EMAC Newspage 2004

  1. News for / from Members or Institutions

    1. Honorary doctorate to Professor Benson P. Shapiro 

      Professor Benson P. Shapiro was awarded an honorary doctorate
      from the Department of Marketing and Communication
      of the Athens University of Economics and Business

      The Department of Marketing & Communication of the Athens University of Economics & Business has bestow on Professor Benson P. Shapiro the title of Doctor honoris causa, in order to express its deep appreciation for his valuable contribution and continuous achievements in marketing teaching, research and practice.

      Benson P. Shapiro is a well-known authority on marketing strategy and sales management with particular interests in pricing, product line planning, and marketing organization. He is the Malcolm P. McNair Professor of Marketing Emeritus at the Harvard Business School where he taught full-time from 1970 to 1997. He continues to teach there in several executive programs including the CEO Program, Young Presidents’ Program and Business Marketing Strategy, and currently chairs the Sustainable Marketing Leadership for Mid-Sized Firms Program. 

      His work, which includes 19 articles in the Harvard Business Review, has a very large number of citations. It is cited in the most prestigious journals and textbooks of marketing by the most renowned researchers of this field.

    2. New professors at the Business School, Loughborough University 

      It was with some sadness that we said goodbye to Professor Adamantios Diamantopoulos earlier this year: however, we wish him all the best fortune in his new post as Chair of International Marketing at the University of Vienna.

      We have appointed Professor Kalyan Raman as Professor of Marketing. Professor Raman has held posts at the University of Michigan (Flint), University of Florida (Gainesville), AT & T Bell Labs, and Auburn University (Auburn), and has been a Visiting Professor at WHU Koblenz, Germany and at the Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium. Professor Raman's recent and ongoing research is in integrated marketing communications, and he has articles published (or forthcoming) in the Journal of Marketing Research, Marketing Science, Marketing Letters, International Journal of Research in Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research, and Management Science, among others.

      Also, John W. Cadogan, until recently a reader in marketing in the Business School, was awarded a Personal Chair and the title of Professor of Marketing in October 2004. Professor Cadogan is the Coordinator of Research for marketing and retailing in the Business School. His work focuses on international marketing and marketing strategy, and he has articles published (or forthcoming) in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, Journal of International Business Studies, International Journal of Research in Marketing, European Journal of Marketing, and Industrial Marketing Management, among others.

      The search for another senior appointment to join the team is ongoing!



    3. New colleagues at Birmingham University Business School 

      We are proud to welcome two new colleagues in the Marketing Subject Group at the Birmingham University Business School.

      Professor Douglas West joined as Professor of Marketing and Deputy Head of the Marketing Subject Group.  He has published widely on marketing and advertising and holds positions on several editorial boards, including the Journal of Advertising Research.  Douglas is Editor of the International Journal of Advertising.  His research has focused on risk and creativity in marketing communications.

      Dr Sheena Leek
      , joined as a Lecturer in Marketing.  She is currently working as part of the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing group on a project investigating business to business relationships in the current environment and the influence of various changes, such as IT.


    4. Eelko Huizingh: Visiting Professor in Marketing in New Zealand 

      Eelko Huizingh, associate professor of Marketing & Information at the University of Groningen, will spend the first months of 2005 in New Zealand. He is invited as a Visiting Professor of Marketing at the University of Otago in Dunedin, he will support Rob Lawson's Marketing Department between January and May 2005.

    5. Suzanne C. Beckmann: New Appointment at CBS 

      Professor Suzanne C. Beckmann, Copenhagen Business School, has been appointed Associate Dean for CBS's new executive Master of Corporate Communication (MCC). The MCC programme is designed to meet the requirements of an increasing executive awareness in private and public organizations of the need to integrate communication functions with all the other strategic management tasks. MCC is highly relevant for all the different strategic units in organizations, which deal with internal and external communication in a strategic perspective or which are part of cross-functional teams focusing on communication. The programme reflects a growing need, both nationally and internationally, for integrating strategic management, marketing and intercultural insights in order to engage in a fruitful dialogue with the diversity of stakeholders that organizations are confronted with today. The pioneer class starts in January 2005 and the programme will be taught in English, hence it is open to international participants. Particular emphasis is put on executive coaching throughout the whole programme (part-time, 2 years). For more information see http://www.mcc.cbs.dk.

      Dr. Suzanne C. Beckmann
      Professor / Associate Dean
      Copenhagen Business School
      Dept. of Intercultural Communication and Management
      Dalgas Have 15
      DK-2000 Frederiksberg
      Phone +45 3815 3202
      Fax +45 3815 3840

    6. Phil Harris on the move 

      Phil Harris, Past chairman of the UK Academy of Marketing, founding Joint editor of the Journal of Public affairs and member of the AMA Global Marketing SIG is moving to the Department of Marketing at Otago Business School from 1st July. Phil who has been at Manchester Metropolitan University for 17 years said that the opportunity to build-up and development one of the best marketing departments in probably one of the most beautiful countries in the world was irresistable. Phil is most famous for his work in Political Marketing and is actively researching and watching campaigns in the US, Europe and now Australasia. His latest book just published is European Business & Marketing with Frank MacDonald and published by Sage.His new address is

      Professor Phil Harris,
      Department of Marketing,
      University of Otago,
      Dunedin, PO Box 56,
      New Zealand

      email: Pharris@business.otago.ac.nz

    7. Changes at Birmingham Business School 

      The move into the new building, University House has finally happened. Instead of being scattered over four buildings we are now in one, even if it did cost almost £15 million. Professor Leslie de Chernatony has taken over as Marketing Subject Group Head. Dr Helen White has taken on the responsibilty of Director of the MSc Marketing programme. Meanwhile, Professor Stan Paliwoda is leaving to take up a Chair at Strathclyde; Dr Chris Hackley is leaving to take up a Chair at Royal Holloway, University of London and Malcom Kirkup is leaving to take up the post of Professorial Fellow at Lancaster University Management School.

    8. SIM: A New Marketing Organisation 

      SIM: Società Italiana di Marketing

      A new marketing organisation is now present in Europe: SIM (Società Italiana di Marketing). SIM brings together marketing faculty (professors, phd students, post graduate students, etc.) as well as professionals (consultants, managers, etc.) in Italy and abroad. Its main goal is to promote marketing research, training and professional services. SIM has been founded in November 2003 and actual members are around 300. In the near future the following website will be activated: www.simktg.it. More information and requests can be addressed to:

      Daniele Dalli
      SIM National Coordinator

      Società Italiana di Marketing
      Scuola Superiore S. Anna
      Piazza Martiri della Libertà, 33
      I - 56125 Pisa
      tel. +39 050 883838
      fax. +39 050 883839

    9. Wolfgang ULAGA: Appointment at ESCP-EAP European School of Management 

      As  of  February  1,  2004, Dr. Wolfgang Ulaga has joined ESCP-EAP European School  of  Management  Paris-Oxford-Madrid-Berlin-Torino  as  an associate professor  of  marketing.  For  the  past  two years he has been a visiting associate professor at the University of Notre Dame, Indiana, and, prior to that,  an  associate  professor  of  marketing  and  head  of department of marketing at EDHEC School of Management in France. Earlier in his career he worked for five years in an international management consultancy in Germany
      and France.

      Dr.  Ulaga's  research  interests  are  in the areas of business marketing, buyer-supplier   relationships,   customer   value  measurement,  strategic marketing   decision-making,   and  international  consumer  behavior.  His research  has  been  published in international journals such as Industrial Marketing Management, the Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, the Journal  of  Business-to-Business  Marketing,  and  the Journal of Services Marketing.  He  has co-authored a book on Value-Based Management. Dr. Ulaga is a member of the editorial advisory board of Qualitative Market Research: An  International Journal.

      He can be reached at ESCP-EAP European-School of Management, 79 avenue de la République, 75543 Paris Cedex 11, France, Phone
      +, Fax +, e-mail: wulaga@escp-eap.net

    10. New developments in the Birmingham Business School Marketing Group 

      The Marketing Group at Birmingham Business School, the University of Birmingham has enjoyed a year of expansion and activity. The Group now has its largest contingent ever and hopes to grow still further in line with the future expansion plans for the School. Dr Helen White is the most recent new appointee. Dr White joins from Cranfield University. Professor Stan Paliwoda recently stood down after three distinguished years as Head of the Marketing Group and was succeeded by Dr Chris Hackley. Dr Hackley also continues as Director of the MSc Marketing. Recent distinguished visitors to the Group’s home at Winterbourne House include Professor Michael Thomas OBE, who is the new External Examiner for the Group’s highly successful full-time MSc in Marketing. Another recent distinguished visitor was Professor Arthur J. Kover, former editor of the Journal of Advertising Research and currently Research Fellow in Management at Yale University, USA. Marketing Group details and activities can be accessed at www.bham.ac.uk/business


    11. Stan Paliwoda on the move 

      On the move...Stan Paliwoda is moving from the Birmingham Business School at Birmingham University to the Department of Marketing at the University of Strathclyde.

  2. Events & Calls for Papers

    1. 30th IAREP Annual Conference 

      IAREP's 30th Annual Conference
      Prague - September 21 - 24, 2005
      Absurdity in the Economy

      The 30th Annual Conference on Economic Psychology will be held in Prague. The conference will include the second annual Kahneman lecture, and we are proud to announce that this will be delivered by Professor Bruno Frey. Submissions for the conference are now invited. Both single papers and symposium sessions may be submitted. Abstracts for all papers must reach the National Organizer by 1st May 2005.

