EIBA Newsletter

EIBA-zine - Issue No. 1 - November 2004  (printable version)
EIBA-zine - Issue No. 2 - December 2005  (printable version)
EIBA-zine - Issue No. 3 - October 2006  (printable version)
EIBA-zine - Issue No. 4 - October 2007  (printable version)
EIBA-zine - Issue No. 5 - November 2008  (printable version)
Special Issue: A Tribute to John H. Dunning - Editor: Danny Van Den Bulcke  (printable version)
EIBA-zine - Issue No. 6 - November 2009  (printable version)
EIBA-zine - Issue No. 3 - October 2006
  • Letter of the President
  • Letter of the Chairman
  • In Memoriam
  • The EIBA Fellows
  • The EIBA Doctoral Tutorial
  • The Oslo Conference 2005: An Evaluation Report
  • Future Conferences
  • Publications
  • Calls for Papers
  • Events
  • Personalia / Careers
  • Special Distinctions
  • Publications
  • International Business Review (IBR) - Now an ISI Journal
  • Progress in International Business Research - New Book Series
  • International Business Review (IBR) - Now an ISI Journal

    We would like to share the good news with colleagues and friends that IBR has now been approved by ISI for Social Sciences Citation Index. We take this opportunity to thank all the colleagues for their support over the years and for placing their confidence in IBR. We also thank the Editorial Board of Journal of International Business Studies (JIBS), who has always been very supportive to us for this achievement.

    IBR is now in volume 15 and getting stronger every year. This development will help us to take it to new heights in respect to quality of the papers, review process and the outlook of the journal. This comes at the right time, as starting from the next EIBA conference (December 2006), we will be offering “The Best Paper of the Year” award, to be selected by a committee appointed by the EIBA Board.

    Professor Pervez Ghauri
    International Business Review

    Progress in International Business Research - New Book Series


    Editors of the Book Series:
    Ulf Andersson, Uppsala University & Torben Pedersen, Copenhagen Business School

    A new book series – Progress in International Business Research – is launched. The book series consist of papers coming out of the annual conference of the European International Business Academy, EIBA. Each conference contains a significant number of interesting manuscripts that are worthwhile publishing. Considerable energy is spent on writing and reviewing the manuscripts for the conference, but for various reasons some of the best manuscripts may never get published in a high-quality journal although they contain novel important ideas and/or data material. This new serial will be a much-needed channel for dissemination of new knowledge in international business research.

    Scope of the serial. Progress in International Business Research is intended to be a publication outlet for high quality research presented at the annual conference of the European International Business Academy. It will encompass empirical as well as conceptual research over a broad range of international business topics, and no preference will be given to particular theoretical and/or methodological perspectives. The target audience of the serial is foremost scholars in international business and related fields such as strategic management, marketing, and organization studies, but the serial also aims to reach policy-makers and the business community.

    The aim is to have an impact on development of the field of International Business by publishing interesting papers and research ideas that for different reasons might not reach the usual publication outlets including our own journal – International Business Review.

    Topic or theme. While the serial will be broad in scope each volume should preferably have a focus on particular topic or theme. Each volume could be organised around the theme of the annual conference and it could include keynote speeches, panel presentations etc. as well as some of the best papers from the conference.

    Guest Editor of the annual volume. The organiser of the annual EIBA-conference will typically be the editor (or co-editor) of the annual volume, since he/she will be responsible for organising the reviewing process for the conference. The initial selection of appropriate manuscripts will be based on the outcome of the reviewing process for the annual conference. The editor is responsible for the further selection and reviewing of the manuscripts for the book.

    The first issue of the book series is edited by Gabriel Benito and Henrich Greve, BI, Oslo. It is based on papers presented at last years EIBA Conference in Oslo and will be available at the coming EIBA Conference in Fribourg.
