EMAC Newspage 2005

  1. In memoriam Professor Richard R. Wittink

    1. Tribute to Dick Wittink Submitted by Peter Leeflang

      Dear EMAC-members, fellows, friends.

      It is with great sadness that I report that Dick Wittink passed away on the 4th of June in his home at New Haven (Conn. U.S.A.). We believe that the death was due to his chronic diabetic problem.

      Dick has been an outstanding scholar in our field. He published more than 100 articles in the top journals, he is the co (author) of books and he fulfilled many editorial duties, such as area editor of Marketing Science, editorial board member of IJRM, the Journal of Marketing and the Journal of Marketing Research. He was editor-in-chief of JMR since June 2004. He was foreign member of the Royal Dutch Society of Arts and Sciences, he organized the first Marketing Science Conference in 1979 etc.
      Dick was the George Rogers Clark Professor of Management and Marketing at the Yale School of Management and Honorary Professor of Marketing at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Groningen in the Netherlands.

      Dick attended several EMAC-conferences and he was elected as national representative of the USA at the last EMAC Conference in Milan. He also participated in many EDEN/EIASM programmes.

      Dick has been a very wise, warm, open, unselfish person. He was very ambitious, he worked hard and he contributed much to both the practioner and academic marketing research community. He has been not only a great scientist but (what I believe is more important) a wonderful person to co-operate with. Those who have been able to know and to work with Dick will miss him greatly. We wil never forget him and the marketing society owes him a lot.

      Peter S. H. Leeflang
      Dept. of Economics
      University of Groningen
      the Netherlands.

  2. Letter from the President

    1. From the President - December 2005 


      One of the great pleasures of serving EMAC as President is the opportunity to represent our academy internationally. This time next week I’ll be flying out of a cold, wet, wintry Birmingham into a bright, sunny Perth for the ANZMAC conference being held in Fremantle (5-7 December). ANZMAC is a little like a home-from-home with so many EMAC colleagues attending these days, and of course we have many members now based in Australia or New Zealand. Our second joint symposium (BIGMAC2) was held at the Milan conference in May and we are now planning for BIGMAC3 to be held as part of the next ANZMAC conference in Brisbane in December 2006. The theme will be ‘Broadening the Boundaries of Marketing’ and it will be led on the EMAC side by Kristian Möller, and for ANZMAC by Rod Brodie – book it in your diary now!

      There are a number of important EMAC developments I want to update you on, more details of some of these will be found later in the Newsletter:

      First, we have now agreed the venue for the 2008 conference. This will be held in Dublin, Ireland, and hosted by University College Dublin. Professor Mary Lambkin will be conference chair and the dates have been agreed as 18-23rd May 2008. This will offer a great opportunity to sample the delights of Ireland – the music, the food and, of course, the original Guinness – as well as attending to the serious academic business of the conference.

      Second, we have now reviewed the workings of the Doctoral Colloquium at our annual conferences. A sub-group of EMAC Fellows, chaired by Berend Wierenga and including Gilles Laurent and Suzanne Beckmann produced a very helpful report and recommendations based on the operation of the colloquium over the last two years. Like good marketing professors they identified that the market for the colloquium is segmented and that at present we only really cater for one segment – students close to completion of their theses focusing on publications. A second segment that EMAC can and should support is those students in the earlier stages of their research who are seeking input, advice, constructive criticism before they embark on major fieldwork or data collection. Indeed, this was the target market for the DC until the recent re-focus on end stage students. As a consequence a further track has been added to the DC for Athens for which we will invite applications from early stage students.

      As part of our process of building relations with other relevant academies and associations we have agreed to include a half-day joint symposium with ESOMAR at the Athens conference. The focus will be on “Measurement of Consumer Emotions”. Luk Warlop has kindly agreed to organise this for EMAC. There will be two or three invited papers from academics and two or three from practitioners. The aim is to identify ways in which we might work more closely together as academics and managers, to the benefit of both.

      Our VP Conferences, Veronica Wong, has also been very active in discussing with other organisations managed through EIASM how we might share good practice more effectively. There will shortly be some proposals as to how we might share common conference platforms, achieve economies of scale in administration, and better exploit the combined networks we enjoy as European academies.
      Further afield our VP Development, Gary Lilien, has been active in pursuing our links with ISMS. The Executive Committee has now decided that EMAC should become a co-sponsor of the annual ISMS Practice Prize, which is awarded annually for outstanding implementation of marketing science concepts and methods. Winning papers will be presented at the Marketing Science Conference and at the EMAC annual conference, video recorded to DVD and then made available for classroom use.

      Gary has also been pursuing our links with the European Marketing Confederation (EMC) which is a confederation of professional marketing bodies across Europe. We are exploring ways in which we can facilitate networking between academics and practitioners.

      Finally, I’m delighted to announce that the Executive Committee confirmed the nomination of three new EMAC Fellows. Professor Hubert Gatignon, editor of IJRM and longstanding member of EMAC has been made Fellow. Professors Piet Vanden Abeele and Lars Gunnar-Mattsson have been made Honorary Fellows. The Honorary Fellow category is for those colleagues who have provided outstanding service to EMAC in the past but are no longer active members. My congratulations to all three.

      Now… I had better start packing my togs for Perth!

      Best wishes

    2. From the President 

      Dear Colleagues,

      What a great conference in Milano! The facilities were ideal, the food and wine excellent, and even the weather was great.

      Oh, and the papers of course .... the sessions I attended were generally very lively and interesting. I most enjoyed the joint EMAC/ANZMAC symposium on Friday and the discussion style of the Theory and Strategy sessions. Brief position statements from speakers and then lots of time for discussion from the floor expertly led by Rod Brodie and Robin Wensley. A big thank you to Veronica Wong and Mark Gabbott who co-chaired the symposium, and to the other track chairs, Peter Leeflang, Lutz Hildebrandt, Peter Danaher and Jordan Louviere. We'll be discussing with ANZMAC the possibility of a return match in Brisbane in December 2006. Keep your diaries clear!

      I'm told that there were around 650 colleagues attending the conference, and that over 400 were involved in chairing tracks, sessions and refereeing papers. Without their hard work the conference would not have been the success it was. But the biggest thanks of all go to Gabriele Troilo and his team for organising the whole event. It is a huge task organising an event the size of EMAC, and with delegates from so many different countries. What amazed me is that Gabriele managed to stay calm and collected, and even smiling throughout. Molte molte grazie!

      There are some other colleagues I want to thanks on behalf of EMAC while I am in 'thank you' mode. A number of colleagues stepped down from the Executive Committee this year after many years of service to EMAC as presidents, vice presidents and country co-ordinators. While it is a little invidious to single out any one for particular praise I do think Gilles Laurent deserves a special note of thanks. Gilles has been editor of IJRM, VP Publications and national coordinator for France. In addition he was the inspiration and drive behind the new teaching portal that we hope will prove such a valuable resource for members. Also long standing members of the committee stepping down are previous presidents and VPs Suzanne Beckmann (I'll heed your advice about poor jokes at the conference dinner next time Suzanne!), Kristian Möller, Lutz Hildebrandt, Hans Muhlbacher and Gerard Hermet. Your contributions have all been outstanding. Thank you all.

      The Milan conference has set very high standards for others to follow. I know George Avlonitis is up for the challenge and plans an exciting and stimulating conference in Athens next May.

      See you there!

      Professor Graham Hooley
      Senior Pro-Vice-Chancellor
      Aston University, Birmingham, B4 7ET
      Tel: +44 (0) 121 204 4643
      Fax: +44 (0) 121 204 4650

  3. Results of Elections 2005 - New EMAC Officers

    1. New Officers 

      Results of EMAC elections 2005

      President-Elect Jozsef BERACS, Corvinus University of Budapest
      Development Udo WAGNER, Vienna University
      External Relations Gary LILIEN, Pennsylvania State University
      Publications Jan-Benedict STEENKAMP, Tilburg University
      National Coordinators  
      Austria Adamantios DIAMANTOPOULOS, Vienna University
      Belgium Kristof DE WULF, Vlerick Leuven Ghent Management School
      Brazil Claudia ACEVEDO
      Canada Elko KLEINSCHMIDT, McMaster University
      Finland Mai ANTTILA, Helsinki School of Economics
      France Delphine MANCEAU, ESCP-EAP European School of Management
      Germany Manfred KRAFFT, University of Munster
      Japan Akihiro INOUE, Kwansei Gakuin University
      Italy Gabriele TROILO, SDA Bocconi
      New Zealand Rob LAWSON, Otago University
      U.S.A. Dick WITTINK, Yale University

  4. Launch of EMAC Teaching Portal

    1. EMAC launches a new electronic portal Submitted by Manfred Krafft

      EMAC’s executive board initiated a project to develop a portal that is intended to help EMAC members to exchange ideas and material for teaching and research. The board has asked Manfred Krafft, Professor of Marketing at the University of Münster in Germany, to set up such an electronic portal. The official launch of EMAC’s teaching portal happened at the 2005 EMAC conference in Milan. The website’s URL is http://www.emac-teaching-portal.org or http://www.emacteachingportal.org.

      The idea of the portal, whose development has been initiated by EMAC, is to improve the intensity and frequency of interaction among marketing academics even in between our annual EMAC conferences. The English portal can be accessed at the URLs www.emac-teaching-portal.org or www.emac-teaching-portal.org. The portal offers downloads of lecture material such as articles, case studies, working paper, statistics, and a lot more for all major marketing topics. EMAC members can also offer their material for upload. After an evaluation and aceeptance by the responsible area editor, the material is accessible for all EMAC members. Available material can also be reviewed online and non-anonymous by EMAC members. Furthermore, a forum has been included to allow general and sub-area related discussions.

      All users are arranged into three groups: non-members, members and editors. Non-members are invited to surf through the website, read headlines and brief summaries of all the material available and to get general information about EMAC. Such the new portal can serve as an “appetizer” for non-members to learn more about EMAC. Members can access the site by log-in with their regular EMAC password. EMAC members can access the whole material, the upload function, review function and the forum. Each sub-area editor is responsible for one major marketing topic and is responsible for all area-related material of the portal. The area editor takes also care of the revision of the uploaded material which is the final step of the publishing process at EMAC’s teaching portal. Although some of the topics are already covered by area editors, Manfred Krafft as the editor-in-chief of the portal invites all of you to contact him (mkrafft@uni-muenster.de) and to volunteer for the remaining topics.

      The portal has been developed by Manfred Krafft, professor of Marketing and director of the Institute of Marketing at the University of Münster in Germany. Two computer science student assistants supported him in the development of the site. In May 2005, all basic functions of the portal will be implemented and run. However, the team is aiming to extend and improve the functionality of the website constantly. Therefore, any suggestions and concerns raised by you are very much welcome and should be mailed directly to Manfred. Until now, the development costs could be kept very low and the team is confident to collect enough resources that are needed to maintain the portal by sponsors. Sponsorships include banner ads on the portal. Thus, the portal also helps to make companies such as publishers or market research organizations even more aware of EMAC.

      So far the report about the status. We requested material from the last years’ EMAC conferences and have received material from Murcia, Braga and Glasgow so far. Gilles Laurent and Lutz Hildebrandt sent out a request for people who could probably serve as area editors or contact persons for country-related material. Most of the names we got were rather good for language-related material. However, we want to begin with an organization of all material by topic / sub-area. We invested most of our time in getting the portal running and launched. As you can see, two URLs have been reserved, and some of the work-in-progress papers presented at former EMAC conference proceedings have already been integrated into the portal. You also asked for a short plan for the next 2 to 3 years and for responses to the issues raised in one of your more recent e-mails. Here are my replies to the issues you raised:

      1. Tasks of area editors / national correspondents: As already mentioned, finding active supporters of the portal, i.e. area editors, is our primary task. We are confident that we can fill most of the positions for sub-areas (topics) within the next 3 months. Until that point, we will put in material from EMAC proceedings. Finding national correspondents is our second step and should be finished by the end of 2005.
      2. Promoting the portal: Above you find my draft for an article in EMAC’s chronicle that should help to make the new website known to EMAC members. We will also send this information to our country representatives and ask them to promote the new website among the national EMAC members, e.g. on regional or national meetings of marketing faculty members. I will also present the portal in Milan in a session of 90 minutes on May 25, 2005. The most important effect should be a kind of reinforcement when sub-area editors actively target marketing scientists that are requested to upload additional material and to use the topic-related website for teaching material (community building).
      3. A “guided tour” is rather complex to be programmed. Therefore, we will offer a “how to use the teaching portal” document that will be available on the website for download within the next days.
      4. The “how to use” document will be adapted to special needs of sub-area editors and potential contributors.
      5. The “copyright” and “property rights” issues are yet unsolved. We will insert a note that EMAC and my team exclude any liabilities etc. (we simply copy what we find on similar websites such as the one by AMA). However, we have to investigate this further. Does EMAC / EIASM have a lawyer that we could contact to clarify this and related issues? Otherwise, I would ask one of the publishers interested in sponsoring the website to help us with legal advice.
      6. AMA’s marketing power website offers material and information for academic members (see, in particular, the Academic Resource Center). However, our initiative covers more material, uses a set of editors for voluntary support of this idea, and aims at a higher intellectual level. We will continue to observe AMA’s activities, but we also believe that AMA will not be able to match the quality and quantity of our material. Nevertheless, we will get and try to stay in touch with Charles Hofacker who is the current editor of AMA’s Academic Resource Center.
      7. To find interesting material or to identify colleagues who work in specific fields will be the primary task of all sub-area editors. My task as the editor-in-chief is to supervise this process (frequency of uploads and downloads, “speed”/”slowness” of evaluation processes of new material by individual area editors, quality of material by topic). It would be great if EMAC’s president could send out an e-mail to all members to ask for their input. This e-mail could also be used to promote the new portal as the most valuable source of information for teaching purposes.
      8. A prize for the best contribution (material) is a nice idea. However, I would reserve this for the second year. We also have to find ways to make it more interesting to become a member of the “editorial board” of our new portal.
      9. Publishers will be one of our primary sources for funding. They could also help to promote our website by refering to EMAC’s teaching portal on their websites, in particular on sites related to marketing textbooks / readers.

      Our plans for next steps are as follows:

      • Adding material from EMAC conferences to the website. This means that about 3.000 abstracts or working papers have to be added. In other words, a lot of resources (student assistants) has to be devoted to this task. Deadline: End of August.
      • Identifying subarea editors. Ed Malthouse (Northwestern University) already agreed to cover the topic of Direct Marketing. Finished by the end of September.
      • Updating the list of sub-areas (topics). Channel Management, Retail Management, and Service Management have been added, Public Relations has been deleted.
      • Updating the portfolio of services. A list of experts in the respective fields will be built by sub-area editors. We hope that this new service will help to get scientists from different countries more easily in touch.
      • Bulding a network of country representatives. After all positions of sub-area editors have been filled, we will try to motivate colleagues to support us with country-specific material, in particular with non-English material. My suggestion is to start with large countries (France, Germany, Italy, Spain, UK). After a year of experience, we could extend this initiative to other countries. We expect to have substantial, country-specific material for these 5 countries within a year from now, i.e. by June 2006.
      • Finding sponsors. I have had talks with people from GfK, TNS, Pearson, and Springer. The all showed deep interest in EMAC’s initiative. I plan to talk to other publishers and to the European Case Clearing House (ECCH). The idea is to get enough funds to cover the annual cost of running the portal. We could also earn money by using affiliate programs such as amazon’s concept (if people order books they found on the portal, EMAC would earn a commission). However, such money has to be taxed. Therefore, to me, getting sponsorships seems to be the best source of funding.

  5. Report on Joint EMAC/ANZMAC Symposium 2005

    1. Innovation in Marketing: Implications for Theory, Techniques and Measurement Submitted by Veronica Wong

      I am pleased to provide a report on the second joint EMAC/ANZMAC (BigMac2) symposium which was held in conjunction with the 2005 EMAC Conference in Milan. The theme of the one-day symposium was “Innovation in Marketing: Implications for Theory, Techniques and Measurements”, encompassing three tracks: Marketing Theory (Chairs: Robin Wensley and Rod Brodie); Techniques (Chairs: Peter Leeflang and Jordan Louviere); and Measurements & Metric (Chairs: Lutz Hildebrandt and Peter Danaher).

      An important objective of BigMac is to foster research networking and interaction between members of EMAC and ANZMAC, and to encourage scholars and researchers from the Asia Pacific region, who join these networks to promote new ideas and insights arising from their own research.

      To a large extent this year’s BigMac2 event has achieved this goal. The event attracted some one hundred delegates, including EMAC and ANZMAC authors/presenters and supporters, who participated in lively discussions of latest research findings, and stimulating debates, on the advancement and application of marketing theories/paradigms, methods and measurements. Moreover, as can be seen from the Symposium programme provided below, the Track Chairs are to be commended for doing an excellent job in attracting some outstanding presenters, authors and panel members alike, to this event.

      In the case of the Theory Track, the Chairs constructed 2 panel sessions that focused on leading edge issues. Out of 10 proposals submitted, 2 provided the basis for the panel sessions and one (Nick Lee and John Cadogan), combined with John Rossiter’s proposal to give a combined Theory/Measurement session. The 10 panelist's for the 2 sessions were selected from among those who submitted proposals (4) and senior ANZMAC and EMAC researchers who are experts in the areas (5), giving an equal balance between ANZAC and EMAC participants.

      As for the Techniques/Models and Metrics/Measurement Tracks, a total of 17 abstracts were received by Track Chairs. Following review by the Track Chairs, the unanimous decision was to accept all submitted abstracts for the Symposium.

      Overall, the Track Chairs were pleased with the quality of the submitted abstracts and found that they grouped naturally into themes that ended up in the final Symposium programme.

      Summaries of the Symposium abstracts and discussions for each of the three tracks will be available on the EMAC and ANZMAC websites in due course.

      Both Mark Gabbot and I, as the Symposium Chairs, would like to take this opportunity to thank the EMAC/ANZMAC Track Chairs for their coordinated efforts and support, and, not least, for taking the lead in shaping the agenda for BigMac 2.

  6. Announcing the EMAC-EMC Networking Relationship

    1. EMAC- EMC Joint Collaboration 

      Announcing: EMAC-EMC Networking Relationship--Euromarketer

      EMAC and EMC have recently agreed on a joint collaboration in an effort to promote and exchange knowledge, research and experience in marketing practices. The first step in this collaboration is the participation of EMAC in the project 'Euromarketers', conceived and run by EMC. Euromarketers will create the first panEuropean online network of marketers.

      The European Marketing Confederation (EMC) is the umbrella organisation for marketing, sales and communication associations in Europe. EMC gathers 17 associations in 15 countries (Europe, South Africa, Russia and Turkey) and represents more than +200,000 individuals who are professional marketeers.

      More information on EMC at: http://www.emc.be

  7. EMAC Sponsors ISMS Practice Prize

    1. EMAC Sponsors ISMS Practice Prize Submitted by Gary Lilien

      EMAC Sponsors ISMS Practice Prize:
      2005 Competition Highlights and DVD availability

      Following a resolution passed at the Interim Executive Committee meeting in October, EMAC will be a co-sponsor (along with The Marketing Science Institute and the Brand Science Institute) of the ISMS (Informs Society on Marketing Science) Practice Prize. The Practice Prize is awarded for an outstanding implementation of marketing science concepts and methods. The methodology used must be sound and appropriate to the problem and organization, and the work should have had significant, verifiable and, preferably quantitative impact on the performance of the client organization.

      Most recently, the Third Prize competition crowned a winner at the 27th Marketing Science Conference on 17 June at The Goizueta Business School at Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia.

      The winning entry was “Customer Equity and Lifetime Management (CELM)", by a joint team from IBM's Zurich Research Labs and Finnair, including Abdel Labbi, Giuliano Tirenni, Cesar Berrospi, Andre Elisseff and Kari Heinonen.

      Their work reports on an innovative, long run approach to customer lifetime management implemented at Finnair. That work has lead to improved response rates to Finnair's marketing offers by 10%, decreased marketing costs of 20% and an overall improvement in customer satisfaction at Finnair of 10%. The CELM approach is a decision support system that offers marketing managers a sophisticated framework for optimal planning and budgeting of targeted marketing actions (e.g. campaigns) in order to maximize the return on marketing investments. The approach assesses the changing needs and preferences of customers and maximizes the value of a firm's portfolio of customers over a planning horizon in a manner similar to the way financials planners manage stock portfolios. CELM recommends which offers should be made to which customers at what time to help those customers become more loyal and of higher value in the most cost-effective manner possible.

      The 2005 Practice Prize committee was comprised of Nils Andres, (representing the Brand Science Institute), Gary Lilien, Prize Committee Chair, Leigh McAlister (representing the Marketing Science Institute), Jagmohan Raju (as ISMS President), Arvind Rangaswamy, Jorge Silva-Risso, Steve Shugan (as Marketing Science editor), Joel Steckel, and Gerard Tellis.

      The other finalists in the competition were

      • "Quantifying and Improving Promotion Profitability at CVS" by Kusum Ailawadi, Dartmouth University, Jacques Cesar, Mercer Consulting, Bari Harlam, CVS and David Trounce, Mercer Consulting.
      • "An Assortment-Wide Decision-Support System for Dynamic Pricing and Promotion Planning" by Martin Natter, Andreas Mild, Thomas Reutterer and Alfred Taudes, all from Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, and
      • "The Right Product for the Right Person: Product Recommendation from Infrequent Events" by Brendan Kitts, iPropsect, Marty Vrieze, Central Purchasing Inc and David Freed Exa Corporation.

      The full presentations from this year as well as those from previous competitions are available now. These presentations were professionally videotaped and have been edited especially for classroom use. The DVDs also contain the related competition PowerPoint presentation.

      To see a complete list of available DVDs or to view short (3-5 minute) summaries of each of this year's presentations see:


      (To view the summaries, you will need to use Internet Explorer as a browser)

      Gary L. Lilien, Vice President, EMAC VP External Relations and Chair 2005 ISMS Practice Prize Competition Committee

  8. Events & Calls for Papers

    1. ACR 2006 Sydney 

      ACR-Asia Pacific 2006
      15 - 17 June 2006 - Sydney, Australia
      Borderless Consumption

      Key Conference Events

      15 June 2006 Doctoral Colloquium followed by cocktail reception

      16 June 2006 Conference, Awards & Conference dinner at the University of Sydney

      17 June 2006 Conference and Optional Harbour Cruise

      Key Dates

      July 2005 Call for papers and ACR-AP 2006 website activated

      October 31, 2005 Paper submission deadline

      February 28, 2006 Notification of Acceptance of competitive papers, special sessions and film

      March 2006 Online Registration and Hotel Bookings activated

      Keynote Speaker:

      Professor Russell Bank
      N. Eldon Tanner Professor of Marketing
      University of Utah

      For further Information contact:
      Gary Gregory: g.gregory@unsw.edu.au
      Margaret Craig Lees: Margaret.craiglees@aut.ac.nz
      Teresa Davis: t.davis@econ.usyd.edu.au

      More information on : WWW.acrasia.org

    2. 2006 Academy of Science Marketing Conference 

      2006 Academy of Marketing Science Conference

      May 24-27, 2006,
      Hyatt Regency, San Antonio, TX, USA

      Paper Submission Deadline: November 7, 2005

      Conference Theme – “Revolution in Marketing: Market Driving Changes

      Program Chairs: Greg W. Marshall and Judy A. Siguaw

      The term “Revolution” is not chosen lightly – it is clear that the role of marketing in both the firm and in society is in a period of substantial change. This change is being driven by many factors, not the least of which are technology, accelerating capabilities to react to consumer preferences, and a return to focusing on serving customers as individuals through customization. It is incumbent upon both marketing academicians and practitioners to critically assess the means by which companies can be market driving versus market driven. To this end, the goal of this year’s AMS conference is one of creating great awareness of the issues, trends, and advances associated with developing radically new products and services, creating new markets, generating new channels, establishing new price points, and formulating new business models.

      To participate, submit competitive papers (not abstracts) or special session proposals electronically to the appropriate track chair listed below. Important Note: It is against AMS policy to submit the same paper or special session proposal to multiple tracks. We look forward to seeing you and to engaging in the lively intellectual discussion and warm fellowship that are trademarks of the Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference!

      Greg W. Marshall
      Conference Co-Chair
      Rollins College
      Crummer Graduate School of Business
      1000 Holt Avenue – 2722
      Winter Park, FL 32789-4499 USA
      Phone: 407-691-1150
      Email: gmarshall@rollins.edu

      Judy A. Siguaw
      Conference Co-Chair
      Nanyang Technological University

      Cornell – Nanyang Institute of Hospitality Management
      S3-01B-49 Nanyang Avenue

      Singapore 639798

      Phone: (65) 6790 6479
      Email: judysiguaw@ntu.edu.sg

      Program Tracks

      Business-to-Business Marketing
      Jeff Lewin
      Boston College
      Department of Marketing
      Fulton Hall 443
      140 Commonwealth Ave

      Chestnut Hill, MA 02467 USA

      Phone: 617-552-6436 Email: lewinje@bc.edu

      Consumer Behavior

      Michael Minor
      University of Texas Pan American
      Edinburg, TX 78541-2999 USA
      Phone: 956-316-7135 Email: msminor@hotmail.com

      Electronic and Interactive Marketing

      Goutam Chakraborty
      Oklahoma State University
      Spears School of Business
      Department of Marketing
      Stillwater, OK 74078-4011 USA
      Phone: 405-744-7644 Email: goutamc@okstate.edu

      Ethics, Social Responsibility

      Anusorn Singhapakdi

      Old Dominion University

      College of Business and Public Administration

      Marketing Area

      2123 Constant Hall

      Norfolk, VA 23529-0220 USA

      Phone: 757-683-5129 Email: asinghap@odu.edu

      Excellence in Marketing Education and Innovative Teaching

      K. Douglas Hoffman

      Colorado State University

      College of Business

      Department of Marketing

      115 Rockwell Hall

      Fort Collins, CO 80523-1201 USA

      Phone: 970-491-2791 Email: doug.hoffman@colostate.edu

      International-Multinational Marketing

      John Cadogan and Anne Souchon (please send to either co-chair)

      Loughborough University

      Business School

      Loughborough, LE11 3TU, UK

      Phone: +44 (0)1509 228846

      Email: j.w.cadogan@lboro.ac.uk a.l.souchon@lboro.ac.uk

      Marketing Research Methods

      Bruce Alford

      Louisiana Tech University

      College of Administration and Business

      Department of Marketing and Q.A.
      CAB Room #114
      P. O. Box 10318
      Ruston, LA 71272 USA
      Phone: 318-257-4012 Email: balford@cab.latech.edu

      Marketing Strategy

      Michael Ewing

      Monash University

      Department of Marketing

      Faculty of Business and Economics

      P.O. Box 527

      Frankston, Victoria 3199, AUSTRALIA

      Phone: +61-3 990 44648

      Email: michael.ewing@buseco.monash.edu.au

      Marketing Promotions and Communications

      Russ Laczniak

      Iowa State University

      Marketing Deaprtment
      3183 Gerdin Business Building
      Ames, Iowa 50011 USA
      Phone: 515-294-9692 Email: laczniak@iastate.edu

      Mary Kay Doctoral Dissertation Competition

      Andrea Dixon

      University of Cincinnati

      Linder 422
      PO Box 210145
      Cincinnati, OH 45221-0145 USA

      Phone: 513-556-7113 Email: andrea.dixon@uc.edu

      Pricing and Marketing Metrics

      Rajneesh Suri

      Drexel University

      Bennett S. LeBow College of Business

      Department of Marketing

      510 Matheson Hall

      32nd and Market Streets
      Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA

      Phone: 215-895-6980 Email: rajneesh.suri@drexel.edu


      Kristy Reynolds

      University of Alabama

      Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration

      Department of Management and Marketing

      Box 870225

      Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0225 USA

      Phone: 205-348-6183 Email: reynolds@lsu.edu

      Selling and Sales Management, CRM

      Jule Gassenheimer

      Rollins College

      Crummer Graduate School of Business

      1000 Holt Avenue – 2722

      Winter Park, FL 32789-4044 USA

      Phone: 407-646-2404 Email: jgassenheime@rollins.edu

      Services Marketing

      Jochen Wirtz

      NUS Business School

      National University of Singapore

      1 Business Link

      Singapore 117592 REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE

      Phone: (65) 68743656 Email: bizwirtz@nus.edu.sg

      Sports Marketing

      Scott Kelley

      University of Kentucky

      Gatton College of Business and Economics
      School of Management - Marketing Area
      Sports Marketing Center

      Lexington, KY 40506 USA

      Phone: 859-257-3425 Email: skelley@uky.edu

      Supply Chain Management

      Nancy Nix

      Texas Christian University

      M.J. Neeley School of Business

      Supply and Value Chain Center

      TCU Box 298530

      Fort Worth, TX 76129 USA
      Phone: 817-257-7463 Email: n.nix@tcu.edu

      Proceeding Editor

      Harlan Spotts

      Western New England College

      School of Business

      Box 5233

      1215 Wilbraham Road

      Springfield, MA 01119 USA

      Phone: 413-782-1280 Email: hswmc@wnec.edu

      Guidelines for Submitting Manuscripts and Special Session Proposals

      All manuscripts and special session proposals are to be submitted by email as attached “word.doc” files to the appropriate track chair. Manuscripts should follow the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science style guidelines (found at http://www.j-ams.org). Papers should not exceed 20 pages in total length including all exhibits and references. On the cover, be sure to include the title of the paper, names and affiliations of the each author, and complete contact information for the contact author (surface mail address, email address, fax, and phone number). Important Note: It is against AMS policy to submit the same paper or special session proposal to multiple tracks.