      Papers may be on any subject within Economic Psychology. However, the conference has a number of declared themes and topics for symposia, and these will be used to structure the programme. Authors are encouraged to submit papers that are relevant to one of these themes, which are as follows:

      1. Macroeconomics
        Unemployment - Taxes - Pensions - Environment - EU economics - Alternative Macroeconomics: (Islamic and Buddhist approaches) - Cross-cultural economics
      2. Microeconomics
        Entrepreneurship - Households - Profitability - Bankruptcy - Work - Innovation
        "How to make the right mistakes fast?"
      3. Decision making and Problem Solving
        Experimental economics and Risk taking - Strangeness and paradoxes - Rationality and irrationality - Transition economics - Modelling of individual and group economic behaviour - Information sciences and decision making processes - ICT (Information and Communication Technologies) and the economic behaviour of individuals and groups.
      4. Money
        Adaptation to the Euro - Banking - Investing and saving - Electronic money - Currency - Misuse of money - Insurance
      5. Trade and the Market
        Marketing and advertising - Supply and demand - Prosperity - Consumption
      6. Business Ethics
        Corporate social responsibility - Giving and altruism - Taking and egoism - Needs and values
      7. Pathology in Economics
        Gambling - The black economy - Prisons - Hospitals - Schools
      8. Growth and Development
        Children's socialization and adaptation - Welfare and poverty - Ageing - Quality of life - Global companies - Alternative economies - Income inequalities
      9. Economic psychology and related disciplines

      Several symposia are already planned. If you wish to contribute to one of these, please contact the organizer listed here, though note that abstracts must still be submitted to the conference organizer in the usual way:

      A. The History of Economic Psychology, organised by Vera Ferrera (veritafe@terra.com.br)
      B. Adaptation processes to the Euro, organised by Erich Kirchler (erich.kirchler@univie.ac.at) and Fred van Raaij
      C. Children's economic socialization, organised by Paul Webley (p.webley@exeter.ac.uk) and Brian Young
      D. Firms and consumers facing E-Commerce, organised by Salvatore Zappalà (szappala@scform.unibo.it) and Marco Mariani
      E. Happiness, economics, and interpersonal relationships, organised by Luigi Mittone (luigi.mittone@economia.unitn.it)
      F. Household economic decisions: Earning, sharing, spending and investing money, organised by Ellen K. Nyhus (ellen.k.nyhus@hia.no)
      G. Irrationality: Decision making and problem solving in transition economics, organised by Karel Riegel (karel.riegel@volny.cz)

      All abstracts must be sent by e-mail to cappo@centrum.cz as Microsoft Word or Rich Text Format documents (.doc or .rtf). Please note that submissions by fax will not be accepted. Abstracts will be reviewed by the Program Committee and the Advisory Committee. The criteria for review are: practical and theoretical impact, empirical and theoretical basis, and clarity of ideas and structure. Original work that has not been published or accepted for presentation elsewhere is preferred. Please indicate which of the themes above your paper is related to. Authors will be notified by 15th June, 2005 whether their paper has been accepted.

      Full texts of accepted papers will be included in a CD to be distributed to participants, so long as they are received, and full registration fees have been paid, by 25th June 2005. A Registration form is included with this Newsletter.

      For further information, and regular updates about the conference arrangements, please see the conference website at http://iarep2005.unas.cz/  We look forward to your participation in the 30th Annual Conference of IAREP.


    2. 4th International Conference on Public and Non Profit Marketing 

      Call for Papers
      4th International Conference on Public and Non Profit Marketing
      Universidad Pontificia de Comillas
      Madrid, España
      April 14-15, 2005

      We are pleased to draw your attention to the 4th AIMPN International Conference on Public and Non Profit Marketing, to be held in April 14-15, 2005 at the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Madrid (Spain). In addition to invited presentations from practitioners, papers are invited from academics and doctoral students on any Public or Non Profit Marketing areas topic. The conference is promised to be a great event that will meet and even exceed the high standards set by previous editions.

      Authors may submit paper up to 15 pages, Arial 11 cpi, including bibliography and annexes All submissions should include a cover sheet that contains the title of the paper, author or authors’ name and postal address, institution affiliation, email address, phone and fax number. Authors are requested to avoid revealing the identity of themselves or their affiliations in the body of the paper. All papers will undergo formal double blind review.

      Please send submissions, preferably by e-mail to: Dr. C. Ballesteros (ballesteros@cee.upco.es). Alternatively you can send a hard copy of papers to Dr. C. Ballesteros, Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, Alberto Aguilera 23, 28015 – Madrid (Spain), with the reference “IV Jornadas AIMPN” in the envelope.

      Closing date for submissions: 20th January 2005.


    3. 4th European Marketing Trends Congress 

      Dear colleague,

      We are pleased to invite you to submit a paper for the 4th European Marketing Trends Congress which will take place in Paris (France) on the 21st and 22nd of January 2005.

      The deadlines are indicated hereunder:
      - October 29th 2004: submission of papers to,  andreani@escp-eap.net
      - November 30th 2004: paper acceptance
      - December 19th 2004: final papers to Jean-Claude ANDREANI,   andreani@escp-eap.net

      The papers can be written English or in your native language (German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Dutch…). Simultaneous translation will be organised.

      All information are available on our website at www.escp-eap.net/conferences/marketing (Call For Papers, Registration Form, Papers of the previous congresses). Should you need any additional  information, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at andreani@escp-eap.net, tel +

      Best regards,                                               

      Pr. Jean-Claude ANDREANI
      ESCP-EAP Paris               

      Prof. Umberto COLLESEI
      Università Ca’ Foscari di Venezia

      The Paris 2005 congress is the 4rd edition of the European Marketing Trends Congress. The previous sessions were held in Venice (Nov 2000), Paris (Jan 2002) and Venice (Nov 2003).


      This Congress will gather colleagues from a number of European countries: Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, The Netherlands, Tunisia, UK... It will enable an exchange of managerial and academic experiences in many fields including marketing strategy, brand management, consumer behaviour, international marketing, e-marketing, retail, advertising...

    4. 4th ICORIA - International Conference on Research in Advertising 

      Call for Papers

      The 4th ICORIA - International Conference on Research in Advertising

      FULL INFORMATION at the conference website: http://www.ikv.uni-sb.de/icoria2005.htm

      Conference Period: June 2-4, 2005
      Submission Deadline: January 15, 2005

      PAPERS: 5 pages (for detailed guidelines for submissions see conference website).
      All submissions will undergo a blind, peer review by two expert reviewers (for the board of reviewers see conference website).
      Please send all papers to: r.terlutter@ikv.uni-sb.de or s.diehl@ikv.uni-sb.de


      • Conference Proceedings: All accepted papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings.
      • Book: A selection of extended papers (15 pages) will be published in a book.
      • Publisher’s Pick: A selection of accepted authors will have the possibility to publish their extended papers in a special issue on advertising, in a leading German marketing journal.


      • Advertising and branding
      • Advertising and creativity
      • Advertising and emotions
      • Advertising and ethics
      • Advertising and integrated marketing communications
      • Advertising and media/ new media
      • Advertising and relationship building
      • Advertising content
      • Advertising effects
      • Advertising for non-profit organisations
      • Advertising for special target groups or special industries
      • Advertising models and measurement
      • Cross-cultural issues in advertising
      • Media and consumer behaviour
      • Media Management
      • Public relations
      • Sales promotion
      • Sponsoring, product placement, events
      • The role of values, personality and lifestyle


      Peter Weinberg, Professor of Marketing (ikv@ikv.uni-sb.de)

      Sandra Diehl, Assistant Professor of Marketing (s.diehl@ikv.uni-sb.de)

      Ralf Terlutter, Assistant Professor of Marketing (r.terlutter@ikv.uni-sb.de)

      Marketing Department, Saarland University, Saarbruecken, Germany


    5. Colloquium on Critical Issues in Brand Management 

      Critical Issues in Brand Management
      A Feeder Colloquium for A Special Edition of


      Brands and Integrated Brand Communication SIG
      11th April 2005, at The Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham

      Brand Management is becoming far more sophisticated and is attracting interest on a cross disciplinary basis as well as in sectors other than the classical fast moving consumer goods. Nations, places and organisations of different sizes, and diverse markets are also branding themselves and their offerings. With these innovative changes in mind, the Brands and Integrated Brand Communication SIG of the Academy of Marketing invites paper submissions for its 1st Annual Colloquium on Critical Issues in Brand Management, which will be held on April 11, 2005. Scholarly, conceptual and empirical papers that address the theme of the colloquium are welcome for the event. The issues to consider could include (but are not necessarily limited to): 

      • The management of brand intangible assets
      • Reputation and corporate branding
      • The importance of psychological factors to businesses and markets
      • Brand equity monitors and the Internet
      • Internal branding
      • The importance of culture in brand building
      • How the changing communications landscape impacts brands
      • Social construction and changing consumption patterns in branding
      • Symbols, consumption, and luxury branding
      • Brand appeal to broad stakeholder rather than just consumers
      • The challenges of increasing distributive power
      • SME, and Non-Profit and political branding
      • Service branding
      • Nations and place branding
      • The role of branding in the newly enlarged EU
      • Issues and opportunities from China and other emerging markets
      • The role and impact of branding in creating market access for agricultural goods
      • Global branding and corporate social responsibility

      Full papers will be subjected to a double-blind peer review process. The Abstracts of submitted papers will be published in the Colloquium proceeding and will be considered for publication in a special edition of Journal of Marketing Management.

      The one-day colloquium will put together a panel of scholarly experts in the area of branding and brand management to share their knowledge and experiences with fellow academics and marketing practitioners. Professor Leslie de Chernatony and Dr Temi Abimbola (the SIG Coordinator) will host this event at the prestigious new premises of the Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham, UK.

      Abstract Deadline: November 30th, 2004, Deadline for submission of full papers: 31st January 2005

      Further details will be available at: http://www.academyofmarketing.info/sigebrand.cfm
      To reserve a place or to submit abstracts and papers, please contact: Dr. Temi Abimbola, SIG Coordinator, UCE Business School, Birmingham B42 2SU
      Email: temi.abimbola@uce.ac.uk   Tel:  0121 331 5246


    6. 2004 INFORMS Society for Marketing Science Practice Prize Presentations 


      DVDs of the four finalist presentations made at the 2nd INFORMS Marketing Society Practice Prize competition, which took place at the recent Marketing Science Conference in Rotterdam are now available! For details on how to obtain copies of these outstanding
      presentations see http://www.informs.org/Edu/MarketingScience.

      Presentations Include: A. Item #04.01- ZS Associates, "Sales Territory Design: 30 Years of Modeling and Implementation" B. Item #04.02 -Campbell's Soup, "Attribute Drivers: A Factor Analytic Choice Map Approach for Modeling Choices Among SKUs" C. Item #04.03 -Pepsico, "CHAN4CAST: A Multi-Channel Multi-Region Forecasting Model and Decision Support System for Consumer Package Goods" D. Item #04.04 - Futuredontics, "Modeling the Effects of Direct Television Advertising"
      Price: US $59.95 for one DVD, US $100 for any two DVDs (consumer's choice), US $175 for any four DVDs (consumer's choice), US $15 within US/US $25 outside U.S handling and shipping

    7. 3rd ISMS Practice Prize Competition - Call for Submissions 


      Call for Submissions... 3rd ISMS Practice Prize Competition

      The INFORMS Society for Marketing Science solicits entries for its 3rd Practice Prize Competition, the culmination of which will take place at the 2005 Marketing Science Conference at Emory University in Atlanta, 16-18 June 2005.

      The winner will be honored at the conference and we expect the winning research to be featured in Marketing Science.

