EMAC Chronicle - April 2003

  1. Letter from the President

    1. Letter from the President 

      Dear EMAC Members,

      When I took over the presidency at the end of the Braga Conference, I had imagined the workload as president to be a rather light bundle of staggered tasks, e.g. chairing executive board meetings and discussing EMAC’s year-to-date performance. After almost one year, my perspective has changed. The work of the president and the vice-presidents is a continuous engagement to stimulate and organize innovative projects. We are striving to improve the attractiveness of becoming and remaining a member of EMAC.

      The upcoming year holds a few important changes in store. First of all, for over two years, the executive committee has been discussing a modernization of our statutes. This process is almost resolved. The new statutes will better define the aim of the organisation as well as the tasks and responsibilities of the officers. The whole complex of regulations will be adapted to Belgian law. EMAC will in the future have a somewhat stronger steering committee (President , VPs and Executive Secretary) to run the day-to-day business. This committee will be able to react much more flexibly to emerging problems and provides the president the necessary consultation support in exceptional cases, also when face-to-face meetings are not possible. In addition the new statutes will also take into account the growth and changing financial situation of the organization since the drafting of the first statutes. To better control the financial processes, the new statutes define the position of a treasurer, who will be responsible for controlling the annual accounts and presenting reports e.g. to the Executive Committee.

      Another hurdle to improve the attractiveness of EMAC, from my point of view, is developing guidelines about running the annual conference. Here Graham Hooley and Suzanne Beckmann (as VP and former president) did a great job to record their experiences with conference organization. The newness of this collection of guidelines contains, understandably, certain limitations, but continued input helps its perfection . The other issue involves helping the organizers to develop a conference program that is attractive and high quality. The key for an attractive program is the submission of papers that present high quality research. As such the review process and acceptance of good quality papers is essential to keep EMAC a strong organization. If the quality of the conference program goes down, we risk losing the targeted attendees to other conferences. Similarly, this debate is ongoing in German academic societies. One proposal to attract and ensure high quality presentations entails hosting invited sessions at the conference. At the Glasgow Conference e.g. there will be one session organized by Mike Hanssens (UCLA). In Murcia it is already announced that this conference will improve the reviewing process through a “Track Chair” system. The present review process was the subject for many complaints because of either rejection or the insufficient feedback. Perhaps the combination of invited speakers and sessions and the implementation of Track Chairs is the solution to guarantee high quality at future EMAC conferences. But there is much more that has to be discussed at the Glasgow Conference in May. With the help of their colleagues, Mike Saren and Jan Whiteford have put together a very attractive program. And it will also be worthwhile to visit this year’s General Assembly. Hope to see you there!

      Lutz Hildebrandt

  2. Network of Fellows of the European Marketing Academy

    1. Establishment of EMAC Network of Fellows Submitted by Susan Douglas

      Network of Fellows of the European Marketing Academy

      Following extensive discussions over the last couple of years, a network of Fellows of the European Marketing Academy was established by the Executive Committee in October 2002.

      The purpose of the Fellows includes:

      1. to recognise outstanding contributions to both the EMAC community and the scholarship and practice of marketing by European academies;
      2. to provide an intellectual resource for EMAC to draw on;
      3. to enhance the standing of EMAC within the academic discipline and with business, government bodies and other associations.

      Initially, all past Presidents who have been active EMAC members for the past five years were invited to become Fellows. In addition, seven senior members of EMAC were elected by the past presidents as Fellows based on their contributions to EMAC over the years.

      The Fellows are as follows:

      Michael Baker Peter Leeflang
      Suzanne C. Beckmann Gary Lilien
      Keith Blois Lars-Gunnar Mattson
      Susan Douglas Kristian Möller
      Klaus Grünert Hans Mühlbacher
      Lutz Hildebrandt John Saunders
      Graham Hooley Jan-Benedict Steenkamp
      Hans Kasper Berend Wierenga
      Gilles Laurent

      The Fellows held their first meeting at the Annual EMAC Conference in Strathclyde in May to discuss their role in EMAC and determine activities for the forthcoming year. Initial planned activities include:

      • Welcoming new academics into the EMAC community at the annual Doctoral Colloquium.
      • Welcoming new colleagues into the EMAC community at the annual conference.
      • Helping establish faculty for the annual Doctoral Colloquium.
      • Encouraging senior academic colleagues to attend and contribute to EMAC activities.
      • Writing articles for the EMAC Chronicle on topical issues.

      The Fellows would welcome suggestions from members as to how they might contribute further to the development of EMAC and provide useful services to members.

  3. News for/from Members & Institutions

    1. Peter Doyle Submitted by Graham Hooley

      It is with great sadness that we report the death of Professor Peter Doyle. Peter died on 30th March after a long fight  with cancer. Peter Doyle was one of the founding members of EMAC (then known as the European Academy for Advanced Research in Marketing) in the early 1970s. He was the first UK representative on the Executive and along with colleagues such as Susan Douglas, Lars-Gunnar Mattsson, Peter Leeflang and Philip Naert helped to put Marketing on the European map. Peter graduated with a First in Economics from the University of Manchester, UK, in 1965 and worked for a time as an economist at Unilever’s head office in London. He then took an MBA and PhD from Carnegie-Mellon in the USA and began his outstanding academic career with appointments at London Business School, INSEAD, Stanford, Bradford and more recently Warwick Business School. A prolific author, Peter’s papers appeared in all the leading Marketing journals and won prizes for their contributions at conferences such as AMA, AM and EMAC. He was also very highly regarded amongst marketing professionals, acting as consultant to leading organisations such as Coca-Cola, Cadbury Schweppes, Unilever, Shell, Hewlett-Packard, Ogilvy & Mather and the British Government’s Cabinet Office. His latest book, Value Based Marketing: Marketing strategies for corporate growth and shareholder value, was described by Philip Kotler as ‘path breaking’ and ‘destined to spark a revolution in marketing’. The book explored in detail the interface between marketing and financial performance so central to Peter’s work with the boards of leading organizations. Peter will be sadly missed by all who knew him, and particularly by those of us who had the privilege to work closely with him and to learn from him.

      Graham Hooley, Aston Business School, 2nd April 2003

    2. Expansion at Birmingham Business School Submitted by Stan Paliwoda

      The marketing group of the Birmingham Business School has been expanded further this year with Sarah Montano, Louise Canning and Barbara Armstrong. Towards the end of this year we expect further inescapable change as we move into a newly refurbished and greatly extended building which is costing the Birmingham Business School £12 million.
      Clearly having just celebrated the first 100 years of life (which makes us the oldest business school in the UK), they are planning for a future of continued growth.

    3. Continued development at Cardiff Business School's Marketing and Strategy Section Submitted by Eleri Thorpe

      Cardiff Business School’s Marketing and Strategy Section continue their development of the section with a view to launching a new MSc in Strategic Marketing to begin in September 2004. As part of this advancement the section offers its congratulations to three of its staff recently awarded lectureship positions within the School.

      Dr David Stiles, who is deputy co-ordinator of the MBA programme and lectures in Strategic Management at MBA level as well as Marketing at undergraduate level. His current research considers strategy making and implementation in higher education in the UK and North America; strategic management in the arts and tourism industries; the impact of downsizing and strategic management in the police (with Annette Davies and Sam Hardy, Cardiff University) as well as joint ventures and foreign direct investment in China.

      Dr Matthew Robson already teaches strategic management at both MBA and undergraduate level. His research interests include the importance of partner-related partner selection criteria in UK strategic alliances (with M. Beynon, Cardiff Business School); the determinants of trust and performance in UK strategic alliances (Ph.D. thesis) along with considering issues in and future directions for empirical IJV study (with Robert E. Morgan, University of Wales Aberystwyth).

      And also, Dr Tony Ellson who has brought to Cardiff a wealth of international industrial and consultancy experience and undertakes MBA and undergraduate marketing teaching. His research areas include positioning and culture as a determinant of strategy; phenomenological and ethnographic research methods, the role of Higher Education in the business environment and elitism, "cultural pedagogy", "scientific method", and "truth" and the business practitioner.

    4. Promotion at University of Adelaide Submitted by Pascale Quester

      Dr Pascale G. Quester has been promoted to Professor in Marketing in the School of Commerce of the University of Adelaide. The author of two leading textbooks and more than 100 journal articles or conference papers, Pascale is also the co-director of the Franco-Australian Centre for International Research in Marketing (FACIREM), with Professor J-M Aurifeille. In 2003, Professor Quester will be visiting, for the second time and from September to December, the Observatoire de Strategies des Entreprises (OSES) of La Sorbonne.