      Manuscripts will be double blind reviewed. Please do not identify authors in the paper beyond the cover page. All authors of papers presented must be members in good standing of the Academy of Marketing Science at the time of the conference. Upon acceptance, the author(s) agree to: (a) release the copyright to the Academy of Marketing Science unless they choose to publish only an abstract; (b) return the manuscript in correct format in a timely fashion to the Proceedings Editor; and (c) have at least one author appear at the conference to present the paper. Any accepted manuscripts not presented at the conference will not be published in the AMS Proceedings. It is ultimately the author’s responsibility to see that any paper accepted for publication is provided to the Proceedings Editor and your track chair on time and in the proper format. If you have not received an official confirmation that an accepted paper is in production by April 1, 2006, you should contact the Proceedings Editor immediately. All manuscripts accepted for publication must be submitted to the Proceedings Editor electronically via email, formatted according to the 2006 AMS Proceedings style guidelines (which will be supplied to you upon acceptance), maintaining 5-page limit. Each additional page is charged at $50. This must be paid when you submit the final manuscript to the Proceedings Editor.

      Special session proposals should be submitted by email as attached “word.doc” files to the appropriate track chair. They should contain a 100-word bio of each speaker, a one-page description of the session, and a one-page description of each presentation. Special session proposals will be reviewed, and those rated as highest quality and most in keeping with the conference theme will be accepted for presentation.

      Summary of AMS Awards:

      · Jane K. Fenyo Student Paper Competition – all student papers are eligible.

      · M.Wayne Delozier Best Conference Paper – all papers eligible.

      · Stanley C. Hollander Best Retailing Paper Competition – all services and retailing papers are eligible.

      · William R. Darden Award - Best Research Methodology Paper – papers demonstrating

      · AMS Outstanding Marketing Teachers’ Award Competition Sponsored by South-Western College Publishing and Lamb, Hair, & McDaniel – selected by the AMS Board of Governors. Contact: Jill S. Attaway, Illinois State University, Box 5590, Normal, IL 61790-5590. Phone: 309/438-2935. Email: jsattaw@ilstu.edu.

      · Mary Kay Doctoral Dissertation Award see above for details.

      · Outstanding Selling and Sales Management Papers – invited for further review at JPSSM.

      For more information about AMS, visit our web site: www.ams-web.org.

      See you in San Antonio!

    3. ASAC 2006: Reaching New Heights 

      ASAC 2006: Reaching New Heights


      Marketing Division
      Banff Alberta, Canada
      June 3-6, 2006

      The Marketing Division of ASAC invites you to submit a paper or symposium proposal for the 2006 Annual Conference in Banff, Alberta.

      Conference Theme : Reaching New Heights
      There is something truly inspirational about being in the Rockies. We invite scholars to consider the well worn paths around their disciplines and then seek higher ground: ethically, conceptually, and empirically. We encourage you to propose new directions or present innovative accomplishments in research and management. For 2006, bring your lofty ideas to Banff; a fitting venue as we all strive to reach new heights.

      Case Track
      ASAC 2006, with the support of the School of Business & Economics, Wilfrid Laurier University and Pearson Education Canada Inc. includes case discussions and critique sessions as part of the conference. Authors of empirical (not fictional) cases with a clear decision focus are invited to submit their case and accompanying teaching note. For more information, please visit: http://www.wlu.ca/laurierinstitute and click on "Case Publications".

      NEW! Social Responsibility Interest Group
      The business community and researchers are increasingly focused on issues related to the role of organizations in society. We invite papers dealing with corporate social responsibility, business ethics, business and the environment, stakeholder management, corporate citizenship, spirituality in organizations, and other related issues. We welcome both empirical and theoretical papers.

      Paper Submission
      Submissions should be sent electronically to the appropriate Academic Reviewer, in WordPerfect or Microsoft Word. Papers must not have been published or presented elsewhere. To be in the Proceedings, papers must conform to the ASAC Typing Style Guide and must not exceed fifteen (15) single-spaced pages, including all author information, the title of the paper, the abstract, all footnoting and endnotes, all tables, figures, and appendices but excluding references. On a separate page, indicate the authors' names, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and email addresses and to whom all communications should be directed [Students should also indicate their status and indicate the school in which they are enrolled].

      The appropriate Academic Reviewer must receive all contributions no later than 31st January 2006. Please make sure that the paper is complete in all respects since there is very little time to revise once the paper has been accepted. If you work with WordPerfect you should use either CG Times 11 or Times Roman 11. If you work with Microsoft Word please use Times New Roman 11.

      Members interested in assembling a symposium or workshop should prepare a detailed description of its overall purpose and focus and the specific role of each participant and send it electronically to the Academic Reviewer by January 31, 2006.

      Moe information on the Website: http://www.uleth.ca/asac

      Academic Reviewer Program Chair

      Harish Kapoor, PhD Rodney Stump, PhD
      Assistant Professor – Marketing Associate Professor and Chair
      Fred C. Manning School of Business College of Business and Economics
      Acadia University Towson University
      Phone (902) 585 1326 Phone (410) 704 3135
      Fax (902) 585 1085 Fax (410) 704 3772
      Email – harish.kapoor@acadiau.ca Email - rstump@towson.edu

    4. IAREP-SABE - Conference 

      Call for Papers

      IAREP-SABE Joint Meeting,
      Paris, July 5-8, 2006

      Co-organized by the Universities of Paris 1 & Paris 5
      IAREP (International Association for Research in Economic Psychology)
      SABE (Society for the Advancement of Behavioral Economics)
      Location: Pantheon-Sorbonne University (Paris I)
      Centre Panthéon. 12, place du Panthéon, Paris 5ème

      Theme: “Behavioural Economics and Economic Psychology”

      Behavioural economics is a major innovation to the economic way of thinking, which it brings closer to psychology, sociology and the neurosciences. The IAREP-SABE Conference aims at providing a platform to the fast growing number of economists, psychologists, neuroscientists and other social scientists who wish to discuss, rigorously but open-mindedly, their latest research in this field.

      All sessions will take place in the premises of Panthéon and Sorbonne, in the heart of the ‘Quartier Latin’.

      Highlights of the Conference:

      • The conference will open on IAREP’s Daniel Kahneman lecture which will be exceptionally delivered by Daniel Kahneman himself.
      • In commemoration of the fact that a Nobel Prize in Economics was given to Daniel Kahneman, a psychologist, in 2002, and to symbolize the academic reconciliation between economics and psychology, a twin Honoris Causa Doctorate will be attributed to Daniel Kahneman (Princeton University) on this occasion in the presence of participants to the conference: one in economics from Panthéon-Sorbonne University (Paris I) and one in psychology from René Descartes University (Paris V).
      • SABE’s Herbert Simon lecture will be delivered by Werner Güth (Max Planck Institute) who will present new experiments on “satisficing”.
      • Our guest lecture will be delivered by Antonio Damasio (Iowa University) who will be given the rare opportunity to defend “Descartes’ error” on the premises of René Descartes (Paris 5) University.
      • An evening cruise on the Seine hosting a memorable gala dinner will be organized for participants and accompanying persons.

      Submission and Deadlines:
      Individual papers/posters and proposals for sessions (which should include 4 papers per session) are invited. Papers and sessions may be related to any area of behavioural economics and/or economic psychology. Theoretical, empirical and experimental contributions are welcome. Proposals may emanate from economists, psychologists, social scientists and neuroscientists provided they remain accessible to scientists from other disciplines.

      Abstracts of papers/posters proposed for the conference should be submitted on-line for evaluation, BEFORE January 31st, 2006 on http://team.univ-paris1.fr/iarep-sabe2006

      To propose a session, please send an outline of the session, including the titles and abstracts of papers, the chair for the session, and the organizer of the session PER EMAIL to iarep-sabe2006@mci-group.com

      Authors and session organizers will be notified of acceptance/rejection by March 31st .

      Registration, Accommodation and more information:
      Please consult the Conference Website: http://team.univ-paris1.fr/iarep-sabe2006

    5. 5th CRAWS Conference- Extended Deadline 


      5th CRAWS Conference
      5th – 7th April 2006

      International and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Customer Behaviour

      Conference Chairs: Margaret K. Hogg, Lancaster University Management School
      and Barbara R. Lewis, Manchester Business School

      The Customer Research Academy was established to provide a forum for European academics who are researching customer behaviour. The aim of the Workshop series is to provide an opportunity to examine the latest leading-edge theoretical, conceptual, methodological and empirical progress in customer research across consumer and organisational markets, including profit and not-for-profit sectors.

      Following four successful meetings, the 5th workshop will involve a series of themed discussions in which participants will talk briefly about their research papers. The workshop format means that the emphasis throughout will be on informality to encourage discussion and the full participation of all attendees; to foster opportunities for the development of research collaborations; and to build networks of national and international scholarship in customer behaviour.

      The 2006 workshop will be held at 'Chancellors' - the University of Manchester Conference Centre, which has en-suite accommodation available onsite. It will begin with dinner on the evening of 5th April, followed by a series of sessions during Thursday 6th April, and ending at lunchtime Friday 7th April. The cost will be £335 to include the workshop fee, two nights accommodation and all meals.

      Paper Abstracts
      We invite you to submit your paper abstracts which address the workshop theme: International and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Customer Behaviour. Papers which focus on other themes related to customer behaviour will also be welcome. Abstracts should focus on research in progress or completed research into customer behaviour in consumer, organisational, business-to-business or social markets and should identify the contribution of the research (i.e. theoretical/conceptual; methodological; empirical).

      Abstracts should be on one page, 300-400 words and should include the author(s) name, affiliation, address, telephone, fax and e-mail. They should be submitted by the extended deadline of 20th December to:
      Janet Denny, D33/MBS East, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester, Booth Street West, Manchester, M15 6PB, UK.
      Tel: (+44) 161 306 3507; Fax: (+44) 161 306 3167; E-mail: janet.denny@manchester.ac.uk.

      Successful Papers
      Abstracts will be reviewed by an internal panel and authors notified by early January 2006.. Accepted paper abstracts will be published in the 2006 Customer Research Academy Workshop Series, Volume 5 (bound volume with ISBN). Successful participants will be expected to bring copies of their completed papers to the workshop.

    6. Thought Leaders Int'l Conference on Brand Management 

      Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management

      Birmingham, U.K., March 28-29, 2006

      The Centre for Research in Brand Marketing at the Birmingham University Business School, in conjunction with the Academy of Marketing, will be hosting the Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management from 28 - 29 March 2006 in Birmingham. Double blind refereed papers from academics in continents north and south of the equator will be presented. In addition keynote speeches will be delivered by leading edge practitioners who have challenged branding conventions in their brand strategies.

      Details about the conference can be found at http://business.bham.ac.uk/crbm

      Registrations made by contacting k.m.duffy@bham.ac.uk

    7. 13th Int'l Conf on Multi-Organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks 

      13th International Conference on
      Multi-Organisational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks

      Wellington, New Zealand, 30th Nov – 2nd Dec 2006


      Participants can offer input to the conference in many forms.
      We hope for contributions in a variety of modes that represent in different ways the variety of ideas, experiences and methodologies. These may take the form of presentations, papers, talks, videos, lectures, debates, roundtables, films, games, dramatic representations, metaphors, artworks, contests, exhibitions or any other modes that might intrigue, engage and provoke the imagination of others.

      Submission of ideas
      Please email an attachment outlining your proposed contribution (max length 500 words) to www.vuw.ac.nz/mopan
      Please could you give it the file name MOPAN – Surname –First name
      Please indicate the mode of delivery that would best suit your contribution.
      All abstracts will be subjected to peer review. They will be evaluated as to their quality and topic applicability. We will try to accommodate all proposals as they are submitted; however, the Conference Program Committee will make the final decision about acceptance of and presentation format for individual submissions.

      Participants will be informed about the acceptance (of papers, posters and other media) after August 1st, 2006. Abstracts of proposed papers, posters and other media (500 words maximum) should clearly indicate the content of the final paper/poster/other.
      Response by e-mail, fax or snail-mail is acceptable.

      We very much look forward to receiving your statements of intention to attend and look forward to a successful event.

    8. 22nd Congress of the French Marketing Association 


      Nantes, France, 11 - 12 May 2006

      The French Marketing Association (Association Française du Marketing or AFM in French) was created in 1984. Its main goal is to promote marketing training and research taking the best international standards as its benchmarks. The French Marketing Association brings together Faculty (professors, scholars, etc.) and Ph.D. students from Universities and Grandes Ecoles, as well as practitioners — consultants, marketing managers, senior executives.
      With more than 500 individual and institutional members — essentially companies and educational institutions — from 24 countries (France of course, but also Germany, Canada, Belgium, USA, Austria, Switzerland, Sweden, the Netherlands, the U.K., Spain, Morocco, Tunisia, Norway, Lebanon, …), the AFM is definitely much more than a purely French association. Please look at our website for further details: http://www.afm-marketing.org

      The 22nd Congress of the French Marketing Association will take place in Nantes (FRANCE) on May 11th and 12th 2006. It is being organized by Audencia Nantes School of Management and Nantes University. The scientific committee will be chaired by Joel Brée, Pierre Desmet, Jean-Pierre Helfer, Jean-François Lemoine and Jean-François Trinquecoste.

      The papers, which can cover all areas of marketing – academic or applied research, ethical considerations, etc. – should be emailed to the following address before December 15th 2005

      Papers have to respect the following format:

      • Text on Word, in Times New Roman, 12 points, with pages numbered in the bottom right-hand corner, 20 pages maximum length (excluding charts, figures, references, appendix, and cover page), using 1.5 spacing
      • The first cover page should contain the title of the paper, the name of the author(s), their function, their contact details and – where appropriate – any acknowledgements. This cover page will be removed so as to make the assessment anonymous
      • The second cover page should contain the title of the paper, an abstract of no more than 50 words plus 5 key words, the entire page being in both French and English
      • The main body of the paper should be followed by – and in the following order – an appendix, continuous-numbered footnotes, numbered charts, and figures to be integrated in the text. The place for inserting the charts and figures should be indicated in the body of the paper
      • For all references, bibliography, numbering of charts and figures and the appendix, please respect the instructions as given in the RAM review (Recherche et applications en Marketing; http://www.afm-marketing.org/site_ram; ranked as a B journal). The charts and figures should be of excellent quality as they will be reproduced as they are
      • All outside material should be accompanied by an authorisation to reproduce it.
      • Papers which do not conform to these instructions will not be assessed. Each paper will be assessed anonymously by 3 readers. The author may be asked to modify his or her paper before it is accepted

      Papers may be written in either French or English. For papers written in English, the assessment is carried out on the basis of the original text. If the paper is accepted, the author will, at his or her own expense, have it translated into French.

    9. 2006 Marketing Trend Congress 

      2006 Marketing Trends Congress

      Venice, 20 - 21 January 2006

      For the fifth time the Ca’ Foscari University of Venice and ESCP-EAP Paris invite academics and professional to get together for the Marketing Trends Congress.
      The Marketing Trends Congress is a great opportunity for researchers and professionals to meet and create a link between their own visions of the major changes in the Marketing world.

      The 2006 Marketing Trends Congress will take place in Venice, on January 20th and 21th.

      The main issues investigated will be: marketing strategy, consumer behaviour, distribution, brand and communication, relationship marketing and e-marketing.

      Further information about Marketing Trends Congress are available at the Website http://www.escp-eap.net/conferences/marketing

    10. 19th EMAC Doctoral Colloquium 


      ATHENS, GREECE, MAY 21-23, 2006


      The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) and the European Marketing Academy (EMAC) in collaboration with Athens University of Economics & Business (AUEB, Greece) are organising the 19th Colloquium for doctoral students in marketing. The colloquium will be held in Athens from Sunday, May 21 until Tuesday, May 23, 2006, immediately prior to the EMAC Conference 2006.

      The colloquium provides outstanding doctoral students in marketing who want to pursue a career in academics with an opportunity to discuss their dissertation research with other doctoral students and leading academics in the field of marketing. All topics and methodological approaches within the broad field of marketing will be considered.

      The colloquium will mostly proceed in parallel tracks based on the topical and/or methodological angle of participants' work as well as on the stage of the dissertation process. Students will discuss their work with their fellow students and with three track faculty, who are renowned experts in the field.

      Doctoral students in different stages of their dissertation process can apply for participation in the doctoral colloquium. There will be:

      • Three tracks for students in an intermediate or advanced stage of their dissertation process. Students in these tracks should have a good knowledge of the literature in their domain of study and clear research questions. They should be in the process of starting the data collection or have already finished this. Students in these tracks will have 90 minutes to present and discuss their dissertation work. They can benefit from the colloquium by subjecting the positioning of their research to a critical review, refining their data collection approach, and/or receiving suggestions for translating their work into papers that can be submitted to excellent journals.
      • One track for students in an early stage of their dissertation process. Students in this track should have a (tentative) proposal for the topic they want to study, the method they want to use, and the potential contribution. They will have 30 – 45 minutes to present and discuss their dissertation work, and will receive suggestions on how to focus and position their work. In addition there will be faculty presentations designed to help students plan and manage their dissertation process.

      The doctoral colloquium will be held in a collaborative, open and friendly atmosphere. In respect to this philosophy, participants are required to attend the entire colloquium. All participants will receive a certificate of attendance.

      Co-Chairs :
      Karen GEDENK, University of Cologne, Germany
      Gita JOHAR, Columbia Business School, USA
      Marc VANHUELE, HEC School of Management, Paris, France
      Klaus WERTENBROCH, INSEAD, France

      Further faculty names will be announced soon.

      The deadline for submission is January 27, 2006.

      Candidates should submit an abstract of the (planned) doctoral research, outlining the research problem against the existing literature, discussing the methodology and showing some initial empirical results (if applicable).
      Abstracts should be no longer than 3 pages (plus figures, tables, and references).
      Please note that the name of the candidate and contact details should appear on the abstract.

      In the submission process, candidates will also be asked to give some information about their vita, following a specific format . On that form, students should also indicate whether they apply for an intermediate/advanced or for the beginners’ track based on the stage of their dissertation process and also they should indicate one of the following areas as the focus of their research:

      - CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR: includes all work conducted from a consumer perspective, and can be related to theory building, interesting cosumer phenomena and/or functional fields in marketing like on-line marketing, advertising, retailing, health behaviour, etc ...

      - MARKETING MANAGEMENT: includes all work conducted from a managerial perspective in any functional field of marketing: international marketing, retailing, product development, B2B, etc ...

      - MARKETING MODELLING: includes all work in marketing with an emphasis on formulation and/or empirical tests of marketing models, and related to any functional field in marketing

      The submissions will be evaluated by the co-chairs.

      The admitted proposals in each track will be made available to all participants in the corresponding track to allow everyone to prepare the discussions.


      Location: The doctoral colloquium will take place at the Holiday Inn. The exact address is : 50, Michalakopoulou Str., Athens 11528.

      Registration to the EMAC Conference:
      Be careful! The EMAC Doctoral Colloquium and the EMAC Conference, although linked, are two separate events, with each one its participation fee. For students accepted to the Colloquium (colloquium fee = 230 €) who want to stay for the EMAC Conference, EMAC will pay 50 % of the EMAC Conference fee (= 565 € including a one-year membership to EMAC and the subscription to IJRM). The deadline to register to the EMAC Conference at this early-bird fee is March 24, 2006.
      Because of the special discount, please do not register online, but contact directly the congress agency instead (Amphitrion, Ms. Vicky Nickolopoulou, e-mail: nickolopoulou@amphitrion.gr)


      The colloquium fee is 230 Eur and should be paid to the EMAC in Brussels once students are notified of their participation in the colloquium. This fee includes participation in the doctoral colloquium, coffee breaks and lunches and an evening dinner.


      Ms. Marion HEBBELYNCK
      EMAC c/o EIASM - Place de Brouckère-plein 31 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
      Tel: +32 2 226 66 60 - Fax: +32 2 512 19 29
      E-mail: emac@eiasm.be

      For more information, http://www.eiasm.org/frontoffice/event_announcement.asp?event_id=453

    11. EURAM 2006 

      Dear Colleague,

      I would like to inform you that the conference committee of the EURAM (European Academy of Management ) http://www.euram2006.no
      has accepted to hold a track on the following topic:

      Customer Profiling in service providing
      Key words: Marketing, Customer Relationship Management, Customer Profiling, Customer Behaviour.

      The deadline for the paper submission is 15th of January 2006.
      It is possible to submit papers on line by the 1st of December.

    12. The 22nd Industrial Marketing & Purchasing Conference 

      The 22nd Industrial Marketing & Purchasing (IMP) Conference

      Milan, September 7-9, 2006

      Dear colleague,

      We would like to invite you to join us next year for the 22nd Industrial Marketing & Purchasing (IMP) Conference, that will be jointly hosted by

      Bocconi University and EM Lyon, and will be held in Milan, Italy, September 7- 9, 2006.

      The conference is the largest meeting place in the world for researchers sharing an interest in business-to-business marketing, purchasing and

      supply chain, interorganizational relationships and networks. This year's theme is "Opening the network", and we are eager to accept new perspectives on

      business markets, new methods, and new participants.

      The deadline for abstract submissions is January 14, 2006.

      Further information about the conference and its special tracks can be found on the website: http://www.imp2006.org

      We look forward to receiving your contributions!

      The IMP 2005 Committee

      Francesca Golfetto - Bocconi University

      Robert Salle - EM Lyon

    13. Workshop on Probability Models for Customer-Base Analysis 

      Workshop on “Probability Models for Customer-Base Analysis”

      Goethe-University, Frankfurt, Germany
      March 8-9, 2006

      Customer-base analysis seeks to use information on the history of customer purchase patterns to identify which individuals are most likely to be active (or inactive) customers and to predict future purchasing patterns by those customers listed in the firm’s transaction database. Any researcher hoping to make statements about "customer lifetime value" must deal with these issues, but unfortunately the set of commonly available tools is not very well-suited for the task.

      This workshop aims to fill in these gaps by bringing researchers and advanced practitioners fully up to speed on the basic methods that may underlie many of their current or future research activities.

      The first day of the workshop provides an introduction to probability models, working through a set of case studies that illustrate all of the steps required to develop and implement simple probability models. The second day builds on these foundations to develop a set of probability models (most of which can be implemented entirely in Excel) designed to answer standard customer-base analysis questions.

      Who Should Attend?
      This course is for researchers and advanced practitioners who deal with Customer Base Analysis and who are interested in methods and principles for predicting future customer behavior by probability models.


      • Participants in this workshop will (1) review the basic terminology and logic associated with the area of probability models as applied to marketing research problems, and (2) develop their skills through a set of case studies that demonstrate the model building process in detail.
      • Participants will be provided with a set of techniques and models intended to help predicting activity and future purchasing patterns of customers to provide a basis for calculating customer lifetime values.

      Participating Faculty
      Peter S. Fader (Frances and Pei-Yuan Chia Professor, Professor of Marketing, University of Pennsylvania, USA: http://www.petefader.com)
      Bruce G.S. Hardie (Associate Professor of Marketing, London Business School, United Kingdom: http://www.brucehardie.com ).

      Organizing Faculty
      Prof. Dr. Bernd Skiera (Associate Professor of Marketing University of Frankfurt, Germany: http://www.skiera.de ).
      The seminar will be supported by the E-Finance Lab at Frankfurt University: http://www.efinancelab.com ).

      http://www.ecommerce.wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de/cba or contact Sebastian Reiss (sreiss@wiwi.uni-frankfurt.de).
      Registration deadline: February 1st, 2006.
      The workshop fee is EUR 150,-. Several full-scholarships will be provided. The workshop is limited to 50 participants.

      Goethe-University Frankfurt (Germany), Campus Westend.

      Further information is available on the following website:

    14. 5th ICORIA Conference 


      5th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA)

      University of Bath, UK, June 30th – 1st July 2006:

      invites you to submit papers for the 5th International Conference on Research in Advertising (ICORIA) University of Bath, Claverton Down, Bath, UK, June 30th – 1st July 2006:

      THE 5th ICORIA CONFERENCE will be held in 2006 in Bath, a World Heritage Site and one of the most beautiful cities in the UK. Over 60 papers on topics related to Advertising and Brand Communication will be presented during the two days of the conference, and on the Friday evening we plan a drinks reception in the famous Roman Baths, followed by a Gala Dinner and entertainment in the elegant Georgian Pump Room.

      The conference fee for registration before 01.04.06 is €285 (£200, $340), which includes admission to all sessions, lunches and refreshments on both days, Friday reception & dinner, and €25 annual membership fee of the European Advertising Academy.
      Full information on travel & accommodation will be posted in January on the conference website: http://www.icoria.org

      PAPER SUBMISSION: Please submit a 5 page summary of your paper to: papers@ICORIA.org by February 15, 2006. Your summary must include your name, contact details, abstract, introduction, a brief description of your hypothesis, research objectives, method, and findings, discussion or conclusions, and references or bibliography. All submissions will undergo blind peer review, so papers should be laid out in correct academic style and authors should not be identified in text.