      To enter, you must:

      1. Submit an abstract of the work, through the normal abstract submission process for the conference.
      2. Indicate that you wish to have the work considered for the Competition on that submission; and in addition.
      3. Submit an Impact Statement, a supplementary summary of what was accomplished and its organizational impact in enough detail (one to two pages should suffice) to judge the appropriateness of the work for the competition. That impact statement should be sent to mktgscienceprize@informs.org.

      Up to four competition finalists will be selected from amongst the entries. (Non finalists will be handled as normal conference paper submissions).


      1. Submissions due 1 February 2004
      2. Finalists notified 1 March 2004
      3. Finalist Papers due 15 May 2004
      4. Presentations 17 June 2004

      Details: Finalists must agree to submit a paper of Marketing Science quality. That paper will go through a Marketing Science review process with Gary Lilien acting as Prize Competition Area Editor. (The first round of that process will have been completed in advance of the competition and will be input into the judging.)

      Finalists will present their work at a special session at the conference on 17 June and the judging will take place immediately thereafter. The winner will be announced at the awards ceremony at the Conference. The formal delivery of the award will be contingent upon the entry’s' satisfying the requirements for the competition, via preliminary review by the Prize Committee, appears likely to meet the publication standards of Marketing Science. The final decision about publishability as a refereed article in Marketing Science will be made after a formal Marketing Science review; papers whose technical material has been published previously or that fail to meet Marketing Science standards will be published as (non-refereed) reports in Marketing Science.)

      Eligibility: The Practice Prize is awarded for outstanding implementation of marketing science concepts and methods. The methods used must be innovative, sound and appropriate to the problem and organization, and the work should have had significant, verifiable and, preferably quantitative impact on the performance of the client organization. Any work completed or published within the past five years is eligible; prior publication of the work does not disqualify it. Anyone is eligible to enter except members of the judging committee.

      Prize Committee: The ISMS Practice Activities Committee will serve as the judging panel and may add up to four additional judges as needed, depending on the range of entries to the competition. The Editor in Chief of Marketing Science will be an ex officio member of the committee as will the President of ISMS, the Practice Prize Editor and at least one other member of the Marketing Science Editorial Board, to be designated by the Marketing Science Editor.

      Questions about the process or eligibility should be directed to Gary Lilien (GLilien@psu.edu), Chairman of the 2005 ISMS Practice Prize Committee.

    8. Joint EMAC-ESOMAR Conference - Marketing: Where science meets practice 

      Marketing: Where science meets practice
      10-12 October 2004, Warsaw

      The joint EMAC-ESOMAR Conference, entitled “Marketing - where science meets practice” will be held at The Westin Hotel, Warsaw, Poland. The foundation idea for the joint conference builds on EMAC’s mission to facilitate the exchange of state-of-the-art knowledge and research results and that of ESOMAR to promote the use of opinion and market research for improving decision making in business and society worldwide.

      The joint conference seeks to bring together professional marketers, practitioners and academics alike to establish an exchange on new thinking for methods, techniques and their application, to widen perspectives on marketing practice and to ensure business relevance. Participants from both the practitioner and academic spheres within and outside Europe will contribute to intensive discussions of a broad range of marketing topics including: managing brands in global markets, the impacts of social, cultural and economic change, new product development models and understanding consumers.

      The prospects of bridging the gap between marketing scientists and practitioners are appealing for individuals involved or interested in advancing marketing theory and research of relevance to practice, on the one hand, and those keen to apply marketing theory and research for business improvement on the other. For EMAC members, this event is consistent with one of the academy’s aims, which is to serve as the core of a communication network for disseminating information and promoting international exchange in the field of marketing.

      Full details of the event can be obtained at: http://www.esomar.org/index.php?a=3&p=1161

      Alternatively, for further information, please contact the EMAC-ESOMAR conference programme manager Victoria Steven, e-mail: v.steven@esomar.org

    9. 32nd World Marketing Congress on Marketing of Human Resource: Worldwide 

      Marketing of Human Resource : Worldwide

      Hyatt Regency, New Delhi, India

      January 12-14, 2005

      Sponsored by: Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Ltd
      Endorsed by: PHDCCI,
      World Marketing Association, Marketing Association of Thailand, Japan Marketing Association, Indian Merchants’ Chamber
      Official National Carrier: Indian Airlines



      The global scene today is marked by shortage in one or the other form of manpower. Several countries, from developed ones like Canada to least developed ones like Botswana, have a shortage of one or the other form of manpower from highly skilled surgeons to semi-skilled farm workers. There is a need to address this gap in demand & supply. This Congress will provide a forum so that modalities of marketing of HR could be worked out. India, with her second largest trained manpower whose prowess has been globally recognized, has the potential to solve the problem of shortage of manpower to a certain extent. India’s manpower has become her strength & both developed and developing countries are sourcing their manpower requirement. Besides, outsourcing has emerged as an answer to imbalances in HR skills & costs between various regions of the world. Imparting of skills through training & formal education is another way of overcoming shortage of skilled and semi-skilled manpower.


      Participants’ Profile

      Senior Government officials; Diplomats; Officials from International Agencies, Industry bodies, Chambers of Commerce; Industrialists; Recruitment Consultants; Professionals; NGOs & the Concerned Citizens.

      Thrust Areas for Deliberation

      • Marketing of Skilled Manpower
      • Marketing of Semi-skilled Manpower
      • Role of Government Agencies
      • Role of NGOs and Academic Institutions
      • Regionwise and Countrywise Opportunities
      • Outsourcing Opportunities
      • Imparting of Skills

      Steering Committee

      - Mr. Balmiki Prasad Singh, former Executive Director, World Bank, representing India, Bhutan, Bangladesh & SriLanka
      - Prof. V.N. Rajasekharan Pillai, Vice-Chairman, UGC
      - Prof. Jagjit Singh, Executive President, IMM
      - Mr. Y.P. Kumar, Advisor & Head (International Cooperation), Ministry of Science & Technology
      - Dr. B.G. Naresh Kumar, Adviser-II, (FD), AICTE
      - Prof. Rajesh Kochhar, Director, NISTADS
      - Dr. A.K. Balyan, Director (HR), ONGC
      - Dr. S.M. Ovais, Head of Technical Section, Afro-Asian Rural Development Organization
      - Ambassador M.P.M. Menon (Retd)
      - Dr. Arvind Pandalai, CMD, STC
      - Mr. V.S. Ailawadi, IAS (Retd.), TATA Tele Services
      - Mr. Sudripto Roy, IAS, Pr. Res. Comm., H.P.
      - Shri Sudhir Chandra, Director of Income Tax (E), GoI
      - Mr. S.B. Budhiraja, Sr. UN Advisor
      - Dr. B.P. Dhaka, Secy Gen., PHDCCI
      - Mr. J.C. Srivastava, Reg. Adv., IMC
      - Mr. V.K. Sethi, Sr. V.P., Birla Management Corporation
      - Dr. B.C. Mallik, D.G., India-CIS Chamber of Comm. & Ind.
      - Prof. S.K. Kacker, Former Director, AIIMS
      - Mr. O.P. Verma, Bureau Chief, Deccan Herald
      - Mr. D.R. Ahuja, Senior Journalist
      - Vice Admiral I.J.S. Khurana PVSM, (Retd.)
      - Mr. Ramesh C. Shukla, Intl. Mgmt. Advisor
      - Prof. K.M. Upadhyay (Mgmt.), Jamia Milia Islamia
      - Prof. B.D. Singh, (HRM), MDI
      - Mr. P.P. Bagchi, Management Consultant
      - Mr. S.P. Ghosh, Former DGM, PNB


      For further information and registration, visit the website of the Institute of Marketing & Management: www.immindia.com

      or contact:

      Prof. Gaganjit Singh, Secretary General
      Marketing Tower, B-11
      Qutab Institutional Area
      New Delhi-110 016 (India)
      Phones : 26520892-6, 26520900, 2696 0535, 0752, 2226
      Fax : 91-11-26520897 & 26520903
      E-mail : wmc@immindia.com ; info@immindia.com ; immnd@nda.vsnl.net.in

    10. 13th EAERCD Research Conference 

      EAERCD 2005
      Call for Papers

      The European Association of Education and Research in Commercial Distribution (EAERCD) invites you to the 13th International Conference on Research in the Distributive Trades at the School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Sweden
      29th of June – 1st of July 2005.

      We are happy to invite submissions to the 13th EAERCD research conference and welcome papers on the different aspects of retailing and distribution.

      The purpose of the EAERCD international research conference is to stimulate and contribute to an international exchange of ideas, research results and practical experiences among researchers and practitioners within the distributive trades. Research projects, results and experiences covering all major areas of the distributive trades will be discussed at the conference.

      Papers that concern all major issues related to the distribution of products and services are welcome. Special tracks and topics will be announced later. Electronic submissions of papers sent to eaercd@fek.lu.se are welcome. Submission deadline: January 31 2005.

      Updated information about the conference will be presented at http://www.lri.lu.se/eaercd


    11. SEEMAR 04 - South East European Marketing Research Conference 

      SEEMAR 04
      South East European Marketing Research Conference

      Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro,
      May 24–26, 2004

      You are cordially invited to participate in The First South East European Conference on Marketing Research (SEEMAR). The conference will take place in Belgrade, Serbia & Montenegro, from May 24th to May 26th, 2004, at the Sava Center conference venue.

      It will be an opportunity for the South Eastern community to exchange ideas and develop a common vision for the future of marketing research industry.

      Support to the Conference is provided by ESOMAR and by national research associations.

      The fundamental purpose of the Conference is to tailor the services of the research industry to best fit the actual needs of the local economies, to enrich know-how and research techniques, and to establish regional cooperation institutions.

      Detailed information about the Conference, registration form and abstract submission form you can now find on the Conference web site:

      www.seemar.org.yu or www.seemar.uuti.org.yu


      You are cordially invited:

      • As audience, to participate in the Conference in order to gain an overview of the marketing practice today and to establish business contacts, or...
      • As an exhibitor, to present your company/products in an exhibit booth and/or...
      • As a sponsor, to support the development of marketing practice and make yourself known to the target audience as well as the population at large.

      The official languages at the Conference are English and Serbian. Papers may be presented in either of the two languages. Simultaneous translation and headsets will be provided.


      Registration form you can find in the conference web site: www.seemar.org.yu or www.seemar.uuti.org.yu


      • by April 15th: 175 € (1st participant) - 125 € (additional participant)
      • by May 15th: 215 € (1st participant) - 165 € (additional participant)
      • after May 15th: 245 € (1st participant) - 195 € (additional participant)

      The registration fee covers participation in Conference proceedings, Conference materials (ID card, bill of proceedings, abstracts booklet, CD-Rom with collected papers, folder, etc.) coffee during breaks and closing cocktail.