    5. New staff at University of Salford Submitted by Jeryl Whitelock

      Three new members of staff have joined the Marketing Group at the University of Salford, UK. Fiona Cheetham’s interests are consumer behaviour and consumption – particularly with regard to collecting – and ethnography. She believes a contribution to consumer behaviour theory can be made by drawing on ideas generated in the fields of material culture and ‘process’ sociology and is currently researching the actor networks of collecting and consumption. Morven Mc Eachern’s interests also lie in Consumer Behaviour, in addition to Marketing Communications, Social Marketing and Retail Marketing. She is currently applying a modelling approach to researching Quality Assured Labelling Schemes, with specific reference to Rural and Urban Purchasing Behaviour. Finally, Richard Pearce’s interests include cultural/social dimensions to (international) marketing communications, marketing ethics and the sociology of consumption. He favours qualitative/interpretative/critical methodologies, especially discourse analysis and is currently employing discourse analysis to evaluate ethical issues in environmental advertising.

    6. Press Release - Cardiff Business School's Marketing and Strategy Section Submitted by Eleri Thorpe

      Cardiff Business School’s Marketing and Strategy Section has recently welcomed several new members of staff in enhancing its teaching and research portfolio. Dr Eleri Thorpe joined the section in September 2002 after completing her PhD at the University of Wales Aberystwyth. Her areas of research centre on strategy implementation and mid-level management. A more recent addition is Dr Sheena Leek, previously of the University of Birmingham who joined the section in January 2003 and specialises in areas of consumer behaviour and business to business marketing. The Section also welcomes Dr Marie Mirella Yani de Soriano from the Universidad de Los Andes in Venezuela with a PhD from Keele University, whose research interests span consumer behaviour, market research and cross cultural marketing.

      The Marketing and Strategy section has also initiated a scheme of visiting fellows to the School in the interests of sharing ideas and research collaboration. The Section is already pleased to welcome a number of leading professors. Greg Allenby holds the Helen C Kurtz Chair in Marketing at the Fisher School of Business, Ohio State University. Professor Allenby will be visiting the School for a short period in May to exchange ideas and to collaborate on research. He specialises in the study of economic and statistical issues in marketing. His research deals with developing new insights about consumer behaviour from customer data routinely collected by most organisations.

      The second visitor to Cardiff is Marc Weinberger, Associate Dean and Professor of Marketing at the Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts. Professor Weinberger arrived in Cardiff in January and will be participating and interacting with the faculty and students until March. He specialises in the areas of corporate brand values and corporate publicity and is currently working on research dealing with negative communication and effects on the marketplace, market share, brand value and company valuation.

      The School has also welcomed Professor Jorge Oliveira-Castro from the University of Brasilia this year who will spend his sabbatical, thanks to a fellowship from the Ministry of Education of Brazil, collaborating with the Consumer Behaviour Analysis Research Group, led by Professor Gordon Foxall. This collaboration has already produced some publications and will generate several others, among which a monograph in the Journal of Consumer Behaviour and a book on Brand Choice.

      Previous visitors have included Ruth Bolton, Professor of Management (Marketing) at Vanderbilt University, Tennessee and Richard Bagozzi, J. Hugh Liedtke Professor of Management, Marketing, Behavioural Science and Psychology at Rice University, Texas. Also, Jan Heide, Professor of Marketing at the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Business and Christine Moorman, Professor of Marketing, Fuqua School of Business Duke University, North Carolina.

      Cardiff Business School’s Marketing and Strategy Section would welcome future visits from other leading US academics, whether passing through or as part of a longer visit to the UK. For further information please contact Dr. John Pallister, Head of Marketing and Strategy Section, Cardiff Business School, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF10 3EU, Wales, UK. Telephone: +44 (0)29 2087 508; fax: +44 (0)29 2087 4419; email: pallisterjg@cardiff.ac.uk

    7. Happy Birthday to Peter Hammann Submitted by Lutz Hildebrandt

      Professor Peter Hamman from the University of Bochum, one of the founding members and a former President of EMAC had his 65th birthday at the beginning of April. Congratulations !


  4. Publications

    1. Journal of International Marketing - New Editor Announcement Submitted by Daniel Bello

      Daniel C. Bello, RoundTable Research Professor of Marketing at the Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University, has been named editor of the Journal of International Marketing by the American Marketing Association. Bello, whose three-year term begins July 1, 2003, replaces Bodo B. Schlegelmilch, who has served as editor since July 2000.

      Bello has been a faculty member at Georgia State for 20 years and had previously served on the faculty at the University of Notre Dame for 3 years. He completed a Ph.D. in marketing at Michigan State University in 1979 and previously earned an MBA at the University of Wisconsin. His corporate experience includes several years in the Product Development Group at Ford Motor Company.

      Bello’s main areas of interest are in the design and management of domestic and international distribution systems. He has published over 70 refereed publications in these and other research areas. He currently serves on the editorial review boards of the Journal of Marketing, Journal of International Business Studies, Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Journal of Business Research, and the Journal of Marketing Management [United Kingdom].

      "The prime objective for the Journal of International Marketing is to contribute to the advancement of international marketing practice and theory,” Bello said regarding the journal’s editorial mission. "To bridge the gap between theory and practice, JIM’s articles must be scholarly and rigorously scientific, yet offer a high degree of relevance to practicing managers in international marketing. JIM will continue to cover innovative scholarly work in a way that defines and broadens the boundaries of marketing in a global context.”
      Bello is an active member of the European Marketing Academy and the Latin American Marketing Academician Association (ALAM). He teaches internationally in various programs including the doctoral program in international trade at Instituto Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey (Mexico) and the International Trade Program at the Universidad de Murcia (Spain).

    2. Journal of Marketing Research - New Editor Announcement Submitted by Dick Wittink

      Professor Dick R. Wittink, General George Rogers Clark Professor of Management and Marketing at the Yale School of Management, will become Editor of the Journal of Marketing Research on July 1, 2003.

      Yale School of Management
      Box 208200
      135 Prospect Street
      New Haven, CT 06520-8200
      Tel: (203) 432-5979
      Fax: (203) 432-3003
      Email: dick.wittink@yale.edu
      Web: www.som.yale.edu

    3. Australasian Marketing Journal - Available on-line Submitted by Mark Uncles

      The Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ) is now available on-line. All papers from volumes 9 (2001) and 10 (2002) are available at the AMJ web-site (http://www.marketing.edu.au/amj). It is the policy of the journal to have executive summaries available on-line from the day of publication, and full articles available from a few months after publication. Plans are in hand to place volumes 1 to 8 on the web-site. AMJ is a quality academic journal for marketing scholars and practitioners covering all core areas of marketing, as well as emerging areas such as customer relationship management, e-business, knowledge management, cross-cultural studies, etc. It is the official journal of the Australian-New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) and is published three times a year. See the journal web-site for details of the editorial policy, editorial board, subscription information, and submission guidelines.

      Co-editors: Professor Paul Patterson and Professor Mark Uncles, School of Marketing, University of New South Wales, Sydney NSW 2052, Australia (amj@unsw.edu.au). The editorial board comprises academics from throughout Australia and New Zealand, and PR China, Hong Hong, Singapore, Thailand, Korea, Netherlands, UK and USA.

    4. Textbook publication - Comportements du Consommateur : Concepts et Outils 

      We'd like to inform about a recent textbook publication:

      Denis DARPY & Pierre VOLLE
      Comportements du Consommateur : Concepts et Outils

    5. New Publications Submitted by Mark Uncles

      "The New Penguin Dictionary of Business" (2002) by Graham Bannock, Evan Davis, Paul Trott and Mark Uncles, published by Penguin Books, London, ISBN 0-14-051377-9 (available through all large bookshops). The book covers all areas of business, including marketing, communications, consumer analysis, business strategy, organisation behaviour, accounting, banking and finance. Ideal for generalist business studies students (on bachelors, masters and MBA programmes) and educators in these areas.

      "Understanding Brand performance Measures: Using Dirichlet Benchmarks" (2003) by Andrew Ehrenberg, Mark Uncles and Gerald Goodhardt, Journal of Business Research, forthcoming.

      "Customer Loyalty and Customer Loyalty Programs" (2003) by Mark Uncles, Grahame Dowling and Kathy Hammond, Journal of Consumer Marketing, forthcoming.

      "The Benefits of Airline Global Alliances: An Empirical Assessment" (2003) by Kevin Goh and Mark Uncles, Transportation Research A, forthcoming.

    6. Journal of Euromarketing - Special Issue on Strategic Marketing Issues in Western European Markets Submitted by Erdener Kaynak

      Journal of Euromarketing

      Special Issue
      Strategic Marketing Issues in Western European Markets

      Special Issue Guest Co-editors:
      Erdener Kaynak, Pennsylvania State University, USA
      Frederic Jallat, Paris Graduate School of Business, France

      Western Europe is not a mass homogeneous market but comprises of markets of different sizes and importance. There are at least three sub-markets namely; European Union countries, European Free Trade Area countries and Eastern and Central European Countries. Understanding marketing systems, marketing practices of companies and/or industries in this region is very critical. The  special issue of the Journal of Euromarketing will address the specific topic of strategic marketing in Western European markets. Though the economies of the region and countries therein  possess high growth potential, they simultaneously pose special challenges to global  marketers.