      Advertising & Brand Communication issues, especially linked to the following:

      • Accountability & effectiveness - Attention & Processing
      • Branding - Brand portfolio analysis
      • Channel & Multi media - Content & creativity
      • Consumer behaviour - Corporate responsibility
      • Cross-cultural issues - Emotions
      • Ethics - Internet
      • IMC - Measurement & evaluation
      • Media management - Models of brand communication
      • Product placement - Public relations
      • Relationship building - Sponsorship & Events
      • Special target groups - Special industries & Organisations

      - The six best papers will be offered the opportunity to appear in extended form in a Special Issue of the International Journal of Advertising (IJA).
      - All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
      - It is hoped that a selection of extended papers will be published as a book

      A prize of €500 (£350, $600) sponsored by the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ADVERTISING, will be awarded to the best paper submitted. The award will be judged by the members of the Paper Review committee.

      If you have any questions about paper submission or other matters then please contact Robert Heath at r.g.heath@bath.ac.uk

    15. The Future of Distribution Channels Modeling 

      The Future of Distribution Channels Modeling
      Wharton School, May 18th and 19th, 2006

      Researchers interested in analytical modeling as related to distribution channels are invited to participate in a mini-conference on the Future of Distribution Channels Modeling to be held at the Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, May 18 & 19, 2006.

      The primary purpose of this conference is to bring together established and rising scholars to make in-depth presentations of state-of-the-art, analytical research on distribution channels and to engage in discussions
      (a) to broaden the scope of problems addressed by channel research,
      (b) to expand the methods being used to investigate channel problems,
      (c) to develop an “organic research community” of channel scholars, and
      (d) to integrate pieces of the “channels puzzle.”

      While the research area is the analysis of distribution channels from an analytical perspective, the conceptual and professional approaches are broadly defined. Conceptually, we encourage submissions that examine pricing policies, promotional strategies, product decisions (including inventory management, return policies, and product-line length), service provision, sales-force management, channel breadth (e.g., intensity of distribution and dual distribution), competition between channels, and competition at a level of the channel; in short, all the aspects of marketing as viewed from a channels perspective. Professionally, we invite submissions by marketing scientists, economists, management scientists, operations researchers, strategists, and others with a research interest in channels issues, whether or not they utilize game theory; indeed, we are especially interested in papers that utilize concepts and approaches from outside marketing.

      Methodologically, the highly-talented researchers currently working on channels models often use disparate approaches, so it can be difficult to grasp the connection between their works. Thus another purpose of the conference is to develop a general understanding of the linkages between varied research streams so that ultimately we may collectively create a unified theory of distribution channels. In short, we have (and we will continue) individually to develop pieces of a puzzle using various methods, but we have not collectively determined how the pieces fit together. This conference will move us toward an understanding of the big picture.

      The conference will involve presentations of ten research papers, each of 75 minutes duration. To maximize thoughtful interaction, there will be no parallel sessions. Time will be available to discuss the evolving analytical literature on distribution channels and to collaborate on future distribution channels models.

      Submissions: Researchers interested in presenting a paper should submit their paper (or a detailed abstract) by January 30, 2006 to the conference co-chairs (cingene@bus.olemiss.edu and zjzhang@wharton.upenn.edu). The conference co-chairs and the organizing committee will determine papers to be presented based on quality, originality, and facilitation of a breadth of topics and approaches. Some preference may be given to papers by young faculty. Acceptance decisions will be made by February 20, 2006. Final drafts—which will be made available to all conference participants on CD-ROMs—should be completed by April 17.

      Registration: The conference fee, which includes a dinner and reception, breakfasts, lunches, coffee and snacks, plus a CD-ROM of the presentations, is $150. This fee will be reduced to $100 for presenters and to $50 for doctoral students. Registration will open by February 17, 2006. Funding has been provided by the Jay H. Baker Retailing Initiative at Wharton and by INFORMS. The conference is open to all members of INFORMS.

      Publication: For those who are interested, we have negotiated the possibility of publishing papers presented at this conference in a special section of the Journal of Retailing and we are negotiating for a special section in Marketing Science; subject to the papers meeting the standards of these journals. We promise a rapid review process; however, authors retain copyright, so papers may be submitted to wherever is desired.

      Charles Ingene & Z. John Zhang

      Organizing committee:
      Anne Coughlan Charles Ingene Sridhar Moorthy Steve Shugan
      Preyas Desai Ganesh Iyer Debu Purohit Rick Staelin
      Jim Hess Rajiv Lal Jagmohan Raju Miguel Villas-Boas
      Steve Hoch Paul Messinger Greg Shaffer Z. John Zhang

    16. 5th International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing 

      5th International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing
      Cluj-Napoca (Romania), May 18th and 19th, 2006

      We are pleased to announce that the Fifth International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing will be held at USAMV Cluj-Napoca on Thursday 18th and Friday 19th, May 2006.

      As in previous editions, the event has been designed in order to provide an interface between academics, and practitioners aiming sharing experiences and updating with the very latest theoretical and empirical research results on public and non profit marketing fields.

      Papers are invited on any aspect of public and non profit marketing. Both academic and practitioner papers are welcome. There is also a special track for those “junior papers” by pre-graduates under a teacher’s advice.

      As Marketing is an open discipline itself, this event is also open to participants from any other discipline which can contribute to the development of public and non-profit marketing topics both from a scientifical or a technical point of view (e.g. human resources management, territorial development, public or social policy, etc.).

      Authors intending a paper may submit an abstract up to one page A4, Times New Roman 12 cpi font, in English or Spanish (official working languages) including title, author/s name and institutional affiliation, and a contact mailing address, email address, phone number and fax number. The text of the abstracts should give a clear idea about research topic and methodology, results and discussion. After it, up to 5 key words must be included.

      Authors of selected abstracts will receive further instructions in order to present full papers. All papers will be subjected to formal double blind review. Accepted contributions will be published both in hard (paper) and electronic (CD/DVD) edition.

      Best papers in some cathegories will apply for special mentions, and authors could be resquested to prepare updated and/or improved versions (including suggestions, advice, etc. during the Congress) to be published in the International Review on Public and Non Profit Marketing or other selected publications.

      Please, send submissions, preferably by e-mail to: Dr. Alex Naghiu (alnaghiu@yahoo.com; alnaghiu@iname.com) or alternatively to Dr. Alexandru Naghiu, University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, 3 Mãnãºtur Street, PO Box 258, Cluj-Napoca, 400372 Romania.

      Deadline for abstract submissions: January 10th, 2006.

      Further information about the Congress could be required from the above mails, and also by phone (+40.264.596-384), fax (+40.264.593-792), or mobile (+ 40 745 275937).
      Updated information will be also available at http://www.aimpn.org from December 20th, 2005.

    17. Food Innovation & New Product Development 

      Food Innovation and New Product Development
      4th International MAPP Workshop on Consumer Behaviour and Food Marketing

      Middelfart, Denmark, May 29-30, 2006

      Product innovation and management of the new product development (NPD) process are areas of interest which have become increasingly relevant for companies today in order to stay ahead in a still more dynamic, demanding and turbulent market.

      Acquiring information and responding to the wants of consumers throughout the NPD process plays a great role in creating innovative food products which fulfil the needs of the market. But also sharing e.g. product related knowledge in and among NPD teams and throughout the entire organization is an area which is of interest to both researchers and practitioners in order to speed up or increase the creativity of the NPD process.

      The workshop in 2006 will focus on the following themes, and we hereby invite abstracts covering topics related to these in relation to the food industry:

      • Product innovation management
      • Innovation strategy and portfolio management
      • User driven innovation
      • Consumer research methods in the NPD process
      • Learning and knowledge management in the NPD process

      Further information
      Read more at http://www.mapp.asb.dk

    18. 2006 INFORMS Marketing Science Conference 


      Pittsburg, U.S.A., June 8 - 10, 2006

      Dear Colleagues,

      The INFORMS Marketing Science Conference is an annual event bringing together leading marketing scholars, industry executives and members of
      non-profit organizations. The conference falls under the auspices of the INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS) sub-branch.

      As the hosts of the 2006 conference, the Marketing faculty of the University of Pittsburgh invite you to submit abstracts of your
      research papers, participate in the conference, and get a feel for the Pittsburgh community.

      Please visit our conference website at http://www.katz.pitt.edu/mks2006.

      The conference runs between the afternoon of Thursday, June 8, 2006, and the evening of Saturday, June 10, 2006. While parallel sessions
      are planned during the day, the evenings will consist of a reception (Thursday) and an awards dinner (Friday).

      The venue is the Westin Convention Center Hotel in downtown Pittsburgh. Please make reservations at the Westin as soon as possible by visiting

      We hope to see you in Pittsburgh in 2006 for an exciting conference!


      Rabikar Chatterjee, Jeff Inman and R. Venkatesh

    19. 9th Retail Strategy and Consumer Decision Research Seminar 


      Ninth Retail Strategy and Consumer Decision Research Seminar
      of the Society for Marketing Advances (SMA)
      Nashville, Tenn., November 1st , 2006

      A one-day special topics in retailing seminar will be held prior to the Society for Marketing Advances Annual Meeting to held November 1st, 2006 at the Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tennessee.

      Research papers relating to one of these two tracks are solicited:
      - Retail strategy formulation and implementation
      - Consumer decision process related to the choice of retail organizations

      The key characteristics of the seminar are:
      - Limited number of participants (fewer than 25)
      - Selected papers are eligible to be published in a special section of the Journal of Business Research following the seminar review process.
      - High caliber papers
      - Highly reputed speakers including a keynote address.
      - Ph.D. students are invited to participate.

      Location and Program
      The seminar will be held in Nashville, TN, the Country Music capital of the world. Research paper presentations, workshops and other keynote presentations will highlight the conference. The seminar attracts a diverse and international audience. Special sessions on retailing outside North America are highly encouraged.


      1. Strategy Formulation and Implementation in Retail Organizations.
      Papers related to strategy formulation and/or implementation are invited. Submissions dealing with competitive positioning, industrial retailing, industry consolidation, information systems, negotiation strategies, third-party collaboration, category management and profitability analysis are strongly sought. Other topics of interest include non-store retailing, pricing strategies, electronic commerce and global retailing strategies and prospects.

      2. Consumer decision making: here is a non-exhaustive list of possible topics
      What are the retail cues to which consumers respond? What are the decision processes elaborated by consumers outside the store and inside the store?
      What is the contribution of the store atmospherics to the retention of consumers?

      June 30, 2006


      Retail Management
      Robert A. Robicheaux
      Marshall Scholar and Chair
      Department of Mgt., Mkt, and IDUAB
      1150 10th Avenue South
      Birmingham, AL 35294-4460, USA
      Tel: (205) 934-4648
      Fax: (205 934-0058

      Consumer Decision Track
      Jean-Charles Chebat
      GECSeC Chair Prof.
      HEC Montréal
      5540 avenue Louis-Colin
      Montréal (Qc).CANADA
      H2T 3A7
      Tel: 1-514-340-6846
      fax:: 1-514-340-6097

      Employee Behavior Track
      Barry Babin
      Professor of Marketing and Chair
      University of Southern Mississippi
      College of Business
      MS 39406, USA
      Tel: (601) 266-4629
      Fax: (601) 266-4630

      Submission Guidelines:

      1. Submit manuscripts, special session proposals and workshop descriptions to the respective track chairs. Submit special sessions

      2. Submit your manuscript electronically
      on or before June 30, 2006

      3. Manuscripts must follow the style guidelines of the Journal of Business Research.

      4. Manuscripts should not exceed 7,000 words in total.

      5. Manuscripts will be double blind reviewed. Please do not identify yourself on any page other than the title page.

      6. Manuscripts should not have been previously published.

      7. Contact the Track Chairs if you have any questions or are uncertain of the appropriate track for the paper.

    20. Call for interest on research in retailing and distribution 

      CIREID Lille France, Centre International d’Echanges et d’information sur la distribution, started some five years ago with some support from local corporations and local and regional public agencies.

      Recently CIREID has been appointed as part of one of the national development centres (Pôle de Compétitivité) by the French Prime Minister, Mr de Villepin. The main topic is around retailing and distribution, with the impact of NIT. Quite a few headquarters of large distribution companies and employees are in this part of France, which explains this decision.

      CIREID has the mission of identifying, surveying, developing, partnering, nurturing and disseminating, on this topic, with and in cooperation with research centres around the world as well as documentation experts. CIREID will not become a research centre as such.

      Before CIREID launches any specific search or survey for relevant piece of research we wanted to inform you so you could contribute and comment more freely.

      Research centres, research networks and scholars will be mailed and asked to send abstracts of their work (not previous year 2000) focused on the first three identified topics by the profession (see list of research topics further down):
      • E-commerce
      • Where shoppers shop
      • Household Budget allocations and changes in the consumer good segment (mostly food)

      These abstracts will be reviewed on the basis of quality:
      • Relevance for retailing corporations
      • Interest for the future of the business

      Afterwards, promotion of the selected researches and research centres will be done through relevant publication to corporate CIREID members with the approval of authors. This will allow corporations to get directly in contact with research labs or fellows to further up projects.

      CIREID plans to organise workshops and conventions in partnership with research centres or association, to foster and promote relevant research initiatives.

      CIREID has asked, Bruno Dufour, former Business School Dean, and senior advisor to EFMD in Brussels, Equis and CLIP advisor, experienced in distribution and retailing, to act as apart time consultant to build this network and help select research  partners.

      CIREID Research topics

      1. e-commerce trend and strategic consequences

      The IT impacts, the level of household equipment are generating new consumer behaviours and new opportunities.

      After some years of trial and error, the e-business model has come to maturity, effective, efficient and profitable under certain conditions. The web is more than just an informational net, but also a strong and powerful commercial format based on costs, delays and intermediaries reductions, finely designed for specific products and services.

      Corporations in the distribution business, vendors as well as clients or brokers, must get to know and use this new business model, its applications, and the coming trends, to take relevant decisions. They also must anticipate the consequences on their activities and adapt their strategy.

      2. Where shoppers shop

      The wide variety of shopping opportunities, being virtual or physical, consumers behaviours evolutions, and changes in life styles combined with demographics, make difficult for the retail sector to understand how consumers select their “stores”.

      Proximity, price, service, specialisation, differentiation, complementarities, practicalities…retail companies and their business partners are looking for cognitive maps to understand their client habits and needs. This is at stake to define optimum service in the best place, timing and assortment.

      3. Household consumption decline and family budgetary decisions

      In some European countries one can witness a significant evolution of household food budgets, due to many different factors: life style, demographics, and move towards other goods or services (telecom, leisure, energy).

      Priorities and needs have changed. The supply of goods and services are under constant transformation. The impact of oil price, the ever increasing telecommunications budget, spare time, the changes in age distribution (pappy boom) have a collateral effect on food and  traditional consumer goods.

      Some items are even flat or declining in absolute value, which never happened before.

      Understanding and anticipating these changes, be they structural or just incidental, is a must for the future of retail industry actors.


    21. International Word-of-Mouth Marketing Conference 


      Hamburg, Germany , 6-7 OCTOBER 2005


      Word-of-Mouth marketing is now listed as a top priority at the companies of the major brands as the pressure to sell more products with reduced marketing budgets continues to increase. The fact that WOM is not driven by a viral marketing campaign alone, but also through new forms of product placement – for example, branded programming, embedded sponsorships, and online/offline referral programs, as well as brand blogging on mobiles and the internet – makes it more difficult to get deep insights into exactly what works, how and why. It is incumbent upon both marketing academicians and practitioners to critically assess the means by which companies can manage Word-of-Mouth marketing carefully, and to integrate it into their brand marketing programs. To this end, the aim of this, the first International Conference on Word-of-Mouth Marketing is one of creating a greater awareness of the strategies,
      tactics, trends, and measurement opportunities in Word-of-Mouth marketing that form the basis for the future development of this vital marketing field.

      To participate, please submit competitive papers or special session proposals electronically to the Brand Science Institute at wom@b-s-i.org. Please note: The papers should make hard-hitting statements on Word-of-Mouth marketing, and its organizational impact, in enough detail (one to two pages should suffice) to permit judgement on the validity and appropriateness of the content for the conference’s mixed audience of researchers, members of multinational businesses, as well as those from advertising agencies.

      All manuscripts and special session proposals are to be submitted by e-mail as attached “word.doc” files no later than August 19th. Manuscripts should follow the ACR, AMS, INFORMS, or AMA style guidelines. Papers should not exceed 7 pages in total length, including all exhibits and references. On the cover, please be sure
      to include the title of the paper, the names and affiliations of the/each author, and complete contact information (postal address, e-mail address, along with fax and telephone number).

      Brand Science Institute
      GmbH & Co.
      Elbberg 6
      D-22767 Hamburg
      Tel.: +49 (0)40 410 98 56-0
      Fax: +49 (0)40 410 98 56-9
      Email: wom@b-s-i.org

    22. 2nd International Conference - Child and Teen Consumption 2006 

      Child and Teen Consumption 2006
      2nd international conference on pluridisciplinary perspectives
      on child and teen consumption

      Background and mission

      This conference is aimed toward establishing a dialogue between specialists from a variety of academic disciplines in order to explore the phenomenon of young consumers in today’s society.

      During the two days, research will be presented on children’s and adolescents’ position in the consumer society, the manners in which children develop their consumer competences, and consumer socialization in general. The emphasis is on creating a multi-disciplinary discussion uniting ideas from historical, psychological, sociological, managerial and other social science perspectives.

      The first international conference was held at the European Center for Children’s Products, Faculty of Business Administration, University of Poitiers, France. The conference hosted 200 participants representing researchers and practitioners as well as students. Due to the success of this first meeting, it was agreed to make this a biannual event. We – The Copenhagen Business School – volunteered to host the second conference, and we welcome you to join us in creating a tradition worthy of the interest in the field.

      The conference will take place April 27-28, 2006

      Structure: Panels and workshops

      Language: English

      Submission of call for paper, 3-4 pages abstract, September 15, 2005.

      Submission of full paper, March 1, 2006.

      Webpage: http://www.cbs.dk/ctc2006

    23. 5th CRAWS Conference on 'Int'l and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Customer Behaviour' - 2006 


      5th CRAWS Conference: 5th – 7th April 2006

      International and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Customer Behaviour

      Conference Chairs: Margaret K. Hogg, Lancaster University Management School
      and Barbara R. Lewis, Manchester Business School

      The Customer Research Academy was established to provide a forum for European academics who are researching customer behaviour. The aim of the Workshop series is to provide an opportunity to examine the latest leading-edge theoretical, conceptual, methodological and empirical progress in customer research across consumer and organisational markets, including profit and not-for-profit sectors.

      Following four successful meetings, the 5th workshop will involve a series of themed discussions in which participants will talk briefly about their research papers. The workshop format means that the emphasis throughout will be on informality to encourage discussion and the full participation of all attendees; to foster opportunities for the development of research collaborations; and to build networks of national and international scholarship in customer behaviour.

      The 2006 workshop will be held at 'Chancellors' - the University of Manchester Conference Centre, which has en-suite accommodation available onsite. It will begin with dinner on the evening of 5th April, followed by a series of sessions during Thursday 6th April, and ending at lunchtime Friday 7th April. The cost will be £335 to include the workshop fee, two nights accommodation and all meals.

      Paper Abstracts
      We invite you to submit your paper abstracts which address the workshop theme: International and Cross-Cultural Perspectives on Customer Behaviour. Papers which focus on other themes related to customer behaviour will also be welcome. Abstracts should focus on research in progress or completed research into customer behaviour in consumer, organisational, business-to-business or social markets and should identify the contribution of the research (i.e. theoretical/conceptual; methodological; empirical).

      Abstracts should be on one page, 300-400 words and should include the author(s) name, affiliation, address, telephone, fax and e-mail. They should be submitted by 18th November 2005 to:
      Janet Denny, D33/MBS East, Manchester Business School, The University of Manchester, Booth Street West, Manchester, M15 6PB, UK.
      Tel: (+44) 161 306 3507; Fax: (+44) 161 306 3167; E-mail: janet.denny@manchester.ac.uk.

      Successful Papers
      Abstracts will be reviewed by an internal panel and authors notified during December 2005. Accepted paper abstracts will be published in the 2006 Customer Research Academy Workshop Series, Volume 5 (bound volume with ISBN). Successful participants will be expected to bring copies of their completed papers to the workshop.

    24. Conference on 'Enhancing Sales Force Productivity' - 2006 

      Conference Announcement and Call for Abstracts

      “Enhancing Sales Force Productivity”
      Sponsored by the College of Business, University of Missouri – Columbia, and
      the Marketing Science Institute (MSI), Cambridge, MA
      in collaboration with the
      Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management

      April 21-23, 2006

      The quality, quantity, deployment and motivation of sales force effort significantly affect both the top and bottom lines of companies in many industries where personal selling is the primary form of marketing promotion. As the management of customer accounts and relationships becomes more complex and demanding, practitioners are putting renewed emphasis on optimizing the productivity of sales force investments. In response, new theoretical and empirical research to improve understanding of evolving sales force productivity issues as well as models, metrics, and methodologies to aid sales force management decisions are urgently needed.

      To stimulate more research and focused exchanges on these sales force management issues, the College of Business at the University of Missouri (MU), Columbia, in collaboration with the JPSSM, is hosting a Special Conference on Enhancing Sales Force Productivity, April 21-23, 2006, in Columbia, Missouri. Scholars and practitioners with research interests in this area are invited to submit papers for presentation at this Conference. Research based on economic theories as well as normative, methodological, and empirical research papers related to this area are all welcome. Papers accepted for presentation at the Special Conference will also be considered for publication in a related Special Issue of the Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management on the same topic to appear in Fall 2007 (see separate Call for Papers for the Special Issue). However, all researchers who are interested in the subject of improving sales force productivity are invited to attend the conference, whether or not they submit papers for consideration by the JPSSM Special Issue. Examples of topics suitable for the Special Conference include:

      • Sales force strategy and organization
      • CRM strategies and optimal sales resource allocation
      • ROI of sales force automation investments
      • Role and ROI of sales force effort in companies’ promotion mix
      • Competitive selling strategies
      • Long-term effects of personal selling
      • Developing new sales force productivity metrics
      • Forecasting sales and goal-setting
      • Optimal design of selling teams
      • Models for strategic account management
      • Optimal design of sales force compensation plans
      • Dynamic effects and ROI of sales force motivation programs
      • Models for enhancing marketing-sales integration
      • Pricing delegation to the sales force
      • Coordination of operations-sales force interfaces
      • Optimal strategies for sales force recruiting, training, and promotion

      Submission of Abstracts
      Please submit 1200-word Abstracts of papers for presentation (by email as a Word document or file) to the Conference Co-Chair, Murali Mantrala (see below for contact details) by December 1, 2005. Abstracts which arrive by this deadline will be peer reviewed through a double-blind process and authors of the papers that are accepted for presentation at the Conference will be informed by January 20, 2006. Please indicate with your submission whether you would like your paper to be considered for the Special Issue of JPSSM on the same topic.

      Conference Details
      The conference site is Cornell Hall of the College of Business at the MU campus. The Conference will begin with a reception on Friday, April 21 evening followed by dinner and a keynote address by Professor Andris A. Zoltners of Northwestern University and Founder, ZS Associates, Evanston, IL. The conference will proceed all day on Saturday, April 22, with a special dinner event that same evening. The conference will continue on the morning of Sunday, April 23, ending at noon with a box lunch.

      More information about the Conference Program, Registration, the College of Business at University of Missouri-Columbia, lodging, travel options, etc., will be available at the Conference website: www.business.missouri.edu/salesconference/

      City of Columbia, MO
      Columbia, MO, is a lively college town with a population of nearly 90,000 people. It is about a 2-hour drive from both the St. Louis and Kansas City International Airports. A comfortable and frequent shuttle van service operates back and forth to both airports; the service picks up and drops off guests at their hotels in Columbia.

      Registration Fee and Deadline
      The conference registration fee is $275. This fee will cover the reception and dinner events on Friday; continental breakfast, lunch, and special dinner event on Saturday; continental breakfast and box lunches on Sunday; and transportation between the hotel and the MU campus.

      Doctoral Students
      With the generous support of the Marketing Science Institute, registration fees for up to ten doctoral students, who are either authors/coauthors of papers (first priority) or just attendees (second priority), will be waived. Any doctoral student who wishes to request this registration fee waiver should submit a brief “statement of interest,” (about 400 words) with resumé and recommendation from faculty advisor to mantralam@missouri.edu by December 1, 2005.

      Hotel Accommodations
      Conference attendees will be staying at the Holiday Inn Select Executive Center, 22001 I-70 Drive S.W., Columbia, MO 65203. A special room rate of $100 per day has been arranged for this conference. Please make your hotel reservations directly by calling the hotel (1-800-933-8531) no later than March 15, 2006. To receive the conference rate, please be sure to mention the name of the conference and the “MU College of Business.”

      Conference Co-Chairs and Contact Information:

      Murali K. Mantrala
      Sam M. Walton Professor of Marketing
      College of Business
      University of Missouri
      438 Cornell Hall
      Columbia, MO 65211
      Phone:(573) 884-2734
      Fax : (573) 884-0368
      E-mail: mantralam@missouri.edu

      Sönke Albers
      Professor of Innovation, New Media, and Marketing
      Christian-Albrechts-University at Kiel,
      24098 Kiel
      Phone: +49-431-880-1542
      Fax: +49-431-880-1166
      E-mail: albers@bwl.uni-kiel.de

      Kissan Joseph
      Associate Professor of Marketing & Stockton Research Fellow
      School of Business
      University of Kansas
      345 H Summerfield Hall
      Lawrence KS 66045-7585
      Phone: (785) 864 7535
      Fax: (785) 864 5328
      E-mail: kjoseph@ku.edu

    25. ANZMAC Conference 2005 

      The 2005 ANZMAC conference will be hosted by the University of Western Australia and will be held in Fremantle, Western Australia from December 5-7.

      The conference website is:  http://anzmac2005.conf.uwa.edu.au/.


    26. 1st Joint Worskhop of the NonProfit and Arts / Heritage Marketing - March 2006 

      Call for Contributions


      The event is intended to provide an innovative and interactive forum for the exchange and exploration of emerging ideas in the nonprofit and arts / heritage marketing domain. Papers are invited in any of the following areas:

      • Arts Marketing
      • Heritage Marketing
      • Social Marketing
      • Marketing of Healthcare Organisations
      • Fundraising
      • Advertising and Promotion for Arts or Nonprofit Organisations
      • Issues in Cultural Consumption: Festivals, Concert Performances, the Internet
      • Branding and Positioning for Arts or Nonprofit Organisations
      • Celebrity Endorsement, Sponsorship and Product Placement in Arts and Cultural Settings
      • Cause Related Marketing
      • Campaigning and Lobbying
      • Marketing of Religious Organisations
      • Cultural Franchising, Co-branding and other Forms of Business/Cultural Sector Interaction
      • Database Marketing
      • Retailing and Merchandising Operations for Arts or Nonprofit Organisations
      • Corporate Philanthropy
      • Social Entrepreneurship

      The above are not intended to be exclusive however and submissions involving any other relevant topic in the arts or nonprofit marketing domain will be welcome.

      The event is designed to offer considerably more to participants than the conventional conference format in that, as well as presenting papers and attending the presentations of other researchers, attendees will have the opportunity to join one or more of three CONTEMPORARY RESEARCH ISSUES SEMINARS pertinent to the nonprofit and arts / heritage marketing fields.

