Prezerakos G. • Psaromiligkos J.
      • Routoulas A. • Spyridakos A.
      • Syrcos G. • Tseles D.
      • Tsitomeneas S. • Usoro A.
      • Vryzidis L. • Yannakopoulos P.
      • Yannakopoulos D. • Zavlanos M.
      • Zisos A.

      Organizing Committee:
      • Alafodimos C.
      • Iliopoulos C.
      • Kyriazopoulos P.
      • Kokkosis A.
      • Sklavounos P.

      Venue and Dates of the Conference
      The conference will take place on Tripoli, 16/17-09-2006 at Cultural Center of Tripolis.

      Update information and full papers of the conference are available at:

    20. 22nd Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference 

      22nd Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group Conference

      Opening the network

      New perspectives in industrial marketing and purchasing The Industrial Marketing and Purchasing (IMP) Group is an informal, international group of scholars concerned with developing concepts and knowledge in the field of business-to-business marketing and purchasing. Earlier work focused on the nature and management of relationships between companies in international markets. More recently, the Group's work has been widened to the study of complex networks within which business communities operate. If you want to know more about the IMP group, visit www.impgroup.org.

      The 22nd IMP Conference will take place on 7-9 September 2006 in Milan. This conference is the largest in the world dealing specifically with marketing, purchasing and technological development in a business-to-business context. The style of the IMP conference is always informal. Structured to maximise the amount and level of discussion and interaction among researchers at all stages of their career, the conference urges participants to present their findings in a challenging but supportive atmosphere. Authors are invited to present results from research at any stage of development.

      Papers will be selected on the basis of quality, originality and relevance to the development of ideas within the IMP framework.

    21. XVI Congreso Nacional de ACEDE 

      XVI Spanish Scientific Association of Economy and Business Administration Conference
      (XVI Congreso Nacional de ACEDE)
      Valencia, 10th-12th September 2006

      Venue: University of Valencia

      Theme: Firms facing with the challenges of XXI century

      From the 10th to the 12th of September 2006, this conference will be held at the University of Valencia (Spain). Web site: www.acede2006.org

      Paper submission: Papers and works in progress written in Spanish will be sent electronically. They are accepted by a double-blind reviewing process. All accepted papers will be published in the proceedings of the Conference. Doctoral students in different stages of their dissertation process can apply for the participation in the doctoral colloquium.

      Key dates: Deadline 8th may, 2006

      Tracks: all the papers and works in progress should be submitted in a specific track. There are 20 different tracks in order to depict the diversity of research themes.

      • Corporate and competitive strategies
      • Internationalization
      • Strategic alliances
      • Mergers and acquisitions
      • Quality management
      • Behavioral and organizational change
      • Organizational design
      • Human resources
      • Corporate governance and social responsibility
      • Markets and financial assets
      • Corporate finance
      • Strategic marketing
      • Operational marketing
      • Business setting up
      • Innovation management
      • Logistic and supply channels
      • Production
      • Information systems and new technologies
      • Others

      Further information: for further and more detailed information, please visit the website: www.acede2006.org

    22. EMARK 2006 - 18th Spanish Marketing Academic Conference 

      (XVIII Encuentro de Profesores Universitarios de Marketing)
      September 20-22, 2006, Spain

      From the 20th to the 221nd of September, 2006, the XVIII Spanish Marketing Academic Conference (http://www.emark2006.com) is to be held at the University of Almeria (Spain).

      Paper submission
      The organizing committee invites electronic submission of.Papers and Works in Progress, being written in spanish. All accepted papers and works in progress will be published in the Proceedings of the Conference.

      Key dates
      All submissions must be in electronic form and be assigned to a specific track. Submissions should be sent by the web of the Conference. Papers and Work in Progress are accepted by a double-blind review process. Deadline: May 12th 2006.

      Conference tracks
      The conference programme is divided into fourteen tracks, which cover all the widely accepted research fields within the marketing discipline. Those interested in submitting a paper are invited to send it to one of following tracks:

      • Consumer behaviour
      • Retailing, channel management and logistics
      • Marketing strategy and relationship marketing
      • Innovation and new product development
      • Brand management
      • Pricing decisions
      • Marketing communications
      • New technologies & E-marketing
      • Services marketing
      • International & Cross-cultural marketing
      • Marketing research and research methodology
      • Tourism marketing
      • Agrifood marketing
      • Social responsability, ethics and marketing of non-profit organisations

      Further information: http://www.emark2006.com

    23. Web-Based Data Collection Method Workshop 

      "Web-based data collection methods: Surveys and experiments"
      October 2006 in Dubrovnik (Croatia)

      The aim of this three-day workshop is to provide the professional with the ability to evaluate Web-based data collection projects and learn how to implement them in a way that combines highest quality with economy. Among other topics, the workshop will cover methodology, techniques, tools, recruitment and sampling issues, dropouts, retention, ethics, multiple submissions and online panels.

      Two alternative dates comprising the same topics covered are offered:

      Date 1: October 5. - 7., 2006 (Thursday, 2 PM thru Saturday, 12.30 PM),
      Date 2: October 12. - 14., 2006 (Thursday, 2 PM thru Saturday, 12.30 PM).

      The workshop will take place in beautiful UNESCO-awarded Dubrovnik at the Adriatic coast.
      The International Center of Croatian Universities (ICCU) will provide the venue in this ideal climate. The ICCU was founded by the University of Zagreb as a public academic institution for international scientific programs and postgraduate studies. It is situated in an old villa within the walking distance of the old town of Dubrovnik and is equipped with up to date technical devices, including wireless high-speed connection to the Internet.

      Dr. Michael Bosnjak (University of Mannheim, Germany) and
      PD Dr. Ulf-Dietrich Reips (University of Zurich, Switzerland) are the workshop organizers.

      For more information, please visit the Workshop website at:

    24. Small Group Meeting in Consumer Psychology 

      Small Group Meeting in Consumer Psychology: Unconscious and Controlled processes
      Enschede, the Netherlands, Nov 13 – Nov 14, 2006


      The small group meeting in Consumer Psychology: Unconscious and Controlled Processes will be held from 13 to 14 November at Twente University, Enschede, the Netherlands.

      Recent advances in consumer psychology and related disciplines such as social psychology, communication science, health promotion and marketing have shown a surge in interest in unconscious and automatic processes. Work on priming, emotion, inference making, social influence and intuitive processes and their role in shaping consumer behaviour stand testimony to these developments. On the other hand, controlled processes still bear tremendous relevance for the field, as underscored by research on self-regulation (and regulatory failure!), attentional control, and effortful information processing.

      The objective of the small group meeting is to strike the balance between these strands of research by bringing together scholars from various backgrounds in order to discuss key issues, possibilities and pitfalls and thus inspire and fuel the young discipline of consumer psychology. Participants are encouraged to submit talks and posters presenting their own research. The meeting will share recent theoretical and methodological developments in studying automatic and controlled consumer processes.

      The format will include presentations, posters and, especially, workshops in which active discussion is encouraged. One ambition of the meeting is to discuss potentially fruitful lines of future research and to facilitate active collaboration between European and North American scholars. The number of participants will be limited to about 50. In July, a website will be released including details of registration and payment, a list of participants, final program details, accommodation suggestions, and plans and sightseeing suggestions.
      The website will be accessible through the following URL: http://www.gw.utwente.nl/cp2006

      Speakers and workshop supervisors include:

      • Frank Kardes, University of Cincinnatti
      • Kathleen Vohs, University of Minnesota
      • Stijn van Osselaer, Erasmus University Rotterdam
      • Ap Dijksterhuis, University of Amsterdam

      Speakers and poster presenters are invited to submit abstracts of their research related to automatic and controlled consumer processes. Please indicate your preference for either a talk or a poster. Talks will be limited to 20 minutes, followed by 10 minutes discussion. Each submission, whether a talk or a poster requires the following information:
      1. Title.
      2. Name, affiliation of all the authors. Please indicate the presenting
      author and include contact information (phone, fax and email).
      3. An abstract of approximately 300 words, and up to 5 keywords.

      Submissions should be sent to b.m.fennis@utwente.nl in MSWord or pdf formats.
      The submission deadline is August 15th, 2006.
      All poster and paper proposals will be evaluated within 3 weeks after the deadline and authors will be informed about the outcomes. The assessment will be based on criteria such as the fit of the research with the theme of the meeting, originality of ideas, soundness of methodology, and relevance of the results

      If you need any additional information about the workshop, submissions or any other relevant issues please write to b.m.fennis@utwente.nl

      Registration will be open on August 15th 2006. The workshop fee is € 150,-. This covers registration, lunches on both days, dinner on the evening of November 13th and a social program on November 13th.
      The registration deadline is October 16th 2006.

      Hope to see you in Enschede,

      Bob Fennis, PhD
      Ad Pruyn, PhD
      Marieke Fransen, MA
      Organizing Committee

    25. BIGMAC 3: EMAC-ANZMAC research Symposium 

      BIGMAC 3: EMAC/ANZMAC Research Symposium

      EMAC/ANZMAC Symposium will be held Day 3 ANZMAC06 Conference
      Brisbane Australia Wednesday 6 December 2006

      The theme draws directly on the conference theme "Advancing Theory, Maintaining Relevance ...The conference theme challenges participants to break new ground and explore concepts in marketing, while demonstrating a strong connection to practice"

      As with previous symposiums the sessions will be interactive with the discussions lead by international scholars from EMAC and ANZMAC.

      The organisisers are Rod Brodie (ANZMAC) r.brodie@auckland.ac.nz Kris Moller (EMAC) Kristian.Moller@hse.fi

      Attendance will be included in the registration for the conference. This year there will not be a separate registration.

    26. 6th International Marketing Trends Congress  

      The 6th International Marketing Trends Congress
      Paris, 26-27 January 2007

      Call for Papers

      We are pleased to invite you to submit a paper for the 6th International Marketing Trends Congress which will take place in Paris (France) on the 26th and 27th of January 2007 and is organised by both ESCP-EAP Paris and University Ca’ Foscari Venezia

      The deadlines are indicated hereunder:
      1. October 13th 2006: submission of papers by e-mail to Jean-Claude ANDREANI andreani@escp-eap.net
      2. November 20th 2006: paper acceptance, readers comments back to the authors
      3. December 11th 2006: final papers sent to Jean-Claude ANDREANI andreani@escp-eap.net
      4. January 26th-27th 2007: Paris Congress

      The papers can be written in English, German, French, Italian or Spanish. The Congress will be held in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Simultaneous translation into English will be organised.

      Should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at andreani@escp-eap.net.

      Best regards,

      Prof. Dr. Jean-Claude ANDREANI


      156 papers were presented at the 2006 edition of the congress, which gathered over 260 participants from various European countries. The 2006 congress took place in Venice. The previous sessions were held in Paris (Jan. 2006), Venice (Nov. 2003), Pars (Jan. 2002) and Venice (Nov. 2000).

      Like in the 5 previous editions, the 2007 Congress will gather colleagues from a number of European countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK... It will enable an exchange of managerial and academic experiences in many fields including marketing strategy, brand management, consumer behaviour, international marketing, e-marketing, retail, advertising...

      All detailed information on the congress and papers of the 2007 congress will be available on our website at
      http://www.escp-eap.net/conferences/marketing/ .

    27. 5th International Conference in Marketing 

      ATHENS, GREECE, JUNE 28-29, 2007


      The Marketing Research Unit of the Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER) will hold its 5th International Conference in Athens, Greece, June 28-29, 2007.

      The registration fee is 250 euro, covering access to all sessions, 2 lunches, coffee breaks and conference material. Special arrangements will be made with local hotels for a limited number of rooms at a special conference rate. In addition, a one-day cruise to picturesque Greek Islands and a half-day tour to archaeological sites will be organized.

      Papers (in English only) from all areas of Marketing and related disciplines are welcome. Selected (reviewed) papers will be published in a Special Volume of the Conference Proceedings.
      If you think that you can contribute, please send an abstract of about 300 words, via email only (atiner@atiner.gr), before October 23rd, 2006 to: Dr. Cleopatra Veloutsou, Head, Marketing Research Unit, Athens Institute for Education and Research & Senior Lecturer of Marketing, University of Glasgow, U.K.

      If you want to participate without presenting a paper, i.e. chair a session, evaluate papers to be included in the conference proceedings or books, contribute to the editing, or any other offer to help please send an email to Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos (gtp@atiner.gr), Director, ATINER, 8 Valaoritou Street, Kolonaki, 10671 Athens, Greece. Tel.: + 30 210 363-4210 Fax: + 30 210 363-4209 Email: atiner@atiner.gr.

      More information about the Institute and the conference can be found at: http://www.atiner.gr/

    28. Thought Leaders Int'l Conference on Brand Management 

      Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management:
      in conjunction with a Special Edition of the
      Journal of Business Research

      Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, England
      24-25th April 2007The


      After the hugely successful 2006 brand management conference, involving a large number of papers from academics in the northern and southern hemispheres and paradigm challenging presentations from Vice Presidents of global branding agencies and brand owners, the Centre for Research in Brand Marketing will be hosting the next international conference on brand management. This will take place from Tuesday 24th April to Wednesday 25th April 2007 at the Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, England and benefits from an international advisory board.

      This international conference seeks to engender the advancement of knowledge about brand management amongst scholars by disseminating new research and through encouraging the evolution of new research themes. It also aims to narrow the gap between academics and practitioners by having presentations from internationally renowned practitioners whose significant senior experience is regarded as being at the cutting edge of application.

      This thought provoking event will alternate between tracks of double blind refereed papers and then stimulating and challenging think pieces from senior practitioners, and will include a conference dinner. The intention is not only to exchange knowledge about developments in brand management, but also to enable informal exchanges and networking between delegates.

      Papers on any aspect of brand management are invited. Information regarding the submission of papers and formatting instructions is available at www.business.bham.ac.uk/crbm. The deadline for papers is 30th November 2006. All papers will be refereed and authors will be notified in January 2007.

      Papers presented at the conference could be considered for a Special Edition of the Journal of Business Research. Authors will have the benefit of revising their papers after the conference, building on the feedback they receive and they might like to then submit their paper to a Special Edition of the Journal of Business Research devoted to the best papers from this conference.

      An award will be given at the end of the conference for the most thought provoking paper.

      Further details are available at http://business.bham.ac.uk/crbm. Questions regarding the conference should be addressed to the Conference Chair, Professor Leslie de Chernatony (please send email to: k.m.duffy@bham.ac.uk).

    29. AIMAC 2007: 9th Int'l Conference on Arts and Cultural Management 

      9th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC 2007)
      Valencia, Spain, 8-11 July 2007


      The organisers of the 9th International Conference on Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC 2007), to be held in Valencia, Spain, 8-11 July 2007, invite the submission of papers on any aspect of arts and cultural management to be considered for inclusion in the conference.

      The International Association of Arts and Cultural Management (AIMAC) is a network of academics and practitioners interested in the management and marketing of arts and cultural products. AIMAC holds an international meeting every two years and also publishes the International Journal of Arts Management.

      This scientific conference will address various sectors of the arts and cultural industries (performing arts and festivals, heritage, museums and visual arts, film production and distribution, book publishing, recording, broadcasting, audiovisual media and multimedia). Papers are welcome on all management approaches, including: marketing, strategic planning, marketing research, human resources, organizational behaviour, accounting and finance, production, or information systems. The Conference will include, among others, the following topics:

      • marketing and the arts
      • consumption of cultural products
      • arts and cultural management
      • interaction between Internet and culture
      • audience research
      • cultural human resources management
      • arts financial issues
      • arts and business relations
      • cultural production and programming

      All those wishing to present a paper at the conference must submit an abstract of 750-1,500 words. Abstracts may be submitted in English or French and must include: research objective or questions, research methodology and theoretical perspectives and main findings and conclusions.

      Deadline for abstracts is 15 October 2006. Authors will be informed of acceptance by early 2007.
      Final papers must be submitted by 1 April 2007.

      Please submit your abstracts by email to: abstractsaimac2007@polytechnique.fr

      For more information: www.adeit.uv.es/aimac2007

    30. 2006 Business and Information Technologies Conference 

      Innovating Markets and Organizations Through
      Information and Communication Technologies
      2 June 2006 - University of Lugano
      Via G. Buffi 13, Lugano, Switzerland

      Call for papers

      The BIT (Business Information Technology) group  (http://www.anderson.ucla.edu/bit.xml) invites electronic submission of papers for the conference that will be held in June 2, 2006 in Lugano, Switzerland. This is the academic part of the 2006 BIT annual conference, that will take place in Milan at SDA Bocconi  and at University of Lugano.

      The theme of the conference
      Digital communication is a powerful change engine. Markets and organizations are increasingly complex, dynamic and networked. Knowledge, creativity and relationships are becoming the new focus of management. How digital communication is related to the formation and evolution of these new forms of markets and organizations?

      An academic interdisciplinary discussion around these topics will take place at the conference in Lugano. This event will represent an opportunity for scholars coming from different countries and different fields of research to present their works and ideas about the contribution of ICT to the innovation of market processes and organizations.

      This will also be an occasion, for the participants, to get in contact with the research developed within the global BIT research network and to explore opportunities for international research collaboration.

      Important dates

      •  April 25th, extended abstract submission
      • May 15th, notification of acceptance
      •  May 25th, registration

      Paper submission
      Please submit an extended abstract (or full-text paper if available) to antonella.la.rocca@lu.unisi.ch

      Paper and abstract format
      Electronic files, word format. Please include affiliation and contact information 
      Extended abstracts should include bibliography.