      The special issue would  include, but should not be limited to, the following topics:

      • International Marketing Strategy in Western Europe: a MNC’s Perspective
      • Marketing in Culturally Diverse Environments: The Case of Western Europe
      • International Marketing Strategy: a West European SME’s Perspective
      • Factors and Risks of European Integration
      • Managing a West European Product Range
      • Brand Management: Some Lessons from Western Europe
      • Alliances and Confrontations: “Europeanization” and the Logic of Trading Blocs
      • Doing E-business in Western Europe
      • Marketing in Western non-EU countries
      • Transfer of Technologies and High-Tech Marketing in Western Europe
      • The Impact of the Euro on Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities
      • Global Risk Management and Western European Marketing Policies
      • A Reappraisal of Future Regional Economic Zones from a Marketing Perspective
      • Managing a European Image: Facts and Challenges
      • West European Issues in Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
      • European Business Networks and Marketing
      • Managing Distribution Channels in Western Europe
      • Service Marketing in Western Europe
      • Western Europe and International Trade Negotiations
      • Western Europe: A Marketing Convergence?
      • Strategic Alliances, European Competition and Marketing
      • Marketing and Management of Knowledge in Western Europe
      • Pricing Policies in Western Europe: Building Coherence and Differentiation
      • Cross-Cultural Marketing: a Western European Perspective
      • Internationalization through Joint Ventures in Europe: A Marketing Perspective
      • Legal Issues in European Trade: The Impact on Marketing Strategies
      • Environmental and Labor Issues of Free Trade in Western Europe: The Impact on Marketing Strategies
      • Western European Integration in the Global World: A Marketing Perspective
      • Euro Consumers

      Authors are encouraged to submit theoretical/conceptual, empirical, and managerial papers. Single country studies will be considered, however, preference will be given to contributions which are cross-national/cultural and comparative in nature. The most important criteria for acceptance of the manuscripts are the relevance to the themes of the special issue, scholarly rigor of analysis, their originality, and their practical orientation. All submissions will undergo a thorough double-blind review process. It is anticipated that in addition to publishing a double special journal issue, we also plan in developing a hardbound book of readings out of the accepted manuscripts. The book will be published by International Business Press (IBP) - an imprint of The Haworth Press Inc., of New York, London, and Oxford. The deadline for submission is September 1st, 2003.

      Submitted papers should not exceed 25 double-spaced pages, including figures, tables, notes, and references. Manuscripts should follow the style guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA). If in doubt, please use Haworth Press website at http://www.haworthpress.com  or request the Instructions for Authors guidelines from one of the Guest Co-editors. 

      Please note that we do not accept electronic submissions. Send three hardcopy version of your papers to one of the Guest Co-editors of the special issue at the following addresses.

      Papers from the USA, Canada, Latin America, Caribbean Nations, the Middle East and Africa should be sent to:
      Erdener Kaynak, Ph.D.;D.Sc.
      School of Business Administration
      Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg
      777 West Harrisburg Pike
      Middletown, PA 17057

      Tel: (717) 948-6343
      Fax: (717) 948-6456
      E-mail: : k9x@psu.edu

      Papers from Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States, Central Asia, Asia-Pacific, Australia and New Zealand should be sent to:

      Frederic Jallat, Ph.D.
      JEM Special Issue Guest Co-editor
      Paris Graduate School of  Business
      79, avenue de la Republique
      75543 Paris Cedex 11

      Tel: +33-1- 49232251
      Fax: +33-1-49232248
      E-mail: jallat@escp-eap.net


    7. Journal of Euromarketing - Special Issue on Relationship Marketing in Emerging Markets Submitted by Erdener Kaynak

      Journal of Euromarketing

      Special Issue
      Relationship Marketing in Emerging Markets

      Special Issue Guest Co-editors:
      Erdener Kaynak, Pennsylvania State University, USA
      Marin Marinov, University of Gloucestershire, United Kingdom

      The  special issue of the Journal of Euromarketing will address the specific topics of relationship marketing in emerging geographical markets (e.g., China, Russian Federation, Vietnam, Turkey, Latin America, Commonwealth of Independent States, Central and Eastern Europe, Middle East, etc.). Though the economies of these regions and countries possess high growth potential, they simultaneously pose special challenges to global  marketers.

      The special issue would  include, but should not be limited to, the following topics:

      • Theoretical developments in relationship marketing as it applies in international/global markets
      • Challenging the extant approaches to relationship marketing in the context of emerging markets
      • Advances in the existing models and frameworks applied to relationship marketing in emerging markets
      • Types of relationship marketing as found in emerging markets
      • Prerequisites for the establishment of business relationships in emerging markets
      • Interaction processes and interaction styles among organizational/intermediate buyers in emerging markets
      • The process of evolvement of relationships and relational infrastructure in emerging markets
      • Interacting companies in emerging markets and the impact on companies’ development
      • Relationship marketing and marketing strategy in emerging markets
      • Relationship marketing and the characteristics of the marketing strategy variables
      • The impact of national and corporate culture on relationship marketing
      • Relationship marketing and its role in establishing and sustaining networks and strategic alliances

      Authors are encouraged to submit theoretical, empirical or managerial papers. Single country studies will be considered, however, preference will be given to contributions that bridge the gaps among countries and sub-topical issues. The special issue will include submissions that are contextually related to or dealing with relationship marketing issues in emerging markets. All submissions will undergo a thorough double-blind review process. They will be judged and evaluated on the basis of originality, contribution and rigor. It is anticipated that in addition to publishing a double special journal issue, we also plan in developing a hardbound book of readings out of the accepted manuscripts. The book will be published by International Business Press- an imprint of The Haworth Press Inc., of New York, London, and Oxford. The deadline for submission is August 30, 2003.

      Submitted papers should be limited to thirty pages, double spaced in length, including figures, tables, notes, and references. The papers should be in line with the Guidelines for Authors of the Journal of Euromarketing which uses American Psychological Association (APA) style guidelines. For further information, please use website address http://www.haworthpressinc.com  You can also request a style guideline from either of the Special Issue Guest Editors. 

      Please note that we do not accept electronic submissions. Send three hardcopy version of your papers to one of the Guest Co-editors of the special issue at the following addresses.

      Papers from the USA, Canada, Latin America, Caribbean Nations, Africa, the Middle East and Africa should be sent to:
      Erdener Kaynak, Ph.D.;D.Sc.
      JEM Special Issue Guest Co-editor
      School of Business Administration
      Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg
      777 West Harrisburg Pike
      Middletown, PA 17057

      Tel: (717) 948-6343
      Fax: (717) 948-6456
      E-mail: : k9x@psu.edu

      Papers from Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States, Central Asia, Asia-Pacific, and Australia and New Zealand should be sent to:

      Marin Marinov, Ph.D.
      JEM Special Issue Guest Co-editor
      Department of Marketing and International Business
      Gloucestershire Business School
      University of Gloucestershire
      Pallas Villa, Office 203
      P.O. Box 220, The Park Campus
      Cheltenham, Gloucestershire GL50 2QF

      Tel: +44-1242-532763
      Fax: +44-1242-543208
      E-mail: mmarinov@glos.ac.uk


  5. Job announcements

    1. Aston Business School Submitted by Nick Lee

      Aston Business School is one of the largest in Europe. It is one of the few UK Business Schools to have been rated excellent on several prestigious professional measures: achieving top marks and acclaim from the UK Government’s Quality Assurance Agency (QAA); receiving the European stamp of quality approval from the European Quality Improvement System (EQUIS); and achieving a ‘5’ in research in the UK Government’s Research Assessment Exercise (RAE).

      The Aston Marketing Group is led by Professors Gordon Greenley, Graham Hooley and Veronica Wong. John Saunders, Head of the Aston Business School and past EMAC President, is also a Professor of Marketing. There is a current establishment of 16 full time faculty, which is to be expanded with new appointments. Although we have varying research interests, we are a very cohesive Group, there is much support among colleagues, and we have a great culture and team spirit.

      We will be making appointments at the Senior Lecturer or Lecturer levels, equivalent to the Associate and Assistant Professor levels. We encourage applications from colleagues with specialisms in any area of marketing, but we are particularly looking for expertise in consumer behaviour, marketing psychology, advertising and marketing communications, and international marketing. Applicants should have, or be about to complete, a doctorate. They should also have publications in refereed journals, and be able to demonstrate ability or potential to publish in international refereed journals.

      For more information, please see our web page http://mkt-law.abs.aston.ac.uk. For an informal discussion please contact Professors Gordon Greenley, or Veronica Wong (0121 359 3011); email g.e.greenley@aston.ac.uk: v.w.y.wong@aston.ac.uk

    2. Bodø Graduate School of Business  Submitted by Grete Knudsen

      Associate Professor in Marketing at Bodø Graduate School of Business (HHB), Bodø Regional University (BRU)

      A position as Associate Professor in Marketing is open at Bodø Graduate School of Business (HHB). The person appointed must within her/his research area participate in teaching, supervision and examination work in connection with the Bachelor programs, and the M. Sc. Program in Business Administration.

      The person appointed must have a doctorate degree or similar within the research area.

      The main lecturing language is Norwegian. However, on the M.Sc. program in Business Administration several of the courses are taught in English, and the major part of the compulsory readings at graduate level are in English.

