EIBA Newsletter

EIBA-zine - Issue No. 1 - November 2004  (printable version)
EIBA-zine - Issue No. 2 - December 2005  (printable version)
EIBA-zine - Issue No. 3 - October 2006  (printable version)
EIBA-zine - Issue No. 4 - October 2007  (printable version)
EIBA-zine - Issue No. 5 - November 2008  (printable version)
Special Issue: A Tribute to John H. Dunning - Editor: Danny Van Den Bulcke  (printable version)
EIBA-zine - Issue No. 6 - November 2009  (printable version)
EIBA-zine - Issue No. 2 - December 2005
  • Letter from the President
  • Letter from the Chairman
  • The Origin of EIBA
  • EIBA 30th Annual Conference 2004 - Llubljana
  • Doctoral Studies
  • In Memoriam
  • Upcoming Events
  • Publications and Calls for Papers
  • Awards
  • Personalia
  • Upcoming Events
  • IFSAM VIIIth Congress 2006
  • 33rd AIB Annual Conference
  • IFSAM VIIIth Congress 2006

    International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management

    Call for Papers
    Special Track at the IFSAM VIIIth World Congress 2006
    as well as
    Special Issue of the Schmalenbach Business Review (sbr)

    Global Accounting Convergence – Implication for Companies and Stakeholders

    Chairpersons and Guest Editors

    Axel Haller
    University of Regensburg , Germany
    Sid Gray
    University of Sydney, Australia


    September 28-30, 2006 the German Association of University Professors of Management (Verband der Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft e.V.) will be hosting the VIIIth World Congress of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM) in Berlin. IFSAM is the umbrella organisation for academics and associations of management and business studies from all over the world. It aims at bringing together all scholars who are interested in business research and international exchange. The world congresses which take place every two years in different parts of the world are a major instrument to reach this aim. Apart from plenary sessions and panels the upcoming conference in Berlin will have special tracks with presentations of research papers. While every track covers a particular area of business research they focus all on the challenges for companies caused by the tremendous internationalization of business. One of the tracks is devoted to the internationalization of accounting. For further information about the conference please visit the website www.ctw-congress.de/ifsam.

    Triggered and fuelled by the internationalization of corporate activities and capital exchange, accounting - especially financial reporting - has been subject to considerable change on a global and national level during the last decade. With the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) a global common basis of accounting standards has been created that provides the chance to overcome national differences in accounting regulation and practice and to reach a cross-border comparability of accounting information. This era of global convergence of accounting systems, concepts and standards causes enormous challenges for regulators, standard setters, companies and their stakeholders and opens up a vast field of research topics and issues. Accordingly, the track at the IFSAM conference will focus on the global convergence process that is going on at the moment and its resulting implications for regulators, companies and their stakeholders. Submissions of papers are invited that cover topics such as:

    • the impact of IFRS on national regulations,
    • transition of national accounting systems due to international convergence of accounting standards,
    • application and extent of compliance with IFRS by companies,
    • convergence of national accounting systems,
    • problems faced by companies in implementing IFRS,
    • costs and benefits of accounting convergence,
    • differential reporting issues arising from the dominance of IFRS,
    • technical issues concerning IFRS,
    • enforcement of IFRS,
    • the impact of IFRS on financial performance,
    • the impact of IFRS on stakeholders,
    • the impact of convergence on the accounting profession,
    • the impact of companies´ application of IFRS on management accounting,
    • global accounting convergence and cost of capital, and
    • analysts use of IFRS information.

    All types of methodologies (such as normative, empirical, behavioral etc.) are very welcome. The papers may have a global or regional perspective. The presentation of papers at the conference gives the opportunity to bring current knowledge of international accounting research to a broad audience of academics in management and business sciences and provides an excellent platform for interdisciplinary discussions and contacts.

    Submission Process

    Full Papers must be submitted before February 28, 2006. The papers should be in English and submissions need to be electronic. Please follow the instructions on the congress website www.ctw-congress.de/ifsam. Submissions by fax, mail or E-mail will not be accepted. Please make clear that you submit the paper to the conference track “internationalization of accounting”. Papers submitted to the conference will also be considered for a Special Issue of sbr that will be published in 2007. Please indicate whether you also submit your paper for the Special Issue of sbr in the IFSAM electronic submission form. With your submission for the Special Issue of sbr you accept the sbr guidelines (www.vhb.de/sbr/for_authors.html). All papers will go through a double-blind review process.


    February 28, 2006 Paper submitted electronically to IFSAM
    May 31, 2006 Authors notified if paper selected for the IFSAM conference
    September 28-30, 2006 IFSAM conference to be held in Berlin
    October 2006 Authors notified if paper selected for Special Issue of sbr
    November 2006 Revised papers due (incorporating reviewer comments)

    Contact Information
    Track Chairpersons and Guest Editors sbr
    Axel Haller,
    University of Regensburg,

    Sid Gray,
    University of Sidney

    33rd AIB Annual Conference


    Manchester, U.K., April 7-8, 2006

    International Business in the Age of Anxiety

    There has been a profound change in the international business environment in recent years. The relationship between multinationals and governments is becoming increasingly complex, particularly in emerging markets. The developments in the political environment during the last few years have led to a situation in the global economy, its context and its rules which has put the various stakeholders under the clouds of anxiety. Managing the interdependence between multinationals, governments and society has thus become a formidable challenge.The conference welcomes IB-research contributions in any area, but particularly encourages topics related to the following:

    • Multinationals and International Business in the developing world
    • Foreign Direct Investments and linkage effects on local firms/economies
    • Revisiting the developmental impact of foreign direct investment
    • Contributions of mainstream theories, e.g. internalisation and OLI, to understanding ethical and sustainability issues in International Business
    • Globalisation and world poverty
    • Critical perspectives on international business.
    • International Mergers & Acquisitions
    • Trends and implications of outsourcing and offshoring
    • Internationalisation processes and SMEs
    • MNE / government relationships
    • Marketing and financial issues in International Business
    • Information technology and International Business

    The organisers are open to proposals for specialist track/panel presentation sessions relating to the conference theme.

    Review process and submission of competitive and working papers
    All papers will be refereed. The accepted competitive and workshop papers will be published in the Conference Proceedings as a CD Rom, which will carry an ISBN number. A selection of papers around the conference theme will be edited and published in the Palgrave – AIB Book Series in International Business.
    Deadline for submission: Monday 16th January 2006.

    All papers should be submitted electronically at http://www.mbs.ac.uk/aib2006

    Conference organisers
    International Business Group (www.mbs.ac.uk/ib)Conference
    Chair: Prof. Pervez N. Ghauri
    The University of Manchester, Manchester Business School (East)
    PO Box 88, Manchester M60 1QD
    Email: Pervez.Ghauri@mbs.ac.uk

    Conference programme and track organisers :
    Dr. Rudolf R. Sinkovics (Rudolf.Sinkovics@mbs.ac.uk)
    Dr. Mo Yamin (Mo.Yamin@mbs.ac.uk)