      • Seminar 1 will be facilitated by Professor Adrian Sargeant and will explore opportunities and pitfalls for publishing in the nonprofit and arts marketing area.
      • Seminar 2 will be facilitated by Professor Roger Bennett and will offer a non-technical 'beginner's guide' to the use of partial least squares as a structural equation modelling technique.
      • Seminar 3 will be facilitated by Ms Debbie Holley and will examine the very latest developments in qualitative interviewing methods.

      Authors may submit either a full paper or an abstract of their intended paper.

      Abstracts and papers will be made available at the event and will be published in workshop proceedings (with ISBN). However, authors will NOT be expected to surrender copyright, and thus will be free to publish their papers elsewhere. Authors of selected papers will be encouraged to revise their manuscripts with a view to submitting them for consideration for publication in the INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF NONPROFIT AND VOLUNTARY SECTOR MARKETING.

      Please email your abstract or full paper (or send 3 hard copies) to Professor Roger Bennett (r.bennett@londonmet.ac.uk), Department of Business and Service Sector Management, London Metropolitan University, 84 Moorgate, London EC2M 6SQ, by 31st December 2005.

      For full papers authors should if possible restrict the length of their papers to 30 pages (double spaced using Times New Roman 11 font) excluding references. Abstracts should not normally exceed 3 pages, excluding references.

      All submissions should have a cover sheet that includes the following information:

      1) contact person’s name, title, institutional affiliation, mailing address, email address, phone number and fax number;
      2) title of paper;
      3) authors’ names, titles and institutional affiliations.

      Authors should avoid revealing the identity of themselves or their affiliations in the body of the paper. All papers will be subjected to formal double blind review.

      Fees: The following fees will cover attendance at all sessions, refreshments, lunch, and a copy of the workshop proceedings.

      • Academy of Marketing members £50.00
      • Participants who are not members of the Academy of Marketing £70.00
      • Full time Ph.D/M.Phil. students who are members of the Academy of Marketing £30.00
      • Full time Ph.D/M.Phil. students who are not members of the Academy of Marketing £40.00

      The workshop itself will be held in London Metropolitan’s Graduate Centre (a building designed by the internationally renowned architect Daniel Liebeskind), London North Campus, 166-220 Holloway Road, London N7 8DB. For further information on the Liebeskind building please visit:


      The above webpage contains a link to the full brochure describing and illustrating this important new architectural innovation.

    27. 2nd Announcement - Int'l European Seminar on Trust and Risk in Business Networks 

      International European Seminar on 'Trust and Risk in Business Networks
      Bonn, Germany, February 8-10, 2006

      The Organization Committee of the Chair for Business Management, Organization and Information Management, University of Bonn, Germany, invites you to an International European Seminar on “Trust and Risk in Business Networks” that will take place in Bonn, Germany, February 8-10, 2006.

      The seminar intends to discuss and analyze the state-of-the-art in research on trust generating factors and the management of risks in business networks with complex products in need of explanation and food networks in particular. Focus areas are the discussion and exchange of views on trust and risk in “traditional” supply and marketing environments of complex products such as food products, including the situation in different cultural backgrounds, as well as trust and risk in business networks supported by electronic commerce.

      The seminar invites an international scientific audience with interest in the subject to participate in discussions on this international challenge of trust and risk in food networks and options to transfer trust elements to electronic market environments.

      For further information please go the seminar website at www.uf.uni-bonn.de/trust2006 .

    28. IFSAM VIIIth World Congress 2006 

      IFSAM VIIIth World Congress 2006

      hosted by VHB

      Berlin, Germany, September 28–30, 2006

      "Enhancing managerial responsiveness to global challenges"
      The International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM) and the German Association of University Professors of Management (VHB) have the pleasure to invite you to the IFSAM/VHB VIIIth World Congress in Berlin, Germany 2006.

      IFSAM, the umbrella organisation for academics and associations of management and business studies from all over the world, aims at bringing together all scholars who are interested in business research and international exchange. The VIIIth World Congress follows the congresses in Göteborg (2004), the Gold Coast (Australia 2002), Montreal (2000), Alcalá de Henares (Spain 1998), Paris (1996), Dallas (1994), and Tokyo (1992).

      We are looking forward seeing you in Berlin from 28 to 30 September 2006.

      Wolfgang Weber (President of IFSAM)
      Georg Schreyögg (President of VHB)
      Martin K. Welge (Program Chair)

      Conference Theme

      Firms are nowadays embedded in an increasingly globalized environment characterized by compression of time and space. In this ubiquity of global competition an increasing number of economic actors are confronted with new challenges. The emerging network competition is characterized by an increasing expansion and density of economic and social interactions. The dynamic interplay of internal and external organizational units becomes critical on a global level. The conference aims at providing the platform for discussing the various perspectives of how globally acting firms can and should cope with global challenges and dynamics. A special focus is on the issue of managerial responsiveness in a global world. The conference will feature a variety of
      formats including plenary sessions, competitive paper sessions, workshops, and panels. We invite submissions of papers and panel proposals which examine important and interesting phenomena regarding the managerial responsiveness to global challenges, offering new insights and advancing basic theories.

      We are honoured to welcome as keynote speakers
      • Klaus Kleinfeld, CEO and Chairman of the Board, Siemens AG, Germany
      • Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. John Dunning, University of Reading, UK
      • Professor Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Heribert Meffert, Chairman of the Board,Bertelsmann Foundation, Germany
      • Professor Dr. Rosalie Tung,
      • Simon Fraser University, Canada.

      Furthermore we have invited the scholars listed below to chair the conference tracks.

      Conference Tracks and Track Chairs

      1. Corporate social responsibility
      • Ans Kolk, Universiteit van Amsterdam, The Netherlands
      • Dirk Matten, Royal Holloway University of London, UK

      2. Enhancing global managerial responsiveness by intercultural management
      • Lai Si Tsui-Auch, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
      • Paul Gooderham, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Bergen, Norway

      3. Global knowledge management
      • Andreas Al-Laham, City University London, UK
      • Jacky Swan, University of Warwick, UK

      4. Public affairs management
      • Stephen Kobrin, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania, USA
      • Sybille Sachs, University of Applied Sciences Zürich, Switzerland
      • James E. Post, Boston University, USA

      5. Evolution of global management knowledge
      • Behlül Üsdiken, Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey
      • Jose Luis Alvarez, Instituto de Empressa, Madrid, Spain
      • Carmelo Mazza, University of Rome „La Sapienza“, Rome, Italy

      6. Technology and innovations in the global economic geography
      • Alexander Gerybadze, Universität Hohenheim, Germany
      • Marina Papanastassiou, Athens University of Economics and Business, Greece

      7. Internationalization of accounting
      (Schmalenbach Business Review track)
      • Axel Haller, Universität Regensburg, Germany
      • Sid Gray, University of Sydney, Australia

      8. International corporate governance
      • Yoshiaki Takahashi, Chuo University, Tokyo, Japan
      • Ruth Aguilera, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA

      9. Environmental issues and sustainability
      • Gerd R. Wagner, Universität Düsseldorf, Germany
      • Thomas Dyllick, Universität St. Gallen, Switzerland

      10. Global and local networks
      • Alain Verbeke, University of Calgary, Canada
      • Jörg Sydow, Freie Universität Berlin, Germany

      11. Globalization in the value chain
      • Erik de Bruijn, University of Twente, The Netherlands
      • Zhang Yang, Hohai University, Nanjing, PR China

      12. Transnational strategies
      • Yvon Pesqueux, CHELLO, France
      • Rolf Lundin, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

      13. International marketing and service
      • Bodo Schlegelmilch, WU Vienna, Austria
      • Christian Homburg, Universität Mannheim, Germany

      14. International corporate finance
      • Alain Burlaud, Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris, France
      • Piet Sercu, U.K.L., Leuven, Belgium

      15. International human resource management
      • Peter Dowling, University of Canberra, Australia
      • Hartmut Wächter, Universität Trier, Germany
      • Marion Festing, ESCP-EAP Berlin, Germany

      16. Gender issues and diversity management
      • Silvia Gherardi, Università di Trento, Italy
      • Marta Calas, University of Massachussetts, Amherst, USA

      17. Teaching and business education in a globalized world
      • Ronél Rensburg, HAKUNA, South Africa
      • Karoly Balaton, Corvinus University, Budapest, Hungary

      Call for Papers

      Deadline: February 28, 2006.
      Submissions should be electronic.
      Please follow the instructions on our website www.ctw-congress.de/ifsam
      Participants are invited to submit paper or panel proposals until February 28, 2006 your time zone. Paper and panel submissions are categorized by seventeen tracks. Each paper or panel proposal should be submitted to only one of the conference tracks. If you intend to submit a proposal (English language), please exclusively use the internet format at www.ctw-congress.de/ifsam . There you will find all important information and instructions.

      Submissions by fax, mail or E-mail are not accepted.

      Organizing Committee

      Klaus Macharzina | Martin K. Welge | Georg Schreyögg | Ursula Hansen | Wolfgang Weber | Wolfgang Mayrhofer


      CTW – Congress Organisation Thomas Wiese GmbH
      Hohenzollerndamm 125
      14199 Berlin
      Phone: +49 (0)30 – 85 99 62-0
      Fax: +49 (0)30 – 85 07 98 26
      E-mail: ifsam@ctw-congress.de
      For further information: www.ctw-congress.de/ifsam

      Location and socio-cultural Programme

      Berlin the capital of Germany is dynamic, cosmopolitan and creative, allowing for every kind of lifestyle. East meets West in the metropolis at the heart of a changing Europe. Germany‘s largest city is a city of opportunities just waiting to be seized in all areas, like entertainment, recreation, economy, science and academic life. Berlin‘s vibrant cultural scene has a lot to offer: museums, theatres, concert halls, opera houses, jazz locations, etc. No matter what your
      preference is, you‘re guaranteed to find something suiting your taste. Berlin has a fully integrated public transport system which is the best way to get about. One ticket allows travel on all trains, trams, busses and ferries run by the public transport authority. All of this makes Berlin the perfect place for an exchange of ideas, knowledge, views and social networking.

      Conference Venue

      Freie Universität Berlin
      Garystr. 21
      14195 Berlin

      The Freie Universität Berlin is located in Dahlem, a particularly green district of the city with a distinguished tradition of scholarly achievement. The Freie Universität is a lively and creative institution, which attracts students and researchers from all over the world. Its foundation was initiated by students and american armed forces immediately after World War II.

      There are special rates available for IFSAM delegates in several hotels of different categories.

      Conference Fee

      Early registration by July 31, 2006 € 400
      Late registration after July 31, 2006 € 462
      PhD students may apply for reduced fees

    29. EMAC Conference 2006 

      35th EMAC Conference 2006

      "A synthesis of Polymorphous Axioms, Strategies and Tactics"

      Athens, 23-26 May 2006

      Full details can be found on

    30. Int'l European Seminar on Trust and Risk in Business Networks 

      The Organization Committee of the Chair for Business Management, Organization and Information Management, University of Bonn, Germany, invites you to an International European Seminar on “Trust and Risk in Business Networks” that will take place in Bonn, Germany, February 8-10, 2006.

      The seminar intends to discuss and analyze the state-of-the-art in research on trust generating factors and the management of risks in business networks with complex products in need of explanation and food networks in particular. Focus areas are the discussion and exchange of views on trust and risk in “traditional” supply and marketing environments of complex products such as food products, including the situation in different cultural backgrounds, as well as trust and risk in business networks supported by electronic commerce.

      The seminar invites an international scientific audience with interest in the subject to participate in discussions on this international challenge of trust and risk in food networks and options to transfer trust elements to electronic market environments.

      For further information please go the seminar website at www.uf.uni-bonn.de/trust2006.

    31. Marketing Dynamics Conference 2005 

      Marketing Dynamics Conference 2005
      September 21-24, 2005
      Sacramento and Napa, California

      Co-Sponsored by:

      University of California, Davis
      Columbia Business School
      INFORMS Society for Marketing Science (ISMS)
      Marketing Science Institute (MSI)

      Organizing committee: Prasad Naik, Natalie Mizik, Koen Pauwels, Shuba Srinivasan, Carl Mela, Marnik Dekimpe, and Mike Hanssens.

      We invite all interested researchers to participate in this year’s Marketing Dynamics Conference, to be held from Wednesday, September 21st, 2005 through Saturday, September 24th, 2005 at the UC Davis Graduate School of Management. This mini-conference builds on the last year’s inaugural conference hosted by the Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth University. Besides the usual research presentations, we will offer a half-day tutorial on advanced time-series techniques. The conference begins with the half-day tutorial at 1:00 PM on Wednesday, followed by two days of research seminars on Thursday and Friday, and ends on Saturday with the wine country tour in the scenic Napa Valley. Detailed information is posted on the conference website: http://www.gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/Conferences/mdc/.

      You can participate either as an attendee or presenter. If you are interested in presenting your research, please email a two-page abstract to Prof. Prasad Naik by August 15, 2005. Your presentation (approx. 30 minutes) will be followed by discussions (about 15 minutes) with the
      other participants. The topics will focus on marketing phenomena involving dynamic outcomes, actions, or processes (e.g., Bayesian learning, dynamic structural models, Hidden Markov models, time-series approaches, dynamic competitive games, dynamics in consumer learning, brand and corporate equity, customer management, or market response). The papers to be presented will be selected by the organizing committee based on quality, relevance to marketing dynamics, and diversity of topics discussed. In addition, papers written by junior faculty will receive preferential consideration. A completed manuscript of the paper to be presented at the meeting should be available by September 15, 2005.

      The tutorial on the Wednesday afternoon workshop will cover Kalman filtering and Bayesian learning models with an emphasis on understanding the marketing applications and their estimation via state-space methods. Participants will get hands-on opportunity to learn how to
      estimate state space models and acquire insights into recent advances in nonlinear dynamics (e.g., hidden Markov models).

      The conference registration fee is US $200 before July 15, 2005. Late registration fee is US $300 (July 16th - August 15, 2005). To register for this conference, download the registration form from the website http://www.gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/Conferences/mdc/Reg_form.pdf and
      follow the instructions. If you need clarifications, please contact Michele Dixon by phone at (530) 752-8878 or email to business@gsm.ucdavis.edu.

      The registration fee will be waived for all the attending PhD students. In addition, a limited number of financial grants are available. For details, please check the website http://www.gsm.ucdavis.edu/faculty/Conferences/mdc/infostudents.htm.

      Lodging and Transportation
      Participants will cover their own transportation and lodging at the Embassy Suites, Sacramento. We have blocked several rooms at a discounted rate. To obtain these rates and rooms, you need to call 916-326-5000, specify that you are attending the conference in September with the UC
      Davis Graduate School of Management, and make your own reservation before August 15, 2005.

      For details, please check the website

    32. Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management 

      Thought Leaders International Conference on Brand Management

      28-29th March 2006
      The Birmingham Business School
      University of Birmingham, UK

      Building on its successful brand management seminars and conferences in the past, the Centre for Research in Brand Marketing will host another international conference on brand management in 2006.  The conference will take place from 28th to 29th March 2006 at the Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham. 

      This international conference seeks to engender the advancement of knowledge about brand management amongst scholars by disseminating new research and through encouraging the evolution of new research themes.  It also aims to narrow the gap between academics and practitioners by having presentations from internationally renowned practitioners whose significant seminar experience is regarded as being at the leading edge of application. 

      This thought provoking conference will open with a think piece from one of the practitioners which will be followed by a conference dinner to encourage discussion of new ideas and networking.  Throughout the second day, there will be parallel tracks for academic papers, interspaced with plenary think pieces from senior practitioners, including John Allert, Chief Operations Officer and Director of Consulting at Interbrand, London, and
      Adam Morgan, author of "Eating the Big Fish" and "The Pirate Inside" and founder of the consultancy eatbigfish.  The conference will conclude with a forum regarding the future research agenda for brand management.

      Papers on any aspect of brand management are invited.  Information regarding the submission of papers and formatting instructions will be available at http://business.bham.ac.uk/crbm. Deadline for papers is 4th November 2005. All papers will be refereed and authors will be notified early in January 2006. 

      After the conference, authors may wish to refine their paper and submit it for refereeing to a Special Issue of the European Journal of Marketing which will be associated with this event.  

      Further details are available at http://business.bham.ac.uk/crbm.  Questions regarding the conference should be addressed to the Conference Chair, Professor Leslie de Chernatony (please send email to: k.m.duffy@bham.ac.uk).

    33. AMS/KAMS Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference - New Submission Deadline 

      Call for Papers

      AMS/KAMS Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference
      July 12-15, 2006

      Formerly known as the AMS Multicultural Marketing Conference

      Hosted by the Korean Academy of Marketing Science
      Conference Co- Host: Hanyang University

      Submission Deadline Extended to February 3, 2006

      Conference Objectives
      Multiculturism continues to be a vital aspect of global marketing that affects consumers and businesses around the world. The theme of this year’s conference is, “The Dynamic Nature of Cultural Perspectives in Marketing.” This theme emphasizes the need for educators and business leaders to recognize, appreciate, and understand the significance of different cultures and cross-cultural business practices, as they affect both domestic and multinational marketing strategies. The 2006 AMS/KAMS Cultural Perspectives on Marketing Conference offers outstanding opportunities for business leaders and academics to share their insights and learn from the research finding and experiences of others. The program chairs welcome participation from all cultures and parts of the world. We look forward to a stimulating and interactive conference.

      Seoul, the capital city of Korea, is located in the middle of the Korean Peninsula between China and Japan, the largest consumer markets in Asia. Seoul also provides convenient access to the fast-growing Asian market of 1.8 billion people. The Seoul Metropolitan Area has a population of 23 million. Seoul functions as an "industrial incubator", nurturing information technology & financial service industries in Asia. The city lies in a natural basin, surrounded by a series of mountains and hills, whose grandeur and magnificent scenic beauty make the capital city one of the most attractive major cities of the world. With a pleasant climate, friendly and courteous residents and delicious cuisine, Seoul offers an ideal location for any conference. (http://www.visitseoul.net/english_new/index.htm)


      Dr. Charles R. Taylor, John A. Murphy Professor, Dept. of Marketing Villanova, University Villanova, PA 19085-1678 USA Tel: (610) 519-4386 Fax: (610) 519-5364 raymond.taylor@villanova.edu

      Dr. Junyean Moon, Professor, Dept. of Business Administration, Hanyang University at Ansan, 1271 Sa-Dong, Sangnok-Gu, Ansan, Gyeonggi-Do, 426-791, Korea, Tel: +82 31-400-5653, Fax: +82 31-400-5591, jmoon@hanyang.ac.kr


      Professor Joseph F. Hair, Kennesaw State University, 1000 Chastain Road, Kennesaw, Georgia 30144 USA, jhair3@kennesaw.edu

      For more information, contact:
      Dr. Kyung Hoon Kim, Executive Secretary, Korean Academy of Marketing Science, and Professor, Changwon National University, 9 Sarimdong Changwon, Gyeongnam Korea, Tel: +82-55-279-7377, Fax: +82-55-263-9096, stride@sarim.changwon.ac.kr

      To submit a paper, special session proposal or to participate otherwise, contact the appropriate program manager listed below:


      Cross-Cultural Direct Marketing and E-Commerce : Professor Shintaro Okazaki, Dept. of Finance and Marketing Research, College of Economics and Business Administration , Autonomous University of Madrid, C/ Francisco Tomas y Valiente, 5, Campus Universitario de Cantoblanco, 28049 – Madrid, Spain, obarquitec@coac.net, Tel: +34 91-497-3552, Fax: +34 91-497-8725

      Fashion Marketing : Professor Eun Ju Ko, Dept. Of Clothing and Textiles, College of Human Ecology , Yonsei University
      134 Sinchon-dong, Seodaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea, ejko@yonsei.ac.kr, Tel : +82-2-2123-3109, Fax : +82-2-2123-3109

      Advertising and IMC : Professor Michael Jay Polonsky, School of Hospitality, Tourism and Marketing, Victoria University, Melbourne City MC 8001, Australia, Michael.Polonsky@vu.edu.au, Tel: (61-3) 9919-4625, Fax: (61-3) 9919-4931

      Tourism Marketing : Professor Choong Ki Lee, College of Hotel and Tourism Management, Kyunghee University, 1, Hoegi-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea, cklee@khu.ac.kr, Tel : +82-2-961-9430, Fax : +82-2-961-0811

      International Marketing : Professor Tanuja Singh, Dept. of Marketing, College of Business, Northern Illinois University, Barsema Hall, DeKalb, IL 60115-2897 USA, tanuja@niu.edu, Tel: : (815) 753-7967 , Fax: (815) 753-6014

      Marketing Strategy : Professor Goen Chul Shin, Dept. of Business Administration, Kyunghee University, 1, Hoegi-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Korea, gcshin@khu.ac.kr, Tel : +82-2-961-0420, Fax : +82-2-965-8004

      Service Marketing : Professor Michel Laroche, Dept. of Marketing, John Molson School of Business, Concordia University, 1550 de Maisonneuve Blvd. West, Montreal, Quebec H3G 1M8, Canada, laroche@jmsb.concordia.ca, Tel: (514) 848-2424 ext.2942 , Fax: (514) 848-4502

      Brand Equity : Professor Chan Su Park, College of Business Administration, Korea University, Anam-dong, Seongbuk-gu, Seoul, Korea, chansu@korea.ac.kr, Tel : +82-2-3290-1947, Fax : +82-2-922-1380

      Current Issues in Marketing in China : Professor Patrick Poon, Dept. of Marketing and International Business, Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, Hong Kong, patpoon@ln.edu.hk, Tel: (852) 2616-8235, Fax: (852) 2467-3049

      High-Tech/Bio Marketing : Professor Sang-Hoon Kim, College of Business Administration, Seoul National University
      San 56-1,Sillim-dong, Gwanak-gu, Seoul, Korea, profkim@snu.ac.kr, Tel : +82-2-880-6934, Fax :

      Marketing in the EU : Professor Biljana Crnjak-Karanovic, Dept. of Marketing, Faculty of Economics, University of Split, Matice hrvatske 31, 21 000 Split, Croatia, bcrnjak@efst.hr, Tel: +385 21 430 652, Fax: +385 21 430 701.

      Consumer Behavior : Visiting Professor Aric Rindfleisch, Dept. of Marketing, Tilburg University, PO Box 90153, 5000 LE Tilburg, The Netherlands, arindfle@wisc.edu

      Channels of Distribution : Professor Ikuo Takahashi, Faculty of Business and Commerce, Keio University, 2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo 108-8345, Japan, takahasi@fbc.keio.ac.jp, Tel: +81-3-3453-4511, Fax: +81-43-462-3652

      Hotel and Restaurant : Professor Kijoon Back, Department of Hotel, Restaurant, Institution, Management and Dietetics, Kansas State University, back@humec.ksu.edu, Tel: (782)532-2209 , Fax: (785)532-5522

      Marketing Education : Professor Ralf Schellhase, Dept. of Marketing, University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt, Haardtring 100, 64295 Darmstadt, Germany, schellhase@fh-darmstadt.de, Tel: +49 6201 876474, Fax: +49 6201 876475

      Marketing to Children/Family Decision Making : Professor Chankon Kim, Dept. of Marketing, St. Mary's University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada B3H 3C3, chankon.kim@smu.ca, Tel: : (902) 420-5801, Fax: (902) 420-5112

      Sales Management : Professor Bulent Menguc, Dept. of Marketing, Brock University, St. Catherines, ON Canada L2S 3A1, bmenguc@brocku.ca, Tel: 905-688-5550 x5074, Fax: 905-984-4188

      Retailing : Professor Youn-Kyung Kim, Dept. of Consumer Services Management, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN 37996-1911 USA, ykim13@utk.edu, Tel: (865) 974-1025, Fax: (865) 974-5236.

      Marketing to Ethnic Minorities : Professor John Stanton, School of Marketing and International Business, University of Western Sydney, Locked Bag 1797, Penrith South DC, NSW 1797, Australia, j.stanton@uws.edu.au, Tel: +82-2-9852-4140, Fax: +82-2-4620-3787

      Marketing in International Finance : Professor Hanjoon Lee, Dept. of Marketing, Western Michigan University, 1903 W Michigan Ave, Kalamazoo MI 49008-5433 USA, hanjoon.lee@wmich.edu, Tel: (269) 387-6108, Fax: (269) 387-6225

      Industrial Marketing : Peter LaPlaca, Industrial Marketing Management, 24 Quarry Drive, Suite 201, Vernon, CT 06066-4917, USA, plaplaca@journalIMM.com, Tel: (860) 875-8017, Fax: (860) 875-2318

      Marketing in General : Professor Jin Yong Lee, Department of Business Administration, Seoul National University of Technology, 172, Gongreung 2 Dong, Nowon Gu , Seoul, Korea, baleejy@snut.ac.kr, Tel : +82-2-970-6484, Fax : +82-2-973-1349
      Special Sessions : Professor Joseph F. Hair, Kennesaw State University, 1000 Chastain Road, Kennesaw, Georgia 30144 USA, jhair3@kennesaw.edu

      Submission Guidelines
      The 2006 AMS/KAMS Cultural Perspectives in Marketing Conference is pleased to have electronic submission for submitting manuscripts. Electronic submission should be sent to the appropriate track chair in the preferred track. A word document containing the manuscript should be sent as an attachment to an e-mail communication. Please be sure to include complete contact information for the contact person. An e-mail response will be sent to the contact author once the manuscript has been received in a readable format by the track chair. All communications will then occur electronically. For those who do not have access to e-mail, you may send four hard copies of the manuscript to one of the appropriate track chairs.

      Manuscripts must follow the style guideline of the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science. Manuscripts should not exceed 20 pages total. One-page special session and panel proposals should be sent directly to the appropriate track chair. Submissions will be double-blind reviewed. Please do not identify any authors in the text of the manuscript.

      Submission of a manuscript for review indicates that it or a similar version has not been previously published or is not under simultaneous review elsewhere. At least one author must be a member in good standing of the Academy of Marketing Science or be willing to join the Academy if the manuscript is accepted. Additionally, a manuscript should be submitted to ONLY one track.

      The conference will accept papers and allow authors to decide whether to publish the complete paper in the Proceedings or to publish an abstract only. Upon acceptance, the author(s) agree to the following: (a) to release the copyright to the Academy of Marketing Science and Korean Academy of Marketing Science unless choosing to publish an abstract only, (b) to return the manuscript (abstract) in correct format (via e-mail or diskette) to the Proceedings Editor, and (c) at least one author will present the manuscript at the conference and will pre-register as a condition for acceptance and publication. Proceedings guidelines, limitations, and restrictions will be sent to authors of accepted papers.

      Traveling to Korea
      Conference attendees from the U.S can contact the Korean Embassy in Washington D.C. The website is http://www.koreaembassy.org/. Attendees traveling from other destinations, please check with your local consulate offices to determine specific travel document requirements.

      Hotel Reservations: Lotte Hotel -Seoul - http://www.lottehotel.co.kr/english/main.jsp
      President Hotel - http://www.hotelpresident.co.kr/english/

    34. Leadership and Management Studies in Sub-Sahara Africa 2006 Conference Submitted by Temi Abimbola

      Call for Papers and Special Session Proposals
      Leadership and Management Studies in Sub-Sahara Africa 2006 Conference

      26-28 June 2006
      Stone Town, Zanzibar, Tanzania

      Deadline for submission is 15 January 2006.