      The application shall contain information on education, previous positions, scientific, professional and pedagogical activities and administrative experience. Within the closing date applicants should submit 4 copies of:
      · The application (a CV with enclosures)
      · Those of the applicant’s publications she/he thinks to be most important for the evaluation
      · A full list of publications and where they are published
      · Any additional explanation of the submitted publications
      · Evidence of teaching and administrative experience and qualification
      · Documentation of any other qualifications considered relevant for the evaluation
      · Personal references to previous and current employers

      The applications will be evaluated by a committee. The committee will present its evaluation to the Board of Bodø Graduate School. HHB will give its prioritised proposal to the University Board. When the qualified applicants are ranked, weight will be placed on documented research publishing activity, pedagogical qualifications, other professional qualifications, administrative and/or other qualifying activities, research management and participation in research projects and publishing work in general.

      As a general rule an interview will be used in the appointment process, and it may be appropriate to require trial lectures.

      Bodø Regional University wishes to have more women in permanent academic posts. Women are urged to apply.

      The salary offered for full associate professor is appr. NoK 400.000. For especially qualified applicants, the wages may be set somewhat higher.

      In Norway associate professors employed on a permanent basis have the opportunity to apply for personal advancement to professor according to competence. Annual closing date for such applications is 15 September.

      A detailed description of the position specifying research areas, teaching commitments and qualifications, which will be stressed at the time of appointment, can be found at: http://www.hibo.no. Additional information on the position can be obtained from Assosciate Professor Frank Lindberg (e-mail: frank.lindberg@hibo.no) or Professor Stig Ingebrigtsen (e-mail: stig.ingebrigtsen@hibo.no) Dean of Bodø Graduate School of Business (HHB), both by telephone (+47) 75 51 72 00.

      The application (Reference No. 5166) is to be sent to the Bodø Regional University (BRU), 8049 Bodø, by April 15, 2003.

    3. University Carlos III of Madrid Submitted by María Gutierrez

      The Department of Business Administration of the University Carlos III of Madrid invites applications for three tenure track positions in Marketing. Candidates should have a Ph.D. or be close to completion. Although knowledge of Spanish is appreciated, it is not strictly required. Selected candidates will be given the possibility to teach in English (undergraduate and graduate level) during the first year of appointment. University Carlos III was founded in 1989 as a centre of excellence inside the Spanish public university system. We have an internationally diverse faculty and are committed to high standards of research. We are therefore looking for candidates in the above-mentioned areas who share this commitment. Applications should include: a curriculum vita; a statement of teaching and research interests; a research paper; teaching evaluations or other evidence of teaching effectiveness; and two current letters of reference forwarded by the referees. CONTACT: Prof. Alejandro Balbas, Head, Department of Business Administration, University Carlos III de Madrid, Calle Madrid 126, Getafe 28903 Madrid, Spain (email: balbas@emp.uc3m.es). For further details on the Department please visit our web site: http://www.emp.uc3m.es

    4. Maastricht University Submitted by Piet Pauwels

      The Department of Marketing of Maastricht University is looking to hire a full-time assistant/associate professor in logistics.

      Tasks: The candidate will develop, coordinate and teach courses in the logistics education program. Furthermore, together with other staff, the candidate will conduct research in the area of logistics and supply chain management, and perform administrative tasks. A research interest is preferred in the application of operations research to logistics. Requirements: Candidate should demonstrate a record of recent scientific publications, related to the theory of logistics and supply chain management, and should have experience in quantitative testing of supply chain models. Furthermore, the candidate should demonstrate an interest in, and experience with, education, prefereably in logistics. Administrative skills are required with respect to the educational method generally employed in Maastricht, i.e. Problem Based Learning. Desired education: PhD in Economics and Business Administration: the department is looking for a PhD in (Applied) Economics or Management, showing a strong affinity with applied research.

      Terms and Conditions: We offer a tenured position. The gross salary is maximum EUR 5.267 per month.
      Category 14 in the CEA (CAO) Dutch Universities.

      Contact Information: Prof. Dr. Jos Lemmink, phone +31 43 3883839 - E-mail: j.lemmink@mw.unimaas.nl

      Job Opening: AT2002.295/PZFdEW vacatures@facburfdewb.unimaas.nl

    5. Marie Curie EU Doctoral Training 

      Marie Curie EU Doctoral Training in International Management Vacancies

      Manchester School of Management (MSM), UMIST is a leading centre for international management research focusing on the role of different national systems in explaining divergent patterns of economic and social development, and in shaping the environment and options for multinational corporations.  MSM has an international reputation for combining both critical and more practical analysis of the application of new management techniques in an international context.  The School has international research expertise in five areas of international management, international marketing, international technology management, international human resource management, international business economics and finance and international operations management.  We invite EU doctoral and post-doctoral scholars to apply in all areas of management research for a 1 – 12 month stay.   The scheme provides a monthly stipend of 1200 Euro, plus 100 Euro Travel Allowance.  Please apply to Professor Paul Jackson (Email: paul.r.jackson@umist.ac.uk).  There is no closing date.

  6. Events & Calls for Papers in Marketing

    1. Report on ANZMAC/EMAC Symposium  Submitted by Graham Hooley

      December 2002, Perth, Western Australia

      Last December we ran our first joint research colloquium with our sibling association – the Australia and New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC). Around 50 colleagues were able to attend (despite the last minute transfer of location from Kuala Lumpur to Perth following the Bali bombing), with half being members of EMAC and half members of ANZMAC. There a few colleagues who were already members of both, and we also attracted a handful of non-members from the USA and SEA.

      The colloquium was divided into two parallel tracks – one focusing on business to business networks, the other on services and consumer networks. The business to business track followed directly from an IMP meeting the week previously, retaining a tight focus. The second track was more diverse in nature, spanning the implications of technologies (such as the Internet) for networks and networking, networks of consumers, and consumer to business relationships.

      From the symposium it was very clear that there is a great deal of interest in networks and networking, and that this is likely to be a fruitful area for research for some time to come. Some of the key themes to emerge include:

      • The need to integrate marketing more fully with other management disciplines to more fully understand networking issues and phenomena.
      • The need to develop better understanding of the value creation process in networked organisations – to develop metrics to measure value.
      • The need for pluralism in research methods, approaches and paradigms investigating networks.
      • The implications for cross-cultural research on networks.
      • The effects of the Internet on consumer networks and their relationships with business organisations.

      These are just a few of the issues discussed and raised. For a more comprehensive view of the discussions take a look at the papers from the colloquium which are now published on the web at (http://www.anzmac.org/symposium). In addition a special issue of the Australasian Journal of Marketing with a selection of full papers developed from presentations at the colloquium will be published in early 2004.

      One objective of the colloquium was to encourage networking among colleagues from EMAC and ANZMAC and one measure of how successful that has been will be the research collaborations that emerge. Already colleagues from Australia and New Zealand are working with teams from the UK, Finland, Ireland, Austria and the Netherlands on research into marketing capabilities. Hopefully the colloquium will stimulate further collaboration.

      This is not seen as a one off event. We are now discussing possible formats for further colloquia. Watch this space!

      Particular thanks for helping with the organisation of the colloquium go to co-chairs, Mark Gabbott of Monash University, Melbourne, and Rod Brodie, of University of Auckland, New Zealand. EMAC track chairs who worked so hard before and during the symposium to make it such a success were Kristian Möller, Hans Kasper, Lars-Gunnar Mattsson and Suzanne Beckmann. Many thanks to you all.

      Graham Hooley, Aston Business School, Vice-President, Conferences

      David Ballantyne, Paul Patterson and
      Sheelagh Mattear

      Suzanne Hertz, Lars Gunnar-Mattsson,
      Margaret Gunnar-Mattsson and Loiusie Young

      Hans Kasper, Josée Bloemer, Kristian and
      Pirkko Möller

      Geoff Kiel, Rod Brodie, Mark Gabbott and
      Graham Hooley

    2. Report on 3rd Annual e-Business Conference Submitted by Stan Paliwoda

      In December, Professor Stan Paliwoda hosted the third annual e-Business Conference at Birmingham Business School, University of Birmingham. This was sponsored by IBM and Kogan Page. The conference showcased the latest research into e-business development and also had a demonstration by IBM of wearable computer technology.

      Demonstrating how the technology can improve customer relations management by processing information more rapidly and cost effectively, Pete Jakob, IBM’s Marketing Manager Wireless e-business Europe, said, “The current drive is to extend computing out to mobile workers who can now have full computing power, literally on their belt. Hardware is improving all the time. Wireless technology means fewer wires and headsets are already available with eyepieces and microphones that allow users to view full screen displays and operate speech enabled computers”.

      He added that the technology had wide applications, especially in the field of improving customer satisfaction. It can, for instance, be used for ‘queue busting’ by staff at airport check-in, or, in the case of insurance, be used to process information and send images of damage from one site to headquarters to rapidly settle claims.