      Paper acceptance and registration
      After the notification of acceptance, it is required the online registration to the conference (no fee), at http://www.bit.unisi.ch/pages/registration.htm.


      In collaboration with

      SDA Bocconi - School of Management

      Politecnico di Torino





    31. 2007 Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference 

      2007 Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference
      Valencia, Spain, 10-12 September 2007

      Call for Papers

      2007 Advances in Tourism Marketing Conference, under the topic "Destination and Event Marketing: Managing Networks".

      Call for papers before 1 February 2007.

      The conference will be held 10-12 September 2007 in Valencia (Spain). This conference is jointly coordinated by the University of Valencia (Spain), University of Otago (New Zealand) and Mugla University (Turkey). Outstanding papers will be evaluated for publication in tourism research journals.

      For further details: http://www.atmc2007.org

    32. Seminar by Philip Kotler: How to compete today in the new world order 

      How to compete today in the new world order
      Mauritius, 24-25 July 2006


      Competitor-proof your company!

      A winning competitive strategy is founded on consistently understanding and predicting changing market conditions and customer needs. This two-day seminar will help you acquire the skills and tools to master this “outside-in” approach—and ensure that you beat out the competition. You’ll leave this seminar equipped with the tools to expand your company’s market leadership.

      Who Should Attend

      CEO’s, Directors, Marketing Managers, Executives and Managers in Finance, Operations, Customer Service, R&D and other departments who interact with colleagues in marketing, Public officials, Professionals and Academics.

      How You Will Benefit

      • Determine How Marketing Can Impact the Bottom Line and Other Areas of the Company
      • Understand the strategic value of sales vs. the strategic value of marketing
      • Develop a structured perspective on analyzing direct and indirect competition, and incorporating the same in strategic initiatives
      • Screen, select, formulate and develop operational market strategies for products/markets
      • Enhance your knowledge of marketing segmentation, life cycle extensions, product positioning, brand building and more
      • Determine When to Use Core Media Elements in the Communications Process to Be Effective
      • Successfully develop and manage new product and service launches to increase overall market share

      What You Will Cover

      • Assessing the new Marketing Environment.
        Today’s world is characterized high technology, ecological concerns, and extreme competitiveness
      • Improving the Relationship Between Marketing and Sales.
        Marketing and sales often operate in separate domains and compete for the limited resources of the company. Each has valid arguments for more resources. How can their relationship be improved? And how can customer service be either integrated into the flow of activities from Marketing to Sales to service?
      • Applying Holistic Marketing.
        Marketing is too often viewed in a narrow tactical sense, often focused on how to sell what the company has already made. As a result, marketing often is at the periphery of a company’s strategic planning rather than as the starting point for its strategic planning. Here we describe how marketing, properly understood, can be driver of strategy at the business and product level.
      • Developing A Winning Strategy.
        Each company must carefully choose between five basic marketplace strategies. The choice depends on the company’s history, its marketing competencies, its current position in the market, and other factors. With increasing commoditization, companies have to develop new paths to differentiation and market disruption that will be described.
      • Developing New Product Ideas.
        Many companies plan new products and services that simply are variations of their current offerings. The managers are thinking inside the box rather than outside the box. They need to move from vertical marketing to lateral marketing thinking that is more likely to produce breakthrough new products and services.
      • Segmenting, Targeting, Positioning, and Brand Building.
        Marketing is a process of breaking down the market into market segments, choosing the market segments to target, positioning the offering, and building the brand.
      • Improving Communications.
        The effectiveness of the 30-second TV commercial is slipping. Marketers must find no ways to bring the right messages to the right prospects and customers at the right time in the face of a growing inaccessibility to customers who are increasingly shielding themselves from commercial messages. What are some of the new message and media strategies?
      • Moving to High-Tech Marketing.
        Marketers are under pressure to improve their competence in two basic respects. They must become more financially able to account for the results of their marketing expenditures. They must become more technologically adept in using new tools such as predictive modeling, sales automation, marketing automation, and process and performance dashboards, all of which will be described


      Speaker : Philip Kotler
      Venue : Swami Vivekananda Conference Center
      Dates : 24 & 25 July, 2006
      Fees : £ 2100( Package includes airfare, accommodation, local traveling etc)
      Duration : 2 Full days, 9am to 5pm


      The package comprises of:

      Air Ticket UK-Mauritius-UK in economy class
      Seminar participation fee
      Transfers Airport to Hotel
      Transfers Hotel to Conference Centre
      5 Nights, 3 star Hotel accommodation on half-board basis
      Two days sight seeing-tour (packed lunch inclusive)

      If this is of interest to you, please send your contact details by return email so that you can be sent more information about booking procedures.

      Dr Nittin Essoo
      Rushmore Business School
      4th Floor, Newry Complex
      St Jean Road, Quatre Bornes
      Tel: (230) 4544991 Fax: (230) 4673801

    33. Workshop - Advances in Marketing Decision Models, Athens, Greece 


      Advances in Marketing Decision Models

      May 27, 2006 (Saturday after EMAC)
      Athens, Greece

      Athens University of Economics and Business

      In the workshop, the authors of chapters in the forthcoming Handbook of Marketing Decision Models (Springer Science + Business Media) will present their contributions. The workshop will be also attended by other marketing scholars and by marketing practitioners.

      The workshop is co-sponsored by the Marketing Science Institute and the Greek Marketing Academy


      Berend Wierenga
      Editor of the Handbook of Marketing Decision Models, and RSM Erasmus University

      Dominique Hanssens
      Executive Director, Marketing Science Institute (MSI), and UCLA Anderson School of Management

      Venue: Hotel Divani Caravel (same as for the EMAC Conference)

      Participation in the Workshop is free and there is a limit of 60 participants. There is a fee for the (optional) dinner ($95 USD, approximately € 80). Participants should register for the Workshop through the MSI website http://www.msi.org/links/meetings.cfm). Any questions may be directed to meetings@msi.org.

      The following contributions will be presented:

      Morning Program 9.00-12.30

      9.00-9.30 “Models for Customer Relationship Management”
      Werner Reinartz (INSEAD) and Rajkumar Venkatesan (University of Connecticut)

      9.30 -10.00 “Interactive Consumer Decision Aids: Butlers for the Masses”
      Gerald Häubl (University of Alberta) and Kyle Murray (University of Western Ontario)

      10.00-10.30 “Developments in Conjoint Analysis”
      Vithala Rao (Cornell University)

      10.30-11.00 Break

      11.00-11.30 “Advertising Models”
      Peter Danaher (University of Auckland)

      11.30-12.00 “Sales Promotion Models”
      Harald van Heerde (University of Tilburg) and Scott Neslin (Dartmouth College)

      12.00-12.30 “Models for Sales Management”
      Sönke Albers (University of Kiel) and Murali Mantrala (University of Missouri)

      Lunch 12.30 – 13.30

      Afternoon Program 13.30 – 17.00

      13.30-14.00 “Time Series Modeling in Marketing”
      Marnik Dekimpe (University of Tilburg & Catholic University of Leuven), Philip Hans Franses (Erasmus University),
      Dominique Hanssens (Marketing Science Institute & UCLA), and Prasad Naik (UC Davis)

      14.00-14.30 “Artificial Neural Nets in Marketing”
      Harald Hruschka (University of Regensburg)

      14.30-15.00 “Decision Models for the Pharmaceutical Industry”
      Venky Shankar (Texas A&M University) and Marc Fischer (University of Kiel)

      15.00-15.30 Break

      15.30-16.00 “Marketing Performance Effects Models”
      Dominique Hanssens (Marketing Science Institute & UCLA) and
      Marnik Dekimpe (University of Tilburg & Catholic University of Leuven)

      16.00-16.30 “Marketing Engineering: Connecting Models with Practice”
      Gary Lilien and Arvind Rangaswamy (Pennsylvania State University)

      16.30-17.00 “The Success of Marketing Management Support Systems”
      Gerrit van Bruggen and Berend Wierenga (RSM Erasmus University)



      Other contributions to the Handbook of Marketing Decision Models

      Not all the authors of the book are able to attend the workshop. In addition to the work that will be presented at the Athens Workshop, the Handbook of Marketing Decision Models will contain the following chapters:

      “Models for Electronic Commerce” by Randy Bucklin (UCLA)

      “Decision Models for the Motion Picture Industry” by Jehoshua Eliashberg (The Wharton School) and Charles Weinberg (University of British Columbia)

      “Competition Models” by Peter Leeflang (University of Groningen)

      “Models for Customer Value” by Don Lehmann and Sunil Gupta (Columbia University)

    34. 1st Mitteldeutsches Marketingforum  

      1st Mitteldeutsches Marketing Forum
      May 9-10, 2006, Erfurt, Germany

      The 1st Mitteldeutsches Marketing Forum will take place in Erfurt on May 9th/10th.
      The forum will be organised by the
      Institut für angewandte Marketing- und Kommunikationsforschung GmbH
      Mainzerhofplatz 14
      99084 Erfurt
      Telefon 0361/ 663 90 0


      Diemar, Jung & Zapfe
      Werbeagentur GmbH,
      Richard-Breslau-Straße 3,
      99094 Erfurt

      Subject of the forum will be "Efficient Marketing and Communication".

    35. The future of Distribution Channels Research Conference 

      The Future of Distribution Channels Research Conference
      May 18-19, 2006, Wharton School, U.S.A.

      The Future of Distribution Channels Research Conference is to be held at the Jon M. Huntsman Hall of the Wharton School (3730 Walnut Street), May 18—19, 2006.

      As the program indicates, the conference brings together established and rising scholars whose research spans a variety of problems and perspectives on channel management as well as accomplished practitioners who have extensive, high-level channel management experiences. We are well on our way to meeting our objectives of (a) broadening the scope of problems addressed by channel research, (b) expanding the methods being used to investigate channel problems, (c) developing an “organic research community” of channel scholars, and (d) integrating pieces of the “channels puzzle.” It promises to be a stimulating event for academic scholars and devoted practitioners alike in a glorious new building for Wharton.

      To register for the conference, please fill out the form on the last page and send with check payable to the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania.
      Please mail form and check to:

      Marketing Department – INFORMS Conference
      The Wharton School
      University of Pennsylvania
      3730 Walnut Street
      700 JMHH
      Philadelphia, PA 19104-6340

      Registration fee: regular $150, speaker $100 and student $50
      Register by April 21, 2006 afterwards, add $50

      Overnight accommodations: Please mention the INFORMS conference when making your reservation as we have special rates and a block of rooms.

      The Inn at Penn
      , 3600 Sansom St.; Phone # 215-222-0200; rate: $185 (one block away from the conference building).
      Sheraton University City Hotel, 3549 Chestnut St.; phone # 215-387-8000; rate: $159 (3 blocks away). These rates and blocks will be honored until April 15th.

      The Future of Distribution Channels Research

      Thursday, May 18, 2006

      8:00—8:30 Breakfast
      8:30—9:00 Introduction
      9:00—10:00 Scott Fay (University of Florida) “Selling an Opaque Product through an

      Intermediary: The Case of Disguising One’s Product”
      Discussant: Ganesh Iyer (University of California, Berkeley)

      10:00—10:15 Break
      10:15—11:15 Ideas in Interaction

      • Paul Messinger & Keri Kettle (University of Alberta) “Towards a Framework for Channel Evolution: The Structure and Institutions of the Motion Picture Channel”
      • Martin Koschat (Time/Warner Retail Sales and Marketing) “Store Inventory Can Affect Demand: Empirical Evidence from Magazine Retailing”
      • Liang Guo (Hong Kong University of Science & Technology) & Yunchuan Liu (University of California at Riverside) “A Strategic Analysis of Channel Expansion”

      11:15—11:30 Break
      11:30—12:30 Sreekumar Bhaskaran & Stephen Gilbert (University of Texas) “Strategic Implications of Intermediaries Upon Leasing and Selling of Durable Goods”
      Discussant: Miguel Villas-Boas (University of California, Berkeley)

      12:30—1:30 Lunch
      1:30—2:30 Eyal Biyalogorsky (University of California, Davis) & Oded Koenigsberg (Columbia University) “Lead Time, Uncertainty, and Channel Decision Making”
      Discussant: Anne Coughlan (Northwestern University)

      2:30—2:45 Break
      2:45—3:45 Yan Dong (University of Minnesota) & Martin Dresner (University of Maryland)& Venky Shankar (Texas A&M University) “Delegation and Consignment in Distribution Channels”
      Discussant: S. Chan Choi (Rutgers University)

      3:45—4:00 Break
      4:00—5:00 Executive Panel Discussion:“Channels & Supply Chains: Practitioners’ Perspectives”
      5:30—7:00 Reception
      7:00—9:00 Dinner

      Friday, May 19, 2006

      8:00—8:30 Breakfast
      8:30—9:30 Gerard Cachon (University of Pennsylvania) “You say “channels”, I say “supply chains;” shall we get it on, or call the whole thing off?”
      9:30—9:45 Break
      9:45—10:45 Ideas in Interaction

      • Georges Zaccour (GERAD & HEC--Montreal) “On Coordination of Dynamic Marketing Channels and Two-Part Wholesale Tariff”
      • Desmond Lo, Mrinal Ghosh & Francine Lafontaine (University of Michigan) “Risk, Incentives, and Selection in Salesforce Compensation Contracts”
      • Liyuan Wei, Sridhar Moorthy & Mengze Shi (University of Toronto) “Manufacturers’ Choice of Ingredient Supplier: Branded vs. Generic Ingredients”

      10:45—11:00 Break
      11:00—12:00 Chuck Ingene (University of Mississippi) and Mark Parry (University of Missouri, Kansas City) “Integrating Streams of Literature: The Common Future of Distribution Channels Research and Supply Chain Research”

      12:00—1:00 Lunch

    36. SEEMAR 06 

      The 3rd International South East European Marketing Research Conference
      May 25-26, 2006, Madlenianum, Belgrade

      Dear colleagues,

      We would like to invite you to join the company of modern, proactive businesspersons oriented towards the future.

      Share the knowledge with successful people and take the active part either:

      As a PARTICIPANT at the Conference
      As an AUTHOR at the Conference
      As an EXHIBITOR at SEEMAR 06 Fair
      As a SPONSOR of the Conference

      SEEMAR 06, an international marketing event, deserves your attention.

      For more information visit our internet presentation www.seemar.org.yu or contact us.


      Nikolina Vuèetiæ
      Executive director

    37. 15th Annual World Business Congress - Sarajevo 

      15th Annual World Business Congress
      June 18-21, 2006, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina

      The 15th Annual World Business Congress is to be held at the Sarajevo Graduate School of Business, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina on June 18-21 2006. Papers are invited by April 14.

      Full details are available on http://www.imda.cc

      Papers relating to the Euro Marketing and Management Track may be sent to:

      Professor Stan Paliwoda
      Professor of Marketing
      Director of Research
      Department of Marketing
      University of Strathclyde
      Stenhouse Building
      173 Cathedral Street
      Glasgow G4 0RQ
      tel: 0141 548 5843
      fax:0141 552 2802
      Email: stan.paliwoda@strath.ac.uk

    38. Product and Market Development for Subsistence Marketplaces 

      Call For Papers - Product and Market Development For Subsistence Marketplaces: Consumption and Entrepreneurship Beyond Literacy and Resource Barriers


      August 2-4, 2006, University of Illinois, Chicago

      Conference Chairs

      Madhu Viswanathan José Antonio Rosa

      University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign University of Illinois at Chicago

      61 Wohlers Hall 601 South Morgan St. MC 243

      1206 South Sixth St. Chicago, IL 60607

      Champaign, IL 61820

      Phone: 217-333-4550 Phone: 312-413-9362

      E-mail: mviswana@uiuc.edu E-mail: jarosa@uic.edu


      Over 4 billion subsistence marketplace consumers (earning less than two dollars per day) exhibit behaviors such as budgeting, savings, managing credit, and planning for durable goods purchases. In spite of low incomes, these consumers manage to purchase goods and services, pay for the education of children and other family members, and accumulate savings. Many achieve these and similar objectives by managing their own small businesses, a phenomenon that in turn gives rise to an intertwining of buyer/seller roles that is seldom seen outside of subsistence environments. Responding adequately to the needs of these subsistence buyer/sellers requires that business theory and practice incorporate factors such as scarce resource allocation and levels of literacy and numeracy, and address questions such as: What characterizes subsistence buyer/sellers across the countries they represent? How do subsistence buyer/sellers make decisions about purchases and investments, and participate in the global marketplace? How should products, services, and distribution systems be designed for them? How should market research be designed to accurately capture responses to new product concepts, promotional tactics, and distribution channel innovation?

      We envision a conference focused on these and related questions, a synergistic combination of keynote addresses and presentations from invited academicians and practitioners, and presentations of conceptual and empirical research submitted in response to this call. The first few sessions of the conference will reflect its distinctive positioning as a bottom-up approach to understanding subsistence marketplaces and provide the foundation for the rest of the conference. The aim of these sessions is immersion in the distinct contexts of subsistence marketplaces, with particular emphasis on buyer/seller behavior. Sessions relating to specific topic areas in product and market development, including distribution and product development, will follow. Concluding sessions will emphasize business practice and pedagogy.