      General topics

      • An overview of the situation in the marketing research industry in the countries of South-East Europe – How far is European Union?
      • New trends in the cooperation between company researchers and agency researchers
      • The profile of a contemporary marketing agency
      • The role of marketing research in the development of the national economy
      • Global vs. local brands

      Marketing research at the service of business decision-making

      • The path from research to a business decision
      • Research at the service of business forecasts
      • Marketing investment profitability analysis
      • Market potential study
      • Market segmentation as a priority
      • Development of new brands on local markets

      The enigma called consumer

      • Insight into the consumer - at the heart of brand planning
      • The satisfied consumer as a goal: Customer satisfaction study
      • Consumer behavior studies
      • Attitude studies
      • Motivational studies
      • New methods and techniques in consumer research

      Research for the purposes of advertising and media studies

      • Research for the purposes of communicational strategy
      • Ad concept testing and ad testing
      • Communicational effect evaluation
      • Media studies

      Opinion research

      • Research on social phenomena of countries in transition
      • The problems of researching the public opinion on politics in a politically shifting environment


      For any additional information please contact:

      SEEMAR 04 Conference Secretariat:
      Kordunaska 37, 11080 Zemun, Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro
      Phone/Fax: +381 11 316 70 80, 316 70 81, 316 70 82, 316 70 83
      E-mail: office@seemar.org.yu or office@uuti.org.yu


    12. Emerging Financial Markets & Services Asia-Pacific Conference 2004 

      Call for Papers

      27–28 May 2004, Sydney Harbour Marriott Hotel, Sydney, Australia

      The conference will include a stream on Financial Services Marketing in the Asia Pacific Region in conjunction with the Journal of Financial Services Marketing. Papers in this stream will be considered for publication in a special issue of the journal to be published in November 2004. Authors wishing their papers to be considered for the special issue must clearly indicate this in their submission. Such papers will undergo the review process of the journal. The guest editors of the special issue will be Professor Tony Naughton, RMIT, Melbourne, and Professor Rae Weston, Macquarie University, Sydney. The conference is sponsored by Macquarie University, the University of Western Sydney and the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. The conference will include a wide range of streams dealing with financial markets and financial services. Details are updated on the following website: http://www.uws.edu.au/about/acadorg/clb/odclb/college/clabnews/clabnewsevents/finservconference

      Deadline for submission of abstracts and full papers: 28th February 2004
      Deadline for final version of accepted papers and registration: 15th April 2004

      Abstracts (500 words maximum) or full papers can be submitted at any time up to 28th February 2004.
      Preference will be given to full papers. Full papers should not exceed 30 pages, single-sided, double- spaced, 12-point font. Decisions on abstracts will generally be made within 14 days of receipt. Decisions on full papers will generally be made within 28 days of receipt. For approved abstracts, full papers will also be required by 28th February 2004.
      Abstracts and full papers will be double-blind refereed to comply with Australian DEST requirements. Papers submitted for the special issue of the Journal of Financial Services Marketing will be refereed in accordance with the procedures operated by the editorial board.
      Final acceptance of full papers will be contingent on the conference organisers receiving by 15th April 2004: (i) final
      versions of approved abstract and accepted full paper, and (ii) conference registration.
      Abstracts of accepted papers will be published in the conference programme. Accepted full papers will be published on the conference website and selected papers on financial services marketing in the Asia Pacific will be published in the Journal of Financial Services Marketing.

      For each of the streams, abstracts and full papers will be accepted for a specific forum for postgraduate candidates whose thesis is not yet under examination. Prizes will be awarded for the best presentation.

      Each submission should be in Microsoft Word and include a separate title page containing:
      1. Title of the submission
      2. Two or three keywords that describe the submission
      3. Name/s of the author(s)
      4. Department(s) and affiliation(s)
      5. Mailing address(es)
      6. E-mail address(es)
      7. Phone number(s) and Fax number(s)
      9. Corresponding author if different to lead author.

      Submissions should be sent to:
      E-mail: financeconf@uws.edu.au
      Fax: +61 (0) 2 9850 9975
      Telephone queries to the Conference Project Manager, Miriam D’Souza (+61 (0) 2 9850 6008)

      Conference Co-Chairs
      Dr Samanthala Hettihewa, University of Western Sydney
      Professor Rae Weston, MGSM, Macquarie University


    13. ICORIA - The 3rd International Conference on Research in Advertising 

      The 3rd International Conference on Research in Advertising
      Oslo, Norway
      June 6-8, 2004

      The Organizing Committee of the ICORIA Conference asks you to consider joining us in Oslo next June.

      Our goal is to bring together innovative researchers from around the world to advance the cooperation between academics and practitioners.

      The Norwegian School of Management (BI) will be the host of this coming year's conference (http://www.bi.no).

      If you have any questions, or wish additional information, you can contact:

      June C. Edvenson
      ICORIA Conference Coordinator
      Asker, Norway


    14. Frankfurt Summer School on Digital Pricing 

      Frankfurt Summer School on Digital Pricing
      September 06-10, 2004
      Frankfurt/Main, Germany

      Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt/Main and its Research Group on Internet Economics are pleased to announce this year's "Frankfurt Summer School on Digital Pricing". The Summer School takes place September 06-10, 2004. The aim of the Summer School is to give participants a comprehensive immersion in the subject of Digital Pricing and to help postgraduate
      researchers in positioning their ideas. Participants are given the opportunity to discuss their latest research results with researchers and
      faculty engaged in similar subjects.

      The Course Session consists of 4 days of lectures and of participants' paper presentations on the last day. Topics covered include Auction Theory, Market Design, Pricing and Competition, Nonlinear Pricing, Reverse Pricing, Price Differentiation, and Price Promotions.

      Lecturers include:

      Karen Gedenk (Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main)
      Thomas Kittsteiner (University of Bonn)
      Martin Spann (Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main)
      Bernd Skiera (Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main)
      Uwe Walz (Goethe-University Frankfurt/Main)

      Applicants are required to submit a CV, a Ph.D. thesis / research project proposal, and a proposal for the potential paper to be presented (max. 450 words). Admission decisions are based on submitted materials. Applicants are invited to send their applications via e-mail to:


      Deadline for Applications is June 18, 2004

      The participation fee is ?150 and includes tuition, class materials, and meals. Costs of accommodation and travel expenses are not covered by the participation fee.

      For further information, please contact:
      Eric Jahn


    15. 4th Int'l Colloquium on Nonprofit, Social and Arts Marketing 


      London Metropolitan University and Henley Management College are pleased to announce that their fourth joint research symposium will be held at London Metropolitan University on Wednesday, 15th September 2004. The event has been designed to provide an interface between academics and reflective practitioners wanting to draw on the very latest in theoretical and empirical non-profit research. Papers are invited on any aspect of non-profit marketing. Both academic and practitioner papers are welcome and potential topics include, but are not limited to the following:

      • Fundraising
      • Arts Marketing
      • Social Marketing
      • Marketing of Healthcare Organisations
      • Advertising and Promotion for Non-profit Organisations
      • Branding and Positioning for Non-profit Organisations
      • Cause Related Marketing
      • Campaigning and Lobbying
      • Database Marketing
      • Retailing and Merchandising Operations for Non-profit Organisations
      • Corporate Philanthropy
      • Social Entrepreneurship

      Authors may submit either a full paper or an abstract of their intended paper. Abstracts of papers will be made available at the event but papers will not be published in formal conference proceedings. Authors of accepted papers will however be encouraged to revise their work, consequent to the feedback they receive at the Colloquium, for submission to a special issue of the International Journal of Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Marketing.

      All submissions should include a cover sheet that contains a contact name and address, title, institution affiliation, email address, phone
      number and fax number. Authors are requested to avoid revealing the identity of themselves or their affiliations in the body of the paper. All papers will undergo formal double blind review.

      Please send submissions to: Dr R. Bennett, Department of Business and Service Sector Management, London Metropolitan University, 84 Moorgate, London EC2M 6SQ. Email: r.bennett@londonmet.ac.uk.

      Closing date for submissions: 18th June 2004.

      Although the registration fee has yet to be determined it will not exceed £95 Sterling, including lunch and all refreshments.

      Dr R.Bennett
      Professor of Marketing
      Department of Business and Service Sector Management
      London Metropolitan University
      84 Moorgate
      London EC2M 6SQ
      Tel: +44 (0) 207 320 1577
      Fax: +44 (0) 207 320 1465
      Website: http://www.lgu.ac.uk/bro/research/mkt.htm


    16. 3rd Nordic Workshop on Relationship Dissolution (NoRD2004) 

      3rd Nordic Workshop on Relationship Dissolution (NoRD2004)
      September 17-19 2004, Kukkolaforsen, Sweden

      The theme of the workshop is the ending of buyer-seller relationships, including both business-to-consumer and business-to-business relationships. The main purpose of the workshop is to give business and consumer researchers and doctoral students interested in the field of relationship dissolution an opportunity to present and discuss their research in informal workshop sessions. The 3rd workshop will thus strive to attain the same open discussion climate as the 1st and 2nd workshops.

      There are mainly three contributions coming from the workshop. It is first of all a new and emerging research area, and NoRD is the first workshop specialising in this particular field. Secondly, it provides researchers with an opportunity to discuss the emerging knowledge in the two domains of research, namely customer relationship ending in consumer relationships and business relationship ending in business-to-business research. Thirdly, the workshop aims to continue to gather and disseminate knowledge about ways of accessing ending relationships and methods for collecting and analysing empirical data.

      The workshop is this year hosted by Karlstad University and will be held at Kukkolaforsen Turist och Konferens, 15 km north of Haparanda on the border between Sweden and Finland. For more information on the venue, visit www.kukkolaforsen.se. Please visit the NoRD2004 homepage www.ctf.kau.se/Nord/index.htm for more detailed information related to the workshop.

      Friday, June 4: Abstract, 1 page
      Thursday, June 24: Notification of acceptance
      Friday, August 13: Final registration
      Friday, August 27: Final paper submission

      Please address questions regarding the conference arrangements or the workshop to: helena.akerlund@hanken.fi

      Workshop fee
      The work shop fee is not decided yet, but the organisers aim to keep the fee as low as possible for researchers from the Nordic countries. Other participants are required to cover their own travel and full workshop expenses. The number of participants is restricted to appr. 25 persons.