      The technology has many, more critical, applications in the public sector. Records can be accessed and information inputted by police at a crime scene, health workers on home visits and paramedics in transit who could process patient information and use diagnostic tools.

      Professor Stanley Paliwoda, Head of the Department of Commerce, commented, “It is particularly appropriate that the Birmingham Business School should host this event in our centenary year. The conference not only demonstrates the School’s depth and range of research but also our commitment to disseminating the latest trends in practical business applications”.

      IBM awarded prizes of Mont Blanc pens for the best paper and Kogan Page presented books from their expanding e-business series to both the best paper award winners and the runners-up. Best Paper Award went to Howard Cox and Simon Mowatt of Auckland University of Technology for a paper on “Consumer Driven Innovation Networks and e-business Management Systems”. Adam Lindgreen of Eindhoven University of Technology won the Merit Certificate as runner-up for “The Creation of a Video Chat Service on the Internet”.

      Next year’s conference will be hosted by Dr Panos Louvieris at the University of Surrey tel : 0044 1483 686355 for details.

    3. Report on Research Project on Marketing Resources, Assets and Capabilities Submitted by Graham Hooley

      In mid-March a group of colleagues working on a research project investigating marketing resources, assets and capabilities, met for a workshop/symposium at Aston Business School in the United Kingdom. The group consists of many members of EMAC and ANZMAC (The Australian and New Zealand Marketing Academy) working on an ongoing collaborative project.

      The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the research project which we call ‘Marketing in the 21st Century’ that is collecting data simultaneously in 13 countries around the world concerning approaches to marketing, the resources developed and used in the pursuit of marketing strategies, competitive positioning issues and ultimately their impact on marketing performance.

      We now have responses from 5600 companies across the globe and the results of the project are starting to be presented at ANZMAC and EMAC conferences as well as being written up for journal publication. The picture shows those colleagues who were able to attend. Others participating in the project include Susan Douglas, Hans Kasper, Hans Muhlbacher, Vasilis Theoharakis, Boris Snoj and Valdo Gabrijan. No less than four previous Presidents of EMAC are involved!

    4. 2nd Call for Papers - Workshop on Consumer perceptions of healthiness of food and consumer acceptance of new functional foods Submitted by Julia Stacey

      7-8 April 2003 - Middelfart, Denmark

      The direction (and intensity) of future food developments has been discussed heavily in the light of new technological insights and possibilities. Whereas there is no doubt about the continued development of new functional ingredients and foods, the demands and interests of consumers in future foods are more blurred. On one hand, consumers look for convenience and new possibilities and they care about healthiness. On the other hand, they seek naturalness and worry about safety and technological developments such as genetically modified foods. Consumer perceptions of healthiness,
      functional ingredients and functional foods are therefore subjects of high importance for every food company and for researchers dealing with market research and product development for future food markets.

      Participants and format
      Participants from academia as well as companies are invited to the workshop. The workshop will include 12 oral presentations on consumer perceptions of healthiness of food and consumer acceptance of new functional foods followed by a panel discussion. Participation in the workshop is limited to 30 people to ensure good interaction among participants.

      The workshop is held at Hotel Kongebrogaarden in Middelfart – a beautiful conference site about 110 minutes from Copenhagen on the island of Funen. Middelfart is accessible directly by train from Copenhagen Airport. Participants are expected to arrive in the evening of April 7 for a joint dinner and a welcome session. The workshop itself takes place on April 8. After the workshop, there will be transportation to the NFIF welcome party in Copenhagen.

      Professor Klaus G. Grunert and associate professor Karen Brunsø, the MAPP Centre at the Aarhus School of Business in Denmark are responsible for the workshop programme. Please contact mapp@asb.dk with regards to practical matters.

      New Functional Ingredients and Foods – Safety, Health and Convenience
      The workshop ‘Consumer perceptions of healthiness of food and consumer acceptance of new functional foods’ is a pre-conference workshop prior to the conference (NFIF) (New Functional Ingredients and Foods – Safety, Health and Convenience) organised by EFFoST (the European
      Federation of Food Science and Technology) in association with LMC (the Centre for Advanced Food Studies in Denmark).

    5. Call for Papers - 11th International Colloquium in Relationship Marketing Submitted by Adrian Palmer

      14–17 September 2003 - Cheltenham, England

      Each year, leading scholars in the field of Relationship Marketing gather in a colloquium to discuss current developments in theory and application. This year’s colloquium theme is “Refreshing the Challenge of Relationship Marketing”. Papers are particularly invited which present new conceptual frameworks from outside the discipline of marketing, or which develop new methodologies for researching buyer-seller relationships.

      The 11th Annual Colloquium in Relationship Marketing will be hosted by the University of Gloucestershire at Cheltenham, England and the colloquium organisers invite the submission of one-page abstracts. These should be submitted by e-mail to papers@icrm2003.com by 25th April 2003. Abstracts will be selected on the basis of their ability to generate critical debate. Full papers for selected abstracts should be submitted by 6th June 2003 for double blind peer reviewing. In order to enhance dialogue within the colloquium, attendance numbers will be limited to 50.

      For further information about the colloquium, please visit http://www.icrm2003.com

      Adrian Palmer
      Professor of Services Marketing
      University of Gloucestershire
      The Park
      GL50 2QF, UK
      Tel. +44 1242 5432 35
      E-mail: apalmer@glos.ac.uk

    6. Call for Papers - AMA Frontiers in Services Conference 2003 Submitted by Susan Weil

      The American Marketing Association and the Center for e-Service, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, are pleased to announce this CALL FOR PAPERS for the 12th Annual AMA Frontiers in Services to be held in metropolitan Washington, DC from October 23-26, 2003. This international conference will highlight the latest thinking in service, with all aspects of the following as potential paper topics:

      • E-Service
      • Customer Relationship Management
      • Service Marketing 
      • Service Operations 
      • Service Human Resources 
      • Service Management

      Preference for academic abstracts will be given to more rigorous analytical, empirical and behavioral approaches. Reviews of major research areas are especially encouraged. Case studies by practitioners are also encouraged. Conference attendees will consist of both academicians and practitioners, and we ask that the 30-minute presentations be understandable to both groups.

      Abstracts of one page should be sent by March 31, 2003 to Roland Rust at the email address below. The conference committee will select abstracts on a competitive basis, and authors will be notified by May 1, 2003.

      Abstract Requirements:
      Each abstract should clearly identify the primary speaker who will present the paper at the conference and include the primary speaker’s brief bio, email address, mailing address, telephone number, and FAX number. Because there will be no published proceedings, we encourage authors to submit their best work, providing it will not have been published by the date of the conference.

      E-mail submissions are strongly preferred. To submit an abstract or to obtain further information, please contact:

      Roland T. Rust, Ph.D.
      Robert H. Smith School of Business
      3451 Van Munching Hall
      University of Maryland
      College Park, MD 20742-1815 USA
      301.405.4300 301.314.0614 (fax)

      For up-to-date information on the conference, visit the Center for e-Service website at www.rhsmith.umd.edu/ces.

      About The Conference
      This year’s conference will be held in metropolitan Washington, DC. Sessions will be held at the Bethesda Hyatt Regency, located beside a DC subway (Metro) stop in the middle of Bethesda’s famous restaurant district, and in Van Munching Hall, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, minutes from DC’s Beltway.

    7. Call for Papers - Customer Research Academy Workshop (CRAWS) Submitted by Margaret Hogg

      4th CRAWS Conference: March 31st - April 2nd 2004
      Changing Perspectives on Customer Behaviour

      Conference Chairs: Margaret K. Hogg, Kalipso M. Karantinou and Barbara R. Lewis, Manchester School of Management, UMIST, UK.

      The Customer Research Academy was established at UMIST to provide a forum for European academics who are researching customer behaviour. The aim of the Workshop series is to provide an opportunity to examine the latest leading-edge theoretical, conceptual, methodological and empirical progress in customer research across consumer and organisational markets, including profit and not-for-profit sectors.

      Following three successful meetings (1998, 2000 and 2002), the 4th workshop will involve a series of themed discussions in which participants will talk briefly about their research papers. The workshop format means that the emphasis throughout will be on informality to encourage discussion and the full participation of all attendees; to foster opportunities for the development of research collaborations; and to build networks of national and international scholarship in customer behaviour.

      The 2004 workshop will be held at 'Chancellors' - the University of Manchester Conference Centre, which has en-suite accommodation available onsite. It will begin with dinner on the evening of March 31st, followed by a series of sessions during Thursday, April 1st, and ending at lunchtime Friday, April 2nd.

      Paper Abstracts
      We invite you to submit your paper abstracts which address the workshop theme: Changing Perspectives on Customer Behaviour. Papers which focus on other themes related to customer behaviour will also be welcome. Abstracts should focus on research in progress or completed research into customer behaviour in consumer, organisational, business-to-business or social markets and should identify the contribution of the research (i.e. theoretical/conceptual; methodological; empirical).