      Call for Papers

      Developing products and business processes to serve subsistence marketplaces is a significant challenge for 21st century companies. Early evidence suggests that the manner in which subsistence consumers process information, navigate buying/selling environments, and make decisions can be very different from those of non-subsistence consumers. Theories primarily developed through research in industrialized economies stem from many fundamental assumptions that may not hold in subsistence economies. Our primary objective, and the overarching standard against which submissions will be evaluated, is to elucidate some of the assumptions and theories that must be altered for firms to better understand subsistence consumers, and to jumpstart the development of new theories, frameworks, and models in this area. To that end, we choose as a starting point the individual buyer and seller, and work upwards across levels of aggregation in our targeted themes. Our bottom-up approach begins with buyers, sellers, and marketplace behaviors in subsistence marketplaces in contrast to top-down approaches that adopt a macro-level perspective.

      Three wide-ranging topics, and possible sub-topics for submissions are the following:

      The Individual Consumer and the Buyer/Seller
      Given the urgent need to better understand subsistence consumers and subsistence buyer/sellers, the following is a subset of topics of interest:

      • Consumer and Buyer/Seller Decision Processes
      • Processing of Text, Pictorial and Numerical Information
      • External Influences on Processing and Decisions
      • Family – nuclear and extended
      • Neighbors/Competitors and Communities
      • Other Subsistence Vendors and Service Providers
      • Needs, Values and Motivations as Persistent Influencers
      • Specific Consequences of Literacy and Poverty for Buyer and Seller Behavior

      Market Research Methods
      With the exception of methods rooted in anthropological research that have provided most of the insight available thus far into subsistence consumers, almost all research methods employed by academicians and organizations to better understand consumers and buyers/sellers take for granted certain levels of literacy, knowledge and a learning orientation that is endemic to industrialized economies, but seldom representative of subsistence consumers.

      Some broad research areas that emerge from this deficiency are:

      • Methods that capture relative differences in beliefs and attitudes that do not rely on text and numerical symbols to convey meaningful distinctions
      • Non-intrusive observational methods that produce quantitative data suitable for multidimensional scaling, preference mapping, and other psychographic techniques
      • Experimental methods that allow for the testing of product attributes, environmental variables, and other elements of business practice
      • Qualitative research methods customized to low levels of literacy and income

      Marketing/Business Functions Responsible for Delivering Value
      The challenge of delivering value to subsistence marketplaces includes goods and services targeted to different subsistence segments and developed to be compatible with their lives, borne by supply chains that respond quickly and uniquely to subsistence lifestyles and associated realities, communicated effectively and truthfully without condescension or disempowering patronization, and priced affordably. These objectives must be achieved profitably, not only for initiating companies, but also for other involved stakeholders such as resellers and intermediaries. Academic and practitioner research across business functional areas focused on ways to deliver value to subsistence consumers is welcome, with preference given to those topics and approaches most consistent with individual buyers and sellers as the starting point.

      • Technology Identification, Product Design, Development, and Testing
      • Distribution
      • Promotion and Pricing
      • Roles of Subsistence Buyer/Sellers in Business Processes and Value Creation

      Submissions for Conference Presentation
      All authors are asked to submit a two-page abstract, from which acceptance decisions will be made and preliminary session planning will be carried out. It is suggested that the number of references be limited and included at the end of the text.

      Submission Deadline for Two-Page Extended Abstracts: March 15, 2006
      Notification: April 15, 2006

      Submission Requirements:
      Page 1: Title, author, and full contact information (including e-mail).
      Pages 2-3: Double-spaced abstract of the paper

      To be submitted as Word attachments via e-mail to both co-chairs (mviswana@uiuc.edu and jarosa@uic.edu).

      Submissions for Publication as Book Chapters

      Presentations accompanied by full papers will be considered for possible publication in a book emerging from the conference. The book will be part of theAdvancesin International Management series, published by Elsevier(http://www.elsevier.com/wps/find/bookdescription.cws_home/BS_ADVIM/description#description) in 2007. Authors interested in having their papers published must submit a full draft prior to the conference and notify the chairs of their intent to do so when submitting abstracts. The revised manuscripts submitted after the conference will be peer-reviewed for content and stylistic adequacy and may require revision prior to final acceptance.

      Submission Deadline for Full Drafts: July 24, 2006

      Notification: September 1, 2006 -

      Deadline for revised papers after incorporation of comments from conference participants and conference chairs
      December 1, 2006 - Feedback to authors after peer review

      January 15, 2007 – Final deadline for revised submission

      Submission Requirements:
      Page 1: Title, author, and full contact information (including e-mail).
      Pages 2-30: Double-spaced paper not to exceed 30 pages including references, appendices, and exhibits.
      To be submitted as Word attachments via e-mail to both co-chairs (
      mviswana@uiuc.edu and jarosa@uic.edu).

    39. ISBM B-to-B Biannual Academic Meeting 

      ISBM B-to-B Biannual Academic Meeting
      August 3 - 4, 2006

      (Just before 2006 Summer AMA Conference in Chicago)

      Theme: Thinking Big, Thinking Different: Contributions and Challenges in B-to-B Research

      Venue: Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management Conference Center

      Conference Objectives:

      • Develop new ideas and new ways to address the most pressing issues at the interface of the B-to-B academic and practitioner communities
      • Generate new research approaches and ideas to address these ideas
      • Provide a forum for interaction amongst the world's leading B-to-B researchers

      Special Feature: Up to $100,000 in research awards ..see

      Academic/Practitioner Challenge: http://www.smeal.psu.edu/isbm/seminars/acachal06.html


      • Penn State University's Institute for the Study of Business Markets
      • Marketing Science Institute
      • Georgia State University's Center for Industrial and Business Marketing
      • Emory University's Zyman Institute for Brand Science
      • Northwestern University's Center for Research in Technology & Innovation

      To submit abstracts, special session proposals or to register see:


      For other information, contact Conference Co-Chair Rajdeep Grewal: rug2@psu.edu

    40. 1st Workshop Arts, Culture & Management in Europe 

      Haute école de gestion Arc de Neuchâtel organises,
      in partnership with the chair ACME of Bordeaux Business School

      The 1st Workshop Arts, Culture & Management in Europe
      « Which Marketing for Cultural Organisations in Europe? »

      Friday, September 15th 2006, in Neuchâtel (Switzerland)

      In presence of Mr Jean-Frédéric Jauslin
      Director of the Office fédéral de la culture from Switzerland

      Call for papers

      Cultural organisations in Europe are undergoing drastic changes. They face an increasingly fleeting and demanding public, which allocates its growing leisure time among an abundant offer. But these organisations are also undergoing more constraining rules of management and new performance criteria
      which accompany the amazing development of their supply. As a consequence, they adopt new marketing practices.

      These observations serve as a backdrop for the upcoming workshop. The organisers wish to make this event a privileged opportunity for professionals of cultural organisations and European academics to meet. Special attention will be devoted to innovative marketing strategies, sharing new experiences and
      establishing research networks. It is for these reasons that the organisers extend a special invitation to professionals as well as to emerging researchers to submit a proposal. In order to stimulate productive discussions, the number of papers and participants will be deliberately limited.

      Scientific Committee

      • Mr Roger Bennett, London Metropolitan University (GB)
      • Ms. Michelle Bergadàa, HEC Genève (CH)
      • Ms. Corinne Berneman, ESC Saint-Etienne (F)
      • Ms. Dominique Bourgeon-Renault, Université de Franche-Comté and Université de Bourgogne (F)
      • Ms. Antonella Carù, Université Bocconi (I)
      • Mr François Colbert, HEC Montréal (CDN)
      • Mr François Courvoisier, HEG Arc Neuchâtel (CH), coordinator
      • Mr Guido De Brabander, Universiteit Antwerpen Management School (B)
      • Mr Yves Evrard, HEC Paris (F)
      • Mr Marc Filser, Université de Bourgogne (F)
      • Ms. Anne Gombault, Bordeaux Ecole de Management (F)
      • M. Rolf Keller, Université de Bâle (CH)
      • Mme Catherine Morel, Audencia Nantes Ecole de Management (F) and Sotheby's Institute of Art (GB)
      • Mr Andrea Moretti, Università degli Studi di Udine et Università Ca’ Foscari (I)
      • Ms. Christine Petr, Université de Rennes I (F)
      • M. Thomas Schmutz, Université de Neuchâtel (CH)
      • Mr Paul Taylor, Fachhochschule Furtwangen (D)
      • Ms. Liisa Uusitalo, Helsinki School of Economics and Business Administration (SF)
      • Ms. Nelly van der Geest, Utrecht School of the Arts (NL)

      Organising Committee

      • Mr François Courvoisier Professor, Haute école de gestion Arc de Neuchâtel
      • Ms. Corinne Berneman Professor, ESC Saint-Etienne
      • Ms. Dominique Bourgeon-Renault Professor, Université de Franche-Comté
      • Ms. Fabienne Courvoisier Researcher, Haute école de gestion Arc de Neuchâtel
      • Ms. Anne Gombault Holder of the ACME chair, Bordeaux Ecole de Management

      Paper Selection Procedure
      Paper proposals will be evaluated in a double-blind procedure, based on a 2-3 page abstract, which must
      indicate the objectives of the paper, main theoretical, methodological, or operational contributions.
      Selection criteria are based primarily on the innovative or operational character of the issues rather than
      academic quality. Practitioners and researchers from countries having recently joined the European Union
      are especially encouraged to send a proposal.

      Proposals must be sent by electronic mail in Word format and include a title page indicating the names,
      affiliation, postal address and electronic address of the authors to:

      Ms. Fabienne Courvoisier at: fabienne.courvoisier@he-arc.ch

      Deadline for sending abstract: May 15th 2006
      Notification to authors: June 15th 2006
      Submission of full paper: September 1st 2006

      Papers selected will be published in the Proceedings of the workshop that will be distributed to
      participants. Best papers will also be published in a special edition of the French journal Espaces,
      tourisme & loisirs.

      Venue of the Workshop
      Haute école de gestion Arc
      50, rue de Sainte-Hélène
      CH-2009 Neuchâtel
      Tel. +41 32 889 69 96
      Fax +41 32 889 60 33

      Practical Information
      Registration Fee: 150 CHF or 100 €
      This fee includes coffee breaks, lunch as well as a copy of the Workshop proceedings.

      Hotel Reservations:
      Rooms have been pre-booked at the Hôtel des Arts and Hôtel Alpes et Lac for a preferential rate for workshop participants (mention « HEG Arc » when booking)

      Hôtel Alpes et Lac
      Place de la Gare 2
      CH- 2002 Neuchâtel
      t. +41 32 723 19 19
      f. +41 32 723 19 20
      Web site www.alpesetlac.ch
      E-mail hotel@alpesetlac.ch
      Single room starting at 146 CHF (~ 95 €), includes buffet breakfast (service and taxes included)

      Hôtel des Arts
      Rue Pourtalès 3
      CH- 2001 Neuchâtel
      t. +41 32 727 61 61
      f. +41 32 727 61 62
      Web site www.hotel-des-arts.ch
      E-mail info@hotel-des-arts.ch
      Single room starting at 115 CHF (~ 75 €), includes buffet breakfast (service and taxes included)

      Informal dinners have been organised for both Thursday 14th and Friday 15th September where participants will be able to have a taste of local specialties.
      For further information, please contact:
      tel. +41 32 889 46 58

      The chair ACME of Bordeaux Business School
      The ACME Chair (Arts, Culture & Management in Europe) has been created in September 2004 by
      Bordeaux Business School, with the aim to produce and share knowledge research in the field of arts
      management in Europe. A network of twelve researchers from different European institutions is actively
      engaged in research projects. These projects are organised around three audiences: academic
      community, students, artistic and cultural organisations as well as companies which develop relationships
      with these organisations

      Haute école de gestion Arc de Neuchâtel
      HEG Haute école de gestion Arc is part of Haute école spécialisée de Suisse occidentale, a network of
      higher learning institutions in the fields of management, engineering, industrial design and social-health.
      As an applied sciences university, HEG Arc positions itself in the fields of arts management and territorial
      marketing thanks to the involvement of a number of its researchers.

    41. 2nd Annual Colloquium: the AM’s Brand and Corporate Reputation SIG 

      The Dynamics of Brand, Corporate Image, Identity & Reputation in the Knowledge Economies
      2nd Annual Colloquium: the AM’s Brand and Corporate Reputation SIG
      A Feeder Colloquium for Special Edition of European Journal of Marketing

      September 7th – 8th 2006, at The Manchester Business School
      University of Manchester, UK

      General Information
      The Brand, Identity and Corporate Reputation SIG is a Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Academy of Marketing (AM) in the UK. Our SIG’s Annual Colloquium is an important forum for presenting current research output and intellectual exchange. The goal for the 2006 Colloquium is to create a program that highlights topics with the potential to enhance the impact of Branding, Identity, Corporate Reputation and other Brand related scholarship on marketing and Business practice, public policy, and society at large. We feel that this objective is best served by careful scholarship, combined with rigorous, open and frank discussion of the implications of such scholarship for these three substantive domains. Thus, we encourage authors to present their best work at the colloquium, whether applied, theoretical, or methodological in orientation.

      Submission Information
      Papers are invited that present evidence of empirical investigations, explore new theoretical perspectives, suggest practical implications of existing theory, apply new tools to Brand Marketing, provide insights for research drawn from marketing practice and consumer behaviour, highlight advances in critical discourse, and/or insightfully synthesize one or more important bodies of literature relevant to Brand Marketing. Papers related to the conference theme of “The Dynamics of Brand, Corporate Image, Identity & Reputation in the Knowledge Economy” are especially encouraged.

      In order to encourage colleagues to submit and present their best work at the conference, authors have the option of developing their works for consideration in a special edition of European Journal of Marketing. In addition, papers will be published in the ISBN numbered conference proceeding.

      Please note that all submissions must be both in hard copy form (one copy) and in electronic form and must be directed to the address below.

      The following pages provide detailed submission instructions for abstracts and papers.
      The deadline for receipt of abstract is 21st March 2006.
      Deadline for the full paper is 27th of June, 2006.

      Awards at the Conference
      Awards will be presented at the Conference for the Outstanding Doctoral Paper, plus the most prestigious award at the Conference - the Best Paper in Conference Award. A panel will select the award-winning papers based on nominations from the reviewers

      A Special Invitation to Doctoral Students - Doctoral students are invited to submit Abstract and Work-in-progress and invited to attend the colloquium.

      Procedures for Papers Submissions

      Original papers are sought for presentation at the conference. The primary submission requirements are that the research be of high quality and that the manuscript not be currently under review, accepted for publication, or published elsewhere. Authors of accepted manuscripts must agree to register for the Conference and to appear at the Conference to present their work. A Discussant will critique each session’s papers. Authors of accepted papers will have the option of having their work reviewed for publication in a top marketing journal and in the Colloquium Proceedings, which will be available at the Conference.

      Papers submitted for the colloquium will be evaluated using a double-blind procedure. Selection criteria include the general quality of the paper, the clarity of presentation within the paper, and the contribution of the paper to the understanding of Brand Marketing phenomena.

      1. Please submit Abstract and full-papers in both hard copy form (one copy) and electronic form.

      2. Send the abstract, on or before 21st March 2006, full paper on or before 27th of June 2006.

      3. Prepare electronic documents in Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format. The electronic submission, of Abstract and Full papers, by e-mail attachment must be received by the SIG-Coordinator, Dr Temi Abimbola by 21st of March, 2006; 27th of June, 2006 Respectively.

      4. Please plan your timetable for preparation and submission accordingly.

      5. Full-paper submissions must be accompanied by a cover letter that indicates the intention to publish the paper, if accepted. In your cover letter, please include complete contact information for all authors including name, address, phone number, fax number, and e-mail address. For the electronic version, the cover letter should be written into an e-mail message with the accompanying paper as an attachment as specified above.

      6. Confirmation that your paper was received will be delivered via e-mail.

      7. Submitted papers – including references, exhibits, and appendices – must not exceed 6,000 words and 15 double-spaced, word-processed pages prepared in 12-point font. Details regarding word processing of the final version for publication in the Proceedings will be provided later to authors whose papers have been accepted.

      8. Because all papers will be reviewed using a double-blind procedure, author name(s) should appear only on the title page. Authors should avoid revealing their identities in the body or reference section of the paper. All identifying information associated with the digital version of the manuscript will be deleted prior to review to preserve anonymity.

      9. Place the title of the paper, but not the author name(s), at the top of the next page, followed by a single-spaced abstract not exceeding 100 words. The remainder of the paper should be double-spaced and conform to the manuscript guidelines of the European Journal of Marketing).

      10. Papers submitted for publication in the Proceedings as abstracts or as complete papers must not currently be under review, accepted for publication, or published elsewhere.

      11. If your paper is accepted, at least one author must agree to (a) appear at the conference to present the paper and (b) return the paper or detailed abstract in the required final format on diskette by the due date to be provided later.

      Colloquium Fees and Accommodation

      The conference fee is £190 plus VAT (Total 223.25). The Conference fee for AM and AMA members are £170 pus VAT (199.75). The fee for Doctoral Researcher is £100.

      These figures include registration fee, conference dinner on 7th of September and lunch and refreshments on 8th of September. You will also receive a Book of Abstracts and full papers on CD-ROM. Cancellations made 4 weeks or less prior to the conference will incur 50% of the full fee. This fee does not include overnight accommodation.