      LMSSSA2006 will provide an opportunity to hear and present academic work that can build and inform good management practice in Sub-Sahara Africa. Emphasis will be upon indigenous African approaches, dissemination of best practice information, and discussions of the values and pitfalls of emulating Western practice.

      The conference will offer round table discussions on management education and training, focusing on some of the issues of cultural differences and indigenous African resources. Key-note speakers from industry and academia will showcase current problems, successes, and competitive papers as a stimulus to further research.

      The conference will provide opportunities for developing less experienced academics in groups and networks.

      Selected papers from the proceedings will be published as an edited book. Proceedings will be published via a CD with an ISSN.

      We encourage contributors to submit conceptual approaches and empirical findings around topics concerning African organizations. This includes leadership, management, and allied areas such as marketing, operations, organizational behavior, and human resources.  In addition to competitive papers, some presentations will be by invited speakers.  You are invited to immediately submit a two page proposal for a round-table discussion, workshop, or symposium. All topics must broadly relate to management and/or leadership in Sub-Sahara Africa.

      Please submit your competitive paper/session proposal electronically to lmsssa2006@yahoo.com. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact the regional coordinator in your area.

      To facilitate post-conference publishing, paper length may be either 6000 words or 9000 words depending upon the requirements of your targeted journal; papers selected for inclusion in the edited book must not be published elsewhere. A presentation of approximately 20 minutes summarizing your papers will be required at the conference for papers selected for publication in the proceedings.

      Special sessions, symposia, roundtables should include a time estimate.

      • Your citations and references should be formatted to the standard of your targeted post-conference journal publication, or you may use APA, Journal of International Business Studies, Academy of Management Journal, Harvard, or Chicago style. Your choice, however a standard formatting must be used and specified at the top of the title and author page.
      • Submissions should be formatted to USA Letter or A4 size pages, double spaced with 2.54cm top and bottom margins and 3.17cm left and right margins, with pages numbered in center, bottom footer.
      • Tables should be identified in sequence by Roman alphabetic letters, charts and figures by Arabic numerals. Tables, Charts, and Figures must be included at the end of the document, with the notation of the type, -INSERT CHART n NEAR HERE- identifying the preferred location in the text.
      • Papers will not be reformatted for publication in the proceedings, therefore please ensure proper display on the page.
      • Authors must not be identified in either the document properties information in MS Word, or anywhere in the document other than the first page of the submission. The first page must include a header with the names of the authors, a short running title of no more than 8 words, word count, and reference/citation style selected.
      • Your surname followed by a running title of no more than 8 words should appear in the upper header, right justified (your name will be removed and replaced by a control number for reviewers).
      • An opportunity to revise papers based upon reviewers’ comments will be provided for those papers selected for presentation.
      • Papers must not have been previously published, nor scheduled for publication prior to the conference.
      • Papers that do not meet the required specifications may be rejected if not received in sufficient time for return with corrections.

      Conference Chair: Romie F. LITTRELL, Faculty of Business, Auckland University of Technology, Auckland, New Zealand, Fax: +64-9-917-9629, Tel: +64-8-917-9999x5805, email: lmsssa2006@yahoo.com, alternate: romie.littrell@aut.ac.nz

      Conference Co-Chair: Peter BAGUMA, Institute of Psychology, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, Fax +256 41 531061, +256 41 541999, email: uparipari@yahoo.com, alternate: minterhotep@hotmail.com

      AustraliaPrem RAMBURUTH, University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, New South Wales, Australia, email: p.ramburuth@unsw.edu.au

      Benin: Armel Brice ADANHOUNME, HEC, Montreal, Canada, email: armelbrice@hotmail.com or armel-brice.2.adanhounme@hec.ca

      European Union/UK: Temi ABIMBOLA, UCE Business School, University of Central England, Birmingham, UK, email: Temi.Abimbola@uce.ac.uk

      France: Ashok SOM, ESSEC Business School, Paris, 95021 Cergy-Pontoise Cedex, France, email: som@essec.fr

      India: Tapan K. PANDA, Indian Institute of Management Kozhikode Kunnamangalam, Kerala, India, email: tapan@iimk.ac.in

      Nigeria: Augustine AHIAUZU, Rivers State University of Science & Technology and International Centre for Management Research & Training, Port Harcourt, NIGERIA, email: cimrat@phca.linkserve.com

      USA: Shawn P. DALY, Tiffin University, Tiffin, Ohio 44883 USA, email: sdaly@tiffin.edu

    35. Summer School 2005 at the University of Applied Sciences, Erfurt - Germany 

      Summer school 2005 at the "University of Applied Sciences", Erfurt – Germany
      04. - 11. September 2005

      „The new 25-nation European Union as an economic location
      – with regard to the Federal State of Thuringia“

      We cordially invite students and lecturers of our partner universities in Europe and overseas for a one-week summer school that offers 10 sessions of lectures and study courses which will take place on our University campus. For the afternoons and evenings there will be additional workshops, the chance to visit various companies and different cultural programmes in the famous old town of Erfurt and also in Leipzig.

      The idea of this summer school is to strengthen international co-operation and communication, especially for the business students of our international partners and to give them an insight into our business studies program and research as well as projectwork with German companies we are cooperating with.

      The main target group for our summer school is undergraduate students of management studies and interested lecturers.

      The summer school will be financed mainly by the University of Applied Sciences.

      For covering expenses such as organisation, accommodation in student hostels, transfers, entryfees and most of the meals we kindly ask the applicants for a participation fee of 125 € ( to be paid in advance with application ). Travel expenses are to be paid by participants or covered by their scholarships.

      All classes will be held in English.

      If you would like more information about our University of Applied Sciences, about Erfurt itself and a first impression of the beautiful old city of Erfurt please visit our homepage www.fh-erfurt.de/english . For further information please contact the organisation team:

      Prof. Dr. Klaus Merforth
      Vice Dean, Department of Business Studies
      University of Applied Sciences
      Steinplatz 2
      D 99085 Erfurt
      e-mail: merforth@fh-erfurt.de
      Tel.: (49)-361-6700-178

      Cornelia Witter
      International Office
      University of Applied Sciences
      Altonaer Strasse 25
      D 99085 Erfurt
      e-mail: international@fh-erfurt.de
      Tel: (49)-361-6700-707

      The chosen topic " The New 25-nation European Union as an economic location" provides the framework for the events which we are going to organise. To get an idea about what the students can expect at the summer school, the organisation team has developed following agenda. Please take it as a rough timetable so far to which changes may be made:

      Sunday, September 04, 2005
      Get-together in the Guest House, Erfurt
      Welcome speech and introduction of the organisation team
      Welcome party with barbecue for the international students

      Monday, September 05, 2005
      Welcome and introduction (Vice Chancellor and Dean, Business Dept.)
      Session 1: "Thuringia - a prospective site for investors"
      Lecture / Workshop / Teamwork / Case studies
      Cultural programme Erfurt I (city tour and official welcome in town hall )
      Evening: Individual programme

      Tuesday, September 06, 2005
      Reports from the previous day’s workshops
      Session 2: “Business sites in the new EU countries"
      Lecture / Workshop / Teamwork / Case studies
      Transfer to Leipzig (economic centre of the Federal State of Saxony)
      Visit of the "Porsche" production plant near Leipzig
      Cultural Programme Leipzig (city tour and dinner in a historical restaurant )
      Transfer to Erfurt

      Wednesday, September 07, 2005
      Reports from the previous day’s workshops
      Session 3: “International Financial Reporting Standards - The European Language of Business?" - Lecture and Teamwork
      Session 4: “Intercultural aspects of management: Europe – India - USA"
      Interactive training
      Cultural programme Erfurt II (cathedral and fortress Petersberg )
      Party on the fortress "Petersberg" in Erfurt

      Thursday, September 08, 2005
      Reports from the previous day’s workshops
      Session 5: “International Marketing in the German automobile industry”
      Case studies in co-operation with the Chamber of Commerce, Erfurt
      Session 6: “Go East - Franchising of Education – The Experience of Newcastle Business School“ Lecture
      Session 7: “Diversity Marketing – an innovative chance ?”
      Interactive lesson including buffet

      Friday, September 09, 2005
      Reports from the previous day’s workshops
      Session 8: “Corporate taxation in Germany and Europe" Lecture and Workshop
      Session 9: “Juridical Systems in Europe – a barrier for investors ?“
      Lecture / Teamwork / Case studies
      Transfer to Gotha and Ohrdruf
      Session 10: “Modern management concepts in medium-sized companies”
      Lecture and visit "Brand Zwieback" production plant, Ohrdruf
      Farewellparty at “Gewächshaus” on campus, Erfurt

      Saturday, September 10, 2005
      Closing session at the main campus
      Presentation of the workshop results and review of the summer school
      Excursion to Germany's capital Berlin (optional) or individual departure

    36. 30th IAREP Annual Conference 

      IAREP's 30th Annual Conference
      Prague - September 21 - 24, 2005

      Absurdity in the Economy

      The 30th Annual Conference on Economic Psychology will be held in Prague. The conference will include the second annual Kahneman lecture, and we are proud to announce that this will be delivered by Professor Bruno Frey. Submissions for the conference are now invited. Both single papers and symposium sessions may be submitted. Abstracts for all papers must reach the National Organizer by 1st May 2005.

      Papers may be on any subject within Economic Psychology. However, the conference has a number of declared themes and topics for symposia, and these will be used to structure the programme. Authors are encouraged to submit papers that are relevant to one of these themes, which are as follows:

      Unemployment - Taxes - Pensions - Environment - EU economics - Alternative Macroeconomics: (Islamic and Buddhist approaches) - Cross-cultural economics

      Entrepreneurship - Households - Profitability - Bankruptcy - Work - Innovation - "How to make the right mistakes fast?"

      Decision making and Problem Solving
      Experimental economics and Risk taking - Strangeness and paradoxes - Rationality and irrationality - Transition economics - Modelling of individual and group economic behaviour - Information sciences and decision making processes - ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and the economic behaviour of individuals and groups.

      Adaptation to the Euro - Banking - Investing and saving - Electronic money - Currency - Misuse of money - Insurance

      Trade and the Market
      Marketing and advertising - Supply and demand - Prosperity - Consumption

      Business Ethics
      Corporate social responsibility - Giving and altruism - Taking and egoism - Needs and values

      Pathology in Economics
      Gambling - The black economy - Prisons - Hospitals - Schools

      Growth and Development
      Children's socialization and adaptation - Welfare and poverty - Ageing - Quality of life - Global companies - Alternative economies - Income inequalities

      Economic psychology and related disciplines
      Several symposia are already planned. If you wish to contribute to one of these, please contact the organizer listed here, though note that abstracts must still be submitted to the conference organizer in the usual way:

      A. The History of Economic Psychology, organised by Vera Ferrera (veritafe@terra.com.br)
      B. Adaptation processes to the Euro, organised by Erich Kirchler (erich.kirchler@univie.ac.at) and Fred van Raaij
      C. Children's economic socialization, organised by Paul Webley (p.webley@exeter.ac.uk) and Brian Young
      D. Firms and consumers facing E-Commerce, organised by Salvatore Zappalà (szappala@scform.unibo.it) and Marco Mariani
      E. Happiness, economics, and interpersonal relationships, organised by Luigi Mittone (luigi.mittone@economia.unitn.it)
      F. Household economic decisions: Earning, sharing, spending and investing money, organised by Ellen K. Nyhus (ellen.k.nyhus@hia.no) G. Irrationality: Decision making and problem solving in transition economics, organised by Karel Riegel (karel.riegel@volny.cz)

      All abstracts must be sent by e-mail to cappo@centrum.cz as Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format documents (.doc or .rtf). Please note that submissions by fax will not be accepted. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee and the Advisory Committee. The criteria for review are: practical and theoretical impact, empirical and theoretical basis, and clarity of ideas and structure. Original work that has not been published or accepted for presentation elsewhere is preferred. Please indicate which of the themes above your paper is related to. Authors will be notified by 15th June, 2005 whether their paper has been accepted.

      Full texts of accepted papers will be included in a CD to be distributed to participants, so long as they are received, and full registration fees have been paid, by 25th June 2005. A Registration form is included with this Newsletter.

      For further information, and regular updates about the conference arrangements, please see the conference website at http://iarep2005.unas.cz/ We look forward to your participation in the 30th Annual Conference of IAREP.


    37. 5th International Marketing Trends Congress Submitted by Jean-Claude Andreani

      We are pleased to invite you to submit a paper for the 5th International Marketing Trends Congress which will take place in Venice (Italy) on the 20th and 21st of January 2006 and is organised by both ESCP-EAP Paris and University Ca’ Foscari Venezia.

      Like in the 4 previous editions, the 2006 Congress will gather colleagues from a number of European countries: Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, UK... It will enable an exchange of managerial and academic experiences in many fields including marketing strategy, brand management, consumer behaviour, international marketing, e-marketing, retail, advertising...

      The papers can be written in English, German, French, Italian or Spanish. The Congress will be held in English, French, German, Italian and Spanish. Simultaneous translation into English will be organised.

      The deadlines are indicated hereunder:

      1. October 21, 2005: Submission of papers by e-mail to Jean-Claude ANDREANI andreani@escp-eap.net

      2. November 28, 2005: Paper acceptance, readers comments back to the authors

      3. December 19, 2005: Final papers sent to Jean-Claude ANDREANI andreani@escp-eap.net

      4. January 20-21, 2006: Venice Congress

      Should you need any additional information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with:

      Prof. Dr. Jean-Claude ANDREANI
      Tel +33-

      PS: 123 papers were presented at the 2005 edition of the congress, which  gathered over 200 participants from various European countries. The 2005 congress took place in Paris. The previous sessions were held in Venice (Nov. 2003), Paris (Jan. 2002) and Venice (Nov. 2000). All detailed information on the congress and papers for the 2005 congress are available on the following website at http://www.escp-eap.net/conferences/marketing/.


    38. Elsevier/IAREP - Best Student Paper Competition 2005 

      Call for papers
      Elsevier/ IAREP

      Best Student Paper Competition 2005

      Since at least 1984, IAREP has offered a prize for the best paper by a student submitted for inclusion in the programme of its annual conference. The prize normally consists of

      ·           A year's subscription to the Journal of Economic Psychology

      ·           800 Euros


      The prize is generously sponsored by Elsevier Scientific, the publishers of the Journal. The competition is judged by a prize committee of senior members of IAREP, which always includes someone closely associated with the Journal of Economic Psychology, so that entries are judged against the standards used for publication in the Journal. The winner will present his/her paper at the colloquium as part of the normal proceedings. The announcement of winners will take place at  the IAREP conference in Prague in September 2005

      (see: http://iarep2005.unas.cz/index )


      The current rules for the competition are:

      ·        Papers may be in any field of economic psychology/ behavioural economics.

      ·        The first author of the paper must be the student entering the competition and the paper should be written by him or her, in English.

      ·        The paper should be limited to 10 pages, and should be submitted in the format requested by the panel.

      ·        The panel will judge the papers using the general criteria adopted by the Journal of Economic Psychology: (a) interest of subject area; (b) quality of research; and (c) quality of writing.

      ·        Please note that abstracts and papers need to be submitted to the colloquium organisers as well, following the guidelines announced in the general call for papers.


      Past winners of the prize include:

      2000  Anick Bosmans, Research Centre for Consumer Psychology and Marketing, University of Ghent, Belgium

      2001  Caroline Adams, School of Psychology, University of Exeter, UK

      2002  Eva Delacroix, DSMP Research Centre, University of Paris Dauphine, France

      2003  Daniela Reiter, University of Vienna, Austria

      2004  Gerrit Roth, Munich Graduate School of Economics, Germany


      For 2005, the judging panel will consist of

      Gerrit Antonides, (gerrit.antonides@wur.nl)

      Katja Meier-Pesti  (katja.meier@univie.ac.at)

      Ewa Gucwa-Lesny. (ewa_gucwa@wp.pl)

      If you or your students are interested in entering for this year's prize, please contact Gerrit Antonides for information about deadlines and any updates to the rules.

    39. 2nd Australasian Nonprofit & Social Marketing Conference 

      Second Australasian Nonprofit & Social Marketing Conference
      At the Threshold: Challenges and Developments in
      Social, Sport and Arts Marketing

      22-23 September 2005
      Deakin University - Melbourne, Australia
      Call for Papers

      Centre for Leisure Management Research and Centre for Business Research, Deakin University calls for papers for the second Nonprofit Marketing Colloquium to be held at Deakin University, Melbourne. The event has been designed to provide an interface between academics and reflective practitioners wanting to draw on the latest in theoretical and empirical nonprofit research.
      Research papers presented at the colloquium will cover all aspects of nonprofit research and will reflect the latest thinking on nonprofit behaviour.

      Topics addressed at the event will include but not be limited to:
      Social Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Creativity. Indigenous Issues
      Sponsorship and Fundraising. Social, Political, Sport, Event and Arts Marketing
      Marketing for Health and Wellbeing. Volunteer Management. Visitor Behaviour in Cultural Venues. Public sector marketing and e-government. Voluntary sector marketing. Political marketing. Marketing and public policy. Ethical and corporate social responsibility. Environmental marketing

      Submission Date and Guidelines
      Competitive paper submissions should be no longer than 5 pages (single spaced) in total length and follow the usual ANZMAC submission guidelines : All papers accepted into the conference will be double blind refereed and need to be emailed to the conference organisers by 2 May 2005:

      Associate Professor Ruth Rentschler
      Email: rr@deakin.edu.au
      Associate Professor John Hall.
      Email: johnhall@deakin.edu.au
      Phone: Kirsty: +613 9244 5531 Email: cbr-enquiries@deakin.edu.au



    40. 5th International Colloquium on Nonprofit, Social and Arts Marketing 


      Fifth International Colloquium
      on Nonprofit, Social and Arts Marketing

      In collaboration with Professional Fundraising Magazine

      The University of the West of England, Henley Management College and London Metropolitan University are pleased to announce that their fifth joint Research Symposium will be held at Bristol Business School, University of the West of England, on Wednesday, 14th September 2005.   The event has been designed to provide an interface between academics and reflective practitioners wanting to draw on the very latest in theoretical and empirical nonprofit research.  Papers are invited on any aspect of nonprofit marketing.  Both academic and practitioner papers are welcome and potential topics include, but are not limited to, the following:

      • Fundraising
      • Arts Marketing
      • Social Marketing
      • Marketing of Healthcare Organizations
      • Advertising and Promotion for nonprofit organizations
      • Branding and Positioning for nonprofit organizations
      • Cause Related Marketing
      • Campaigning and Lobbying
      • Database Marketing
      • Retailing and Merchandising Operations for Nonprofit Organizations
      • Corporate Philanthropy
      • Social Entrepreneurship

      Authors may submit either a full paper or an abstract of their intended paper.   Abstracts of papers will be made available at the event but papers will NOT be published in formal conference proceedings.   Authors are thus encouraged to submit their best work for consideration.   Please submit three (3) hard copies of the paper or abstract to Dr Lucy Woodliffe by 30th June 2005 (or by email to lucy.woodliffe@uwe.ac.uk).   Please ensure you keep an extra, exact copy for future reference.  Authors should restrict the length of their papers to under 30 pages (all text should be typed, double-spaced, except for references).  All submissions must have a cover sheet that includes the following information: 1) contact person's name, title, institutional affiliation, mailing address, email address, phone number and fax number; 2) title of paper; 3) authors’ names, titles and institutional affiliation; 4) a one paragraph statement of the uniqueness and value of the paper. Authors must avoid revealing the identity of themselves or their affiliations in the body of the paper. All papers will be subjected to formal double blind review.

      Please send submissions to: Dr Lucy Woodliffe, Bristol Business School, Frenchay Campus, Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1QY, UK, or via email to: lucy.woodliffe@uwe.ac.uk

      Stella Warren
      Research Assistant
      Bristol Business School
      University of the West of England
      Frenchay Campus
      Coldharbour Lane
      BS16 1QY
      Tel: 0117 32 83734/83435
      Fax: 0117 32 83911


    41. 1st ACR Latin-American Conference 

      1st ACR Latin-American Conference
      January 5-8, 2006
      Monterrey, Mexico

      This conference will be in addition to the North-American, European, and Asia-Pacific conferences. The official language of the conference will be English

      We encourage everyone to submit competitive papers and special session proposals. In addition, we are planning several interactive workshops to which doctoral students and faculty can send their working papers.

      The submission deadline will be May 30, 2005.

      If you would like more detailed information about the conference and how to submit your papers, please contact:

      Silvia González, ITESM Campus Monterrey, silvia.gonzalez@itesm.mx
      David Luna, Baruch College, david_luna@baruch.cuny.edu

    42. Conference for Marketing Pyschology and Marketing Neurology 

      Please submit your papers to the Conference for Marketing Psychology and Marketing Neurology (Konferenz für Marketingpsychologie und Marketingneurologie), which will take place in Münster, Germany on July 5, 2005.

      Submissions cover topics around marketing and consumer behavior as well as latest marketing-relevant insights from psychology and neurology.

      The final deadline for submissions is April 15, 2005.

      The best submissions are considered for publication in the annual Journal of Marketing Psychology and Marketing Neurology (ZfMPN - Zeitschrift für Marketingpsychologie und Marketingneurologie).

      All relevant information can be found on the Internet at www.zfmpn.de or e-mail your questions to info@zfmpn.de.

    43. SEEMAR 05 - South-East European Marketing Research Conference 

      SEEMAR 05
      South-East European Marketing Research Conference


      Preparations for regular regional Conference of marketing researchers, SEEMAR, are underway. UUTI, The National Association for Marketing Research Development, undertakes organization of the Conference this year as well.

      All interested participants should send their papers to UUTI Secretariat on seemar@uuti.org.yu or via web site www.seemar.org.yu.

      All papers will be nominated for winning one of two awards: award for the biggest contribution in improvement of research practice and award for the best presentation. Amount of single award is 1000 Euros.


      MARCH 8 -- deadline for abstract; abstract includes topic, research methodology, basic conclusions, author's data; abstract's size is up to 4.000 characters

      MARCH 15 -- deadline for abstract evaluation by Program Committee and notification of authors whose papers are accepted

      APRIL 25 -- deadline for admitting integral version of papers in the Microsoft Word (DOC) or Adobe Acrobat (PDF) format

      MAY 10 -- deadline for admitting presentations in the Microsoft PowerPoint (PPT or PPS) format

      Annotation about official languages:

      1. Conference official languages are Serbian / Croatian / Bosnian and English.

      2. Abstract is submitted in English only.

      3. Integral version of paper should be submitted in English. Serbian / Croatian / Bosnian version is welcome if available.

      4. Presentation slides are mandatory in English, regardless of verbal presentation language (Serbian / Croatian / Bosnian / English).

      Members of the Program Committee:

      Tony Rhodes - Synovate CEEME
      Tihomir Vranesevic - Faculty of Economy, Zagreb, Croatia
      Dinko Svetopetric - GfK, Croatia
      Nevenka Hendrih - Hendal, Croatia
      Janja Bozic Marolt - Mediana, Slovenia
      Zenel Batagelj - CATI, Slovenia
      Tanja Mamula - MASMI, Serbia and Montenegro
      Vladimir Pejic - Faktor Plus, Serbia and Montenegro
      Darko Brocic - AGB, Serbia and Montenegro
      Srdjan Bogosavljevic - Strategic Marketing, Serbia and Montenegro
      Tamara Ilic-Petrovic - Partner.ms, Serbia and Montenegro

      Nikolina Vucetic
      Project Manager

      Udruzenje za unapredjenje trzisnih istrazivanja
      Association for Market Research Development
      11000 Belgrade, Prizrenska 6/I, Serbia and Montenegro
      Tel/Fax: (+381 11) 3620 828, 3620 882, 3620 949, 3620 970



    44. IFIP International Conference on eBusiness, eCommerce and eGovernment 

      CALL FOR PAPERS: 13E'2005

      IFIP International Conference on eBusiness, eCommerce and eGovernment
      October 26-28, 2005
      Poznan, Poland



      Papers due: April 30, 2005
      Acceptance: June 30, 2005
      Final papers due: July 15, 2005
      Panel Proposals: June 30, 2005

      THEME: eBusiness, eCommerce and eGovernment

      The I3E 2005 conference is the fifth IFIP conference on e-Commerce, e-Business, and e-Government sponsored by the three committees TC6, TC8, and TC11. It provides a forum for users, engineers, and scientists in academia, industry, and government to present their latest findings in e-commerce, e-business, or e-government applications and the underlying technology to support those applications. The conference will be organized in three parallel tracks: research track, industrial and administration track, and European projects track. Areas of particular interest include, but are not limited to:

      - Digital goods and products
      - e-Negotiations, auctioning and contracting
      - B2B, B2C, and C2C models
      - Agent-mediated e-Commerce
      - e-Marketplaces, e-Hubs, and portals
      - Pervasive technologies for eCommerce
      - Dynamic pricing models
      - P2P-computing for e-Commerce
      - e-Payment systems
      - e-Commerce content management
      - Consumer protection in eCommerce
      - User behavior modeling

      - Innovative business models
      - Enterprise application integration
      - Business process re-engineering
      - Virtual enterprises and virtual markets
      - Supply, demand, and value chains
      - Virtual organizations and coalitions
      - Customer relationship management
      - e-Collaboration and e-Services
      - Inter-organizational systems
      - Future work environments for eBusiness
      - Business process integration
      - e-Work
      - Inter-workflow
      - Mobile business

      - G2G, G2B, and G2C models
      - Mobile public services
      - Digital cities and regions
      - Multimedia and multilinguism
      - e-Democracy and e-Governance
      - Digital culture
      - e-Inclusion to information society
      - Trust and security
      - e-Health and e-Education
      - Legal societal and cultural issues
      - Public e-Services for citizens and enterprises
      - Public-private partnerships
      - One-stop government - service integration
      - International dimension of e-Gov.


      For the research track, submissions should describe original, research work not submitted or published elsewhere. For industrial track,
      submissions should describe innovative products or good practices in the areas of conference interests. For European projects track, submissions should describe Networks of Excellences, clusters of projects, and projects themselves, in particular, their aims, goals and achievements.


      Panel proposals related to I3E'2005 theme are solicited.  Panel proposals should be submitted directly to the General Chair


      The proceedings of the conference will be published by Springer within the IFIP book series. The papers should be no longer than 15 pages according to the template available at: http://www.wkap.nl/subjects/single_column_proceedings_vol.

      An author who need help with the templates should contact AuthorSupport@springer-sbm.com.

      The author responsible for correspondence, including the author's name, mailing address, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail address has to be identified. One of the authors of each paper must register and present the paper at the conference.