      Abstracts should be on one page, 300-400 words and should include the author(s) name, affiliation, address, telephone, fax and e-mail. They should be submitted by November 14th 2003 to Ms Janet Denny, Manchester School of Management, UMIST, PO Box 88, Manchester, M60 1QD, UK. Tel: (+44) 161 200 3507; Fax: (+44) 161 200 3167; E-mail: janet.denny@umist.ac.uk.

      Successful Papers
      Abstracts will be reviewed by an internal panel and authors notified during December 2003. Accepted paper abstracts will be published in the 2004 Customer Research Academy Workshop Series, Volume 4 (bound volume with ISBN). Successful participants will be expected to bring copies of their completed papers to the workshop. Authors will also be invited to submit their completed papers for double blind review for a special issue of the Journal of Consumer Behaviour.

    8. Call for Papers - 6th Int'l Forum on The Sciences, Techniques and Art Applied to Marketing. Academy and Profession Submitted by Enrique Ortega

      Faculty of Economics and Business Sciences
      Complutense University of Madrid
      November 27th-28th 2003

      Deadline for contributions
      September 15th 2003. Full competitive papers regarding marketing and related areas are welcome. Papers will be subject to double blind peer review.

      Further information:

    9. Call for Papers - IV International Conference on Economics and Management of Agri-Food Networks Submitted by Marcos Feneves

      The IV International Conference on Economics and Management of Agri-Food Networks is to be held in October 28-31, 2003 in the University of Sao Paulo, School of Economics and Business, BRAZIL.

      Please visit the web www.fearp.usp.br/egna or contact EMAC Member Marcos Fava Neves (mfaneves@usp.br) for more information.

    10. Call for Papers - ANZIBA Annual Conference 2003 Submitted by Vivienne Shaw

      The Challenge of International Business
      University of Otago
      Dunedin, New Zealand
      7th – 8th November 2003

      We invite submission of papers for the ANZIBA annual conference. Papers are welcomed in all areas of international business including, but not limited to, the following broad research themes:
      · International Business Strategy
      · International Political Economy and International Trade
      · International Finance, Accounting and Taxation
      · Exporting and International Marketing
      · International Strategic Human Resource Management
      · International Alliances and Networks
      · International Business Education and Teaching
      · Macro and Micro-environmental Factors influencing International Business
      · International Business and the SME
      · Tourism and International Business
      · Cross Cultural Management

      The conference and proceedings will include Competitive Papers, Working Papers, Special Sessions, Poster Sessions and a Doctoral/Early Researchers Workshop. All papers will be subject to a formal, independent, double blind review process.
      Deadline for submissions is Monday, 21 July 2003.

      Full details can be found at www.anziba.org or
      email Professor Vivienne Shaw at vshaw@business.otago.ac.nz

    11. Call for Papers - Special Issue Journal of Euromarketing Submitted by Delphine Manseau

      Journal of Euromarketing

      Special Issue on
      Strategic Marketing Issues in Western European Markets

      Special Issue Guest Co-editors:
      Erdener Kaynak, Pennsylvania State University, USA
      Frederic Jallat, Paris Graduate School of Business, France

      Western Europe is not a mass homogeneous market but comprises of markets of different sizes and importance. There are at least three sub-markets namely; European Union countries, European Free Trade Area countries and Eastern and Central European Countries. Understanding marketing systems, marketing practices of companies and/or industries in this region is very critical. The  special issue of the Journal of Euromarketing will address the specific topic of strategic marketing in Western European markets. Though the economies of the region and countries therein  possess high growth potential, they simultaneously pose special challenges to global  marketers.

      The special issue would  include, but should not be limited to, the following topics:

      • International Marketing Strategy in Western Europe: a MNC’s Perspective
      • Marketing in Culturally Diverse Environments: The Case of Western Europe
      • International Marketing Strategy: a West European SME’s Perspective
      • Factors and Risks of European Integration
      • Managing a West European Product Range
      • Brand Management: Some Lessons from Western Europe
      • Alliances and Confrontations: “Europeanization” and the Logic of Trading Blocs
      • Doing E-business in Western Europe
      • Marketing in Western non-EU countries
      • Transfer of Technologies and High-Tech Marketing in Western Europe
      • The Impact of the Euro on Marketing: Challenges and Opportunities
      • Global Risk Management and Western European Marketing Policies
      • A Reappraisal of Future Regional Economic Zones from a Marketing Perspective
      • Managing a European Image: Facts and Challenges
      • West European Issues in Corporate Governance and Business Ethics
      • European Business Networks and Marketing
      • Managing Distribution Channels in Western Europe
      • Service Marketing in Western Europe
      • Western Europe and International Trade Negotiations
      • Western Europe: A Marketing Convergence?
      • Strategic Alliances, European Competition and Marketing
      • Marketing and Management of Knowledge in Western Europe
      • Pricing Policies in Western Europe: Building Coherence and Differentiation
      • Cross-Cultural Marketing: a Western European Perspective
      • Internationalization through Joint Ventures in Europe: A Marketing Perspective
      • Legal Issues in European Trade: The Impact on Marketing Strategies
      • Environmental and Labor Issues of Free Trade in Western Europe: The Impact on Marketing Strategies
      • Western European Integration in the Global World: A Marketing Perspective
      • Euro Consumers

      Authors are encouraged to submit theoretical/conceptual, empirical, and managerial papers. Single country studies will be considered, however, preference will be given to contributions which are cross-national/cultural and comparative in nature. The most important criteria for acceptance of the manuscripts are the relevance to the themes of the special issue, scholarly rigor of analysis, their originality, and their practical orientation. All submissions will undergo a thorough double-blind review process. It is anticipated that in addition to publishing a double special journal issue, we also plan in developing a hardbound book of readings out of the accepted manuscripts. The book will be published by International Business Press (IBP) - an imprint of The Haworth Press Inc., of New York, London, and Oxford. The deadline for submission is September 1st, 2003.

      Submitted papers should not exceed 25 double-spaced pages, including figures, tables, notes, and references. Manuscripts should follow the style guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA). If in doubt, please use Haworth Press website at http://www.haworthpress.com  or request the Instructions for Authors guidelines from one of the Guest Co-editors. 

      Please note that we do not accept electronic submissions. Send three hardcopy version of your papers to one of the Guest Co-editors of the special issue at the following addresses.

      Papers from the USA, Canada, Latin America, Caribbean Nations, the Middle East and Africa should be sent to:
      Erdener Kaynak, Ph.D.;D.Sc.
      School of Business Administration
      Pennsylvania State University at Harrisburg
      777 West Harrisburg Pike
      Middletown, PA 17057

      Tel: (717) 948-6343
      Fax: (717) 948-6456
      E-mail: : k9x@psu.edu

      Papers from Europe, Commonwealth of Independent States, Central Asia, Asia-Pacific, Australia and New Zealand should be sent to:

      Frederic Jallat, Ph.D.
      JEM Special Issue Guest Co-editor
      Paris Graduate School of  Business
      79, avenue de la Republique
      75543 Paris Cedex 11

      Tel: +33-1- 49232251
      Fax: +33-1-49232248
      E-mail: jallat@escp-eap.net


    12. Announcement - Academy of Marketing Annual Conference 2003 Submitted by Graham Hooley

      8-11 July 2003 - Aston Business School, Birmingham, U.K.

      The annual conference of the AM will be held at Aston Business School this year. The theme is ‘Marketing: a history of the next decade’ and the focus will be on identifying developments in both theory and practice that will shape the research agenda over the coming years. Keynote speakers include Professor David Montgomery, Stanford University and Singapore Management University, Sir Dominic Cadbury, formerly CEO of Cadbury Schweppes now Chair of the Wellcome Foundation, and Peter Fisk, Director General of the Chartered Institute of Marketing. Special sessions will include a joint symposium on Marketing Psychology Across Borders with the Global SIG of the AMA, Research funding opportunities workshop, a pre-conference doctoral colloquium, and a tribute session to Peter Doyle, one of the founding fathers of EMAC.

      Further details available from the conference web site at: http://am2003.abs.aston.ac.uk
      Or contact the organisers on AM2003@aston.ac.uk

    13. ISBM's 2003 Business Marketing Doctoral Support Award Competition Submitted by Gary Holler

      ISBM's 2003 Business Marketing Doctoral Support Award Competition

      Penn State's Institute for the Study of Business Markets announces its thirteenth annual Business Marketing Doctoral Support Award Competition. Up to five candidates in accredited doctoral programs will receive dissertation support awards. Dissertations in any area of business-to-business (industrial) marketing or in any of the methodological areas that support advances in business marketing will be considered.

      In addition to applications from Ph.D. students in marketing, we encourage applications from students in economics, management science, organizational psychology, statistics, anthropology and other disciplines whose developments help advance our understanding of the operation of the business marketplace.

      The award consists of:
      Up to $5000 in financial assistance for documented travel, conference attendance, data collection, and other expenses of conducting and presenting the results of the research.
      Assistance, as needed, in gaining the cooperation of both ISBM member firms and non-member firms for data, interviews, etc.
      Unlimited use of databases held by or accessible to the ISBM, as needed.