    42. Marketing Dynamics Conference 2006 

      Marketing Dynamics Conference 2006
      August 23-25, 2006
      Los Angeles, California

      Co-Sponsored by:
      INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS)
      Marketing Science Institute (MSI)
      University of California, Los Angeles
      University of California, Riverside
      Columbia Business School

      Organizing committee: Shuba Srinivasan, Dominique Hanssens and Randolph Bucklin

      Program committee: Marnik Dekimpe, Tulin Erdem, Natalie Mizik, Prasad Naik, Koen Pauwels and Michel Wedel.

      We invite all interested researchers to participate in this year’s Marketing Dynamics Conference, jointly sponsored by ISMS, the Marketing Science Institute (MSI), the University of California at Riverside, Columbia Business School and UCLA to be held from Wednesday, August 23, 2006 through Friday, August 25th, 2006 at the UCLA Anderson School of Management. This mini-conference builds on the last year’s conference hosted by the University of California, Davis and the first conference at the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth University. The purpose of this meeting is to
      provide a setting for academic researchers interested in marketing dynamics to meet and discuss research in this area for an extended period, exchange ideas, and engage in collaborative work. The conference begins with a reception on Wednesday. The conference research program commences with a keynote address by Nobel Laureate, Sir Clive Granger of UC San Diego on Thursday, followed by research presentations by faculty and doctoral students, as well as discussion sessions, on Thursday and Friday.

      Detailed information is posted on the conference website (please see link below).

      You can participate either as an attendee or presenter. If you are interested in presenting your research, please email a two-page abstract to Prof. Shuba Srinivasan (shuba.srinivasan@ucr.edu) by May 1, 2006. Your presentation (approx. 30 minutes) will be followed by discussions (about 15 minutes) with the other participants. The topics will focus on marketing phenomena involving dynamic outcomes, actions, or processes (e.g., Bayesian learning, dynamic structural models, Hidden Markov models, time-series approaches, dynamic competitive games, dynamics in consumer learning, brand and corporate equity, customer management, or market response). The papers to be presented will be selected by the organizing committee based on quality, relevance to marketing dynamics, and diversity of topics discussed. In addition, papers written by junior faculty will receive preferential consideration. A completed manuscript of the paper to be presented at the meeting should be available by August 15, 2006.

      Lodging and Transportation
      The following is a list of hotels that will be available to you during your stay for the Marketing Dynamics Conference, August 23-25, 2006. We have blocked off a group of rooms with each hotel, EXCEPT the W Hotel. When making your reservation please inform them that you are with the group for the “UCLA Marketing Dynamics Conference.”
      **Please note that all reservations must be made by July 17, 2006, in order to guarantee you a room.

      1. UCLA Guest House
      330 Charles E. Young Drive East
      Los Angeles, CA 90095-1466
      (310) 825-2923
      $105./per night (includes a queen bed, and continental breakfast)
      $110./per night (includes a queen bed/kitchenette, and continental breakfast)
      (The UCLA Guest House is located on the north end of campus and is the closest in walking distance between the Faculty Center and the Anderson School.)

      2. Hilgard House Hotel
      927 Hilgard Avenue
      Los Angeles, CA 90024
      (310) 205-3945
      $119./per night (includes a continental breakfast)
      (The Hilgard House is a moderate walk onto campus, located in Westwood, across from the W Hotel; Shuttle service will be provided.)

      3. UCLA Tiverton House
      900 Tiverton Avenue
      Los Angeles, CA 90024-3013
      (310) 794-0151
      $120./per night (includes a continental breakfast)
      (The UCLA Tiverton House is closest to Westwood Village, located on the south end of campus; Shuttle service will be provided.)

      4. W Hotel – Westwood
      930 Hilgard Avenue
      Los Angeles, CA 90024
      (310) 208-8765
      $225./per night (must mention UCLA rate!)
      (The W Hotel is located across the street from the Hilgard House, so shuttle service will be provided. We have not blocked off a set of rooms at this hotel, so if you choose to stay there please call them ASAP, and remember to request the UCLA Anderson School rate.)

      The conference registration fee is US $295 before July 1, 2006. Late registration fee is US $350 (July 2 - August 15, 2006). To register for this conference, download the registration form from the MSI website and follow the instructions. The registration fee will be waived for all the attending PhD students. In addition, a limited number of financial grants are available for qualifying doctoral students who will present their research.
      For details, please check the conference website http://www.msi.org/msi/meetings.cfm.

    43. 4th Workshop on Relationship Dynamics 

      4th Nordic Workshop on Relationship Dynamics - NoRD2006
      6-8 October, 2006, Yli-Ii, Finland

      The call for papers for the 4th Nordic Workshop on Relationship Dynamics (NoRD2006), Yli-Ii, Finland is available at www.taloustieteet.oulu.fi/nord/ along with other info on the workshop.

      In spite of the title, the workshop is open to researchers from all over the world.

      Jaana Tahtinen, Mrs.
      Acting professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences
      Marketing Department
      P.O.Box 4600
      FIN-90014 University of Oulu, Finland
      tel. +358 8 553 2586, mobile +358 40 5238 528, fax + 358 8 553 2906
      Nordic Workshop on Relationship Dynamics 2006

    44. 9th Retail Strategy and Consumer Decision Research Seminar 

      Ninth Retail Strategy and Consumer Decision Research Seminar
      of the Society for Marketing Advances (SMA)
      (Nashville, Tenn., November 1st , 2006)


      A one-day special topics in retailing seminar will be held prior to the Society for Marketing Advances Annual Meeting to held November 1st, 2006 at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee. Research papers relating to one of these two tracks are solicited:
      - Retail strategy formulation and implementation
      - Consumer decision process related to the choice of retail organizations

      The key characteristics of the seminar are:
      - Limited number of participants (fewer than 25)
      - Selected papers are eligible to be published in a special section of the Journal of Business Research following the seminar review process.
      - High caliber papers
      - Highly reputed speakers including a keynote address.
      - Ph.D. students are invited to participate.

      Location and Program
      The seminar will be held in Nashville, TN, the Country Music capital of the world. Research paper presentations, workshops and other keynote presentations will highlight the conference. The seminar attracts a diverse and international audience. Special sessions on retailing outside North America are highly encouraged.

      1. Strategy Formulation and Implementation in Retail Organizations.
      Papers related to strategy formulation and/or implementation are invited. Submissions dealing with competitive positioning, industrial retailing, industry consolidation, information systems, negotiation strategies, third-party collaboration, category management and profitability analysis are strongly sought. Other topics of interest include non-store retailing, pricing strategies, electronic commerce and global retailing strategies and prospects.
      2. Consumer decision making: here is a non-exhaustive list of possible topics
      What are the retail cues to which consumers respond? What are the decision processes elaborated by consumers outside the store and inside the store?
      What is the contribution of the store atmospherics to the retention of consumers?

      Deadline for Paper Submissions
      June 30, 2006

      Special Sessions and Workshops
      Robert A. Robicheaux
      Marshall Scholar and ChairDepartment of Mgt., Mkt, and IDUAB
      1150 10th Avenue South
      Birmingham, AL 35294-4460,
      Telephone (205) 934-4648
      Fax (205) 934-0058

      Consumer Decision Track
      Jean-Charles Chebat
      GECSeC Chair Prof.
      HEC Montréal
      5540 avenue Louis-Colin
      Montréal (Qc).CANADA H2T 3A7
      tel: 1-514-340-6846
      fax: 1-514-340-6097

      Retail Management Employee Behavior Track
      Barry Babin
      Professor of Marketing and Chair
      University of Southern Mississippi College of Business
      Hattiesburg MS 39406,
      Telephone (601) 266-4629
      Fax (601) 266-4630


      1. Submit manuscripts, special session proposals and workshop descriptions to the respective track chairs. Submit special sessions

      2. Submit your manuscript electronically

      on or before June 30, 2006

      3. Manuscripts must follow the style guidelines of the Journal of Business Research.

      4. Manuscripts should not exceed 7,000 words in total.

      5. Manuscripts will be double blind reviewed. Please do not identify yourself on any page other than the title page.

      6. Manuscripts should not have been previously published.

      1. Contact the Track Chairs if you have any questions or are uncertain of the appropriate track for the paper.

    45. ANZMAC 2006 


      ANZMAC 2006 Conference

      4-6 December 2006, Brisbane

      Hosted by: The School of Advertising, Marketing and Public Relations,

      Queensland University of Technology

      Date: 4-6 December 2006 (Monday - Wednesday)

      Venue: Queensland University of Technology, Gardens Point Campus, Brisbane

      In 2006, the conference theme Advancing Theory, Maintaining Relevance challenges participants to break new ground and explore concepts in marketing, while demonstrating a strong connection to practice. ANZMAC 2006 brings together academics and practitioners to generate ideas, share knowledge, increase mutual understanding and build synergies across academe and industry.

      A number of features in 2006 reflect the theme of Advancing Theory, Maintaining Relevance.

      Along with a broad selection of conference tracks, the program includes breakfast roundtable discussions, poster displays, and academic and industry leaders as keynote and panel speakers. The theme is reinforced across all tracks as papers submitted must address the conference theme and reviewers will provide a score on relevance to theme during the review process.

      The vibrant and energetic city of Brisbane in subtropical Queensland provides the ideal setting for a conference that will foster a spirit of collaboration and participation.

      Conference Participation Opportunities

      There are many ways to participate in the ANZMAC 2006 Conference, including those listed below. Information will be posted over the coming months as details are finalised.

      Multiple tracks

      Competitive papers and discussants to comment on papers presented at selected sessions.

      Plenary sessions

      Practitioners and academic speakers to discuss key marketing issues relevant to theory and practice in today's climate.

      Breakfast Roundtables

      Group discussion with focus on issues relating to relevance of theory and practice.

      Poster Session

      Session for doctoral and other students to showcase their research relating to the conference theme.

      Queensland Marketing Event

      Showcase of marketing departments by Queensland universities.

      Research Symposium

      Joint EMAC-ANZMAC Symposium stimulating the exchange of ideas on emerging, new and innovative research and findings of relevance to marketing academics and practitioners.

      It's never too early to start making plans to attend the ANZMAC 2006 Conference. Start thinking about how you would like to participate.

      Please visit this website frequently for updated conference information.


  8. Publications & Calls for Papers

    1. Second edition of 'International Direct Marketing' 

      Second edition of the German book "International Direct Marketing" published

      The book "International Direct Marketing - Basic Pricinciples, Best Practice, Marketing Facts" has been published in second, revised and extended edition.

      As the first edition from 2005 the new edition was initiated and conceived by DHL Global Mail together with the Center for Interactive Marketing and Media Management (CIM) of the University of Muenster, Germany and the Siegfried-Vögele-Institute (SVI), Königstein,Germany.

      Twelve renowned experts, among them, Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft, Head of the Institute of Marketing of the University of Muenster and Prof. Dr. Jürgen
      Hesse, Managing Director of the Siegfried-Vögele-Institute identify the latest developments in the fields of International Direct Marketing. Various successful practical examples, current data and facts from 24 European as well as for the first time Asian countries complete the book.

      Besides the second German edition, the book is soon to be published in the first English edition.

    2. Publications - Suzanne Beckmann 

      Suzanne C. Beckmann, Copenhagen Business School, has recently published two books.

      Mette Morsing & Suzanne C. Beckmann (Eds.), Strategic CSR Communication
      Copenhagen: DJØF Publishing.

      Increasingly critical and sophisticated stakeholders request companies to engage in CSR activities and to communicate about such efforts. Driven by such an energetic demand, CSR communication seems like a straightforward task: inform stakeholders better about corporate CSR activities. Yet, strategic CSR commmunication is anything but a straightforward endeavor. Communicating an organisation as a socially responsible entity implies not only "better information" but also that organisational members develop a sensitivity towards the changing expectations among a variety of stakeholders who voice their concerns with different intensity and on different topics. This book raises the key issues, the challenges and the complexity that face managers as they engage themselves and their organisations in a stakeholder dialogue about on communicating their CSR efforts.

      About the book

      "Over 30 years ago, Milton Friedman wrote in the New York Times that the social responsibility of a business was to increase its profits. Any diversion of company resources to social programmes, charity and other non-profit generating activities he argued was a tax on consumers and investors. His position, based upon sound free market ideology, has come under increasing attack since time of writing and can no longer provide the business leader with an erudite means of avoiding the issue. In the last decade or so, the global village has become a reality through globalization, consolidation and convergence and the boundaries between the corporation and its multiple stakeholders have become very blurred. The need for 360º stakeholder communications has never been more important or more pressing for business leaders to tackle.

      This issue is addressed head on through this collection of readings which spells out why CSR is now high on the corporate agenda, how such programmes can be communicated effectively, even to the most ardent of anti-capitalists, and what the benefits and barriers of an integrated approach to CSR communications might be. The timing of this book is perfect. It draws together much of the stakeholder theory developed in the last 30 years as well as exploring many contemporary issues, such as the ethics of stealth marketing.
      The book will certainly engage debate both in the boardroom and the classroom on the principles and practices of strategic CSR communication: A must read for all managers and students with an interest in CSR".

      Simon Knox, Professor of Brand Marketing, Cranfield School of Management, UK

      "Strategic CSR communication is of increasing importance for management, and this book excellently illustrates and challenges the complexity of the field. I find it particularly stimulating to read the experiences and discussions on how do we communicate to increasingly more sophisticated and critical stakeholders about our business processes and contributions to society? Do stakeholders want to hear our message? And if not, what do we do then? This book is not the usual "how to do communication" book. Although it delivers some suggestions to communicate CSR, it brings about even more questions for reflections. This is the kind of book that I need as a manager to trigger new ideas, thoughts and even touch upon taboos in present and future CSR communication challenges".

      Ricky Raaholt, Brand Planner, VELUX and MBA student at CBS Executive Master of Corporate Communication

      Erik S. Rasmussen, Per Østergaard & Suzanne C. Beckmann (2006). Essentials of Social Science Research Methodology.
      Odense: University of Southern Denmark Press.

      Research is the systematic process of planning, investigating and understanding a phenomenon in order to find answers to specific questions. This book describes and explains the essential foundations of the research process in social sciences. It is guided by the notion that there is no such thing than one general ‘best’ method, but that the choice of method depends upon the research problem and the purpose of the research.

      The book provides an overview of the way in which knowledge is acquired and employed in the social sciences. We believe that it is important to place the research and degree courses associated with the social sciences in the general academic context, so that the reader of the book becomes familiar with the ways in which the academic process occurs. This is why we introduce in the book a set of academic concepts – such as paradigms, induction and deduction – since these concepts are central to the ability to work scientifically, regardless of whether we are a first-year student, writing a master thesis or about to embark on a PhD. The level is not, of course, the same, but the demand for thoroughness, openness and for the conscious employment of methodology is the same whether we are students or professors.

      Aside from being an introduction to the academic working process, the book is also a practical tool for students, who are themselves working with projects. We provide a set of instructions as to how to set up a frame of reference, i.e. the theoretical and methodological framework for the project, and we give a brief introduction both to quantitative and to qualitative methods. We focus on the essential features of the various methods, which allow students to be in a position to consider their suitability for answering a specific research question.

      Key features of the book:

      • To set the stage from a philosophy of science perspective that emphasizes the need to choose the appropriate frame of reference for a given research problem
      • To describe the mindset which is necessary to work in a scientific way – regardless of whether you are a first year student or writing a Ph.D.
      • To explain the importance of theories, models and methods for a systematic approach to literature reviews, use of secondary data, and empirical investigations
      • To introduce the fundamental characteristics of qualitative and quantitative methods and their implications for data collection and analysis
      • To clarify the issues of verification and reflection in the evaluation of research studies

    3. Global Business and Organizational Excellence: Call For Article Submissions and Book Reviews  

      Global Business and Organizational Excellence: Call For Article Submissions and Book Reviews

      Global Business and Organizational Excellence (GBOE) is a refereed journal, published six times per year, that covers all aspects of organizational leadership, including production, human resource management, marketing, and finance, as well as analysis of cross-cultural, economic, public policy, sociological, technological, and environmental issues as they pertain to business and organizational operations. The primary audience includes executives and managers in business and government, human resources specialists, academicians, and consultants, all operating in a global context to effectively enhance business and organizational performance and competitive position.

      The Book Review Section is edited by Gillian Rice, EMAC member (http://www.west.asu.edu/sgml/MiscPages/SGMLFacultyProfiles/rice.html).
      If you are interested in writing a thematic book review of two to four books in a particular subject area, please contact Gillian at Gillian.Rice@asu.edu for full details.
      Further information on the journal and on how to submit articles can be obtained at the following website: http://www3.interscience.wiley.com/cgi-bin/jhome/113441284

    4. International Marketing Review - Call for papers 

      Call for Papers

      International Marketing Review
      “Business-to-Business as International Business: Exploration of international market strategies in business markets”

      Guest editors:
      P. Matthyssens (University of Antwerp, Belgium and Rotterdam School of Management, The Netherlands),
      A. Kirca (Michigan State University, USA)
      S. Pace (Bocconi University, Milan, Italy)

      In today’s environment, more and more B2B companies are becoming international and international activities are fundamental to their performance (Katsikeas 2006). Firms also tend to start internationalizing at early stages in their development (Rialp et al. 2005, Knight et al. 2004). Moreover, industrial buyers are more than ever globalizing their purchasing strategy (Quintens et al. 2006), thereby ‘pulling’ their suppliers into new markets and into new international networks (Harris and Wheeler 2005). As such, the B2B business reality seems more developed regarding internationalization than the status of the literature on the subject. A greater understanding is still required of international marketing within the context of industrial products according to Katsikeas (2006).
      We see some cross fertilization between the international business and the business to business fields. On the one hand, international business has been enriched by the business marketing’s network paradigm that is now generally accepted as one of the theoretical foundations of internationalization processes besides theories of country specific factor advantages, the Uppsala international model, transaction cost theories and Dunning’s eclectic theory, firm specific advantages theory, and so on (Hollensen 2001; Johansson 2003). Decisions of business marketers play a role in the internationalization of the firm. For instance, a closer collaboration with global key accounts might question the structuring of a multinational company in relatively independent country units. Further, business customers’ purchasing strategies drive companies to review their international business approaches.
      On the other hand, international business tendencies and decisions also weigh heavily on business marketing. The challenge each MNC faces to balance regional or worldwide integration and local responsiveness (Mellahi et al. 2005), to balance in- and out-sourcing, to realize global scale as well as innovation and differentiation, impacts heavily on marketing decisions.