      Workshop arrangements
      Helena Åkerlund, Doctoral Candidate, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Helsinki: helena.akerlund@hanken.fi, phone +46 70 634 43 24
      Ingrid Hansson, Senior Executive Officer, Karlstad University: ingrid.hansson@kau.se

      Workshop organisers
      Prof. Bo Edvardsson, CTF, Karlstad University, Sweden
      Associate prof. Anders Gustafsson, CTF, Karlstad University, Sweden
      Dr. Virpi Havila, Head of the Department, Uppsala University, Sweden
      Assistant Prof. Maria Holmlund-Rytkönen, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland
      Prof. Tore Strandvik, Swedish School of Economics and Business Administration, Finland
      Acting Prof. Jaana Tähtinen, University of Oulu, Finland
      Prof. Kjell Grønhaug, Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration, Norway


    17. 7th Retail Strategy and Consumer Decision Research Seminar 

      7th Retail Strategy and Consumer Decision Research Seminar
      of the Society for Marketing Advances (SMA)
      St. Pete Beach, FL, November 2-3, 2004


      A two-day special topics in retailing seminar will be held prior to the Society for Marketing Advances Annual Meeting to held November 2-3, 2004 at the Tradewinds Island Resorts, St. Pete Beach, FL (see http://mkt.cba.cmich.edu/sma for more details).

      Research papers relating to one of these two tracks are solicited:
      - Retail strategy and management
      - Consumer decision process related to the choice of retail organizations

      The key characteristics of the seminar are:
      - Limited number of participants (fewer than 30)
      - Selected papers will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Business Research
      - High caliber papers
      - Informal setting with an emphasis on interchange w/ audience
      - Registration to the entire SMA Annual Meeting
      - Highly reputed keynote speakers
      - Potential Best Paper Award(s)


      The seminar will be held in St. Pete Beach, FL. Papers and other keynote presentations will highlight the second day of the seminar program. Special sessions on retailing outside North America will be organized by outstanding retailing experts.


      1. Strategy Formulation and Implementation in Retail/Service Organizations.
        Papers related to strategy formulation and/or implementation are invited. Submissions dealing with competitive positioning, industry consolidation, information systems, negotiation strategies, third-party collaboration, category management and profitability analysis are strongly sought. Other topics of interest include non-store retailing, pricing strategies, retail/service control, electronic commerce and global retailing strategies and prospects.
      2. Consumer decision making: here is a non-exhaustive list of possible topics
        What are the retail cues to which consumers respond?
        What are the decision processes elaborated by consumers outside the store and inside the store? What is the contribution of the store atmospherics to the retention of consumers? Plus, many more.

      Deadline for Paper Submissions -->June 20, 2004

      Special Sessions and Workshops
      Robert A. Robicheaux
      Bruno Prof. of Retail Marketing
      University of Alabama
      PO Box 870225
      Tuscaloosa, AL 35487-0225, USA
      Telephone (205) 348-8919
      Fax (205) 348-6695

      Consumer Decision Track
      Jean-Charles Chebat
      Omer DeSerres Chair Prof. of Retailing
      HEC Montréal
      3000, Côte Sainte-Catherine
      Montreal (Qc) H3T 2A7, Canada
      Telephone (514) 340-6846 or 340-6431
      Fax (514) 340-6432

      Retail Strategy and Management Track
      Barry Babin
      University of Southern Mississippi
      College of Administration
      Hattiesburg MS 39406, USA
      Telephone (601) 266-4629
      Fax (601) 266-4630


      1. Submit manuscripts to one of the two respective track chairs.

      2. Submit electronically to appropriate chairperson on or before June 20, 2004

      3. Manuscripts must follow the style guidelines of the Journal of Business Research.

      4. Manuscripts should not exceed 20 double spaced pages total or 7,000 words (whichever is longer).

      5. Please submit a 3x5 index card with the name(s) of the author(s) and the address and telephone number of the contact person.

      6. Manuscripts will be double blind reviewed. Please do not identify yourself on any page other than the title page.

      7. Contact the Track Chairs if you have any questions or are uncertain of the appropriate track for the paper.


    18. AIEST Congress 2004 

      AIEST Congress 2004
      from 19-23 September 2004 in Petra/Jordan

      Topic: "The future of SME's in Tourism"

      All informations about the AIEST Congress 2004: www.aiest.org


  3. Publications & Calls for Papers

    1. Journal of Product and Brand Management - Special Issue 

      The Journal of Product and Brand Management in association with the Fordham University Pricing Center is inviting papers for consideration in the Special Issue of the Journal, dedicated to Pricing.  Manuscripts related to the various aspects of pricing from behavioral and managerial perspectives are welcome. 

      The submission deadline is December 1, 2004 .  Please consult www.fordham.edu/cba/pricecenter for additional details and submission guidelines, or contact Prof. Hooman Estelami (estelami@fordham.edu) or Prof. Sarah Maxwell (smaxwell@fordham.edu).


    2. International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship 

      Call for Papers
      International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship

      Special Issue:
      Developments in Sports Marketing and Sponsorship in the Asia Pacific Region

      Whether it’s the activities of those who market the sport product locally or across the globe, those who increasingly use sport sponsorship for corporate and brand positioning, or the changing consumption patterns of fans as sport becomes delocalised, the sport ‘industry’ provides fertile territory for marketing research and innovation. And despite its short history, the International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship has made a significant contribution to our understanding of sport marketing and sponsorship through thought provoking works across a diverse range of areas. This has included valuable research and practical insight into fan motivation and loyalty; sport loyalty programs; sponsorship and relationship marketing; sponsorship execution and evaluation.

      This special issue of the International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship aims to contribute to the depth of understanding of sport marketing and sponsorship issues in the Asia Pacific region, including Australasia. Under the broad topic of management and strategy development as it relates to sport marketing and sponsorship, it will be dedicated to review papers, theoretical contributions, executive insights, case studies and empirical research on:-

      • Sport Marketing Planning and Strategy Processes
      • New Sport Product/Asset Development
      • Sport Event Marketing and Management
      • Fan Identification and Loyalty Issues
      • Sport Marketing and Globalisation
      • Relationship and Network Application in Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
      • Market Orientation and Sport Marketing and Sponsorship
      • Sponsorship Metrics and Evaluation
      • Ambush marketing
      • Sponsorship as an International or Global Marketing Positioning Tool

      The aforementioned areas are noted as a guide only. All aspects of sport marketing and sponsorship research and practice associated with the region will be considered. All papers will be subject to the International Journal of Sports Marketing and Sponsorship’s double blind review process. Authors should consult a recent issue of the journal for guidelines on style, referencing, etc. Prospective authors can visit www.imr-info.com/SM/IJSM/submit.html for further details. The maximum length of each article (including tables, figures and references) is 5,000 words. Papers of a shorter length such as case studies and executive insights from practitioners are also encouraged. Papers should be submitted to the Guest Editors in electronic format

      Key dates:

      Submission Deadline – 1st March 2005
      Final Acceptance – 1st July 2005
      Special Issue Publication – September/October 2005

      Guest Editors:

      Francis Farrelly
      Department of Marketing
      Monash University
      PO Box 197 Caulfield East, Victoria, Australia, 3145
      Tel: +61 3 9903 2364
      Email: francis.farrelly@buseco.monash.edu.au

      John A. Tripodi
      Premiership Strategies International
      Email: jtripodi@premiership.com.au

      Pascale G. Quester
      School of Commerce
      The University of Adelaide
      Adelaide SA 5005
      Tel: +61 8 8303 4767
      Email: pascale.quester@adelaide.edu.au


    3. Journal of Electronic Commerce Research - Special Issue 

      Call for Papers

      Journal of Electronic Commerce Research
      Special Issue on Mobile Commerce
      Shintaro Okazaki, Special Issue Editor

      Journal of Electronic Commerce Research (JECR) is pleased to announce a call for papers for a special edition of the journal focusing on mobile commerce issues.

      Purpose of the Special Issue:
      The convergence of the Internet and wireless technology in the late 1990s has produced a revolutionary telecommunication service: mobile Internet. Global mobile operators are now accelerating technological transition from 2G to 3G, while by June 2004 active users of wireless data applications exceeded 115 million worldwide. This figure will reach 1.72 billion by 2007, with aggregate subscriber revenue of $584 billion. Such spectacular growth will change not only how we live, but also how firms do business.

      Mobile commerce has converted into a strategic issue among firms seeking personalised marketing channels. Many of mobile operators offer a broad range of transaction services, such as ticket reservations, banking, and shopping, as well as infotainment and directory services. In a recent advance, a Japanese mobile giant, NTT DoCoMo has launched a “multi-functional electronic wallet” which combines a mobile Internet service with electronic financial transactions, including secured payment and identification systems.

      Likewise, many brands and media companies are now engaged in sophisticated wireless promotions. With permission-based push ads, firms can proactively send out commercial messages to mobile users and devices, through SMS (Short Message Services), MMS (Multimedia Message Services), location-based alert service, or even voice calls. On the other hand, mobile operators have created content-based wireless platforms, where advertisers’ messages are displayed to the viewer browsing mobile Internet.

      Unfortunately, factors influencing mobile commerce are not well understood, and therefore, there is a dearth of empirical as well as theoretical research efforts. This Special Issue of the JECR "Call for Papers" addresses the need for a better understanding of the principles of mobile commerce.

      Potential Manuscript Topics:
      There are many questions to be answered concerning managerial, psychological and socio-cultural aspects in this emerging area. Topics that are of interest to this special issue include (but are not limited to):

      • Antecedents and consequences of attitude toward mobile commerce
      • Case studies on mobile commerce in practice
      • Comparative analysis between wired versus wireless interactivity
      • Cross-cultural issues in mobile commerce
      • Designing mobile websites
      • Factors influencing consumer acceptance of wireless advertising
      • i-mode versus WAP
      • Location-based mobile marketing
      • Mobile advertising (push versus pull)
      • Mobile banking
      • Mobile shopping and payment systems
      • Multinational corporations’ perceptions on mobile commerce
      • Permission-based mobile marketing
      • Strategic issues in mobile commerce value chain
      • Technology acceptance in mobile commerce
      • Trust in mobile commerce
      • Uses and gratifications in mobile Internet adoption

      Important Dates:
      Deadline for Submission: February 1, 2005
      Paper acceptance/rejection: April 30, 2005
      Revised paper submission: June 30 2005
      Final paper submission: July 15, 2005
      Publication date: August 2005

      Submission Guidelines:
      JECR publishes original empirical research, theoretical and methodological articles, evaluative and integrative reviews, field research, business surveys, and application papers of interest to a general readership. A submission based on a paper appearing elsewhere (such as conference proceedings or newsletters) must have major value-added extensions to the earlier version. For conference papers, it should have at least 30% new material. The submitted manuscripts should follow the format as suggested in the Submission Guideline found in the journal website: http://www.csulb.edu/journals/jecr/s_g.htm

      Of particular note is that the manuscript should be prepared in Microsoft Word format. The names, affiliations, and contact information (i.e., phone, fax, email addresses) of all authors should be provided only on the cover page. The submitted paper will undergo a double-blind review. Contributing authors may be asked to serve as reviewers for the special issue.