      General Chair:
          Wojciech Cellary, Poznan U. of Economics, Poland

      Program Co-Chairs:
          Motohisa Funabashi, Hitachi Ltd.,Japan
          Adam Grzech, Technical U. of Wroclaw, Poland

      Liaison Chairs:
          Europe: R. Suomi, TuKKK, Finland
          North America: J. Urban, Arizona State U., USA
          South America: M. J. Mendes, Unicamp, Brazil
          Asia-Pacific: Y. Zhang, Victoria U., Australia

      Local Arrangements Chair:
          J. Rykowski, Poznan U. of Economics, Poland

      Steering Committee:
          S. Elliot, Australia
          A. Groenlund, Sweden
          D. Khakhar, Sweden
          K. Rannenberg, Germany
          S. Teufel, Switzerland
          V. Tschammer, Germany

      Program Committee:
      Witold Abramowicz, Poznan University of Economics, Poland
      Stephane Amarger, Hitachi Europe, France
      Kazuo Asakawa, Fujitsu Laboratories, Japan
      Reza Barkhi, Virginia Tech, USA
      Stephane Bressan, National University of Singapore, Singapore
      Fred Cummins, EDS, USA
      Bogdan D. Czejdo, Loyola University N. O., USA
      Dirk Deschoolmester, University of Gent, Belgium
      Steve Elliot, University of Sydney, Australia
      Ayako Hiramatsu, University of Osaka Sangyo, Japan
      Shinichi Honiden, National Institute of Informatics, Japan
      Rei Itsuki, University of Hiroshima International, Japan
      Arun Iyengar, IBM Research, USA
      Farouk Kamoun, University of Tunis, Tunisia
      Tej Kaul, Western Illinois University, USA
      Mitch Kokar, Northeastern University, USA
      Norihisa Komoda, University of Osaka, Japan
      Irene Krebs, Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany
      Winfried Lamersdorf, University of Hamburg, Germany
      Yi-chen Lan, University of Western Sydney, Australia
      Ronald M. Lee, Florida International University, USA
      Feng Li, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom
      Oscar Mayora, Create-Net, Italy
      Michael Merz, Ponton Consulting, Germany
      Zoran Milosevic, DSTC Brisbane, Australia
      Mieczyslaw Muraszkiewicz, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland
      Kyungsuk Oh, Ahana Co., Ltd, Korea
      Aris M. Ouksel, University of Illinois, USA
      Makoto Oya, Hokkaido University, Japan
      Despina Polemi, University of Piraeus, Greece
      Raj Kumar Prasad, Commonwealth Centre for e-Governance, India
      Kai Rannenbeerg, Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany
      Reinhard Riedl, University of Zürich, Switzerland
      Narcyz Roztocki, State University of New York at New Paltz, USA
      Santosh Shrivastava, University of Newcastle, United Kingdom
      Richard M. Soley, OMG, USA
      Il-Yeol Song, Drexel University, USA
      Katarina Stanoevska-Slabeva, University St. Gallen, Switzerland
      Jun Suzuki, University of Massachusetts, Boston, USA
      Edward Szczerbicki, University of Newcastle, Australia
      Roland Traunmüller, University of Linz, Austria
      Aphrodite Tsalgatidou, University of Athens, Greece
      Volker Tschammer, FhG FOKUS, Germany
      Hiroshi Tsuji, University of Osaka Prefecture, Japan
      Andrew Watson, OMG, USA
      Hans Weigand, University of Tilburg, Nederland
      Rolf T. Wigand, University of Arkansas, USA
      Maria A. Wimmer, University of Linz, Austria
      Bernd E. Wolfinger, University of Hamburg, Germany
      Hans-Dieter Zimmermann, University of St. Gallen, Germany

    45. 2005 Product Development & Management Association Research Conference 

      2005 Product Development & Management Association Research Conference

      Call for Papers

      The Product Development & Management Association (PDMA) will be holding its 2005 International Conference from October 22-26, 2005 in San Diego, CA.  As a significant part of this conference, the 2005 Research Conference will be held Saturday, October 22nd through noon Sunday, October 23rd.

      Papers for the competitive sessions of the Research Conference are now being accepted from academics, industry representatives, and service providers. Papers covering all topics related to product development, new product marketing, and innovation management are welcome.  The deadline for paper submission is April 30, 2005. For details on how to submit papers, click on http://www.pdma.org/news.php?ID=172




    46. EURAM 2005 conference - Track "Nonprofit Management" 

      Within the EURAM 2005 conference (May 4-7, 2005, TUM Business School, Munich, Germany) there will be a track "Nonprofit-Management" (track chairs: Bernd Helmig, University of Fribourg/Switzerland and Dieter Witt, TUM Business School, Munich/Germany). The track includes a special session on "nonprofit-marketing" with high quality papers. For further information, please visit: http://www.euram2005.de/

      Call for Papers

      The 4th EIASM-Workshop "On the Challenges of Managing the Third Sector" takes place 6-7 September at Queen's University Belfast, Ireland. As the focus lies on the problems of special sector, papers of all functional disciplines are welcome. Especially marketing aspects are of growing relevance in the third and in the nonprofit area, respectively. Therefore papers on nonprofit-marketing topics (such as: measurement and management of stakeholder satisfaction; fundraising issues; cause-related marketing etc.) are highly welcome. Submission dealine is April 15, 2005. Conference chairs are Bernd Helmig (University of Fribourg/Switzerland), Marc Jegers (Vrije Universiteit Brussels/Belgium) and Irvine Lapsley (University of Edinburgh/Scotland). For further information please visit:

      Personal Information

      Bernd Helmig, full (chaired) professor of marketing and nonprofit-management at the University of Fribourg (Switzerland) was elected to be the Director of the "Institute for Research on Management of Associations and other Nonprofit-Organizations" (http://www.vmi.ch). This institute belongs to the Faculty of Economics & Social Sciences at the University of Fribourg. It conducts research on marketing management of not-for-profit organizations since almost 30 years. Moreover the VMI offers an Executive MBA program in nonprofit management. Since January 1, 2001, Bernd Helmig serves as academic director of this MBA program.


      Professor Dr. Bernd Helmig

      University of Fribourg
      Chair of Nonprofit-Management & Marketing
      Avenue de Beauregard 11
      CH-1700 Fribourg
      Tel.: ++41 +26 300 82 93
      Fax: ++41 +26 300 96 45
      Mail: npo@unifr.ch


    47. V International PENSA Conference on Agri-food Chains/Networks Economics & Management 

      V International PENSA Conference
      on Agri-food Chains / Networks Economics and Management
      July 27–29,  2005
      Ribeirão Preto, Brazil
      School of Business and Economics
      University of São Paulo

      Deadline for Submission: March 31, 2005

      The conference aims to offer the opportunity for the academic community and practitioners to discuss theoretical frameworks and practical experiences of the latest knowledge on economics and management of agri and food chains.

      This V International Pensa Conference has reached great relevance for the international scientific and business scenario. There is a growing scientific and business interest for the development of the Brazilian agribusiness and its interactions with other countries. The conference has been ranked by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (CAPES/QUALIS system) as one of the best business international conferences in Brazil.

    48. PhD Seminar on Consumption Theory Submitted by Güliz Ger

      Ph.D. Seminar
      May 31 - June 6, 2005
      Bilkent University, Turkey

      This is a 7-day intensive Ph.D. seminar to be held at the Bilkent University, Ankara Turkey in May-June 2005.

      Objective of the Seminar:
      The seminar aims to provide participants with a thorough knowledge of cultural approaches to consumption research through discussions of consumption theory.  The goal of the seminar is to familiarize scholars with the culturally inspired studies of consumption.   Readings highlight interdisciplinary perspective and seek to expose participants to sophisticated discussions of consumption that have been written both within and outside of marketing, such as anthropology, sociology, communication, and cultural and gender studies.  The historical, socio-cultural, economic and ethical dimensions and challenges of consumption in developed and developing nations in the contemporary global economy are emphasized.

      Seminar Coordinators:
      Güliz Ger (contact person), Faculty of Business Administration, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey, ger@bilkent.edu.tr
      Özlem Sandýkcý, Faculty of Business Administration, Bilkent University, Ankara 06800, Turkey, sandikci@bilkent.edu.tr.

      Eric Arnould, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
      Søren Askegaard, University of Southern Denmark-Odense
      Russell Belk, University of Utah
      Dominique Bouchet, University of Southern Denmark-Odense
      Fuat Fýrat, University of Southern Denmark-Odense
      Güliz Ger, Bilkent University
      Lisa Peñaloza, University of Boulder, Colorado

      Location and Dates:
      The seminar will take place at Bilkent University, Faculty of Business Administration premises, located 13 kilometers away from downtown Ankara, the capital city of Turkey.  The seminar will begin at 10:00 Tuesday, 31 May and end the night of Monday, June 6, 2005.  Information about the university can be found on the web site http://www.bilkent.edu.tr.  Two websites about life in Turkey and Ankara are http://www.mymerhaba.com and http://goturkey.kulturturizm.gov.tr/.
      Other course Information:
      The seminar will be held in English and is 5 ECTS credits.  The number of students is limited to 25. The tuition and fees for the seminar is 575 Euros; this amount includes accommodation and meals as well.

      Seminar Prerequisites:
      There are no particular prerequisites for participants. Selection will be based on the letter of interest, which should address the student’s dissertation research interests and the fit of this seminar within their doctoral studies. The letter of interest should be 1000-1500 words. All letters of interest should be sent to phale@bilkent.edu.tr electronically as an attachment to an e-mail message. The deadline for applications is March 21, 2005.

      The seminar program consists of lectures, panels, and exercises.  A reading list will be sent to the participants after registration and they will be required to read the suggested literature.  The students will come to the seminar ready to make a brief presentation of their research project.  At the end of the seminar, they will make another presentation that will indicate how their research project will be modified based on the inspirations from the seminar.

      Students will be evaluated based on their presentations, participation, written projects, and the capacity shown in enriching their perspective.


      Tuesday, May 31

      9:30 – 10:00 Welcome

      10:00 – 12:30 Student Project Presentations – I
        Students present their projects to faculty. 15 minutes for presentation and 5 minutes of discussion

      12:30 – 14:00 Lunch

      14:00 – 16:30 Student Project Presentations - II

      16:30 – 18:30 Faculty Panel – Discussion of emerging issues in Consumer Culture Theory (CCT) and different approaches to studying consumption

      19:00 – 20:30 Dinner
        After dinner, time for discussions, readings, preparations, and socializing.

      Wednesday, June 1

      9:00 – 12:00 Identity, Community and Consumption (Eric Arnould)

      12:30 – 14:00 Lunch

      14:00 – 18:30 Student – Faculty Meeting
      Students make appointments with faculty to discuss their projects and get individual feedback

      19:00 – 20:30 Dinner

      Thursday, June 2

      9:00 – 12:00 Symbolism and Morality of Consumption (Russell Belk)

      12:30 – 14:00 Lunch

      14:00 – 18:30 Patterning of Consumption (Søren Askegaard)

      19:00 – 20:30 Dinner

      Friday, June 3

      9:00 – 12:00 Consumer Society and Individualism (Dominique Bouchet)

      12:30 – 14:00 Lunch

      14:00 – 18:30 Materiality of Consumption (Güliz Ger)
        Globalizing Consumption (Güliz Ger)

      19:00 – 20:30 Dinner

      Saturday, June 4

      9:00 – 12:00  Postmodernism and Consumption (Fuat Fýrat)

      12:30 – 14:00  Lunch

      14:00 – 18:30 The Market Culture (Lisa Peñaloza)

      19:00 – 20:30 Dinner

      Sunday, June 5

      9:00 – 12:00 Branding and Space or Branding Space (Eric Arnould and Søren Askegaard)

      12:30 – 14:00 Lunch

      14:00 – 18:30  Students prepare for their final presentations

      Monday, June 6

      9:00 – 13:00 Students present their revised proposals
        Students briefly present how they intend to complete their papers

      13:00 – 14:00 Lunch

      14:00 – 16:30 Evaluations of proposals
        Faculty gives feedback to students on how to develop their papers

      19:00 +  Dinner and Party

    49. Consumer Personality and Research Methods 2005 Conference (CPR 2005) 

      Consumer Personality and Research Methods 2005 Conference (CPR 2005)

      September 20-24, 2005

      Held at the International Center of Croatian Universities (ICCU),
      Dubrovnik, Croatia


      Abstract submission deadline: January 31, 2005

      Full paper submission deadline to be considered for inclusion into the reviewing process of the Journal of Business Research
      Special Issue: August 1, 2005

      Scholars and practitioners are invited to submit abstracts for competitive papers or posters related to at least one of the following areas:

      • Current theoretical developments and practical applications in consumer and/or brand personality
      • Innovative data collection methods in consumer-driven marketing research
      • New issues and approaches in data preparation, processing, and analysis
      • Applied areas accounting for the economic sectors most prominent at the events´ location

      For a detailed description of the conferences´ topics, journal coverage, program structure, timeline, abstract submission procedure, and further details, please refer to the sections below or visit the conference Web site at: http://www.cpr2005.info

    50. 8th int'l Forum on The Sciences, Techniques and Art Applied to Marketing Submitted by Enrique Ortega

      8th International Forum on

      Venue & Dates

      Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences
      Complutense University of Madrid
      November 24th-25th, 2005


      This Forum is a meeting point for professors and researchers related to marketing activities. It is also open to all those researchers in any area of knowledge who through their work and contributions can favour the development and the advancement of marketing as a science, as a technique or as an art.
      The papers can be oriented towards investigations and theories that are related to or can be applied to marketing. They can originate in any of the disciplines, such as: economics, sociology, psychology, anthropology, philosophy, mathematics, law, etc. Contributions related to the following issues are welcome.

      Marketing areas:
      · Brand policy and strategy  · Marketing communications · Pricing policy
      · Consumer behaviour · Marketing ethics · Product innovation
      · Direct marketing · Marketing and ecological issues · Relationship marketing
      · Distribution channels · Marketing models and theory · Sales and sales management
      · Globalisation of markets · Marketing on the Internet · Services marketing
      · Industrial marketing · Marketing research · Social marketing
      · International marketing · Marketing strategy · Travel and tourism marketing

      Related areas:
      · Business and Economics Education  · Management Information System 
      · General Business Research · Organisational Behaviour 
      · Human Resources Management · Small and Medium Size Companies 
      · Knowledge Management and Innovation  · Strategic Management Policy
      · Internationalisation · Tourism Planning and Management 


      Papers must be written in English or Spanish with a maximum length of 12 pages excluding the title page, single spaced in 10pt Times New Roman, with 2.5 cm. or 1 inch margins. The title page must contain: Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s) and show contact details at the bottom of the page. The first page must carry in its top half the Title of the paper (without the author(s) names), an Abstract in no more than 100 words and a statement that the submission contains original work which has not been presented or published elsewhere. The dissertation text should start in the bottom half of the page.
      Papers should be sent preferentially by e-mail or on diskette/CD in Microsoft Word for Windows (Version 6 or higher) before September 30th 2005 to:

      Dr. Enrique Ortega
      Department of Marketing 
      Campus de Somosaguas 
      Pozuelo de Alarcón
      28223 Madrid-Spain
      Telephone: (+34)913942538
      Fax: (+34)913942479
      e-mail: marketeo@ccee.ucm.es
       http: www.ucm.es/info/forumint

      The number of authors of each paper must not exceed three. Acceptance of a paper means that at least one of the authors must pay the inscription fee and present the paper at the Forum. The duration of the dissertation will be 20 minutes maximum. Interpreters will provide simultaneous translation from both English to Spanish and Spanish to English. Those wishing to participate in the Forum without presenting a paper will be welcomed.


      · Forum Chairman: Dr. Enrique Ortega Martínez 
      · Forum Secretary: Dr. Ladislao González Ruiz 


      Papers will be subject to double blind peer review by a panel of academic experts in the field.


      The deadline for submission of papers is September 30th 2005. Acceptance, rejection or suggested modifications of papers will be notified to the authors before October 20th 2005. The registration form and registration fee should be received before November 10th.


      Two keynote speakers will address the 8th International Forum.


      Thursday, 24th November 2005
      Registration 11.00 -13.00
      Welcome lunch 13.15 -14.15
      Start Forum 15.00

      Friday, 25th November 2005
      Conference continuation 09.00 -13.00
      Lunch 13.15 -14.15
      Conference continuation 15.00
      Forum dinner 21.30


      The Forum fee for those presenting papers and for those that wish to simply attend the Forum, is 180 Euro. This fee will include the Forum Proceedings, admission to all sessions, lunches, last day dinner and morning and afternoon coffees and refreshments. The fee should be forwarded by bank transfer to: Caja Madrid, account «Fundación General Universidad Complutense», Nº 2038-1735-91-6000402693 (IBAN: ES90 2038 1735 9160 0040 2693) mentioning the reference: 8th International Forum. The sender must pay any charges for the transfer.


      Hotel accommodation is not included in the Forum fee, but hotel details with special rates will be provided at a later date.

    51. 2005 Pre-conference for the American Academy of Advertising Conference 

      The 2005 Pre-conference for the American Academy of Advertising Conference
      "Moving Targets: Wireless promotional strategies around the world"
      Marriott Hotel by the Galleria - Houston, TX, USA
      March 31, 2005

      Cellular subscribers could top more than 2 Billion worldwide in 2006. "Moving Targets" will bring together industry speakers and academics from Asia, Europe and North America to discuss how advertisers are targeting mobile consumers. This is a great opportunity to interact with forward thinking executives in an intimate setting. Research ideas are guaranteed!

      - What is m-commerce? Short Message Services (SMS)? 3G technology?

      - What drives people to accept wireless ads?

      - How are campaigns being run in Asia, Europe, and the U.S.?

      - How does culture influence the use, targeting and adoption of mobile advertising strategies and applications?

      The program is now finalized and we have a great line up of speakers (http://www.msu.edu/~steve/movingtargets.htm).

      If you have not yet registered, please mark your calendars and register at http://www.americanacademyofadvertising.org

      If you have any questions, please contact one of the 2005 AAA Pre-conference Co-chairs:

      Steven M. Edwards, Ph.D.
      Department of Advertising
      Michigan State University
      East Lansing, MI 48824, USA
      Tel. +01-517-432-4777

      Please mail to: steve@msu.edu

      Shintaro Okazaki, Ph.D.
      Department of Finance and Marketing Research
      Autonomous University of Madrid
      Campus Universitario de Cantoblanco
      28049 - Madrid, Spain

      Tel. +34 91 497 3552

      Please mail to: obarquitec@coac.net

  9. Publications & Calls for Papers

    1. 2nd Edition of Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking 


      Call for Short Articles for
      Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking
      2nd Edition
      Editor: Margherita Pagani
      I-LAB Centre for Research on the Digital Economy
      Bocconi University – Italy

      Multimedia technology, networks and online interactive multimedia services are taking advantage of a series of radical innovations in converging fields, such as the digitization of signals, satellite and fiber optic based transmission systems, algorithms for signal compression and control, switching and storage devices, and others, whose combination has a supra-additive synergistic effect.
      In such an ever-evolving environment, teachers, researchers and professionals of the discipline need access to the most current information about the concepts, issues, trends and technologies in this emerging field.

      The Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, 2nd edition will be most helpful as it provides comprehensive coverage and definitions of the most important issues, concepts, trends and technologies in Multimedia Technology. This important new publication will be distributed worldwide among academic and professional institutions and will be instrumental in providing researchers, scholars, students and professionals access to the latest knowledge related to Multimedia Technology. Contributions to this important publication will be made by scholars throughout the world with notable research portfolios and expertise.

      Coverage: The Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking, 2nd edition will provide a compendium of terms, definitions and explanations of concepts, processes and acronyms. Additionally, this volume will feature short articles (3,000-3,500 words) authored by leading experts offering an in-depth description of key terms and concepts related to different areas, issues and trends in information science and technologies in modern organizations worldwide.

      Invited Submissions:
      Individuals interested in submitting short articles (3,000-3,500 words) on suggested topics (See the listing of our suggested topics on the main page of this project) or other related topics in their area of interest should submit a proposal by January 10, 2006. We strongly encourage other topics that have not been listed in our suggested list, particularly if the topic is related to the research area in which you have expertise. Upon acceptance of your proposal, you will have two months to prepare your article 3,000-3,500 words) and 7-10 related terms and their appropriate definitions. Guidelines for preparing your short piece and terms and definitions as well as a sample article and terms and definitions can be found on the main menu of this project at http://www.idea-group.com/custom/pagani

      Please forward your e-mail of interest including your name, affiliation and a list of topics (5-7) on which you are interested in writing a short article to Margherita Pagani, editor at margherita.pagani@uni-bocconi.it no later than January 10, 2006. You will be notified about the status of your proposed topics by January 17, 2006. This book is tentatively scheduled for publishing by Idea Group Reference (an imprint of Idea Group Inc.), www.idea-group-ref.com, in 2009.

    2. Int'l Journal of Environmental Technology and Management 

      International Journal of Environmental Technology and Management (IJETM)

      A Special Issue on:

      Contribution of Management Sciences to Sustainable Development"

      Guest Editor: Professor Caroline Gauthier, Grenoble Ecole de Management, France

      More information at :http://www.inderscience.com/browse/callpaper.php?callID=300

      Deadline: February 28, 2006.

    3. Int'l Review on Public and Non Profit Making 

      Dear colleague:

      As perhaps you already know, simultaneously to the organization of the International Congress on Public and Non Profit Marketing (4th edition was held last May in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain), and looking for a stable working forum and so a support in order to develop into practice further projects and ideas, a scientific association was founded and registered, called either International Association on Public and Non Profit Marketing, or Asociación Internacional de Marketing Público y No Lucrativo (AIMPN).

      One of major goals has been the launching of a new scientific journal (the International Review on Public and Non Profit Marketing, IRPNM), publishing English and Spanish written articles twice a year. Three issues have already been edited, including contributions considered achieving high academic and scientific quality standards, guaranteed by a double blind selection process. Perhaps you have received notice of these three issues, as a list of contents has been e-mailed by some well-known scientific distribution lists.

      However, we try to improve work, and from Volume 2, Number 1 (June 2005) on, papers will are full text published both in English and Spanish (if required by authors, free translation from English into Spanish by scientific experts could be provided in case of accepted papers) and also fully on-line supported. Contributions are expected not only from Marketing teachers and practitioners, but also from other related disciplines when referring to public and/or no profit topics.

      So, and after this short and general introduction, I aim you in order to have a look on the contents of this Vol. 2, Nº 1 of the International Review on Public and Non Profit Marketing at http://rimpn.teyde.net, and so in order to consider publication of your research work in our Review.

      We have realized that there was a transcription mistake (two “crossed” letters) regarding the link some of you was told in our previous message in order to access contents of Vol. 2, Nº 1 of the International Review on Public and Non Profit Marketing. The right one is http://rimpn.teyde.net (and not “ripmn”, take care also, without “www”).

      Best regards,

      José L. Vázquez
      IRPNM Editor

    4. Marketing Communication - New Approaches, Technologies and Styles 

      Marketing Communication
      New Approaches, Technologies, and Styles

      Edited by Allan J. Kimmel, Professor of Marketing,
      ESCP-EAP, European School of Management, Paris

      Marketing Communication: New Approaches, Technologies, and Styles brings together leading authorities from both academia and the
      marketing industry to provide a comprehensive overview and analysis of the rapidly changing world of marketing communication
      in the 21st Century. Containing a broad tableau of perspectives, the book reflects the insights and experiences of academics and practitioners from both sides of the Atlantic. With its timely and in-depth focus on contemporary and evolving trends in marketing communication, this book will be of interest to a diverse audience of academics, students, and marketing professionals. Primarily intended as a supplemental reader for undergraduate, graduate, and MBA courses, the focus on emerging developments in the field will also appeal to a
      broad range of researchers and marketing professionals.

      Key features:
      •Cuttting edge perspectives from both academics and practitioners
      •Presents an up-to-date overview and analysis of developments in all areas of marketing communication
      •Looks at the changes to communication and consumer responses brought about by new technologies
      •Strong international group of contributors

      Allan J. Kimmel: Introduction: Marketing Communication in the New Millennium

      Part I: New Approaches to Marketing Communication

      1. Maurice Lévy and Dan O'Donoghue: New Trends in the Promotion of Companies and Brands to Stakeholders: A Holistic Approach
      2. Matthew S. Eastin and Terry Daugherty: Past, Current, and Future Trends in Mass Communication Research
      3. James Fitchett: The 21st Century Consumer Society
      4. Albert M. Muñiz, Jr. and Thomas C. O'Guinn: Marketing Communications in a World of Consumption and Brand Communities
      5. H. David Hennessey: Marketing Communications Trends in the Emerging Global Marketplace

      Part II: Developments in Marketing Communication Technologies

      6. Tina M. Lowrey, L. J. Shrum, and John A. McCarty: The Future of Television Advertising
      7. John O'Connor, Eamonn Galvin, and Martin Evans: Electronic Marketing and Marketing Communications: The Role of Technology
      8. Chris Fill: The Influence of Technology on Below-the-Line Marketing Communications
      9. Thomas W. Gruen: Integrated Marketing Communications and the Emerging Role of the Web Site
      10. George R. Silverman: Word of Mouth: The Oldest, Newest Marketing Medium

      Part III: Rethinking Marketing Communication Styles

      11. A. Fuat Firat and Lars Thøger Christensen: Marketing Communication in a Postmodern World
      12. Eric J. Arnould and Elisabeth Tissier-Desbordes: Hypermodernity and the New Millennium: Scientific Language as a Tool for Marketing Communications
      13. Janet L. Borgerson and Jonathan E. Schroeder: Identity in Marketing Communications: An Ethics of Visual Representation
      14. Douglas Brownlie and Michael Saren: The Communication of Marketing: A Critical Analysis of Discursive Practice

      Advanced undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, and academics of Marketing as well as marketing professionals
      and those taking professional marketing courses (e.g. Chartered Institute of Marketing).
      304 pages | November 2005
      Hardback |0-19-927694-3 £55.00
      Paperback | 0-19-927695-1 £19.99

    5. Special Issue: Journal of Interactive Advertising 

      Call for Papers

      Special Issue on Mobile Advertising Issues and Challenges

      Guest Editor
      Shintaro Okazaki, Ph.D.
      Department of Finance and Marketing Research
      College of Economics and Business Administration
      Autonomous University of Madrid

      The Journal of Interactive Advertising announces a special issue on Mobile Advertising Issues and Challenges.

      Wireless communication networks have increased rapidly worldwide, enabling many firms to use a new mode of interactive advertising via mobile devices. WAP contributed to the initial implementation, SMS-based marketing, but the most drastic change occurred following the introduction of the Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (UMTS) and Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (WCDMA). These have enabled many operators to move quickly to Third Generation (3G) standards. Many multinational corporations now take advantage of the high-speed transmission of advertising messaging through sophisticated Internet services.

      In an extension of traditional email marketing, mobile advertising has been used as an effective way to "push" information associated with price discounts, electronic coupons, sweepstakes, and direct payment, among others. However, mobile advertising is not limited to a "push" use. Global Positioning System could generate new opportunities for location-based advertising, while mobile portals offer special contents service via campaign sites displayed on micro-browser screens. These strategies could "pull" users' attention to unprecedented marketing experiences. However, although interests and applications in this area have increased substantially in recent years, there is still an important lacuna with regard to both empirical evidence and a theoretical framework.

      The Journal of Interactive Advertising therefore invites the submission of empirical and conceptual papers that fit the theme "Mobile Advertising Issues and Challenges." In this Special Issue, we expect to raise new possibilities for theory development, methodological innovation, and cross-disciplinary approaches in interactive advertising research via mobile devices.


      Potential manuscript topics include (but are not limited to)

      - Push versus pull advertising
      - Issues associated with SMS/MMS advertising
      - Trust in mobile advertising
      - Wired versus wireless advertising comparison
      - Attitude toward mobile campaign sites
      - Location-based messaging
      - Visual versus textual data transmission
      - Mobile advertising recall
      - Cross-cultural issues in mobile advertising acceptance


      Submitted manuscripts will be subject to a double-blind peer review process and must not have been published or accepted for publication or currently under consideration for publication elsewhere. Electronic submission should be via email in either Word or PDF format, with all manuscripts following the JIAD guidelines (http://www.jiad.org/).