      In the second issue of 2004 of International Marketing Review, a portfolio of papers presented views of IMP Group researchers on international marketing. The papers stressed the network and relational perspective to international marketing. This special issue seeks to broaden the horizon further. It is intended to explore how the cross fertilization process of B2B and IB has proceeded and might proceed further in the (near) future. It also wants to uncover specific approaches of B2B companies in the global context. Although no single topic is excluded a priori, we particularly welcome papers dealing with the following topics:

      • The (sequence of) international marketing strategies used by industrial and business marketers
      • Studies of antecedents and modes of global integration and coordination of B2B marketing
        strategies and approaches
      • The role of networks in international expansion
      • Differences between consumer marketers’ internationalization versus B2B marketers’ expansion in foreign markets
      • International branding, pricing, product management, account management in B2B contexts
      • Marketing competencies needed for successful globalization in business markets
      • The impact of global purchasing strategies of business customers on B2B internationalization approaches
      • The consequences of new value creation approaches on B2B firm internationalization paths.

      This Special Issue welcomes both rich conceptual papers as well as sound empirical work. Qualitative studies fit the scope of the Special Issue as long as they underpin a clear analytical and/or theoretical contribution, and are methodologically robust.

      Submit articles as an attachment to an e-mail to
      kirca@bus.msu.edu .
      Mind that you follow the guidelines of IMR (see www.emeraldinsight.com/imr.htm).

      Deadlines and planning
      1. 01 March 2007: Deadline for submitting papers (electronic submission)
      2. 15 June 2007: Reviewers’ comments back to authors
      3. 15 September 2008: Publication in issue 25(5)


      • Harris, S. and C. Wheeler (2005), “Entrepreneurs’ relationships for internationalization: functions, origins and strategies”, International Business Review, 14(2), 187-207
      • Hollensen, S. (2001), Global Marketing, Harlow: Prentice Hall
      • Johansson, J. (2003), Global Marketing, Boston: McGraw-Hill Irwin
      • Katsikeas, C. (2006), “Global marketing of industrial products: contemporary developments and future directions”, Industrial Marketing Management, 35(5), 540-544
      • Knight, G., T.K. Madsen and P.Servais (2004), “An inquiry into born global firms in Europe and the USA”, International Marketing Review, 21(6), 645-665
      • Mellahi, K., J.G. Frynas and P. Finlay (2005), Global Strategic Management, Oxford: Oxford University Press
      • Quintens, L., P. Pauwels and P. Matthyssens (2006), “Global purchasing strategy: conceptualization and measurement’, Industrial Marketing Management, 35 (October), 881-891
      • Rialp, A., Rialp J. and G. Knight (2005), “The phenomenon of early internationalizing firms: what do we know after a decade (1993-2003) of scientific inquiry?” International Business Review, 14 (2), 147-166

    5. International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research - Special Issue  

      Call for Papers

      International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research

      Call for Papers: Deadline 12 March 2007

      More information at: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/ijcthr/ijcthr.jsp

      Objectives. This special issue of International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research (IJCTHR) will be devoted to research on culture, tourism and hospitality in the U.S. Southern States. All Southern-relevant culture and tourism-related topics are welcome. Southern culture, and in particular Southern hospitality, has a long tradition as a driving force in tourism and distinguishing this region from other areas of the United States. Tourism in the South is multi-faceted and includes destination-based, ritual-based, heritage-based, and experiential-based attractions. This IJCTHR Special Issue on Decoding Southern Culture and Hospitality is to serve as an invaluable source of cultural and tourism knowledge/insights relating to the U.S. South.
      This special issue of IJCTHR will be published in 2008. March 12, 2007 is the deadline for submissions.

      Possible topics include the following subjects:

      • African-American travel in the South before and/or after Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.
      • Southern rituals of courtship, marriage or death
      • New South versus Old South: The vanishing traditions of the South
      • Southern hospitality: Real or imagined
      • Understanding religion and community social life in the South
      • Back road trips through the Southern states
      • Cajun life and culture
      • An interpretive photo essay of a Southern family gathering or travel
      • Latin-American life in the U.S. South
      • Southern beauty pageants or the making of a Southern belle
      • Mardi Gras and other Southern rituals
      • Southern language and culture
      • Heritage-based Southern tourism
      • Southern stereotypes and icons
      • Southern lifestyle and self-image: What you eat, what you wear, and what you own.

      Editorial scope. The International Journal of Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research focuses on building bridges in theory, research, and practice across the fields of culture, tourism, and hospitality. The journal has an interdisciplinary mission to replace silo-thinking research paradigms. International in scope and grounded in theory-into-practice, the journal provides breadth, depth, provocation and passion in reporting the nuances of humans' lived experiences relating to culture, tourism and hospitality. Co-Editors of the special issue: Carol M. Megehee, Division of Business, Spring Hill College (c_megehee@yahoo.com) and Deborah F. Spake, Mitchell College of Business, University of South Alabama (debspake@yahoo.com).

      Manuscript requirements

      • Manuscripts should be created using Microsoft Word and submitted as an e-mail attachment to both Carol M. Megehee and Deborah F. Spake on or before March 12, 2007
      • Include all authors and their full addresses on the cover page; include a separate abstract page
      • Article length should be limited to 20 text pages, not counting the cover page, abstract and reference pages
      • A brief autobiographical note should be supplied, including full name, affiliation, e-mail address, and full international contact details for all authors
      • A structured abstract must be supplied and should be set out under 4-6 sub-headings: Purpose; Method/Approach; Findings; Research Limitations/Implications (if applicable); Practical Implications (if applicable); and, the Originality/Value of Paper. Maximum is 250 words. For more information and guidance on structured abstracts visit: http://www.emeraldinsight.com/structuredabstracts
      • Six keywords on the abstract page should be provided which encapsulate the principal topics of the paper
      • Submissions must be in American-English--please have a native or near-native American-English speaker review document before submission
      • Send one WORD file attachment of the complete manuscript (send one additional file of exhibits in POWERPOINT if appropriate for the manuscript).

      Copyright. Articles submitted to the journal should be original contributions and should not be under consideration for any other publication at the same time. Authors submitting articles for publication warrant that the work is not an infringement of any existing copyright and will indemnify the publisher against any breach of such warranty.

      Emerald Literati Editing Service. The Literati Club can recommend the services of a number of freelance copy editors (all copy editors are experienced authors) to contributors who wish to improve the standard of English in their paper before submission. This service is particularly useful for those whose first language is not English. Please see the link (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/editingservice) for more information.

    6. Monash Business Review - Call for Papers 

      Call for Papers

      Monash Business Review

      Monash Business Review is a journal that aims to communicate research to a wider audience about the improvement and development of business in Australia and overseas. The journal is published three times a year and appears in both print and online at www.mbr.monash.edu.

      MBR publishes original research, including fully independent double-blind-peer-reviewed academic papers, case studies, ideas and trends, book and conference reviews, news and special events. It encourages articles which communicate research to the business community from senior business people and academics throughout Australia and worldwide. Authors receive DEST points.

      Your submission does not have to adhere to any specific format or style, but needs to have a good narrative based on a strong, original idea that is well thought through and researched. Our editors will repurpose your paper for publication to a broad audience. References will not appear in the published version.

      Email papers for consideration in an MS Word doc file to mbr@buseco.monash.edu.au.

      Papers are not to exceed 4,000 words and should be accompanied by an abstract of no more than 100 words. Please also include a brief biography of yourself, including your affiliation and professional title – no more than 30 words.

      All articles are accepted with the understanding that they have not been accepted or published elsewhere. We will, however, publish work that has been presented at a conference. We will consider only one-submission-per-author(s)-per-issue.

      Journal’s double-blind-peer-reviewed policy assures that the reviewers do not know the name of the author and vice versa. Authors: to preserve anonymity, before you send your submission, make sure your name/identity appears three times only (first line, academic affiliation, academic bio).

      When reviews are completed, you will be notified whether your manuscript was accepted as is; accepted with corrections; accepted with revision; rejected.

      We cannot accept zipped or compressed files.
      Papers can only be accepted in electronic form.

      Submission Deadlines

      Publication date

      Submission date

      Issue 5

      6 November 2006

      3 July 2006

      Issue 6

      2 April 2007

      1 November 2006

      Issue 7

      2 July 2007

      7 February 2007

      Issue 8

      5 November 2007

      25 July 2007

      Early submission is encouraged as this facilitates the journal’s double-blind-peer-reviewed process.

      Submissions should be sent to

      The Editor
      mbr@buseco.monash.edu.au or
      Monash Business Review
      Monash University Graduate School of Business
      PO Box 197, Caulfield East, Vic, 3145 Australia
      Visit MBR online at www.mbr.monash.edu

    7. New IMM Brochure Launch  

      New IMM Brochure Launch in December

      In December, the Institute for International Marketing and Management (IMM) will launch a new brochure with detailed information on the Institute’s research and teaching activities as well as their cooperation with industry partners. It is therefore targeted to provide in-depth information for academics, managers and students.

      The brochure includes up-dated information on the faculty, since the IMM Institute has undergone a period of substantial change. Prof. Dr. Björn Ambos joined the Institute from the University of Edinburgh and will now co-direct the Institute together with Prof. Bodo B. Schlegelmilch. Further new faculty highlights are Prof. Dr. Volker Mahnke (Visiting Professor from Copenhagen Business School), Prof. Kazuhiro Asakawa (Guest Professor from Keio University), and two new Assistant Professors: Dr. Barbara Brenner (WU Wien) and Dr. Tina Ambos (University of Edinburgh and London Business School).

      Furthermore, it highlights selected research publications such as an article about organizational power and control in multinational corporations by Prof. Dr. Ambos and Prof. Schlegelmilch accepted at the Strategic Management Journal or an award-winning paper on qualitative research techniques by Assistant Professor Dr. Elfriede Penz.

      The brochure can be downloaded from the IMM homepage: http://www.wu-wien.ac.at/imm. For further information please contact Dipl.-Kfm. Phillip Nell (phillip.nell@wu-wien.ac.at).

    8. Publications - Christian Homburg 

      Publication - Christian Homburg, University of Mannheim

      • Ch. Homburg, H. Krohmer (2006), Marketingmanagement: Strategie – Instrumente – Umsetzung – Unternehmensführung, 2nd ed., Wiesbaden.
      • Ch. Homburg, H. Krohmer (2006), Grundlagen des Marketingmanagements: Einführung in Strategie, Instrumente, Umsetzung und Unternehmensführung, Wiesbaden.

    9. Publication - Ulrike MAYRHOFER 

      Ulrike MAYRHOFER, Professor of Business Administration at the Faculty of International Affairs, University of Le Havre and at ESC Rouen Management School, has published the second edition of her book on «Marketing » , Paris, Editions Bréal, Coll. Lexifac, 2006, ISBN 2 749506131.

      The book provides a synthesis of key concepts and techniques used in the field of marketing. The author presents a theoretical and managerial approach to major marketing issues, completed by practical examples and applications. The book is divided into three parts thatcover market analysis, marketing strategy and marketing-mix decisions.

    10. IJRM/MSI Special Issue on Health and Marketing 

      IJRM/MSI Special Issue on Health and Marketing

      With the growing aging of the world population, health has become a pressing issue. Many developed countries spend around 15% of their GDP on health. The OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development) has estimated that the annual increase in per capita spending on health across its member countries has outstripped overall economic growth by approximately 70% over the last three decades.

      A new field is developing within marketing that investigates “marketing of health”.Several factors drive the development of this field. First, it is highly relevant to society at large, given that many people deal with health issues every day, either as a professional, patient, or manager. Marketing of health influences people’s day-to-day lives. Second, government plays an important role in regulating the health and life sciences industry, thus health marketing research can have strong public policy implications. Third, given the government’s involvement in regulation, many processes at the patient-, physician-, provider-, company- or market-level are reliably and continuously documented. This provides the availability of high-quality databases. Fourth, given the size of the industry, resources for supporting research are available. The familiarity with experimentation in this industry also provides behavioral researchers with a potentially enabling research context. Fifth, initial work shows that these markets may be driven by mechanisms that do not exist in other markets, such as residual ambiguity and the unique patient-payer–provider channel, to mention two of the most prominent ones.

      As these trends can only seem to strengthen in the next decade, marketing of health promises to become a very fruitful area of research. To foster its early development, the International Journal of Research in Marketing (IJRM) and the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) have decided to sponsor a special issue of IJRM on this topic. IJRM/MSI invites people with diverse backgrounds (modeling, strategy and behavior) to submit papers for this special issue.

      Specific topics of interest include:
      1. Emotional and cognitive responses to disease and treatment;
      2. Information search and learning by patients and care providers (including how this varies with health status, age, etc.);
      3. Effectiveness of marketing instruments:
      a. Advertising: print to physicians as well as DTC;
      b. Pricing: co-payment, capping costs of life saving treatment (what is a year’s life worth? who will pay for customized treatments?)
      c. Promotion: who to target, where, with what information and for what drug?
      d. Mix of marketing instruments: when to use which instrument and how much of it?
      4. Launch and diffusion of new treatments;
      5. Patient relationship management (e.g., life time value, patient compliance to therapy);
      6. Prescription behavior of physicians and dispensing behavior of pharmacists;
      7. Analyses of the physician-payer-provider channel (e.g., insurance, HMO) and the shifting role of the patient;
      8. Innovation generation in life sciences;
      9. Inter-firm cooperation in health;
      10. Branding in health markets;
      11. Preventative health/wellness versus treatment/cure.

      While I welcome papers from all geographic areas, I would like to request authors, given the international character of both IJRM and MSI, to pay particular attention to describing the relevant country context (since regulation is an important factor in this industry and regulation is country-specific). Country-by-country comparisons are of special interest.

      In terms of timing, submissions for the special issue are due September 1, 2007.
      Submissions will go through the regular IJRM review process (although I will likely use a specific set of guest AE’s and reviewers), with a response to the authors by December 1, 2007.
      A revised paper, when requested, will be due by March 15, 2008.
      The authors will be notified of final acceptance by June 1, 2008. If further minor revisions are necessary, the final paper will be due August 1, 2008. The special issue will appear in print as the last issue of 2008, or the first issue of 2009. MSI and IJRM may consider organizing a meeting to feature the papers under consideration for the special issue.

      Papers can be submitted at any time until September 1, 2007 to:
      Stefan Stremersch
      Erasmus University Rotterdam
      Burg. Oudlaan 50
      3062 PA Rotterdam
      The Netherlands
      E-mail: editors-ijrm@few.eur.nl

      Please mention that it is a submission for the special issue. Also, given that I aim to make a decision in the first, if not definitely in the second round, please polish your submissions as much as possible. If you are not an experienced or native English speaker, please consider using a copy-editor.
      If you have questions, please contact me at the above e-mail address.

    11. Publications in international Marketing Journals in 2006: 

      Publications in international Marketing Journals in 2006:

      • Ch. Homburg, N. Koschate, W. Hoyer (2006), The Role of Cognition and Affect in the Formation of Customer Satisfaction – A Dynamic Perspective, Journal of Marketing, 70, 7, 21-31.
      • Ch. Homburg, M. Bucerius (2006), Is Speed of Integration Really a Success Factor of Mergers and Acquisitions? An Analysis of the Role of Internal and External Relatedness, Strategic Management Journal, 27, 347-367.

    12. Article on Hazard-Raten-Modelle im Marketing 

      Recently published article by Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft:

      Hüppelshäuser, M.; Krafft, M.; Rüger, E. (2006): Hazard-Raten-Modelle im Marketing,
      Marketing ZFP, Vol. 28 (3), p. 197-210.

    13. QQASS Special Issue 

      Call for Papers for QQASS Special Issue
      Special Issue of the Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis in Social Sciences (QQASS)
      ‘Redefining marketing in an information technology-driven economy’

      Call for Papers
      QQASS invites paper submissions for a special issue on ‘Redefining marketing in an information technology-driven economy’ that is scheduled for publication in 2007.

      The rapid use of information technology and its applications have re-engineered the way products and services are marketed to customers and challenge the traditional marketing principles. Information technology encompasses systems and applications such as the internet, customer databases and marketing related software and it is also a platform for the emergence of new forms of marketing such as e-marketing, mobile marketing, digital marketing, viral marketing and marketing via interactive television and games to name but a few. In addition, a range of issues including, inter alia, consumer personalisation, customer relationship management and profiling, media and channel convergence and consumer privacy need to be readdressed in the context of the new technological landscape, supported by a re-evaluation of their impact on the traditional marketing mix elements.