      Authors may submit completed manuscripts electronically at any time prior to the February 1st 2005 deadline. Manuscripts and any questions should be directed to:

      Shintaro Okazaki, Ph.D.
      Autonomous University of Madrid
      Department of Finance and Marketing Research
      College of Economics and Business Administration
      Cantoblanco, 28049 Madrid, Spain
      e-mail: shintaro.okazaki@uam.es
      Tel: +34 (91) 497 3552
      Fax: +34 (91) 497 8725

    4. Contents of RAM Journal - Volume 19 - N° 1 & 2 

      RAM Journal 2004
      A Quarterly Publication of the Association Française du Marketing

      Contents of VOLUME 19- N°1


      Process of consumer’s evaluation of brand extension: conception and validation of a decomposition model
      Mehdi Seltene

      Signaling effect of a promotional price reduction: concept and experimentation
      Pierre Desmet

      An ordinal satisfaction scale to classify respondents into « satisfied », « indifferent » and « dissatisfied »
      Jean-Louis Chandon and Boris Bartikowski

      Evolution of the marketing episteme: proposal of a morality, deontology, ethics and responsibility framework for marketers
      Michelle Bergadaà

      A critical review of construct indicators and measurement model misspecification in marketing and consumer research
      Cheryl Burke Jarvis, Scott B. Mackenzie and Philip M. Podsakoff


      Contents of VOLUME 19- N°2


      Browsing: proposal of a measuring scale
      Cindy Lombart

      Perceived quality as a determinant of customer satisfaction in business-to-business. An empirical survey of telephone products and services
      Ruben Chumpitaz C. and Valérie Swaen

      Synthesis Experience at the heart of store-consumer relations analysis
      Patrick Bouchet

      Consumers comparative judgement on prices
      Monique Zollinger

      Valuing customers
      Sunil Gupta, Donald R. Lehmann and Jennifer Ames Stuart



    5. Industrial Marketing Management - Special Issue 

      Call For Papers

      Industrial Marketing Management
      Special Issue

      “Multi-Channel Marketing Strategy in Business-to-Business Distribution Channels”

      As we pass the first half decade of the twenty-first century, it has become obvious that such forces as Internet-based E-commerce, globalization, and intense international competition have made marketing channel management much more challenging and complicated than it was just a few short years ago. Businesses all over the world have many more choices in the channels they can use to reach their customers. In fact, numerous companies in the B2B sector already use multiple channels to go to market with their products and services. The company’s own field sales force channel, the distributor channel, the sales rep channel, the catalog/mail order channel, the online channel, the call center channel, and several others may all be needed by the same company to serve their customers effectively and efficiently. But such a wide range of channel choice and combination potential means that businesses also face the challenge of formulating strategies to achieve an optimal channel mix while avoiding conflict among the different channels being used. So the key question becomes: How do firms utilize multiple channels, including new high-tech E-commerce channels, to foster channel confluence and synergy rather than conflict?

      This multi-channel marketing strategy challenge will be the focus of a Special Issue of Industrial Marketing Management. Topics might include but are certainly not limited to issues such as:

      • Delineating and defining the multi-channel challenge in B2B channels.
      • The E-commerce option in B2B channels--- effects on channel strategy and structure.
      • Finding the optimum mix (portfolio) of B2B channels for reaching customers.
      • Dealing with conflict between different channels.
      • Reaching more customers via multi-channel strategy.
      • Managing multiple channels to create synergy.
      • Building strategic alliances and partnerships in a multi-channel environment.
      • Integrating online B2B channels with conventional B2B channels.
      • Using multi-channel strategy to attain a sustainable competitive advantage.
      • Supply chain and/or demand chain issues in B2B multi-channel structures.
      • New and innovative multi-channel strategies and structures.
      • Evaluating channel member performance in multiple channels.

      Both empirical and conceptual articles are appropriate for the Special Issue. Please include a section concerning implications for managers in your paper. Guideline as to style can be found on IMM’s web site

      Please submit your manuscript and a formal submittal letter via e-mail to:

      Dr. Bert Rosenbloom, Guest Editor IMM Special Issue
      Professor of Marketing and Rauth Chair in Electronic Commerce
      LeBow College of Business
      Drexel University
      32nd & Market Streets
      Philadelphia, Pa. 19104

      Phone: 215-895-6992
      FAX: 215-895-6975

      E-mail: rosenblb@drexel.edu

      Deadline for submission of manuscripts is December 31, 2004.

    6. New book on retailing 

      Hans S. Solgaard and Torben Hansen from the Department of Marketing, Copenhagen Business School have published a book on retailing entitled:

      "New Perspectives on Retailing and Store Patronage Behavior: A Study of the Interface Between Retailers and Consumers"

      Kluwer Academic Publishers

    7. European Management Review 

      Palgrave Macmillan are delighted to work with the European Academy of Management (EURAM) to publish European Management Review. This important new journal aims to become a key tool for the development of academic management research internationally, but particularly to provide a channel for diverse research traditions within Europe.

      The launch issue is out!

      It  focuses on possible new directions for strategic management research, moving on from Richard Whittington's keynote presentation at the 3rd EURAM conference in 2003. Key authors engage with Whittington's approach to the study of strategy. Taken together these articles provide a lively and stimulating review of future directions for research that should provoke much debate.

      You can view this inaugural and prestigious issue online at: www.palgrave-journals.com/emr  and click on FREE sample issue.


    8. Recent publications from the CBS Center for Marketing Communication 

      2004, 1 - Consumer Choice Behaviour – an emotional theory
      Flamming Hansen, Larry Percy and Morten Hallum Hansen

      2004, 2 - Long-term Advertising Effects and Optimal Budgeting
      Flemming Hansen and Lars Bech Christensen

      2004, 3 - Danish Children’s Upbringing as Consumers
      Flemming Hansen and Jens Carsten Nislsen

      2004, 4 - Modelling Emotional andAttidudinal Evalutions of Major Sponsors
      Anne Martensen and Flemming Hansen


    9. Marketing Engineering: The Module Series and Developer's Kit Submitted by Gary Lilien & Arvind Rangaswamy

      Lilien and Rangaswamy announce
      Marketing Engineering: The Module Series and Developer’s Kit
      Marketing Engineering - Revised 2nd Edition

      Since we launched the Marketing Engineering platform in 1997, we have increasingly been asked for individual modules: Text + Case + Software on a single topic. To meet that need, we are pleased to announce the launch of the Marketing Engineering: The Module Series.

      Users can now order individual modules for themselves or their class, and modules can be combined into “custom suites” for mass use that include an integrated versions of the selected software that can be run on a university’s network.

      The modules (including text, case, and software) are available in electronic download format. To review, please visit our web site at www.mktgeng.com. After you register as an instructor you will be able to download the samples that are currently available. Modules that will be fully available by June 2004 are:


      Concept (Title)



      M11001 Marketing Portfolio Analysis and Prioritization with the GE/McKinsey Approach Addison Wesley Longman Case GE Portfolio Planning (ge.xls)
      M12002 Direct Market Segmentation Using Customer Needs Conglomerate Inc.'s New PDA (2001) Cluster Analysis
      M12003 Direct Market Segmentation Using Customer Needs Kirin USA, Inc.: Ichiban Shibori

      Cluster Analysis

      M13004 Choice-Based Segmentation ABB Electric Choice-Based Segmentation (abb.xls)
      M14005 Positioning and Perceptual Mapping Positioning the Infiniti G20 Case Positioning Analysis
      M14006 Positioning and Perceptual Mapping Positioning the ConneCtor 2001 Case Positioning Analysis
      M15007 Customer Targeting with Choice Models Bookbinder's Book Club Multinomial Logit Analysis
      M16008 Product Design with Conjoint Analysis Forte Hotel Design Case Conjoint Analysis
      M16003 Product Design with Conjoint Analysis Kirin USA, Inc.: Ichiban Shibori Conjoint Analysis
      M17009 Forecasting with the Bass Diffusion Model Zenith High Definition Television (HDTV) Bass Model (gbass.xls)
      M18010 Pretest Market Forecasting with the ASSESSOR Model Johnson's Wax Enhance (A) Case Assessor Pretest Market Model
      M19011 Advertising Budget Decisions and ADBUDG Blue Mountain Coffee Case ADBUDG: Advertising Budgeting
      M20012 ADBUDG: Advertising Budgeting ADCAD AD Copy Design Exercise ADCAD: Ad Copy Design
      M21013 SalesForce Call Planning: The CALLPLAN Model John French Exercise Generalized Callplan Model
      M22014 Sales and Marketing Spending and Allocation Syntex Laboratories A ReAllocator (ReAllocator.xls)
      M23015 Value-in-Use and Value-based Pricing Account Pricing for the ABCOR 2000 Value-in-Use Pricing (value.xls)
      M24016 Competitive Bidding Paving I-99 Exercise Competitive Bidding
      M25017 Revenue Management Forte Hotel Revenue Management Exercise Revenue Management for Hotels (revenue.xls)
      M26018 Promotional Response Models MassMart Case Promotional Spending Analysis

      Developer’s Kit Initiative: We actively seek new cases, data sets (and even software!), in English or another language to include in the series. If you have interest in including a case and related data set in the series, please contact Gary Lilien at GLilien@psu.edu.

      Revised 2nd Edition: A new release of our full book, Marketing Engineering, is now available globally from a new publisher (Trafford Press: http://www.trafford.com) as well as direct from us at www.mktgeng.com for large scale adoption. The new edition includes Version 2.2 of the Marketing Engineering software (CD included), and supports all combinations of Windows and Excel currently supported by Microsoft, including Excel 2003.


    10. Journal of Vacation Marketing - Special Issue 

      Call for Papers
      A Special Issue of
      Journal of Vacation Marketing


      Guest Editor: Dr Yvette Reisinger, Tourism Research International, 60 Farrwood Drive, Bradford, Massachusetts 01835, USA. Phone: +1 (978) 374 1379; Phone (cell): +1 (978) 273 3992; E-mail: Yvette.reisinger@email.com

      The journal is pleased to announce a Call for Papers for its special issue on Leisure Travel – National Trends, Cultural Differences. The journal invites high-quality manuscripts that explore empirical, theoretical or practical aspects of cultural differences and their impact on leisure travel.

      Purpose and scope
      This special issue of JVM is devoted to exploring the nature and impacts of cultural differences and nationality on leisure travel. Papers discussing implications of cultural differences for leisure travel marketing are sought.