      The outstanding submission will receive the ISBM Dissertation Proposal Prize, an additional award of $2000.

      Submission Information

      Ph.D. candidates interested in the competition should submit an abstract of their research not to exceed five double-spaced pages, along with a current vita and a vita of their dissertation advisor. The abstract should address the potential importance of their work to business marketing practice, its theoretical contributions, the research methodology, and the amount and kind of support requested. The abstract must be submitted no later than September 15, 2003. See special note for Electronic Submissions on the website (http://www.smeal.psu.edu/isbm/award.html).

      Proposals will be judged by an academic panel, consisting of representatives of the ISBM and qualified faculty members from other universities. Finalists will be notified by October 10, 2003.

      Final proposals not to exceed 15 double-spaced pages are due on 15 November. Winners will be announced by January 10, 2004.

      Any pages of the abstract and/or proposal (not including reference pages) exceeding the page limits listed above will not be considered in the review process.

      Academics and graduate students interested in requesting research funding other than the competition should see proposal submission information. Send entries or request further information about the ISBM, its databases and the competition from:

      Dr. Gary L. Lilien, Research Director
      Pennsylvania State University
      402 Business Administration Building
      University Park, PA 16802-3004

      Submissions should be sent as MIME or UUENCODED attachments by e-mail. Acceptable formats for submissions are Word, PDF, and RTF. Electronic submissions should be sent to gwh3@psu.edu.

    14. ISBM's 2002 Business Marketing Doctoral Support Award Winners Submitted by Gary Holler

      ISBM Announces 2002 Doctoral Support Award Winners

      Winners have been named in the twelfth annual ISBM Business Marketing Doctoral Support Award Competition. This year, the ISBM named one overall winner along with two additional winners; each named ISBM Business Marketing Doctoral Fellows. Their names and topics are:

      Outstanding Submission:

      Maria Merino of The University of Texas at Austin, "The Role of Marketing Assets in Reducing Risk and Enhancing Corporate Performance"

      Other Winners in the 2002 Competition:

      Talai Osmonbekov of Georgia State University, "The Impact of eBusiness Infusion on Reseller Effectiveness: The Moderating Role of Channel Governance"

      Amit Saini of Washington State University, "Organizational Assimilation of Technology for Business Marketing: The Case of Customer Relationship Management (CRM)"

      We received a total of thirty proposals from which twelve finalists were chosen. The three winners were selected from the finalists. The Institute for the Study of Business Markets will sponsor this competition again in 2003. For information about the competition, email the ISBM at ISBM@psu.edu or visit the web site http://www.smeal.psu.edu/isbm/web/2002.html

    15. Call for Papers - 9th International Conference on Corporate and Marketing Communications Submitted by Elif Karaosmanoglu

      Call for Papers

      The 9th International Conference on
      Corporate and Marketing Communications (CMC)

      Venue: Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK

      Dates: April 5th and 6th, 2004

      Expanding the Role of Corporate and Marketing Communications in the New Business Landscape

      New technologies, fierce competition at home and abroad, fresh patterns of consumer behaviour and increased demands from governmental regulatory bodies continuously create new challenges for the management of corporate and marketing communications. Journal articles, professional conferences and developments, research funding priorities, and teaching in business and management schools around the world reflect this reality, as does the growth in senior appointments of communication managers, often at board level, and at other managerial levels in industry, commerce, and public sector organisations. Strategies, strictures and methods are being developed to cope with the emerging situation, including new media, integrated communication programmes, strategic communication management, and innovative devices to measure ROI contribution.

      Papers are invited on issues, which are crucial to an understanding of corporate and marketing communications in contemporary organisations. In particular, papers, which consider the following, are welcome.

      Marketing Communications

      • Integrated marketing communications
      • New media: Internet, direct-response
      • Marketing public relations
      • The modern promotional mix
      • Efficacy of communications media
      • Branding, brand management
      • Business-to-consumer and business-to-business
      • Measuring attitudinal/behavioural response
      • Interaction and Integration

      Corporate Communications

      • Integrated communications
      • Public affairs
      • Public relations
      • Investor relations
      • Corporate communication
      • Corporate image, identity and reputation
      • Corporate branding
      • Analyst relations
      • Interaction and integration
      • Government and lobbying

      Related Areas

      • Internal communications
      • Communications research methodology
      • Assessing communication effects
      • Teaching communications
      • Psychology and communications
      • Ethical considerations
      • Relationship and retention marketing
      • Politics of business communication
      • Communication knowledge, attitudes, and skills
      • Cross-cultural communication issues
      • Marketing communications of non-profit and voluntary sector organisations

      The above is not intended to be all-inclusive, however, and competitive and working papers in related areas will be welcomed for refereeing. Successful authors will present their papers at the conference and be able to submit their papers for possible journal publication. As in previous years, the best competitive paper will be selected, subject to style amendment, for publication in the Journal of Marketing Communications. Prizes will be awarded for the best competitive and best working paper as judged by a panel of experts.

      The conference will consider both full competitive papers (which may be submitted to the Journal of Marketing Communications) and working papers.

      Guidelines for Contributors of Papers

      Four hard copies plus one copy on diskette in Microsoft Word for Windows (Version 6 or higher) should be sent to arrive no later than November 15th 2003 to:

      Dr T C Melewar
      Warwick Business School
      University of Warwick
      Scarman Road
      Coventry CV4 7AL, United Kingdom
      Telephone: (+44) 24 7652 8956
      Fax: (+44) 24 7652 4628
      Email: tc.melewar@wbs.ac.uk

      Full Competitive Paper

      · Maximum length: 12 pages (excluding title page)
      · Margins: all 2.5cm or 1 inch
      · Text: single spaced in 10pt Times New Roman
      · Title page: Title, Author(s), Affiliation(s). Contact details at bottom
      · First page, Top half: Title (no author names). Abstract (no more than 100 words). Bottom half: start of text

      Working Paper

      A one page extended abstract, with minimal references. Margins and text are as above. The abstract will be subject to peer review. The abstract will appear in the Proceedings.

      Please note that all papers must conform to the format instructions and will be subjected to formal double blind review. Authors will be notified of acceptance, rejection or suggested modifications as soon as the review process has been completed. Authors will have at least one month in which to amend their papers. Acceptance of a paper means that the author (or one of the authors) will present the paper at the conference.


      Conference Chair: Dr T C Melewar

      Review Committee

      Competitive and working papers will be subject to double blind peer review by a panel of academic experts in the field.

      Keynote Speakers

      Two keynote speakers will address the conference


      Scarman House, University of Warwick, Scarman Road, Coventry, CV4 7AL, UK

      Conference Accommodation

      Accommodation (bed and breakfast) is provided by University of Warwick Conference Centre (Scarman House) on campus. Subsequently, it is included in the participation fee.


      Monday 5th April, 2004
      Registration (11.00 – 13.00)
      Welcome lunch (13.00 – 14.00)
      Start conference (from 14.00)

      Tuesday 6th April, 2004
      Conference continuation (from 9.00 a.m.)

      Conference Fee

      The conference registration fee covers admissions to all sessions, conference proceedings, two luncheons, four coffee breaks, conference dinner, bed and breakfast accommodation and annual subscription to the Journal of Marketing Communications. Note: Hotel accommodation is included.

      Before January 15th 2004 £ 425
      After January 15th 2004 £ 475


      Submission of papers: November 15th 2003
      Notification of Acceptance: end of December 2003
      Receipt of conference Registration Form: January 15th 2004

      University of Warwick

      Founded in 1965, the University of Warwick has rapidly established itself in the top tier of UK universities. It is currently ranked 5th for its research quality, and 22 out of its 24 departments are assessed as ‘excellent’, including Warwick Business School.

      The Warwick campus is an attractive 200 hectare greenfield site, with woods, lakes, and paths for walking. It is also a lively centre of activity, providing shops, banks, restaurants and bars, two sports centre with all facilities for indoor and outdoor activities, and the largest Arts Centre in the UK outside London. It is situated near major motorways and rail networks in the UK, and Birmingham International Airport and the National Exhibition Centre are a 20-minute car drive away. The great castles of Kenilworth and Warwick, and Shakespearean heritage and theatre at Stratford-upon-Avon, are all nearby.

      Other facilities on campus include 3 award-winning conference centres. In the last decade, it has invested US$16.5million in campus development.

      Warwick Business School

      Warwick Business School is an international and leading European business school. It is the first in the UK to gain accreditation from the premier management education accrediting bodies in the USA, Europe and the UK. Its research is ranked 5* by the UK government's Higher Education Funding Council Research Assessment Exercise. One of only three business schools to reach this highest assessment for research of international excellence, it also achieved this quality with more faculty assessed than any other UK business school.

      A ‘full service’ business school, WBS provides undergraduate, specialist masters, MBA and research degrees, a growing executive short course programme, and specialist research centres covering the major aspects of working life. Its turnover for the past year was approaching £18million.

      With 270 staff and over 4,000 students from 112 countries registered on 18 major programmes, WBS is one of the largest in Europe. Half its students are from outside the UK, and the thriving Alumni Association has over 14,000 members around the globe.