      Submission deadline: May 31, 2006
      Acceptance/Rejection notification: October 1, 2006
      Deadline for the final version: January 31, 2007
      Publication Vol. 7 No. 2 (Spring), 2007

      Please note that the acceptance/rejection decision will be notified to all authors on October 1, 2006, regardless of the submission date.

      Questions and submissions should be directed to the special issue editor.

      Shintaro Okazaki, Ph.D.
      Guest Editor, Journal of Interactive Advertising
      Department of Finance and Marketing Research
      College of Economics and Business Administration
      Autonomous University of Madrid
      Cantoblanco, Madrid 28049 SPAIN

      Tel. +34 91 497 3552
      Fax. +34 91 497 8725
      Email: obarquitec@coac.net

    6. Special Issue: The Journal of Value Chain Management 


      Special Issue on “E-Services”

      Deadline for Submissions: May 31, 2006
      Best Paper Award: 2000 Euros

      The Journal of Value Chain Management, in association with the Marketing Center Muenster (University of Muenster) and the Center for Services Marketing and Management (Florida Atlantic University), will be publishing a special issue on E-Services and a concurrent edited volume containing the same papers.

      This special issue aims at offering a thorough introduction and systematic overview of the new field ‘E-Services’. It covers the state-of-the-art of the research and development in various aspects including theory development, empirical studies, and applications of E-Services.
      The Editorial Board of JVCM invites authors to submit original conceptual and empirical manuscripts. All submission received will be subjected to a double-blind review process. Suggested topics, include but are not limited to:

      • Services and the Internet Economy
      • New E-Services Development, Design and Management
      • Marketing Mix Strategies for E-Services
      • Issues in Service Quality and the Internet
      • Issues in Service Productivity and the Internet
      • Relationship Marketing and Loyalty in E-Services
      • Consumer Behavior in Services and the Internet
      • Business-to-Business E-Services
      • Retail Services and the Internet
      • Demand and Supply Management in E-Services
      • E-Services Operations

      Empirical papers are especially welcome. Strong and innovative conceptual work with a clear contribution to the advancement of marketing and management science would also be considered.

      Edited Volume: All manuscripts accepted for publication will also be published in an edited volume that will be published and released concurrently.

      Best Paper Award: A best paper award of 2000 Euros will be awarded to the best submission received in response to this call for papers and published in JVCM. The editorial board will, based on an evaluation of the submissions and reviewers’ comments, select a manuscript for this best paper award. In case of a tie, the prize money will be shared among the contenders. Authors of submissions nominated for the best paper award must agree to publish their submission in the JVCM and the associated edited volume that will be published concurrently.

      Submission Guidelines and Further Information
      Submission guidelines as well as further requests can be addressed to Heiner Evanschitzky (evanschitzky@ifhm.de). Potential authors may also access the journal homepage at http://www.jvcm.org

    7. New book announcement  

      New Book Announcement

      Title: Moda, Marketing Linguaggi Segni

      Author: Amatulli Cesare

      For more information:

    8. European Sports Marketing Network 


      Following a meeting of interested parties that took place during the EMAC conference in Milan this year, a further meeting took place on 23rd November in London to discuss the possible formation of a European Sports Marketing Network. Academics, publishers and business representatives from eight countries met to discuss the following:

      · The nature and scope of sports marketing;
      · Major research issues in sports marketing;
      · Challenges facing sports marketing;
      · Methodological issues facing sport marketers;
      · How sports marketers can ensure practical relevance
      · Future developments in sports marketing;
      · Formation of a European Sports Marketing Network.

      A working paper, entitled ‘Developments in Sports Marketing: A European Perspective’ which details points raised during the meeting, will shortly be available from the University of London. Further discussions regarding the European Sports Marketing Network are planned and another meeting has been scheduled to take place in 2006.

      If you would like to receive more information about the proposed network or would like to be informed when the working paper becomes available, please contact: Dr Simon Chadwick, Clore Management Centre, Birkbeck College, University of London, Malet Street, London WC1E 7HX, England (Email: s.chadwick@bbk.ac.uk)

    9. Int'l Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 


      The journal is pleased to announce to EMAC members that:

      • Dr Simon Chadwick (University of London) has now taken over editorship of the IJSMS;
      • The editorial board has been reconstituted to include a more geographically diverse number of academics. Amongst the board’s members are academics from Warwick in the UK, IESE in Spain, Bocconi in Italy, Harvard in the US, Yonsei in South Korea and Monash in Australia;
      • The four editions of the journal appearing this year are – V7, N1: Milan EMAC Special Edition; V7, N2: Global Marketing of Soccer Special Edition; V7, N3: General sports marketing and sponsorship submissions; V7, N4: Fremantle ANZMAC Special Edition;
      • Submissions focusing on sport broadcasting/media/new technology, submissions with Asian content, and general sports marketing and sponsorship submissions, are now being invited for inclusion in the journal from Volume 8 onwards;
      • From Volume 7 onwards, the journal will be available on a full text basis via EBSCO (Business Source Premier).

      The journal welcomes the submission of academic and practitioner research papers, articles, case studies, interviews and book reviews. General sports marketing and sponsorship submissions will be situated in the following areas:

      • Fans and customers;
      • Individual performers and endorsers;
      • Teams and clubs;
      • Leagues and competitions;
      • Events and stadiums;
      • Sponsors and properties;
      • Retailers and merchandisers;
      • Suppliers and intermediaries;
      • Broadcasters and the media;
      • Governing bodies and representative associations;
      • Places, spaces and cities;
      • Economic and social development initiatives;
      • Magazines, newspapers and web sites;
      • Betting and gambling services;
      • Sportswear manufacturers;
      • Gaming and collecting.

      For those EMAC members who would like to receive complimentary copies of the journal, please contact:

      The Publisher
      International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship
      International Marketing Reports Limited
      7 Greville Road
      London NW6 5HY

      Email: info@im-reports.com
      Tel: 0044 (0)20 7372 6561
      Fax: 0044 (0)20 7372 6538

      If you would like to know more about the journal, receive a copy of the editorial policy, make a submission or propose ideas for special editions/papers, please contact:

      Dr Simon Chadwick
      International Journal of Sports Marketing & Sponsorship
      Clore Management Centre
      Birkbeck College
      University of London
      Malet Street
      London WC1E 7HX

      Email: s.chadwick@bbk.ac.uk
      Tel: 0044 (0)20 7079 0802
      Fax: 0044 (0)20 7079 6769

    10. Publications - Lars-Gunnar Mattsson 

      Lars-Gunnar Mattsson
      Honorary Fellow of EMAC
      Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden

      Publications 2004-

      Mattsson, L.G. (2004) Industrial Marketing-The Network Perspective. In: Backhaus, K. & M. Voeth, M. (eds.) Handbuch Industriegütermarketing München: Gabler Verlag, 177-204.

      Hertz, S,. & Mattsson, L.G. (2004) Collective Competition and the Dynamics of Market Reconfiguration Scandinavian Journal of Management , (20), 31-51.

      Mattsson, L.G. (2003), Reorganisation of Distribution in Globalisation of Markets-the Dynamic Context of Supply Chain Management Supply Chain Management-An International Journal. Vol 8, No 5., 416-426.

      Mattsson, L.G. & Johanson, J.(2006) Discovering Market Networks, European Journal of Marketing . forthcoming April 2006

      Andersson, P. & Mattsson, L-G. (2006) Timing and Sequencing of Strategic Actions in Internationalization Processes involving Intermediaries- A Network Perspective In: Solberg, Carl Arthur (ed) Relationship between exporters and their foreign sales and marketing intermediaries, Advances in International Marketing, Volume 16, Elsevier Science (forthcoming 2006)
      Johanson, J. & Mattsson, L.G. (2006) Business networks: Background and some basic considerations ,In: Lee, J.W., Hadjikhani, A., and Johanson, J. (eds.) Business networks and international markets. Seoul: Brain Korea (forthcoming)

      Conference contributions 2005

      Gadde, L-E. and Mattsson, L.G. (2005) Globalization and transition of distribution- analyzing two intertwined processes. IMP conference, Rotterdam, September

      Mattsson, L.G. (2005) Managing in markets as interacting with market theories and market practice. First IMP Journal Seminar, Oslo, May

      Buttriss, G.,Wilkinson,I. Andersson, P & Mattsson, L.G. Mapping Mechanisms of Internationalisation, IMP Asia Confernce, Phuket, December.

      Dembrower, M, Hertz, S. and Mattsson, L.G. (2005) Entrepreneurs acting in networks – small passenger airlines in Sweden after deregulation. IMP Asia conference, Phuket, December

    11. ELMAR - email service 

      ELMAR is an email service providing tables of contents of marketing journals, calls for papers, position announcements, and the possibility
      to submit teaching and research questions to 5,000 academic marketers worldwide. The ELMAR governing board has representatives from ALAM, ANZMAC, AMA, and EMAC.

      Event or journal special issue calls for paper can be posted once on ELMAR. Reminders or updates can be posted multiple times in the Monday "ARCalendar" ELMAR mailout. Conference organizers, journal editors, track chairpersons, organizers of special sessions and journal special
      issue editors can avail themselves of this service by sending their request to ELMAR@ama.org.
      Individuals wanting to subscribe can send email to ELMAR-request@ama.org.

      Charles Hofacker
      ELMAR Moderator

    12. New book announcement - Retailing in the 21st Century 

      Retailing in the 21 st Century; Current and Future Trends.
      Berlin - Heidelberg: Springer, 2005, XI, 413 p.

      Manfred Krafft & Muarli Mantrala (editors)

      Retailing in the new millenium stands as an exciting, complex and critical sector of business in most developed as well as emerging economies. Today, the retailing industry is being buffeted by a number of forces simultaneously, e.g., increasing competition within and across retailing formats, the hrowth of online retailing, the advent of 'radio frequency identification' (RFID) technology, the expansion of major retail chains like
      Wal-Mart and METRO Group and so on. Making sense of it all is not easy but of vital importance to retailing practitioners, analysts and policy-makers. With crisp and insightful contributions from many of the world´s leading experts in retailing, Retailing in the 21st Century offers in one book a compendium of state-of-the-art, cutting-edge knowledge to guide successful retailing in the new millennium.

    13. New publication - Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking 

      Margherita Pagani of Bocconi University is pleased to announce the publication of
      "Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking"

      The Encyclopedia of Multimedia Technology and Networking provides in-depth coverage of the most important concepts, issues, trends, and technologies in the multimedia discipline. This encyclopedia is a valuable collection of articles that presents perspectives from over 220 researchers from 32 countries, providing a thorough explanation of emerging multimedia technologies and applications. This contemporary encyclopedia offers, in detail, an understanding of many topics related to multimedia evolution, design, communications, e-commerce, education, security, and virtual communities. In addition, it offers over 1,350 terms and definitions and more than 3,200 references, making it a valuable reference source for all libraries.

      More information can be found at:

    14. Special Issue - Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 

      Special Issue Announcement

      Journal of Personal Selling and Sales Management
      “Enhancing Sales Force Productivity”

      The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management (JPSSM) is pleased to announce and invites research article submissions for a Special Issue on Enhancing Sales Force Productivity that is scheduled for publication in Fall 2007. JPSSM is the premier international journal that is devoted exclusively to the publication of peer-reviewed articles related to personal selling and sales management.

      Special Issue Background Information
      The quality, quantity, deployment and motivation of sales force effort significantly affect both the top and bottom lines of companies in many industries where personal selling is the primary form of marketing promotion. In practice, as the management of customer accounts and relationships becomes more complex and demanding, there is renewed emphasis on optimizing the productivity of sales force investments. In response, new theoretical and empirical research to improve understanding of evolving sales force productivity issues as well as models, metrics, and methodologies to aid related management decisions are urgently needed. The purpose of this special issue of JPSSM on Enhancing Sales Force Productivity is to engender such new research. Research based on economic theories as well as normative, methodological, and empirical research papers related to this area are all welcome. Authors who wish to submit papers to this Special Issue of JPSSM are encouraged to also submit their work for presentation at a Conference that is being organized on the same topic at the University of Missouri – Columbia on April 21-23, 2006 (see separate Call for Papers for the Conference on “Enhancing Sales Force Productivity”).

      EXAMPLES OF TOPICS suitable for the Special Issue include:

      • Sales force strategy and organization
      • CRM strategies and optimal sales resource allocation
      • ROI of sales force automation investments
      • Role and ROI of sales force effort in companies’ promotion mix
      • Competitive selling strategies
      • Long-term effects of personal selling
      • Developing new sales force productivity metrics
      • Forecasting sales and goal-setting
      • Optimal design of selling teams
      • Models for strategic account management
      • Optimal design of sales force compensation plans
      • Dynamic effects and ROI of sales force motivation programs
      • Models for enhancing marketing-sales integration
      • Pricing delegation to the sales force
      • Coordination of operations-sales force interfaces
      • Optimal strategies for sales force recruiting, training, and promotion

      Submission Information
      The deadline for submission of manuscripts is September 15, 2006. Papers must follow JPSSM Guidelines for Authors; see: http://mkt.cba.cmich.edu/jpssm/submsinf/initial_submission.htm.

      Manuscripts will go through the regular JPSSM review process. Only original papers not currently under review or published elsewhere may be submitted. Four hard copies of the paper should be submitted with a cover letter and an electronic version should be sent as a pdf file attachment to the Special Issue Editor:

      Professor Murali K. Mantrala
      438 Cornell Hall
      University of Missouri – Columbia
      Columbia, MO 65211
      Phone: (573) 884-2734
      E-mail: mantralam@missouri.edu

      The Editorial Board for this Special Issue includes Professors Sönke Albers (University of Kiel), Srinath Gopalakrishna (University of Missouri – Columbia), and Kissan Joseph (University of Kansas).

    15. Special Issue - Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management 


      Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management

      “Sales Force Ethics:
      Strategic Implications and Leadership Challenges”

      Guest Editors:
      O.C. Ferrell, Colorado State University
      Mark W. Johnston, Rollins College
      René Y. Darmon, ESSEC and HEC-Montreal

      The Journal of Personal Selling & Sales Management (JPSSM) is pleased to announce a special issue on ethics, scheduled for publication as the Fall 2007 issue. 


      There has been a significant interest in business ethics among the popular business press over the last five years.  At the same time, conceptual and empirical research has investigated a wide range of ethical issues.  Historically at the forefront of business ethics, sales force ethics research dates back to some of the earliest published research on personal selling.  However, the sales environment has changed dramatically and recent scandals have presented salespeople with a number of new and challenging ethical situations.  Salespeople were associated in almost one-third of the accounting fraud cases in moving sales revenue to different time periods to inflate profits.  The sales profession is being put under pressure to manipulate reporting systems to help organizations meet quarterly earnings targets.  The focus on building successful customer relationships has placed salespeople in a critical strategic position relative to the customer and ethical issues in selling now have strategic implications to the organizational performance.  Academically, research into the strategic implications of sales force ethics is lacking and there is a need for new conceptual and empirical research on the ethical challenges faced by salespeople in a strategic customer relationship environment.  Relatedly, what are the challenges faced by sales leaders in this era of heightened ethical awareness and increased competitive pressure.  The purpose of this special JPSSM issue is to engender such new research on sales force ethics and the strategic implication of an ethical sales force.  Theoretical (conceptual) and empirical papers are welcome.


      • Conceptual models and empirical research concerning the affect of organizational issues such as role stress on sales person ethical decision making.
      • Empirical research on the strategic implications of unethical sales person behavior on the lifetime customer relationship.
      • Ethical behavior as a sales, marketing or business strategy.  Identify the needed resources to implement an ethical strategy and determine success metrics.
      • What role does sales force ethics play in the development of a company’s overall ethics policy and statement of values.
      • Identify a profile of the ethical salesperson.
      • Assess recruiting and selection strategies that seek to identify ethical salespeople.
      • Sales teams create unique ethical situations related to group decision making.   Conceptual and empirical research that seeks to model and test how sales teams affect individual salesperson ethics.
      • The testing of ethical decision making models in a sales environment could make a contribution to both sales and marketing ethics.
      • The role of rewards and enforcement of codes of ethics in a sales environment is an important issue that needs more investigation.
      • The role of professional trade association codes of ethics for the sales organization should yield important new knowledge.
      • The role of sales ethics as a buffer to deceptive sales techniques that are the subject of scrutiny of regulatory agencies is an important area for academics to investigate.
      • The definition of what is being considered as unethical or unethical behaviors in a selling context across different cultures, and strategic and ethical implications for the international marketer.
      • Research on ethics in international selling and multi cultural sales forces.
      • Research on how governmental authorities deal with sales ethics in different countries and enforce laws that promote ethical selling behaviors. With what effects?


      The due date for submission of manuscripts is February 28, 2006.  Submitted manuscripts must follow JPSSM Guidelines for Authors (see the following web site):


      Manuscripts will go through the regular JPSSM review process.  Only original papers not currently under review or published elsewhere may be submitted.  Four hard copies of the paper should be submitted to the Special Issue Guest Editors at the mailing address below:

      Submit four copies to:    
      JPSSM Ethics Special Issue    
      Crummer Graduate School of Business
      Rollins College
      1000 Holt Ave - 2722    
      Winter Park, FL. 32789-4499

      Guest Editors Contact Information:
      Professor Mark W. Johnston
      Phone: (407) 646-2612
      Fax: (407) 646-1550
      E-mail: mjohnston@rollins.edu

      Professor O.C. Ferrell
      Phone: (970) 491-4398
      Fax: (970) 491-5956 
      E-mail: oc.ferrell@colostate.edu

      Professor René Y. Darmon
      Phone: (33-1) 34 43 28 41
      Fax: (33-1) 34 43 30 01
      E-mail: darmon@essec.fr

    16. e-Book Announcement - The Value Creation Model 

      Value Creation Model

      Value Management represents fundamental and revolutionary change; it goes to the very core of business and affects every facet of business. For example, it not only challenges our perspective on profit, but also productivity; core business beliefs. It also has a major impact on our understanding and implementation of the “Marketing Mix”, together with a new understanding of the critical role of Advertising within Distribution Channels, to mention just two facets of business affected.

      To receive a free copy of the book, comprising over 330 pages on the structure of the value creation process, please email feedback@growingvalue.net
      The book is also available online. It is provided in data format (to eliminate the threat of viruses).
      To read the book, please follow the following steps:

    17. Table of Contents of RAM Journal - Volume 19 - N°4 

      RAM Journal 2004
      A Quarterly Publication of the Association Française du Marketing

      Contents of VOLUME 19- N°4



      Are key account customers really specifically managed? The customers' point of view
      Bjorn Sven Ivens and Catherine Pardo

      Brand strategies and shareholder value: a financial approach to brand equity
      Sophie Changeur

      A scale for measuring foodstuff authenticity
      Sandra Camus

      Self-assessment of opinion leadership in marketing : new psychometric investigations
      Eric Vernette and Jean-Luc Giannelloni


      Using online conversations to study word-of-mouth communication
      David Godes and Dina Mayzlin

    18. Special Issue - International Marketing Review 

      Call for Papers

      About IMR

      The International Marketing Review (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/imr.htm) provides a platform for contemporary ideas in international marketing, the thinking, theory and practice. It is not a home for general marketing papers, but delivers research based on empirical studies of marketing strategy issues as well as comparative studies of markets and marketing practice with a purely ‘International’ flavour. The International Marketing Review seeks to publish papers that are academically robust, hence the double blind peer review process it adopts, but also papers that communicate effectively and therefore contribute to international marketing.

      About the Special Issue

      The International Marketing Review invites the submission of empirical and conceptual articles that fit the theme “Emerging Issues in International Entrepreneurship”. While interest in the domain of International Entrepreneurship has increased substantially over the past decade, there is still no agreement about its conceptual boundaries, core unit of analysis or central constructs. Nonetheless, the field has contributed unique insights into internationalisation and entrepreneurial actions that cross national borders. A focus on innovation, opportunity identification and exploitation, risk-seeking behaviour, entrepreneurial managers, and the interaction between people, firms, time, the international environment and value creation, have resulted in a greater understanding of an important and growing phenomenon in international business. The field also raises new possibilities for theory development, methodological innovation, and cross-disciplinary approaches.

      Importantly, International Entrepreneurship is not restricted to small, start-up firms. Intrapreneurship, corporate venturing, and corporate entrepreneurship all refer to the mindset and practice of entrepreneurship found in established organisations. Furthermore, the businesses under study need not only be those from high technology sectors.

      This issue of IMR is seeking original research that provides a basis for better defining, understanding and researching this growing field. Given the complexity of the phenomena itself, and the cross-disciplinary nature of its study, a broad range of research methodologies and perspectives are welcome. Further, as this theme has been selected in part because of the increasing interest from the business community and public policy makers, practical insights from conceptual and empirical contributions are strongly encouraged.

      Manuscripts are solicited on topics including:

      • Conceptual and theoretical foundations of International Entrepreneurship
      • The role and nature of the entrepreneur
      • The generation, identification and exploitation of international opportunities
      • Interactions between people, firms, time, the international environment and value creation
      • International Market entry modes for entrepreneurial ventures
      • International Entrepreneurship in established firms
      • Methodological approaches to researching International Entrepreneurship
      • Public policy and market interventions that facilitate international entrepreneurship
      • International comparisons of entrepreneurial behaviour
      • Cross-cultural perspectives on International Entrepreneurship
      • Entrepreneurship and exporting
      • Entrepreneurial family businesses
      • Strategic and innovative processes in international ventures
      • Women in entrepreneurship
      • Entrepreneurship in emerging economies
      • International entry capabilities in start-up ventures

      Special Issue Editors

      Chris Styles
      Professor of Marketing
      School of Business
      Faculty of Economics and Business
      Economics and Business Building H69
      The University of Sydney
      Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
      Tel: +61 2 9036 5334
      Fax: +61 2 9351 6732
      email: c.styles@econ.usyd.edu.au

      Sid Gray
      Professor of International Business
      School of Business
      Faculty of Economics and Business
      Economics and Business Building H69
      The University of Sydney
      Sydney NSW 2006 Australia
      Tel: 61 2 9351-3552
      Fax: 61 2 9036-5378
      Email: s.gray@econ.usyd.edu.au

      Guidelines for submissions

      Submission Information

      • Please submit the manuscript to: imr@econ.usyd.edu.au
      • Submission deadline: September 16, 2005
      • Acceptance decision: April 30, 2006
      • Anticipated date of publication: Vol. 23, Issue 5, 2006

    19. ISBM Working Paper Funding 

      ISBM BtoB Working Paper Support Funding.

      The ISBM wishes to help disseminate new research in the BtoB arena.  If you have completed some research that is in working paper form, ISBM will provide a grant of $750, to be used to further your research or the dissemination of this work through meeting attendance and the like,  if we accept it into our working series.


      Send an electronic version of your working paper submission, and the ISBM Working Paper Support Letter (available at http://www.smeal.psu.edu/isbm/proposals.html) to the ISBM by e-mail attachment to gwh3@psu.edu.

      Note:  we cannot accept papers that have already been accepted for publication by an academic journal.

      Gary L. Lilien: GLilien@psu.edu
      ISBM Research Director


    20. Request for Sharing Research Interest on "People Processing Services" Submitted by Catherine Rossiter

      Part-time Doctoral Student in the National University of Ireland Galway wishes to make contact with anyone who has conducted any research on the role of nonverbal communication in people processing services or with someone who is currently working on this area or related areas.

      Research Topic: "The Role of Nonverbal Communication in People Processing Services”

      Supervisor: Dr. Aidan Daly

      Research Interests:
      - People processing services
      - Nonverbal communication applied to interactive marketing

      Catherine Rossiter
      Lecturer in Marketing
      Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
      Kill Avenue,
      Co. Dublin

      Tel: +353 1 2144987
      E-mail: Catherine.rossiter@iadt.ie

    21. Table of Contents of RAM Journal - Volume 19 - N°3 

      RAM Journal 2004
      A Quarterly Publication of the Association Française du Marketing

      Contents of VOLUME 19- N°3



      Understanding and measuring consumption value
      Philippe Aurier, Yves Evrard and Gilles N'goala

      Proposition of a two-dimensional measurement scale of the concept of intangibility
      Frédéric Bielen and Christophe Sempels

      A comparative analysis of French and Tunisian proxemics systems
      Delphine Dion and Gaël Bonnin


      Mixed multinomial logit model
      Céline Bonnet


      Do promotions benefit manufacturers, retailers, or both ?
      Shuba Srinivasan, Koen Pauwels, Dominique M. Hanssens and Marnik G. Dekimpe

    22. Special Issue - Qualitative Market Research 

      Call for Papers: Special Issue
      Ubiquitous Human Observation Methodologies
      Qualitative Market Research: An International Journal

      Recent times have seen an upsurge in the use of observational methodologies within marketing and organisational research. For example, eye tracking has grown in popularity of late, as access to the relevant technology has become easier. Linguistic observation and social network analysis have also become important methodologies, especially in light of recent developments in computer-mediated communication. However, there is vast potential in other types of observational tools, such as new neurological instruments, and virtual reality presentation techniques.

      This special issue will review the state of academic research in direct observation methodologies. New technology is enabling the more detailed direct observation of behaviour – both external and internal processes. The aims of the special issue are to examine the technologies available, and applications for their use, to provide a methodological typology and clear directions for future research. Papers can detail any observational technique, and authors should not consider themselves restricted to traditionally ‘qualitative’ observational methods. Papers can be empirical or conceptual, and those dealing with radical new approaches and applications are to be encouraged.

      Topics could include, among many others:

      • The use of eye-tracking methodology to understand visual attention
      • The use of neuro-science tools, such as the electro-encephalogram (EEG) and mapping and functional magnetic-resonance imaging (fMRI) to learn more about the mental processing behind purchase decisions
      • The triangulation of focus group/in-depth interview data analysis using video and text-based transcripts
      • The structural or linguistic analysis of observed texts (e.g. web-logs)
      • The use of more realistic stimulus presentation modes (e.g. videotaping performances) in laboratory experiments (i.e. to address the stimulus presentation mode and signal-to-noise ratio hypotheses)

      The closing date for submissions is 12 December 2005.

      The Special Issue will be published in January 2007.

      All papers will be subjected to double-blind peer review. Full notes for prospective contributors are available at: www.emeraldinsight.com/qmr.htm

      Send submissions (3 hard copies and an electronic copy) to: Amanda Broderick and Nick Lee, Aston Business School, Aston University, Aston Triangle, Birmingham, B4 7ET, UK. Tel: +44 (0)121 359 3611. Fax: +44 (0)121 333 4313
      Email: a.j.broderick@aston.ac.uk

    23. New book announcement "Managing Customers as Investments" 

      Sunil Gupta and Donald R. Lehmann of Columbia University are pleased to announce the publication of their recent book, "Managing Customers as Investments." This book is on the broad topic of customer equity and customer lifetime value. It is based on rigorous research and industry best practices. It provides several case studies and examples to illustrate these concepts. A brief description of the book can be found at



    24. European Journal of Marketing - Special Issue Submitted by Len Tiu Wright

      Call for Papers
      Special Issue "CONSUMER EMPOWERMENT"

      Extraordinary changes in marketing have taken place within the last three decades, influencing and changing the ways many people have traditionally worked and communicated. Marketing practices and theoretical representations of consumers span the changes from mass marketing and market segmentation to tailor-made or customised forms of one-to-one marketing to target customers. Many other changes have been brought about by modern multi-media technologies, the Internet, the corresponding raft of new ideas and expertise, and innovations in products and services. These have fundamentally changed markets and industries producing shifts in the balance of power in producer-consumer relationships. One important result of this shift and such marketing changes has been to facilitate consumer empowerment.