      Possible topics might include, but are not limited to, the following:
      • Cross-cultural issues related to leisure travel behaviour
      • Leisure travel in a globalising world
      • Leisure travel in developed/undeveloped world
      • Leisure travel in countries of transition
      • Leisure travel among cultural minorities
      • Leisure travel among those with special needs
      • Leisure travel within the context of terrorism and/or political instability
      • Leisure travel – New segments, new products
      • Prestige/luxury leisure travel
      • Barriers to leisure travel
      • Trends and shifts in international leisure travel
      • Marketing issues as related to leisure travel
      • Leisure travel – Research issues
      • Future directions

      Comparative inter-country or inter-regional studies are welcome.

      Submission guidelines
      Please submit your electronic abstract (max 3 pages) of the proposed paper by 1st September, 2004 to the guest editor Yvette Reisinger (yvette.reisinger@email.com) who will advise on the suitability of the paper for the special issue. Abstracts must clearly state the paper’s objectives, issues, methods, findings, application of results and conclusions. A short list of references is required. Authors whose submissions are accepted will be requested to submit a full paper to the guest editor by 1st December, 2004 for double blind review. Accepted papers will be published in volume 11 of the journal.

      Deadline for the submission of abstracts is 1st September, 2004.

    11. International Marketing Review - Special Issue 

      International Marketing Review

      Special Issue on
      International e-marketing

      Special issue co-editors
      Nitish Singh and Sandeep Krishnamurthy

      International Marketing Review announces a call for papers for a special issue of the journal focusing on international e-marketing issues.

      Purpose of the special issue

      International e-commerce is expanding at a rapid rate, as more and more online consumers worldwide are becoming Internet savvy. The global online population is expected to reach more than 700 million this year and global online revenues are already in trillions. This rapid growth in global e-commerce indicates significant marketing opportunities worldwide. However, research in the area of exploring and targeting international online markets and consumers is still in its infancy. Cross-national or cross-cultural issues dealing with website localization, online consumer behavior, e-marketing strategies, and other facets of international e-marketing are still under-explored. The objective of this special issue is to understand the complexities of international e-marketing and encourage extensive research in this area. We invite submissions which generate new theoretical, empirical and managerial insights in the area of international e-marketing.

      Potential manuscript topics

      Topics for this special issue should focus on such issues as: Localization versus Standardization on the Web, Cultural issues relevant to international e-marketing, International Web site design, Global e-CRM issues, New theories and insights into cross-cultural online consumer behavior, Global Internet adoption, Bom Global's and other internationalization issues, and Marketing strategies to reach international online markets.

      Deadline for submission: October 31, 2004

      Papers submitted must not have been published, accepted for publication, or presently be under consideration for publication elsewhere. The submitted manuscripts should follow the format as suggested in the Notes for Contributors/author guidelines found in any recent issue of International Marketing Review or the journal website www.emeraldinsight.com/imr.htm   Of particular note is that four copies of the manuscript should be submitted, the paper should be double-spaced with wide margins, and the length should be no longer than 4.500 words. Please also send a copy of the manuscript in Word document via e-mail attachment. Also please be sure to include a 150-word abstract of the article along with the submitted manuscript.

      Authors may submit manuscripts at any time prior to the October 31, 2004 deadline.

      Manuscripts and any questions should be directed to:

      Dr. Nitish Singh, Department of Finance and Marketing,Tehama 469, California State University, Chico, CA 95929-0051, USA
      E-mail: ncsingh@csuchico.edu
      Tel: +1-530-898.6090

      Dr. Sandeep Krishnamurthy, Business Administration Program, 18115 Campus Way NE, Room UW1-233, University of Washington, Bothell, WA 98011-8246, USA
      E-mail: sandeep@u.washington.edu
      Te: +1-425-352.5229


    12. Sommaires 2003 de la revue RAM - Recherche et Applications en Marketing 

      RAM - Recherche et Applications en Marketing
      Sommaires 2003
      [Volume 18]


      Numéro 1

      • Conceptualisation et mesure de la qualité perçue d'un service public (William SABADIE)
      • Les valeurs traditionnelles des acheteurs chinois : raffinement conceptuel, mesure et application (Meng Xia ZHANG, Alain JOLIBERT)
      • Marketing relationnel : la carte d’anniversaire revisitée (Christèle BOULAIRE)
      • L’évolution et l’état de l’art de la recherche internationale sur le parrainage (Björn WALLISER)
      • Modèle propositionnel probabiliste de la structure de l'argument et de l'acceptation du message (Charles S. ARENI)

      Numéro 2

      • Apparence et identité : une approche sémiotique du discours des adolescentes à propos de leur expérience de la mode (Gilles MARION)
      • Contingence de la décision : influence de la situation sur le recueil et la prédiction du choix (Patrick GABRIEL)
      • Approche empirique de l’immersion dans l’expérience de consommation : les opérations d’appropriation (Antonella CARU, Bernard COVA)
      • Les processus modérateurs et médiateurs : distinction conceptuelle, aspects analytiques et illustrations (Rubén CHUMPITAZ CACERES, Joëlle VANHAMME)
      • Comment le marché évalue l’ajout d’un canal de distribution sur Internet ? (Inge GEYSKENS, Katrijn GIELENS, Marnik G. DEKIMPE)

      Numéro 3

      • Editorial du numéro spécial sur le Marketing Spatial : Introduire l'espace dans la recherche et les décisions marketing (Gérard CLIQUET)
      • La mobilité du consommateur en magasin : une étude exploratoire de l'influence de l'aménagement spatial sur les stratégies d'appropriation des espaces de grande distribution (Gaël BONNIN)
      • Optimisation de la localisation commerciale : une application du traitement du signal et du modèle p-médian (Jérôme BARAY)
      • Positionnement concurrentiel des zones commerciales et satisfaction du consommateur (Pierre-Yves LEO, Jean PHILIPPE)
      • Gestion des réseaux de points de vente : l’importance de la dimension spatiale (David RULENCE)
      • Identification de segments spatiaux pour des marchés internationaux (Frenkel ter HOFSTEDE, Michel WEDEL, Jan-Benedict E. M. STEENKAMP)

      Numéro 4

      • Du soi au groupe : naissance du concept du nous et exploration d'une échelle de mesure du nous idéal (Sondes ZOUAGHI, Denis DARPY)
      • L’anxiété face à la mort et son influence sur le comportement du consommateur (Bertrand URIEN)
      • L’expérience de visite des lieux de loisirs : le rôle central des compagnons (Stéphane DEBENEDETTI)
      • L’imagerie mentale : un concept à (re)découvrir pour ses apports en marketing (Marie-Laure GAVARD-PERRET, Agnès HELME-GUIZON)
      • Une approche de filtrage collaboratif mise au point pour prédire des achats intercatégorie basée sur des paniers de données binaires (Andreas MILD, Thomas REUTTERER)

  4. Job Announcements

    1. Assistant Professor in Marketing - HEC Lausanne University 

      The Ecole des Hautes Etudes Commerciales (HEC) of Lausanne University invites applications for a full-time non-tenure track position :

      Assistant Professor in Marketing

      Applicants should have a Ph.D. in Marketing and a strong dedication to research. The annual teaching load includes three or four courses (one course taught every other year) and a 2-day module, at the Masters level. These courses cover marketing fundamentals, salesforce management, strategic marketing and a marketing area to be determined, depending on the candidate's area of specialization, preferably among the following : New product development and diffusion, Distribution and trade marketing, Pricing policies. The candidate should be able to teach in English upon arrival and in French one year later.

      Starting date : September 2005 or to be agreed.

      Applicants should submit a letter of motivation, a curriculum vitae, a brief research plan and two letters of reference, before December 31, 2004, to the Dean of the Ecole des HEC, Prof. François Grize, Université de Lausanne, BFSH1, CH 1015 Lausanne, Suisse.

      For further details regarding course load etc.., please check our web site :


    2. Lecturers in Marketing - School of Business - University of Sydney 

      School of Business - University of Sydney

      Lecturer in Marketing
      Reference No: B40/005276

      Senior Lecturer in Marketing
      Reference No: B40/005277

      The School of Business is seeking to make up to four appointments at lecturer or senior lecturer level to strengthen and further develop its research and teaching capability in Marketing.  The Discipline of Marketing has grown rapidly at the University of Sydney in recent years and places a strong emphasis on research, as evidenced by recent publications in the Journal of Consumer Research.

      The Marketing Discipline embraces multiple research paradigms to examine consumer decision making, judgement, purchase decisions, and consumption behaviour.  It has recently expanded its research profile to include business-to-business marketing, multi-national alliances, and strategic marketing, adopting a global perspective on traditional approaches to the creation of value chains.

      The School of Business offers courses in a wide range of disciplines in addition to marketing including business law, business information systems, accounting, international business, management, transport and logistics, and work and organisational studies. The School currently comprises over 100 academic staff in these combined discipline areas as well as its leading research centres in the world of work (acirrt) and transport management (Institute of Transport Studies).

      Essential criteria for Lecturer (B40/005276): A PhD in Marketing (or a PhD soon to be submitted); evidence of high quality teaching; demonstrated ability to achieve research outcomes with refereed publications; an active research program with significant potential for future publication; expertise in one or more of the major areas of marketing including, in particular, retailing, services marketing, consumer behaviour, international marketing and quantitative modelling; and evidence of successful teamwork and a collegial approach to teaching and research.

      Desirable criteria Lecturer: Experience in industry and/or the profession and membership of a recognised professional association.

      Essential criteria for Senior Lecturer (B40/005277): A PhD in Marketing; evidence of high quality teaching with substantial teaching experience, at both undergraduate and postgraduate level, and evidence of contributions to course and program development; an established research record including a number of publications in high quality refereed international journals; an active research program with significant potential for future publication; expertise in one or more of the major areas of marketing including, in particular, retailing, services marketing, consumer behaviour, international marketing and quantitative modelling; evidence of leadership skills and ability to foster excellence in research, teaching and policy development in the discipline; competency in administration including course and program administration; evidence of commitment and service to University, discipline, profession; evidence of successful teamwork and a collegial approach to teaching and research.

      Desirable criteria for Senior Lecturer: Ability to attract research funding; a successful record of honours and postgraduate supervision.

      Applicants must state which position they are applying for, including the reference number.  Applicants applying for both positions must address the essential and desirable for each position.