      This special issue aims to broaden our knowledge of the increasing role of information technology in marketing and to illustrate the emerging marketing forms, processes and applications. Articles may be theoretical and / or empirical in nature.

      The editors invite submissions of unpublished studies on the topics listed below.Topics may include, but should not be limited to:

      • Customer relationship management within the information technology-driven economy
      • Electronic marketing
      • Email marketing
      • Games marketing
      • Interactive television and IPTv
      • Interface between information technology and marketing
      • Mobile marketing
      • Role of consumer within the information technology-driven economy
      • Role, importance and evolution of distribution and marketing channels within the information technology-driven economy
      • Role and evolution of pricing and promotion within the information technology-driven economy
      • Viral marketing
      • Web marketing
      • Ubiquitous and pervasive marketing

      Important Dates

      • Submission of papers: 15th January, 2007
      • Review response: March 2007
      • Submission of revised papers: May 2007
      • Notification of acceptance: June 2007
      • Publication: Autumn 2007

      Additional Information
      The submission guidelines of the Journal may be viewed on the QQASS’ website: http://www.qqass.org.

      If you have questions about submitting an article, please contact the special issue editors: Dr Michael Bourlakis ( michael@qqass.org), Brunel University Business School, or Dr Savvas Papagiannidis ( savvas@qqass.org), Newcastle University Business School.

    14. Trust and New Technologies - Call for chapters 

      Call for chapters



      Teemu Kautonen, University of Vaasa
      Heikki Karjaluoto, University of Oulu

      Preliminary publication agreement with EDWARD ELGAR Publishing.

      Submission deadline for chapter ideas: 15 November 2006


      New technologies, including management information systems, the Internet and mobile technologies, have transformed many aspects of modern business management and marketing. Trust has been attributed a paramount role in this context, for example in reducing the perceived risk of electronic and mobile transactions and in facilitating long-term customer relationships. Even though significant advances have been made in understanding the role of trust in applying new technologies in business, the knowledge base is scattered and thus lacks transparency. The purpose of this book is to provide a comprehensive state-of-the-art overview of the current state of research in this area.


      The Editors welcome both conceptual and empirical contributions as well as high-quality literature reviews concerning the role of trust in the application of new technologies in business management and marketing contexts.

      Some suitable topics include (but are not limited to) the following:

      • conceptualisation of trust in digital channels
      • trust in mobile channels
      • cross-cultural comparisons of trust in e-commerce and m-commerce
      • impact of social, political and legal institutions on the emergence and development of trust in the context of new technologies
      • (evolutionary approaches to) the development of trust in Web merchants/in the mobile channel
      • antecedents and consequences of trust in the mobile channel/in the context of Web merchants
      • trust and branding using new technologies
      • trust and search engine advertising


      1. Authors are encouraged to submit a one-page chapter proposal (abstract) by 15 November 2006 for initial approval of topic and feedback.
      2. Accepted chapter proposals have to be developed into full papers by 31 March 2007.
      3. Papers will receive an initial screening by the Editors. The authors might be asked to make revisions at this stage.
      4. Papers that pass the editorial screening will undergo a double-blind review. The reviews will be provided to the authors by 30 June 2007.
      5. The final versions will have to be submitted by 30 September 2007.
      6. Publication of the book is planned for the second half of 2008.

      All submissions should be made electronically in Microsoft Word format to the Editors.


      Dr Teemu Kautonen
      University of Vaasa, Department of Management
      PO Box 700FIN-65101
      Vaasa - Finland
      e-mail: teemu.kautonen@uwasa.fi
      : +358 44 024 4280
      Fax: +358 6 324 8195

      Dr Heikki Karjaluoto
      University of Oulu, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration
      PO Box 4600FIN-90014
      e-mail: heikki.karjaluoto@oulu.fi
      : +358 8 553 2946
      Fax: +358 8 553 2906

    15. International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising - Special Issue 

      Special Issue of
      International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising

      4 Issues/Year, ISSN (Online): 1741-8100 - ISSN (Print): 1477-5212
      Listed in ABI/INFORM, Cabell's, Computer Science Index, EBSCO, Inspec, & Pascal

      IJIMA Theme: Mobile Adcommunication

      GUEST EDITOR: Jaana Tähtinen, University of Oulu, Finland

      Commercial communication sent to and received from mobile hand held devices is among the newest ways of marketers to talk to their customers. Mobile adcommunication continues to grow as mobile technology advances and the penetration of advanced mobile phones increases. Text and multimedia messages are used to communicate with customers, both in consumer and business-to-business markets. In research, the topic has been addressed under such labels as mobile marketing, mobile commerce and/or business, mobile advertising, and mobile adcommunication.

      Recent study suggests that no other form of commercial communication shares the exact same essential elements with the mobile form, making it unique and deserving a concept of its own; mobile adcommunication. The distinctive features of m-adcommunication are interactivity of the media, the personal nature of the mobile device, its potential for use in a context-sensitive way, for example when the customer is actually shopping, and its ubiquity and fastness. M-adcommunication as a term highlights the importance of mobile media being used only when it suits well to the purpose of the communication, when the receivers are known to the extent that the messages can be personalised to provide value to them, and when dialogue is possible.

      In spite of the rapid increase in studies focusing on mobile adcommunication, the theory development and conceptualisations of mobile means of commercial communication suffer from a lack of attention. The purpose of this special issue is to advance the theory development in this area, and bring forward multiple aspects of the phenomenon. The theme covers all commercial communication delivered via mobile hand held devices (e.g. mobile phones, PDAs).
      Theoretical (including reviews) and qualitative and quantitative empirical papers from consumers' and from marketers' point of view are welcome.

      Topics of relevance to this special issue include (but not limited to):

      • mobile adcommunication in business to consumers / business to business markets
      • word of mouth in mobile adcommunication
      • mobile adcommunication as a part of CRM, IMC, or direct marketing
      • ethics and legal considerations in mobile adcommunication
      • efficiency of mobile adcommunication
      • creativity in mobile adcommunication
      • mobile adcommunication in non-profit marketing
      • service quality of mobile adcommunication
      • global issues in mobile adcommunication
      • business models within mobile adcommunication
      • mobile adcommunication and advertising agencies.


      • A submitted paper must not be under the review of any other journal.
      • Electronic submission is required via the Journal Management System (JMS) http://www.calpoly.edu/~eli/iceb/JMS.htm.
      • A complete submission must include three separate MS-Word files: (1) the cover letter, (2) the title page, and (3) the manuscript without authors' names.
      • Each paper will undergo two rounds of double-blind reviews. Any paper fails to meet the required revisions after two rounds of reviews will be rejected unless only minor changes are needed. (Click here for Acceptance Criteria: http://www.calpoly.edu/~eli/iceb/Review_Criteria.htm)
      • Please submit your manuscript with a cover letter/e-mail containing the following imperative statements: (Click here for a sample cover letter/e-mail: http://www.calpoly.edu/~eli/iceb/ICEB_Sample_Cover_Letter.htm)

        1. Title and the central theme of the article.
        2. The theme of the Special Issue.
        3. Why the material is important in its field and why the material should be published in this Journal.
        4. Nomination of up to four recognized experts who would be considered appropriate to review the submission. Please state (1) the names, title, addresses, phone, fax, and email addresses of these reviewers, (2) the expertise of each reviewer relating to your paper, and (3) your relationship with each of them. An attempt will be made to select at least one of the reviewer nominations.
        5. The fact that the manuscript contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere.

      • Note that author name(s) must not appear anywhere else in the manuscript except in the title page and the reference list (if cited). No information can be placed in the properties of the manuscript's electronic file. Inappropriate submissions will be returned to authors. Factors leading to this action include submission with improper or no cover letter, excessive length, technically inappropriate material, single spaced body of text, subject of no interest to readers, manuscripts simultaneously submitted to other publications, and manuscripts not adhering to author guidelines. Non-English speaking author should have his/her paper proofread by a professional technical writer for grammatical and spelling corrections as well as the readability of the paper, before submitting it to the Guest Editor.
      • Accepted papers must follow the guidelines posted at Journal's website to format the final papers.


      • 1 December, 2006: Due date for full-paper submissions to Journal Special Issue.
      • 15 December 2006: Outcomes of initial screening are returned to authors whose papers are rejected for further reviews.
      • 15 February, 2007: Outcomes of 1st-round formal reviews are sent to authors of all papers
      • 15 March, 2007: Due date for resubmission of papers required revisions.
      • 15 April, 2007: Outcomes of 2nd-round formal reviews are sent to authors of resubmitted papers.
      • 1 May, 2007: Due date for resubmission of papers required only minor revisions.
      • 15 May, 2007: Outcomes of 3rd-round formal reviews are sent to authors of resubmitted papers.
      • 1 June, 2007: Due date for authors to submit properly-formatted copies for all accepted papers.

      For any questions, please contact:
      Acting prof. Jaana Tähtinen
      Guest Editor
      E-mail: jaana.tahtinen(at)oulu.fi
      This CFP can be found also: http://www.taloustieteet.oulu.fi/ajankohtaista/m-adcom

      For more information on the Journal visit the IJIMA web site:

    16. Article on 'A Network Perspective of the Port Wine Sector' - Brito 


      Brito, C. (2006), "A Network Perspective of the Port Wine Sector", International Journal of Wine Marketing, Vol. 18, No 2, pp. 124-138.

      For a detailed reference see:


    17. ZFB - Special Issue on Direct Marketing 

      Special Issue of ‘Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft’ on “Direct Marketing” –

      Call for Papers

      Dear colleagues,

      The importance of direct marketing has been steadily increasing in the last years. In many developedcountries, more resources are devoted to direct marketing than traditional mass advertising.Accordingly, with these developments direct marketing advances towards an ever more acknowledged area of scientific research. Many interesting managerial problems warrant innovativeand implementation-oriented solutions. To give those scientific solutions a renowned and widely read forum we will edit a special issue on “Direct Marketing” of the Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB) in Summer 2007.

      As editors of this special issue we would like to invite you to submit manuscripts. Before submitting your manuscript, please check the formal requirements of ZfB at www.zfb-online.de. Manuscripts have to be submitted electronically at the same website until September 15th. Please add a comment
      while uploading your manuscript that you are submitting this paper for our special issue. All papers will go through a double-blind review process. Please find enclosed a non-exclusive list of potential topics. For any additional inquiries please contact Manfred Krafft.

      We are looking forward to many inspiring manuscripts addressing issues that are interesting for both researchers and practitioners.

      With best regards
      Prof. Dr. Manfred Krafft & Jürgen Gerdes
      Institute for Marketing Chief Executive Officer and Member of the Board,
      University of Münster Division „Brief”, Deutsche Post World Net, Bonn

      Department Editor
      Dr. Manfred Krafft
      Professor and Chair of Marketing
      Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster
      Institute for Marketing (MCM)
      Am Stadtgraben 13-15
      D-48143 Münster
      ZfB • c/o FernUniversität • Postfach 940 • D-58084 Hagen
      hriftführende Herausgeber –
      Telefax: +49 (0)2331/987-2575, E-Mail: ZfB@FernUni-Hagen.de, Internet: http://www.zfb-online.de

      Call for Papers
      All manuscripts containing original research on the following aspects of direct and interactive marketing in the context of consumer goods, services and industrial marketing may be submitted for review. The following research areas are particularly relevant for the special issue:

      • Direct marketing and database marketing management
      • Strategies in interactive communication
      • Operational and tactical issues in interactive communication
      • Customer and management behavior in interactive environments
      • Design and test of marketing activities in interactive environments
      • Strategic usage of information and information technology, especially related to
        - customer value,
        - customer relationship management,
        - cross selling,
        - data mining and
        - international direct marketing.
      • Management of interactive channels, in particular
        - cross media management and
        - multi-channel management.
      • Strategic communication:
        - efficacy and efficiency of direct marketing communciation,
        - consumer behavior and interactive / direct marketing,
        - customer relationships, satisfaction and loyalty in interactive / direct marketing, and
        - customer acquisition, retention and reacquisition in interactive / direct marketing.
      • Changes in organizations with respect to interactive marketing environments:
        - influences of interactive technologies on the organization of marketing,
        - management of marketing processes induced through interactive customer communication &
        - organizational implementation of direct marketing.
      • Aspects of dialog marketing:
        - dialog disposition of individuals and organizations,
        - dialog ability of individuals and organizations, and
        - dialog behavior and dialog media.

      Other topics may be considered for the special issue if a substantial connection to interactive or direct marketing is present.
      For any inquiries please contact Manfred Krafft at +49 251 8325025 or at mkrafft@uni-muenster.de.

    18. Marketing Theory - Special Issue on Amnesia and Marketing Theory 

      Amnesia and Marketing Theory: Processes of Forgetting

      Call for Papers

      Marketing Theory is pleased to invite papers for a special issue on amnesia and marketing theory. The special issue will be edited by Mark Tadajewski (University of Essex) and Michael Saren (University of Leicester). In connecting amnesia and marketing theory we invite a focus on the processes of forgetting our intellectual heritage that perpetually redefine what counts as knowledge and what and who counts as a contribution to marketing theory. The rationale for this topic is the growing interest in cognate disciplines in the intellectual amnesia that works to exclude certain issues from the historical record or serves to render certain topics, methods, or approaches beyond the bounds of the disciplinary discourse. This special issue directly addresses the processes of forgetting in marketing and consumer research. Of course, such amnesia is not necessarily the result of poor scholarship. It may be due to the valorization of recency in referencing and contextualization. Or, amongst other causes, it could be attributed to the complex constellation of power/knowledge relations that have worked to structure the nature of intellectual inquiry in a particular fashion.

      Our focus on the development of marketing and intellectual amnesia follows Foucault, in recognizing that there important rules of discursive formation at the disciplinary level to which we must all adhere, in addition to non-discursive practices, which support particular types of knowledge and social orders. Within this field of possibilities there are only certain statements that can count as serious truth claims. Others are excluded by virtue of the rules of discursive formation that govern debate and work to structure intellectual discourse.

      For this special issue, we invite contributions ranging from conceptual papers, to methodologies for investigating the interplay between the production of knowledge in marketing and external social, political, economic and technological developments, to detailed empirical accounts, contemporary or historical. Possible topics include, but are not limited to:

      • The relationship between marketing and geopolitical conflicts such as the Cold War, World War II and postcolonial struggles
      • The marginalization of marketing concepts, theories and methods
      • Theoretical, conceptual and methodological reinvention
      • Critical theoretic perspectives on marketing theory and knowledge production
      • The boundaries of marketing theory
      • The politics of marketing theory
      • Processes/analyses of marketing amnesia; remembering to forget

      Papers will be subjected to a blind, peer reviewing process following customary practice in Marketing Theory.
      Papers should be sent electronically to Michael Saren at majs1@le.ac.uk.
      The deadline for submission of papers is: 1st July, 2007. Accepted papers are scheduled to be published in Volume 8.

    19. A New Ranking of Marketing Journals - A 3 minute survey 

      A New Ranking of Marketing Journals using Best-Worst-Scaling

      Journal standing is a hotly debated issue, with good reason; rankings have a major impact on perceptions of the ‘quality’ of research published and a consequent impact on evaluation of us as academics and Schools to which we contribute. For this reason, it is important that the academic marketing community strive for consensus regarding the differential ranking of marketing journals.

      By contributing to this 3-minute survey, you can add to the debate about journal rankings. The survey also illustrates a new measurement method: Best-Worst-Scaling. This measurement approach and its validity have been published recently in the Journal of Mathematical Psychology, and its uptake by marketing scholars is increasing significantly.

      Please take just 3 minutes to see an easy implementation of the best-worst measurement approach and to contribute to the debate over the ranking of marketing journals. Please go to:


      Thank you,

      Jordan Louviere, Siggi Gudergan & Ian Lings

    20. Marketing Models - 1992 Lilien, Kotler and Moorthy 

      Marketing Models (1992) Lilien, Kotler and Moorthy Reprint?

      The above title is out of print and the copyright has been returned to the authors. The authors are considering producing a print-on-demand version, with a price in the US$50 to US$75 range. The book would be available direct from the publisher as well as through Amazon.com and other online distributors.

      If you have interest in keeping the book in print for your use or for your PhD students, email that interest to Gary Lilien GLilien@psu.edu.
      The authors will only proceed if there is sufficient interest.

    21. New Book - The Psychology behind Trademark 

      The Psychology Behind Trademark Infringement and Counterfeiting
      by Judith L. Zaichkowsky , published by Erlbaum.

      It is widely available through Amazon and is suitable for courses in advanced Brand Management or Law and marketing.

      It is also a good resource book for marketing expert witnesses to trademark infringement cases.

    22. Publications (books) 

      Publications (books)

      1. Rumors and Rumor Control: A Manager’s Guide to Understanding and Combatting
      Rumors. Lawrence Erlbaum Publishers, 2004.

      2. Marketing Communication: New Approaches, Technologies, and Styles. Oxford
      University Press, 2005.

      3. Ethical Issues in Behavioral Research: Basic and Applied Perspectives.
      Blackwell. (in press, Winter 2006)

      4. Hans Kasper, Piet van Helsdingen & Mark Gabbott,
      Services Marketing Management, a strategic perspective, Chichester, John Wiley & Sons, second edition, 2006, ISBN-13 978-0-470-09116-6.

    23. New Sport Marketing Book Series 


      Elsevier will shortly be launching a new Sport Marketing book series with the publication of 'The Global Marketing of Soccer', edited by Desbordes and Bolle (2006).