      In January 2002 the second phase of a new building opened to accommodate future expansion and to further enhance its modern, impressive facilities.

      Scarman House

      Please visit www.warwickconferences.com with a link into Scarman House. You can do a virtual tour of reception, bedrooms and restaurant areas.

    16. Call for Papers - 4th Symposium on Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure Research 

      Call for Papers

      The Fourth CPTHL Symposium
      Consumer Psychology of Tourism, Hospitality, and Leisure Research

      Symposium Themes: Lived Experiences and Advancing Science in Lifestyle, Leisure, and Tourism
      Location / Dates: HEC Montreal, Canada / 17-20 July 2005
      Submission Deadlines: (1) 2-page abstract, 15 January 2005; (2) 20-page paper, 15 April 2005

      Following the successful 1998 (Hilo), 2000 (Vienna), and 2003 (Melbourne) CPTHL Symposia and the publications of the symposia papers in Tourism Analysis and in three volumes in the CABI International Book Series on Tourism Studies, the Fourth CPTHL Symposium will be held at the École des HEC/ HEC School of Management. Please submit your paper in a WORD file attachment to one of the five members of the Fourth CPTHL Symposium Chairs:

      Psychology, Sociology, Geography, Management, Marketing, Tourism, Leisure Science, Hospitality,
      and Consumer Research Papers Invited

      Papers are sought that contribute to advancing theory, research methods, and useful practices regarding lived experiences and behavioral science topics focusing on lifestyle, leisure, and tourism. Following the mental model that individuals interpret who they are and what they seek in life but what they have done, the Fourth CPTHL Symposium focuses on understanding ourselves deeply by interpreting the conscious, and frequently unconscious, tradeoffs made among work, family, and leisure alternatives.

      In addition, the Fourth CPTHL Symposium desires to include original research reports on implemented strategies designed to influence lifestyle, leisure, and tourism behaviors; evaluation research reports of implemented destination marketing strategies; cross-cultural research on the impact of core values in lifestyle, leisure, and tourism decisions/behaviors; laboratory and field true/quasi experiments of impacts of alternative lifestyle, leisure, and tourism pursuits on individuals and household preferences; research on cognitive mapping of lived experiences in lifestyles, leisure, and tourism; consumer satisfaction and/or complaining behavior involving lifestyle, leisure, and tourism activities. For additional information on topics very suitable for paper submissions, please consult publications from prior CPTHL Symposia. For the table of contents of papers published from the previous symposia, for Volume 1 please go to:
      http://www.oup-usa.org/toc/tc_0851993222.html; and for Volume 2 please go to: http://www.oup-usa.org/toc/tc_0851995357.html.

      Deadlines: The organizing committee requests that you submit a two-page abstract by 15 January 2005 and/or a full paper (20-pages of text maximum with up to 10 additional pages of reference pages, exhibits, tables, figures, and appendices). Please double-space the abstract and the full page using 12-point Times New Roman and submit in WORD.

    17. Call for Papers - 9th Cross Cultural Research Conference 

      Call for Papers – EXTENDED DEADLINE JULY 15, 2003.

      Ninth Cross Cultural Research Conference

      Half Moon Bay, Rose Hall, Jamaica
      December 11-14, 2003

      Sponsored by the Association for Consumer Research, the American Psychological Association (Section 23), the Eighth Cross Cultural Research Conference will be held December 11-14, 2003 at the Half Moon Bay Hotel in Rose Hall, Jamaica. Competitive papers, as well as special session proposals, on current topics in cross cultural research and related areas are invited.  The complete call for papers and download is at the conference websites:

      The journal Consumption, Markets and Culture will publish a special issue including papers from the conference that take critical perspective to cross cultural research issues. Selected papers will have to go through a second round of reviews. Also the journal Qualitative Market Research - An International Journal, has agreed to devote a special issue to selected papers from the conference, following a second round of reviews.

      Information:  Conference Rate is $150.00 all taxes included, single or double room.

      The Half Moon Bay is located on Jamaica’s North Shore. It is located on a short drive from Montego Bay, the second-largest city of Jamaica and the Islands vacation center, and its international airport. It was voted Caribbean's Leading Hotel for the fifth consecutive year at the 2002 World Travel Awards.

      The easy, elegant style of Half Moon is evident throughout the resort’s 419 luxurious guest accommodations, including suites and private villas that blend seamlessly into the lush landscape. Elements of European style effortlessly intermingle with the warmth and vibrant colors of Jamaica. A warm island greeting bids you into the sprawling open-air lobby filled with colorful artwork, tropical plants, gracious furnishings and expansive views of the Caribbean Sea and inspires a sense of calm and relaxation.

      Information about the hotel can be accessed at www.halfmoon.com.jm.

      Tel: (876) 953-2211, Fax: (+876) 953-2731

      Submission Information:

      Both empirical and theoretical papers on cross cultural consumer and business studies are invited. Preferences will be given to inter-country comparisons over intra-country studies (i.e. cross-cultural over multi-ethnic research).  Topics may include:

      • All aspects of cross cultural consumer behavior;
      • Comparative marketing studies (e.g., advertising strategies, organizational buyer behavior, services);
      • Comparative management practices (e.g., industrial relations, human  resource management, organizational behavior); and
      • Comparative business studies (e.g., international accounting, finance, and law)

      Instructions to Contributors:

      (1) Electronic submissions are due not later than July 15, 2003 (complete papers or approximately 2000 word extended abstracts must be sent for review). Notification of acceptance will be e-mailed out by September 1, 2003. Although abstracts will be considered, a full-length version of the paper is preferred for review.  Papers should not exceed 15, double spaced pages, including text, references, figures and tables. The first page of the manuscript should begin with the title only. Author names should not be included in any part of the paper except the title page. Journal of Consumer Research format and style should be used (especially for the reference section).  If you are not familiar with  this format, please check with JCR's style sheet for details.  The title page should include (1) The Title; (2) Author(s) Name(s); (3) Organizational Affiliation(s); (4) Address(es); and (5) Telephone numbers.
      (2) Accepted papers are due no later than November 15, 2003 for publication in the proceedings. Papers should be submitted electronically, formatted under Microsoft Word 97 or higher (preferred) or WordPerfect.  Style information and author checklists are available at http://marketing.byu.edu/htmlpages/ccrs/ccs.htm

      (3) Special session proposals containing three papers each are due no later than jULY 15, 2003.  500-1000 word abstracts (with reference lists) of each paper as well as a session summary of similar size must be sent to the coordinator of the region of the session chair. The session chair should also provide a title sheet containing (1) Title of the session; (2) Chair’s Name; (3) Organizational Affiliation; (4) Address; and (5) Telephone numbers.
      The session summary and the abstracts will be reprinted in the proceedings, but full papers can replace the abstracts. Full papers, as well as corrections to session summaries and paper abstracts are due no later than November 15 2003.

      Conference Registration Fee:   $250 before October 15, 2003 ($275 after October 15).  Registration fee includes proceedings, 2 lunches, coffee breaks.   Please send registration materials to

      Scott Smith
      Department of Business Management
      Brigham Young University
      Provo, Utah 84602, USA
      Phone: (801) 422-5569 
      FAX: (509) 472-4835

      About the Cross Cultural Research Conference:
      The conference began in 1981 as the "Cross Cultural Research Symposium" in New Orleans at Tulane University under the direction of Professors Charles Keown and Arch Woodside. The conference was then held every 3 years in Honolulu until the 5th Symposium in Hong Kong, which marked the move to biennial conferences and also the internationalization of the conference.
      The conference will continue to alternate between Hawaii and a non-U.S. site on a biennial basis.
      The organization is dedicated to advancing relevant knowledge and increasing the professional competence of individuals and institutions that value the integration of cross-cultural skills and the development of business activities for diverse cultures across the globe. The conference is a forum for the presentation and application of research and related scientific activities.  The driving objective of the conference is to foster cross-cultural consumer and business studies.

      Please submit all proposals and manuscripts to the appropriate regional coordinator below:

      Program Chair and coordinator for Europe/Middle East/Africa:
      Soren Askegaard
      Department of Marketing
      Odense University, Campusvej 55
      DK-5230 Odense M   Denmark
      Phone: +45 6550 3255
      Fax: +45 6615 5129

      Coordinator for The Americas:
      Lenard Huff
      Department of Marketing
      Brigham Young University, Hawaii
      Laie, HI 96762 USA
      Phone: 808-293-3392
      FAX: (808) 293-3582

      Coordinator for South & East Asia:
      Julie Yu       
      Chinese University of Hong Kong
      Department of Marketing
      Shatin, New Territories, Hong Kong
      Phone: 852-2609-7769
      FAX: 852-2603-5473

      Coordinator for Australia/New Zealand, Oceania:
      Michael Jay Polonsky
      School of Hospitality, Tourism and Marketing
      Victoria University
      PO Box 14428
      Melbourne City, VICTORIA, Australia
      Phone: 613-9688 4625
      FAX: 613-9688 4931