      The positions are full-time continuing, subject to the completion of a satisfactory probation and/or confirmation period for new appointees.  Membership of a University approved superannuation scheme is a condition of employment for new appointees. A salary supplement may be negotiated with the successful applicant.  For further information, contact Professor Charles Areni, Chair of the Discipline of Marketing on (02) 9351 6732 or e-mail: c.areni@econ.usyd.edu.au or Professor Sid Gray, Head of School of Business on (02) 9351 3552 or e-mail: s.gray@econ.usyd.edu.au

      Remuneration package: $71,514 - $84,892 p.a. (which includes a base salary Lecturer Level B $60,431 - $71,762 p.a., leave loading and up to 17% employer’s contribution to superannuation)

      Remuneration package: $87,544 - $100,801 p.a. (which includes a base salary Senior Lecturer Level C $74,028 - $85,359 p.a., leave loading and up to 17% employer’s contribution to superannuation)


    3. Senior Professors in Marketing - Bordeaux Business School 

      Bordeaux Business School, a pioneer in France’s Grandes Ecoles system, was founded in 1873 and provides a high value-added education in business administration and management. Bordeaux Business School believes in striving for progress and looking outward where new ideas are born day in day out. Of course, this requires people and institutions ready to adapt. To uphold this objective, in November 2000 BBS joined the elite circle of EQUIS-accredited Schools. Today BBS applies all the processes that will help it identify the best international standards in teaching, research and academic exchanges with universities from across the globe.

      Call for applications for position of 2 Senior Professors in Marketing

      at the Bordeaux Business School

      The department of Marketing currently led by Pierre Mora, peer reviewer and member for WACRA (World Association for Case Research ), with two international research centres in Wine Marketing, and in Business Relationship, announces two vacancies for a full time senior professor. One vacancy is for fall 2005, the other will start by fall 2006.

      We are looking for:

      Candidates with a Ph.D. in one of the area of marketing. Candidates should have a list of innovative research publications, with active contacts within the university networks and communities. Candidates are expected to have a relevant experience in teaching within the undergraduate or graduate programs

      Applications, including CV, publications list should be sent to the assistant of the department, Ms Delphine GUENARD, Bordeaux Business School, 680 cours de la Libération, 33405 TALENCE cedex, France, delphine.guenard@bordeaux-bs.edu

    4. Marketing positions - Aston Business School 

      At the Heart of Business and Management Research….

      Lectureships/Senior Lectureships/Readers in Marketing
      · Marketing Research
      · Consumer Behaviour
      · Marketing Communications
      · Marketing Psychology
      · International Marketing

      Aston Business School (ABS) is one of the largest schools of study in Aston University. Situated in parkland at the heart of Birmingham, the UK’s second largest city, ABS has an established record of academic excellence, having achieved AACSB, EQUIS and AMBA accreditations, QAA 24/24 and RAE 5. It has a thriving research culture, and strong demand from well-qualified students for its range of undergraduate, Masters and post-experience courses. Applicants should have a good first degree and a doctorate in a relevant subject area, a strong commitment to high-quality teaching and research, and a demonstrated ability or potential to publish in leading journals. 

      Candidates must be willing to teach and research in a multi-disciplinary environment and will be expected to make an important contribution to core teaching and research, including research supervision, within the Marketing Group. Ideally candidates’ research interests will reflect the international focus of the School and will fall into one of the following areas: marketing research; consumer behaviour; marketing communications; marketing psychology or international marketing.

      €41,983 - €63,859 (exceptionally to €68,827) a year, depending on level of appointment, plus research support and performance related pay up to €15,150 a year.

      Further particulars and application forms may be obtained electronically on http://www.aston.ac.uk/hr/recruitment.htm or from the Personnel Office on Tel: +44 (0) 121 359 0870; email: b.a.power@aston.ac.uk; quoting reference no: A04/203.
      Closing date for applications is 15th October 2004.

    5. Lecturer in Marketing - University of Notthingham 

      Applications are invited from suitably qualified individuals who have a research interest in any area of marketing. However, candidates with a proven track record of high quality research in international marketing or marketing research will be particularly welcome. Candidates should be capable of contributing to teaching and supervising across a range of the School's undergraduate and postgraduate modules in marketing where a commitment to research-led teaching excellence is essential.
      Please quote ref. SMM/825L

      Nottingham University Business School is a leading centre for management education and is situated in one of the most popular universities in the UK. The School is located in state-of-the-art premises on the award winning Jubilee Campus, a few minutes from the University Park campus. A second Business School building opens this summer.

      The school conducts world-class research and achieved a Grade 5 in the 2001 RAE. Its teaching has been rated as 'excellent' by HEFCE. As part of its on-going development, the School has recently recruited to a significant number of new posts. It currently has 28 Professor and 12 Research Centres and Institutes. It is anticipated that the full complement of academic staff will exceed 100 during the next academic year. Apart from its UK based operations, the Business School delivers programmes at the University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus and in Singapore. The current vacancies reflect the School’s commitment to continued expansion and enhancement of its status and reputation as a leading international Business School.

      Informal enquiries may be addressed to Dr J Devlin, Acting Head of the Marketing Division, tel: 0115 9515264, Email: James.Devlin@Nottingham.ac.uk

      Further details and application forms are available on the WWW at: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/hr/vacancies/academic.html or from the Human Resources Department, Highfield House, The University of Nottingham, University Park, Nottingham NG7 2RD. Tel: 0115 9513262, Fax: 0115 9515205. Please quote relevant reference number. Closing date: 22 July 2004

    6. The E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Professorship in Business - University of Richmond 

      University of Richmond
      Robins School of Business
      Richmond, Virginia 23173
      University Web Site: http://www.richmond.edu

      The E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Professorship in Business

      The Robins School of Business invites inquiries, nominations, and applications for the E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Professorship in Business. Candidates must have a demonstrated commitment to academic excellence, an outstanding record of scholarly research, an international reputation among professional peers in the field of international business and recognized excellence in teaching. Screening for the position will begin July 1, 2004, and continue until the position is filled. The E. Claiborne Robins Distinguished Professorship in Business is a five-year-term faculty position. The starting date is Fall, 2005. Salary will be highly competitive, commensurate with experience and qualifications. Applicants must submit a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, and a list of four references with contact information to:

      Dr. Dana Lascu
      Robins School of Business
      University of Richmond
      Richmond, VA 23173

      The University of Richmond is a private, highly selective university with a rising national and international profile. The institution is consistently ranked one of the nation's top universities by U.S. News & World Report and other college guides. The University is noted for its challenging academic programs, excellent facilities, commitment to undergraduate education, and strong resource base, including an endowment exceeding one billion dollars. An ambitious 10-year strategic plan provides a strong sense of momentum for the future. Richmond has a full-time enrollment of approximately 3,400 in schools of arts and sciences, business, law, and leadership studies. In addition, the University enrolls approximately 1,300 part-time students through a school of continuing studies. Over 90% of the full-time undergraduates live on campus, more than half are involved in internships, and two-thirds participate in community service.

      Located two hours south of Washington, D.C., Richmond has a population of one million, and as state capital, is home to numerous financial, cultural and civic organizations. The University's campus, annually named one of the nation’s most beautiful, is located six miles west of downtown and offers an extraordinary quality of life for faculty, staff and students.

      The University is an equal opportunity employer.

    7. Chair of Marketing - Lund University 

      Applications are sought for the Chair of Marketing in the Department of Business Administration at the School of Economics and Management, Lund University, Sweden.

      Candidates must have a distinguished record in teaching and research. In addition to supervision of doctoral students, teaching is primarily concentrated to the masters- and PhD-program. Teaching load is low and the salary is competitive.

      Lund School of Economics and Management combines academic tradition with innovation and close contacts with the private and public sectors. The mission is to provide excellence in research as well as in education. The School of Economics and Management achieved EQUIS accreditation in 2001. Information about the school is available at www.ehl.lu.se . Lund University, with seven faculties and a number of research centers and specialized institutes, is the largest unit for research and higher education in Sweden. Lund University was founded in 1666, partly in order to knit the provinces which had been ceded by Denmark in 1658 closer to Sweden. Since then, the University has developed into a modern international center for research and higher education. At present, more than 38000 students are enrolled at Lund University and altogether some 6000 people are employed. Information about Lund University is available at www.lu.se

      The application should be written according to specific guidelines that can be requested from the administrative office, phone +46462221418. For further information about the position, please contact the head of the department, Gert Paulsson, gert.paulsson@fek.lu.se , phone: +46462227822. Send applications to Registrator, Lund University, P.O. Box 117, 221 00 Lund, Sweden. Please refer to position nr. 2316 in the application. Applications must be received before August 18. 2004.


    8. Lectureships in Marketing - University of Strathclyde 

      The Department of Marketing is part of the internationally recognised, AACSB and EQUIS-accredited Strathclyde Business School. We wish to invest in two outstanding Lecturers in all areas of Marketing and International Marketing. If you have an excellent record of research and teaching in these areas and would like to contribute to achieving our ambitions we would like to hear from you.

      Salary in the range: £22,191 - £33,679 per annum (review pending).

      For application form (Ref: 19/04) and further particulars (available on request in alternative format for applicants with a disability) visit Vacancies at our website http://www.strath.ac.uk or contact the Personnel Office, University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, G1 1XQ. Tel: 0141 553 4133 (24 hour Voicemail Service).

      Applications closing Date: 16 April 2004.

      We value diversity and welcome applications from all sections of the community.


    9. MSc in Strategic Marketing - Cardiff Business School 

      Cardiff Business School’s Marketing and Strategy Section continue the development of the section by launching a new MSc in Strategic Marketing to begin in September 2004. The MSc in Strategic Marketing, like all those at the Business School, has been designed to provide a mixture of theory and practice which students find both intellectually challenging and suitable for providing a basis for further career development.

      The MSc has been developed for those candidates wishing to enhance their careers in marketing or devlop an academic career in strategic marketing. The course is designed to be practical in its output, as well as being rigorous in its use of theories underpinning the various courses. The course is not designed to be industry specific and examples will draw upon a wide spectrum of industries including financial services, consumer services, and business-to-business. E-commerce and interactive marketing will naturally be incorporated into the programme relating to these business sectors.

      A significant departure for a degree of this nature is the replacement of the normal dissertation with a practical Marketing Plan. This is the critical part of the programme and indeed important to the role of strategic marketing in an organisation. The aim is to integrate and apply core course concepts, skills and techniques holistically, experientially and in a self-guiding context in order to construct and present a complete marketing plan for an organisation. It is our belief that candidates leaving the programme will have a distinct advantage in the competitive employment market.

      Application forms and further informaiton can be obtained from:
      External Relations Department
      Cardiff University
      Park Place
      CF10 3XA
      Email business-pg@cardiff.ac.uk
      A copy of the current application form can also be found on the World Wide Web at http://www.cf.ac.uk