      The book series will be based around the following three themes:

      1. Different areas of marketing e.g. pricing, fan motivation etc;
      2. Individual sports e.g. soccer, motor sport etc;
      3. Research and methods in sport marketing e.g. research methodology in sport marketing, paradigms in sport marketing research etc.

      Books will normally be between 80,000 and 100,000 words in length, and can be solely authored, jointly authored or edited texts.

      If you would like further information about this new book series, please contact either the Series Editor, Simon Chadwick, at the University of London (s.chadwick@bbk.ac.uk) or the Commissioning Editor, Francesca Ford, at Elsevier (f.ford@elsevier.com).

    24. Innover en Marketing 

      Innover en mMarketing

      15 tendances en mouvement

      Collection EDF R&D

      Bernard Cova – Marie-Claude Louyot-Gallicher
      avec la collaboration de Myriam Louis-Louisy

      Innover en marketing - 15 tendances en mouvement analyse les grands courants de ces dernières années en marketing B to C et B to B :

      Stakeholder marketing - Marketing éthique - Géomarketing - Gestion de la relation client - Marketing expérientiel - Time based marketing - Marketing sensoriel - Marketing tribal - Marketing de l’authentique - Knowledge marketing - Marketing des réseaux - Supply chain management - Gestion des grands comptes - Marketing de solutions - E-market places

      Chaque tendance est décryptée selon une méthode rigoureuse :

      • Un premier examen replace la tendance dans son contexte social et professionnel, puis la situe par rapport aux approches marketing voisines.
      • Elle est ensuite passée à l’épreuve des faits et quelques cas d’entreprise présentent les différentes formes qu’elle peut revêtir.
      • Une grille de synthèse en liste les principales caractéristiques, les avantages et les inconvénients, et met plus particulièrement l’accent sur ses apports en terme de gestion de la relation client.
      • Enfin, cet examen est complété par un entretien avec un expert qui en expose la portée et les développements à venir.

      Bernard Cova est professeur à Euromed Marseille École de management et à l’université Luigi Bocconi de Milan. Marie-Claude Louyot-Gallicher est ingénieur chercheur chez EDF R&D et chercheur associé au Centre de recherche en gestion de Pau (CREG). De 2001 à 2006, ils ont co-animé la cellule de recherche en marketing d¹EDF R&D avec la collaboration de Myriam Louis-Louisy, ingénieur chercheur chez EDF R&D.

      Pour information :
      ISBN : 2-7430-0870-9 - Format : 15,5 x 24 cm - 240 p. - 30 €
      Éditeur : Tec & Doc - Lavoisier

      Vous pouvez vous procurer cet ouvrage dans toutes les librairies spécialisées et à la librairie Lavoisier :
      11 rue Lavoisier - 75008 PARIS - Tél. : 33(0)
      Fax : 33(0) - Internet : www.Lavoisier.fr

    25. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services - Special Issue 

      Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services
      Special Issue on
      Data Mining Applications in Retailing and Consumer Services
      (For publication in 2007)

      Call for Papers

      Guest Editors:

      • Margarida G. M. S. Cardoso, ISCTE Business School, Lisboa. Portugal
      • João Gama, LIACC, University of Porto, Porto, Portugal
      • Andre Carvalho, University of São Paulo, Brazil

      Purpose and scope
      This special issue is devoted to academic work on Data Mining Applications in Retailing and Consumer Services. Retail and services firms have made a large investment in data collection and storage over the past years. Electronic sales transactions systems, data-warehouses and databases, all contribute to the increasing availability of large amounts of data, with rich information potential.

      This special issue recognises the critical importance of the role played by Data Mining techniques in the world of Retailing, where knowledge (especially about customers) is simultaneously more accessible and critical. Data Mining offers new possibilities for extracting useful and non-trivial information from large databases, contributing to retail business understanding and to support decisions in a highly competitive environment.

      We welcome papers illustrating the use of Data Mining methods, which may yield actionable knowledge for the purpose of retail and services business management and understanding. We also aim to contribute to bridge the gap between research and retail business practice.

      Possible topics might include but are not limited to

      • Data Warehousing, OLAP, Web Usage Mining,
      • Data Reduction Techniques, Support Vector Machines, Evolutionary Algorithms, Association Rules,
      • Classification and Regression Trees, Bayesian Networks and Neural Networks.

      Possible retail applications may refer to Segmentation, User Profile Modeling, Identification of Cross-Selling Opportunities, Market Basket Analysis, Sales Forecasting, Store Performance Assessment, Store Site Assessment, Product Category Management, Promotions Planning, Consumer
      Behavior, Customer Relationship Management and Database Marketing.

      Submission guidelines
      Please submit your electronic 1000 words abstract (as an attachment) to margarida.cardoso@iscte.pt to jgama@liacc.up.pt and to andre@icmc.usp.br by April 2006.
      Abstracts should include a title page (with author (s) name (s), affiliation, and contact details) and must clearly state their objectives, issues, methods, findings, application results and conclusions. A short list of references is also required. Please feel free to contact the guest editors to discuss ideas and potential topics.

      Authors whose abstract submissions are accepted will be requested to send full papers to the guest editor. Author guidelines are available in the journal website

      Important Deadlines
      Submission of abstracts: April 15, 2006;
      Notification of acceptance: June 1, 2006
      Submission of full papers for review: September 15, 2006
      Submission of final copies: December 15, 2006

    26. Call for Review Papers in Marketing - Int'l Journal of Management Reviews 

      Call for Review Papers in Marketing

      As the newly appointed Associate Editor for Marketing on the International Journal of Management Reviews I would like to invite submissions to the Journal.
      The journal is the sister of the British Journal of Management from the British Academy of Management and seeks to publish high quality, literature surveys in the general area of 'business' including marketing. The journal is rapidly gaining recognition and was ranked 14th in the most recent ISI citation report for management.

      For more information see www.blackwellpublishing.com/journals/IJMR.

      Please send all submissions via to IJMR@hull.ac.uk. For informal contact please email me at v.mitchell@city.ac.uk.

      I shall also be at EMAC in Athens.

      Professor Vincent-Wayne Mitchell
      Professor of Consumer Marketing
      Head of Cass Marketing Group
      Associate Editor of International Journal of Management Reviews
      Faculty of Management
      Cass Business School
      City University
      106 Bunhill Row
      EC1Y 8TZ
      Tel; +44 (0) 207 040 5108
      Fax; +44 (0) 207 040 8328
      E-mail; v.mitchell@city.ac.uk


    27. Int'l Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising: Special Issue 

      Special Issue of
      International Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising
      4 Issues/Year, ISSN (Online): 1741-8100 - ISSN (Print): 1477-5212

      IJIMA Theme: Mobile Adcommunication

      GUEST EDITOR: Jaana Tähtinen, University of Oulu, Finland

      CALL FOR PAPERS: Commercial communication sent to and received from mobile hand held devices is among the newest ways of marketers to talk to their customers. Mobile adcommunication continues to grow as mobile technology advances and the penetration of advanced mobile phones increases. Text and multimedia messages are used to communicate with customers, both in consumer and business-to-business markets. In research, the topic has been addressed under such labels as mobile marketing, mobile commerce and/or business, mobile advertising, and mobile adcommunication.

      Recent study suggests that no other form of commercial communication shares the exact same essential elements with the mobile form, making it unique and deserving a concept of its own; mobile adcommunication. The distinctive features of m-adcommunication are interactivity of the media, the personal nature of the mobile device, its potential for use in a context-sensitive way, for example when the customer is actually shopping, and its ubiquity and fastness. M-adcommunication as a term highlights the importance of mobile media being used only when it suits well to the purpose of the communication, when the receivers are known to the extent that the messages can be personalised to provide value to them, and when dialogue is possible.

      In spite of the rapid increase in studies focusing on mobile adcommunication, the theory development and conceptualisations of mobile means of commercial communication suffer from a lack of attention. The purpose of this special issue is to advance the theory development in this area, and bring forward multiple aspects of the phenomenon. The theme covers all commercial communication delivered via mobile hand held devices (e.g. mobile phones, PDAs). Theoretical (including reviews) and qualitative and quantitative empirical papers from consumers' and from marketers' point of view are welcome.

      Topics of relevance to this special issue include (but not limited to):

      • mobile adcommunication in business to consumers / business to business markets
      • word of mouth in mobile adcommunication
      • mobile adcommunication as a part of CRM, IMC, or direct marketing
      • ethics and legal considerations in mobile adcommunication
      • efficiency of mobile adcommunication
      • creativity in mobile adcommunication
      • mobile adcommunication in non-profit marketing
      • service quality of mobile adcommunication
      • global issues in mobile adcommunication
      • business models within mobile adcommunication
      • mobile adcommunication and advertising agencies.


      • A submitted paper must not be under the review of any other journal.
      • Electronic submission is required via the Journal Management System (JMS)
      • A complete submission must include three separate MS-Word files: (1) the cover letter, (2) the title page, and (3) the manuscript without authors' names.
      • Each paper will undergo two rounds of double-blind reviews. Any paper fails to meet the required revisions after two rounds of reviews will be rejected unless only minor changes are needed. (Click here for Acceptance Criteria)
      • Please submit your manuscript with a cover letter/e-mail containing the following imperative statements: (Click here for a sample cover letter/e-mail.)
      1. Title and the central theme of the article.
      2. The theme of the Special Issue.
      3. Why the material is important in its field and why the material should be published in this Journal.
      4. Nomination of up to four recognized experts who would be considered appropriate to review the submission. Please state (1) the names, title, addresses, phone, fax, and email addresses of these reviewers, (2) the expertise of each reviewer relating to your paper, and (3) your relationship with each of them. An attempt will be made to select at least one of the reviewer nominations.
      5. The fact that the manuscript contains original unpublished work and is not being submitted for publication elsewhere.

      Note that author name(s) must not appear anywhere else in the manuscript except in the title page and the reference list (if cited). No information can be placed in the properties of the manuscript's electronic file. Inappropriate submissions will be returned to authors. Factors leading to this action include submission with improper or no cover letter, excessive length, technically inappropriate material, single spaced body of text, subject of no interest to readers, manuscripts simultaneously submitted to other publications, and manuscripts not adhering to author guidelines. Non-English speaking author should have his/her paper proofread by a professional technical writer for grammatical and spelling corrections as well as the readability of the paper, before submitting it to the Guest Editor.

      Accepted papers must follow the guidelines posted at Journal's website to format the final papers.


      • 1 August, 2006: Due date for full-paper submissions to Journal Special Issue.
      • 15 August, 2006: Outcomes of initial screening are returned to authors whose papers are rejected for further reviews.
      • 15 October, 2007: Outcomes of 1st-round formal reviews are sent to authors of all papers
      • 15 November, 2007: Due date for resubmission of papers required revisions.
      • 15 January, 2007: Outcomes of 2nd-round formal reviews are sent to authors of resubmitted papers
      • 1 February, 2007: Due date for resubmission of papers required only minor revisions.
      • 15 February, 2007: Outcomes of 3rd-round formal reviews are sent to authors of resubmitted papers.
      • 1 March, 2007: Due date for authors to submit properly-formatted copies for all accepted papers.

      For any questions, please contact:

      Acting prof. Jaana Tähtinen
      Guest Editor
      E-mail: jaana.tahtinen@oulu.fi

      This CFP can be found also: http://www.taloustieteet.oulu.fi/ajankohtaista/m-adcom

      For more information on the Journal visit the IJIMA web site:

    28. Int'l Marketing Review: Special Issue on Global Advertising 

      International Marketing Review
      Global Advertising: Insights from Multiple Markets

      Call for Papers

      Special Issue Editors:

      Shintaro Okazaki, Ph.D.

      College of Economics and Business Administration

      Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain

      Barbara Mueller, Ph.D.

      School of Communication

      San Diego State University, U.S.A.

      The dismantling of political, economic, and cultural barriers during the 1990s enabled multinational corporations to operate on a truly global basis, rather than on a multidomestic basis. The development of global media, such as satellite TV and the Internet, has led to both the growing homogenization of consumer tastes across the world , as well as the increasing employment of globalized and regionalized advertising campaigns.

      The question today is no longer whether marketers should or should not globalize their advertising campaigns, but rather to what extent will it be possible to standardize a brand's campaigns in either all or some of the brand's markets throughout the world." The goal of this special issue is to present new insights into both the factors that influence the use of standardization, as well as the effects of such standardized advertising on consumer attitudes and perceptions, and ultimately, a corporation’s performance. Manuscripts may have a theoretical and/or practical orientation. The primary criterion for assessing fit with the upcoming special issue of the International Marketing Review is that manuscripts present data from more than one market.

      Topics that would be appropriate for this special issue include, but are not limited to:

      • Headquarters vs. local control in global advertising campaigns
      • Role of new media in global advertising campaigns
      • Role of legal and regulatory issues in global advertising campaigns
      • Effectiveness of specific executional and/or creative techniques in different countries
      • Assessments of the circumstances under which executions can be standardized across markets
      • Culture and its impact on global advertising effectiveness
      • Consumer attitudes toward, and acceptance of, standardized advertising
      • Financial performance of standardized advertising
      • Headquarters' versus subsidiaries' evaluation of advertising performance
      • Brand equity and global advertising
      • Longitudinal analysis of advertising performance
      • Performance of globally integrated marketing communications

      Submission Information:

      Deadline for Submission: 31st October, 2006.

      Submitted manuscripts should follow the format as suggested in the Submission Guidelines on the journal website (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/info/journals/imr/imr.jsp). The manuscript should be prepared in Microsoft Word format. The names, affiliations, and contact information (i.e., phone, fax, email addresses) of all authors should be provided on the cover page only. The author(s) should not be identified elsewhere in the manuscript. Submitted papers will undergo a double-blind review.

      Authors may submit completed manuscripts electronically at any time prior to the deadline, 31st October, 2006.

      Manuscripts and any questions should be directed to:

      Shintaro Okazaki, Ph.D.

      Autonomous University of Madrid

      Department of Finance and Marketing Research

      College of Economics and Business Administration

      Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid,


      e-mail: obarquitec@coac.net

      Tel: +34 (91) 497-3552

      Fax: +34 (91) 497-8725

      Barbara Mueller, Ph.D.

      School of Communication

      San Diego State University,

      5500 Campanile Dr.

      San Diego, CA 92182-4561


      e-mail: Muelle1@mail.sdsu.edu

      Tel: +01 (619) 594-5450

      Fax: +01 (619) 594-6246

  9. Pictures Athens Conference

    1. Pictures Athens Conference 

      Some more pictures!


  10. Marketing Science Practice Prize

    1. Marketing Science Practice Prize 


      The 2006 INFORMS Society for Marketing Science Practice Prize competition judges declared a winner at the 28th Marketing Science Conference on 9 June, hosted by the Katz Graduate School of Business at the University of Pittsburgh. The Prize is supported by grants from the Marketing Science Institute, the Brand Science Institute, the Institute for the Study of Business Markets, the European Marketing Academy, and the Australian Marketing Institute, in conjunction with the Australian and New Zealand Academy of Marketing.

      The winning entry was “Incentive Planning System: A DSS for Planning Pricing and Promotions in the Automobile Industry” by a joint team of Professor Jorge Silva-Risso from the University of California, Riverside and J.D. Power’s Irina Ionova.

      Their work reports on a promotion analysis tool that enabled automobile manufacturers to improve the timing, frequency, and components of their promotional activity to maintain sales but reduce margin loss. The authors presented evidence of savings in the order of two billion dollars, with Daimler Chrylser executives alone claiming annual benefits of $500 million. The research used the sales data available to J D Power to help it work with individual car manufacturers to calculate the dynamic impact of sales promotions. The work was implemented in a phased approach, allowing an evolutionary increase in sophistication amongst its users.

      The Practice Prize is awarded for an outstanding implementation of marketing science concepts and methods. The methodology used must be sound and appropriate to the problem and organization, and the work should have had significant, verifiable and, preferably quantitative impact on the performance of the client organization. The 2006 Practice Prize Committee was comprised of Nils Andres, (representing the Brand Science Institute), Pete Fader, Delaine Hampton from Procter and Gamble, Dominique Hanssens (representing the Marketing Science Institute), Manfred Krafft, Gary Lilien (representing the Institute for the Study of Business Markets), John Roberts (Prize Committee Chair), Steve Shugan (as Marketing Science editor), Jan-Benedict Steenkamp (representing the European Marketing Academy), and Tulin Erdem (as ISMS President).

      The other finalists in the competition were:

      “The Power of CLV” by
      V. Kumar, Denise Beckman, Tim Bohling, Rajkumar Venkatesan
      This research described a carefully planned and implemented program within IBM to optimize the number of times the organization “touches” its customers, incorporating innovations with respect to alignment with corporate objectives, forecasting cost to serve, imputing unobserved contribution margins, and allowing for inter-dependence of purchase incidence and quantity.

      “ BRAN*EQT: A Model and Simulator for Estimating, Tracking, and Managing Multi-category Brand Equity” by
      Venkatesh Shankar, Pablo Azar, and Matthew Fuller
      In the BRAN*EQT study the researchers examine the drivers of the Allstate brandname. By understanding how advertising investments directly influenced the brand equity of Allstate, the researchers were able to make brand building activities within the firm accountable. This lead to advertising changing from being viewed as a discretionary cost, to a strategic investment. One of the useful aspects of the research was to untease the benefits of corporate branding into the advantages that were captured by each of the divisions within Allstate.