      Consumers have become more proactive in diverse ways and, at times, provocative and aggressive in seeking to exercise their consumer choices and rights. Affordable computing hardware and software with advances in mobile telephony have facilitated consumer communications and interactions with other consumers and organisations in Europe and the rest of the world. How do consumers generate their own consumption experiences, personalise them and turn them into greater consumer empowerment for themselves vis-a vis suppliers? Papers submitted should, therefore, address the theme of consumer empowerment in the marketplace. For example, they could examine growth in consumer empowerment from the applications of one-to-one marketing theories and methods such as those in market segmentation and direct marketing. They could discuss consumer empowerment from viewpoints anchored in traditional or postmodern perspectives. Critical evaluations of the effectiveness or successes of marketing theories, methods and case scenarios that are proposed, along with any relevant cross-disciplinary contributions, are welcomed.

      Examples of conceptual and empirical papers could:

      • explore the evolutionary nature and modern contexts of one-one marketing that have and are facilitating consumer empowerment;
      • examine the importance within specific scenarios or cases to demonstrate various forms of consumer empowerment vis-à-vis suppliers in their marketing activities and how consumers develop tactics to influence outcomes;
      • investigate corporate entities’ relationships with their consumers and the effectiveness of organisational strategies for managing consumer empowerment;
      • propose marketing methods or models for considering research into consumer empowerment and evaluation of outcomes.

      The anticipated publication of this special issue is in late 2006. The issue will be double blind reviewed. Paper preparation guidelines are found on the EJM webpage:

      Enquiries and submissions (three copies and a disk in MSWord of each paper) should be sent to the Guest Editor before or preferably by 30th May 2005:

      Professor Len Tiu Wright
      Leicester Business School (Bede Island)
      De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH, UK
      Email: lwright@dmu.ac.uk

    25. Table of Contents - Special Issue of ASMBI Submitted by Albert Benmaor

      Table of contents of the special issue on:

      "Bridging the Gap between Academic Research in Marketing and Practitioners’ Concerns"

      edited by Albert C. Bemmaor and Philip Hans Franses

      to appear in Applied Stochastic Models in Business and Industry (Wiley) as a single doubleissue (180 page long): Vol. 21, Nos. 4/5, 2005.

      One can order individual copies of the special issue by sending a message to the following address:

      The papers will appear in full text in EBSCO data bank (Business Source Premier) six months after the date of publication (August or October 2005).

      "The Diffusion of Marketing Science in the Practitioners’ Community: Opening the Black Box"
      By Albert C. Bemmaor and Philip Hans Franses

      "Market Segmentation for Customer Satisfaction Studies via a New Latent Structure Multidimensional Scaling Model"
      By Jianan Wu and Wayne DeSarbo

      Comment By Donald Falkinburg
      Comment By Rinus Haaijer and Edward Rosbergen
      Comment By Philip Hendrix
      Rejoinder By Jianan Wu and Wayne DeSarbo

      "Current Issues and a "Wish List" for Conjoint Analysis"
      By Eric Bradlow

      Comment By Jordan Louviere
      Comment By Jay Magidson and JeroenVermunt
      Comment By Bryan Orme
      Comment By Joffre Swait
      Rejoinder By Eric Bradlow

      " Spatial Models in Marketing Research and Practice"
      By Bart Bronnenberg

      Comment By Thomas Eagle
      Comment By Paul Markowitz
      Rejoinder By Bart Bronnenberg

      "Advertising Response Models with Managerial Impact: An Agenda for the Future"
      By DemetriosVakratsas

      Comment By Tim Ambler
      Rejoinder By Demetrios Vakratsas

      "The Implementation Challenge of Pricing Decision Support Systems for Retail Managers"
      By Alan Montgomery

      Comment By Suzanne Valentine and Krishna Venkatraman

      "Retail Assortment, Shelf and Stock-out Management: Issues, Interplay and Future Challenges"
      By Katia Campo and Els Gijsbrechts

      Comment By Henk Gianotten
      Comment By Gilles Gros

      "The Proper Interpretation of Sales Promotion Effects: Supplement Elasticities with Absolute Sales Effects"
      By Harald Van Heerde

      Comment By Eijte Foekens
      Comment By Tom Wilms
      Rejoinder By Harald Van Heerde

      "Measuring Short- and Long-run Promotional Effectiveness on Scanner Data Using Persistence Modeling"
      By Marnik Dekimpe, Dominique Hanssens, Vincent Nijs, and Jan-Benedict Steenkamp

      Comment By Jean-Bernard Kazmierczak
      Rejoinder By Marnik Dekimpe, Dominique Hanssens, Vincent Nijs, and Jan-Benedict Steenkamp

      "Market Response Models and Marketing Practice"
      By Dominique Hanssens, PeterLeeflang and Dick Wittink

      Comment By Douwe Rademaker
      Comment By Jorge Silva-Risso
      Rejoinder By Dominique Hanssens, Peter Leeflang and Dick Wittink

      "Lessons From the Front Line: Two KeyWays in Which the Internet has Changed Marketing Forever"
      By Xavier Dreze .

      Comment By Daniel Kaye

      "The Effect of Survey Measurement on Respondent Behavior"
      By Vicki Morwitz

      Comment By Herbert Sorensen

      "The Value of Simple Models in New Product Forecasting and Customer Base Analysis"
      By Peter Fader and Bruce Hardie

      Comment By Mitchell Barns


      List of reviewers

  10. Job Announcements

    1. Seven tenure-track Positions - Monpellier Graduate School of Management 

      Job announcement –January 2006

      Montpellier Graduate School of Management, (“Groupe Sup de Co Montpellier” in South of France) invites applications for seven tenure-track positions (full-time) at Assistant or Associate Professor level, to develop its two main research areas :

      • Information systems and organization dynamics
      • Entrepreneurship and market dynamics

      Applicants must have a PhD connected to one of the following disciplines: Marketing, Human Resources Management, Strategy, Governance, Finance, Accounting and Controlling, Entrepreneurship, Information Systems.

      Positions require a strong dedication to research and publications.
      The candidates must be able to teach in English upon arrival, and French one year later, at undergraduate and graduate level, and may also be required MBA teaching.
      Starting date: September 2006 or to be agreed.

      Additional information can be obtained on the “Groupe Sup de Co Montpellier” website:  http://supdeco-montpellier.com
      Applicants should address to the Dean of Montpellier Graduate School of Management a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, a brief research agenda, viva, two letters of reference as soon as possible and before March 31. Please send your application exclusively by email to bbastide@supco-montpellier.fr.



    2. Carleton University - Senior Faculty Position in Finance 

      Carleton University

      Senior Faculty Position in Finance

      Subject to budgetary approval, the Eric Sprott School of Business invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position in Finance at the rank of Associate or Full Professor for July 2006. The Eric Sprott School of Business, part of the Faculty of Public Affairs and Management (PAM), is committed to excellence in teaching and research. The School offers Bachelor of Commerce with Honours, Bachelor of International Business with Honours, Masters in Business Administration, and Ph.D. in Management degrees. The successful candidate will help deliver graduate and undergraduate programs, supervise graduate students, conduct research, and assume a leadership role in the Finance area. The candidate should possess a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Finance and have an outstanding research record. Applicants from all areas of Finance will be considered. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications. This appointment will be effective July 1, 2006.

      The closing date for applications is February 15, 2006 or until the position is filled.

      All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. The application of Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. Carleton University is committed to equality of employment for women, aboriginal peoples, visible minorities, and persons with disabilities. Persons from these groups are encouraged to apply.

      Please send curriculum vitae and names of three academic referees to Dr. David Cray, Director, Eric Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6, Canada. Tel: (613) 520-2600, ext 8078; Fax: (613) 520-2532; E-mail: director @sprott.carleton.ca; URL: http://www.sprott.carleton.ca

    3. Carleton University - Faculty Position in International Business 

      Eric Sprott School of Business
      Carleton University

      Faculty Position in International Business

      Subject to budgetary approval, the Eric Sprott School of Business of Carleton University invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position in International Business at the rank of Assistant Professor. The School is part of the Faculty of Public Affairs and Management (PAM) and is committed to excellence in teaching and research. It offers a Bachelor of Commerce with Honours degree (which includes a Concentration in International Business), a Bachelor of International Business with Honours degree, and Masters of Business Administration and Ph.D. in Management degrees (both of which include an international business focus). The successful candidate will be expected to teach and oversee undergraduate and graduate courses in International Business, to supervise research projects and theses of master’s students and to supervise Ph.D. students working in cross-functional, interdisciplinary business related areas. The candidate will be expected to pursue a productive research program and participate actively in the ongoing development of the School’s international business programs. This position requires a Ph.D., in hand or near completion, or equivalent degree. Strong demonstrated research skills are a must, and a demonstrated interest and expertise in a functional area of business will be an asset. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications. This appointment will be effective July 1, 2006. The closing date for applications is December 10, 2005, or until the position is filled.

      All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. The applications of Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. Carleton University is committed to equality of employment for women, Aboriginal peoples, visible minorities, and persons with disabilities. Persons from these groups are encouraged to apply.

      Please send curricula vitae and names of three academic referees to Dr. David Cray, Director, Eric Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6, Canada, Tel: 613-520-2379; Fax: 613-520-2532; email: director@business.carleton.ca;

      URL: http://www.business.carleton.ca

    4. Carleton University - Faculty Position in Marketing 

      Carleton University

      Faculty Position in Marketing

      Subject to budgetary approval, the Eric Sprott School of Business invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor position in Marketing starting July 1, 2006. The candidate should possess a Ph.D. or equivalent degree in Marketing and have a strong record of research productivity. Applicants from all areas of Marketing will be considered. The Eric Sprott School of Business, part of the Faculty of Public Affairs and Management (PAM), is committed to excellence in teaching and research. The School offers Bachelor of Commerce with Honours, Bachelor of International Business with Honours, Masters in Business Administration, and Ph.D. in Management degrees. The successful candidate will help deliver graduate and undergraduate programs, supervise graduate students and maintain an active research program. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications.

      The closing date for applications is February 15, 2006 or until the position is filled.

      All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply. The application of Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. Carleton University is committed to equality of employment for women, aboriginal peoples, visible minorities, and persons with disabilities. Persons from these groups are encouraged to apply.

      Please send curriculum vitae and names of three academic referees to Dr. David Cray, Director, Eric Sprott School of Business, Carleton University, 1125 Colonel By Drive, Ottawa, Ontario, K1S 5B6, Canada. Tel: (613) 520-2600, ext 8078; Fax: (613) 520-2532; E-mail: director @sprott.carleton.ca;

      URL: http://www.sprott.carleton.ca

    5. Assistant Professorship in Marketing - IESEG, Catholic University of Lille 

      IÉSEG School of Management

      Position: Associate / Assistant Professorship in Marketing

      In the context of its international development, IESEG School of Management at the Catholic University of Lille, invites applications for a new full-time position (starting in September 2006) at the Associate Professor level or Assistant Professor level in Marketing.

      IESEG School of Management is a French “Grande École”. Member of the Catholic University of Lille, the top private university in France, IESEG School of Management takes advantage of a rich intellectual environment : 40 research teams, 6 Faculties, 20 Schools, 13 libraries and several thousand of academics.

      Candidates should hold a Doctoral degree (or be in the process of completing one very soon). The successful candidate will join a dedicated and enthusiastic international team committed to furthering the School's European reputation.

      Fluency in English is required. Courses will be taught in English.

      The successful candidate will be expected to design and teach courses at all levels and conduct academic research.

      Lille is a beautiful city with a dynamic business environment and a vibrant cultural life. It has easy access to Paris (1 hour), Brussels (38 minutes) and London (1hour and 40 minutes). The School provides housing assistance.

      Salary : competitive at the European level.

      Applications (Letter of Application, Curriculum Vitae and sample copies of published or working papers) should be sent to :

      Dr. J.P. AMMEUX, Director
      E-mail : jp.ammeux@ieseg.fr
      IESEG,3 rue de la Digue
      F-59800 LILLE - France
      Website : www.ieseg.fr
      Tel: +33/320.545.892

      Closing date for the receipt of applications : 31 March 2006

      Please quote reference number AC/MA/05

    6. Full Professor or Assistant Professor (tenure track) in Marketing - HEC Lausanne 

      The HEC Business School of Lausanne University invites applications for a full-time position : Full professor or Assistant professor (tenure track) in Marketing

      Applicants must have a Ph.D. in Marketing and a strong dedication to research. The annual teaching load includes (tentative allocation) : 3 courses at the Master's level, 2 courses at the Bachelor's and 1 MBA course for a Full professor (total = 168 hours of teaching, annually). The course load is reduced for an Assistant professor.

      The candidate must be able to teach in English upon arrival and in French one year later.

      Starting date : September 2006 or to be agreed.

      Applicants should address a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, a brief research agenda and two letters of reference, before November 30, 2005, to the Dean of the Ecole des HEC, Université de Lausanne, BFSH1, CH 1015 Lausanne, Switzerland.

      A more complete description of the position can be found on the HEC Lausanne website:
      then clicking on "this document" (English version follows French version).

      Additional information can be obtained from Prof. Ghislaine Cestre:

    7. Tenure-track position as Assistant Professor in Marketing - York University 

      In addition to its core BAS degree, which covers all major areas of business, the School of Administrative Studies offers a number of professional certificate programs, and is developing master’s programs. The School is quite innovative in terms of teaching pedagogy and supplements its on-campus offerings with a large, web-based distance education degree program. The School has been characterized by remarkable growth in the past five years and has added over 40 PhDs to its faculty in the last three years alone. This manifests itself in a strong and vibrant research culture within the School. Students in the School come from a variety of backgrounds, and many of our students and faculty are active in the Canadian business sector and/or have held senior positions in the public and private sectors.

      For more information on the School and its programs, see www.atkinson.yorku.ca/SAS/ or contact Vita Lobo, Administrative Assistant, at 416.736.2100 ext. 22268.

      Applications are invited for 2 tenure-track positions at the rank of Assistant Professor in Marketing. Positions will require undergraduate teaching and research, and may also require graduate teaching and supervision. Desirable additional factors include expertise in branding; marketing communications; e-marketing.

      The required qualifications for the positions are a PhD in hand or near completion in the relevant area, and excellence or promise of excellence in both teaching and research.

      A signed letter of application with an up-to-date curriculum vitae, a statement of specific teaching and research interests, summaries of teaching evaluations (if available), and the names of three referees should be sent to:
      John Parkinson, Director,
      School of Administrative Studies, Room 223,
      Atkinson Building York University, 4700 Keele Street,
      North York, ON M3J 1P3,
      Tel: 416.736.2100, x20538.

      Applications will be accepted until December 1, 2005. Start date for all positions is July, 1, 2006.

      York University is an Affirmative Action Employer. The Affirmative Action Program can be found on York's website at www.yorku.ca/acadjobs or a copy can be obtained by calling the affirmative action office at 416-736-5713. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and Permanent Residents will be given priority.

    8. Tenure-track position in Marketing Strategy/Management - Michigan State University 

      The Eli Broad Graduate School of Management of the Michigan State University is seeking applications for an academic year tenure-track position for August 2006 (or until filled) in the area of Marketing Strategy/Management with interest in International Marketing and/or New Product Innovation. Senior assistant through full levels desired.

      Application deadline is July 31, 2005 or until filled.

      The position will have a competitive salary and require extensive leading research and quality teaching (especially MBA) within a challenging and supportive professional environment.

      Qualifications include Ph.D. or D.B.A. from an accredited university, a record of demonstrated high quality research accomplishment/reputation commensurate with position level, and potential to effectively teach MBA and Executive MBA students.

      Please send resumes to Dr. Robert Nason, Chairperson, Department of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan 48824-1122. MSU is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution, and persons with disabilities have a right to request and receive reasonable accommodation.

    9. Tenure-track positions in Marketing Department - IESE Business School 

      IESE Business School at the University of Navarra invites applications for two tenure-track positions in the Marketing Department. Candidates should have completed or be close to completing their Ph.D. dissertation. Candidates completing their Ph.D. should demonstrate research potential leading to publication in top academic journals. Ability to teach at the graduate level is also encouraged. The school is also interested in candidates already at the Assistant or Associate Professor level, with a proven research and teaching record.

      Faculty will be attending the AMA Summer's Educators Conference in San Francisco to interview some candidates. In order to be considered for an interview, please send your application by the first week of July. The search will remain open until the positions are filled.

      IESE Business School is an international business school committed to the education and development of business leaders worldwide, and the generation and communication of new business ideas with impact. IESE's mission is to create an outstanding learning context for business leaders that direct organizations that are successful in the long-term, develop people around them and contribute to the new challenges that society has to face. We have campuses in Barcelona and Madrid. The school offers graduate teaching through different programs. Both campuses are nicely located close to the city and offer an excellent working environment. All qualified applicants are encouraged to apply. Knowledge of Spanish is not necessary.

      Please send curriculum vitae, an application letter by email to villanueva@iese.edu and two letters of reference to:

      Prof. Julian Villanueva
      IESE Business School
      Avda. Pearson, 21
      08034 Barcelona

    10. Associate / Assistant Professorship in Marketing - IESEG School of Management, Lille 

      Faculty Position in MARKETING
      IESEG School of Management at the Catholic University of Lille invites applications for a full-time position (starting September 2005) in Marketing (Consumer Behaviour) at the Assistant or Associate Professor level.

      About the School
      IESEG School of Management, member of the ‘Conférence des Grandes Écoles’, is one of France’s leading Business Schools.
      The school offers undergraduate, MIB and MBA degrees as well as Executive Education programs. IESEG is located in the heart of Lille, in a modern facility providing state of the art technology for classrooms and an excellent research environment.

      Lille is a beautiful city with a dynamic business environment and a vibrant cultural life. It has easy access to Paris (1 hour), Brussels (38 minutes) and London (1 hour and 40 minutes).

      More information about IESEG School of Management is available online at: http://www.ieseginternational.com

      Job Qualifications
      The successful candidate will possess strong teaching skills and a commitment to research excellence. He/she will conduct research and provide research supervision, teach at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and also contribute to the design and development of the Department’s programs.

      Applicants for an Assistant Professor position should have completed or be near completion of a PhD. Applicants at the Associate Professor level should have a PhD. and evidence of publications in reputable scholarly journals.

      Note that fluency in English is required since all courses will be taught in English.

      Salary Range
      The salary is competitive for the French market and the rank commensurate with the candidate’s record.
      The School also provides housing assistance.

      Application Procedure
      Candidates should send an application letter, a curriculum vitae, a research paper and the names, affiliations and email addresses of three referees to:

      Dr. Jean-Philippe Ammeux, Director
      IESEG School of Management
      3 rue de la Digue
      F-59000 Lille France
      Email: l.liaigre@ieseg.fr
      Phone: +33 320 545 892
      Fax : +33 320 544 786

      Application materials may be submitted by mail or e-mail attachment. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

      Closing date for the receipt of applications: 31 JULY 2005

      Please quote reference number: MARK/05

    11. Three positions - University of Wollongong Submitted by John Rossiter

      The University of Wollongong, Australia, is seeking qualified applicans for three positions:

      Professor of Marketing
      Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Marketing
      (2 positions)

      The School of Management and Marketing at UoW has a relatively young faculty with a growing reputation for research. The Research Professor is John R. Rossiter.

      Located one hour south of Sydney, near beatiful Aussie bushlands and beaches, UoW is a smaller, regional university and is a great place to work.

      John Rossiter will be at EMAC in Milan and would be pleased to meet with interested applicants for all three positions. Please email him now if you would like to meet at EMAC: john_rossiter@uow.edu.au

    12. Tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Marketing - ESCP-EAP 

      ESCP-EAP European School of Management is seeking candidates for a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of
      Marketing at its campus based in Paris, France, starting September 2005.

      Applicants should hold a Ph.D. or be near completion. Applicants must have a strong commitment to teaching and research and should be willing to teach in various programs. Ability to work with a diverse student population in a multicultural setting is required. We welcome applications from candidates with different backgrounds in marketing. Applicants should ideally be bilingual French and English or have a solid knowledge of both languages. In addition to a specialization of their choice, faculty members are expected
      to teach principles of marketing.

      With 120 professors (14 in the Marketing Department), ESCP-EAP is one of the most renowned and prestigious comprehensive business schools in Europe. ESCP-EAP has campuses in downtown Paris, London, Berlin, Madrid and Torino. It offers high quality undergraduate, graduate (MBA, M. Sc, and Ph.D.), and executive education programs. The school holds accreditations by AACSB International, EQUIS, and the Association of MBAs. Its Executive MBA has been ranked 10th in Europe by Financial Times in 2004.

      Additional information about the Business School can be found at: http://www.escp-eap.net

      Applicants should send by e-mail a letter of interest, a resume, and the names and addresses of three references to Dr.
      Alain Ollivier (ollivier@escp-eap.net) and Dr. Wolfgang Ulaga (wulaga@escp-eap.net). Dr. Ulaga will attend the upcoming AMA
      Winter Educators' Conference in San Antonio and will be available for a first contact.
      Application Deadline: open until filled with screening beginning January, 2005.

  11. News for / from members or Institutions

    1. News from Bradford University School of Management 

      Appointment of Fernando Fastoso as Research Assistant in International Marketing

      Bradford University School of Management, UK, has appointed Fernando Fastoso to work as Research Assistant in international marketing with Prof. Jeryl Whitelock, Head of Marketing Group, on a research project investigating international, global and pan-European branding.

      The aim of the project is to expand the existing body of knowledge in the area from its base in FMCG to new areas of study, such as b2b, theatre, performing arts and sports.

    2. Cass Business School launches UK's Ist Film Business Academy 

      Cass Business School Launches UK’s First Film Business Academy

      Dear Colleagues,

      We are very excited to announce that Cass Business School has launched the first dedicated film business centre in the UK. The Film Business Academy will receive £1million in funding over two years, and is endorsed by the UK film industry as providing the best education and skills development for the future workforce at a higher level. It will start with full and part-time specialist MSc programmes in 2006, and will lead to a customised executive film MBA in the future.

      The Film Business Academy will also establish the Centre for Film Business Research to unite researchers from diverse backgrounds and provide cutting edge global film business research. It is essential for the continuing health and relevance of the programme that world class research underpins all educational delivery.

      If you are interested in joining the Centre and doing research on the movie industry, please get in touch with us at filmbusinessacademy@city.ac.uk.

      Further information is available at: http://www.cass.city.ac.uk/filmbusinessacademy/index.html

      With kind regards,

      Caroline Wiertz
      Lecturer in Marketing
      Cass Business School
      City University London

    3. Request: Research in Services Marketing Submitted by Catherine Rossiter

      Request for sharing research interest

      Catherine Rossiter is completing a ph.D. part time in services marketing. She is investigating the role of Non verbal communication in people processing services and wishes to know if anyone has done any similar research so as to share information and ideas. IShe has reached the stage in her research where she needs to decide on the context and finalise the research design.

      She can be contacted on her e-mail address at catherine.rossiter@iadt.ie

      Or at her postal address below

      Catherine Rossiter
      Assistant Lecturer in Marketing
      School of Business & Humanities
      Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design and Technology
      Kill Avenue
      Dun Laoghaire
      Co. Dublin
      Tel: 00353 1 2144987

    4. Appointment of Prof. Peter S.H. Leeflang to the Frank M. Bass chair 

      Peter Leeflang named Professorial Chair
      By prof.dr. T. Wansbeek, dean of the Faculty of Economics, University of Groningen

      Prof. P.S.H. Leeflang, Professor of Marketing Management and Marketing Research, has been appointed to the Frank M. Bass chair. This professorial chair is named after Professor Frank Bass of the University of Texas in Dallas, who is regarded worldwide as one of the pioneers of marketing as a high-quality academic discipline. Within the Netherlands, and even Europe, Peter Leeflang is a worthy holder of the chair. He was one of the first to recognize the possibilities of applying econometric methodologies within marketing and has made a significant contribution to the actual utilization of these possibilities, starting with his PhD dissertation in 1974. Since then he has published on a very wide range of subjects, with the main focus of his work in the field of measuring competitive reactions to marketing interventions. Much of this work was done together with his much-missed good friend and colleague, the late Professor Dick Wittink.

      Peter Leeflang has been a professor at the University of Groningen since 1976. His list of publications numbers over 300, including dozens in renowned international scientific journals and a number of textbooks which have achieved 'standard' status. He has supervised 29 PhD candidates. Many of them have become prominent researchers, and eleven have become professors themselves.

      In addition to being an eminent researcher, Peter Leeflang is also someone with extensive organizational skills, based on his ability to bring people together and his aim of harmonious mutual relationships. These skills have manifested themselves in numerous initiatives and committee work worldwide. Closer to home, he has always been the leader of the close-knit, highly respected Groningen marketing group. Less than a year ago, this group was awarded the highest possible score by an international visitation committee. In the period 1997 – 2001 he was Dean of the Department of Economics and vice-Chancellor of the University of Groningen.

    5. New appointments at Cass Business School 

      Since the retirement of Professor Axel Johne last year from Cass Business School, City University London, there have been 3 new appointments:

      • Professor Vince Mitchell from Manchester Business School
      • Caroline Wiertz from Maastricht Department of Marketing
      • and most recently Dr Tuba Ustuner from Harvard Business School.

    6. News from Penn State University - U.S. 

      News from Penn State 's Marketing Department

      Penn State's Marketing Department is pleased to report that Qiong Wang, who is in the process of completing her dissertation with Bart Weitz at the University of Florida has agreed to join the department in the fall of 2006. With Qiong's interests in Business-to-Business Marketing, this strengthens that area even more.

      We are also pleased to report that:

      Gary Lilien, Girish Mallapragida and Raj Grewal have recently had a paper entitled: "Location, Location, Location: How Network Embeddedness Affects Project Success in Open Source Systems," accepted for publication in Management Science.

      Margaret (Meg) Meloy has just had an article with J. Edward Russo, and Elizabeth G. Miller entitled "Monetary Incentives and Mood," accepted for publication at the Journal of Marketing Research.

      John Liechty just learned that his recent paper with Alan Montgomery, Shibo Li and Kannan Srinivasan, “Predicting Online Purchase Conversion Using Web Path Analysis,” was a finalist for the Little award at Marketing Science.

      Gary Lilien, Arvind Rangaswamy, and Raji Srinivasan had a paper conditionally accepted at the Journal of Marketing, entitled, "The Emergence of Dominant Designs." It is likely to appear in the April 2006 issue.

      Marvin Goldberg has just had an article with Neidermeier, K.E., Bechtel, L.J., and Gorn G.J. entitled "Heightening Adolescent Vigilance Towards Alcohol Advertising to Forestall Alcohol Usage," accepted at the Journal of Public Policy and Marketing.

      Rajdeep Grewal was one of the finalists for the Marketing Strategy SIG Early Contributors Award.

      Rajdeep Grewal's co-authored paper entitled "Managing Multiple Facets of Risk through Governance Mechanisms: The Case of New Product Alliances" won the "Business-to-Business Marketing and Interorganizational Relationships" Track Best Paper Award at Summer AMA Meeting 2005.