      “Planning New Tariffs at Tele.Ring – An Integrated STP Tool Designed for Managerial Applicability” by
      Martin Natter, Andreas Mild, Alfred Taudes, and Udo Wagner
      Telering is a leading cellular phone supplier within Austria. A new entrant threatened its position and past experience suggested its share could become marginal as it was squeezed by different players within the market. By undertaking a detailed segmentation study Telering was able to identify a new market opportunity of no upfront subscription charges, which would be difficult for other competitors to mimic. A sophisticated perceptual mapping study not only made the resulting service innovation credible to senior management, overcoming internal barriers to its launch, it also provided ideas as to how the product could be introduced with a compelling and relevant advertising campaign.

      As with previous competitions, the presentations were professionally videotaped and have been edited especially for classroom use. These DVD versions of the presentations are in “chapter” format, enabling rapid and easy selection of the aspects of the presentations that instructors wish to highlight. DVD adopters also have access to the papers and the related competition powerpoint presentations for their use in the classroom.
      This material, along with the material from previous competitions (available now) will be available by October 15 at http://www.informs.org/Edu/MarketingScience

      In addition, papers and reports on these outstanding implementations of marketing science will be appearing in a forthcoming issue of Marketing Science. Short 3 to 4 minute video summaries of each of the presentations are now available at

      We are already soliciting entries for the 2007 Practice Prize Competition. Look for a forthcoming announcement or contact John Roberts at JHRoberts@london.edu for submission details.

      Submitted by John Roberts, Chair 2006 ISMS Practice Prize Competition Committee
      Contact : JHRoberts@London.edu or johnr@agsm.edu.au

  11. ISBN Challenge Press Release

    1. ISBM Proposals Bridge Business vs. Academic Gap 

      August 10, 2006
      Press Contact: Bob Donath, bob Donath & Co. 914-522-3637 bobdonath@earthlink.net
      ISBM contact: Dr. Gary Lilien; 814-863-2782 glilien@psu.edu

      Editors: Interviews with Dr. Gary Lilien can be arranged directly with him at 814-863-2782 glilien@psu.edu

      ISBM Proposals Bridge Business vs. Academic Gap

      CHICAGO — To promote high-quality academic research with strong practical value for business-to-business marketing executives, the Institute for the Study of Business Markets (ISBM) awarded a total of $100,000 in extra funding support to eight research proposals competing during ISBM’s Second Biennial Academic Conference, August 3 and 4 at the Kellogg School of Management’s downtown campus.

      Entitled “Thinking Big, Thinking Different: Contributions and Challenges in B-to-B Research,” ISBM’s conference dwelled on the field’s information needs, which generally are underserved by the academic community. Speakers on both sides of the fence stated their perspectives on business-to-business companies’ major information requirements and the academic research community’s output. A panel of judges evaluated 22 proposed projects accepted into the competition, giving equal weight to academic merit in furthering marketing knowledge and the usefulness of that knowledge to actual business marketers. Bridging what is often a gap between academic rigor and real-world marketing relevance is a key part of ISBM’s mission and those of its four conference co-sponsors.

      Of three finalists which will receive at least $15,000 in additional funding from ISBM, the proposal judged best was, “Understanding the Effects of Marketing Contacts on Buyer-Seller Relationships.” Its authors, who will receive another $10,000 or more in support, are Professors V. Kumar and S. Sriram of the University of Connecticut, Pradeep Chintagunta of the University of Chicago, and doctoral student Anita Luo at the University of Connecticut. They plan to study how business marketers can best allocate their limited marketing communications and sales resources among customers with different needs and buying propensities.

      ISBM, headquartered at Penn State’s Smeal College of Business, is a research center global in scope devoted to improving the practice of business marketing by its 60 corporate members, and promoting academic study in the field worldwide. ISBM’s Academic Conference co-sponsors were:

      • Northwestern University’s Center for Research in Technology and Innovation, which contributed additional support funding.
      • The Marketing Science Institute (MSI), located in Cambridge, MA, which supports programs in business-to-consumer and business-to-business marketing.
      • The Center for Business and Industrial Marketing (CBIM), located at Georgia State University, in Atlanta.
      • The Zyman Institute of Brand Science, based in Atlanta at Emory University.

      Five other research proposals earned Silver Medalist awards from ISBM, receiving at least $5,000 each in support. Judges awarded another $5,000 minimum funding to the two proposals deemed the best of the five. (See the list of Finalists and Silver Medalists at the end of this article.)

      ISBM also awards financial support each year to B-to-B marketing Ph.D. students whose dissertation proposals similarly combine academic rigor with business relevance.
      Defining Business Needs
      The conference featured the industry research priorities deemed by ISBM and MSI—posted on their Web sites at isbm.org and msi.org—the most significant information needs of manufacturers and service firms marketing to business and institutional buyers. According to ISBM, its biennial survey of business and academic experts cites improved knowledge of customer needs, market segmentation, and value creation as top research priorities for at least this year and 2007. More effective strategies for competing globally, mastering analytical marketing tools, and achieving more growth from new products are also critical areas requiring more research, ISBM reports. B-to-B concerns at MSI are very similar.

      In addition, two chief marketing officers from leading B-to-B companies addressed the conference to “challenge” academe.

      Emphasizing the need for better measurement tools, Anil Menon, Vice President of Marketing and Strategy for IBM’s Systems and Technology Group, insisted, “Marketing will never become a powerful function until it becomes accountable.” He cited three key issues on his list: better understanding the downstream customers of customers; recognizing the emotional side of buying decisions; and better evaluation of marketing communications because “ad agency metrics don’t work.”

      Vivien Joklik, Vice President Worldwide for Marketing and Order Fulfillment at John Deere’s Commercial & Consumer Equipment Division, cited her key concerns, issues that also matter to many business marketers. Innovation and successfully marketing new technologies, particularly through Deere’s critically important dealers, top her list. Setting prices that best balance profit for the company and dealers, and successfully adding services to the venerable Deere brand name are other issues demanding more market and process knowledge at her firm, she said.
      Overcoming the Gap
      Although business-to-business marketing often differs from the techniques of selling products and services to consumers, B-to-B is as complex and sometimes more so than B-to-C. Long selling cycles, powerful customers, high-risk investments, multiple decision makers, and tough decisions in engineering, pricing, and relationship management combine to make B-to-B an especially robust but challenging field for academic inquiry.

      Limited amounts of data from relatively small numbers of customers make that staple of consumer product marketing, traditional survey research, much trickier in B-to-B. That is often daunting to doctoral students, the marketing field’s future professors, who frequently prefer the comfort of working with familiar products they themselves might buy and vast pools of consumer data amenable to statistical modeling.

      As a result, B-to-B doesn’t get its fair share of academic research even though B-to-B transactions account for about half of U.S. gross domestic product; B-to-C-related articles in the top marketing journals outnumber B-to-B articles by more than four-to-one, according Prof. Gary Lilien of Penn State, ISBM Research Director and head of the Academic Conference. ISBM attempts to right that imbalance with incentives such as its proposal funding and numerous conferences and corporate programs bringing together academic researchers and the 60 major corporate members of ISBM.

      Contact addresses:
      Institute for the Study of Business Markets
      484 Business Building
      The Pennsylvania State University
      University Park, PA 16802-3603

      Bob Donath & Co.
      PO Box 1458
      East Orleans, MA 02643-1458

      2006 ISBM Academic-Practitioner Challenge Winners


      (Outstanding entry) “Understanding the Effects of Marketing Contacts on Buyer-Seller Relationships,” a study of how business marketers can best allocate their limited marketing communications and sales resources among customers with different needs and buying propensities.

      • V. Kumar, University of Connecticut
      • S. Sriram, University of Connecticut
      • Pradeep Chintagunta, University of Chicago
      • Anita Luo, doctoral student at the University of Connecticut

      “Multinational Innovation: Country Location or Firm Culture?” a study of multinational corporations to determine the most critical drivers of research and development activity outsourced to country subsidiaries.

      • Gerard Tellis, University of Southern California
      • Rajesh Chandy, University of Minnesota
      • Jaideep Prabhu, Imperial College

      “Assessing Value Creation at Business Trade Shows,” determining how attendee search behavior affects the value that visitors, exhibitors and exhibition organizers receive from major trade shows.

      • Srinath Gopalakrishna, University of Missouri

      Silver Medalists:

      (Outstanding Silver Medalist) “Exploring Marketing-Sales Integration: The Role of Mindset Differences,” a study of how differences between sales and marketing personnel influence cooperation and conflict between the marketing and sales functions.

      • Barton A. Weitz, University of Florida
      • Jun Xu, doctoral student at the University of Florida

      (Outstanding Silver Medalist) “Managing Knowledge and Learning in B2B Marketing,” a study of how companies can maximize business marketing learning in their organizations.

      • Christine Moorman, Duke University
      • Mitchell J, Lovett, doctoral student at Duke University

      “The Development of Trust and Commitment in Asymmetric Buyer-Seller Relationships: An Experimental Study,” a study based on gaming experiments to ascertain factors that influence how a relatively powerful relationship partner interacts with a relatively weaker partner.

      • Qiong Wang, Pennsylvania State University
      • Barton A. Weitz, University of Florida

      “The Channel Health Index: A Metric to Capture the Motivation of Business-to-Business Channels of Distribution,” a study to develop a new metric for tracking resellers’ motivation to support a manufacturer’s brand, enabling better channel management at company and industry levels

      • David I. Gilliland, Colorado State University and Aston University
      • Stephen Keysuk Kim, Iowa State University
      • Timothy Curran, CEO of the Global Technology Distribution Council

      “R&D and Marketing Competences, Product Innovation, and Financial Performance,” a multi-company study to determine which firm characteristics contribute to superior new product and financial performance.

      • Erwin Danneels, Worcester Polytechnic Institute

  12. News for/from Members or Institutions

    1. News from Keith Blois 

      Keith Blois is now an Emeritus Fellow of Templeton College, University of Oxford having recently retired from being a Fellow of Templeton College, University of Oxford. He has also just been appointed to be a Visiting Professor in the Marketing Department of the University of Lancaster.

    2. News from Roger Heeler 

      Roger Heeler, former EMAC executive member and conference organizer, has retired and is now Professor Emeritus at Schulich (York University, Toronto). Old friends visiting Canada are welcome to drop in at his city home in Toronto or his country home in Nova Scotia.

    3. University of Mannheim - Dr. Fertala 

      Dr. Nikolinka Fertala has recently joined the Marketing Area at the University of Mannheim, Department of Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuester as Post Doc for a period of one year.
      Dr. Nikolinka Fertala received her Ph.D. from the Graduate School of Economics at the Eberhard-Karls-University in Tuebingen, Germany. Her research interests focus on immigrant entrepreneurship, innovative behavior and success, economies in transition with special emphasis on corruption, and survival analysis. At the University of Mannheim she is involved in several empirical research projects.

      Dr. Nikolinka Fertala
      University of Mannheim – Castle
      Department of Marketing III, Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuester
      D-68131 Mannheim

    4. News from Gerard J. Tellis 

      Gerard J Tellis won the 2006 Vijay Mahajan award from the American Marketing Association Tech/SIG for lifetime contributions to marketing strategy.

    5. Golden Pen Award for Sylvie HERTRICH and Ulrike MAYRHOFER 

      Golden Pen Award for Sylvie HERTRICH and Ulrike MAYRHOFER

      Sylvie HERTRICH (IECS Strasbourg, Robert Schuman University) and Ulrike MAYRHOFER (Faculty of International Affairs, University of Le Havre and ESC Rouen), have received, for the fourth consecutive year, the Golden Pen of the French Chamber of Commerce and Industry. This prestigious
      award is given to authors whose case studies are used by an important number of European Business Schools and Universities. The case-studies have been published at the Centrale de Cas et de Médias Pédagogiques, CCMP, see http://www.ccip.fr/ccmp).

      The two authors have received two distinctions :

      (1) the Top Case-Study Award in Marketing for « Audi : le lancement de l'A3 Sportback » (also
      available in English : « Audi : The Launch of the A3 Sportback » ), and

      (2) the Top Authors Award for the following case-studies : « Adidas : le marché des chaussures de sport » (also available in English : « Adidas : The Athletic Shoes Market » ), « Hilton : le marché de l'hôtellerie » and « Windsor Palace : le développement d'un nouveau concept marketing dans un pays émergent » .

      The distinguished case-studies have been written in close collaboration with the marketing department of the concerned companies. Their relevance can be explained by the synergy of the professional experience acquired by Sylvie HERTRICH as a director of a marketing-agency and of the research conducted by Ulrike MAYRHOFER, author of several articles and books (e.g. « Marketing » , Editions Bréal and « Marketing International » , Editions Economica).

    6. Ist Professional Marketing Association in Spain 

      Ist Professional Marketing Association in Spain

      We are pleased to announce the launching of the first professional marketing association in Spain, Asociación Española de Marketing Académico y Profesional (AEMARK). AEMARK is a non-profit organization that aims to raise the consciousness of its members about marketing. Our mission is to serve as a meeting and communication forum for academics and practitioners interested in marketing and its applications.

      The Association offers a network for the exchange of knowledge on the national as well as the international level, which enables excellent dissemination of information on research and teaching. The official language of AEMARK is Spanish, and it organizes an annual conference called “Encuentro de Profesores Universitarios de Marketing,” which covers diverse areas of interest, including price, product, distribution, marketing communication, branding, tourism, marketing research, electronic commerce, among others. This year, this conference will be held in Almeria, Spain, September 21 to 22.

      Every natural person professionally concerned with or interested in research or teaching in marketing, irrespective of nationality, is eligible to become a full member of the organization. For more information, please go to the official website of AEMARK: http://www.aemark.es

      Should you have any questions or wish to request further information regarding our association, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you very much.

      Dr. María Jesús Yagüe
      Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

      Questions and comments should be sent to:
      Secretary: Dr. Emilia Martínez Castro (info@aemark.es)
      Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain

    7. Some News for EMAC members 

      15.08.2006: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Homburg and Dr. Ove Jensen received the Best Paper Award in the Marketing Strategy and Marketing Management Track at the 2006 AMA Summer Marketing Educators' Conference in Chicago (Illinois). Their paper "The Symbiosis of Marketing and Sales: A Taxonomy" deals with the interface between marketing units and sales units. The authors identify five types of symbiosis between marketing and sales based on a cross-industry dataset of 337 companies.

      16.03.2006: The Copenhagen Business School has awarded Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Homburg with the honory doctorate for his outstanding research: "The School recognizes his distinguished scholary contribution to Marketing Management and -Organization, pays tribute to the outstanding quality of his research in this discipline and in addition, acknowledges the great esteem in which his published works are held."

      21.02.2006: Martin Klarmann, research assistant to Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Homburg, and Prof. Dr. Ruth Stock-Homburg, University of Stuttgart-Hohenheim, won two awards at the AMA Winter Educators Conference in St. Petersburg, Florida. For their paper "Understanding Latent Conflicts in Marketing Teams" they received the Best Paper Award in the marketing strategy track as well as the Overall Best Paper Award of all tracks.

      20.02.2006: Prof. Dr. Sabine Kuester and Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Christian Homburg, University of Mannheim, Prof. Dr. Ajay Menon, Colorado State University, and Dr. Nicolas Beutin, Managing Director of the consulting firm Prof. Homburg & Partner, received the S. Tamer Cavusgil Award, awarded by the American Marketing Association (AMA), for their publication „Determinants of Customer Benefits in Business-to-Business Markets: A Cross-Cultural Comparison“ in the Journal of International Marketing. The authors identified the major benefits for customers in international business-to-business relationships. Around 1000 firms in the U.S. and in Germany were surveyed.

    8. Dr. Efstathios Kefallonitis 

      Dr. Efstathios Kefallonitis have recently joined the School of Business at the State University of New York Institute of Technology as an Assistant Professor.

      Assistant Professor
      State University of New York Institute of Technology
      P.O. Box 3050
      Utica, NY 13504-3050

    9. Foundation of the TNS Infratest Center for Customer Management (CCM) 

      Foundation of the TNS Infratest Center for Customer Management (CCM)

      One of the most important topics in marketing science is managing relationships with customers. Particularly, the retention of profitable
      customers is considered to be a key driver of a company’s financial success.

      In order to improve our understanding of relationship marketing, the TNS Infratest Center for Customer Management (CCM) was founded in July 2006 as a cooperation between the Institute of Marketing at the University of Muenster and the marketing research company TNS Infratest.

      A key objective of the center is to promote research in the area of customer management. The CCM aims to intensify the contact and exchange of knowledge between science and practice. On the one hand, results from research can help to address practical issues. On the other hand, the cooperation with TNS
      enables the center’s staff to utilize the sponsor’s extensive experience in CRM projects worldwide. By joint publications, projects and events, the CCM
      is aiming at contributing to international research in customer management.

    10. Research Cooperation in Vienna  

      Research Cooperation in Vienna

      The Institute for International Marketing and Management at the Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration (WU Wien) and the Chair of International Marketing at Vienna University have joined forces in training their doctoral students.

      It is not the first time that Prof. Diamantopoulos and Prof. Schlegelmilch cooperate. They coauthored a book and jointly published numerous papers. Eight years of their careers they spent at the same universities, the University of Edinburgh and the University of Wales in Swansea.
      Strong expertise in international management will be added by Prof. Bjorn Ambos, who recently joined the Institute for International Marketing and Management at the WU Wien. He is also from the University of Edinburgh and, together with Prof. Schlegelmilch, now heads the institute.